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All the instructions about Fluid Mech design is given to you during the class.

Follow the edit instructions :

Text : Times New Roman 12, Justified, Line Spacing 1.5
Heading:Times New Roman 14, Bold
Page Number

Titel Page :
Title of the project ( For example Fluid Mech Design of manufacturing of (aaa) tonne per
day/annum of XXXXXXX)

Sections of the report :

1) Index
2) List of tables
3) List of Figures
4) About the Chemical to be manufactured
5) Physical and Chemical Properties
6) Chemical Reaction
7) Process Flow Diagram
8) Process Description (Not to be copied but should be written as you understand)
9) Material Balance Calculations
10) Energy balance calculation
11) Section wise design calculation
1) Storage tank
2) Piping
3) Pumps
4) Reactors
5) Separators
6) Another equipment based on the Process flow diagram
12) Results in a tabular form
Sr No | Tank No | Chemical to store | Capacity | Dimensions | Thickness |
13. Safety
14. Plant Layout
15. Bibliography

Evaluation scheme :
For General report as mentioned above : 5 marks

Pointers for evaluation

1) Detailing in calculations
2) Thoroughness in report preparation
3) Understanding of the process and calculations based on the assumptions, data used
and interpretation made
4) ‘Extra’ efforts made while doing the assignment

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