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Features/ Period Baroque(1600 - 1750) Classical(1750 - 1820) Romantic(1820 - 1900) 20th century(1900 onwards)

1. Texture - Polyphonic - Homophonic - Homophonic - Both Polyphonic and

- Contrapuntal - Contrapuntal - Thicken chord Homophonic
- Simple homophonic
2. Melodies - Long phrases - Short phrase and use of - Long phrase - Irregular phrase structure
- Use of ornaments (trills) sub-phrase - Emotional, full of change - Big interval between notes
- Repeat of similar melodies - Less ornaments - Less ornaments, compare
between both hands with Baroque and Classical

3. Tonality And Harmony - Major/ Minor - Major/ Minor - Major/ Minor - Atonal
- Seldom change the tonality - Change of tonality - More freedom of changing - Inharmonic chords
- Use of chromatic note - Less pedal tonality - More pedal
- Usually no pedal - More pedal
4. Dynamics - Less crescendo/ - some crese. and dim., not - Obvious crese. and dim. - More freedom in changing
diminuendo extreme dynamics
- Mainly in Forte and Piano - mainly in Forte and Piano - Bigger contrast
5. Tempo - Stable - Rubato - Irregular rhythm
- No accelerando - Accelerando and - More change in tempo
- A bit ritard. At the end rallentando

- Lento, adagio, andante, allegro, presto

6. Articulation - Staccato
- Legato
- Non-legato
- Tenuto

7. Forms - Fuge - AB/ binary form - Watlz (3/4) -Jazz (doted rhythm,
- Dances: - ABA - Scherzo (3/4) syncopation)
- — Bourrees (2/2, 2/4 start in - ABACADA / rondo - Mazuka (3/4, 2nd strong Blues (diminished chord, 7th
up beat) - March (4/4) beat) chord, dotted rhythm)
— Minuet (3/4, little waltz)
— Sarabane (slow 3/4, 2nd
beat is strong beat)
— Gigue (6/8, fast, doted
Features/ Period Baroque(1600 - 1750) Classical(1750 - 1820) Romantic(1820 - 1900) 20th century(1900 onwards)

8. Character - Romantic, joyful, sad, humorous, exciting, mechanical, dolce, cantabile

9. Composer - Bach - Mozart - Liszt - Debussy -> dream like
- Handel - Haydn - Chopin - Bartok -> strong rhythm
- Vivaldi - Clementi - Grieg (Fork song) - Rachmaninoff -> agitated
- Scalatti - Beethoven - Mendelssohn(more scale, - Schoenberg -> atonal
- Teleman running) - Ravel
- Tachaikosky - Prokofiev
Grade 5 theory

Italian English Meaning Chinese Meaning

attacca go straight on immediately without a pause 緊張,不停頓地接着演奏下去

dolente sad, mournful 傷⼼心的,悲痛的

dolore grief, sorrow; doloroso: sorrowful 悲痛的

doppio movimento double the speed, twice as fast 快⼀一倍,加倍快

estinto as soft as possible, extinct 盡可能地弱,熄滅

incalzando getting quicker, urging forward 慚快並慚強

lacrimoso sad, tearful 悲傷的,哭泣的

loco return to the normal pitch (used to cancel an 8 va direction) 回復原來⾳音⾼高(⽤用以取消8va 指⽰示)

lunga long, lengthy; lunga pausa: long rest ⻑⾧長的,漫⻑⾧長的; ⻑⾧長休⽌止

lusingando in a tender, coaxing manner 温柔的,嫵媚的

misura measure 節拍
alla misura: in strictly measured time 嚴守節拍
senza misura: in a free time

ossia or, alternatively (often used to indicate an easier version of a difficult 或,另外的⽅方法(通常指另⼀一個較容易⽵竹⼼心⽇日⼽戈演奏法)

piacevole pleasant 愉快的

piangevole sad, plaintive 傷⼼心的,悲痛的

pochettino / poch. rather little, very little indeed 確實很少

rinforzando / rf / rfz reinforcing, empahsizing 加強,強調

segue follow, go straight on 緊接,繼續下去

smorzando / smorz. dying away in tone and speed ⾳音量和速度都逐漸消失

teneramente tenderly 温柔地

Grade 5 theory

Italian English Meaning Chinese Meaning

tenerezza tenderness 温柔

tosto quick, rapid 快的,迅速的

volante flying, fast 飛快的

Grade 5 theory

German English meaning Chinese meaning

aber but 但是

Ausdruck expression 表情

bewegt moved, agitated 動感的,激動的

breit broad 廣闊

ein a, one ⼀一,⼀一個

einfach simple, in a simple manner 簡單的,樸實的

etwas somewhat, rather 有點兒,頗為

frohlich cheerful 愉快的

immer always 始終,⼀一直

langsam slow 緩慢

lebhaft lively 活潑的

massig at a moderate speed 中等速度

mit with 帶有

nicht not 不

ohne without 沒有

ruhig peaceful, calm 平靜的

schnell quick 速的

sehr very ⾮非常

suss sweet 甜蜜的

Grade 5 theory

German English meaning Chinese meaning

traurig sad, sorrowful 哀傷的

und and 和,與

voll full, complete 豐富的,完整的

wenig a little, slightly ⼀一點點,少許

wieder again, once more ⼜又,再次

zart tender,delicate 温柔的,精緻的

zu to, too, for 向,到; 太,過於;⽤用...

Italian terms Meaning Meaning

grave very slow and solemn 莊板

largo broad, slow 廣板

larghetto rather broadly ⼩小廣板

lento slow 慢板

lentissimo extremely slow 極慢板

adagio slow, leisurely 柔板

adagietto fairly slow ⼩小柔板

adagissimo very slow 最柔板

andante at a walking pace ⾏行板

andantino slightly faster than andante ⼩小⾏行板

moderato moderate 中板

allegretto fairly fast ⼩小快板

allegro fast 快板

vivace lively, brisk 活板

vivacissimo very lively 極活板

presto very fast 急板

prestissimo extremely fast 極急板

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