38 SDC End Term Exam 2018

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End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: 1. Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks
2. Extra attempt of a question or part hereof will not be marked
3. Write the exact question number before attempting answer

Q.1 How are ‘asylum’ and ‘extradition’ different? Elaborate upon the
core provisions of the 1951 Convention on the status of refugees.

Q.2 How does International Humanitarian Law seek to ameliorate the

effects of armed conflicts by protecting non-combatants and
regulating means and methods of warfare?

Q.3 Under what circumstances may a state use force against another
state in International Law? Discuss the legality of US Drone Attacks
in Pakistan.

Q.4 Describe human rights. What are the salient features of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, and the
International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights

Q.5 What is terrorism in International Law? Explain and assess the role
of the United Nations in countering global terrorism.

Q.6 Discuss the scope of diplomatic and consular immunities in view of

relevant United Nations conventions.

Q.7 What is state succession? How are treaty rights and obligations
implemented, in case of external and internal changes of

Q.8 Discuss the salient features of the United Nations Convention on

the Law of the Sea 1982, including its dispute settlement

End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question
will not be considered

Q.1 What is balance of payments? What are the major factors affecting balance of
payments in Pakistan? Describe the role of remittances, exchange rate and FDI in
correcting balance of payment disequilibrium.

Q.2 Do you think international environmental agenda on sustainable development

and climate change is relevant to Pakistan? How could you assess the
commitment of Pakistan in adopting international agreements and protocols?

Q.3 In the global trading environment, use of bilateral trade agreements between
countries is on the rise. Pakistan too has adopted strategy to enhance market
access opportunity through Preferential and Free Trade agreements. In your
opinion how far these agreements have been helpful in increasing market access
for Pakistani entrepreneurs and products. Suggest your analysis on the basis of
experience of any two PTAs/FTAs of Pakistan with partner countries.

Q.4 Strategic Trade Policy Framework (STPF) 2015-18 has completed its term while
the new SPTF is due for the new term of 5 years. How far, in your opinion has the
current STPF been successful in addressing export growth challenges? What new
initiatives are required to be incorporated in STPF 2018-2023 to achieve higher
export growth?

Q.5 Briefly answer two of the following:

 WTO and Pakistan’s relationship with it.
 Inclusion of Pakistan in GSP Plus scheme
 Pakistan under the SPS and TBT agreements
 Role of exchange rate on Pakistan’s balance of trade

Q.6 Define ‘Digital Diplomacy’? How it is different from traditional diplomacy? Explain
some of the risks and challenges faced by diplomats?

Q.7 Briefly discuss the budget process in Pakistan and analyze its strengths and
weaknesses. Also provide THREE recommendations on how the system can be

Q.8 What is China Pakistan Economic Corridor? What are the major components of
the project? How much CPEC is good for Pakistan’s Economy? What are the main
challenges Pakistan is facing under this project?
End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018

End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

Q.1 The rise of electronic media and frequent high level meetings have
eroded the role of resident envoys. Write a critical appraisal of this

Q.2 How do diplomatic privileges and immunities differ from those

prescribed for the consular corps, citing the cases of Raymond
Davis and Deviani Khobragade.

Q.3 Discuss the importance of public diplomacy and suggest steps

needed to counter the propaganda blitz by some capitals directed
against Pakistan.

Q.4 Identify factors which resulted in the weakening of multilateralism

in post-cold war era.

Q.5 Analyse ways of enhancing Pakistan’s exports through an inter-

ministerial strategy, in association with the private sector and
Pakistan’s missions abroad.

Q.6 What are the various forms of negotiations? Discuss the elements
of an effective negotiating strategy.

Q.7 Describe the attributes of a good diplomat and his evolving role in
the contemporary setting.

Q.8 The U.S. has launched a significant initiative for a negotiated end to
its longest war. Appraise the possible outline of a peaceful
settlement of the conflict in Afghanistan

End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) ALL questions carry EQUAL marks

ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

PART I (Attempt ONLY THREE questions)

Q.1 The unresolved issue of Kashmir has been responsible for numerous conflicts
between Pakistan and India.  Had this issue been resolved amicably by the
departing British colonial power, do you think that the two neighbors, Pakistan
and India, would have succeeded in establishing cordial and cooperative

Q.2 The collapse of the Soviet Union prompted U.S. leaders and its intellectuals to
proclaim that a New World Order would emerge as a result of the end of the
Cold War.  How realistic were their expectations?

Q.3 China and the United States are becoming increasingly wary of each other. 
What are the factors that have led to increasing hostility between them and
what are your expectations regarding the future course of their ties?

Q.4 Differences between Saudi Arabia and Iran have intensified to such an extent
that they view each other as sworn enemies.  What are the reasons that have
led to this unfortunate situation?

Q.5 Regional Economic Organizations such as the European Union and ASEAN
have been fairly successful.  SAARC, on the other hand, has been a major
disappointment for the people of South Asia.   What explains this?

PART II (Attempt ONLY TWO Questions)

Q.1 Analyze in detail the rationale, benefits and costs of the China-Pakistan
economic corridor (CPEC) for the two states, and its regional implications.

Q.2 Describe the context and issues involved in the Afghan Conflict, and the options
available to stakeholders, including Pakistan, in reaching a negotiated

Q.3 What are the potential and obstacles in promotion of Pakistan’s relationship
with Central Asian Republics?

Q.4 Why has the issue of terrorism affected Pakistan and the region? Describe the
pros and cons of the policies pursued by Pakistan on the issue, and a way
End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

Q.1 The Charter of the United Nations confers on the Security Council
the “primary” but not exclusive responsibility for the maintenance
international peace and security. Discuss the role of the General
Assembly and the Security in this field?

Q.2 How far the UN Human Rights Council which has replaced the UN
Human Rights Commission an improvement on the latter?

Q.3 Describe the scope of the right of individual and collective self-
defence envisaged in Article 51 of the UN Charter. Has it been
abused in some cases?

Q.4 Discuss the UN role in the Kashmir Dispute. What course of action
should Pakistan adopt at the UN to resolve this dispute?

Q.5 Pakistan is a member both of ECO and SAARC. Which, in your view,
offers a better prospect for regional cooperation and development?

Q.6 Identify the issues involved in the proposed reform of the UN

Security Council, the various proposals and the arguments
advanced by the respective protagonists?

Q.7 Discuss in details the expanding role of Non-governmental

Organizations NGOs) in international affairs?

Q.8 Discuss in detail the UN's role in peacekeeping. How does Pakistan
contribute towards the achievement of this goal?

End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks:


Please answer any FIVE questions. They all carry equal marks. Please be
logical and clear in your statements.

Q.1 To what extent has globalization impacted upon the concept of the
nation state? Give arguments in the light of contemporary debates.
Q.2 Critically analyze Pakistan’s reaction to Trump’s Pakistan/Afghanistan
Q.3 Graham Allison’s Essence of Decision offers three models of Foreign
Policy decision-making. In your opinion which model best explains
Kennedy’s decision during the Cuban Missile Crisis and why?
Q.4 What is the impact of terrorism in nuclearized South Asia? Elaborate
within the context of India-Pakistan hostility.
Q.5 Discuss the changing character of modern warfare with special
reference to Russia and the US.
Q.6 Describe the role of non-state actors in international security since
the end of the Cold War.
Q.7 Compare and contrast the key concepts of International Society and
Social Constructivism.
Q.8 Write brief notes on the following:
 CPEC and China’s national interests
 Third World Perspectives on Climate Change
 Balance of Power and Balance of Threat
 Groupthink

End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

Q.1 Explain Hecksher-Ohlin model of international trade and its empirical

contradiction that is known as ‘Leontief Paradox'. Try to resolve this paradox
using the theory of comparative advantage.

Q.2 For a relatively labor abundant country, say Pakistan, discuss the
consequences of import substitution and export promotion policies.

Q.3 Discuss the pros and cons of the two main instruments of trade policy; tariff
and quota.

Q.4 Both sides, debit and credit, of Balance of Payments (BOP) of a country are
always equal. Then how do we infer BOP position of the country assuming
i) The country does not allow cross-border capital mobility.
ii) The country allows cross-border capital mobility.

Q.5 The term Washington Consensus has drawn into a wider debate over the
expanding role of the free market, constraints upon the State, US influence on
other countries' national sovereignty, etc. Many countries have implemented
varying components of the reform packages, with outcomes that are much
debated. Some critics focus on claims that the reforms led to 'destabilization'
of economies. Give supporting reasons in support of this claim.

Q.6 What is the theory of a multinational firm? Does it facilitate or hinder transfer
of technology from the developed to the developing world?

Q.7 In context of a free trade agreement (FTA), explain trade creation, trade and
diversion. What are the consequences of trade diversion for the FTA as a
whole and for the country indulged in it?

Q.8 Write notes on the following: (5 Marks each)

a) Exchange Rate
b) Real Exchange Rate
c) Foreign Exchange Reserves
d) IMF its Functions and Conditionalities
End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018

End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018


Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 100


1. Answer any two questions.

2. Marks are given at the end of each question.
3. Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question will not be

Q.1 Answer the following questions (20)

a. What is a Note? (2)
b. What is the Structure of a Note? (5)
c. What is Five Ps Formula? (1)
d. What are seven (7) qualities of Good Noting? (10)
e. When Noting is required (2)

Q.2 Answer the following questions (20)

a. What is a ‘Summary’? (2)
b. What is the difference between a Summary and a Precis (3)
c. How would you differentiate between two categories of summaries (5)
d. What is the method of preparation of a ‘Summary for the Prime Minister’ (Please
mention to relevant points) (10)

Q.3 Answer the following questions (20)

a. What are the two (2) different methods for recruitment of personnel for our
organization? (3)
b. Discuss in detail eight (8) different stages of recruitment of staff in an
c. In which circumstances the period of probation of a Probationer is extended?
d. How much length of service is required by an officer for promotion from BPS-18
to BPS-19? (3)

Q.4 Answer the following questions (20)

a. What is a ‘DRAFT’? (2)
b. Describe Five (5) stages of ‘DRAFTING’. (5)
c. Which eight (8) points are taken into consideration while preparing a ‘DRAFT’?
d. Which six (6) INTERROGATIVES should be borne in mind while drafting a
communication? (3)
End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018
End-Term Examination
38th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2018



1. Answer any three questions.

2. Marks are given, at the end of each question/sub-part.
3. Avoid repetition, as only one Mark will be given for one valid point.
4. Write the question on the answer sheet and then write your answer
below it.

Q.1 Keeping in view Financial Discipline and Management, briefly explain

responsibilities of
a. Drawing and Disbursing Officer (10)
b. Head of Chancery (10)

Q.2 Write a short note on the following

a. Public Accounts Committee (PAC) (10)
b. Departmental Accounts Committee (DAC) (10)

Q.3 Keeping in view the revised system of Financial Control and budgeting,
describe the role of Chief Accounts Officer as Internal Auditor. To what
extent the Internal Audit is useful before the conduction of External
Audit. (20)

Q.4 What is the purpose of the following allowances admissible at Missions

a. Foreign Allowance (4)
b. Entertainment Allowance (4)
c. Sumptuary Allowance (4)
d. Accreditation Allowance (4)
e. Education Subsidy (4)

Q.5 For what purpose the PCW&EF and FIGOB have been created. Please
explain separately.
a. How it is generated (5)
b. Accounting Procedure (5)
c. Authorization (Financial Powers and Accountability) (5)
d. Utilization of funds (5)

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