37 SDC Mid Term Exam 2017

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Mid-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: 1. Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks
2. Extra attempt of a question or part hereof will not be marked
3. Write the exact question number before attempting answer

Q.1 Discuss the significance of international law in current international

relations and politics, particularly from the standpoint of Pakistan,
including specific recommendations.

Q.2 What are different modes of Pacific Settlement of disputes in

International Law?

Q.3 What are the various sources of International Law?

Q.4 Explain the salient features of the Vienna Convention on Laws of

Treaties 1969 by discussing some of its important provisions as you
perceive them to be.

Q.5 What is recognition under International law? Explain with reference

to its different theories.

Q.6 Is a State responsible for individual criminal acts of its nationals?

When is an act attributable to a State? Discuss with reference to the
Draft Articles on State Responsibility and provide examples, actual
or hypothetical.

Q.7 Explain the different jurisdictions of the International Court of

Justice? Discuss the jurisdictional basis invoked by India in
Kulbushan Yadav's case.

Q.8 What is state succession? How are treaty rights and obligations
implemented, in case of external and internal changes of

Mid-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question
will not be considered

Q.1 What is structure of Balance of Payments, in context of Pakistan terms of

trade & recent deficit? Give solution?

Q.2 Privatization is a complex exercise with multifaceted implications and

should be conducted with a number of caveats. Briefly discuss the process
with reference to Pakistan and provide detailed arguments for and against
it in light of these caveats.

Q.3 Foreign Direct Investment has assumed greater importance in resource-

crunch economies like Pakistan. Explain what are the determinants of FDI
and why Pakistan has failed to attract FDI in comparison to its
neighbouring states?

Q.4 Pakistan’s economy is confronted with serious debt problem. Explain the
nature of external and internal indebtedness and a possible exit strategy

Q.5 Critically review the trade policy being pursued in Pakistan. Given the
existing state of trade balance explain how the trade liberation and
exchange rate policies have impacted the trade flows?

Q.6 Explain the major components of Budget 2014-15. Why Pakistan continues
to suffer from fiscal indiscipline? In particular, what are the implementation
challenges of various fiscal policy initiatives?

Q.7 Provide a brief historical review of exchange rate regimes in Pakistan.

Differentiate between the terms ‘devaluation’ and ‘depreciation’. Why
Exchange rate flexibility is desirable?

Q.8 Protectionism has been the hall mark of many growing economies prior to
the signing of the WTO agreement. Analyze the merits and demerits of
tariff protection policy with a specific focus on tariff reforms in Pakistan.

Mid-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

Q.1 The rise of modern communications and enhanced frequency of

high level visits have eroded the role of resident envoys. Write a
critical appraisal of this development.

Q.2 It is often said that diplomacy is the first line of defence. What steps
would you recommend to pursue Pakistan’s vital national interests
in light of this statement?

Q.3 Successful diplomacy is run on multiple tracks. Describe the relative

significance of economic and cultural aspects of diplomacy in
modern times.

Q.4 Illustrate the differences between the conduct of bilateral and

multilateral diplomacy.

Q.5 Describe steps involved in the recognition of a state, establishment

of diplomatic relations and the opening of a resident mission.

Q.6 What is the difference between foreign policy and diplomacy? Does
diplomacy retain a significant role in settling the ongoing issues
with Pakistan’s immediate neighbours?

Q.7 Discuss the role of soft power in ameliorating Pakistan’s image


Q.8 What are various stages and elements of negotiations? Discuss the
formulation of an effective negotiation strategy.

Mid-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

Q.1 Provide a detailed account of the geo-strategic perspective of

Pakistan’s foreign policy.

Q.2 How do external actors, including the legislature, executive, the

media and civil society etc. contribute to, and influence on foreign

Q.3 What has been Pakistan’s role in the war on terror? What have been
our gains and losses and is there a way forward?

Q.4 Analyze the current state of our relations with Iran.

Q.5 What is Pakistan’s role in restoring peace and stability in

Afghanistan, given the current state of the conflict?

Q.6 Describe the main issues in Indo-Pakistan relations, and what needs
to be done to secure Pakistan’s vital objectives vis-à-vis India.

Q.7 Analyze the nuclear standoff in South Asia, Pakistan’s nuclear

doctrine, and measure taken by us to prevent horizontal

Q.8 What is the context, and status of the Kashmir dispute? What policy
measures would you recommend to find a negotiated settlement?

Mid-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

Q.1 Trace the main reasons for the failure of the League of Nations?

Q.2 How has the right of “individual and collective self-defence” under
Article 51 of the UN Charter been interpreted in theory and

Q.3 UN Secretary General’s role as the Organization’s Chief

Administrative Officer and world’s top diplomat has sometimes
been the subject of derision and criticism. Evaluate his role and
influence in the UN system?

Q.4 Peacekeeping is an innovation which the UN is employing with

increasing frequency. Discuss its evolution, scope and

Q.5 The Charter of the United Nations confers on the Security Council
the “primary” but not exclusive responsibility for the maintenance
of international peace and security. Discuss the role of the General
Assembly and the Security Council in this field?

Q.6 UN General Assembly has been described as the “Parliament of

Man”. Do you agree?

Q.7 The Preamble together with the Purposes and Principles enshrined
in the UN Charter constitutes the constitutional foundation of the
UN. Please elaborate?

Q.8 Discuss the scope of the principle of DOMESTIC JURISDICTION in

Article 2(7) of the UN Charter?

Mid-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Please answer any FIVE questions. They all carry equal marks. Please be
logical and clear in your statements.

Q.1 Explain the Nation-State system. Has the Nation-State system been
effective in curbing international war and violence?

Q.2 How has the international political system evolved during 19 th and
20th century?

Q.3 Explain the theory of balance of power.

Q.4 What are the key components of Liberalism? Explain the difference
between liberalism and neoliberalism.

Q.5 Explain the concept of anarchy and polarity in International System.

Q.6 What is Neo-Realism? How does it differ from Classical Realism?

Q.7 What is the significance of norms and identity within the context of
the constructivist school of thought? List a few criticism of this

Q.8 Explain the key features of contemporary global order.

Mid-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

Q.1 “Comparative advantage is the best example of an economic

concept that is undeniably true yet not obvious to intelligent
people.” Discuss

Q.2 How does Hecksher-Ohlin (H-O) theory provide a better

explanation of international trade that comparative advantage
theory? Also explain Leontief Paradox in the light of H-O model.

Q.3 Discuss the definition and concept of import tariff. What are the
effects of imposition of tariff on trade and economy of a country?
Explain with the help of graphs.

Q.4 Define Terms of Trade and what are its issues with reference to
developing countries?

Q.5 With reference to Michael Porter’s diamond model, describe the key
determinants of international competitive advantage that T
Company may need to depend on to sustain its competitive
position in international markets

Q.6 Describe country similarity trade theory and analyze trade based on
economies of scale.

Q.7 Describe Product Cycle model and discuss its implications for
developing and developed countries.

Q.8 Write notes on the following: (5 Marks each)

a. Countervailing duties
b. Antidumping
c. Learning curve
d. Dynamic comparative advantage
Mid-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100

1. Answer any five questions.

2. Marks are given at the end of each question/sub-part.
3. Avoid repetition, as only one Mark will be given for one valid point.
4. Write the question on the answer sheet and then write your answer below it.
5. Answer questions 8(c) and 8 (d) on separate sheets.

Q1. Answer the following questions regarding PCW&EF:[20]

a. What does PCW&EF stand for?; [1]

b. How is the fund collected? [1]
c. List and briefly explain the purposes for which the fund can be used? [6]
d. List and briefly explain the purposes for which the fund cannot be used; [4]
e. Who all can authorize its use (The delegation of powers)? List and briefly
f. List the emergency situations in which the fund can be use [2]

Q2. Answer the following questions regarding FIGOB: [20]

a. What does FIGOB stand for? [1]

b. How is it collected? [1]
c. Which Missions do not collect FIGOB and why? [2]
d. What is the purpose of the fund? [2]
e. Who all can authorize its use (The delegation of powers)[2]
f. List and briefly explain the accounting process.[3]
g. List and briefly explain the mechanics of approval of the use of the fund. [4]
h. What is the mechanism of repayment of borrowed amount and under which
condition the borrowed amount is not to be refunded? [2]
i. Who will be held responsible in case of financial irregularity in the use of
FIGOB fund? [1]
j. What is the extended scope of FIGOB? [1]
k. Why are the FIGOB resources dwindling? [1]

Q3. Answer the following questions regarding PPRA rules:[20]

a. What does PPRA stand for; [1]

b. List the ‘principles of procurement’. [3]
c. List procurement laws (regulations notified) [6]
d. What is the financial limits in Pakistan for (a) “petty purchases”, (b)
obtaining three quotations, and (c) calling open bids through newspaper
advertisements? [3]
e. Under the PPRA rules, what are the financial limits for Missions Abroad for a.
Single Tender, b. limited Tender and c. open competitive bidding? [3]
f. What are the PPRA rules for the acceptance of bidding? [3]
Mid-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017

g. How much time should be given to potential bidders to bid after an

advertisement appears in the newspaper (minimum bidding response time)

Q4. Answer the following questions relating to definitions in the ‘Rules of

Business 1973”. [20]

a. Rules of Business have been framed under which Articles of the

Constitution? [1]
b. The Rules of Business came into force on which date? [1]
c. What is the difference between ‘Rule’ and ‘Article’? [1]
d. The executive authority of the Federation is exercised in whose name? [1]
e. What is the definition of the following words in the Rules of Business:
i. “Assembly” [1]
ii. “Attached Department” [1]
iii. “Cabinet” [1]
iv. “Case” [1]
v. “Division” [1]
vi. “Federal Secretariat” [1]
vii. “Gazette” [1]
viii. “Government” [1]
ix. “Leader of the House” [1]
x. “Local Administration” [1]
xi. “Member” [1]
xii. “Ministry” [1]
xiii. “Provincial Government” [1]
xiv. “Majlis-e-Shoora” [1]
xv. “Schedule” [1]
f. Which are the attached departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? [1]

Q5. Answer the following questions relating to ‘References to the Prime

Minister and the President’ and other rules? [20]

a. In which cases no order shall be issued without the approval of the Prime
Minister? [6]
b. What action should a Minister, Minister of State, Special Assistant, Deputy
Chairman Planning Commission, Secretary or another other officer take in a
case in which the Prime Minister’s orders are obtained in oral discussion? [1]
c. On which issues the Prime Minister shall communicate/ furnish information
to the President? [2]
d. What is the procedure to be followed in case of orders have to be issued by
the President or his specific approval is required? [2]
e. Who can constitute a new Ministry? [1]
f. Without whose approval (designation), no important policy decision can be
taken? [1]
g. Who can be the official head (Rank) of a Division?[1]
h. No officer below which rank can take the initiative of approaching a Minister
Mid-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017

in connection with official business? [1]

i. What can a Minister do if a financial proposal of his Division is rejected by
the Finance Division? [1]
j. Who is the Head of State (Designation) of the country? [1]
k. Who is the Head of Government (Designation) of the country? [1]
l. What should an officer below the rank of Secretary do if he holds an oral
discussion with his Minister? [1]
m. The business of the Division shall ordinarily be disposed of by or under
whose authority? [1]

Q6. Answer the following questions relating to “Consultation among

Divisions” in the “Rules of Business 1973”. [20]

a. On which issues shall a Division not issue orders without the approval of the
Prime Minister? [8]
b. On which issues shall a Division not issue orders without consulting the
Finance Division? [8]
c. On which issues shall a Division consult the Cabinet Division? [4]

Q7. Answer the following Questions: [20]

a. List and briefly explain the duties of the Head of Chancery? [15]
b. List and briefly explain the duties of the Drawing and Disbursing Officer
(DDO)? [5]

Q8. Answer the following questions: [20]

a. List and briefly explain the functions of Pakistan Missions Abroad. [5]
b. List and briefly explain the five essential conditions governing expenditure
from public funds [5]
c. “The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined
efforts of each individual”. Briefly explain the concept of Organization
Behavior (OB) and the multi-discipline’s contributing to the field of OB.
Answer on separate sheet of paper.[5]
d. As Joe Biden, Former Vice President of USA says “Foreign policy is like
human relations; only people know less about each other”. In context,
critically explain the relevance and application of OB (Organizational
Behavior) in the Foreign Service of Pakistan . Answer on separate sheet of
paper. [5]


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