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334 Therapy of Selected Diseases

headaches but not in other forms of head-

‡ Migraine ache. The probable common mechanism of
Migraine is a syndrome characterized by re- action is a stimulation of serotonin receptors
current attacks of intense headache and nau- of the 5-HT1D subtype. Moreover, ergot-
sea that occur at irregular intervals and last amine has af nity for dopamine receptors
for several hours. In classical migraine, the (†nausea, emesis), as well as α-adrenocep-
attack is typically heralded by an “aura” ac- tors and 5-HT2 receptors (⁄ vascular tone, ⁄
companied by spreading homonymous vis- platelet aggregation). With frequent use, the
ual field defects with colored sharp edges vascular side effects may give rise to severe
(“fortification” spectra). In addition, the pa- peripheral ischemia (ergotism). Paradoxi-
tient cannot focus on certain objects, has a cally, overuse of ergotamine (> once per
ravenous appetite for particular foods, and is week) may provoke “rebound” headaches,
hypersensitive to odors (hyperosmia) or thought to result from persistent vasodila-
light (photophobia). The exact cause of these tion. Though different in character (tension-
complaints is unknown; conceivably, the type headache), these prompt further con-
underlying pathogenetic mechanisms in- sumption of ergotamine. Thus, a vicious
volve local release of proinflammatory me- circle develops with chronic abuse of ergot-
diators from nociceptive primary afferents amine or other analgesics that may end with
(neurogenic inflammation) or a disturbance irreversible disturbances of peripheral blood
in cranial blood flow. In addition to an often flow and impairment of renal function.
inherited predisposition, precipitating fac- Administered orally, ergotamine and su-
tors are required to provoke an attack, e. g., matriptan have only limited bioavailability.
psychic stress, lack of sleep, certain foods. Dihydroergotamine may be given by i.m. or
Pharmacotherapy of migraine has two aims: slow i.v. injection, sumatriptan subcutane-
stopping the acute attack and preventing ously, by nasal spray, or as a suppository.
subsequent ones. When given orally, other triptans such as
zolmitriptan, naratriptan, and rizatriptan
Treatment of the attack. For symptomatic have higher bioavailability than sumatrip-
relief, headaches are treated with analgesics tan.
(acetaminophen, acetylsalicylic acid), and
nausea is treated with metoclopramide Prophylaxis. Taken regularly over a longer
(pp.116, 342) or domperidone. Since there period, a heterogeneous group of drugs com-
is delayed gastric emptying during the at- prising propranolol, nadolol, atenolol, and
tack, drug absorption can be markedly re- metoprolol (β-blockers), flunarizine (H1-his-
tarded and hence effective plasma levels are tamine, dopamine, and calcium antagonist),
not obtained. Because metoclopramide stim- pizotifen (pizotyline, 5-HT antagonist with
ulates gastric emptying, it promotes absorp- structural resemblance to tricyclic antide-
tion of ingested analgesic drugs and thus pressants), and methysergide (partial 5-HT
facilitates pain relief. antagonist) may decrease the frequency, in-
If acetylsalicylic acid is administered i.v. as tensity, and duration of migraine attacks.
the lysine salt, its bioavailability is complete. The drug of first choice is one of the β-block-
Therefore, i.v. injection may be advisable in ers mentioned.
acute attacks.
Should analgesics prove insuf ciently ef-
fective, sumatriptan (prototype of the trip-
tans) or ergotamine may help prevent an
imminent attack in many cases. Both sub-
stances are effective in migraine and cluster
Luellmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2005 Thieme
All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license.
Migraine 335

A: Migraine and its treatment

Acetylsalicylic acid 1000 mg

or acetaminophen 1000 mg

When therapeutic effect inadequate

Sumatriptan or (Dihydro)-Ergotamine
and other triptans

6 mg 50–100 mg 1 mg 1–2 mg

Migraine Meto-

Migraine attack:
Gastric emptying
Headache inhibited accelerated
Hypersensitivity of
olfaction, gustation,
audition, vision,
nausea, vomiting Drug
Neurogenic absorption
local edema, delayed improved

5-HT1B/1D Relief of migraine 5-HT1B/1D

5-HT1A Psychosis 5-HT1A

and other triptans


D2 Nausea, D2

5-HT2 Platelet aggregation 5-HT2

α1 + α 2 Vasoconstriction α1 + α 2

Luellmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology © 2005 Thieme

All rights reserved. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license.

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