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Faculty Name
MGT3103 – Strategic Business Simulation and
Course Code and Name
Project Management

Project Title Assessment : Strategic Business Plan Due Date

Final Group Report and Presentation: 100%
30% of final grade Week 14/15
15%: Team paper
15%: Individual Oral defense
Company name: Submitted


Declaration; Individual (or Group):

Student Declaration:
This assignment is entirely my own work except where I have duly acknowledged other sources in the text and listed
those sources at the end of the assignment; I have not previously submitted this work to the HCT; I understand that I
may be orally examined on my submission.

 No part of this assignment has been copied from another source, (not from another group or student, an internet source or a book)
 When another person’s words are used, this is shown in the text with “…” and referenced.
 I (We) have submitted my (our) assignment to SafeAssign and checked for plagiarism prior to submitting for grading  No part of this
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 I (We) have a copy of this assignment that we can produce if the first copy is lost or damaged. Names and Signatures :

Name 1…………………………………………………………………… Signature ……………………………………………… ID: ………………………………………………

Name 2…………………………………………………………………… Signature ……………………………………………… ID: ………………………………………………

Name 3…………………………………………………………………… Signature ……………………………………………… ID: ………………………………………………

Name 4…………………………………………………………………… Signature ……………………………………………… ID: ………………………………………………

Name 5 ………………………………………………………………….. Signature ……………………………………………….. ID: …………………………………………….

Name 6 ………………………………………………………………….. Signature ……………………………………………….. ID: …………………………………………….

N.B. The marker may choose not to mark this assignment if the above declaration is not signed.  If the

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Academic Honesty Statement

Cheating is deliberately attempting to gain marks or academic credit dishonestly. Plagiarism is deliberately presenting another person’s work as one’s
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I understand that cheating and plagiarism are serious offences and that if I am found guilty of either of these offences I may be subject to dismissal
from the Higher Colleges of Technology.

For Examiner’s Use Only


Marks Available 100

Marks Earned

Marker Name Date

Strategic Business Plan Project

This strategic business plan project is to enable students connect all their learning in the course with the CESIM simulation. The Project aims to engage
students in learning activities where they will apply knowledge gained during the course, and in so doing, work to achieve the learning outcomes.  

a) This is a group project report by maximum 5/6 members. 

b) You are required to prepare a 10 to 15 page strategic business plan for your phone business in CESIM (only data from CESIM can be used in the
project) and also a power point present for the oral defense (the oral defense is an individual component)

Project Overview

This is a strategic plan that your team will prepare to show the shareholders your progress and you r plans for the future of your CESIM Business. The
business plan and the data used in the plan is based only on data from the simulation. The report should start in week 6 at the commencement of the
simulation because it is expected that students will continue to work on the project and incorporate changes made to the decision based on various factors
and environmental changes.

Strategic Business Plan Project

 This strategic business plan project is to enable students connect all their learning in the course with the CESIM simulation. The Project aims to engage
students in learning activities where they will apply knowledge gained during the course, and in so doing, work to achieve the learning outcomes.  

c) This is a group project report by maximum 5/6 members. 

d) You are required to prepare a 10 to 15 page strategic business plan for your phone business in CESIM (only data from CESIM can be used in the
project) and also a power point present for the oral defense

Project Overview

This is a strategic plan that your team will prepare to show the shareholders your progress and you plans for the future of your CESIM Business. The
business plan and the data used in the plan can be based only on data from the simulation . The report should start in week 6 at the commencement of
the simulation because it is expected that students will continue to work on the project and incorporate changes made to the decision based on various
factors and environmental changes.
Team Task: 15%

Your team is in charge of all decisions made by your company in the simulation. The report will show shareholders what you have achieved so far and what
future plans for the business are. Each week represent a year, it is therefore important you look at a long term plan using various changes your company
will face in each market as well as the strategic moves made by your competitors. It is important you clearly articulate where you are now, where you are
going and how you intend to meet your vision as a company.

Please note: The project MUST be based on developing your organization in CESIM and all decisions and activities in CESIM. Students must not
incorporation any information or discussions outside the CESIM environment. ANY discussion ouside the CESIM environment will not earn the group
any grade

Your paper should be broken into these sections:

A. Overview of the organization.

Company overview – This is section you are expected a create a company based on facts and information in CESIM. Develop a company name and
Logo, your different mobile phones (4 techs) and their features and specifications, and any other information you feel you need to provide. Please
include your vision, mission, and core values, key management staff, and their responsibilities. Include here the revenue, the market share and the
profit when you took over the firm.

B. Size and Growth rates of the overall market and key segments.
Identify the rate of growth within the market based on CESIM and identify key segments in all three markets.

C. Background information on the market, competition, macro environmental factors and trends.
Detail information on the CESIM market, CESIM competition, CESIM macro environment, and CESIM trends, including size and growth rates for the
overall market and any key segments. Industry analysis in CESIM, target customers in CESIM, competitive analysis and advantage in CESIM. Please
remember you are only in USA, ASIA and EUROPE: Please state your location in Asia and Europe. Also state location of factory/plant based on
information in CESIM.

D. Background information on microenvironment factors and trends.

Use Porters 5 forces model to evaluate the microenvironment in the CESIM simulation.

E. Industry analysis in CESIM, target customers and strategies in CESIM, competitive analysis and your business competitive advantage in CESIM.

F. SWOT analysis for the organization in CESIM and state how you intend to build on your strength, identify and pursue your opportunities, minimize
your threats and improve on your weakness within CESIM.

G. Set objectives for your company in CESIM. Set objectives for each tab in CESIM for 6 years. Set 3 objectives for Finance (Loans, Cost, ROI, share price
tec), Production (using outsourcing, using in house production, building new factories, inventories), HR (salaries, training and staff turnover),
Marketing can include objectives from Market share, R & D, and marketing. Marketing objectives should be separate for each market. (All objectives
must reflect your position in CESIM, no outside information can be used)

H. Based on the objectives above develop a strategy to try to achieve the objectives. Each objective must have a corresponding strategy. Your strategy
can only use the resources available to your business in CESIM.

I. Ratio analysis. Review and comment of the financial ratios available in the CESIM simulation for 6 years.

J. Financial analysis. Review and comment of the financial statements in CESIM simulation for 6 years.

K. Each team member will lead the team in implementing a one year decision for item G, H, I, and J. The decision will be their individual part for the
presentation and oral defense.

L. Structure, Format and Language.

Individual Task: 15%: Presentation and Oral defense

The team will develop a Power-Point presentation for the project. As part of the presentation each team member will prepare their presentation for the
week (or time) that the student is in the role of team-leader. After the student has presented to the faculty they will be asked 3 to 5 questions each to
enable each student to further expand on their week as team leader.

The individual presentation will be part of the team presentation. The presentation sections are below:

Overview of the organization: Team

Company overview – This is section you are expected a create a company based on facts and information in CESIM. Develop a company name and Logo,
your different mobile phones (4 techs) and their features and specifications, and any other information you feel you need to provide. Please include your
vision, mission, and core values, key management staff, and their responsibilities.

Where are we now?: Individual

Analyze the market outlook for the year

Analyze the macro factors impacting the company during the period

Where are we going? Individual

Explain each objective you developed for Finance (Loans, Cost, ROI, share price tec), Production (using outsourcing, using in house production, building
new factories, inventories), HR (salaries, training and staff turnover), Marketing can include objectives from Market share, R & D, and marketing.
Marketing objectives should be separate for each market. (All objectives must reflect your position in CESIM, no outside information can be used)

How do we get there? Individual

Based on the objectives above explain the strategy you implemented in each decision area in CESIM.

Review and comment on the financial ratios you achieved.

Financial analysis. Review and comment on the financial statements you achieved.

Page 2 of 4
MGT3103 – Assessment 3: Report Rubric and Feedback Sheet:
ID: Student Names:

Report Contents Unacceptable Minimum Satisfactory Significantly above Outstanding Marks Awarded
requirements D requirements B/B+
F C/C+ A-/A
Achievement that Achievement that Achievement that Achievement that is Achievement that is
does not meet minimally meets the satisfactorily meets significantly above outstanding
requirements for course the course and GPA the course and GPA relative to the
course with normal requirements but requirements. requirements. Good course and GPA
grading mode. Very may not meet the Average presentation requirements.
GPA requirement.
poor presentation. presentation. Excellent
Poor presentation. presentation
Overview of the organization


Size and growth rates for the overall market and any key segments.


Background information on the market, competition, macro factors and trends.

Background information on microenvironment factors and trends


Industry analysis, target customers, competitive analysis and advantage


SWOT analysis for the organization and state how you intend to build on your strength,
identify your opportunities, minimize your threats and improve on your weakness

4 Objectives for each tab for 6 years. Marketing objectives should be broken into
countries and years.

Strategy and Action plans for 6 years based on the above objective.

Various ratios on total sales, ROI and profit analysis, and other ratios for 6 years

Analysis of Financial Statements for 6 year


Structure, format and English language



Page 3 of 4

Assessment Guidelines

CATEGORY Unacceptable Minimum requirements Satisfactory Significantly above Outstanding
requirements B/B+
F D C/C+ A/A+
From Course Guide Achievement that Achievement that Achievement that Achievement that is Achievement that is
does not meet minimally meets the satisfactorily meets significantly above the outstanding relative to
requirements for course requirements the course and GPA course and GPA the course and GPA
course with normal but may not meet the requirements requirements requirements
grading mode. GPA requirement.
General Guidance Errors so significant Significant errors, Most information is Largely free of errors, Clear, well-explained,
that the work is not information is unclear correct and well- demonstrates critical error-free work
passing quality or incorrect presented, with few thought with well demonstrating critical
errors explained coverage of thinking, with clear
all topics. evidence of independent
work and authentic
Organization/Presentation of Information is poorly Information is Information is Information is organized Information is very
information organized and disorganized and organized in places with many well- organized with well-
presented, lacks poorly structured; with adequate constructed sections; constructed sections;
structure formatting, many paragraphs structure; some many paragraphs paragraphs are presented
and presented out of presented out of paragraphs presented presented in a logical in a logical order.
order. order. out of order. Average order. Good Excellent presentation
presentation presentation
Breadth of Information Covers none of the Covers few of the Covers some of the Covers all of the areas Covers all areas that
areas that should be areas that should be areas that should be required to be required to be addressed
addressed. addressed. addressed. addressed. along with additional
independent analyses.
Quality of Information Includes irrelevant Basic and has Basic but has some Advanced and has some Insightful and thorough
explanations or insufficient details. detail to support the detail to support project analysis. Advanced and
details, or has little to projects goals. goals. detailed enough to
no detail. support project goals.


Company name:
Name and ID of team members:

CHAPTERS Weight Score

Company overview – Company name and Logo, your different mobile phones (4 techs) and their
features and specifications. Vision, mission, and core values, key management staff, and their
responsibilities. 5

Analysis of the market outlook for the year

Analysis of the macro factors impacting the company during this period
Explanation of Finance Objective (Loans, Cost, ROI, share price tec).
Explanation of Production objective (using outsourcing, using in house production, building new
factories, inventories). 6
Explanation of HR objective (salaries, training and staff turnover).

Explanation of Marketing objective

Explanation of the strategy you implemented in each decision area in CESIM.
Explanation of the financial ratios you achieved.
Financial analysis. Review and comment on the financial statements you achieved.
3 to 5 questions for Oral defense
Formatting and Structure of presentation

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