37 SDC End Term Exam 2017

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End-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: 1. Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks
2. Extra attempt of a question or part hereof will not be marked
3. Write the exact question number before attempting answer

Q.1 Explain the composition and jurisdiction of the International Court

of Justice with particular reference to the Yadhav case? How does
the Court generally resolve disputes?

Q.2 What is recognition under international law? Define and explain the
different theories of recognition of States as well as governments.

Q.3 Under what circumstances may a state use force against another
state in International Law? Discuss the legality of US Drone Attacks
in Pakistan.

Q.4 What are the salient features of the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights 1966, and the International Covenant on
Economic Social and Cultural Rights 1966?

Q.5 What is terrorism in International Law? Explain and assess the role
of the United Nations Security Council in countering global

Q.6 Discuss the scope of diplomatic and consular immunities in view of

relevant United Nations conventions.

Q.7 What is state succession? How are treaty rights and obligations
implemented, in case of external and internal changes of

Q.8 Discuss the salient features of the United Nations Convention on

the Law of the Sea 1982.

End-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted question
will not be considered

Q.1 What is the role of Pakistan’s trade related institutions in the

comparativeness vis-a vis competitiveness for trade promotion given its
limited product and market diversification of exports.

Q.2 Do you think international environmental agenda on sustainable

development and climate change is relevant to Pakistan? How could you
assess the commitment of Pakistan in adopting international agreements
and protocols?

Q.3 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Pakistan is considered a vital source of

external capital flows to meet the saving-investment and export-import
gaps. Briefly review the overall impact of FDI inflows into Pakistan’s
economy, followed by a discussion on how Pakistan’s FDI strategy can be

Q.4 Briefly discuss Pakistan’s trade with SAARC members. Discuss

recommendations on how the SAFTA process can be energized.

Q.5 Briefly answer two of the following:

 WTO and Pakistan’s relationship with it.
 Inclusion of Pakistan in GSP Plus scheme
 Pakistan under the SPS and TBT agreements
 Role of exchange rate on Pakistan’s balance of trade

Q.6 Define ‘Digital Diplomacy’? How it is different from traditional diplomacy?

Explain some of the risks and challenges faced by diplomats?

Q.7 Briefly discuss the budget process in Pakistan and analyze its strengths and
weaknesses. Also provide THREE recommendations on how the system can
be improved.

Q.8 What are the salient features of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)?
Will it be a game changer for Pakistan? If so, in what way?

End-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

Q.1 Discuss the significance of economic and cultural diplomacy in

achieving the goals of a country’s foreign policy. How well is
Pakistan’s diplomatic cadre pursuing these two variants in practice?

Q.2 Suggest ways of using Pakistan’s soft power for achieving its
diplomatic targets.

Q.3 Draw a comparison between Diplomatic and Consular Immunities

and Privileges, citing the cases of US functionary Raymond Davis
and Indian Consul Deviani Khobragade.

Q.4 Diplomacy is the first line of defence. How successfully has Pakistan
applied this dictum to ward off India’s drive for regional

Q.5 Discuss the importance of public diplomacy and suggest measures

needed to strengthen Pakistan’s counter narrative in the face of
propaganda blitz by some capitals.

Q.6 What are the various stages and elements of negotiations? Discuss
ways of devising an effective negotiating strategy.

Q.7 What are the functions and role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in
relation to other national stakeholders, in policy formulation and
implementation process?

Q.8 Identify the attributes of a good diplomat. What techniques and

methods are needed to cope with the challenges of an increasingly
powerful media and the rise of information technology?

End-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

Q.1 What are the factors that have led to the expansion of Indo-US
strategic relations? Describe their impact on Pakistan.

Q.2 Analyze the CPEC in the broader context of evolution of Sino-

Pakistan ties.

Q.3 What has been Pakistan’s position on UN-sponsored disarmament

initiatives? Write a critical appreciation of Pakistan’s approach
within the conference in Disarmament.

Q.4 What are the main stakeholders in determining Pakistan’s foreign

policy? Examine their impact on the challenges currently facing

Q.5 Analyze the current state of the Afghan conflict, and Pakistan’s
policy in the context of the evolving situation.

Q.6 Pakistan has taken measures to deal with violent extremism and
terrorism, but what further steps are incumbent, and why?

Q.7 Now that Pakistan has joined the SCO, what are the prospects of
close and stable ties with the Russian Federation?

Q.8 What role are geopolitics and geo-economics playing in terms of

providing an effective basis for Pakistan’s foreign policy and
relations with the international community?

End-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

Q.1 Trace the main reasons for the failure of the League of Nations.
How is the Charter of the United Nations an improvement on the
Covenant of the League?

Q.2 Pakistan is a member both of ECO and SAARC. Which organization,

in your view, offers a better prospect for regional cooperation and

Q.3 The Charter of the United Nations confers on the Security Council
the “primary” but not exclusive responsibility for the maintenance
of international peace and security. Discuss the role of the Council
and other principal organs of the United Nations in this field.

Q.4 Identify the issues involved in the proposed reform of the UN

Security Council, the various proposals and the arguments
advanced by the respective protagonists.

Q.5 When and why the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) was established?
Discuss in detail the controversy related to the India-Pakistan
candidacy for NSG.

Q.6 Peacekeeping is an innovation which the UN is employing with

increasing frequency. Discuss its evolution, scope and effectiveness.

Q.7 Do you agree that if there were no United Nations, we would need
to invent such an organization?

Q.8 Questions of Kashmir and Palestine have long been under

consideration of the United Nations. Trace major developments
drawing parallel between the two Questions in the UN context.

End-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Please answer any FIVE questions. They all carry equal marks. Please be
logical and clear in your statements.

Q.1 What is the role of the multinational cooperation's in shaping

international political economy?

Q.2 What are the determinants of global economic power and highlight
the importance of population in global political economic order?

Q.3 What are the different stages of war and how do they impact upon
the emerging tensions between national, regional and international
security for state parties?

Q.4 Explain the various types of deterrence and what or if it has any
significance to Pakistan's policy in the nuclear suppliers regime.

Q.5 What is ISIS what re the factors that contributed to its rise and how
will it impact on the region in particular in the middle East?

Q.6 How is the foreign policy made what are the most relevant foreign
policy model for Pakistan?

Q.7 Define Energy Security in South Asia and how or if it is affected by

changing character of war?

Q.8 What is the importance of non-state actors particular media and

social media in shaping foreign policy choices? Please explain the
concept of global village define why?

Q.9 How will Trump’ presidency affect the South Asian security and what
factors will Pakistan require to balance or increase its policy options?

Q.10 How will CPEC affect Pakistan’s future economic and security

End-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Time Allowed: Three Hours Total Marks: 100

Note: i) Attempt any FIVE questions. All question carry EQUAL marks.
ii) Extra attempt of any question or any part of the attempted
question will not be considered

Q.1 Explain Hecksher-Ohlin model of international trade and its

empirical contradiction that is known as ‘Leontief Paradox’. Try to
resolve this paradox using the theory of comparative advantage.

Q.2 For a relatively labor abundant country, say Pakistan, discuss the
consequences of import substitution and export promotion

Q.3 Discuss the pros and cons of the two main instruments of trade
policy; tariff and quota.

Q.4 Discuss the impact of fiscal and monetary policies on balance of


Q.5 Critically evaluate Washington Consensus.

Q.6 What is the theory of a multinational firm? Does it facilitate or

hinder transfer of technology from the developed to the
developing world?

Q.7 In context of a free trade agreement (FTA), explain trade creation,

trade and diversion. What are the consequences of trade diversion
for the FTA as a whole and for the country indulged in it?

Q.8 Write notes on the following: (5 Marks each)

a. Balance of payments accounting
b. Exchange rate regimes
c. Terms of trade
d. Dumping
End-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017
End-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017


Total Marks: 100 Time: 3 Hours

Please carefully read the following instructions:

1. Attempt any five questions.
2. Avoid repetition of points.
3. Write the question on the answer sheet and then write your answer below it.
Write the same question number, as in the question paper.
4. Write in descriptive form and in your own words with regard to open book
questions. Marks will not be awarded for verbatim reproduction of material.
5. Draw formats of correspondence, where required.

Q1. a. Discuss the different change forces (internal and external) that compel
organizations to be continuously adaptive to change. [3]
b. Why do people and organizations resist change? Discuss John P. Kotter’s
eight-step change model for successfully managing resistance to change. [7]
c. Public sector organizations may also be affected by weaker implementation of
HR practices. Discuss how Job Design (i.e. core job dimensions) and Job
Redesign (enrichment, enlargement and rotation) facilitate in effectively
managing Human Resources. [5]
d. Discuss the effectiveness of following tools for managing human resources
with relevance to the Foreign Service: [5]
1. Workforce Planning
2. Learning and Development Onboarding
3. Employee Health, Care, Safety and Security

Q2. a. You have fallen sick and need to see a doctor. Describe the procedure that
you will follow both in normal and emergency situations. [5]
b. Describe the procedure that you will follow to seek reimbursement of the
expenditure incurred by you in your treatment? [5]
c. Under which condition will you not be entitled to reimbursement of your
medical expenditure? [1]
d. You present the receipt of the medicines purchased by you for endorsement
of the AMA before submitting the same for reimbursement to your
department. However, the AMA does not approve some items in the list. What
could be the reason? [1]
e. You purchase medicines for yourself without reporting sick to AMA. Later, you
End-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017

present the bill to your department for reimbursement of the cost of

medicines. However, your department declines. Give the reason for the refusal.
f. Describe the rules regarding earning and accumulation of leave. [4]
g. Which type of leave cannot be refused? But before granting such a leave, the
competent authority shall take what step? [2]
h. If an officer overstays his/her leave, what punishment is he/she likely to get.

a. Briefly describe the following: [16]

1. Foreign Allowance,
2. Entertainment Allowance,
3. Accreditation Allowance,
4. Charge Allowance,
5. Education subsidy,
6. Entitlement of shipping of personal effects,
7. Transfer grant, and
8. Accommodation entitlement.

b. Under which condition the submission of e-ticket is acceptable for settlement

of TA/DA bills. [1]
c. Under which condition an adopted child will no longer be entitled to TA/DA
allowance. [1]
d. An officer shall be entitled to which type of air ticket while travelling abroad
to take up his new assignment. [2]

Q4. a. As an officer you have to overlook the work of your supporting staff. Describe
the procedure that your staff should follow for the receipt, diarising and
distribution of official papers. [10]

b. Describe the following and draw their formats:[10]

1. Note Verbale,
2. Aide Memoire,
3. Minutes of Meeting,
4. Diplomatic Letter, and
5. Monthly Political Report.

Q5. Briefly describe and draw the formats of the following forms of communications:
End-Term Examination
37th Specialised Diplomatic Course for FSP Officers - 2017

1. Letter,
2. Office Memorandum,
3. Demi-official letter,
4. Notification, and
5. Office Order.

Q6. a. Describe the internal financial controls to be observed by a Head of Mission

and Head of Chancery. [15]

b. Briefly describe the preparation of a cash account. [5]

Q7. You have been newly posted in the Foreign Ministry. Describe how you will do
‘noting on files’ and the filing procedure that you will follow before submitting a
file to your senior officer. [20]

Q8. a. Describe and draw the format of a ‘Cypher Telegram’. [10]

b. Describe and draw the format of a ‘Summary for the Prime Minister’. [10]

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