36 SDC End Term Exam 20161

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End-Term Examination
36th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2016


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: Attempt any 5 questions. All questions carry equal marks. No credit will be
given to attempting an extra question or part thereof

Q.1 Enumerate the sources of International Law and write a detailed note on
international customs as a source.

Q.2 What are the legal effects of recognition and non-recognition of state?
Mention the theories of recognition and explain how they are effective in

Q.3 Describe the Law of the Sea convention 1982 with special reference to the
zoning regime prescribed therein.

Q.4 Define immunity and enumerate the diplomatic immunities available under
international Law.

Q.5 Define human rights and state the main rights stipulated in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.

Q.6 Trace the history of legal control over the use of force and explain when and to
what extent the use of force is permissible

Q.7 Described the salient features of the international humanitarian Law/Geneva

Conventions. How the law is enforced?

Q.8 Enumerate the methods of pacific of settlement of disputes and write a

detailed note on international arbitration.

End-Term Examination
36th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2016


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question
will not be considered

Q.1 Discuss the challenges and opportunities of 21 st century diplomats as

compared to the earlier periods of diplomatic interaction.

Q.2 Live media coverage and frequent traveling at the summit level have modified
the established pattern of diplomatic relations. Discuss the pros and cons of
these developments.

Q.3 Identify the steps involved in the recognition of a state, establishment of a

diplomatic mission and the appointment of an ambassador?

Q.4 Draw a comparison between Diplomatic and Consular Immunities and

Privileges, citing the cases of US functionary Raymond Davis and Indian Consul
Deviani Khobragade.

Q.5 Diplomacy is the first line of defence. Scrutinize the validity of this statement in
the context of Pakistan-India relations.

Q.6 Discuss the importance of public diplomacy in international and domestic

context. What measures need to be taken to strengthen Pakistan’s efforts in
this domain?

Q.7 What are the various stages and elements of negotiations? Discuss ways of
devising an effective negotiating strategy.

Q.8 What are the functions and role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in relation to
other national stakeholders, in policy formulation and implementation

End-Term Examination
36th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2016


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question
will not be considered

Q.1 Describe the evolution of Indo-Pakistan relations after Modi’s advent to power,
and discuss measures Pakistan should take to deal with the situation.

Q.2 Analyze Afghanistan’s internal political dynamic, and how far Pakistan can go
to seek normalization of ties.

Q.3 Discuss Pakistan’s position on major disarmament initiatives including


Q.4 What are the factors causing the rift and conflicts which have characterized,
Saudi-Iranian relations? Given Pakistan’s constraints, what policy would be the
most suitable in the circumstances?

Q.5 Analyze the key factors governing US-Pakistan ties, and Pakistan’s options for
the future.

Q.6 In historical terms, how has the nature of governments influenced foreign
policy in Pakistan?

Q.7 What is Pakistan’s position on UN reforms? How will a reformed UN be able to

play a more effective role in meeting its goals?

Q.8 Discuss prospects of Russia-Pakistan ties, Specially in the context of Pakistan’s

recent membership of SCO

End-Term Examination
36th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2016


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question
will not be considered

Q.1 Trace the main reasons for the failure of the League of   Nations. How is the
Charter of the United Nations an improvement on the Covenant of the League?

Q.2 Pakistan is a member both of ECO and SAARC. Which organization, in your
view, offers a better prospect for regional cooperation and development?

Q.3 The Charter of the United Nations confers on the Security Council the
“primary” but not exclusive responsibility for the maintenance of international
peace and security. Discuss the role of the Council and other principal organs
of the United Nations in this field.

Q.4 Identify the issues involved in the proposed reform of the UN Security
Council, the various proposals and the arguments advanced by the respective

Q.5 Write short Notes on any two of the following:

i)        ILO
ii)       Bretton Woods Institutions
iii)      Compulsory Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice.

Q.6 Peacekeeping is an innovation which the UN is employing with increasing

frequency. Discuss its evolution, scope and effectiveness.

Q.7 Do you agree that if there were no United Nations, we would need to invent
such an organization.

Q.8 Describe the scope of the right of individual and collective self-defence
envisaged in Article 51 of the UN Charter. Has it been abused in some cases?

End-Term Examination
36th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2016


Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Answer five questions. They all carry equal marks. Please be clear, logical and
coherent in your arguments

Q.1 Is it correct to say that with the end of the Cold War there has been a crisis
in IR theory?

Q.2 Which of the existing foreign policy making models approximate the
reality of decision-making in the developing countries?

Q.3 Analyze the implications of the rise of China for South Asian balance of

Q.4 Critically evaluate CPEC with special reference to Gwadar port.

Q.5 Critically evaluate the concept of Globalization.

Q.6 Analyze the impact of nuclear weapons on international politics.

Q.7 Analyze the concept of food security. Why has it become a critical
challenge for Pakistan?

Q.8 Write short-notes on the following:

a)    Role of violent-non state actors
b)   Energy security

End-Term Examination
36th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2016

Answer and four questions. They all carry equal marks.



Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question
will not be considered

Q.1 What is the role of Pakistan’s trade related institutions in the comparativeness
vis-a vis competitiveness for trade promotion given its limited product and
market diversification of exports.

Q.2 Do you think international environmental agenda on sustainable development

and climate change is relevant to Pakistan? How could you assess the
commitment of Pakistan in adopting international agreements and protocols?

Q.3 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Pakistan is considered a vital source of

external capital flows to meet the saving-investment and export-import gaps.
Briefly review the overall impact of FDI inflows into Pakistan’s economy,
followed by a discussion on how Pakistan’s FDI strategy can be strengthened.

Q.4 Briefly discuss Pakistan’s trade with SAARC members. Discuss

recommendations on how the SAFTA process can be energized.

Q.5 Briefly answer two of the following:

 WTO and Pakistan’s relationship with it.
 Inclusion of Pakistan in GSP Plus scheme
 Pakistan under the SPS and TBT agreements
 Role of exchange rate on Pakistan’s balance of trade

Q.6 Pakistan’s economy is confronted with serious debt problem. Explain the
nature of external and internal indebtedness and a possible exit strategy

Q.7 Briefly discuss the budget process in Pakistan and analyze its strengths and
weaknesses. Also provide THREE recommendations on how the system can be

Q.8 What are the salient features of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)? Will
it be a game changer for Pakistan? If so, in what way?

End-Term Examination
36th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2016


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt ONLY FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question
will not be considered

Q.1 With reference to Michael Porter’s diamond model, describe the key
determinants of international competitive advantage that Pakistan may need to
depend on to sustain its competitive position in international markets

Q.2 Import Substitution and export promotion strategies are applies for the
improvement in balance of trade. Discuss the impact of these policies on trade
and economic development of a country.

Q.3 Write notes on the following: (5 Marks each)

a. Balance of trade
b. Dumping
c. Real exchange rate
d. Doha round of trade negotiations

Q.4 Discuss the importance of Foreign Direct Investment in the context of a

globalizing world. What has been the impact of recent development on FDI in

Q.5 Briefly discuss the structure and functions of World Trade Organization.
Comment on its role in regulating world trade.

Q.6 Discuss whether regional trading arrangements are building blocks or stumbling
blocks to a multilateral trading system.

Q.7 Pakistan have sizeable textile sector, during December 2013 GSP-Plus status was
given by European Union to Pakistan. Comprehend its impact on production,
employment and Foreign trade of the country?

Q.8 Discuss the definition and concept of import tariff. What are the effects of
imposition of tariff on trade and economy of a country? Explain with the help of


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