(2CGaming) GrymmWorld (OEF) (2021)

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© 2CGaming, LLC. All Rights Reserved. GrymmWorld published March 2021 by 2CGaming, LLC.

The 2CGaming logos and name, and the book

name (GrymmWorld) are protected by copyright. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material herein is prohibited without the written
permission of 2CGaming, LLC. or its representatives.
Grant Ellis & Ryan Servis


© 2CGaming, LLC. All Rights Reserved. GrymmWorld published March 2021 by 2CGaming, LLC.
The 2CGaming logos and name, and the book name (GrymmWorld) are protected by copyright.
Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material herein is prohibited without the written
permission of 2CGaming, LLC. or its representatives.
ISBN 978-1-946678-21-8
Grant Ellis, Ryan Servis

Paul Wright, Jon Kelly

Matteo Marjoram (Cover, Art Director), John Stevenson (Map),
A.K.I., Ambrose Hoilman, Ethan Hudgens, Sam Darcy, BNE Design (Graphic Design, Page Layout)

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Table of ContentS
Preface Conflict with the Narrador and Its Masks........................... 82
Acknowledgements.........................................................................4 The Narrador’s Toolbox............................................................. 83
What This Book Is..........................................................................4 Duels.......................................................................................................... 84
How to Use This Book....................................................................5 Battles....................................................................................................... 86
Explorations........................................................................................... 91
Chapter One: Tales Told at Twilight Wanderings............................................................................................. 93
The Map of Prometerra and Beyond.........................................6 Reputations............................................................................................ 96
The Chapters of GrymmWorld’s History.................................9
The Thrust of the Campaign..................................................... 15
Chapter Five: Exploring Prometerra
Brilhago: The Light of Yesterday............................................. 99
The Fabric of Fairy Tales........................................................... 16
The Ways of Brilhago........................................................................ 99
The Narrador................................................................................ 17
People to Meet...................................................................................103
The Magic of GrymmWorld....................................................... 18
Fell-Beyonders and Where to Find Them............................. 19
Places to See........................................................................................106
Chapter Two: Playing in GrymmWorld Cachoeira: The Ceaseless Bounty......................................... 107
Walking the Perious Path The Ways of Cachoeira....................................................................107
Creating Characters: The Character Path........................... 31 People to Meet................................................................................... 110
Getting Started............................................................................ 31 Places to See........................................................................................113
Physical Identity.................................................................................. 34 Desaly: The Smouldering Trial.............................................. 114
Heritage................................................................................................. 35 The Ways of Desaly.......................................................................... 114
Superlative Traits................................................................................ 38 People to Meet................................................................................... 117
Character Backgrounds..................................................................... 39 Places to See........................................................................................120
Class....................................................................................................... 42 Fellmount: The Ascendant Stone.......................................... 121
GrymmWorld Character Class Options................................ 42 The Ways of Fellmount...................................................................121
Barbarians............................................................................................. 42 People to Meet...................................................................................124
Bards....................................................................................................... 43 Places to See........................................................................................127
Clerics..................................................................................................... 44 Labirinto: The Lost And Found.............................................. 129
Druids.................................................................................................... 45 The Ways of Labirinto.....................................................................129
Fighters.................................................................................................. 46 People to Meet...................................................................................132
Monks.................................................................................................... 47 Places to See........................................................................................134
Paladins................................................................................................. 48 Praia: The Freeborn Shore..................................................... 135
Rangers.................................................................................................. 49 The Ways of Praia.............................................................................135
Rogues.................................................................................................... 50 People to Meet...................................................................................138
Sorcerers.................................................................................................51 Places to See........................................................................................140
Warlocks................................................................................................51 Tadfen Bog: The Troubled Bubbling..................................... 141
Wizards................................................................................................. 52 The Ways of Tadfen Bog................................................................. 141
Chapter Three: Outlandish Options People to Meet................................................................................... 142
GrymmWorld Feats..................................................................... 54 Places to See........................................................................................ 145
101 Curios & Trinkets................................................................. 57 Witchwood: The Wicked Woad............................................. 147
Equipment & Gear........................................................................ 60
The Ways of Witchwood................................................................ 147
People to Meet...................................................................................150
Magical Items................................................................................ 62
Places to See........................................................................................ 151
Chapter Four: The Narrative & The Narrador
Chapter Six: The Questing Beasts
The Teller of Tales: Narrador Basics..................................... 66
What Are Questing Beasts?................................................... 153
Running Games as the Narrador............................................. 69
List of Questing Beasts............................................................. 153
Getting into Character................................................................ 70
Eliasor of the Thunderfare.............................................................. 153
The Narrador’s Masks................................................................ 71
Lucien, Sword of the Sky.................................................................156
The Mask of Battle: Rustam Crimson-Snow,
Nyklas, the Duneshredder..............................................................159
The Record Keeper of Soldier Songs........................................ 73
Zelena, the Frozen Heaven............................................................. 161
The Mask of Intrigue: Eudoxia Night Storm,
Porche, the Sun-Slayer.....................................................................164
The Lamenter of Forlorn Dreams.............................................. 75
Oedipus Stonetongue....................................................................... 167
The Mask of Compassion: Daphne Hallow-Field,
Colinopi, the Moist Love-Beast..................................................... 170
The Author of Blooming Love.................................................... 77
Willia Shadow-Cast......................................................................... 173
The Mask of Truth: Gangesha Falling-Leaf,
The Journal of One Long-Traveled............................................ 79
O NCE UPON A TIME is a magical moment.
Many children grow up hearing about “dangers
untold and hardships unnumbered.” During that
process of growing up, people are introduced to wolves in
grandmothers’ gowns, cowardly lions in search of courage,
Most importantly, it serves as the point of inspiration
for campaign prep. It provides you with a world to
explore, people to meet, and things to do. It adds fairy-
tale adventuring mechanics to Fifth Edition fantasy.
The setting’s core fundamental ideas can be adapted to
dashing heroes, singing harps, and cunning villains. As we other games in terms of theme and tone. The mechanics
become well acquainted with these fictional elements, we are designed to supplement the 5e SRD.
reexamine and retell these stories from fresh perspectives. GrymmWorld was a labor of love, and it came right
Perhaps the queen must stop her beautiful undead daughter out of my heart. Writing it was difficult, and that is sort
from emerging from her glass casket to usurp the throne. of the message behind many of these stories: Life is
Maybe the misunderstood witch was not quite so wicked difficult, but we persevere and overcome. It would not
after all. These retellings are as authentic as the first in that have been possible without 2CGaming ensuring that we
they came from the same font and point of imagination as could complete the project every step of the process, and
the original tales. We carry these stories our whole lives, I think this shares in an important part of GrymmWorld’s
and the elements find their way into music, movies, books, premise: We don’t have to do these things alone.
and games. The kinds of stories that emerge from playing in fairy-
2CGaming approached me and asked me if I would tale worlds are those of perseverance, yearning, romance,
like to do a book. I had to answer what that book would mystery, intrigue, and adventure. The worlds are surreal
look like. I decided I wanted to capture the magic of those and whimsical, and the tension is often broken by raucous
fantastical worlds of “once upon a time,” the echoes of my laughter. There are folk-style elements strewn about, and
forgotten dreams, and the fading memories of long ago we accept pure fiction as a temporary truth for the time
and far away. Once caught, I would shape these elements the tale is being told. We wanted to capture that in this
into a setting for a roleplaying game that helped me forge book and provide the opportunities for those types of
friendships that have lasted a lifetime. GrymmWorld is stories to manifest at the game table.
the result. - Grant Ellis

Acknowledgments at Web DM for being early supporters of everything I have

This book is dedicated to my siblings: John, Sam, Sara, done. And to Jim Henson, Fred Rogers, and David Bowie
Mitchell, and Ross. They are true authors of fairy tales, for being the first to inspire me to explore art. All my love
and I love them. and appreciation expressed to Summer Job and Katy Faise
This book would not be possible without acknowledg- of Off the Table, where games become the building blocks
ing those who both inspired and befriended me along the of community.
way. Without Ryan Servis and Jon Kelly of 2CGaming, I This book would not be possible without the Kickstarter
would not have taken the dive. Ryan had to spend many backers, who numbered over a thousand, who believed in
hours mentoring me in design and refining my original our ability to make this book happen.
thoughts. Jon had to make sure we stayed on time and on
task during a once-every-hundred-years global pandem-
ic. If James Introcaso, Shawn Merwin, James Haeck, and What This Book Is
Dan Dillon hadn’t suggested I take a stab at creation, I GrymmWorld has content for game masters and players.
wouldn’t have had the confidence. To my good friends It is a game about exploration, discovery, and excitement.
Jessica Osborne and Ethan Hudgens giving me an open There are new options for characters, new locations to visit,
ear to explore my many dizzying design thoughts, and a and adventure hooks to follow.
safe place to explore, thank you. Dan and Norm, my earli-
est patrons, play-testers, and good friends, should be com- For Game Masters
mended for their willingness to support the arts. I com-
mend Kai Antoni and Colin Valkenet for their friendship, The book itself is a campaign setting for when you want to
talent, and openness. To my friends Jim, Pruitt, and Emma play a tabletop roleplaying game with your friends, you


want to go heavy on the whimsical fairy-tale genre, and Take time to familiarize yourself with the eight regions
you need a world to explore. The book provides new nar- of Prometerra, the continent described in the book. Think
rative tools, game mechanics, and designs to fill many about the people, cultures, and conflicts you learn about.
sessions of adventures. You should be able to port classic This is a world pierced by invasive nightmares, and what
modules and new products in and out of the world. The that means will be defined through play. There is the ex-
campaign setting is more than people, places, and things: trinsic conflict of these terrors manifesting an intrinsic
it is a playground. Everything is set in the now. Also, conflict of wrestling with how to pick up the shattered
there are questing beasts, new gods waiting to ascend, and dreams of the broken present.
nightmares lurking in the shadows. It is full of prompts The Questing Beasts are a special mechanic. They pres-
to jump-start a game filled with wonderful creatures. It ent new challenges in the way of unique quests designed
is all strange and beautiful. There are eight regions filled to push the players. The beasts create opportunities for ex-
with fantastic locations and people. Nothing in the book is ploration. Players must overcome the many obstacles that
rooted in our reality; it is highly exaggerated and dramatic, are found in GrymmWorld and will be rewarded for their
pushed to extreme fantastical ideas. efforts.
The book has been tailored to the fairy-tale genre. Think
about the genre as it is presented here like a toy chest. Players
Inside there are many splendid things that are fun to play
with. They are the result of years of imagining, dreaming, Creating characters in GrymmWorld is an exercise in
and sharing. It is a completely fictitious work, and the self-expression. You follow a sequence that lets you build
world is what you make of it. The frameworks, fictional a unique fairy-tale entity that acts as your avatar in the
settings, and imaginary people presented within are meant world. They will be instrumental in unlocking the secrets
to inspire and enhance your game. revealed through play. Player options add new feats, spells,
and equipment rooted in the campaign setting. There are
For Players new subclasses available for each class option. Players can
acquire new magic items, objects of power, features, and
We introduce a new method of character creation root- abilities.
ed in mythological origins and non-canonical heritages. I would recommend coming to GrymmWorld with fresh
GrymmWorld has no official canon, as research shows eyes. Take the time to explore the new systems and chase
fairy tales are perfectly fine disagreeing with each other. after the elements that most suit your fancy.
We have added new class options, feats, equipment, and
more. We introduce the Narrador, a metacharacter that Authorship
helps frame the story and provide an in-game authorial
voice, but as joint-author with the players. GrymmWorld exists as the game that is played at your
table. We who wrote these words share authorship in that
we have presented you the play material. Together with
How to Use This Book you, we share authorship with the players and game mas-
Game Masters ter. From a design perspective, Grant may have written the
initial drafts, then he shared his ideas with Ryan, who add-
The introduction to the book gives an overview of the set- ed to them as an expert author and designer. Their work
ting, presents the driving idea and themes, and helps you was passed through Jon, who has produced and published
glimpse what you are about to get yourself into. The history many titles and supplemented the work. We then shared
is discussed, and the core themes of the game are described. them with the editors, like Paul, and it is laid out by John,
The metacharacter of the Narrador unlocks new mechanics with illustrations by Ambrose, and so on.
and subsystems. Use these frameworks to explore themes But all that production doesn’t matter if we didn’t pro-
and ideas that enhance the game. While the rules of vide it to you, the readers, who will take the material and
GrymmWorld are optional, these components can create a plan game sessions and actually run them. You are an au-
play experience that captures fairy-tale magic in a new and thor of the work through the act of play. In the spirit of
exciting way. These rules are meant to shift your paradigm of collaboration, your players will share in authorship as they
play and reward you for exploring new play spaces, adding a contribute their unique voices to the chorus. That right
touch of romance, whimsy, and daring to your game. These there is the real magic of games, and the reason we wrote
optional rules are meant for groups who want to explore the book.
themes and tonality beyond the traditional 5e framework. For this reason, I counsel you to consider the opportu-
They provide new “crunch,” that is to say mechanics, to layer nity before you to take ownership of the setting, tailor it to
on top of the original game. GrymmWorld has new magic. your group and style, and run with it. It is acceptable for
The artwork evokes a wide emotional palette and is inspired there to be wide variations between groups. I encourage
by the written words. Feel free to show it to players so they you to share your stories with others you feel will enjoy
can imagine what it would be like to adventure in the world. diving into this fantastical world of fairy-tale fiction.


filled with whimsy and wonder: a realm full of strange
people, places, hopes, fears, dreams, and magic. There
are eight distinct regions each with its own beautiful
summary in this section, as well as in Chapter 5. There
are a great many wonders found in these places, present-
ing diverse, supernatural biospheres that are bizarre even
to the people who live there. The eastern coast is made up
and striking geography, diverse ecosystems, and unique of beautiful white beaches, lush rainforests, and a hundred
folk which dwell there. Like a portrait by a mad artist, small islands just offshore. To the north of the rainforests,
GrymmWorld’s history is colorful, layered, and nigh im- there is an intense shift to the deciduous regions of thick
possible to fully comprehend, even after several lifetimes woodlands leading to an ocean of foothills as far as the
of study. Everything about the continent of Prometerra is horizon. Beyond the grassy nolls, one finds a shattered
informed by myth, legend, and speculation about the times
that were and the potential of what could be. Adventures
that take place in Prometerra are rooted in fairy tales. These The Ballad of Prometerra
are stories of romance, long journeys, terrible conflict, and The white sands of Praia reflect
mystery. The tales are meant to inspire and inform people a stalwart people that protect
of their potential, what they can become, and teach them the coast beloved by the serpent’s eyes
about the world that once was. These stories have a steward bathed in both blue water and in pirate lies
and a guardian, the enigmatic and ever-present Narrador,
Southward leads us to a Tadfen Bog
who yearns for the stories to be discovered and shared Home to otter, tree, and frog
throughout the land. The Narrador is an influence and a Brackish currents flow around
guide throughout the story. Prometerra possesses a unique And wishing stars fall sadly to the ground
magic separate from the rest of GrymmWorld, as it was
But to the desert westward looms
the focal point of a great cataclysm which struck the plane
sunburned sands and the forbidden moon
long ago. This is a land pierced and wounded by a great and
knights bravely fight the undead legion
impossible spire, warping time and space and infecting the while merchants move throughout the region
realm with the dreaded corruption of the Fell-Beyonders.
These veins of chaos flow through Prometerra and Fell Out of the fire and up the steep climb
creatures made of nightmare make their way through the Stares the tallest mountain of our time
Harsh wind blows and cave stones gleam
lands sowing the seeds of destruction. Despite these perils,
while miners work and trollkin dream
the people of Prometerra continue to flourish, making their
way through this weird and wondrous land with the help Northward rushes the rivers wild
of mighty champions, sinister villains, and unlikely heroes. Lands of gilded treasure and royal child
Vast bounties of harvest, kept in store
The Map of Prometerra But haunted by memories of the ancient war
Back to the east and into the wood
and Beyond The witches warden beneath cloak and hood
Prometerra flows from a large ocean in the east to a spa- Townies bicker back and forth
cious and impassable mountain in the west. The region As we stumble to the north
consists of eight major geopolitical regions, each with The final region is cloaked in night
their own peculiar culture. Brilhago, Coachoeira, Desaly, Subtle flickers of sad starlight
Fellmount, Labirinto, Praia, Tadfen Bog, and Witchwood Clockwork people in much distress
are their names. These names have been carried since be- Hoping to hide their immortal Empress
fore GrymmWorld’s recorded history and are detailed in

chapter one: tales told at twilight

and broken land of ancient metal, glass, and a forgotten as night. This baleful monument has pierced the land for
metropolis. Those that travel south will traverse the un- countless ages, infecting GrymmWorld with the terror of
cultivated water-filled swamps, bogs, and bayous. The river the Fell-Beyonders since the day it arrived.
systems feed into the great and shining lakes of the south,
bordered by the fierce mountain peaks that surround that Cachoeira
dreadful spire that remains piercing through Prometerra’s
heart. Westward bound leads to a vast arid dune-filled des- Cachoeira is often called the land of a thousand water-
ert, a land that burns with unholy fire but is blessed by a falls. Beautiful and quick flowing rivers coarse through the
poetic calmness beneath a deathly moon. In the far west green hilled countryside. This is a cultivated region of
of the map, we come to the tallest mountain peaks in all farming, herding, and bountiful resources. There is also a
the world. They are cold, snowcapped, and treacherous in broken and inhospitable area in the most western part that
the extreme. Northward from those mountains, we enter is dotted with its unique devil-trees, the broken craggy soil
the beautiful green country that contains over a thousand is marked with arcane circles and supernatural portals to
waterfalls and rivers that flow back east. dimensions beyond.

Brilhago Desaly

Brilhago is home to a brilliant and impressive lake that is Giant sun-scorched dunes are painted across the wind-
often shrouded in heavy fogs. The lake provides sustenance whipped sands of Desaly. This is a region influenced by
for the people that live here and goes deep into the world the low moon that permanently hangs in its sky. The earth
below. The major port city is shrouded by the mountains itself literally catches fire from time to time, with a few
that surround the southern region. All things sit her in the small semi-permanent oases providing a respite and safe-
presence of the fierce and magnificent surreal spire, black ty from the harsh climate and many dangers that abound.

chapter one: tales told at twilight

A few floating islands drift across the sky while the titanic that grow and the wondrous magic within the Innerwood
fossils of a forgotten time can be found when ancient earth are exceptionally difficult to navigate. Some call the wood
is washed away by the grinding sands. a land of confusion, and others avoid it all together.

Fellmount And Beyond

The highest part of GrymmWorld is graced with snowy Prometerra is not the only continent or area to be found in
peaks, perilous pathways, and thin air. This region is filled GrymmWorld. Beyond the spire, across the endless sea, be-
with precious stone, metal, and the font of miracles. While neath the shining lake, and among the clouds above are the
it is a cool and coniferous area in the lower altitudes, it outside world. The outer spaces of GrymmWorld contain
is freezing and barely habitable as one climbs higher. The just as much magic and wonder. Are there other masks the
valleys are dotted with the memories of ancient wars that Narrador wears when they arrive in the great beyond? We
were lost to time and change. The defining feature is the know that those from the ages of myth and legend once left
Eldermount, the tallest mountain in all the world and the localities that now exist, and perhaps they can be reached
home to many of Prometerra’s most fearsome creatures. through exploring the expanses that surround Prometerra.
For it is said that the things below in the deep blue waters
Labirinto and the great castles that sit in the infinite zephyr clouds
above, are adventures waiting to happen. There are bronze
Labirinto is always bathed in the light of the stars or the medusas with invincible armies, visitors from the unknown
draped in a cloak of night. The region is filled with the world, and a great many people that are eager to be found.
remnants and artifacts of an ancient people long forgotten. But those are other stories for another time.
The cold and barren north is filled with the fragments of
magnificent cities that sit vacant, ruined, and lost to time. Outside GrymmWorld
There are towering structures that reach for the sky and
alien architecture fills every alleyway. Surrounding the des- While GrymmWorld is a plane of existence in the tradi-
olate cityscapes is a cold wasteland that is only illuminated tional 5th Edition sense, it has several properties that make
by the small sources of light in the sky and the warm fires it wholly unique. Few planes directly connect to the realm,
of the people that live there. making it alone in the cosmos and the ideal refuge from
many creatures seeking to emigrate from their home worlds.
Praia GrymmWorld is also a cosmic oddity in this regard. Finding
it from another universe or cosmology is often an act of pure
Warm and saturated rainforests border the white sandy chance. However, it is theorized those with Grymm-hearts,
beaches that line the endless ocean. The sun burns hot and suited for GrymmWorld’s peculiar lands can always find a
the air is humid, but an endless supply of natural fruits and way if their desire for the new and strange eclipses all other
harvests fills the region of Praia. The islands themselves wants. The realm is blissfully unaware of any outside planes.
that exist in the bright blue waters of the sea are small and Even creatures traditionally not of material worlds, such as
tall. This is a region filled with life, all things playing a part fiends and celestials, have a place among GrymmWorld’s
in the ecosystem that abounds. lands and no need for special planes of their own.

Tadfen Bog Death & Afterlife

The being who created GrymmWorld saw death as simply
The swamps are cool, brackish, and overgrown. The vegeta- another stage of existence and did not construct a fitting
tion twists, gnarls, and finds its way up and down the colos- space for souls to rest after their mortal shells expire. As
sal trees that loom every which way. Waters rush through the souls of GrymmWorld’s creatures were made from
the region, sometimes stopping flat in massive bogs that the land, so to do they return when those beings expire.
collect all the aquatic elements of the area. The weather is While it is possible for creatures to be returned from the
volatile here, with storm systems common, but also juxta- dead, such incidences are exceedingly rare. These beings
posed to a tranquil rest period that occurs between the rains. are uniquely capable of retaining their soul’s cognizance
when slain, possessing a special trait known as a Mindful
Witchwood Soul. Only creatures with Mindful Souls can truly return
from the dead to the lives they once lived. All others must
The woodlands of the north are crisp, dry, and pleasant. Tall accept the finality of death and return to the strange lands
trees fill the land, as do the sweet and quiet homesteads of that helped shape their existence.
those that live in the region. There are many marked roads,
thoroughfares, and trails found throughout the region, and Mindful Souls at the Table
the Witchwood connects to many other lands. However, If you are a DM running a campaign in GrymmWorld, you
despite the tameness of the Outerwood, the wild things must decide whether to allow your PCs to possess Mindful

chapter one: tales told at twilight

Souls or be among the more traditional Grymm. PCs with GrymmWorld, a combination of three powers emerged
this boon function like ordinary 5th Edition characters, to shape the realm: the awesome and idealistic primordi-
capable of being brough back from death with spells and al beasts of creation, the miraculous divine pantheon of
other miracles. Doing otherwise is a more dramatic and gods, and the whimsical and wondrous workings of the
tense style of storytelling, but one that can be good for fey. The primordial beasts were instinctual beings without
your table. Make sure any affected PCs are aware they do sentience, consisting of raw magic and unstable matter, an
not possess Mindful Souls. It would be a nasty, story ruin- ultimately chaotic and unknowable power beyond the ken
ing surprise for a Player to discover their character is lost of mortal minds. Next came the gods: refugees and out-
forever when they expected a raise dead spell to work. casts from other worlds who gathered to shape the cosmic
forces into a peculiar realm they could call home. Sensing
chaotic land suited for their illogical and mercurial sensi-
The Chapters of bilities, troupes of fey began to colonize the burgeoning
land of GrymmWorld. How long this process took, none
GrymmWorld’s History can say, but from it some of GrymmWorld’s strangest and
Prometerra’s story is one of tragedy, romance, violence, in- most enduring creations came into being. A brief sum-
trigue, and a thousand other dramas that would take cen- mary of key events that occurred during this period are
turies to tell. Much of the land’s past has been recorded provided below.
through artistic and oral tradition. Anthologies and ency-
clopedias are rare and unreliable. However, cultural tales, In the Beginning…
statues, architecture, and other artistic mediums serve as GrymmWorld began with the manifestation of three pri-
valuable resources to explore the continent’s past, albeit mordial forces: the Great Sea Serpent who reveled in wa-
in a far more allegorical manner than a history textbook. ter, the Earthbound Buffalo who raced across earth, and
This section provides a rough history of the continent, the All-Seeing Owl who soared the skies. Each desired
but gives no specific dates for the events, and few con- to build a land to explore, forging the earth, seas, skies,
crete details. This presentation is reflective of how modern and magics by channeling the cosmic forces through their
Prometerrans view their history. It is a song to be sung, dreams and aspirations. They imagined a land of perfect
tale to be told, play to performed, and a hundred other imbalance and harmonious chaos; an impossible place that
artistic expressions, not some mere accounting of facts. nonetheless existed and whose potential is still held in the
A DM wishing to inform their game about the history hearts of the Grymm to this day.
of GrymmWorld and Prometerra will find lots of space
to squeeze in their own historical anecdotes and events, Trying New Things
as it should be. The history of Prometerra is divided up Next came the gods, keen on testing the limits of their cre-
into five ages: A Long Time Ago, The Good Old Days, ative power in this new land. Among the many creations
The Beginning of the End, The Darkest Hour, and The of the divine gods, there was one place which served as
Time of Tales. a proving ground for the many ambitious and outlandish
inventions of rampant deities: the continent of Prometerra.
A Long Time Ago Prometerra was destined to forever be a prototype for the
rest of GrymmWorld, full of half-baked ideas in pursuit of
A Long Time Ago is an age of progenitor myth and cre- perfection. From this glorious mess, many strange mon-
ation, exploring what was before the world and how it sters were molded, and even stranger lands forged to house
came into being. From whatever roiling ether predated them. No concept, no matter how outlandish, deserved to


The enigmatic cosmic forces created, then formed a pantheon,
A Long Time Ago The Creation
and placed the fey into GrymmWorld.

The beautiful people reached the peak of their civilization

The Good Old Days The Peak
during a time of legends.

The Beginning of the End The Spire Comes The dreadful spire ripped through all reality.

The Darkest Hour The Advent of the Fell Fell-Beyonders terrorize the people.

The Time of Tales The Narrador Appears The Grymm begin to collaborate with the Narrador.

chapter one: tales told at twilight

be ignored, and many of Prometerra’s greatest mysteries story says the bones of which can be found today in the
owe their existence to this strange time. land of Desaly. The time and seasons of GrymmWorld were
envisioned and set by the All-Seeing Owl, which set the
The First Settlers beginning and the end of all things pertaining to the earth
The inventive nature of Prometerra appealed strongly to and the people that would live thereon. Within each was
the immigrating fey, who were eager to explore the po- creation was bound GrymmWorld’s magic, so that no place
tential of what the gods wrought. Never ones to pass up would be without wonder and whimsy.
a good opportunity, the gods happily agreed, and so the The Miraculous Deific Pantheon. The cosmic forces re-
guiding hand of the Fey was felt in the growth and devel- lied upon various gods to hold domain over each aspect
opment of Prometerra. But the minds of fey do not work of existence. Members of the pantheon were appointed
like mortals or gods, and their judgement was… question- to set the world in alignment with its axis that was fore-
able. Many of the realm’s greatest dangers, from bizarre told by the All-Seeing Owl and to cultivate, beautify, and
magic to impossible landscapes are thanks to their ringing build up all things in the world. These individuals were
endorsements. A strife those that followed them would be those that blessed and challenged the original people of
forced to endure. GrymmWorld, becoming revered for their influence and
power. The faiths of this era promised glorious lives of
Finishing Touches great purpose. The gods were loved for not only creating
The rest of GrymmWorld was forged from the lessons life, but for filling it with color and vigor. The names of
learned in Prometerra. While the knowledge of these these deities are forever lost, with only the barest hints as
lands is mostly unknown, it is said that these realms are to their dogma and faith’s remaining in Prometerra’s most
mighty continents built upon the most compelling results ancient places.
from the crucible of Prometerra. To determine the laws The Wondrous Fey. The first fey to wander GrymmWorld
and ordinances that would govern GrymmWorld, the were masters of the arcane arts. Their task was to find the
miraculous deific pantheon aligned all things according places where no logical explanation could occur and fill
to their appropriate temperament. Law, chaos, evil, good, the gaps of reason with magic. This peculiar process was
and balance would all have their place, for stars only shine a source of great joy to the fey, who filled the land with
brightest on the darkest of nights. Lastly, ecological life countless curious just so they could do their job more of-
was blended into a harmonious existence by the arcane ten. The result is the magical chaos that saturates all of
workings of the Fey. The world was alive, ever changing, GrymmWorld, filling the land with baffling nonsense and
and new, but still missing the spark in diversity of thought peculiar beauty.
to achieved greatness. The Anomalous Monsters of Consequences. Monstr-
osities and their kin were the results of reckless experimen-
The First Folk tation and overambitious design. Monstrosities vary in their
Wishing GrymmWorld to be filled with ambition and intellectual abilities and they are the result of miscalculations,
artistry to rival their own, the gods sculpted the first sen- rounding errors, and refactor disasters of the creative forces
tients from the many wonders of Prometerra. These people behind GrymmWorld. Since a mistake cannot be learned
were the first Grymm and were born from the land itself, from if it destroyed, many of these creatures were permitted
coaxed into existence by divine will. Some grew and fell to persist despite their flaws. The wisdom of this decision
from the Naming Tree. Others are said to have swum out has been a hotly contested topic through GrymmWorld’s
of the ocean and began to move inland as far as they could history, but the wisest have learned to appreciate the realm’s
walk. Within the mountains, people woke up and found strangest beings no matter their shape or mind.
their way out of the deep caves and onto the surface world
above. Others were shaped by sand and desert wind, col- The Good Old Days
lecting at each oasis. No matter their source, these people
took quickly to the strange lands before them. Together A legendary period in GrymmWorld’s history, stories
with their imaginations and will, these daring pioneers of The Good Old Days are joyfully told in every home
forged the first civilizations, the echoes of which have en- on Prometerra. The stories of bright and shiny heroes,
dured across the ages. impossibilities that were overcome by the stalwart, great
dangers that did not defeat the powerful, and an age of
Those of This Time mercies and harmony. Much of this period is romanti-
The Enigmatic Cosmic Forces. There are individuals in the cized as only a handful have survived to the present day.
cosmos that wield the chaotic powers of creation. Among In this age the Grymm took to their new world with
these, three such beings are believed to have led to the cre- vigor. Deeds of epic renown, romances of inconceiv-
ation of GrymmWorld. The world was shaped by the Great able passion, and art of unfathomable beauty were said
Sea Serpent who gathered the many waters and held them to be commonplace. Many of GrymmWorld’s greatest
in their coils to give them shape. The land was formed and relics have survived from this age; artifacts, magic, sto-
brought into existence by the Earthbound Buffalo, and the ries, and art that has endured and inspired for countless

chapter one: tales told at twilight

generations. Though they are exceedingly sparse, some to come and see their beauty. It was at this moment that
records of this time endure which go beyond fantastical GrymmWorld came to the attention of the Visitors. They
bedtime stories or bardic legends. descended from the sky above in their alien tower, unlike
any that had been seen in the world before, bringing
Beauty Within, Beauty Without with them strange technology and peculiar mechanisms
The Grymm of this era were known as the beautiful people. to GrymmWorld.
This descriptor was more than just a physical assessment;
they led beautiful lives full of passion, accomplishment, Those of This Time
and drama. The people were not unified, but they were The Beautiful People. These are the people that reached
viewed with grace and wonder by those that would later what current Grymm consider as the pinnacle of civiliza-
learn of them. They had many differences: Opinions on tion and achievement. They are viewed as legendary figures
business and art, religious leanings, methods of worship, of history and if there is something worth achieving, there
styles of dress, and more. These differences were celebrated is a good chance that you can pattern yourself after a tale
at every turn. Conflicts and disagreements were crucibles that involves the Beautiful People achieving something
for greater art and accomplishment, and all sought to bet- similar. 
ter themselves through mutual exploration of others. The Court of a Thousand Stars. If the Beautiful People
represent the height of achievement for the Grymm, then
The First Battles the House of the Court of a Thousand Stars represents the
Alongside beauty, were monsters which threatened to up- zenith of their ambition. This body of scholars and sages
set the lives of the beautiful people. None could truly dis- were the leaders of the people and established the largest
cern what motivation was behind the monstrosities, but cities, monuments, and peaks of technology. They were the
their power was formidable. Thankfully their appearanc- ones that broadcasted to the universe and all planes that
es were exceedingly rare and newsworthy, inspiring some they had reached an exemplary and nearly exalted status.
of Prometerra’s greatest legends. It is said, the purpose of So great was their achievement even the gods honored
these monsters was to test the beautiful people by pro- them. Many wonderous moments were shared as gods and
viding a great source of adversity from which to grow. If mortal mingled amongst the Court of a Thousand Stars, all
true, they undoubtedly succeeded. Tales such as Koshan records of which are now lost to time.
Unmakes the Dreambreaker, The Stone Dragon Returns, Theodoren the Godslayer. Among the Grymm was a
and Dragonsbane all hail from this era, each more spectac- great antagonist, one who sought only selfish advance-
ular than the last. ment at the expense of everything and everyone he en-
countered. This individual was known as Theodoren the
A Convergence of Culture Godslayer, he was feared by both god and mortal alike. This
Unable to contain their curiosity, the fey would often visit sinister soul would eventually turn to lichdom, so that he
the beautiful people and provide opportunities for them to might outlive his enemies and enact dark schemes which
grow. Devious puzzles, a bemusing test, or a quest to pur- would take centuries to come to fruition. It is rumored
sue were common challenges. Fresh from their battles with that Theodoren was the one who called to the fell-beyon-
monsters, the heroes of the beautiful people took to these ders, though few believe this dreadful act went according
tasks with vigor. Sometimes the Grymm were victorious, to plan. Theodoren survives today as the Moon Lich and
other times the fey, cultivating a playful rivalry between is currently imprisoned on the small celestial body which
the two that persists in the fey’s attitude today. Those that hovers above Desaly with a pale malevolence.
seized these opportunities are remembered for their deeds, Lemondew. Amongst the Grymm was a legendary count-
such as Boovin the Brilliant and his troupe of trained vio- ess, renowned for her supernatural poise and unearthly
let fungi, or Sheika Shadowsong whose voice beguiled the beauty. She was an enigma, beloved by the fey but rejected
court of the Midnight Barons. The tokens and artifacts of by the gods. Her power was not of GrymmWorld, though
their adventures are examples that echo through the ages. her skill in divining the future was undeniable. Many
Grymm sought her for advice. Her voice was like honeyed
The Founding water, dancing upon the minds of those she beguiled. The
It was during this time that the Grymm grew in prom- adversarial monsters that roamed the land would harken
inence. They began to construct lavish cities, exploring to her word and bind themselves to her desires. When the
both the skies above and the seas beyond. The majority of world was rent, she would embrace new life as the vam-
those that stayed, made their way to the utmost north so pire-regnant, retaining her official title as countess, but
that they could dwell among the most beautiful of all, the also holding dominion over earthbound undead outside of
Court of a Thousand Stars. It was here that the beautiful the Moonlich’s domain.
people achieved the pinnacle of their civilization. When The Visitors. Among those who came to GrymmWorld
they had proven their beauty and majesty to be great, the was a curious sort by way of clockwork vessels that tra-
Court of a Thousand Stars used their power to ascend to versed the voids between universes. This forgotten race was
the pantheon above and call out to the cosmos for others known only as The Visitors, were masters of mechanical

chapter one: tales told at twilight

technology and engineering, bringing to GrymmWorld The Reaving

astonishing advancements that revolutionized society. The landscape was torn asunder, as the fell-beyonders
While few in number, these beings forged powerful ob- cataclysmic assault exterminated entire groups of peo-
jects such as the Sun Tower and what is now known as ple. Their alien infection began flowing through the
Labirinto. The impact of their genius was keenly felt, world, allowing the foul creatures to appear throughout
bringing a technological and artistic revolution that GrymmWorld with impunity. Rising from the earth, the
brought Prometerra to the height of its prestige. nightmares manifested with a vengeance. Idyllic paradis-
es were reduced to waking nightmares, with heroes over-
The Beginning of the End whelmed at every turn. The fell-beyonders didn’t just want
to destroy GrymmWorld, they sought to torture it; turn-
Like all good things, the golden era of GrymmWorld ing its every virtue into a twisted mockery before deliver-
would not last. Unfortunately, what could have been a ing a killing stroke. Despite this horror, the Grymm did
subtle decay over the centuries was instead a cataclys- not give up. They fought to preserve everything they had
mic event that rent the world asunder. The labors of the left, to avenge what was lost, and secure their future. With
Grymm were reduced to ruin as the terrible fell-beyonders passionate hearts and shining steel they threw themselves
descended upon GrymmWorld and the first place they into this new foe, trading blow for blow with their impla-
struck was Prometerra. It was a time of devastation that cable foe.
ended an era of legends and left few survivors. Unlike all
others who had come before, the fell-beyonders saw noth- Opening of the Doors
ing in GrymmWorld worth preserving. They wished only With the spire ruining the world, an advent of outsiders
the worst for the realm and its people, inflicting tragedy were able to work their way into GrymmWorld. Angels
at every turn. Fear, despair, terror, and every other horrific descended from high heavens, while devils and demons
emotion the beautiful people sought to avoid were made crawled fourth from inky abyssal planes. Manifestations
manifest, and many Grymm feel this is the one era of of sentient elements bled into GrymmWorld, curiously
GrymmWorld best left forgotten. exploring the stricken world. Even as the fell-beyonder
infection flowed through the realm, the essence of divin-
The Piercing ity left by the god’s sacrifice ensured that these visitors
The dreamlike harmony of the Good Old Days ended could never return to their homes, intertwining the fates
when reality itself was shattered by the physical force of of the Grymm alongside these creatures. Unable to es-
unearthly nightmares. A physical spear of torment, darker cape and faced with the fell-beyonders, fiend, celestial,
than night and evil beyond conception was thrust through fey, and elemental allied with the Grymm in a desperate
GrymmWorld, piercing both time and space. This foul alliance.
assault made landfall in Prometerra, within the region
now known as Brilhago. The devastation was catastrophic. Strife Abound
Entire cities vanished overnight from the impact, with the The battle between the invading fell and the coalition of
survivors being the first to experience the alien terror of elementals, angels, devils, and Grymm was titanic in scope.
the fell-beyonders. Each clash was nearly as destructive as the calamity of the
Spire, dealing catastrophic damage to Prometerra which
The Sacrifice would take millennia to heal. Even then, there would al-
In order to prevent the world from falling to pieces, the ways be scars. Every being was allied against the fell save
pantheon of the gods performed a ritual of such power one, the enigmatic, problematic, font of arrogance that is
even they were unsure of its outcome. They could protect the Moon Lich, Theodoren Godslayer. This betrayal would
their domain and seal GrymmWorld with their very es- never be forgotten and is remembered as the greatest crime
sence, ensuring the fell-beyonders would remain trapped, ever committed by a Grymm in all of known history.
but cutting off a seemingly endless wave of reinforce-
ments. In turn, the gods would sacrifice their thrones and Those of This Time
divine privileges, being reduced to lesser forms or fading The Dreadful Spire. The great and dreadful Spire that runs
from existence entirely. While the mortals would be left through all reality is composed of surreal and divine an-
without their figures of worship, the gods believed their ti-matter that connects every plane of existence. It brought
followers would rediscover faith once the terror of the the fell-beyonders and it consistently spawns reality-alter-
fell-beyonders had passed and restore them to full divin- ing manifestations. No one quite knows what force in the
ity. However, this was not to be. The mysterious magic universe caused it to rent reality. It runs from high heaven
of GrymmWorld had other plans, binding their divine all the way down through the lowest hell.
essence to the physicality of earth-bound creatures that The Frightening Fell-Beyonders. The fell-beyonders
resembled beasts of all sorts. And so, the Questing Beasts ride the nightmare currents of chaos that flow from
came into the world, possessing only a sliver of memory the Spire and penetrate all of Prometerra. They are the
of their time as divine powers. manifestations of nightmare incarnate and fueled by

chapter one: tales told at twilight

the terror they cause. There were no fell-beyonders in The Darkest Hour
GrymmWorld before the world was pierced. While the
volume at which they manifest has fluctuated, there is a The aptly named Darkest Hour is the era of GrymmWorld
clear delineation from what they are, compared to mon- in which all hope died. It is the period without legends,
sters, villains, undead, and other creatures. without gods, and without heroes. All that remained were
The Devils from the Lowest Hell. Some call them the horrid degradations of the fell and the suffering of their
infernals, others call them fiends or hellions. They don’t victims. This crucible was a period of cultural redefinitions
care what they are called, but in the common tongue, and loss. The fell were winning the fight and the advent
they are known as devils. They climbed out of the infer- of the Moon Lich’s undead hordes pushed the Grymm to
no and into GrymmWorld. At first, they were curious the brink of defeat. From the darkness new alliances were
about what ripped their hells in twain. Then they realized formed. Only by forsaking the past could the coalition
that GrymmWorld was at risk of being compromised achieve victory. Therefore, fiend, celestial, fey, and Grymm
to the Fell and figured to capitalize on the desperation threw aside their stories, history, art, and culture in pursuit
of the Grymm. They put aside their age-old differences of victory. This tragic but mighty strategy turned the tide,
against the demons and their philosophical differences allowing the people of Prometerra to reclaim the continent
with the angels. They entered the world with an optimis- and carve out a new world for themselves from the ashes
tic view that GrymmWorld is easy prey for their infernal of the old. Never before had the Grymm possessed such
intentions. authority over their destiny.
The Angels from the Highest Heaven. When the Spire
shattered the heavens, the angels from on high descended Forsaking the Old
and entered the world. They came down as emissaries that In the season of self-preservation, lines were drawn across
served no gods as they had either died or become beasts. It Prometerra. Each realm would be forced to account for
was unknown to them what had happened, so they minis- its own defense and abandon its history. The only concern
tered to the people to help them both endure and repel the was victory. This was a time of many fears, where far too
fell. The angels are for all intents and purposes homeless many heroes fell, and few rose to take their place. Whether
until new gods ascend. They are also out of work, so most they were native to Prometerra or had traveled from the
are dormant or in hiding among the people. outside, those that remained worked together to fight
The Elementals. Pouring out of the cosmic void and against the fell. They inspired others to stand where they
planes beyond the material, the cognoscente elemental were, lift each other up, and endure. There will never be a
forces of nature flowed into Prometerra. The world was full accounting of what was lost during this time, but the
wounded, the elements exist to repair and shape the land. trauma of the experience haunts the survivors of this era
An innate call to return to GrymmWorld and protect it to the present day.
was answered. But maintaining the integrity of the planet
was but one duty they were called to do. The elementals Reforging the Past
are neutral in any conflict, but they are prone to quick It was during this time the eight regions of Prometerra
and impactful decisions when they are swayed.   were established by those looking to forge a new world
The Demons from the Abyss. It is not angels that are from the ashes. There were stories shared from ancient
the opposite of devils, but rather demons. The chaotic de- times, the eras of myth and legend that prompted peo-
mons followed the devils up from the hells, largely because ple to retake hold of the continent. The people made their
they were curious where they were going. GrymmWorld, way into lands wracked by destruction and salvaged the
to them, is a delicious banquet to devour. Their destruction old to forge the new. The culture of the Beautiful People
is somewhat needless, but it is debatable if they intend the was gone as the Grymm adapted to new environments.
harm they cause or if it is just a consequence of their exis- From their remains, unique cultures and identities formed,
tence. Many demons have abandoned lives in the abyss to influenced by myth and legend. The land would be shared
wander the continent of Prometerra.  among them as the survivors of the great and dreadful
The Investigating Fey. The fey never truly left, they time of apocalypse.
just weren’t paying attention. Prometerra being pierced so
suddenly and violently by an outside force was viewed as Enemies Abound
an invasive attack. No gods, no cosmic forces, just silence. This was an unsafe time for all Grymm. As the coalition
They peaked out of their realm and studied the changed went on the offensive, they left their homes and families
landscape. GrymmWorld was not the delightful, whimsi- undefended. They fell-beyonders corrupted many of the
cal place they remembered. It had been altered. Corrupted. existing monstrosities and amplified their power, while
The extent of the damage was theirs to survey, but they also visiting untold horrors on the defenseless and vulnerable.
learned that they had a part to play in the new world that They received extra assistance from the seduced antagonist
was left when the old one was shattered. of the world; the Moon Lich and his undead hoards, who
knew just where to strike to inflict critical damage.

chapter one: tales told at twilight

The Torturing Reclaiming the Past

With the Grymm forsaking their history, the fell-beyon- Some regions repurposed the ancient weapons and tech-
ders gleefully fell upon the undefended cities seeking to nology to perform feats of devastation. Others established
break the spirits of the Grymm. They burned the beau- gallant orders resolved to sacrifice their lives in a direct
tiful forests, drained freshwater lakes, and collapsed the confrontation. The trees themselves awoke and began to
mountainsides. They sought to seduce and corrupt those push the fell back into the shadows as their roots sealed off
viewed as leaders with promises of power. They exposed the chaotic veins they used to traverse the earth. Others
the individual fears of the people and inflicted this tor- hid in the desolate areas, riding out the storm or sealing off
ment openly. The resolve of the Grymm was absolute, and their communities from outside threats. 
while the fell-beyonders reveled in their mayhem, the co-
alition marched ever forward. They took up old weapons, A New Culture Rises
forged new ones, and unleashed their experimental arcane It was during this time that the people began to truly em-
arts that proved that the invaders and the villains of their brace their own identities, vanities, faults, and triumphs.
age could be repelled and pushed back.  They were a new people and recognized themselves for
what they were; The Grymm. They realized that much of
Those of This Time their history had been lost during the time of nightmares,
Regional Founders. The adventurous folk fought against the eras of war, and the discovery of new religion. While
the fell and established the eight regions of Prometerra. they were new people, they were also lost people. It was
They unified the survivors of the great world ending cat- then that they began to silo in their regions as the threat
aclysm and forged a new land out of the reconfigured of the fell subsided. They still had an echo and remnant of
landmass. They drew the invisible lines on the map that connection to each other, but they did not feel the need to
determined the sovereign domains of the various Grymm. risk open travel with so many nightmares still among the
Proclaimers of Faith. These people remembered the earth.
time of gods before they all died to save the world (or at
least keep it from falling apart physically.) They identified The End to Evil
the new potential pantheon and deific creatures that exist- Many of the anomalous monstrosities innate to the world,
ed. They established various religious practices, rites, and the vainglorious self-serving undead, and the night-
methods of worship in order to promote the eventual as- mare-fueled fell were defeated, imprisoned, or contained
cension of the new gods that would come into the world. during this time. The world had been broken and now the
healing process could begin. Unfortunately, the veins of
The Time of Tales chaos still flow from the Spire and monsters still live in the
shadows. The new religions have not created new gods, but
With the defeat of the fell-beyonders, GrymmWorld re- the time of ascension is nearing. 
turned to an era of hope and artistry. This Time of Tales
walks hand in hand with the mysterious Narrador whose The Arrival
stewardship of GrymmWorld has taken the realm in A new ally arrives in GrymmWorld, bringing with it the
strange and unexpected directions. New faiths are form- promise of finally exorcising the fell and forge a new future
ing and the Grymm look to the future with bright and for the people of Prometerra. The Narrador is a phoenix
ambitious eyes. The Grymm have formed new nations from the past, forged from the spirits of heroes lost in the
unbound by tradition, continuing the struggle against conflict of the fell. Endowed with four incredibly per-
the shadowy fell-beyonders that still lie in wait. However, sonalities, the Narrador works together with burgeoning
across Prometerra and beyond, the whimsical spirit of adventurers to write the next chapter in GrymmWorld’s
GrymmWorld is revealed not to have died, but to have history. One that will be more glorious than any that came
transformed. It is now a realm of story and song, steeped before.
in the magic of myths and the power of legends.
Those of This Time
New Beginnings The Leaders of the Undead Belligerency. These individuals
As the lines on the map were redefined, the people began claim dominion over Prometerra and a sovereign right to
to recall a time that was before the shattering of the world. rule the people. They work as an antagonistic force along-
There was a time of beautiful people, divine and miracu- side the fell-beyonders but with the intention to dominate
lous being known as gods, and fey that would both meddle as opposed to terrorize.
and instruct. Some sought to rebalance the world from the The Eight States. The eight regions have existed for a
current chaos and discover what happened to the gods or hundred years’ time. That is, according to the people that
to seek a new divinity that could be established. So religion have decided that the number seems right to them. Each
came to the people as nascent powers with divine potential is set and defined with their own local policies and cul-
were discovered. The hope of law rallied many to take up tures that have grown out of the times that came before
arms and protect the idea of a new pantheon. the present day. They Grymm have grown apart, proud of

chapter one: tales told at twilight

their distinctions, but no longer reveling in each other’s Will New Gods Ascend?
differences. There are also localized conflicts in each part of
the world, and more than a few between regions. There are many potential gods in the planes and the world
The Narrador’s Chosen. The people’s eyes have turned around us. Will they ascend and achieve an exalted state?
to those that bear the marks of story. They know that these It is reliant on the faith of the people, the divine shape pre-
individuals are operating outside of themselves and at- paring a spot in the pantheon, and the domain of ascension
tempting to answer the questions as to who they are as being practiced. There are many who would rather not deal
Grymm, what the world was like before it was pierced and with gods, alignment, and new axioms. Newfound faithful
broken, as well as to what direction it is currently headed will proselytize and attempt to restore the world to a time
in.  of gods and new cosmology.
The Narrador. Placed by the enigmatic forces of creation, Player Characters can play an active role in answering
the Narrador is the steward of stories. The Narrador has the question of the gods. By actively participating in the
marked Grymm as exemplary individuals to help piece to- ascension domain, providing service to those that do, or
gether the new history and direct the future of Prometerra. by thwarting the aggressively religious. Likewise, by meet-
ing and serving the local gods that could potentially as-
cend, they influence the state of the cosmology; be it the
The Thrust of the Campaign sleeping goddess that floats above Desaly, the Empress
GrymmWorld and Prometerra are in the greatest transi- Impossible, or others.
tional period of their storied existence. There are a variety
of questions that a campaign in GrymmWorld can seek Who Seeks the Questing Beasts?
to answer. How will the regions coexist? There are no uni-
fying governments and the regions are all dependent on The gods died and became the questing beasts. They roam
shared resources. The wonders of the past age can be found Prometerra and provoke a call to action and adventure.
in nearly any location and the threat of the fell has not Will they be free to walk the planet or will they be hunted
faded from memory. The old gods died and became beasts, and slain? There is a quest for every beast and they are cen-
but there is the chance for a new pantheon to form and for tral to the core mythos of the world. Could they reclaim
gods to return to their thrones. The nature of the Narrador their thrones and be restored to the heavens?
will attempt to direct the people, but where will it direct Player Characters can engage the Questing Beasts. There
them? There are many monsters other than the fell-beyon- are special quests associated with each one. The Players can
ders. Some creatures of great power might return to terror- determine their fates and either seek to understand or slay
ize the people and how the players respond to these threats them. They are the font of treasures and knowledge, but
influence the future of the world. What is the nature of the not every beast is benign.
Spire that pierced the world? Can it be removed? Detailed
below are a series of significant campaign hooks that can Where is the Narrador Taking Us?
help a DM get started on their first GrymmWorld cam-
paign and concern some of the most poignant issues facing The Narrador has appeared in Prometerra and is mark-
GrymmWorld today. ing adventurers to embark on tales of romance, intrigue,
and valor. There are clear consequences to the adventuring
Prometerra is Peaceful, life that scale from individual impacts to the community,
but How Long Can It Last? to shaking the foundations of the continent. The Narrador
wears many masks, takes many shapes, and influences the
The fell-beyonders are currently in recession. There is no ac- environment. 
tive conflict between any of the eight regions. New discov- The Narrador will engage the Player Characters routinely.
eries after the world was shattered are tipping the balance The players will use their agency to move toward or away
and leading to a general sense of civil strife. Revolution, in- from the direction the Narrador leads and the impact will
quisition, outside invasion? All of these potentialities create be felt throughout all Prometerra.
unrest. Cachoeira is looking to unify the newfound faith of
the Grymm and to ensure their safety by preparing weapons Will the Moon Lich Return?
of war. Desaly stands on the brink of ruin should the Rose
Knights falter. Brilhago could explode into military action Desaly contains the most menacing villain native to Prom-
or holy war at any moment. eterra. There is a legion of burning and bloody bones bent
Whether or not the peace remains is a question that on releasing the Moon Lich and bringing a highly intel-
can be answered by the Player Characters. They may look ligent threat to the world below. Theodoren has bent his
to preserve the peace or to instigate a conflict. There are entire will around the concept of freedom and will stop at
reasons to go in either direction, especially when truths, nothing until his dominion is successful.
facts, and situations are revealed. Answering this question The Player Characters will learn of the Moon Lich.
means a lasting peace or a season of war. There is a defense held by the Rose Knights, but there are

chapter one: tales told at twilight

questions as to whether they uphold their oaths and pro- Everything Is Magical
tect the earthbound Grymm. This is no easy task and there
will come a time the Players either need to prevent the In fairy tales, there is an assumption that unexplainable
Moon Lich’s escape or allow a new evil to rise to power forces defy the laws of the natural world as we know them.
once again. These miraculous and arcane workings are the forces of
magic at play. Be it the power to grow a cloud-touching
Can the Fell be Defeated? stalk out of a bean that was traded for a cow, turning a
pumpkin into a carriage until the stroke of midnight, or
The dreadful Spire that pierced the world caused the com- healing your true love’s affliction through curative tears,
ing of the fell and the infiltration of all the outside planar magic is at work among us. GrymmWorld is meant to be
visitors. Legend tells of an artifact that holds the Spire in a place where magic plays a central part in the narrative.
place and if removed the world could begin to heal. Will This occurs in world-altering ways, but also to separate the
the Player Characters learn of this legend or will it fade mundane backdrop of reality with fantasy playtime of the
into obscurity? gaming table.
While the Spire pierces GrymmWorld, it is not the de-
fining feature. Rather, it is the mechanism by which the The Wisdom of The Wild
current age was wrought. As with all things, the world can
be reshaped and perhaps through wondrous artifacts and a GrymmWorld is home to many wonders, but one to re-
new pantheon of gods, the world can be healed once more. member is that animals often hold as much wisdom as
humanity. Animal stories and beast fables are cousins to
the fairy tale tradition, but not always excluded as part of
The Fabric of Fairy Tales the genre. In the spirit of narrative inclusion, animals may
“Fairy tales are more than true, not because they teach us have more insight into the nature of the fiction than the
that dragons exist, but because they teach us that dragons Players or background actors of a scene. This is empha-
can be beaten.” sized more greatly with the introduction of the Playable
- Attributed to GK Chesterton Character origin option of Feran. One of the aspects of
by way of Neil Gaimon GrymmWorld to embrace is that beneath the surface of
everything, there could be surprises that create a sense of
“I have always felt that our stories were your stories. wonder in the game.
Because you take them with you wherever you are.
The magic of our tales is that you might apply them to A Little Romance Now & Then
yourself and remember that even when the world is a
scary place, you have it within you to be braver than you The fairy tale theme of happily ever after is common.
think you are.” Sometimes it is a story of love, family, friendship, or triumph
- Daphne Hallowfield over adversity. Stories of the heart involve player buy-in and
consent when pursuing these narratives. GrymmWorld is
Fairy tales, wonder stories, and fiction filled with mirac- full of many possibilities for love; the land, the people, and
ulous magic, often fall into the category of folktale. They special significant others might appear in the game. When
are common in every part of the world. They are some of exploring themes of fairy tale romance, there are two sides
the first stories that children learn and have been adapted of the coin, the happily ever after or sad tragedy. Romantic
to every form of media since their invention. Fairy stories tales can hurt, but sometimes what we are looking for is
have helped shape the campaign setting by providing the the sweet tragedy that can be connected to a long slow-
precious touchstones that resonate with each player that burn romance or a brief but heated affair. Romance could
plays the game. While the fantastical backdrop is famil- be found everywhere in the game, the same as many orig-
iar it is also filled with secrets to discover and delight in. inal sources of fairy fiction, but it is sensitive ground best
Blurring the line between fictional possibilities about what explored with consent and care. 
can and cannot be is what makes this genre so enticing
to explore. As young children, we hear of a giant slayer, Oral Tradition and Conversation
a clever princess, or a soldier that achieves mastery over
death itself. Some of the stories end happily, others end in The original stories which inform GrymmWorld were
tragedy. The stories stick with us and we carry them with the parlor games of 17th-century aristocrats. It was not
us. GrymmWorld gives us an opportunity to play out these uncommon for women to meet and share stories together
stories using a familiar ruleset and additional subsystems that included all these elements, and the stories they share
that enhance the storytelling medium of tabletop roleplay- predate the written form. The Brothers Grimm originally
ing games. Game masters and players are motivated to ex- tried to capture the spoken word feel in their first collec-
plore the vast setting and engage with the fiction at every tions, but they were later modernized for literary format.
level, becoming joint authors of their own magical tale. While playing the game, remember that it starts, continues,

chapter one: tales told at twilight

and finishes through the medium of conversation. Part of behavior not only enriches the grand tale of GrymmWorld
the collaborative aspect is found in the source rules, but that continues to unfold, but ensures the foul fell-beyon-
the true collaboration occurs during playtime. This is part ders are kept at bay thanks to the magic of story telling.
of the system design and a key aspect of both the genre The Narrador is the tool the Game Master uses to engage
and the game. These stories are shared with each other with the Players. That engagement occurs with the intro-
through an oral tradition with the flexibility to be adapt- duction of new game mechanics and playstyles to the
ed into writing. Many of these stories are incomplete and standard fifth edition framework. Like other games with
contradictory, but part of the fun is taking them, adding a meta representation of the facilitator, GrymmWorld
our own unique authorial voice, and coming to our own replicates this effect by introducing a personage that can
conclusions. The power of play allows us to do just that. enter the game world itself. 
The Narrador is the result of the enigmatic primordi-
Fantastical Creatures and Wondrous Items al forces, the remnants of ancient gods, and fey magic all
working together to forge something new. Like a new
Most bestiaries, codices, and manuals that include many character being revealed in a play, the Narrador has tak-
different creatures found in these play experiences have en center stage in GrymmWorld’s tale, taking Prometerra
their roots in fairy tales. Many of the magical items and on a strange and uncharted course. However, such a grand
objects of power are also rooted in the original fiction of endeavor is impossible without help. The Narrador is the
the genre. When exploring these campaigns, they should hand that guides and collaborates, seeking out the great-
be filled with things that the players have yet to experi- est among the Grymm to aid in this task: Adventurers.
ence or subvert their expectations. Purple trolls carrying Together Narrador and Grymm pen new chapters in the
whistle-watches that sing you the time, orc farmers that story of Grymmworld, full of violence, sadness, wonder,
are proud of their giant crops that are blessed by the lo- love, and mystery.
cal witches, and fish-folk that are in search of lost cities Prometerra was the ideal starting point for this task
around the world. Fairy tales include fantastic things that as its proximity to the Spire creates land in desperate
inspire us to find them and reveal many secrets hidden need of change. As one of the oldest and storied lands
under the surface of the setting. of GrymmWorld, Prometerra’s tale is particularly grand,
and therefore inherently attractive to the Narrador. It is
the location where the Beautiful People once lived and the
The Narrador point to where the realm’s greatest threats are on the brink
The Narrador is a meta-character and a defining feature of returning. As the Narrador acts within GrymmWorld,
of modern day GrymmWorld. It is the guiding hand that it takes on the personas found within its narrative
ensures Prometerra is always rife with adventure, battle, masks. These visages are echoes of famous figures from
exploration, intrigue, romance, and more. This impulsive Prometerra’s past, great figures whose stories are lost the

chapter one: tales told at twilight

ravages of time and the great calamities that have befallen is still a place where relationships flourish and love blooms.
the realm. The Narrador’s use of their visage and person- The people know, live, and love one another as if from
ality honors these heroes’ memories, ensuring some small a story book. The Narrador understand the need for
part of their story survives to this day. such relationships in GrymmWorld if it is to continue.
Therefore, the Narrador dons a Mask that empowers
Origins of Rustam and explores what it means to share oneself with oth-
ers. Known as the Mask of Daphne, this persona is the
The Narrador crafted the Mask of Rustam from the bloody last vestige of a kind and generous soul who defeated her
past of the realm’s great wars. Amongst the great battles enemies not through violence or trickery, but through
was a warrior of unrivaled glory and untamed bloodlust, sincere affection and social bonds. Her memory lives on
whose strength on the battlefield was legendary. The per- through the Narrador’s actions, sharing her love for peo-
sona of Rustam is the embodiment of one who has seen ple, emphasis on feelings, and empathic nature with all
the horrors and atrocities on the field of battle, but also who share her stories.
the necessity of defending one’s home, family, and loves
from invasive forces. The Mask of battle was the first to be
worn by the Narrador to aid the Grymm as they emerged The Magic of GrymmWorld
from centuries of strife. Rustam is also the embodiment Magic is a living fundamental part of the foundation of
of personal honor and the importance of tackling prob- GrymmWorld. It is connected to the cosmic forces shap-
lems head on. When the Narrador chooses to present as ing the planet’s past, present, and future, flowing through
Rustam, it signifies a time for external physical conflict, every being within it. The gods who sacrificed themselves
monster-hunting, and the coming of a new war. in ages past exercised magic to hold the world in its cos-
mic alignment, their arcane workings holding the world in
Origins of Gangesha wonder and majesty. Through magic, the Narrador will re-
establish the chronology and future of GrymmWorld. The
As the Narrador traveled through the lands, it became nec- power of storytelling is a magic all its own, and the two
essary to move swiftly and sensitively. This second Mask mesh seamlessly together. Magic finds its roots in those
embodies the persona of Gangesha, also known as the Mask forces; the enigmatic, the deific, the wondrous, and the au-
of Long Journeys. Exploration is a key pillar to discovering thoritative. Likewise, the antithesis to these is the destruc-
the many wonders of Prometerra and the personage and tive forces that exist as anomalous errors in GrymmWorld’s
identity of Gangesha has studied and become one with each existence; the monsters, the villains, and the fell. Magic
and every culture that exists across the land. Gangesha is is often looked upon with suspicion by those that do not
known by many as a traveler that comes and goes. With understand it, as it is seen as the source of most problems.
a trusty spyglass to spot any coming threats and a compass Magic can also be curative, divine, and provide salvation
to find the way north, the Narrador wearing the Mask of to those in need. Thus, magic is an extremely complicat-
Gangesha knows the best way to travel across the continent. ed concept in Prometerra. It moves through everything,
yet without caution and care, could bring about disastrous
Origins of Eudoxia results. 
GrymmWorld oozes magic from its every pore. Much
After encountering many people across every land, the of day-to-day life consists of extraordinary events we could
Narrador learned that some things could not be clearly consider supernatural. Trees sing songs of power, river wa-
answered. There were mysteries in the earth, secrets be- ters reflect eldritch visions, and stones answer questions
ing shared by those that sought power and knowledge. never asked. A DM wishing to facilitate this kind of magi-
Thus, a third Mask, made of intrigues and mysteries, was cal experience in GrymmWorld can alter the properties of
made and placed on the brow of the Narrador. Echoing spells and magical effects to make their power more spec-
the spirit of the greatest investigator GrymmWorld had tacular. This variant is known as wyld magic, which builds
ever known, the Mask of Eudoxia seeks to unearth hid- upon the unique skills and talents of the spellcaster. The
den truths and reveal safeguarded secrets. The Narrador wyld magic variant has the following properties.
is apart from the world, despite being in it, and Eudoxia
might not appear at every formal ball or aristocratic mas- Wyld Magic
querade. There is a growing need to send adventurers into
the royal courts and listen closely to uncover the plots A creature casting a spell using wyld magic can imbue their
being shaped by the ambitious and driven nobilities.  spells with the chaotic magic of GrymmWorld. When a
creature casts a spell, which involves rolling dice, it can
Origins of Daphne declare that spell to be a wyld spell and gains one level of
exhaustion. Upon using wyld magic, when the spell’s dice
Despite the many plots, schemes, conflicts, battles, and ardu- are rolled and for each of the highest possible values rolled
ous journeys found throughout GrymmWorld, Prometerra on the dice, the spell rolls an additional dice.

chapter one: tales told at twilight

The Whimsical Winds of Magic

Magic is common in fairy tales. A single miraculous use of
extraordinary power is often enough to turn the tide and D100 WHIMSY
make a moment memorable and spontaneous. Connecting  1–2 light
these abilities to the fonts of magic within the world as 3–4 bane
boons provides new solutions to the problems presented
5–6 bless
to the PCs and can provide an unexpected twist to an en-
7–8 cure wounds
counter. These moments are known as whimsies; when an
9–10 detect evil and good
ordinary Grymm is gifted a single opportunity to wield
11–12 detect magic
the strange magic of GrymmWorld itself.
When a PC is granted Inspiration, they can choose 13–14 guiding bolt
not to gain inspiration and instead roll a d100, gaining a 15–16 inflict wounds
whimsy according to the table below. A whimsy lasts until 17–18 shield of faith
it is used, or until an affected creature finishes a long rest. 19–20 blindness/deafness
A spell cast using a whimsy requires no components, and a 21–22 silence
creature uses its spell save DC and spell attack bonus when 23–24 bestow curse
casting a whimsy; all other elements of the spell remain 25–26 dispel magic
the same. If a creature does not have a spell save DC or 27–28 flame strike
spell attack bonus, those values for the whimsy are instead 29–30 insect plague
calculated as follows. 31–32 acid splash
33–34 shocking grasp
Spell Save DC 35–36 true strike
8 + proficiency bonus + Constitution Modifier 37–38 burning hands
39–40 charm person
Spell Attack Bonus 41–42 color spray
proficiency bonus + Constitution modifier
43–44 comprehend languages
45–46 detect magic

Fell-Beyonders and 47–48

fog cloud
Where to Find Them 51–52 sleep
From the darkest reaches of space, between the realm of 53–54 thunderwave
dreams and the infinite void, there exists a race of beings 55–56 acid arrow
that seek only to break the hearts of the living—the fell-be- 57–58 invisibility
yonders. Their craving for pain and malice is beyond mea- 59–60 misty step
sure. Fell-beyonders have existed since time immemorial, 61–62 ray of enfeeblement
feeding on those who hold love and passion in their hearts. 63–64 scorching ray
Some say the first gods gathered them from the void to 65–66 shatter
shape the deep places of the earth so that terror would 67–68 web
always lurk below the realms of mortals. Others prophesy 69–70 fear
that the fell-beyonders are meant to scatter the stars across 71–72 fly
the sky, filling the world above with a vast, all-consuming 73–74 gaseous form
emptiness. The only thing that can be agreed upon is the 75–76 haste
fell-beyonders exist to remind mortals that between every 77–78 lightning bolt
moment of hope, happiness, or love is a vile shadow that 79–80 slow
threatens to reduce existence to ash. 81–82 stinking cloud
In truth, these nightmarish creatures are beings from the 83–84 banishment
unearthly twilight, a dark realm abandoned by the gods
85–86 black tentacles
since the end of the last age. Forsaken and abandoned,
87–88 blight
these creatures festered for millennia in a world devoid of
89–90 fire shield
all but the vilest emotions. Having discovered a pathway
91–92 ice storm
to the mortal realms through dreams, the fell-beyonders
are now unleashed to feed upon the hopes and passions of 93–94 stoneskin
all waking life. 95–96 cloudkill
97–98 cone of cold
99–100 disintegrate

chapter one: tales told at twilight

In GrymmWorld the realm’s stories and corrupting its people. If ever there
will be an end to GrymmWorld, it is certainly to be by
The nightmarish fell-beyonders are the nemesis of all their hands.
beings that exist in GrymmWorld. They are the invasive There is no ecology to the fell-beyonders. Wherever stag-
force of terror that is innately connected to the dreadful nation and entropy can be found, so too can the fell-be-
Spire that pierced all reality. It is believed that they are yonders. The creatures appear as if from thin air, provided
the remnants of long-dead gods, drifting across the cos- access to the world whenever the Narrador’s stories fail
mos like a wave of malevolent entropy. Many a scholar to hold cohesion. Their presence is marked by an unnat-
has claimed their purpose is to scatter the stars across the ural pallor that infests both creature and land alike. This
sky, burn the dreams of mortals, and prevent hope from malaise gives off an overwhelming sense of wrongness. It
kindling. The fell-beyonders balance the cycle of hope is an infectious scar that marks those the fell encounter,
and fear while within GrymmWorld. Villains can be rea- threatening to eradicate all the beauty of GrymmWorld.
soned with, friends can be made with monsters, but the Even the most begrudging and stubborn creatures of
fell are themselves the enemies of all. They are the antith- GrymmWorld will set aside their differences to face the
esis of everything GrymmWorld stands for, unraveling fell-beyonders, or aid those who seek to oppose them.

chapter one: tales told at twilight

Fell-Beyonders & The Narrador Condition Immunities. The creature becomes immune
to the charmed condition.
The fell-beyonders and the Narrador are implacable en- Languages. The creature learns the language Fell-Tongue
emies. As one of the few godlike beings to survive the Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating in-
coming of the fell-beyonders, the Narrador was well creases by 2, and its proficiency bonus adjusts accordingly.
placed to oppose them once they had come into existence.
This conflict takes place in story and song. So long as the Traits
tales of GrymmWorld continue to be told, the entropic The creature gains the following traits.
decay of the fell-beyonders is held at bay. However, this Entropic Emotion. The fell-beyond is affiliated with
balance must be kept by the titanic efforts of both the a specific emotion which it uses to influence other crea-
Narrador and the characters in its story. Those who break tures. These emotions are always highly destructive to
down the patterns of storytelling and fail to collaborate non-fell-beyonders and exude from the creature in a 60
with the mysterious entity, provide an opportunity for ft. radius sphere. When the creature gains this template, it
fell-beyonders to appear. While the Narrador hates the chooses a single emotion from the options below, causing
creatures of the fell with an undying passion, they accept the following effects within the area.
their manifestation as a consequence of failed storytelling • Anguish. Creatures of the fell-beyonder’s choice
and degradation of GrymmWorld’s narrative. This inter- in the affected area cannot communicate verbally
action is known as the Grymmening, the details of which or produce spells with verbal components, instead
can be found in Chapter 4. emitting cries of anguish whenever they try to
Fell-Beyonder Template • Dejection. Creatures of the fell-beyonder’s choice
Those of twisted body and alien mind are easily suscep- in the affected area cannot be considered friendly
tible to the corruption of the fell, becoming unique and toward other creatures and cannot target creatures
dangerous fell-beyonders in their own right. The process other than the fell-beyonder with attacks, spells, or
by which one becomes a fell-beyonder is not known, but abilities.
few doubt it to be one of the darkest fates to ever befall a • Doubt. Creatures of the fell-beyonder’s choice
living being. When a creature’s body assumes the night- in the affected area doubt their every action and
mare form of a fell-beyonder, it gains the fell-beyonder movement. They move at half speed and cannot take
template. Only aberrations can become fell-beyonders, bonus actions or reactions.
which retain their statistics except as described below. • Indifference. When creatures of the fell-beyonder’s
Damage Resistances. The creature becomes resistant choice in the affected area rolls a 16 or higher on an
to psychic damage, as well as bludgeoning, slashing, and attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, it instead
piercing from nonmagical weapons. rolls a 15.

chapter one: tales told at twilight

Gift of the Fell. The creature no longer needs to eat, of GrymmWorld. These fearsome foes are among the
drink, sleep, or breath to survive. Additionally, the creature strongest of their kind, capable of wreaking titanic havoc.
has advantage on saving throws against spells and magical
effects. Fell-Murdona
The discordant, umbral whispers of the twisted fell-murdo-
Actions na inspire madness of unparalleled depravity. Those afflict-
The creature gains the following actions: ed commit crimes against the order of all things, shattering
Fell-Touch. If the creature has the Multiattack feature, peace and prosperity and leading the world to chaos. Stories
it can forgo making one or more of the attacks it makes are told of powerful beings who direct the fell-murdona
with that feature to instead make an attack with its Fell- through the concourse of dreams and into the very hearts of
Touch. This attack is a melee weapon or spell attack with kings, turning their minds to volatile dust blown about by the
a range equal to the creature’s farthest reach. On a suc- winds of impending change. Appearing as a dark, human-
cessful hit, this attack deals 3 (1d6) psychic damage, plus oid-shaped cloud, the fell-murdona’s form contains a pair of
an additional 3 (1d6) psychic damage equal to its profi- red eyes shining as bright as stars, burning with malice.
ciency bonus. Additionally, on a successful hit, the tar-
get’s senses are reduced to 30 ft., and it is blinded beyond Fell-Tormentão
that radius. The Bull from Beyond the Abyss. Breaker of Souls. Heroes’
Bane. Legend tells of a creature of chaos wreathed in an
Known Fell-Beyonders entanglement of shadow, light, ice, and fire. Standing on
four giant-sized, leg-like appendages, this fell-beyonder is
While the forms of the fell-beyonders are seemingly infinite, said to shatter cities with its mighty tread. Known as the
a few notable specimens have made enough regular appear- fell-tormentão, this juggernaut of hate and malice seeks
ances to be given a special name and title by the people to break the strongholds, bastions, and safe havens of the

Large aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Whispers of Corruption. When the fell-murdona affects or
Hit Points 199 (21d10 + 84) speaks to a creature with a spell it has cast, it can immediately
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. take a bonus action to force that creature to succeed on a
DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or have its mind become
infected with the fell. The fell-murdona can communicate
20 (+5) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 26 (+8) telepathically with the creature across any distance if it is on
Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +7, Cha +13 the same plane of existence as the fell-murdona. At the end of
Skills Deception +13, Insight +7, Persuasion +13, Stealth +11 each month, the creature can repeat this saving throw, ending
Damage Resistances psychic; bludgeoning, piercing, and the effect on a success.
slashing from nonmagical weapons
Condition Immunities charmed, unconscious ACTIONS
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Fell-tongue, telepathy 120 ft. Multiattack. The fell-murdona makes three claw attacks.
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., one creature.
Hit: 23 (4d8 + 5) psychic damage.
Entropic Word (Recharge 5–6). The fell-murdona speaks a
Ecstasy of Agony. When a creature under the effects of a spell single word of pure entropy. Each creature that can hear the
produced by the fell-murdona deals damage to a creature other fell-murdona within 120 feet cannot be immune to the charmed
than the fell-murdona, the fell-murdona regains hit points equal condition and has disadvantage on Wisdom saving throws for
to half the damage dealt (rounded down to a minimum of 1). 1 minute. A creature can end this effect early by choosing to
willingly act according to the fell-murdona’s desires until the
Innate Spellcasting (Psionics). The fell-murdona’s innate
start of the fell-murdona’s next turn.
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 21). It can
innately cast the following spells, requiring no components.
At will: dispel magic, sending, suggestion, telekinesis REACTIONS
3/day: dimension door, mass suggestion, pass without trace,
sleep (9th Level) Dream-Step. When the fell-murdona takes damage from a
1/day: dominate monster, dream, plane shift (self only) creature, it can use its reaction to magically teleport itself to an
unoccupied space adjacent to a creature affected by a spell cast by
Manipulative Mind. The fell-murdona has advantage on it, as long as that creature is on the same plane of existence.
Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration and can
concentrate simultaneously on up to two effects at a time.

chapter one: tales told at twilight

free peoples. They exist to demolish hearth and home. They Fell-Ahng’el
appear on the horizon, charge down all before them, and Guilt eaters, deathrattlers, and worldbenders are all names
leave nothing but rubble in their wake. that describe the fearsome entities known as the fell-ahng’els.
These creatures are the manifestations of an unknown
Fell-Ordalius god dying an eternal death within the realms of the un-
A mineshaft full of withered corpses, their faces contorted earthly twilight. As this god’s mind rots and decays, the
in abject terror. A vile cult torn apart by ferocious infight- death throes of its vast intelligence manifest in reality as
ing and violent paranoia. These scenes and similar events the fell-ahng’els. These creatures are beings of limited ex-
of mass hysteria are the hallmark of the fell-ordalius, an istence with short life spans, for which the mortal realms
unseen force that drives souls into a self-destructive down- should be immensely thankful. However, there are legends
ward spiral of fear and desperation. An invisible threat of of one who has always walked, the Ahng’el Prime, the first
a diabolical nature, the fell-ordalius is the voice of doubt thought of the unknown god. Ahng’els sculpt reality into
in the back of one’s mind, the gnawing fear that eats at the an unsolvable labyrinthian maze, locking creatures with-
heart of every creature with hopes and dreams. A formless in a prison of their own shame. Many an adventurer has
being of smoke and fear, the fell-ordalius’s presence is felt found themselves lost upon a path forged by a fell-ahng’el,
long before it is perceived as it stalks its victims. It never creating a disturbing and twisted echo of divine creation
makes a sound, a silent witness to the madness it inspires once performed by its progenitor.
in all who encounter it.

Gargantuan aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 21 (natural armor) Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If a fell-tormentão fails a

Hit Points 292 (15d20 + 135) saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.
Speed 60 ft.
28 (+9) 11 (+0) 28 (+9) 6 (-2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1)
Rampage. The fell-tormentão takes the Dash action and makes
Skills Perception +9 a single attack, or makes three attacks.
Saving Throws Str +14, Wis +9, Cha +6
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical weapons Hit: 45 (8d8 + 9) piercing damage.
Condition Immunities charmed, unconscious Stomp. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 0 ft., each target
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 19 beneath the fell-tormentão. Hit: 25 (3d10 + 9) bludgeoning
Languages Fell-tongue damage.
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)
Stone Cloud (Recharge 6). The fell-tormentão releases a cloud
of petrifying dust in a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on it,
TRAITS which lasts until the start of its next turn. When a creature or
Aura of Hopelessness. At the start of each of the fell- objects not being worn or carried enters the area for the first
tormentão’s turns, each creature within 120 feet of it must time on a turn or starts its turn there, it must succeed on a DC
succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or be unable to 17 Constitution saving throw or be turned to stone and petrified.
experience any emotion other than hopelessness for 10 minutes. On a successful saving throw, a creature is instead restrained for
An affected creature cannot act in a manner that would harm or 1 minute.
impede the fell-tormentão and cannot take reactions. At the end
of each affected creature’s turn, it can repeat the saving throw, LEGENDARY ACTIONS
ending the effect on a success. If the fell-tormentão damages the
creature, the effect ends. If a creature’s saving throw is successful The fell-tormentão can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune to the fell- the options below. The fell-tormentão regains spent legendary
tormentão’s Aura of Hopelessness for the next 24 hours. actions at the start of its turn.
Charge. If the fell-tormentão moves at least 30 feet straight Antimagic Sheath (Costs 3 Actions). Until the end of its next
toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the fell-tormentão is immune to spells and magical effects
turn, the target takes an extra 45 (10d8) bludgeoning damage. of 7th level or lower.
If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 22 Strength
Dash. The fell-tormentão takes the dash action.
saving throw or be knocked prone.
Gore. The fell-tormentão makes a gore attack.
Demolisher. On each of its turns, the fell-tormentão can spend
20 feet of movement (no action required) to deal 40 points of Stomp. The fell-tormentão makes a stomp attack.
bludgeoning damage to an object not being worn or carried, or a
structure within 5 feet of it.

chapter one: tales told at twilight

Regional Effects interfere with the functionality of anything (such as

The area around a fell-ahng’el is twisted into a labyrinthi- buildings or the properties of stone) within the area,
an maze composed of the structures, objects, and terrain but it warps dimensional space and perception that
within the area. This effect occurs within 1 mile of the is impossible to rationalize.
fell-ahng’el when it finishes a long rest, causes the follow-
ing effects, and the fell-ahng’el is immune to these effects.
• The area is a disorienting maze of twisting corners,
dead ends, and endless spirals. Creatures attempting Small aberration, neutral evil
to travel through the area must succeed on a DC 22
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Wisdom (Survival) ability check or become lost for
Hit Points 162 (25d6 + 75)
1 hour, making no progress and be unable to find Speed fly 40 ft. (hover)
its bearings. Additionally, creatures flying above the
area cannot perceive any clear landmarks, creatures, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
or other points of significance within the area; 1 (-5) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 25 (+7) 10 (+0)
everything appears as a maddening mass of twisted Saving Throws Dex +12, Int +5, Wis +13
shapes and impossible geometry. This effect does not Skills Insight +13, Perception +13, Stealth +12
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
New Condition: Crippling Shame grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained,
stunned, unconscious
A fell-ahng’el can inflict other creatures with Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 23
debilitating levels of shame, which is a unique Languages Fell-tongue
condition measured in six levels. An effect can give Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)
a creature one or more levels of crippling shame as
specified in the effect’s description. TRAITS
Invisibility. The fell-ordalius is invisible.
Level Effect
Living Nightmare. As a bonus action, the fell-ordalius can
1 Disadvantage on attack rolls emit a cloud of hallucinogenic fumes in a 60-foot-radius
Cannot willingly accept help or be targeted sphere centered on it. The sphere moves with the fell-
2 ordalius and lasts until the fell-ordalius ends the effect as a
by spells, actions, or abilities from allies
bonus action.
3 Deals half damage When a creature enters the area for the first time on
4 Cannot take reactions its turn or starts its turn there, it must succeed on a DC
21 Constitution saving throw or begin to hallucinate for
5 Falls prone and cannot stand up as long as it remains within the area. While hallucinating,
the creature is frightened of everything it can perceive
If the creature believes it is being seen by (including sounds, sensations, and objects). This lasts until
another creature, it must take the Dash action the effect ends for the creature or it ends its turn outside
and move out of sight by the fastest possible the effect’s area. A creature that spends 1 continuous
route on each of its turns. If there is nowhere minute frightened by this effect immediately dies of
to move, the creature becomes incapacitated fright. Once a creature has succeeded on a saving throw
until it believes it is no longer being seen. against this effect, it is immune to the fell-ordalius’s Living
Nightmare for 24 hours.
If a creature suffering from crippling shame suffers
Shroud Form. The fell-ordalius can enter a hostile
another effect that causes crippling shame, its current
creature’s space and stop there. It can move through a space
level of crippling shame increases by the amount as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
specified in the effect’s description.
A creature suffers the effect of its current level of
crippling shame as well as all lower levels. For example, ACTIONS
a creature suffering two levels of crippling shame Instill Doubt. The fell-ordalius inflicts a creature it can see
cannot willingly accept help or be targeted by spells, within 60 feet with crippling doubt. Until the start of its
actions, or abilities from allies and has disadvantage on next turn, when the creature would roll a 6 or higher on an
attack rolls. attack roll or ability check, it instead rolls a 5.
Levels of crippling shame cannot be removed while
Violent Paranoia. The fell-ordalius deals 21 (6d6) psychic
a creature is within an area affected by a fell-ahng’el’s
damage to each frightened creature within 120 feet of it. If
regional effects. Twenty-four hours after a creature
an affected creature is not aware of the fell-ordalius, it must
leaves an area affected by a fell-ahng’el, it loses all levels succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw or attribute the
of crippling shame and the condition ends. effect to the nearest creature it can perceive.

chapter one: tales told at twilight

• When a creature finishes a rest within the area, it promises of power and dark whispers. The fell entropia’s
must succeed on a DC 22 Wisdom saving throw. body is a mass of roiling oil congealed into a humanoid
On a failure, it becomes increasingly ashamed of shape, its lower half forming a column reminiscent of a
its behavior, gaining a level of crippling shame (see noblewoman’s dress. Its limbs drip with foul corruption,
the sidebar of the same name for details). while were a face would be, only a void remains. When the
If the fell-ahng’el is slain, these effects fade over the course creature speaks, its words echo with overwhelming mal-
of 8 hours. ice that chills the soul. The fell-entropia lairs in the fetid
depths beneath the great Spire. None have challenged it
Fell-Entropia and lived, with its existence being a dark secret held by
The most terrible of the fell-beyonders and the primary Prometerra’s most ancient and wise beings. It is said that
manifestation of their heinous infection, the being known if one can court the favor of all GrymmWorld’s Questing
as a fell-entropia is the only fell-beyonder to display any Beasts, then the fell-entropia’s annihilation will soon fol-
kind of personality alongside the hateful malevolence of low. Until this great day comes, most of Prometerra sleeps
its kin. This being seeks to unmake GrymmWorld down under a blessed veil of ignorance, unaware of the full scope
to its core, seeking to ensnare disaffected Grymm with of the fell-beyonder’s horror lying below.

Medium aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 16
Hit Points 221 (26d8 + 104)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) Multispell. The ahng’el casts two spells, only one of which can
target an enemy creature.
14 (+2) 18 (+4) 19 (+4) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 26 (+8) Dispersion (1/Day). Each creature of the ahng’el’s choice
within 300 feet of it must succeed on a DC 22 Charisma saving
Saving Throws Con +10, Int +11, Wis +9
throw or be magically teleported to an unoccupied space of the
Skills History +17, Perception +21
ahng’el’s choice within 1 mile of it. No two creatures teleported
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing,
in this manner may appear within 100 feet of each other.
and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, Empathic Link. The fell-ahng’el establishes an empathic link
grappled, petrified, prone with a creature within range of its telepathy. Until the empathic
Senses tremorsense 1 mile (blind beyond this radius), link ends, the ahng’el feels all the emotions the target feels, the
passive Perception 31 target is always considered within range of the ahng’el’s spells,
Languages Fell-tongue, telepathy 1 mile and the target has disadvantage on saving throws against the
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) ahng’el. The target can use an action on its turn to attempt to
break the link by succeeding on a DC 22 Wisdom (Insight)
TRAITS ability check.
The ahng’el can only have a single empathic link established
Immortal Essence. When the fell-ahng’el is reduced to 0 hit at a time, and the effect ends immediately if an affected target
points and there is a creature within range of its telepathy that leaves the range of the ahng’el’s telepathy.
has one or more levels of crippling shame, it is instead reduced
Mercy Killing. Melee Spell Attack: +14 to hit, one creature with
to 1 hit point and a creature of the ahng’el’s choice within range
six levels of crippling shame, reach 5 ft. Hit: the target dies.
of its telepathy loses one level of crippling shame.
Innate Spellcasting1. The fell-ahng’el is a 20th-level spellcaster.
Its innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 22, +14
to hit on spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells The fell-ahng’el can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
requiring no components, and does not need to concentrate to options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
maintain a spell’s effects for the duration: a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The ahng’el
At will: arcane lock, knock, mind spike (5th level), regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
passwall, wall of stone
Empathic Link (Costs 2 Actions). The fell-ahng’el uses its
2/day each: guards and wards, glyph of warding,
Empathic Link.
mental prison, symbol
1/day each: imprisonment, maze Mind Spike. The fell-ahng’el casts mind spike.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). When the fell-ahng’el fails a Passwall. The fell-ahng’el casts passwall and moves up to its speed.
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

1 Some of the spells presented here can be found in the official 5E supplement, XGE.

chapter one: tales told at twilight

Huge aberration, neutral evil

Armor Class 23 (natural armor) necrotic damage. If the target was a creature, it must succeed
Hit Points 850 (63d12 + 441) on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw or have it its hit point
Speed 40 ft., swim 40 ft. maximum reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Mantle of Fell Power (Recharge 5–6). The fell-entropia
29 (+9) 11 (+0) 25 (+7) 21 (+5) 27 (+8) 19 (+4) shrouds itself in a shield of power for 1 minute, expending a
number of damage from its pool via its Entropic Feedback
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +16, Int +14, Cha +13
feature. The fell-entropia gains a number of temporary hit
Skills History +14, Insight +17, Perception +17, Persuasion +22
points equal to half the damage expended (rounded down)
Damage Resistances psychic; bludgeoning, piercing,
and while it has temporary hit points in this manner, it gains
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
a fly speed equal to its walking speed and is immune to
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, stunned,
critical hits.
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 32 Touch of Annihilation (Recharge 5–6). Melee Weapon Attack:
Languages Fell-tongue, telepathy 1 mile +18 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: the fell-entropia expends
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) a number of damage from its pool via its Entropic Feedback
feature and the target takes necrotic or psychic damage, the
TRAITS fell-entropia’s choice, equal to the amount expended. A target
reduced to zero hit points from this feature is reduced to ash.
Entropic Feedback. When the fell-entropia takes damage,
Void Bomb. The fell-entropia hurls a blast of energy at a
record that damage, which represents a pool of power the
point it can see within 120 ft., which then explodes in a 30 ft.
creature gains from feeding on destructive force. This effect is
radius sphere. When it does so, the fell-entropia must expend
cumulative, allowing the fell-entropia to pool a maximum of
a number of damage from its pool via its Entropic Feedback
300 damage. Any pooled damage is lost when the fell-entropia
feature. Each creature in the affected area must succeed on
finishes a short or long rest.
a DC 25 Dexterity saving throw or take necrotic or psychic
Infesting Presence. The fell-entropia’s physical form extends damage, the fell-entropia’s choice, equal to the amount
far beyond the realm of perception, which can be felt in a 60 ft. expended, or half as much on a success.
radius sphere centered on it, passing through solid barriers. The
fell-entropia is considered to be occupying this space, though it LEGENDARY ACTIONS
suffers no penalties for sharing this space with other creatures.
Creatures in the affected area cannot have cover from the fell- The fell-entropia can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
entropia and are always considered to be within reach of the options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time
creature. and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The fell-entropia
regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Mythic Resistance. When the fell-entropia fails a saving throw,
it can expend an unspent legendary action to succeed instead. Strike. The fell-entropia makes a single Antimagic Ray or
Void Tendril Attack.
ACTIONS Curse of the Fell (Costs 2 Actions). The fell-entropia afflicts
a creature it can see within 60 ft. with malevolent magic. The
Multiattack. The entropia makes four attacks. It can forgo
target must succeed on a DC 25 Charisma saving throw or be
making two attacks in this manner to instead take one other
permanently cursed. While cursed, when a creature makes a
successful attack roll, or succeeds on a saving throw or ability
Antimagic Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +17 to hit, range 300 ft., check, it takes 13 (3d8) force damage.
one creature. Hit: one spell or magical effect currently affecting
Traverse the Cosmos (Costs 2 Actions). The fell-entropia
the target ends. If an affected spell is 7th level or higher, they can
magically teleports to an unoccupied space it has seen before on
attempt a DC 25 Charisma saving throw, preventing the spell
any plane of existence.
from ending on a success.
Touch of Annihilation (Recharge 5–6). The fell-entropia uses
Nether Tendril. Melee Weapon Attack: +18 to hit, reach 60 ft.,
or recharges its Touch of Annihilation action.
one target. Hit: 20 (2d10 + 9) bludgeoning damage and 14 (4d6)


Playing IN
GrymmWorld Walking the Perilous Path


campaign, Players must first create their character.
Creating a character that belongs in this realm of whim-
sy and shadow is a different process than typical character
Player Characters & The Narrador
Unless a DM has chosen to forgo playing the role of
Narrador in your campaign, PCs will be exploring this
special relationship in both character creation and play.
creation. By creating a PC for this setting, Players open
themselves up to a new realm of possibilities. They are
unique, noticed and acted upon by the Narrador in a va- Behind The Curtain:
riety of ways as detailed in Chapter 4. These story signif- Why is the DM Influencing my Character?
icant heroes have been selected to collaboratively uncov-
er, discover, and author the stories that will become their
GrymmWorld campaign – an experience wholly different
V eterans of 5th Edition are used to having
almost complete autonomy over their character.
Depending on how much your DM is exploring the
than standard 5th Edition play. GrymmWorld encourages Narrador rules and tools found within this book, you
you to let your imagination run wild with an enormous may find the Player Character capacities somewhat
latitude given to character aesthetics and function. This reduced in GrymmWorld. Wait! Before you write off
chapter exists to help Players do that and should be read by this change in dynamics as something you’d rather
anyone looking to get the most from their GrymmWorld avoid, consider its merits. Have you ever asked your
experience. Here you will find unique tools, new rules, and DM to do more with your character’s backstory?
helpful suggestions about how to take a character’s story to Perhaps you’ve discussed the merits of writing your
the next level and write a new chapter in a dark fairy tale character’s ambition into an upcoming session. Maybe
all your own. you’ve even dreamt of playing out a flamboyant
romance, but haven’t figured out how to broach the
GrymmWorld & Standard Play topic with your DM. These new rules and tools are here
to help with that, all without leaving the in-character
Character creation in GrymmWorld is an adventure of narrative of the game. This campaign setting exists
both self-exploration and mutual enrichment. Rigid rules to help tell more involved stories at the game table,
about character creation are replaced with more personal a process that is extremely difficult to do without
collaboration between the author of the narrative (the
and creative methods of character design. This approach
DM), and the characters which explore it (the Players).
allows Players to take ownership of the canon and my-
By baking this relationship into a set of mechanics and
thology of GrymmWorld, which has been left deliberate-
tools, a social contract is created which allows both
ly malleable so to be sculpted through play. Despite the parties to act with greater confidence and safety. That
originality found within GrymmWorld, the spirit of 5th isn’t to say there won’t be problems! Your DM likely
Edition is still found everywhere, it’s just taken a new form needs a few sessions to learn how to run the Narrador
appropriate for the setting. Characters still portray fantas- effectively, and you in turn will probably need a session
tic and whimsical creatures based on touchstones from or two to get used to the idea of the DM directly
many generations of stories. Likewise, Player Characters nudging your character’s story. Give it a chance and
will still have many familiar elements, such as character you may be surprised how well it goes! Even if it’s
class and Background. However, learning these additional not your style, most things are worth trying once, and
options specific to the setting will enrich play and embed maybe you’ll feel equipped to recommend it to a friend
characters into the world, interfacing wondrously with its looking for those experiences.
many fictional aspects.

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

In some regards, both are bound by the same rules of the The Narrador is not inherently cruel, but not all stories are
game and the physics of the fictional space they cohabi- pleasant ones. Players may contend with adversarial, benev-
tate. More narrative control and authority is handed to the olent, mischievous, mournful, romantic, or inexplicable acts
Narrador as the steward of stories, which in turn allows from the Narrador, guided by a mutual interest in telling a
the DM greater influence over the PCs. However, it is the story they could never tell alone. Through conflict resolu-
duty of the Narrador to collaborate with Players and their tion, the Narrador provides opportunities for PCs to receive
characters, not overrule their agency and seize control of new character features and enhancements, while leaning
the narrative. A GrymmWorld adventure is a collaborative away from these challenges can make for poor storytelling.
effort – a mutual exploration of the story potential found
within characters brough to life by the Player’s imagination. Getting into Character
The Player must engage directly with the Narrador in
a dynamic which can take many forms. They may ply the Because of the meta nature of the Narrador, Players may
Narrador for guidance, as one would beseech a benefactor be unclear as to how to engage the DM’s Narrador charac-
for support. They could be confronted by the Narrador in ter. While it is rare the PCs will have a chance to converse
ways that explore their character’s darkest fears or deep- with the Narrador directly, they can still respond to its in-
est desires, a serious prospect with heavy implications. fluences. All of GrymmWorld knows of the existence of

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

the Narrador and has accepted their role as characters in mechanics and systems of the adventure to facilitate an ex-
its stories. As surely as the sun rises or the tide recedes, the perience the Players are interested in exploring with their
Narrador weaves tales, and all GrymmWorld plays a part. characters. This ability to tailor to a group’s preferences
The PCs serve a leading role in this narrative and there should not be seen as pandering or lacking in integrity,
is an expectation the Player Characters consent to this as the goal is to explore the full potential of a narrative
role. They aren’t puppets dancing to the Narrador’s strings, by giving everyone at the table a chance to write a piece
rather actors improvising a script. of the script. The Narrador maintains the authority to ad-
Whenever the Narrador enters a story, it is under the just difficulty and design of combat, exploration, and so-
guise of a special narrative Mask the dictates what type cial encounters based on the toolset provided in Chapter
of story the day’s adventure will bring. The details of the 4. Within these moments there is room for the meta to
Narrador and the four Masks it can wear are detailed in shift by the Player’s hands, so long as they understand the
Chapter 4. The PCs should be aware of whatever Mask the systems which govern them. The Players have the duty to
Narrador is wearing and the implications that may have lean into these systems and make decisions that drive the
on the road ahead. Think of this interaction as a clear and story to their desired outcome.
easily understood omen that sets the tone for that stage of
the campaign. This interaction can be explored in a variety
of in game scenarios. Each Mask has a list of features and Examples of the Meta

tools which influence play, as detailed in Chapter 4, which here’s a number of ways the meta game can play
the PCs will learn to anticipate and lean into when adven- out in game; let’s explore a specific example.
turing in GrymmWorld.
Players are exploring a dangerous track of land in
While in character, Players are encouraged to speak in
GrymmWorld and know that there is potential for a
the first person as their characters (outside of outlining deadly combat ahead, thanks to their Narrador wearing
mechanical actions such rolling dice). Players and DMs the persona of Rustam, the Mask of battle. The players
tend to know when they are in character by either speak- are feeling nervous about gambling their survival with
ing in a persona or explicitly describing their character’s a 50-50 chance and so in character they inquire if
actions and dialogue. In turn, the Narrador can commu- “Rustam expects them to risk everything without even
nicate in character through its many mediums, immersing knowing what lies ahead?”, a not so subtle request for
the entire table in the moment-to-moment play. The goal the DM to provide an opportunity to learn more about
is to surface from this narrative ocean as infrequently as the prospective battle. The Narrador has many tools to
possible, an experience which will dramatically improve as address this question and does so by introducing a hunt-
your group’s experience with GrymmWorld grows. er NPC with knowledge of the road ahead. However,
this the Mask of Rustam we are talking to and combat
Out of Character is that persona’s bread and butter. The hunter may re-
quest aid in putting down a dangerous, rabid animal in
Because this is a game, Players may need to dissociate from return for their expertise, or challenge a member of the
time to time and refrain from in-character conversations. party to a sporting duel. If the Players refuse to engage
This is acceptable only so long as it is necessary. If a ques- with the Narrador’s creation or likewise lean away from
tion about the story or mechanics could have been an- a tale of battle and hardship, the Narrador gains a drama
die, the implications of which are explored in Chapter
swered within the narrative of the game, then that is the
4. This symbolizes the Players consenting to negate the
preferred way to do so. For example, if as a Player you are
current story direction in favor of drama further down
unclear what a description of a room entailed, instead of the line. Should the Players make the most of this story
asking the DM to repeat the description, speak in-charac- driven opportunity, the Narrador paints a reasonable
ter as though you were confused by what you heard! While portrait of the conflict ahead, facilitated by the Players
this breaks the fourth wall a bit, the Narrador exists to test desire to shape and clarify the narrative.
the limits of this boundary and is well equipped to handle
those situations.
Recognizing the Narrador’s Masks
The Meta-Game
It is important for Players and DMs to establish the intent While revealing all the Narrador’s tricks and tools is
of actions taken by characters in the campaign are clear to undesirable, it is important to note how PCs know and
everyone and how these actions contribute to the collective understand the Narrador within GrymmWorld. This un-
story. As mentioned above, there is a certain degree of me- derstanding will grow and change over the course of a
ta-knowledge that is exchanged back and forth between campaign as the PCs are exposed to more and more of the
the DM and the Players. The Narrador has the ability to Narrador’s abilities, though everyone starts with some level
reveal elements and structures of the game (bending, or of understanding as to what this entity is and how it works.
even breaking the fourth wall) while also bringing Player- The Narrador is an innate part of every great story within
driven story elements to life. The Narrador will adjust the GrymmWorld, and as adventurers destined for greatness,

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

the PCs would do well to learn all they can. PCs new to take no joy in walking a strange road or see no value in the
GrymmWorld can be expected to understand the follow- wonders of exploration.
ing facets of the Narrador. This information will help the
Players better understand what kind of adventure they are
embarking upon and how to get into character in a way GrymmWorld
which makes use of this knowledge. Player Code of Conduct

The Narrador is a single entity divided into four different
T his setting introduces new mechanics and
explores a fresh way to play. As a result, it
may create an unusual group dynamic, potentially
personas, each of which is obsessed with crafting different introducing unique problems which require clear
types of tales. Each Mask exerts powerful influences on the collaborative communication to succeed. To
people and places of GrymmWorld, the signs of which can help navigate these challenging situations, it is
be observed by any caught up in their stories. The Narrador recommended Players should adhere to a code of
can change Masks at any time according to its whims, conduct for as long as their game utilizes these unique
though it never does so without an interest of telling a story. mechanics. A general code of conduct for Players is
Like chapters in a book, the Narrador can dance between provided below, which presents tenants in order or
scenarios, themes, and characters, influencing the land of priority.
GrymmWorld with its reality warping powers. The four dif-
1. Players before Characters. The people that are
ferent Masks and their influences are explored below.
playing the game with you are more important than
Rustam. Rustam, the Mask of battle, longs for tales of
any work of fiction you craft together. While the story
blood, glory, and honor. When violence becomes the domi- is important and captures the magic of play, at the end
nant form of conflict resolution, it is Rustam’s hand that drives of the day it is not as real or important as the people
that influences. PCs caught in a tale woven by Rustam can sitting next to you. Respect everyone that sits at the
expect hardship, glory, bloodshed, and honor to be themes table. We have different identities, cultures, personal-
in their adventure. Rustam visits hardships upon those who ities, and are all very different. Don’t deprive yourself
seek resolutions through peace, intrigue, or subtler means. the opportunity to tell tales together by failing to
Eudoxia. The Mask of intrigue and mystery, Eudoxia respect this.
believes in tales of wonder, suspense, and the unknown.
When GrymmWorld is filled with the inexplicable and 2. Share the spotlight. As a Player, make sure each
person has the opportunity to use their character, high-
fascinating, it is because the personality of Eudoxia has tak-
lighting their part in the grand tale of GrymmWorld.
en center stage. PCs sharing in a story woven by Eudoxia
You are here to collaborate, not dominate.
can expect many mysteries, puzzles, and conspiracies on
the road ahead. The burdens of Eudoxia come when PCs 3. Give the Narrador the benefit of the doubt. There
fail to express curiosity or cleverness, or worse, engage in may come a time when we find ourselves at odds with
acts of wanton destruction and violence. the DM. In order to persist and proceed through
Daphne. When compassion and empathy take center the game, we must defer to their narrative authority
stage with PCs, it is because the Narrador has donned the and allow them to set the pace. Their job is tough, so
Mask of Daphne. This facet of the Narrador’s personality assume the best of the DMs intentions.
revels in drama that can only result from close personal 4. Appropriately communicate issues. Talking about
bonds. PCs feeling her influence find that starting rela- problems is challenging, and not every session and
tionships, understanding others, and dramatic social en- scene will play perfectly. While we might not be able
counters are the best way to resolve conflict. Daphne in- to discuss them in the moment, we want to make sure
flicts burdens upon those who see no value in exploring the that everyone has a voice and can try to adjust the
joys of knowing others or forming meaningful connections gameplay as needed, it is why we introduced alternate
with the people around them. mechanics to common encounters.
Gangesha. When the journey outshines the destination, 5. Accept the roots, the rose, and the thorns of every
it is because the Narrador wears the Mask of Gangesha. session. Games are curious things. They give us the
Adventures across field and plain in search of realms un- ability to feel many different emotions, sensations,
known are of fascination to this Mask. However, not every and the play experience can carry on for a long time.
journey finds one traveling to strange new lands. Some of Some parts of the game are beautiful, others are a
the greatest ventures are personal moments of self-discov- messy foundation on which the future stands, and
ery; moments which Gangesha prizes for their building some parts are difficult and painful. By accepting that
of character and deepening of insight. PCs feeling his in- not every session need be wholly committed to fun, we
fluence find their goals lurking behind nigh unassailable can explore other emotions such as sadness, anger, and
peaks, across raging rivers, or between the very veils of love through play. Commit to persisting through the
existence, their every limit tested in ways that defy imag- campaign until the time comes to close.
ination. The burdens of Gangesha are felt by those who

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

Creating Characters: superlatives that provide the mechanical edge during

encounters. The Character Path includes the following
The Character Path ordered steps, discussed in more detail below:
GrymmWorld is inspired by dark fairytale story aesthetics 1. Physical Identity
and surreal fantasy characters. The campaign setting uses 2. Heritage
innovative narrative-control mechanics that lead to peril- 3. Superlative Traits
ous tales told at twilight. This means a standard 5th Edition 4. Character Backgrounds
character is ill-suited to make full use of GrymmWorld’s 5. Class
many wonders. This section exists to help Players break The next sections define these mechanics in more detail.
standard fantasy tropes and explore how to build charac-
ters that capture the essence of GrymmWorld. Known as The Path in Action: Part 1 – Over the course of this docu-
the Character Path, this character creation tool replaces ment we are going to provide an example of a Player Character
several elements found in 5th Edition character genera- created using the Character Path. These examples will provide
tion and is strongly recommended for those who wish to context and instruction for how the Path works. Follow along to
see how a character is built in GrymmWorld.
explore the full potential lurking within the setting. The
An example character being created via this system is Sir
Character Path features role-playing guidance for tack-
Salvatore de Rolander. Salvatore is descended from the frog folk
ling every pillar of play and how to engage with the story of Tadfen Bog - a most peculiar sort. He served as a knight,
types found in GrymmWorld. With it, a Player will be before he was designated a PC by the Narrador. He is lawful in
empowered to create thematically appropriate adventurers that he serves a code before serving himself or other individuals.
that possess wondrous and evocative descriptors impacting As part of this concept we need to capture his aesthetic as a
in-game mechanics and abilities. dashing frog knight, so we decide that he will be slightly rotund,
have a magnificent mustache, move in a graceful manner, pos-
sess a powerful voice, and can be generally considered by those
around him to be honorable. As we move through this chapter
we are going to select different options from our list to describe
exactly how we capture this character using the system at hand.
If the options don’t line up one to one with what we find on the
list, we can always converse with our DM and either make a
compromise or find the closest match. In these situations, gener-
ally take the rule of cool, while taking note of the consequences.

Behind The Curtain:

What Gets Replaced

G rymmWorld replaces the traditional method of

assigning a race as you would according to the
standard game of fifth edition. The first reason is a dis-
putation amongst the origin of fantastical creatures and
the conflicting myths that exist to the world. The second
reason is to break away from the restrictive design phi-
losophy that the capability of a character is limited by
race and that every member would have a shared, uni-
form culture. It is my personal philosophy that empow-
Getting Started ering the player to describe and explore their identity in
game is paramount to achieving the intended experi-
ence. Modern media portrays diverse creatures in a kind
At the heart of GrymmWorld are its characters, center-
and compassionate light that celebrates their differences
stage in tales woven by the Narrador. Creating a charac-
as well as similarities. Authorship of GrymmWorld is
ter in Grymm-World is a unique process unlike any a 5th shared between me as designer and all those that play
Edition Player has experienced before. While the result in the world. To that end, some of what constitutes of
has the same mechanical characteristics of a traditional the people of GrymmWorld and their nature is left
character, the path you must walk to get there is unique. deliberately ambiguous or unclear. My hope is that you
GrymmWorld Player Characters possess the same game can fill these voids with your own vision of what these
statistics and motivations as traditional characters in 5th peoples and cultures look and act like, informed by the
Edition fantasy roleplaying, but the process is unique be- general guidelines in this section. The end result will be
cause it focuses on the discovery and individuality of your a GrymmWorld all your own, facilitated by a collabora-
creation. Following the character path provides the visu- tive process between me and you.
al characteristics, distinctive game features, and unique

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

Physical Identity the selection of traits, abilities, and powers associated with
Physical Identity refers to a character’s body type, facial fea- your individual heritage. Heritage replaces the Racial
tures, vocal quality, and the mood you feel as you observe Traits that existed in the core 5th edition system. With
their mannerisms. These qualities are purely cosmetic and it you can tailor the bonuses to the type of character you
define the Player Character’s aesthetic through descriptive want to play, unlocking a huge diversity of character builds
language. Physical Identity impacts the player’s description that feel satisfying to play across a variety of story types.
of your character and how they manifest in the world around The details of heritage are found later in this section.
them, the details of which are found later in this section.
Heritage Example – Out of the available heritage
Physical Identity Example – We previously options, I begin by ruling out the options that don’t
described the physicality of Salvatore. The magic of necessarily apply to my character or what I envision.
the game is that we are not limited to the tables, but He is not an awakened object or automata, so I
they act as a good starting point. I move through the would not select Máquin. Likewise, he is very clearly
list and I pick the word that matches best on every made out of flesh and not vegetation so I would also
column of the table. I want to pick the word that rule out Folhan. This leaves Espertan, those most
embodies the stature, motion, and general vibe that closely associated with humankind (folks that resem-
my character gives off. Salvatore comes together by ble you and me, in all of our beautiful and wonderful
finding the closest approximation.  diversity), Duenden (the Magic infused fey folk
Part of the power of this system is to allow you from fairy stories), or Feran (those similar to animal
to look aesthetically however you desire while wildlife that we find in nature, the other citizens of
providing some direction and description to help our planet that come in all sorts of shapes ,sizes, and
the other players imagine how you look in game. biological diversity). There is no rule that says I have
Make decisions that help the other players imagine to pick one over the other, but my feeling is Feran
how you look as accurately as possible. If role- would allow me to lean into the unique anatomy of a
playing games are played out through the medium frog person and all the charm that comes with that.
of conversation, the physical qualities and aesthetic However, the other options are just as valid. Aesthet-
chart help you communicate and articulate the ic is typically non-mechanical, and it’s important to
appearance and sound of your character. consider that just because someone looks like a frog
doesn’t mean their parents are frogs.

Behind The Curtain: Family Lines Superlative Traits

Superlatives Traits are descriptive adjectives that identify
T here is no rule in GrymmWorld that one must
share a heritage in order to be members of the
same family. Siblings could come from different her-
your character’s innate aptitude towards certain abilities.
These descriptors are an expression of the fantastical abilities
itages, but everyone is a Grymm and Grymm do not of Player Characters that separate them from the ordinary
even fully understand the nature of their own history. and mundane. Superlative Traits manifest through an in-
If you want to be a tree person and have a bunch of crease in your Ability Scores that are associated with the trait.
frog babies, you may. This is a world of whimsical
magic and strange happenings, which has seen far Superlative Example – Superlatives answer how we
stranger than that. The important thing is that you are would describe the invisible qualities of your character
consistent in this as well as accepting the opposite. and more so what they are known for accomplishing.
There could be a family of wolves. There could be a In the case of our example character, we want to
tribe of mushrooms. There could be an entire nation choose both the word that describes him most
of tin soldiers. Consider your exploration of heritage accurately, as well as what ability scores we want the
as an opportunity of collaborating with your DM, the additional competency in.
first step toward forming a strong storytelling bond. Mechanically these boosts are going to raise your ability
Mixed parentage and families that break the norms scores. In the fiction, these are the qualities that are used
are completely okay in this setting. These are social to describe what people know you for. We tie legendary
relationships, unbound from the restrictive elements wisdom, speed, and charm to the individual. Consider
of concepts such as biology or genetics. both the mechanical and fictional consequences of the
choices you make here in character creation.

Heritage Character Backgrounds

Heritage is the ancestry and lineage of the character. Character Background describes the community and role
GrymmWorld is full of many unusual and strange peo- that the Player Character played within that community
ples who do not adhere to typical biological or fantasy before they began the life of an adventurer. It determines
conventions. The traditions and blessings of these people the geographical location the Player Character comes from.
are made manifest within your Player Character through These character aspects determine what Proficiencies will

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

be available to your Player Character as part of the char- the fabric of the universe against the shadow. The monas-
acter creation process and what background features will tic tradition has been passed between the Grymm of the
be included. They also inform your Personality Trait, Ideal, planet and extraplanar visitors since the arrival of the Spire.
Bond, and Flaw. The Oath of Persistence Paladin. Exemplary and stead-
fast, these noble characters exist to see stories through
Background Example – It is very easy to go with the from start to finish, attempting to be the paragon of choice
Rolander background for a character like Salvatore but throughout their lives. They take the hefty oath of endur-
I think it’s important to discuss why we chose it as a ance, to bear the burden of the narratives through and
background and not as the foreground class. To be a through.
Rolander is to have been raised a knight, it is going to The Fleetfoot Ranger. The eyes and ears of what hap-
shape Salvatore as far as mannerisms, culture, etiquette, pens on and off the road, these agents of industry make
and social expectations. It may have a bearing on his their way across the continent sharing and spreading
current alignment. the news of what is occurring around every region. The
Your selection of background may reveal from which Fleetfoot is an expert at closing the distance with a target,
region of GrymmWorld your character began to as well as navigating the treacherous trails and perilous
acquire their foundation. Witches, wardens, knights,
pathways of Prometerra.
merchants, and more all have shared locations
The Speculator Rogue. These scoundrels embrace li-
where these backgrounds are common. Consider the
quidity in the market, the schemes of the learned and
geographical origin of your character and how they
foolish alike, and the attempt to seize every opportunity
may or may not have acquired their skills in that locale.
and capitalize on it to make a fortune! A Speculator keeps
track of the market-rate for everything. They have insight
Class into the economy of every locale and can often find ways
Class refers to the traditional 5th Edition character class of to make every gamble a chance for enormous profit.
your Player Character. While other aspects of your charac- The Serpent-Seen Sorcerer. The Great Sea Serpent has
ter will change, this is the aspect that is impacted through set its eyes upon your soul and has prepared you for your
Character Advancement over the course of play and often part in the great tale of GrymmWorld. Harnessing innate
informs the role you will be playing within a party. and strange magic, your naga heart has granted you gifts
GrymmWorld also contains a number of unique sub- beyond that of your peers and has separated you from so-
classes specific to the setting, the details of which are ciety. You are considered by many a natural genius and part
found later in this chapter: of a private fellowship should you choose.
The Fell-Blade Primal Path Barbarian. Powerful war-
riors fueled by the nightmares that wander the veins of
chaos that course beneath the earth’s surface. A quiet and Behind The Curtain:
silent rage is channeled into terrifying might. Player Creativity Leads to Investment

The College of Romance Bard. The greatest storytell- hen Players are given the opportunity to
ers that weave performative fiction into reality through manifest their creativity, the real magic happens.
song, dance, and story. The arcane infused romances and Over the years I’ve run games that featured golden orcs
epic poetry they perform preserves the record of the peo- practicing magic by day and pub crawling by night. I’ve
ple and their deeds. witnessed dwarves teaching monastic traditions to their
The Ascension Domain Cleric. The harbingers of the children over the course of many centuries and gallant
new pantheons, these divine servants seek to bring the elves with blades flashing brightly as they ride their
gods back to GrymmWorld. They can shape the divine steadfast horses gallantly through the desert sands. I
and to speak the languages found in heaven and hell. have seen a lowly goblin raise invincible armies all to
The Circle of the Bones Druid. Interpreters of the an- earn the love of their favorite medusa. These stories
cient fate stones of the world, this order holds power over were all beautiful in their own way, and they couldn’t
fortune rocks and the stars themselves. They honor the have happened without Players driving the story.
I am a fan of breaking traditional tropes and looking
spirit of the earth and answer the call of adventure to
at fiction through a new lens and a fresh perspective.
preserve, protect, and heal the planet.
In GrymmWorld you are empowered to create the
The Iconslayer Fighter. Wherever there are tyrants and character that you want to play. The Character Path
hellions that need dispatching, an Iconslayer will rise to allows you to build your PC in alignment with your
attack and dethrone the gods themselves if called upon. unique and individual vision. You will discover a
Iconslayers shift the balance of power away from the status wondrous soul that evokes the imagination. The guided
quo to a revolutionary force, for better or for worse. self-selecting approach to character creation facilitates
The Way of the Hidden Doors Monk. Trained in the this process. Through play, you will watch the character
sacred arts of heaven, hell, and the elemental magic of the grow and develop over time through a variety of story
outer realms, this monastic order fights with the fury of types; it all begins with the path.
demons, the justice of angels, and with the raw power of

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

The Pact of the Spire Warlock. The world has been Physical Identity
pierced and wounded by the fell-Spire, but you have heard
its call and embraced the power from beyond time and Physical Identity distinguishes characters from one anoth-
space. The end of the world is the beginning of the surre- er. It provides aid when describing your character, informs
al, and you are the tool by which all things can be made roleplay opportunities, and it points directionally to the
known. mood your character establishes. There are four character-
The Riddlemancy Tradition Wizard. The learned and istics that make up your Physical Identity: body type, facial
wise practitioners of magic hold the secrets to puzzles, features, voice, and manner. During character creation, de-
traps, and colossal conundrums! They are the riddlers, scribe each of these aspects, choose from the list below, or
with power and efficiency to solve any problem and cre- roll randomly. These descriptors are purely cosmetic but are
ate a whole new set of mind traps to confound those that deliberately distinct to facilitate a more fairy-tale style form
would attempt to overthrow their plots and plans. of character where exaggerated traits are commonplace.

1 brawny elegant ears strong adventurous
2 lean bright eyes milquetoast affable
3 portly weathered-skin deep capable
4 wiry magnificent beard flowery charming
5 delicate tusked teeth pressed confident
6 plump bushy eyebrows melodious conscientious
7 statuesque thoroughly haggard raspy & quick cultured
8 petite dainty nose dead & toneless dependable
9 svelte gleaming white teeth brittle discreet
10 compact lush lips silvery dutiful
11 big bow lips raucous & croaky encouraging
12 portly narrow smoky & appealing exuberant
13 towering heart-shaped quiet & gentle fair
14 burly catlike wobbly fearless
15 willowy wolfish husky gregarious
16 barrel-chested high forehead penetrating helpful
17 heavy-set broad forehead grating humble
18 thick prominent brow hoarse imaginative
19 beefy sharp cheekbones shrill impartial
20 pot-bellied hollow cheeks flat independent
21 slender chiseled jaw honeyed keen
22 bulky sculpted cheeks nasal meticulous
23 stout luminous hair sonorous observant
24 brawny magnificent moustache wheezy optimistic
25 long-legged spiky hair rough persistent
26 gangling dimple in chin dulcet precise
27 chubby facial stubble full-tones reliable
28 lanky hawk-like nose airy sociable
29 coltish long eyelashes croaky trusting
30 lissome wide-eyed gravely valiant

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

The Path in Action: Part 2 – Grant begins to make a maintained. Today he lives in Pigton, just south of the
GrymmWorld character. He envisions a stocky, but graceful, Witchwood. He works as a postal carrier both in town and
sword master. He chooses the stocky body type and a well-man- beyond, with an ear open for good stories. When asked
icured mustache – an iconic swashbuckler. He decides to give about his horns, he says it’s kind of funny none of his sib-
the character a honeyed voice, pleasing to the ear, like a great lings had them.
poet or orator He decides the manner his character projects to
the world is a valiant one, when his character shows up, people
know that he is a person of courage and resolve. He identifies
the character as masculine, chooses he/him/his pronouns, and
names the character Salvatore.


Heritage connects the Player Character to a family lineage

and creates a connection to their ancestors. Player charac-
ters come from all realms of humanity, but the genealogy
is clear that there are five distinct branches that flow from
the tree:
• Espertan (humankind) • Folhan (arbor-kind)
• Duenden (faerie-folk) • Máquin (automata)
• Feran (beast-kin)

Espertan consists of all human-shaped lifeforms in their
various heights, weights, genders, and cultures. They are in-
credibly diverse, even amongst the Grymm, and are by far its
most common people. Each possesses flesh, blood, and bone
that is consistent with a typical bipedal humanoid. Some
have pointed ears, others are bright green, a few sport mag-
nificent facial hair and small stature, but all are Espertan.
While an Espertan might resemble a race from other fan-
tasy worlds, this connection is merely a cosmic coincident.
Espertan, it is important to note that they are still Grymm, Duenden
and recognize their commonality with other Grymms re- Faerie-folk of GrymmWorld have grown from a differ-
gardless of heritage, ancestry, lineage, or appearance. ent branch. They have an innate connection to the natural
History. The Espertan people are descended from the world and often adopt an elemental quality that reveals
shattered fragments of GrymmWorld’s olden gods. Their their parentage. Some literally walked out of the stone, de-
looks, mannerisms, and culture are all that remains of these scended from the sky, swam out of the water, or were born
ancient powers. However, each Espertan is said to carry a from the fire. The Duenden are both part of the planet
divine potential within them, a chance to tap into their di- and outside it, at least as far as the natural human mind is
vine potential and remind the realm of what it has forgot- able to comprehend. Their origin is GrymmWorld itself,
ten. As the youngest race on GrymmWorld’s surface, the birthed from the plane by geological movements, growing
Espertan often have the most to prove. Their divine ances- flora, or natural phenomena.
try is a heavy burden to bear and many Espertan struggle History. If Espertan are the natural humanoids of
to realize the extraordinary potential within them. GrymmWorld, Duenden would be considered the super-
In 5th edition terms, all typical fantasy humanoids are natural. Aasimar, eladrin, gnomes, elementals, tieflings,
fitting as Espertan, so long as they are made of flesh and and more all share a similar pedigree that ties them to the
bone. This category is based around skill and proficiency, unique fabric of GrymmWorld. Some were pulled into
fabricating things, and adaption to the world rather than existence when the Spire pierced the world, while others
accepting your part in it. Humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, emerged from the ether by will of their own. Others are
orcs, and more all might share similar creation myths that visitors from beyond, having stepped through portals as
would lead them to be an Espertan. enigmatic immigrants searching for a new life.
Example. Tobias is a blue-skinned pencil thin man with Example. Oslo Stone would call himself a dwarf though
a pair of goat horns on top of his head and the handsome he does not like a lot of the connotations that come with
features of a professional actor. He spent most of his life that word. His people are of the stone, literally, and it runs
working as a grocer till a famine hit and he was forced to through their veins and hardens their hands. Gifted in
pick up and move on from the desolate homestead he once earthen magic, Oslo views himself as an expert of both

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

the natural world and the supernatural beyond. He feels

that if the creation myth is to be believed, all folk are fey
even if they do not identify as such. Therefore, they should
be respected as a being of the Earth. He doesn’t disrespect
their own beliefs however he must live his own truth in his
own life for stone people are stubborn at least it is said of
them and he heard that once.

Beast-kin are people who resemble the animal creatures of
the world. They can often be found in their native habitats,
but some travel far and wide across GrymmWorld. Their
gifts are natural extensions to aid in wilderness survival, de-
fend themselves from predators, and hunt prey. Feran are no
more aggressive, wild, or unmannered in their behavior than
the other Grymm, and it should be balanced that they are
unique creatures despite the fantastical appearance.
History. Some animals just want to put on a pair of
pants and go to work. There are a few who know when
that first started happening, but as with all things, they
came into being after the Spire pierced the planet. Most
of the Feran came out of the swamp or walked out of the
woods. Some were found amongst the deserts or the caves.
We do know for a fact that despite their beast like biology
and appearance, that the Feran share the same tempera- Folhan
ment, grace, and beauty as all the other Grymm. Many Folhan are plant-like people, awakened flora that come in
believe they did not come into being until the old gods all varieties. They are born from the literal earth and can
died. Others say that the Feran created the physical hosts be found in any environment where flowers bloom, trees
for the old gods and had been playing their game from the stand tall, or shrubs rustle in the wind. The oldest records
shadows for a long while. that exist in the world were written by the Folhan and they
Example. Alvin Turnwheel is a handsome wolf carriage are among the few that hear the hidden tones of the earth.
driver who works for tips on top of his day rate. His wife, Folhan are not unfeeling, are capable of deep passions, and
Alicia Gastra is a lovely snail girl, with many antennae can be as sensitive as any creature. They are not made of
probing about, she stares at the sky and dreams from her flesh; they are of the earth itself.
home amongst the deserts of Desaly. History. The plant people only awakened as far as we can
tell, at the end of the great war. It is they who protected the
planet from the fell. There is no history of them before, oth-
er than that they were planted, and they grew. They them-
selves do not speak many words about it. There aren’t many
direct 5th Edition equivalents, but it’s not uncommon to
find foliage folk in past editions of the game, let alone in
fairy tale history.
Example. Belladonna Bloodgood grew right out of the
ivy, the roses themselves coming to life to bring her into
existence. Her trunk is hardwood and she stands much
taller than the rest. Her willow branch gown touches the
floor of her home, the humid swamps of the Tadfen Bog.
She is the local schoolteacher, but most of her pupils skip
class. She is however quite fond of the few that attend.
You’ve heard it said she is courting Peter pumpkin head
but if you ask her, she is pretty emphatic that he is not her
type. She likes a plant with thick roots that run deep and
Peter is a gourd of ill repute.

The Máquin are a people born of creativity, crafted and forg-
ed by intelligent minds and set out to determine their futures.

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

Each is a sentient being Espertan

that experiences emo- Dead Eye Accuracy. Once per turn, when you make a
tions as acute as any be- ranged attack and have advantage on the attack roll, you
ing of flesh and blood, and can can add your proficiency bonus to the damage roll.
express themselves as artfully as any Iron-Fortitude. When you take the Dodge action while
poet. Máquin are unique and just a in combat, you can expend and roll one of your Hit Dice.
bit different than the other Grymm When you do so, you regain hit points equal to the amount
as they are intelligent constructs rolled.
that possess a life and sentience Press the Attack. As a bonus action, you can move up to
of their own. They are not con- your speed toward an enemy of your choice that you can
sidered artificial though, and see or hear. You must end this movement closer to the en-
it is important that they select emy than you started.
pronouns, identify as they please, Shadow-Friend. You can attempt to hide from a crea-
and possess personalities unique ture while you are lightly obscured from it. Additionally,
to themselves. dim light does not impose disadvantage on your Wisdom
History. These awakened ob- (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
jects and effigies of Grymm- Specialist. Choose a Skill in which you have proficiency,
World are the eldest and quite your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you
possibly the only true survivors of the make that uses that Skill.
time before the Spire. They originat- Uncanny Arcanist. You learn two Wizard cantrips and
ed as far as north can go. It is in one 1st-level spell from the Wizard Spell list. Your
the North that the great soci- spellcasting modifier for these spells is Intelligence. Once
ety lived before the end times you have cast the 1st-level spell once, you cannot cast it
brought by the Spire. Some of again until you finish a long rest.
the rumors and creation myths about
them surround the source of their intelligence; some claim Duenden
this source was those who fell when the Spire first crashed. Darkness Darling. You gain Darkvision out to a range of
Example. Cog Tock is a clockwork street vendor who 60 ft. and Blindsight out to 5 ft.
was built entirely out of gears, metal, and what looks like Elemental Resistance. Choose a damage type: acid, cold,
very clean pots and pans. His neighbor, Elvyra Corn, is fire, lightning, or thunder. You gain resistance to the cho-
a loudmouthed scarecrow who travels from door to door sen damage type.
shouting the news each morning. Elemental Spindle. You can cast the druidcraft cantrip
at will. Additionally, choose one of the following cantrips:
It is said there are other folk that journey through control flames, gust, or mold earth. You can cast that cantrip
GrymmWorld, strange travelers that have traveled from at will. Your spellcasting ability for these cantrips is either
beyond and have made their way to the land of fairy tales Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma (your choice).
and story books. It is likely that there are other lineages as Glamour Weave. When a creature you can see attempts
well, waiting for their tales to be told. a saving throw against a spell you cast from the divination,
enchantment, or illusion schools, you can use your reaction
Heritage Traits to impose disadvantage on the saving throw.
As part of the Character Path, you select two Heritage Mischief Mage. As a reaction when you are attacked by
Traits that are based on your Heritage, the benefits of a creature you can see, you can cast a spell with a casting
which are detailed below. time of an action that target’s only that creature. Once you

Dead-eye Accuracy Darkness Darling Beast Friend Durability Bulwark
Iron-Fortitude Elemental Resistance Combat Instinct Garden Walker Chaos Core
Press the Attack Elemental Spindle Keen Sense Grow Hidden Program
Shadow Friend Innate Glamour Natural Armor Nature’s Wrath Memory-Bank
Specialist Mischievous Mage Natural Weapons Tol Prepared
Uncanny Arcanist Nimbleness Swiftness World Essence Unblinking

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

have used this feature, you must finish a long rest before Chaos Core. When you deal acid, cold, fire, lightning,
you can use it again. radiant, or thunder damage, you roll 1d6. The damage you
Nimbleness. You gain a climbing speed equal to half your dealt changes to the type determined by the roll, as de-
walking speed (rounded up). Additionally, your movement tailed in the Chaos Core table below.
is not impaired by non-magical difficult terrain.
Beast Friend. You can cast find familiar, animal messenger, 1D6 DAMAGE TYPE
and animal friendship. Once you have cast a spell in this 1 Acid
manner, you cannot cast that spell again until you finish
a long rest. You use Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma 2 Cold
(your choice) as your spellcasting modifier for these spells. 3 Fire
Combat Instinct. Once per turn when you roll damage
4 Lightning
for a melee weapon attack, you can reroll the weapon’s dam-
age dice and use either result. 5 Radiant
Keen Senses. You gain advantage on Wisdom (Per- 6 Thunder
ception) checks. Additionally, you can take the Search
action as a bonus action.
Hidden Programing. While you remain motionless you
Natural Armor. Your skin is extra tough. When you would
are indistinguishable from an object resembling yourself
add your Dexterity modifier to your AC and are not wear-
(such as a statue, scarecrow, tin man, etc), betraying no
ing armor, you may instead add your Constitution modifier.
signs of life.
Natural Weapons. You have claws and teeth that can
Memory Bank. When you expend a spell slot of 8th level
be used to make ferocious unarmed strikes. An unarmed
or lower or use a class feature that has a limited number
strike made in this manner deals 1d4 piercing or slash-
of uses that can only be regained by finishing a long rest,
ing damage (your choice) plus your Strength or Dexterity
you can take a reaction to gain a special spell slot of that
modifier (your choice).
level or an additional use of that feature. These benefits are
Swiftness. Your walking speed increases by 10 feet. Add-
lost when you finish a long rest. Once you have used the
itionally, when you take the Dash action, attacks against
Memory Bank feature, you must finish a long rest before
you have disadvantage until the end of your turn.
you can use it again.
Prepared. You are proficient in the following tools:
Healing Kit, Forgery Kit, Climber’s Kit, and Thieves’ Tools.
Durability. When you take damage, you can use your reac-
Unblinking. You do not require sleep, food, water, and
tion to brace yourself and reduce the damage by 3.
are immune to disease.
Garden-walker. You can move through living plant
creatures and objects as though they were difficult terrain. The Path in Action: Part 3 – Grant thinks through the heri-
You take 1d10 force damage if you end your turn inside tage of the character he is building: Salvatore the valiant, stout,
such an object. honey-voiced sword master with the magnificent moustache. He
Grow. As an action, you can increase your size by one decides that Salvatore is a Feran and is descended from amphib-
category for 1 minute. For the duration, any equipment you ious frog-folk. He chooses Beast Friend and learns find familiar,
are holding or wearing magically increases in size to accom- animal messenger, and animal friendship. He selects Charisma
modate your new form. While your size is increased in this as his spell casting modifier. For his second Feran trait he chooses
manner, you have advantage on attack rolls, Strength ability Combat Instincts, allowing him to reroll Salvatore’s melee
checks, and Strength saving throws. Once you have used this weapon damage dice and choose either result. Grant now pictures
feature you cannot use it again until you finish a long rest. Salvatore as having bulging eyes, slick green skin, but still a beau-
Nature’s Wrath. For one minute you deal an additional tiful voice and brilliant moustache. Salvatore makes full use of his
connection to the animal world, utilizing messengers and often
1d4 damage on all weapon damage rolls.
keeps a fox as a familiar. Salvatore also feels his way through
Tol. You count as one size larger when determining your
combat instinctually, landing precise and damaging blows.
carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
World Essence. As an action, you can touch a creature
and cause it to regain a number of hit points equal to your Superlative Traits
level. Once you use this trait, you cannot use it again until
you finish a long rest. No two creatures are identical in their ability. They are dis-
tinguished by their physical and mental Superlative Traits.
Máquin Superlative Traits ascribe to the Player Characters the abil-
Bulwark. When you finish a long rest, you gain temporary ities in which they have a natural talent. Player Characters
hit points equal to your character level. These hit points choose one ability that has a Superior Trait and a different
last until you finish a short or long rest. ability that has an Improved Trait from the list below.

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

SUPERLATIVE TRAITS You know the secrets of the Witchwood. You were a keeper
of mysteries from the time before the world ended. You are
ABILITY SUPERIOR TRAIT (+2) IMPROVED TRAIT (+1) the lawgiver. You are the curse speaker. You know which trails
Strength Mighty Strong are safe to travel and which are completely forbidden. But
Dexterity Nimble Dexterous
that was a past time. The future time involves guiding souls
that seek out stories. The Narrador has returned and only
Constitution Iron-Willed Resolved a warden of the wood can be relied upon for such an task.
Intelligence Genius Intelligent Proficiencies. Insight, Religion
Languages. Two of your choice
Wisdom Sagely Wise
Equipment. Warden uniform and insignia of rank.
Charisma Magnetic Charismatic Warden whistle to alert others of your presence
Keeper of the Peace. You can locate what areas are more
The Path in Action: Part 4 – Grant now gets to choose his peaceful and which are fraught with unrest. This is a gener-
Superlative Traits for Salvatore, the valiant Feran. Grant selects al intuition and usually correct. You know the name of the
Charisma and Strength, deciding that Salvatore is known nearest location where people would gather to drink and
for being Magnetic and Strong (his Superior and Improved spots where they would lurk in order to avoid everyone.
traits). Grant notes that Salvatore will gain +2 to his Charisma
Ability Score and +1 to his Strength Ability Score. Bayounne
You are from a simpler place in the world, the brackish
bayous of the Tadfen Bog. Navigating waterways and
Behind The Curtain: identifying objects is your forte. You can repurpose any
Breaking Tropes discarded object that you find into something more use-
ful and practical. You perfectly understand the hidden
I am a firm believer that we can break the idea of fan-
tasy tropes tied to Race as a Player Character element.
I believe we can replace this game element with a robust
languages spoken by the still sleeping plants and one-
track mind of beasts of the fields. After mastering the
rivers, the time has come for you to see the world. Time
and diverse system that celebrates unique culture and
to take the stories that are found throughout it and col-
character diversity. The removal of elements from the 5th
lect and help them be used to create something new.
Edition SRD requires replacement with a system that
provides players with the same palette of traits that Race Proficiencies. Navigator’s tools, vehicles (water)
provided. It is my goal to integrate a system that remains Languages. Understands animals, though they cannot
faithful to the core game while leaning heavily into the understand you
fairy tale genre. This system empowers game masters and Equipment. Net, water-resistant traveling suit, and a
players to enhance the local mythology that is created crafting tool of your choice
together at the table and do it under their own terms. Something Old, Something New. Provided you have
The idea of Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and the like varies tools and adequate time, you can repurpose or refinish dis-
greatly based on who is telling the story and I leave it to carded equipment into improvised weaponry or armor. You
the friends sitting around the table to use their agency to can make a shield or a javelin. You may also create a work
frame their Player Characters’ place in the world. of art or any other improvised object based on consulting
and conversing with your Dungeon Master but limited to
the quality and supply of debris available.
Character Backgrounds
Player Characters had lives that helped shape them into Garbed simply in white linen and carrying blue fire lanterns
who they are. This was a preparatory state before they be- that ward away the unholy, Clergy of the shining lake look
came adventurers. They were members of communities, to their leaders for advice and comfort in harrowing times.
they learned trades, they developed skills and proficiencies They know what came before better than most and much
that can be utilized in the exploration and discovery of the of what may yet come to pass. Every member of the clergy
wider world around them. learns lost languages and secrets that are best left unspoken.
The Character Backgrounds of GrymmWorld provide Proficiencies. History, Religion
a foundation in the fantastic. These elements both inform Languages. Brilhagan, Highspeak
and identify the heart of a character. They answer questions Equipment. Ceremonial attire, sacred emblems
about what is close and dear to them. Backgrounds pro- True to the Faith. You can find access to nearly any re-
vide opportunities to characterize adventurers in line with ligious structure given your knowledge of various religious
fairy tale themes and motifs. You can portray wandering practices and customs. You may not be accepted as a mem-
knights, wide-eyed youths, skillful artisans, and come to ber of the group, but they will give you admission in hopes
sense the wondrous and extraordinary world around you. of either conversion or capture.

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

Composer Gatekeeper
There are many composers and musicians, but you were the You were once a member of the Gate Guardians of Praia.
virtuoso among your peers for a time. You learned to play, You know the names of every creature of the wilds, what
either through formal training or self-education, and there plants are safe to eat, how to become undetectable in the
are people who are familiar with your music and lyrics. natural world, and what weapons are most effective against
Proficiencies. Performance, History, a musical instru- each creature. You need extraordinarily little sleep, and you
ment of your choice earned your place among your people. In time, story and
Languages. High Eastspeak adventure called you by name. The guardians have prepared
Equipment. An instrument of your choice, an object to you for whatever trials lay ahead.
collect donations, a transcribed collection of finished Proficiencies. Nature, Survival
compositions, and performance attire Languages. Slangerese
Life of the Party. The music you create is on the lips of Equipment. Chitin-band Guardian armor to remember
most fashion circles and when it isn’t, you are notorious for your rank, natural repellant to keep parasites away, a sea-
introducing people to your strange new sounds. At social shell from home, and a game of chance
gatherings you are a master of setting the mood. When The Earth’s Secrets. You can find your way through any
you perform ya song on an instrument, or in a method brush if given enough time. You know that nature forms a
in which you are proficient, people will gather, stop, and natural path, and the trees will guide and direct you while
listen. You will have the opportunity to hold the room’s inside any thick wood, forest, or cave system. Only one
undivided attention for a few moments. who has attuned to nature for great lengths of time learn
to move with the earth; guardians are masters of this.
To be a member of the court is a great honor in the land of Jack
waterfalls, Cachoeira. It is a great place to be as you adorn For better or worse, you are the unlikely hero. Sometimes
yourself with all the semblance of importance while trans- more notorious and infamous, your name is spoken as both
porting the gossip of the day and correspondence between good and ill among the people. The people know they can
many members of the Royal House. The politics Cachoeira trust to you to at least volunteer for any situation, whether
are well known by you as are the names of many important good or bad.
individuals, many of whom may prove advantageous to be- Proficiencies. Sleight of Hand, Deception, one game
friend, especially those above your station. of chance
Proficiencies. Insight, Persuasion Languages. Low Westspeak
Languages. Two of your choice Equipment. The tools of your trade, a game of chance,
Equipment. Fine clothing. Signet ring of function a mundane object you traded too much money for, and
Oh ho ho! You are an expert in courtly functions, bu- clothes with one distinct feature that everyone recognizes
reaucracies, and politics. You can assess and wheedle your Our Last Resort. People will turn to you when they feel
way into any governmental station as you understand how they have no other choice. Every person in town can name
these things work. Typically, those outside of Cachoeira at least one incident where you possibly gave offense, but
look up to the Royal Government and are willing to take they can also name an instance where your clever ways
advice from someone distinguished and learned. saved the day. This feature opens the possibility that you
will be considered as the solution to a problem.
Alas, the great and abandoned north of Labirinto! Your Merchant
home forgotten, and your life lived under the infinite stars Those who live in the desert often have need of resources.
and everlasting night. You are a keen friend of darkness These resources are meant to be either stored or spent. It
with an elegant eye for uncovering treasures. No path will is the duty of a merchant to figure out what is needed and
remain hidden from you for long and no door will remain what it’s value. Merchants walk the sands and learn the
locked. How could one return to the sunlit South after roads between the shifting settlements. You always know
seeing such wonders and treasures in the Lost Labyrinth where the next stop is and who is there, for the dunes
above? But the time came when stories were needed. The speak to you better than most.
search for stories is the greatest scavenger hunt of all.  Proficiencies. Insight, Persuasion
Proficiencies. Investigation, Perception Languages. Desalian, Trade-talk
Languages. Far North, Trade-talk Equipment. Book of standard appraisal, license to sell
Equipment. Lantern. Emblem of allegiance How Much Does the Chicken Weigh? You are skilled
Known in the North. You are known and accepted by and talented in the art of approximating local values, ex-
the scavenger camps in and around Labirinto. You are ac- change rates, and learning what people want. Within the
customed to their ways, protocol, procedures, and they will span of a few hours you will discern the supply and de-
usually tolerate your presence and allow you to move in mand of the local markets and could potentially set up
and around them. shop if you had not already left that life behind.

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

Miner Sheriff
The highest part of the world where the air is thin, cold, You are a peacekeeper, a servant of the people, and the line
and brisk, brave souls delve against the shadows and seek between law and chaos. You are sometimes respected and
out the fabric by which the future is made. You were of other times despised. You are sworn to protect and often
these people, it made you strong and it expanded your build relationships in every aspect of a community.
lungs that the great words of the world might be sung Proficiencies. Disguise kit, Investigation, Perception
from the highest peaks.  Languages. Word of Law
Proficiencies. Athletics, Survival Equipment. Mark of authority, uniform, lantern, and
Languages. Fell-tongue, Trade-talk one really cool hat
Equipment. Miner’s pick, candle Keeper of the Peace. You are a respected authority figure
All Day, Every Day. You can travel twice the distance in troubled times. During great unrest, the voice of the
or work twice as long each day before being subject to the sheriff can either raise a mob or turn one away. Their arriv-
effects of a forced march or labor. You can fall asleep any- al will turn eyes and heads in their direction. 
where you choose, with no need for bed or pillow.
Outcast You are the builder of the frontier, walking the edge of law
You are the lost child, one who was born into emptiness. and chaos. You know the world and the region, as well as
The wilderness was your home and you are acquainted what it takes to keep the local economy running. These
with the grief of the world, but also the triumph of survival days you may have traded your axe for armor or the arcane,
against all odds. The earth reveals her secrets to you. but you are more than at home when you are hard at work.
Proficiencies. Healer’s kit, Nature, Survival Proficiencies. Athletics, Nature, Woodcarver’s tools 
Languages. Choose two Languages. Lumberdrawl and one other
Equipment. Homemade clothes, trail language
markers, compass, topographical map of Equipment. Cutting blades, sharpener,
the surrounding landscape gloves, and flannel garments
A Light in Dark Places. When all hope All in a Day’s Work. You are a Guild Member
is lost, you have it within you to become and Sibling of the Saw. You have access to
the hope that people need. You know what guild-houses and will always find a place to hang
it is like to be alone and have mastered dis- your hat or obtain a meal assuming you are in the
ciplining your mind when times are dark and boundaries of the guild.
spirits are low. You can break the morose of a
situation by telling a story, singing song, giving Witch
a speech, or your presence. You are wise. When you wander, the business
of your wandering is your own. You know
Rolander the mysteries above, below, and beyond this
You are a bonded knight of the realm. You earth. There are others like you that pos-
are sworn to a code that reflects the great sess a knowledge of the hidden things. One
and noble ideals of the world. The quest thing is for certain, the labels placed upon
often calls you to adventure, as there are you by outsiders mean nothing, you are only
many stories that remain to be written. impacted by self-imposed decisions and
Proficiencies. Persuasion, Religion, those are often informed by the mysteries
Smith’s tools that have only been revealed to a few.
Languages. Choose two, but you can Proficiencies. Alchemist’s tools ,
only speak in a formal and honorific Arcana, Religion
dialect Languages. Riddletongue and one
Equipment. Sign of nobility, tabard other language
of knighthood, and courtly clothes Equipment. An item identifying
Wandering Knight. You are the your coven (a hat, broom, cauldron, or
subject of story, song, and legend. Your noble wand) and a journal
mark leads others to look to you not just for Not Good, Not Nice, But Just Right. When
guidance but to lead the way. You are a font a group of people come to an impasse, a witch
of inspiration to the people and can move may always have the final say. Witches are
them to action. You are often able often asked for favors, and the payment
to inspire others to assist you in is those that deal with them.
daring deeds.

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

The Path in Action: Part 5 – Grant decides that Salvatore GrymmWorld

the frog-kin Feran is a Rolander, a wandering knight, bearing
marks of nobility. He accepts the equipment and dons the
Character Class Options
tabard of knighthood. He recognizes that he is fluent in the Character class embodies the tropes, archetypes, and core
ways of the noble courts and marks that he is proficient in game mechanics used by Player Characters within the
Persuasion, Religion, and Smith’s tools. Grant notes that this is context of the GrymmWorld game setting. While each
a character that people will look to for guidance and leader- traditional core character class is found within the setting,
ship, even if Salvatore travels the rotation of the earth and has here are some new options that are specific to this fiction-
promises to keep. al play space. These options are made available through a
series of new subclasses. Whether it is a divine oath, new
Class school of magic, martial archetype, or primal path, you are
encouraged to pursue these exciting new options.
After you have completed the Character Path, choose a
character class and determine your ability scores accord- Barbarians
ing to the information found in the 5th Edition Player’s
Handbook or 5th edition SRD. Once you have completed While GrymmWorld does not embrace or contain the tra-
this final step, your character is complete and ready to be- ditional sword-swinging rage infused Barbarian class you
gin adventuring! find in sword and sorcery pulp, it does allow players to take
the role of a free person, who wanders outside the eight
The Path in Action: Part 6 – If you have been following the regions of Prometerra, and lives by the sword and fights
examples in this document, together we have created Salvatore, against the shadow cast by the Spire. These brave souls
the stout frog-kin with the magnificent moustache and a voice take it upon themselves to cleanse the planet by blade and
like honey. He is known for being valiant. He is descended from by flame. They are journey-folk. Barbarians, also known
the Feran beast-kin, looking completely at home in the untamed as Free-Grymm, are armed and ready to stand on their
wilderness of the game world. own if needed in the fight against the fell.
He has an innate gift to commune with the beasts of the earth, The Free-Grymm that stand against the fell-beyonders
as well as enhanced melee combat abilities. He is known for his walk the chaos veins that ripple throughout the earth be-
Magnetic personality and strong build, giving him improved neath them. They have fused their might with the forbid-
Charisma and Strength. He is a noble Rolander, a wandering den knowledge of the fell forces and have harnessed this
knight, respected by the people of GrymmWorld who look to energy into a ferocious, effective, and frightening style of
him for guidance.
combat. The Free-Grymm do not reside in any of the ma-
Grant decides to select the Paladin Class and takes the jor regions for too long, for they feel it is their cause to
standard equipment. take back the planet from the Spire that pierced the world.
For Ability Scores Grant selects the Standard Array. Using fell-blade techniques, they have taken upon them-
selves the shadow that rises from below and use it to face
He assigns the standard array as follows: the new enemy.
15 13 12 8 10 14 “Lo, there, do the brave walk, though they do not consider
Our Superlative Traits modify it to the following: themselves brave. They consider themselves forgotten,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA forsaken, and detached from this wounded earth. I
16 13 12 8 10 16
love them for who they are. They face the fell that these
This creates potential for a strong and athletic melee attacker bloodied lands might be healed. Their deeds shall be
who is extremely talented with social skills but might be lacking remembered far beyond their living years. They may be
in the sophistication of more schooled adventurers. portrayed as ferocious, but they have a special part to play
in the stories. They are beloved by me always.”
- Rustam Crimson-Snow
The Wandering Warriors
Path of the Fell-Blade
F ell-blade barbarians seldom travel in groups,
but there is a common bond between all who have
taken to stand against the shadow. A group of fell-
Fell-blade barbarians follow the chaos veins that flow thr-
ough the earth. They let their lives and hearts become one
blades sometimes muster into a group known as a Claw. with the fight against the fell-beyonders. When a barbarian
Claws often work together to bring down larger fell who follows this path rages, the barbarian fuels their feroc-
creatures or to clear out a region of other ill meaning ity with a quiet rage from the nightmares that live within
adversaries. Fell-blades have no homeland, but they the earth and turns the nightmares against themselves.
often leave Marks where they can communicate to Barbarians who draw power from the fell-beyonders
others where they have been. have a deeper understanding what lengths a warrior must
go to in the defense against the shadow. A fell-blade

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

barbarian wears tokens taken from fallen monsters so that creature or object to zero hit points, you can immediately
any villain that sees them will know the same fate may very use a bonus action to channel the power of the fell into
well follow them. the target. When you do so, the target’s form is completely
obliterated, and cannot be restored or returned to life un-
PATH OF THE FELL-BLADE less you allow it.


3rd Darkest Heart, Fell-Infused Fury GrymmWorld contains every manner of storyteller, but
6th Corrupt Fortitude those that would become true bards are marked and
taught to preserve (or create) the history of the world
10th Terror from Beyond
through their craft. There is a renowned school of sto-
14th Fate of the Fell-Touched ry in the continent by which the bards are trained for-
mally, however many mentors pass this art from teacher
Fell-Infused Fury to pupil in apprenticeships, but some bards are natural
At 3rd level, you unleash the power of the fell with the fury prodigies. The stories they create are known as romances.
in your soul. When you score a hit with a melee weapon While they consider themselves stewards of the fiction
attack while raging, you can choose to channel the power of GrymmWorld, bards have also been known to meddle
of the fell into your attack. When you do so, the target of with the affairs of others to bend realm’s story in a more
your attack takes an additional 1d12 necrotic damage from dramatic direction. They are the emissaries of embellish-
the attack, and your rage immediately ends. ment whose duty is to ensure that the story remains told
At 6th level, and again at 10th and 14th level, the dam- for generations to come.
age of this feature increases by 1d12, to a maximum of
4d12 at 14th level. Organization: The Company of Theaters
The highest order of bards in GrymmWorld will join
Darkest Heart and become part of a grand organization known as the
At 3rd level, the influence of the fell-beyonders can be felt Theater Company. Acceptance into such an order is the
in every fiber of your being. When you roll a natural 1 on greatest honor any bard within GrymmWorld can attain.
an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, this influence Troupes and bands of bards venture across the realm, hold-
takes hold until the start of your next turn. While influ- ing and performing grand spectacles for entire seasons.
enced , you can fluently speak the language of the fell-be- Membership in the company is a privilege that carries
yonders (Fell-Tongue), but cannot speak in any other lan- with it certain prestige and status that other performers
guage. Additionally, creatures cannot consider you an ally may never attain. These bards are easily recognized by the
until the influence fades. vibrant colors of their troupe. Their flamboyant patterns
are always displayed.
Corrupt Fortitude
The Company of Theaters
At 6th level, when you use your Reckless Attack feature
while raging, you can choose to not gain advantage on at- Leadership: Venerable members
tack rolls from that feature and instead gain 1d6 tempo- Membership: Huge (1,295 members): humanoids;
rary hit points. These temporary hit points last until your Duenden, Espertan, Feran, Folhan, Máquin
rage ends or until you use this feature again. Alignment: Chaotic neutral
At 10th level, and again at 14th level, the number of Motto: “The show must never stop!”
temporary hit points you gain from this feature increases Resources: Costumes, instruments, scripts, playwrights
by 1d6, to a maximum of 3d6 at 14th level. Creed: Putting on a good play requires the talents of
many artists. Craftsfolk to build the stage and props, tai-
Terror from Beyond lors to weave the costumes, musicians to orchestrate the
At 10th level, your anger is terrifying to other creatures soundtrack, writers to pen the scrips, and actors to play the
thanks to your close association with the fell. When you parts. No single bard college can accommodate all these
enter a rage, each creature of your choice that you are aware demands, so each commit some of its finest members to
of within 30 ft. of you becomes frightened. As a reaction the Company of Theaters to create the greatest perfor-
when it is affected by this feature, A creature can choose to mances in all of Prometerra.
be immune to this effect if it uses its reaction and moves as The Company serves all peoples and cultures. The or-
far away from you at fastest speed by the most direct route. ganization emphatically believes their arts enrich the soul
and educate the mind. Their troupes journey to the most
Fate of the Fell-Touched inaccessible, inhospitable communities in GrymmWorld
At 14th level, your blows can bestow the grim fate of to deliver their performances. Enemies, friends, rivals, and
those who oppose the fell-beyonders. When you reduce a lovers all have a place in the audience of a Company show

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

and many a dramatic conflict has been ended thanks to • The weapon sheds bright light in a 20 ft. radius and
their timely performances. dim light 20 ft. beyond that.
Those of the College of Romance are the greatest sto- • The weapon becomes magical
rytellers of any age. They harness rhythm, poetry, music, • When a hit is scored with the weapon, the attack
song, dance, puppetry, novels, pantomimes, theater, and all deals an additional damage die equal to your bardic
forms of taletelling into an arcane force that runs through inspiration die.
the planet. These bards are either beloved or despised by
the Narrador, seen as both rival and kindred spirit. A bard Teller of Tales
from the College of Romance is imbued with the ability At 6th level you can alter the narratives of other’s stories to
to impact chronology, memory, foreshadowing, hope, and be more suitable to telling a grand tale. When a creature
fear. The power of their words, whether spoken, implied, or you can see within 60 ft. succeeds or fails an ability check,
otherwise performed, is the very same magic that created you can use your reaction to expend a spell slot of 1st level
the world and brought all stories into being. of higher to imbue the result with greater story signifi-
cance. The ability check result gains the following benefits
“Every pretty word they speak is filled with such pain, according to the details below.
pathos, and passion. They are the great ambassadors that Success. The target gains a special bardic inspiration dice,
hear the call to adventure and chronicle the tales through which lasts a number of hours according to the level of spell
song and story. While some don’t trust their words, it’s slot expended. The die lasts 1 hour for a 1st level slot, plus
a pretty sorry storyteller that can’t tell it better than it an additional hour for each spell slot level higher than 1st.
already happened, and no one tells it better than a bard. Failure. The target takes psychic damage from its failure.
Their college itself is an homage to the greatness of stories The damage is equal to an amount rolled on one of your bar-
and it might be the key to holding the world together after dic inspiration die for a 1st level slot, plus an additional bar-
it has been wounded so terribly many years ago.” dic inspiration die for each spell slot level higher than 1st.
- Daphne Hallowfield
Weave the World
College of Romance At 14th level your performance can weave objects into ex-
Bards of the College of Romance are actors and storytell- istence, briefly transforming the world around you. As an
ers without peer. They are often multi-disciplined in their action, you can create one nonmagical item or object of
approach to performance, exhibiting mastery across many your choice in an unoccupied space on the ground within
different artistic mediums to better aid in their narratives. 60 feet of you, whose size cannot occupy a space larger
These bards can be found in nearly any place they are like- than a 20 ft. cube. The item must appear on a surface or in
ly to obtain an audience. What good is a story without a liquid that can support it. The object lasts until you finish
someone to experience it? Their tales delight and enter- a long rest or until you dismiss it as an action.
tain the masses, while preserving the sanctity of story and
traditions both old and new. As a bard of the College of Clerics
Romance, it is your responsibility to craft new legends.
These stories will be told throughout the land; whispered While the gods of GrymmWorld have fallen into obscuri-
to children at bedtime, shared with heroes seeking hope ty, their divine power still permeates the plane, flowing into
in their darkest hour, or lamented to heartbroken lovers in those who still keep the faith. The clerics which remain are
need of commiseration. the focal point of these godless cosmologies. Each possess-
es a special connection to both the gods of the past and
COLLEGE OF ROMANCE tomorrow. They act as preservers of what was, proliferating
faiths from an age few can remember. GrymmWorld’s cler-
LEVEL FEATURE ics hold deep convictions about the significance of not just
deities, but of the importance of faith as a cultural touch-
3rd Sword of Story and Song stone. In a GrymmWorld cleric’s eyes, their responsibility
6th Teller of Tales is to divinely shape all that is, was, and will be. Notable
among their number is the might of clerics of the ascension
14th Weave the World domain, who seek to bring new gods into existence and
restore GrymmWorld to its former glory.
Sword of Story and Song
At 3rd level, you can magically infuse ordinary weapons “Those that deal in the divine are uncovering the secrets
with dramatic purpose. As an action, you can roll one of that are designed to protect themselves. There are reasons
your bardic inspiration die and declare a weapon of your that the gods died and there are reasons that the new gods
choice within 60 ft. to be of legendary significance, granting are not yet born. These clerics are the bridge to bringing
the weapon the following benefits for as long as you concen- them back. They are the holy warriors that would usher in
trate (as though concentrating on a spell), up to 1 minute. a new age of divinity if they only could uncover the truth.

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

But why uncover the truth when you can control with a Divine Message
lie? I suppose it really only matters for your preference of At 1st level, you can invoke the power of Ascension to learn
which God you prefer to bring into existence.” the message cantrip, which does not count against your total
- Eudoxia Nightstorm cantrips known.

Ascension Domain Channel Divinity: Godspark

Ascension Domain clerics are those that have achieved a At 2nd level, as an action you can touch your holy sym-
special divine connection that grants the cleric the ability bol to a creature and use your Channel Divinity to instill
to shape the deific remnant of the forgotten cosmology that the spark of divinity within the target. The target gains
once held power over the realm. The domain also holds the divine empowerment in an ability score of your choice
key to creating new gods, aiding original deific powers to for 1 minute. During this time, when the target would
manifest across the realm. Ascension domain clerics under- roll a 9 or lower using the chosen ability score, it instead
stand the divine potential that exists in the atmosphere of rolls a 10.
the earth around them. Their purpose is to serve the new
gods, aiding in establishing new domains and portfolios in Divine Agent
GrymmWorld. Theirs is the unseen hand shaping the fu- At 6th level, your connection to the divine becomes more
ture of countless peoples. By their inscrutable judgement, acute, granting you the ability to prolong your magic.
new gods come into being; a task these clerics feel is best When you cast a cleric spell with a duration greater than
kept secret from the many who would attempt to abuse instantaneous that requires concentration, you can expend
such potential. They can be found traveling anywhere on an additional cleric spell slot equal to the spell’s level to
a mission of tremendous importance to the future of the increase the duration of the spell concentration up to 24
realm. Such a journey is long and winding, leading these hours.
clerics to adventure in search of the next god to birth.
Divine Strike
ASCENSION DOMAIN At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon
strikes with the cosmic power of ascension. Once on each
LEVEL FEATURE of your turns when you hit a creature with a weapon at-
tack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant
Domain Spells, Bonus Proficiencies, damage to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra
Divine Message damage increases to 2d8.
2nd Channel Divinity: Godspark
Herald of a Thousand Gods
6th Divine Agent At 17th level, you gain a flying speed equal to your walking
14th Divine Strike speed whenever you are not underground or indoors.
17th Herald of a Thousand Gods
Domain Spells The natural world is a font of power that holds a special
You gain the following domain spells place with the ancient orders of Prometerra. The planet
itself is viewed as the source of living, primordial power
ASCENSION DOMAIN SPELLS wholly unique and sacred. All other beings, even deities,
are secondary to this. For this reason, those that might
CLERIC LEVEL SPELLS be called druid elsewhere are one with the essence that is
made manifest within the world. They are keen to com-
1st identify, unseen servant mand the elements, to find balance in the natural world,
3rd knock, phantasmal force and their orders contain deep knowledge and understand-
ing of the planet itself.
5th glyph of warding, magic circle These individuals form orders known as circles, with
7th banishment, locate creature the most prominent group on the plane being the Circle
of Bones. Out of the leviathan-chaos, the world was
9th creation, scrying shaped by story and the Narrador came into being. Those
that seek to preserve the bones of the old world before
1st Level Feature – Bonus Proficiencies the Narrador came and to make these bones manifest
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with Religion. If you are in the current age are part of this order. While divine
already proficient in Religion, you instead gain expertise. in nature, they worship no gods. They see themselves as
Additionally, you gain proficiency in your choice of either stewards of nature itself.
Performance or History.

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

“The bones are older than the world. Those that can read Bones of Old
the bones are part of a greater collection. To understand the At 10th level, your bones are as powerful and durable
future more perfectly, we must have a mastery of the past. as stone. You are immune to the paralyzed and petrified
The past is preserved in these ancient bones and by the bones conditions.
the future is foretold. Those that stand as part of the circle Additionally, when you are reduced to zero hit points
and interpret the bones are unlocking ancient fates. They and are on the ground, you can choose to instead be re-
bring history into a repetition and lead it to come full circle.” duced to 1 hit point and sink beneath the earth for 1 hour.
- Gangesha Fallingleaf While in this state you are suspended safely 10 ft. beneath
the surface in a rocky cocoon and are incapacitated. At the
Circle of Bones end of the duration you emerge onto the surface in the
Druids of the Circle of the Bones consult with the an- nearest unoccupied space.
cient stones, fossils, and chance rocks. They believe that
their power is derived by the sleeping stories of the earth Invoke the Stone
found within the natural artifacts of forgotten ages. They At 14th level, as a bonus action on each of your turns you
are known as bone-readers: part archaeologist, part fortune can expend a druid spell slot of 1st level or higher to gen-
teller and all mysterious. They are familiar with the deep erate additional bone dice, up to your bone dice maximum.
places of GrymmWorld, many layers below the surface You gain one bone die for a 1st level spell slot, plus an
where ancient terrors from forgotten eras wander.  additional bone die for each spell slot level higher than 1st.
These druids are intent on returning the world to its Once you have used this feature a number of times equal
natural order. They are not fond of society, seeing it as to your proficiency bonus, you cannot use it again until you
but a footnote in the grand history of the realm. Many finish a long rest.
say the order is tied to the bones of the world itself, their
fates and histories interwoven at every turn. These druids Fighters
know that the world itself is a living breathing organism
and possibly the only force required for GrymmWorld to Those trained in affairs of steel are honored and feared
heal and overcome the Fel-Beyonder menace. throughout GrymmWorld. Their proficiency in weapon-
ry marks them as figures of action, violence, honor, and
CIRCLE OF BONES ceremony. All fighters display a willingness to take up a
weapon and die gloriously in combat. What better way is
LEVEL FEATURE there to end up with a good story? Fighting folk became
common in realms of GrymmWorld where the people
2nd Ageless Might
must be defended or war waged. Even in times of peace,
6th Fate of the Ancients their swords find purpose in culture: proliferating martial
10th Bones of Old discipline and performing acts of martial artistry to service
stories across the land.
14th Invoke the Stone Amongst the fighting folk are those renowned for end-
ing tyrannical reigns, defeating horrific monsters, and
Ageless Might standing tall against dragons. These individuals are known
At 2nd level, you can bestow the durability of the ancients as the Iconslayers, for their art is the craft of killing by
to other creatures. You have a pool of bone dice represent- blade and by brain. They are made of the substance of leg-
ed by a number of d6s equal to your druid level. ends, almost as if they are pushed to stand as both para-
As a bonus action, you can choose one creature you can gons and bane-marked in their ways.
see within 120 feet of you and roll any number of your
bone dice, adding the result of the dice together. The tar- “ You would think my counterpart who enjoys the ways
get gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the of war would speak of those that go into battle wielding
amount rolled, which last until either you or the target fin- every armament imaginable. Those that wield weapons
ishes a long rest (whichever comes first). are in fact my precious loved ones. For they stand so
You regain all expended bone dice when you finish a diligently and watchfully. Warriors are willing to die for
long rest. those they love. I would rather they live, but the fighting
folk accept their fate as they live by the blade and are
Fate of the Ancients prepared to die by its deadly edge. Many a night I have
At 6th level, your pool of fortune may be used to manipulate watched a widow weep over their fallen loved ones, and
the fate of your enemies. As a reaction, when a creature you though I have no gods to pray to, I still cry out with all my
can see within 120 ft. takes damage, you can roll a number heart into the night that the fighting folk be safe and that
of bone dice equal to half your druid level (rounded down), once again peace might come into the world.”
adding the dice rolled together. The target number takes - Daphne Hollowfield
additional necrotic damage equal to the amount rolled.

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

Iconslayer Iron Jaw

The Iconslayer is trained to defeat the great enemies of At 10th level, when you are struck by a critical hit, you
the earth. Such warriors are often young, reveling in the can use a reaction to take the hit with unrivaled stoicism,
ambition that comes with reckless youth. Others find transforming the hit into a normal hit.
themselves thrust into the role by unfortunate circum-
stance, forced to defend their homes against terrific threats Undaunted and Unbowed
with whatever means are available. To walk the path of an At 15th level, you can charge gloriously into battle. In the
Iconslayer, one must dedicate their life to the direct con- first round of combat you have advantage on attack rolls,
frontation of one’s enemies. The courage to stand before saving throws, and ability checks.
any foe, certain in one’s blade and skill, is the hallmark
of these honored fighters. With each victory their leg- Glorious Victory
end grows, making them larger than life cultural figures At 18th level, you can use your triumph in battle to push
across Prometerra. Life of an Iconslayer is exceptionally you on to greater victory. When combat ends for you, you
difficult. Not everyone can appreciate the call to honor- can choose a number of creatures up to your proficiency
able battle, polarizing these warriors as either heroes or bonus that you can see within 60 feet. These creatures gain
villains, depending on how one benefits from their great tremendous strength from your victory and may choose to
deeds. Regardless of this perception, one thing is clear: an instantly gain the benefits of a short rest. Once you have
Iconslayer is a great warrior. They may be terrible, honor- used this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish
able, glorious, or vicious, but always great. a long rest.


LEVEL FEATURE Monastic traditions of GrymmWorld embrace an ascetic

lifestyle in search of inner strength and a deeper under-
3rd Deadly Menace, Sundering Blow standing of the unusual realm. With this understanding
7th Spellbreaker comes power in the form of mystical ki and deadly mar-
tial arts. The techniques and disciplines of these styles
10th Iron Jaw within GrymmWorld are far more than forms of combat.
15th Undaunted and Unbowed They are spiritual acts: a blending of body and mind that
can center oneself or obliterate one’s enemies. When a
18th Glorious Victory monk walks amongst the people of GrymmWorld,
they are seen as a figure of balance, precision, and deter-
Deadly Menace mination. Few dare disrespect their person, and fewer still
At 3rd level, you become skilled at menacing and threat- dare test their deadly skills.
ening your enemies. You gain proficiency in Intimidation
and if you are already proficient you instead gain expertise. “Those that are trained in the deep places are fiercer
than any monster that would attempt to destroy them.
Sundering Blow They are prepared to turn their own bodies into perfect
At 3rd level, you can deliver devastating strikes which and precise weapons that can be pushed beyond all
sunder the armor of your enemies. When you take the limitations, becoming one with the figures of legend.
Attack action, you can forgo making a melee weapon at- Though they fight with the might of angels, demons,
tack to instead attempt to sunder the armor of creature devils, and the elemental forces, they are the advocates of
within reach, making a Strength (Athletics) check with angels. All things are part of their ways. They know the
a DC equal to the target’s AC. On a success, the target’s truth is often invisible to the eye.”
AC becomes 10 + its Dexterity modifier until the start of - Gangesha Fallingleaf
your next turn.
Way of the Hidden Doors
Spellbreaker Monks of the Way of the Hidden Doors are masters of bat-
At 7th level, your strikes can tear through the very fabric tlefield manipulation and cosmic forces. Their monastery is
of magic. When you take the Attack action, you can for- located high on the Eldermount, where they master their
go making a melee weapon attack to instead attempt to arts in frozen isolation. There they consort with extrapla-
disrupt the magic of a spell effect within reach, making a nar visitors. From these conferences the monks learn how
Strength (Athletics) check with a DC equal to the spell to manipulate space and defend GrymmWorld against
save DC. On a successful check, the effect becomes sup- threads from beyond, be they the high heavens or dark-
pressed until the end of your next turn, becoming unable est hells. Their techniques can transport enemies instantly
to affect any creatures until the suppression ends. On a between spaces, disrupting their bodies and hurling their
failure, you gain 1 level of exhaustion. remains through unseen holes in the fabric of reality.

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

another land in desperate need of one of their power and

WAY OF THE HIDDEN DOORS conviction. Welcomed strangers and honored champions,
paladins of all shapes and sizes in GrymmWorld are ap-
LEVEL FEATURE preciated, even when their oath brings less than optimal
3rd Dimensional Strikes resolutions to Grymm problems.
6th Hidden Doorway “Of all those that live and die, it is the stories of
11th Seven League Stride paladins which endure the longest. I suppose it is a
measure of their conviction to their to the oaths or the
17th Wordwarden weight of their deeds, but some folks just need a good
old fashioned hero who smites evil. A paladin never
Dimensional Strikes fails to leave an impression, for better or for worse.
At 3rd level, your blows can send opponents reeling through For you learn as much from a good example as from a
time and space. When you hit a creature with a melee bad one. Their resolve makes them a paragon and the
weapon attack, you can use a reaction to expend 2 ki points fool, but they solider on as they have pledged to serve
and force the target to attempt a Charisma saving throw a higher purpose. I don’t know whether to pity or
against your Ki save DC. On a failed saving throw, the admire them.”
target is magically teleported to an unoccupied space you - Rustam Crimson-Snow
can see within 30 ft.
At 11th level, when you use this feature you can expend Oath of Epics
an additional 2 ki points to increase the distance an affect- The Oath of Epics is for a paladin that wishes to stand not
ed creature can be magically teleported to 60 ft. for good or evil, but as the servant of story. They adhere
to the desire of the Narrador and intend to see the story
Hidden Doorway to the end. They are committed to enduring times of fear,
At 6th level, as a bonus action you can expend 1 ki point to hope, happiness, and sorrow, in the name of story. Each is a
open a magical portal in an unoccupied space you can see campaigner, questor, and a figure of legend. These paladins
within 120 ft, which lasts until the start of your next turn. garb themselves in the emblems of the Narrador, often as-
While the portal is in effect and within 120 ft. of you, you sociating with a specific Mask, or a combination thereof. It
can make melee weapon attacks that grant reach as though is their desire to stand as an exemplar and live life based on
you were in the space your portal occupies. one of the iconic legends of ages past. Those that take this
oath become the subject of legends and are the embodi-
Seven League Stride ment of dreams made real.
At 11th level, you gain the ability to pass between the
planes in the blink of an eye. On each of your turns, you Tenets of Epics
can expend your movement to attempt to magically tele- The tenets of the Oath of Epics hold a paladin to a stan-
port to an unoccupied space you can see. For each 5 ft. dard of commitment and steadfastness.
of movement you expend in this manner, the maximum Tenacity. The quest must be followed at all times. You
distance of this teleportation increases by 5 ft. will see each story to the end. The completion of this story
will act as a tradition that can be passed on from genera-
Worldwarden tion to generation.
At 17th level, you are a master of dimensional space in a Hope. Your successes will stand as a beacon of hope and
120 ft. radius centered on you. As a reaction when a crea- inspiration to others. You will become the light in dark
ture you can see within the affected area is magically tele- places.
ported, you can expend a number of ki points equal to your Fear. Your defeats warn others of the perils of this world.
proficiency bonus to deal force damage to the creature. The Your failures will stand as a reminder that all are fallible
target takes 1d6 force damage per ki point you expend. and teach others to rise from the ashes of their defeats.


GrymmWorld’s paladins are a busy bunch. Their services LEVEL FEATURE
are in high demand across the realm, testing the convic-
tions of their oaths with shocking regularity. The needs of 3rd Channel Divinity, Oath Spells
the Grymm often extend far beyond the slaying of evil or 7th Aura of Plot Armor
the smiting of foes. Paladins are called upon to serve as
cultural ambassadors, arbiters of disputes, and a semi-le- 15th Epic Comeback
gitimate legal authority wherever they travel. One is likely 20th Final Chapter
to encounter a paladin on the road, often on their way to

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

Longsuffering. A paladin endures to the end. A paladin your own life – a fitting conclusion to your epic tale. When
becomes unbreakable and unflinching in the face of victo- you do so, you gain the following benefits for 1 hour.
ry or defeat. A paladin is willing to die a thousand deaths • When you would cast a paladin spell as an action,
but for the chance to achieve the end of a story. you can instead cast it as a bonus action.
• At the start of each of your turns you regain 2d10 hit
Oath Spells points.
You gain the following oath spells at the paladin level • You have advantage on saving throws against spells
listed. and magical effects.
• The damage dice of your Divine Smite class feature
OATH OF EPICS SPELLS are maximized.
When this effect ends, you die instantly and cannot be re-
PALADIN LEVEL FEATURE turned to life without the Narrador’s permission.

3rd Comprehend languages, silent image Rangers

5th detect thoughts, suggestion
In the north, just before the remnant is found, there are
9th clairvoyance, sending
calm and quiet folk that stand watch, patrolling the bor-
13th fabricate, private sanctum ders. They belong to the societies of the great nations, but
they live apart as the eyes and the ears that walk the earth.
17th geas, seeming
It is their duty to be diligent, for there are more sinister
creatures than the foul fell from beyond.
Channel Divinity
At 3rd level, you gain the following two channel divinity “There are few who have walked as many steps as
options: I have, but I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the
Spirit of Freedom. You can use your channel divinity to many miles that have been tread beneath the swift gait
free creatures from confinement and restraint. As an ac- of the Wayfinder. They move like whispers on the wind
tion, you can present your holy symbol to a creature you and their voices are heard in hushed hallways before
can see within 30 ft. that is grappled, restrained, or para- departing back into the wild unknown beneath the big
lyzed. Those conditions immediately end for that creature. blue sky. As I have walked beside many of them, I know
Invoke Heroism. As a bonus action, you present your that they consider themselves truly free when they are
holy symbol to a friendly creature you can see within 30 ft., about their trade and there are not many who have a love
imbuing it with a heroic spirit for 1 minute. This creature for the world around them as they do.”
gains 1d4 temporary hit points each time it hits with an - Gangesha Fallingleaf
attack or succeeds on a saving throw. These temporary hit
points last until the channel divinity effect ends. Wayfinders
The wayfinder rangers walk the many lands of Prometerra,
Aura of Plot Armor both on and off the beaten paths. They are expert travel-
At 7th level, you exude an aura in a 10 ft. radius which ers, viewed by those outside of their conclave as brash and
protects you and friendly creatures in the affected area foolhardy, but the wise know them as the skilled folk of the
against harm. When you or a friendly creature in the aura outlands. Wayfinders travel confidently and with respect.
take damage, you can use a reaction to choose to have you They are the greatest and most diligent messengers, while
or another friendly creature in the aura take that damage also keen hunters. A wayfinder ranger travels fast through
instead. dangerous lands with ease. They can expedite a journey or
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 ft. lead to a careful search of a region far more skillfully than
any other individual. They are great at losing pursuers and
Epic Comeback even better at apprehending prey.
At 15th level, as a reaction when a creature within your
reach is reduced to zero hit points, you can grant that crea- WAYFINDER
ture the benefits of your Lay on Hands feature. When you
use your Lay on Hands feature in this way, you must grant LEVEL FEATURE
the affected creature all of the hit points within your pool
of healing power from that feature. 3rd Journeyfolk, Pathmaker
7th Special Delivery
Final Chapter
At 20th level, you can pen the final chapter in your epic 11th Quickstep
tale of heroism. Using your action, you invoke your oath to
15th Watched Roads
imbue yourself with tremendous power but at the cost of

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

Journeyfolk minimal labor. Speculators need to keep informed. They

At 3rd level, you no longer suffer exhaustion when perform- are often good sources of news and many might approach
ing a forced march. Additionally, you learn two languages them for financial advice. Speculators are a special breed
of your choice. of ruffian that one might find in GrymmWorld. These in-
dividuals analyze social information with startling skill.
Pathmaker The moment to moment hubbub in a town, local gossip,
At 3rd level, when you move along the ground, you can or political intrigue are more useful to a speculator than a
choose to leave behind a magical path, which lasts for up textbook on the subject. Speculators glean tremendous in-
to 1 minute. An area containing the path cannot be con- sight into the goings on in any society and can be counted
sidered difficult terrain and friendly creatures on the path on to know the juiciest details of any rumor or legend that
are always considered in range of your ranger spells. comes their way.

Special Delivery SPECULATOR

At 7th level, on each of your turns you can perform the
Use an Object action by expending 10 ft. of movement. LEVEL FEATURE
Additionally, if you could use a magical item as an action,
you can instead use it as a bonus action. 3rd Dabbler, Fighting Dirty
9th Critical Eye
At 11th level, on each of your turns you can take a bo- 13th Mind Palace
nus action to take both the Dash and Disengage actions 17th Inscrutable

Watched Roads Dabbler

At 15th level, when an enemy creature on the ground At 3rd level, you gain the knack for quickly picking things
moves into an area containing the magical path created by up. Whenever you finish a short or long rest, you can gain
your Pathmaker feature, the creature provokes an attack of one skill or tool proficiency of your choice, so long as you
opportunity from any creatures within reach of it. have seen another creature display proficiency in that tool
or skill. This proficiency lasts until you use this feature
Rogues again.

It is said in GrymmWorld that everyone is a rogue in Fighting Dirty

some way, but that’s not entirely true. Those that skulk in At 3rd level, you are a master of hitting below the belt.
shadows are common enough, but true rogues are the lo- You are proficient in improvised weapons and can make a
cal legends and urban myths that can be found across the single unarmed strike as a bonus action.
continent. While it is not uncommon to find these folk
along the road or in a shady tavern, it is far more likely that Critical Eye
they are found undercover and engaged in all manners of At 9th level, when you take a Search action you can choose
intrigue. to carefully study a creature you can see, rolling a Perception
check against a DC equal to the creature’s AC. On a suc-
“My beautiful rascals. My darlings. My quick wits and cess, you gain insight into the target’s weaknesses for 1 min-
silver tongues. Do not mistake their ambition for malice, ute. You learn the target’s current hit points, along with any
the world has been unkind to my dear hearts. They are damage resistance or immunities it may have. Additionally,
dearly beloved by me, the same as the other Masks have your attacks against the creature score a critical hit on a roll
their favorites. Mine happen to be those that are friends of 18 – 20. Once you have studied a creature in this manner,
with the shadows and dance with the devils and darkness. you cannot study it again until you finish a long rest.
The rogues are slow dancers. Though their daggers search
for your most sensitive spots, it is simply because they must Mind Palace
do whatever it takes to make sure there is food tomorrow At 13th level, you can perfectly recall anything you have
and who can fault them for that?” ever seen, provided you are given enough time to recall it.
- Eudoxia Nightstorm By spending 1 minute in concentration (as though con-
centrating on a spell) during which time you do not move
Speculator or take any actions, you can perfectly recall anything you
A speculator hatches schemes, intrigues, and makes mis- have observed, heard, or written, so long as its contents
chief in charming ways. They place their wits in the first would not exceed a single sheet of paper when presented in
order of things and are convinced that through cunning, written form. You retain the memory of what you recall in
planning, and a proper forecast, they can reap profits with this manner until you finish a Short or Long rest.

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

Inscrutable Aquatic Magic

At 17th level, you are immune to magical effects that At 1st level, you know the spell create or destroy water and
would force you to tell the truth. Additionally, you have the cantrip shape water, which do not count against the
advantage on any ability or skill check to predict the out- number of sorcerer spells you know.
come of an event or course of action.
Serpent’s Blood
Sorcerers At 1st level, when you would take poison damage, you can
use your reaction to instead take no damage and magically
Innate magic power is rare indeed, but there are those in regain a number of hit points equal to the poison damage
GrymmWorld who have inner magic made manifest. One you would have taken. You can use this feature a number of
of the great gifts of the age is to be born with arcane gifts times equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses
and capabilities beyond that of any novice practitioner of when you finish a long rest.
magic. Sorcerers are often viewed with suspicion as if their
families made deals with the devils in exchange for un- Spirit Magic
fair advantages. Sorcerers are to be respected for the power At 6th level, you can enhance your magic with strange
they wield, and the judgment exercised to ensure mastery writhing movements reminiscent of a serpent. When you
of their magic. cast a sorcerer spell of 1st level or higher, you can expend
an amount of movement equal to your base walking speed
 “To be a font of magic and inspiration to others is such to increase the level of the spell by 1, to a maximum of 9th
a gift! Magic is everywhere and in all things. In these level.
individuals, it is particularly potent from the moment they
are born. Many live extremely hard lives because they are Viper’s Patience
outsiders - being born different is very hard; but when they At 14th level, when you use the Ready action to cast a
are loved and accepted by others it is the most beautiful spell, you do not need concentrate (as though concentrat-
thing that could ever come into the world. Everyone ing on a spell) to hold the spell.
deserves a little love, romance, and affection, especially
when faced with such hardships in these trying times. Eternal Spirit
They are unique and different.” At 18th level, if you are slain, you can expend 10 sorcery
- Daphne Hallowfield points to destroy what remains of your body. You then re-
turn to life within 1 hour, appearing in the nearest unoc-
Serpent-Seen cupied space to the point of your demise at your hit point
There are some that are born having been seen by an un- maximum with your body fully restored.
knowable force that moves through the great seas around
Prometerra. When the eyes of this creature rest upon a Warlocks
chosen soul, the power of the serpentine is made manifest
and a powerful sorcerer of the serpent-seen sorcerous ori- Warlocks are individuals who have made a pact with the
gin is born. For what purpose this gift is bestowed is un- Spire and the other worldly and unearthly energy that
known, but this ophidian-esque magic wielder possesses holds it together. They may be powered by dead gods or
bizarre talents that disturb even the open minded Grymm the questing beasts. Wherever they derive it from, their
of Prometerra. Serpent-Seen sorcerers are often initiated by pact is made with the surreal parts of the world and it
others that share the gift into a fellowship of magic-imbued gives them uncanny abilities unlike the other practi-
prodigies. Often, they mark themselves, wear similar jewel- tioners of magic.
ry, and share the same anecdotal sayings so that they might There are many sources of power within GrymmWorld,
recognize each other abroad. They do not fear others in the but few are as feared and avoided as the might of the fell-be-
world recognizing them. While many have disdain and su- yonders. These entropic creatures draw their strength from
perstitions about them, they know that to hide themselves the infinite nothingness between worlds and have wrought
would possibly validate the false superstitions of others. catastrophe across the realm. Known as the Great Spire,
this literal knife in the heart of GrymmWorld shattered
SERPENT-SEEN more than just the plane’s physical form, but its magical
and dimensional ones as well. However, with this terrific
LEVEL FEATURE act, an opportunity for daring souls to discover what lies
beyond the veils of perception arose, and many warlocks
1st Aquatic Magic, Serpents Blood
answered the call. Where other Grymm shy away from the
6th Spirit Magic presence of the fell, some warlocks understand the truth.
14th Viper’s Patience It is inevitability. The infinite, all-encompassing end to the
story of existence.
18th Eternal Spirit

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

“When one makes a deal with the Spire I have to wonder subject. The specifics of this fact are left to the Narrador.
just how trustworthy they are. That lack of fear in the search The fact is always true, though you may not understand
for knowledge and power, that I do find a bit intriguing. how or why it is true.
As they have searched up the high steps and beheld the
Spire which pierced our dear world I understand a little of Destined Conflict
what draws them to it . I feel a special connection to these At 6th level, you can choose a single creature whose name
warlocks. To wander in search of the unknown and gaze you know to be your fated foe, shaping destiny to draw you
upon the infinite requires terrific strength of character and both closer to conflict. You gain advantage on attack rolls,
no small amount of daring. To go further and embrace one’s saving throws, and ability checks against the target, and
own lock of understanding and to draw strength from that vice versa. Whenever you gain a level in the Warlock class,
is truly extraordinary. you can choose to either keep your fated foe or designate
- Gangesha Fallingleaf a new one.

The Infinite Knowledge Beyond Truth

Your patron is the Spire itself, piercing infinity and the At 10th level, when you finish a long rest you can choose
whole world around you. You receive otherworldly strength to glimpse what lies ahead and gain insight into the future.
from its cataclysmic power and malevolent presence. These When you roll initiative, you can choose to grant yourself
unearthly gifts are but a glimpse into the terrific power immunity to a single condition and damage type of your
of the Infinite Spire, whose true nature few can even com- choice, both of which last for 1 hour. Once you have used
prehend. Your power is unnatural and disturbing to others, this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a long
striking terror into mortal hearts and ordinary minds. This rest.
is a pact made with powers beyond comprehension: an
all-encompassing darkness that lies beyond fragile mortal Embraced Eternity
existence. At 14th level, you can plunge a creature’s mind through
the Spire, a traumatic experience in the extreme. As an
OTHERWORLDLY PATRON action, choose a creature you can see within 60 ft. of you.
The target must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or
LEVEL FEATURE become cursed for as long as you concentrate on the ef-
fect (as though concentrating on a spell). While cursed in
1st Expanded Spell List, Infinite Perception this manner, the target is vulnerable to all damage dealt
6th Destined Conflict by you.
10th Knowledge Beyond Truth
14th Embraced Eternity
Wizards are common tropes in GrymmWorld, though
often used pejoratively for anyone who’s been around for
Expanded Spell List
a while and learned knowledge of magic. However, these
The infinite pact lets you choose from an expanded spell
Grymm are responsible for uncovering the ancient arcane
list when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are
mysteries and understanding the peculiar forces that gov-
added to the warlock spell list for you.
ern the strange and mystical land. The fabric of the cosmos
is more scientific than the divine shape or the unearthly
THE INFINITE EXPANDED SPELLS Spire, there is true arcane power in everything and under-
standing it is to understand the universe itself.
1st detect magic, identify “On the subject of wizards, I feel inclined to speak
to the expertise that I have. Battles are not won
2nd phantasmal force, suggestion
with blades, but they are won by brains. Wizards
3rd nondetection, slow often developed the most cunning strategies, the
4th arcane eye, phantasmal killer most elaborate schemes, and attempt to control the
5th mislead, telekinesis
powers of the very fabric of the universe. They can
cheat death. They can sustain life. It is a magic that
borders on perfect science, but with a misunderstood
Infinite Perception recklessness that propels the arcane arts forward.
At 1st level, your connection to the Spire will let you know There is no better asset for an adventure than
information beyond what any thought possible. When you wizards, though their curiosity will often lead to an
encounter a creature, object, or structure for the first time, unfortunate fate if it gets the best of them.”
you can choose to learn one fact of significance about the - Rustam Crimson-Snow

chapter two: playing in grymmworld

The School of Riddlemancy Labyrinthian Magic

The school of riddlemancy emphasizes cosmic conun- At 2nd level, when you affect a creature with a wizard spell
drums that confound, befuddle, confuse, and bewilder. of 1st level or higher that forces the target to attempt an
Riddlemancers are in possession of the gnosis: the se- Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, you can
cret knowledge and combinations that can best even the expend a wizard spell slot of the same level or higher to
wise. As a ridlemancer you are often looked at as an ex- imbue the spell with a magical puzzle that must be solved
pert problem solver, while also being a font of troubles for before the spell can be broken. When a creature would at-
your adversaries. Riddlemancers are recruited to protect tempt an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw
and guard individuals, as well as to solve the great traps against the spell, it must instead attempt two saving throws
and labyrinths that exist in the old places of the world. (each of which is made concurrently, the save DC remains
Their unique perspective coupled with their formidable the same). If an affected creature fails either saving throw,
intellect leaves few conundrums beyond their ability. The it suffers the effects of a failed saving throw from the spell.
great school of riddlemancy is taught in the royal courts
of Cachoeira and wherever one can find a wandering rid- Kinematic Geometries
dle-tower. By following this path, your role is not just one At 6th level, when you cast a spell which affects an area,
of magic wielder, but of trickster, puzzle maker, teacher, you can twist the geometry of the area to bizarre, im-
and keeper of mysteries. possible proportions. Such a spell’s effect passes through
solid barriers, preventing any creatures in the area from
RIDDLEMANCER TRADITION having cover from the spell.

LEVEL FEATURE Stroke of Genius

At 10th level, you can solve conundrums in an instant that
2nd Labyrinthian Magic would take others a lifetime to unravel. When you are pre-
6th Kinematic Geometries sented with a problem that has a single correct solution
(such as a math problem, a puzzle, or a legal case), you can
10th Stroke of Genius take an action to solve the problem instantly. Once you
14th Impossible Enigma have used this feature, you cannot use it again until 1 week
has passed.

Impossible Enigma
At 14th level, you can wrap your identity in a nigh im-
possible mystery that few can solve. You magically erase
the memory of your past and any knowledge of your ex-
istence from the minds, books, and lore of GrymmWorld,
with the exception of deities, similarly powerful entities,
or creatures of your choice. Additionally, to learn anything
about you, a creature must first succeed on an Intelligence
(Investigation) check versus your spell save DC, or the at-
tempt fails.


G RYMMWORLD IS filled with countless wonders
both dangerous and whimsical. Many of these curios
make for fantastical options to add to your 5th edition
role-playing game, helping characters and NPCs achieve
patterned after iconic fairy tale lore, folk stories, and more
modern interpretations found in inspirational media.
They are perfect for exploring GrymmWorld by further
customizing your character to fit its style of play.
a more appropriate design befitting GrymmWorld. This
chapter contains numerous examples of such content. Larger than Life
Perhaps you search for dynamic feats that can be taken to
add iconic and traditional tropes to supplement your game. You are muscular, corn-fed, and strong. You gain the follow-
If you seek additional spells that will find a special place ing benefits.
among the arcane arts featured in this campaign setting, • Your Strength or Constitution score increases by 1, to
look no further. One can also discover magical equipment a maximum of 20.
found throughout the continent of Prometerra, ideal for • When you make a Charisma ability check, you
all styles of adventuring. These options and many more may use your physicality to instead use Strength or
are the perfect addition to any campaign and are balanced Constitution instead of Charisma, keeping whatever
around the kind of experiences often encountered with- skill you would have ordinarily used to make the
in the realm of GrymmWorld. While they can be used check (if any).
in standard 5th Edition play, keep in mind their efficacy • As a reaction to when you succeed on a Strength
may be diminished in a traditional game. When exploring or Constitution saving throw, you can revel in the
these options, consider their value not just in combat, but power of your body. When you do so, you gain 1d4
in what kind of experiences they will bring to your charac- temporary hit points, which last until you finish a
ter, and by extension the table. short or long rest.

“The Grymm are exceptional specimens, for I am nothing

if not a being of good taste. Their strengths are as rare
as they are exceptional, built upon a nigh limitless well
of potential. Whether earned or given, their talents are
destined to shine even on the darkest of stages I dare set.
Their latest performance was most satisfactory. An entire
tribe of giants humbled, and a snowy mountain turned
crimson by the Grymm’s great works.
– Rustaam Crimson-Snow

GrymmWorld Feats
In 5th Edition, feats represent an opportunity for char-
acters to alter their standard class progression in favor of
more unique and specialized options. GrymmWorld sup-
ports and benefits greatly from this model, providing a
new list of feats for characters to explore. However, a DM
should note that like the feats in 5th Edition, these are
part of an optional ruleset, and can only be included in a
game with the DM’s explicit approval. These features are

chapter three: Outlandish Options

Jack-be-Nimble • Your inner voice is so loud it drowns out all other

forms of verbal or telepathic communication
You have a knack for getting in and out of difficult situa- unless you choose otherwise.
tions, granting you the following benefits. • You remember any nightmares you experience with
• Your Dexterity or Charisma score increases by 1, to a perfect clarity.
maximum of 20.
• Attacks against you have disadvantage while you are Fairest of them All
• You gain proficiency in any ability checks you Your attractiveness is beyond compare, causing creatures
attempt while you are being chased.1 of all types and creeds to be attracted to you. You gain the
following benefits.
Privilege of the Wise • When you impose the charmed condition on a
creature, you can choose to also impose the smitten
You have a keen and cunning intellect with matching wis- condition for as long as the target is charmed by you,
dom, granting you the following benefits. the details of which can be found below. A creature
• When you succeed on a Wisdom saving throw and immune to the charmed condition is also immune to
would suffer an effect on the success, you instead the smitten condition.
suffer no effect. • You can groom yourself in 1 minute with as little as a
• When you make an Intelligence or Charisma ability gallon of water, a bar of soap, and a stone.
check, you can leverage your will to use Wisdom in- • You always smell appealing to other creatures.
stead of Charisma, keeping whatever skill you would
have ordinarily used to make the check (if any).
• If you are asked a question to which you do not New Condition: Smitten
know the answer, you recall a substantiated rumor
A smitten creature is extremely attracted to the creature
as to where the answer can be found (if it exists). responsible for its condition and seeks to have those
feelings reciprocated. It cannot behave in a manner that
it believes would make it less attractive to the target of
its affections. This condition immediately ends if the
creature responsible for this condition does anything to
harm the smitten creature.

A Mirror Darkly

You have looked deep inside yourself and conquered your

inner fears, granting you the following benefits.
• When a creature you can see attempts to give
you the frightened or charmed condition, you
can use your reaction to deal psychic damage
equal to your character level to that creature.
1 This condition can be found on pg 252-255 of the DMG.
chapter three: Outlandish Options

• You have advantage on Charisma ability checks

Behind the Curtain: against creatures behaving disrespectfully toward you.
Gamifying Affection • You always know the correct cultural greeting to
politely introduce yourself.

M any fairy tales feature characters falling

head over heels in love at first sight. Because
GrymmWorld seeks to explore these stories, I have
Knight of Desaly
chosen to support them with rigid mechanics to You practice the dutiful culture of the people of Desaly,
facilitate responsible practice at the game table. While granting you the following benefits.
overwhelming love with little justification is a common • You gain proficiency in the cultural arms and armor
trope, note that consent and comfort at the game table of Desaly, as detailed later in this section.
is paramount when exploring this concept in play.
• As a reaction to when you slay a creature you can
Remember, we are not our characters and there is a
see, you can choose to honor its passing and salute
separation between us and the fiction. However, this
is a sensitive theme and we should use it respectfully
it as a worthy opponent. When you do so, if the
and with appropriate judgment. After all no one likes target’s soul is free and willing, it can choose to have
abusing the whispers of the heart. its remains vanish in a flash of flame and you gain
• You gain a formal title (such as sir, ma’am, or chev)
Seeker of the Seven Songs which others are instinctively compelled to use.

You belong to the ancient order of the Seven Songs, grant-

ing you the following benefits.
• You gain proficiency in Performance. If you
are already proficient, you instead double your
proficiency bonus when making ability checks
using Performance. Additionally, when you make
a Charisma ability check using Performance, you
can instead use an ability of your choice (such as
Strength, or Dexterity).  
• When you gain a level, you can choose to write
a song about the experiences you endured to
accomplish such a feat. When you do so, you gain
• When the DM awards a character other than you
inspiration, you are also awarded inspiration.

Brawler of Brilhago

You have mastered the ways of the people of Brilhago,

granting you the following benefits.
• You gain proficiency in the cultural arms, armor, and
equipment of Brilhago, as detailed later in this section.
• When you fall below half your hit point maximum
and are not incapacitated, you can choose to gain
resistance to one damage type of your choice for 1
minute. Once you have used this benefit, you cannot
use it again until you finish a long rest.
• Pain gives you the urge to laugh.

Regal of Cachoeira

You follow the noble traditions of the people of Cachoeira,

granting you the following benefits.
• You gain proficiency in the arms, armor, and
equipment of Cachoeira, as detailed later in this
2 The details of inspiration can be found in the DMG of the 5th Edition
core rules.

chapter three: Outlandish Options

Warden of Fellmount Witchwood Adept

You have assumed the resilient culture of Fellmount, You are comfortable with the shadowy whimsy of the
granting you the following benefits. Witchwood, granting you the following benefits.
• You gain proficiency in the cultural arms, armor, • You gain proficiency in the arms, armor, and
and equipment of Fellmount, as detailed later equipment of the Witchwood, as detailed later in
in this section. this section.
• When you touch a natural object (such as • A mundane source of light (such as a torch,
a stone or tree), you can learn its current hit candle, or lantern) can float in the air alongside
points and AC. you instead of being held. Such a source moves
• You can stay perfectly still, unmoving, without any with you and shares your space, floating for as
discomfort for up to 24 consecutive hours. long as you will it. You can only have a single
source of light float alongside you in this manner.
Wanderer of Labirinto • Unless you choose otherwise, your body is
home to a small colony of vermin which live
You are practiced in the artificial practices of Labirinto, symbiotically with you.
granting you the following benefits.
• You gain proficiency in the arms, armor, and
equipment of Labirinto, as detailed later in this 101 Curios & Trinkets
section. GrymmWorld is a land of flavor and style. As a DM,
• You have advantage on Intelligence ability you may find yourself in need of many strange and pe-
checks to solve puzzles, riddles, or other culiar items to serve as story hooks, odd treasure, or just
intellectual challenges. something fun to explore alongside your Players. This sec-
• You always know the exact location of where tion details a selection of curios and trinkets; useful story
you have been within the last 8 hours, provided prompts, set dressing, and intriguing objects that can be
you were not incapacitated at the time. placed within the campaign. While there is nothing in-
herently special about these knick knacks, both DM and
Child of Praia Players are invited to make something more out of them.
Remember, much of GrymmWorld is deliberately left un-
You are affiliated with the vital traditions of Praia, granting defined so that your entire table can make the world your
you the following benefits. own. Perhaps a bag of undelivered letters from the last
• You gain proficiency in the arms, armor, and generation sparks a curious attitude that will lead down
equipment of Praia, as detailed later in this an unexpected road to adventure. The fingerprints of the
section. gods that died are found within the legacy of the world,
• Unless you are wearing heavy armor or and these curious touchstones might just open the pos-
choose otherwise, your body always floats sibility to additional adventures to embark upon. Who
to the surface of any body of water at a rate knows what stories you can build together off of just a sin-
of 40 ft. on each of your turns. gle hook, so be sure to use this section whenever you are
• You can drink salt water to gain the benefits as running short on ideas.
though you had drunk an equivalent amount of
fresh water.

Spawn of Tadfen

You are blessed with the secrets of Tadfen, granting you

the following benefits.
• You gain proficiency in the arms, armor, and
equipment of Tadfen, as detailed later in this
• While you are hidden, you also have half cover
unless you already have half cover, three-quarters
cover, or total cover.
• You can walk upon naturally occurring mud
without sinking or slipping.

chapter three: Outlandish Options


1 Hand-fans made from the gossamer wing of a giant shadow fly.
2 A dried out and tattered sailing vest of a sea dog.
3 A breathing leaf that cools the air as it oxygenates the world.
4 A cracked chitin helm made from a slain forest creature.
5 A refurbished Praiolin that has been restrung more times than can be remembered.
6 A heart-shaped seashell that makes a kissing sound when you hold it to your ear.
8 A Beehive birdhouse with a flock of piranha-keets inside.
9 A small lungstone in a woven sack made of sponge-like branches.
10 A giant-sized hand hook made from whale baleen and a ship’s hull.
11 A small serpent shaped idol, carved from wax; it’s head follows you around.
12 A ghost-apple pie served with a side of swamp sardine salad.
13 A flask filled with raindrops mixed with the residue of wishing well water.
14 A set of wind-chimes made from the bones of a musician.
15 A branch with leaves that contain names written in many languages.
16 A clock that never tells the time correctly as it is turned by the insects that live inside it.
17 Parts of a map for an otter-john cleanup route in a far part of the bayou.
18 A wallet made out of a lethal venom-fish.
19 A mysterious pair of shoes that have skull-head fasteners and seem to fog the floor around them.
20 A serving plate made out of a shield dating back to the armies of the first recorded war.
21 A ship mast from a vessel most likely destroyed in the port of Brilhago.
22 A calico micro-cat that follows you wherever you go but is never there when you need it.
23 A magnificent high-quality wooden washboard that resonates loudly when used.
24 A pair of owl feather mittens for keeping warm in the winter.
25 A half-finished wooden puppet that isn’t really much use for anything.
26 A vial of strong medicine that has been overly diluted instilling doubts its curative properties.
27 A jewel necklace made of replica swine teeth, best saved for a fancy festival.
28 A large basket filled with delectable spider eggs, that have been carefully hand painted.
29 A cool pitcher of sunrise lemonade with just enough for everyone.
30 A postal bag with a bunch of old and undelivered mail.
31 A perfumed jewelry box with a single golden arrowhead inside.
32 A rusty helmet of a slain rose knight, with a promise written on the inside plate.
33 A single bloody bone that burns when touched and speaks of a great wrong.
34 A small book of would-be scripture written through prophecy.
35 Several strings of beads used to track favors owed and money borrowed.
36 A rose-colored medallion of the knightly order of the sleeping goddess.
37 A menacing moon orb that aggressively pursues the nearest individual.
38 A loose rock with a half formed religious circle etched onto it.
39 A magnificent sun cape that parachutes around you.
40 A mask with a veiled portion, tied to a family order with strict guidelines.
41 A scale for weighing objects against each other at a market value and suggests whether a trade is fair.
42 A set of high-end climbing spikes and shoulder back mounted lantern kit.
43 The shoulder plate of a suit of armor with a poem tucked inside.
44 Troll sized set of eating utensils with initials carved into them.
45 A large body perfectly frozen in time that may or may not be alive.
46 A rubber like suit with bronze emblems and an unrecognized military insignia.
47 Deed to a mine shaft located in a lesser known region of the Fellmount high hills.
48 A fell-touched dagger that functions as a writing utensil.
49 An analysis of the flora found in the high parts of the world and their many uses.
50 A set of misplaced gambling dice and drinking cups that probably spilled out of someone’s purse.
51 A full head mask made from a mega-beefalo that is used to protect oneself from the harsh cold.
52 A beautiful dressing gown that has a letter proving a treacherous affair on the inside.

chapter three: Outlandish Options


53 Sheep-fur blankets that are extra warm and cozy and look like a sheep is right next to you.
54 A scabbard with the crest of a royal house that speaks a random sequence of numbers once per day.
55 The rusted and decommissioned legs of an old spider-climb craft.
56 A magnificently decorated umbrella, large enough for a troll, but quite collapsible.
57 A crate filled with beautiful corn stalks neatly bundled and the seal of a farming union on each cob.
58 An election token for voting in an upcoming guild hall meeting.
59 A small parchment with an infernal script, useful for summoning a Local Devil.
60 An ornate and sophisticated puzzle cube with a Palacio vault key on the inside.
61 A broken shepherd’s staff that has mended and tangled itself back together with grasping vines.
62 The porcelain hands removed from a distant statue, roped together for safe carrying.
63 A vial filled with liquid-fell that manifests nightmares visibly and audibly for a few moments.
64 A collection of unfinished prayers, bound on metal plates, and preserved from a different time.
65 A bundle of aromatic toasted lake kelp that never made its way to market.
66 Instruments used to measure the gait and speed of a bipedal subject as it summits a mountain.
67 Gloves used for handling dangerous fish with poison-covered scales.
68 A ceremonial candle that has been set apart and consecrated for lighting the hallowed halls of a holy building.
69 A collection of sturdy casting rods and sharpoon launchers left unattended in a public place.
70 The forgotten diary of a data collector that may have traveled up the cliff-face to the scientific spire observatory.
71 A collection of color-coded ropes to make rigging the great sailing ships easier to prepare.
72 A poly-body cog doggie, that alerts an unseen master when it detects a nearby presence.
73 A marble sized purple cube that grows to the size of a beer barrel if thrown hard into the ground.
74 A torch that produces still light, that does not flicker, casts no heat, and lasts for ten days.
A set of blades attached to an axel that rotate when pushed, cutting anything it is pushed over; a set of wheels help the
contraption roll more easily.
76 A small metallic cylinder that explodes if set on fire.
77 A cartridge that seems to contain sweet smelling fragrances but no practical way to release them.
78 A single cylinder phonographic collection of words that are spoken when spun and touched by needle point.
79 A book of unfinished theoretical spells that contain no magic, but full marks for effort and attempt.
A collection of sea shanties written in the common tongue of all peoples everywhere and taught to many a child from the day
they were born.
81 A secret handshake is passed to you which grants access to a location you have never heard of.
82 The faceless void of your deepest fear lurking in your ignored thoughts.
83 The memory of your greatest failure and the shame of those you have wronged.
84 A ridiculous thought that manifests at an inopportune time.
85 An upsetting fantasy that just escapes your grasp and leaves you feeling disappointment.
86 An unmendable friendship that is beyond reconciliation.
87 A complete and total loss.
88 The agony of aloneness in a wide world with so many people who cannot truly be close.
89 An unrequited feeling and longing that escapes your grasp.
90 The shame of a mistake that you could never own up to and if it were revealed you would not persist.
91 The nagging needs of sycophantic followers that pry and probe for every private detail of your life.
92 Bread and butterflies fill your thoughts with nonsensical wonder.
93 A yet unwritten song produces a melody within your heart.
94 You are filled with indescribable determination that lets you persist.
95 The feeling of love and friendship that is told about in legends enters your mind.
96 No matter the problem, you are certain that the solution will present itself to you.
97 The twinkle in your eye returns and everyone can see it.
98 A cheerful demeanor in every weather and the inability to shirk a chore.
99 Your favorite memory gives you inner strength to draw upon.
100 You are reassured of your part to play in the story.
101 Your name will be told in the stories for generations to come.

chapter three: Outlandish Options

their respective societies (as detailed in Chapter 5), but also

Equipment & Gear because these armors are special. They are not bought and
The strange and dangerous land of GrymmWorld has traded like a common good. They are works of art and dedi-
birthed astonishing creations from its people so that they cation and should be treated as such. Adventurers seeking to
may better thrive in its peculiarities. This section details acquire these pieces should expect to work for them or pay a
many such examples of this ingenuity, pulled from the very handsome price indeed.
many places and peoples of Prometerra. From elegant falls Chitin. This armor is fashioned from alchemically treat-
of Brilhago to the sinister shadows of the Witchwood, the ed chitin harvested from the giant insects ever-present
people of GrymmWorld have crafted some truly spectac- throughout Tadfen Bog. The chitin is taken from the col-
ular pieces of equipment any adventurer would gladly add orful, if ferocious, gorger beetles. Each set is as unique as
to their arsenal. the insect from which the armor is harvested, changing its
However, due to the unique and specialized nature of metallic sheen according to the mood of its wearer.
these items, they are not readily usable by most folk, even Coral. Grown over the course of half a decade from a
adventurers. Attaining proficiency in their use is not easily species of incredibly durable coral, this armor is designed
done. Extraordinary training, dedication, or magical meth- to fit only a single wearer. Each set is a masterwork piece.
ods are required to gain their use, and can be a fitting re- The coral which forms the armor is of a brilliant purple
ward to those Grymm who please the Narrador. mixed with pastel yellows and inky blacks. Once dried
the armor can withstand nearly any blow and are prized
Cultural Armor heirlooms in many a Praian family.
Gladeleather. Carved from the hides of alpha heard-
Cultural armors are fashioned specifically for people who beasts shepherded by the people of Brilhago, gladeleather
adhere to a particular way of life. In GrymmWorld this is a flexible suit of armor renowned for both its durability
dedicated is often much more work than one would ex- and near silence when maneuvering about while wearing
pect, and consequently these armors are both tools and one. Each suit spends nearly a decade soaking in an al-
significant symbols of the cultures they hail from. Due to chemical mix of vegetable oils to become so sound absor-
their unusual nature, many of these armors have strange bent, making them expensive and rare outside of Brilhago.
and potent properties which make them both exceptional Glass. The crimson sands of Desaly can be blown into
and more difficult to use. a formidable glass. This versatile material can even be
Proficiency. In addition to their traditional categories of forged into a robust armor, commonly worn by the knights
Light, Medium, and Heavy, cultural armors are also affil- of Desaly. This beautiful armor is made all the more mag-
iated with a specific social group on Prometerra. To gain nificent when struck by the light; its many graceful curves
the benefits of these armors, one must have proficiency in and whorls casting crimson hues all around. It is from
both their armor type and the culture the armor hails from, this armor, the Rose-Knights of Desaly take their name,
the details of which can be found in its description. and few would dare wear such an armor without their
Ability Score. Some armors require a wearer have a cer- permission.
tain ability score to wear effectively. A wearer who lacks that Ironwood. The people of Cachoeira love their land and
ability score or higher has disadvantage on attack rolls while its bounties, but no floral specimen is more beloved than
wearing the armor, in addition to any of the usual penalties. the ironwood tree. From its silver limbs, ironwood armor
Price. Cultural armors do not have a listed gold price. is whittled. The wood’s stubborn durability means each set
This is partly because the people of GrymmWorld are far must be carved from adamantine tools - a process which of-
less inclined to deal in gold, preferring the economies of ten takes several months for even the most ordinary of sets.

Chitin Medium Tadfen-Bog 14 + Dex modifier (Max 4) Str 13 - 8 lbs
Coral Heavy Praia 17 + Dex modifier (Max 3) Str 15 Disadvantage 55 lbs
Gladeleather Light Brilhago 14 + Dex modifier Str 13 Advantage 3 lbs
Glass Heavy Desaly 18 + Dex modifier (Max 2) Str 17 Impossible 80 lbs
Ironwood Medium Cachoeira 14 + Dex modifier (Max 5) Str 15 - 30 lbs
Night-Ivy Light Witchwood 13 + Dex modifier Con 13 - 1 lb
Oldstone Heavy Fellmount 20 Str 19 Impossible 100 lbs
Tick-Tock Heavy Labirinto 19 - Impossible 50 lbs

chapter three: Outlandish Options

Night Ivy. Like all things from the Witchwood, night ivy Cultural Weapons
armor is strange. Each piece is grown from a small collec-
tion of seeds which must be implanted in the wearer’s skin Each of Prometerra’s eight regions has faced its share of
(a harmless but profoundly uncomfortable procedure). If troubles. When weapons of war are called for, their peo-
the armor is not being worn, a set of night ivy ples have taken up arms. They have gradually refined their
will grow over the wearer’s body at midnight instruments of death into ones suited for their culture
each night, circumventing any need for the and temperament. Today these weapons stand as both
wearer to don the armor. When worn, vicious dealers of death and cultural touchstones of their
the armor appears like a thin layer respective regions. Like the cultural armor cousins,
of black leaves covering the wearer, these items are more than just adventuring equipment.
twitching constantly with their They are unique, difficult to use, and highly prized.
every movement. Doffing the Proficiency. In addition to the usual weapon pro-
armor is as simple as pruning ficiencies of simple and martial, these weapons also
the ivy. possess an affiliated culture that grants expertise in
Oldstone. Cut from the most their use. To gain the benefits of one of these weap-
ancient of stones upon Fellmount, ons, a wielder must be proficient in both the weap-
oldstone armor is among the on type and the culture the weapon hails from.
mightiest in all of GrymmWorld.
Each set is a simple suit of grey Special Weapons
stone plates, befitting the prag- Weapons with special rules are described here.
matic culture of Fellmount’s people. Dire Flail. The chain holding the head of
Deposits of oldstone are rare, and this flail is able to extend and retract with the
rarer still are those daring enough to push of a button. This benefit adds 10 feet of
climb the mountain and hew a set of reach to your range when you attack with it.
the armor from the frozen rock. Harpoon. The butt of this weapon is fixed
Tick-Tock. Labirinto’s affinity for all with a heavy rope or cord. Immediately after you
things mechanical extends to even their make an attack with this weapon, you can use your
armor. The bizarre creations known as bonus action to return the weapon to your hand.
tick-tock armor are as much machine Greatbow. This oversized bow is terrifically diffi-
as they are equipment. Each piece cult to use. You cannot draw this bow if your Strength
comes with an oversized key which score is 14 or less, preventing you from attacking with
must be used to wind-up the armor, it.
empowering it with the ability to Titanblade. This monstrously large blade wouldn’t
move as its wearer wills. For every look out of place when held by a giant. When
hour the armor is wound, it pro- you make an attack with this weapon, it is so
vides two hours of operation. Unless unbalanced your attack provokes an attack of
wound, the armor is unusable and opportunity from any creatures within reach.
provides no benefits.

Dire Flail Martial Labirinto 1d10 bludgeoning Reach, special 8 lbs
Harpoon Simple Praia 1d6 piercing Thrown (range 20/60), special 5 lbs
Ammunition (range 150/600), heavy,
Greatbow Martial Desaly 1d12 piercing 15 lbs
two handed, special
Dueling Blade Martial Cachoeira 1d8 slashing Finesse, light 1 lb
Fleshcarver Simple Witchwood 1d6 slashing Finesse, light 2 lbs
Lampspear Simple Tadfen Bag 1d8 piercing Versatile, reach 6 lbs
Razor Thrower Simple Brilhago 1d8 Ammunition (range 30/60), loading 2 lbs
Titanblade Martial Fellmount 2d10 slashing Heavy, two-handed, special 40 lbs

chapter three: Outlandish Options

Magical Items
GrymmWorld is filled with wondrous items, powerful
weaponry, arcane armor, and hundreds of curios from
both the current age of story and the time before the
fell-beyonders. This section details but a handful of these
miraculous pieces and should serve as a tool to start a
DM on crafting appropriately thematic items of their
own. Each item listed here is part of Prometerra’s rich
history, as is every magical item to be found within its
realms and should be treated as such. In a GrymmWorld
campaign, magic items should be used in conjunction
with the Narrador and in collaboration with the Players.
They are not just loot to hand out as a standard reward.
Each possesses the potential to begin a new story worth
telling. They must be something the PCs have a use
for in both story and gameplay, changing the course of
GrymmWorld’s future through their use.

Blade of the Sitting Steward

Weapon (glaive), Rare (requires attunement)
This smooth, primeval glaive is forged of a metal that no
longer exists on GrymmWorld; from a time before the
fell-beyonders. These blades were used to protect the peo-
ple from countless horrors whose names have been lost to
time, but still the blades stand, ready to do their duty. It
is said an ancient order of warriors known as the Sitting
Stewards once wielded these weapons, but their time has
passed. While you hold the glaive, you exude an aura of
vigilance in a 30 ft. radius sphere centered on you. You are
aware of any creatures within the aura, and creatures in the
affected area cannot be hidden from you.

Blight Fang
Weapon (pike), Legendary (requires attunement)
This sinister pike is capped with a blade as red as fresh Death Mask of Unspeakable Sorrow
blood atop a shaft the color of hell’s heart. The spear is Wondrous item, Very Rare (requires attunement)
unclean, oozing a vile substance from dimensions best left This ivory mask is shaped to be the tormented face of a
unnamed. When you score a critical hit with the weapon, dead Espertan of great import. The name of this figure was
the target becomes cursed for as long as you are attuned to stricken from all historical record, but legends persist of an
the weapon. A cursed creature is vulnerable to all damage oral history being passed down through a select few with
dealt by you, and when slain, the cursed creature’s body is the mental fortitude to withstand such a burden. Written
reduced to necrotic sludge. across the face of the mask are the forbidden words no
creature upon GrymmWorld dares to speak on pain of suf-
Bowl of Darkened Divinity fering dire consequences. While you wear the mask, when
Wondrous item, Uncommon a flesh and blood creature that can see starts its turn within
These plain clay bowls are all that remains of blasphemers 30 ft. of you and you are not incapacitated, you can force
who plundered the sacred sites of now long dead gods. it to make a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed
A creature who eats a meal out of one of these bowls save, the creature becomes wracked with mournful sorrow,
becomes endowed with profane power for 8 hours. While becoming incapacitated for 1 hour, until it takes damage,
empowered, when a creature scores a hit with an attack or is otherwise harmed.
it may add its proficiency bonus to that attack’s damage. Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid
This effect cannot occur more than once in a single turn. the saving throw at the start of its turn. If a creature does
When the profane power fades, a creature cannot benefit so, it cannot see you until the start of its next turn, when it
from a long rest until 1 week has passed. can choose to avert its eyes again. If the creature looks at
you in the meantime and is within 30 ft., it must immedi-
ately attempt the saving throw.

chapter three: Outlandish Options

Deep Core Lantern succeeded on the saving throw or the curse ends for it, it
Wondrous item, Very Rare  cannot be cursed by any gremlin hammer ever again.
Those that emerged from stone and call this world their
own, the mountain dwelling Duenden, carried these black
metal lamps in the old times. Deeply cut runes in dwar-
vish cover the lanterns every surface. As an action, you can
light the lantern, which burns for up to 1 hour or until
you extinguish it as an action. While the lantern burns, The target cannot remember its name, no matter
it sheds bright light in a 60 ft. radius and dim light 60 ft. 1
how many times it may hear or read it.
beyond that. Additionally, when you touch an object or
creature illuminated by the lantern, you immediately learn 2 The target becomes charmed by any bird it sees.
the targets current and maximum hit points, as well as its The target refuses to wear shoes and does
saving throw and skill proficiencies. Once the lantern has 3 everything in its power to remove any footwear
been lit for a total of 1 hour, it cannot be lit again until 1 it is wearing.
week has passed.
4 The target becomes allergic to daylight.
Divine Daggers of Banishment
5 The target cannot spell anything correctly.
Weapon (dagger), Rare (requires attunement)
This pair of shining, golden daggers were once great weap- The target’s bowels emit perfectly toned
ons used to turn away GrymmWorld’s invaders. Over mil- 6
notes at inconvenient moments.
lennia and after several shifts in the fundamental currents
of magic suffusing the plane, their magic has become mut-
ed. When you score a hit with both daggers against a crea- Link of the Forest Kin
ture on a turn, you may use your bonus action to attempt Wondrous item, Very Rare (requires attunement)
to banish the target. The target must succeed on a DC 18 This fey-woven bracelet is said to be made by the gnomes
Charisma saving throw or be magically banished back to found in the fairy forests long since vanished from the
its home plane of existence, appearing in an unoccupied surface of GrymmWorld. It is said they are given to those
space that is not harmful to it. If the target is already on its who are destined to be good friends. While you wear the
home plane, it is immune to this effect. bracelet, when you successfully charm a creature, you may
immediately use a bonus action to increase the duration
Ghoul Dust Morningstar of the charm to up to 8 hours (other factors that may af-
Weapon (Morningstar), Very Rare fect its duration, such as concentration, remain in effect).
Grave-dust-covered, unholy, and rippling with necrotic If a creature remains charmed by you for 8 hours while
power, this morningstar floats in the air when it is not be- you wear the bracelet, you and the target become the best
ing held. Designed for the sole purpose of slaying those of friends.
who would defy the inevitability of the grave, this weapon
is rightly feared across GrymmWorld for its sinister, but Ornaments of The Ghost Apple Queen
necessary power. While you hold the weapon, the sound of Wondrous item, Rare (requires attunement)
chains and the subtle cries of the damned can be heard in This pair of ethereal and ornate earrings look as if they were
a 30 ft. radius centered on you. lost by a ghostly noble of high standing. While you wear the
Additionally, this weapon grants a +2 bonus to attack and earrings, your flesh becomes ghostly and transparent as you
damage rolls made with it. When you reduce a creature to take on a visage of yourself at the time of your inevitable
zero hit points with this weapon, you can choose to slay it death. While in this state, you can move through other crea-
instantly and claim its remains. When you do so, the target tures, objects, and structures as though they were difficult
cannot be restored to life until the weapon is destroyed. terrain, but take 4d10 force damage if you end your turn
inside a solid object.
Gremlin Hammer Additionally, if you die while wearing the earrings you
Weapon (warhammer), Uncommon (requires attunement) immediately rise as a ghost in the nearest unoccupied
This wide, flat hammer always glistens with an oily shine. space to the site of your death.
First wielded by gremlins as a deterrent against those who
would disrupt their mischief, the hammer inflicts peculiar Rainments of Duenden Moonlight
curses on those it strikes. When you hit a creature with Armors (Studded leather), Rare (requires attunement)
the hammer, it must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma sav- This set of black and white leather armor shimmers with
ing throw or be cursed with one of the following options. the vibrant light of the moon. This armor is said to be a
The target rolls a d6 and suffers the corresponding curse gift from the moon lich itself, granted only to those who
detailed below. The curse lasts until the creature tells you pledge their eternal loyalty. While you wear the armor, a
an embarrassing secret about itself. Once a creature has 15 ft. radius 100 ft. high cylinder of moonlight appears

chapter three: Outlandish Options

centered on you. The cylinder follows you wherever you of Kehllithm, these items are believed to be the physi-
move and sheds bright light in the affected area and dim cal remains of a great warrior who mysteriously survived
light 30 ft. beyond that. When damage other than blud- many dozens of beheadings, only to regrow a new head
geoning, piercing, or slashing damage is dealt within the and continue his conquest. Today, the skulls are endowed
affected area, you can choose for that damage to be radiant with powerful magic, with no compelling evidence as to
damage instead. the veracity of the legend. While you hold the skull, if you
would take fire damage, you instead take no fire damage
Rod of Shattering and regain a number of hit points equal to the fire damage
Rod, Uncommon (requires attunement) you would have taken.
This roughhewn rod was brought to GrymmWorld by de- Additionally, while you are attuned to the skull, it will
monic beings and now infests the land with its very pres- routinely scream in a voice that can be heard up to 300 ft.
ence. These rods were used against the fell-beyonders when away, declaring your name and offering the challenge of
they first arrived, and as such are tools of destruction all of honorable combat to any who are willing.
GrymmWorld would happily forget. As an action while
you hold the rod, you can touch the rod to an unattended Void-Tipped Quill
object or structure within reach and attempt to destroy it. Wondrous item, Rare
If the target has 50 or less hit points, it is reduced to dust These chipped and jagged quills are made from the spiny-
and the rod cannot be used again until 1 week has passed. scaled feathers of a fell-beyonder. How such a dreadful
If the target has 50 or more hit points, it takes 50 points of feat was accomplished is unknown, but the results are
force damage and the rod of shattering is destroyed. appropriately terrifying. As an action while you hold the
quill, you may sketch the silhouette of a creature you can
Scaled Shirt of Sharang see on a surface within reach. When you do so, the sketch
Half plate, Legendary (requires attunement) and the target is consumed in a swirling void of inky
This magnificent half-suit of plated armor is adorned blackness, vanishing from existence. At the start of your
with a dozen unknown jewels, each of which sparkles next turn, the target appears in the nearest unoccupied
as if lit from within. The artwork that adorns it tells of space from where it vanished and takes 5d10 necrotic
the creation of the universe, and the plate is forged from damage. Once the quill has been used in this manner, it
the scales of the dragon that defeated the fell-beyonders crumbles to dust.
when they came to GrymmWorld. While you wear this
armor, you sprout dragon wings which grant you a fly Watchful Statue of Brittlebean
speed equal to your base walking speed. Wondrous Item, Uncommon 
Additionally, your attacks deal an additional 1d6 fire A small and scaled maquette, fashioned in the form of a
damage on a hit. dragon, and crumbles like an old cookie. The statue of
Finally, while you wear the armor you instinctively know Brittlebean, named after a cantankerous dragon, known for
the full draconic name of any dragon you encounter, a fact his judgmental disposition, reacts strangely in the presence
to which few mortals are ever privileged. of certain creatures. When an evil creature comes within 30
ft. of the statute, the statue crumbles to dust until there are
Shield of Elemental Fury no evil creatures within 30 ft. of it, at which point the stat-
Shield, Very Rare (requires attunement) ue will magically reform. These figurines are highly prized
This strangely shaped shield looks more like an oversized for their ability to safeguard against deceptive and sinister
throwing star. It was forged from the chaotic aftermath of forces that would avoid a direct confrontation.
GrymmWorld’s clash with the fell-beyonders. While you
hold the shield, it becomes wreathed in flame, shedding Wedding Band of Countess Lemondew
bright light in a 20 ft. radius and dim light 20 ft. beyond Ring, Rare (requires attunement)
that. This wedding ring once belonged to the Lemondew fam-
Additionally, when you take acid, cold, fire, or lightning ily of vampires but has since been burned and scorched
damage while holding the shield, you can use your reaction by the fires of vengeance. As an action, while you wear
to send a bolt of elemental power at a creature you can see the ring you can condemn a creature you can see within
within 60 ft, making a ranged spell attack (using Wisdom 120 ft. to suffer, sending forth a torrent of hellfire from
if you do not have a spellcasting ability). On a successful the ring to scorch your target. The target must succeed
attack, the target takes half the triggering damage of the on a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or take 10d10
same damage type. fire damage and 10d10 necrotic damage, or half as
much on a success. If the target survives this damage,
Skull of Khellithm you also take this damage. Once you have used this fea-
Wondrous item, Legendary (requires attunement) ture, you cannot use it again until you drink a goblet of
These blackened skulls are scalding to the touch and crack- humanoid blood.
les as if smoldering from a recent fire. Known as a Skull


THE Narrative &

“Water can exist as a flowing river, frigid ice, or supple vapor. Each form is different in countless ways and yet all are water.
Such is the nature of our existence. Four peoples, each with their own dreams, goals, desires, loves, fears, hates, and oh
so much more. Dancing together in a grand performance, each of us assuming a different role. One day it may be loving
Daphne who takes center stage, signing songs of compassion and joy. Another the bloody Rustam, screaming his triumphs
over the corpses of fallen foes. All different, yet all the same. A living contradiction are we. A puzzle with no solution.
A play with no curtain call.”
The Narrador, speaking as one

T HE REALM OF GrymmWorld is home to a

most peculiar, dangerous, powerful, romantic, and cre-
ative being known as the Narrador. This metaphysical
entity fulfills many game roles in a game of 5th Edition.
The Mythology of Stories:
The Grand Tale of GrymmWorld
However, its most important job is as a vehicle for the DM
to engage with the Player Characters. A campaign set in
GrymmWorld assumes the DM takes on the mantle of
G rymmWorld is a diverse and unique place.
Every corner is filled with interesting ideas about
all facets of life, but ubiquitous across all cultures
Narrador, becoming both a manager of the game and an and peoples of GrymmWorld is the belief that story
enduring character within it. and legend are the purpose of all life. Stories allow
A DM putting on the Mask of the Narrador unlocks life to endure past death. Stories share experiences
new game systems and tools to explore often neglected ar- with those who have yet to understand. Stories teach
eas in 5th Edition games. This experience is possible thanks powerful lessons one could never learn in a classroom.
From mighty dragon to lowly kobold, the people of
GrymmWorld see their actions as contributing toward
The Nature of DMing a truly epic narrative. Each moment is recorded in the
tale of GrymmWorld, every life a chapter in a grand

I n tabletop roleplaying games, Players come together

at a table to participate in the act of assuming the
roles of fictional characters in the unreal and fantastical
epic in the process of being written.
A common mythology of GrymmWorld is that
before the old gods shaped the realm, there was
space of play, known as the game world. Engaging in perception. A divine presence which noticed, observed,
the mechanics of the system and participating in the and recorded all that is and was. Unfortunately, without
game world often elicits powerful emotional responses. a world to witness this, it proved to be a whole lot of
The Players in turn, share their experience of play back nothing - endless, dreary tedium across space and time.
with the DM, weaving together the story and narrative When the gods of old created GrymmWorld, this
of the game. This cycle of play, game experience, and perception jumped at the chance to explore something
storytelling is what powers the magic of the game space new. Even gods fall, so when the cataclysm broke upon
and entices individuals to invite others to play. The the land, this observer became activist, taking an active
depth of the story is managed by the group together, approach to the realm’s future in the fourfold form of
with one individual acting as the arbiter, referee, and the Narrador. The Narrador is no deity, but a recognized
adjudicator of the game world. In GrymmWorld, you symbol of the flow of story through all the ages of the
must become more than a DM, as you will discover by world, manifesting and collecting the happenings of
exploring this chapter. Your goal is to collaborate with GrymmWorld. With each new arc of GrymmWorld’s
your Players to create extraordinary tales. Stories you story, its hand is felt, empowering mortals to ensure the
will reflect fondly on for years to come. greatest stories of GrymmWorld are yet to come.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

to the Narrador acting with greater agency than a typical within this chapter, your performance as the Narrador
DM. The Narrador has goals, plots, schemes, and desires will empower you to explore fresh and heartfelt experi-
that matter in GrymmWorld, and they will not be ignored. ences found only in GrymmWorld. What are you waiting
This isn’t to say the PCs are subject to the Narrador’s whims for? The role of a lifetime awaits!
and will without recourse - quite the opposite. This influ-
ence is limited by the Narrador’s four Masks: personalities
each possessing an affinity for a different type of story. A The Teller of Tales:
group of GrymmWorld adventurers learn to work with the
Narrador, collaboratively crafting a story of legendary pro- Narrador Basics
portions. Whether its intrigue, romance, violence, curiosi- Every session of GrymmWorld begins with the Game
ty, or any of a dozen other narrative themes, the Narrador Master assuming the role of the Narrador and donning
sets the stage but the Players write the script. Think of the one of its narrative Masks. This act communicates the
Narrador as a trickster god with a particular interest in he- tone, feel, and type of adventure the Players will engage
roic adventurers, who arbitrates the game without breaking with that session. This role is more than just a persona, it is
character. The Narrador is both a producer and an actor, also a character in the game world that has influence over
the land of GrymmWorld a stage, and the PCs the leading the actions and behaviors of others. The Narrador can hop
roles in a perilous tale yearning to unfold. in and out of a story, interact with other characters, and
In GrymmWorld, you are the Narrador and the has a special role in the fiction of the world as a tangible
Narrador is you. Want to run tactical duels designed for force. Unlike other NPCs, the Narrador is not defined by
drama and one on one combat? Don the Mask of Rustam collection of statistics, but instead by a mechanical move-
and signal to your Players battle will soon be joined. set which rewards Players with in-game benefits or bur-
Seeking tales of romance and rivalry at your game table? dens them with twists of fate. This process emphasizes the
Assume the persona of Daphne and implement relation- theme and genre of adventure the party is participating in,
ship tools to inspire romance and drama. In need of a working cooperatively with the PCs to establish a clear
journey just as exciting as the destination? The mask of narrative. There are four distinct personas of the Narrador
Gangesha facilitates stories that occur during long ardu- and each has their own personality and unique in-game
ous travel. Perhaps your campaign could benefit from a manifestations, called a Mask. As a DM runs a game in
daring mystery full of guile and intrigue. Then the Mask GrymmWorld, they will frequently don and swap between
of Eudoxia awaits. With such tools and many more these Masks in an artful dance known as the Masquerade.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

A full 1st through 20th level campaign of 5th Edition using these masks are characters as well as tools, the details of
this system will be a legendary tale indeed, with the DM which can be found later in this chapter.
having assumed the Narrador’s persona dozens of times The Narrador is a fluid individual that delights in being
across hundreds of hours of gameplay. A gamemastering the embodiment of stories. The Masks represent, in their
feat worthy of legend. This section details everything you simplest forms, tales of battle, romance, intrigue, and ex-
need to know about how to utilize the Narrador’s many ploration. When presented through play, each Mask signals
diverse tools to collaborate with your Players. to the party a certain type of adventure is about to begin.
To aid in this transition of game modes, the Mask informs
The Masquerade the Players they are likely to experience certain mechani-
cal subsystems (though they might dip into others) which
The Masquerade is the game mechanism that signals the support stories befitting of the Mask’s theme. Throughout
Players that the DM will adopt themes, content, and situa- this book you will discover content tied to specific Masks
tions appropriate to a specific type of story. As the GM and and are encouraged to use these tools to better explore the
Narrador, you have four different Masks you can don when gameplay potential behind each persona. Later sections of
running a GrymmWorld campaign - Rustam, the Mask of this chapter further explore what this means for each re-
battle, Eudoxia, the Mask of intrigue, Daphne, the Mask spective Mask, and a DM should familiarize themselves
of compassion, and Gangesha, the Mask of truth. Each of with those personas to get the most mileage out of this
dramatic gameplay tool.
Behind the Curtain:
DM Constraint & Social Contracts Story Arcs

H aving learned of the Narrador’s Masks, you A campaign or adventure in GrymmWorld is broken up
may be concerned about the restrictions such into story arcs. This breakup better facilitates the fairy tale-
a system places upon you as a GM. That’s absolutely like storytelling of the campaign setting as well as inte-
fair, as the Masquerade’s more rigid gameplay is grating with the Masquerade system. A story arc is the set-
a limiting factor on your game’s story. Like most ting component that identifies what starts, progresses, and
rules however, there are pros as well as cons. In this ends an adventure, much like a beginning, climax, and end
case, we felt the clear communication to the Players of a fictional narrative. A story arc contains key questions
that the game was moving in a distinct thematic about the game world and the Player Characters that the
direction or gameplay mode had many benefits. Narrador needs to have answered. As this is a role-playing
One theory of game design is that unsatisfactory game, the ending of a story arc is not pre-determined; it
experiences in RPGs arise from a failure to match is discovered through play. The Narrador can continue to
Player expectations to their experiences. A group of wear the same Mask or to select a new one when appropri-
Players may be more open and ready to engage with ate at the end of a story arc.
an intrigue arc of a campaign if the beginning, middle, A story arc greatly benefits from the Narrador narrating
and end of that arc is communicated clearly. This is its elements in character, framing the experience as a living
where the Masquerade comes in. The donning of the story in the process of being told. This will take some cre-
mask of Eudoxia clearly indicates to everyone at the
ative writing on the Narrador’s part, but only just enough to
table that the game is transitioning to one of intrigue
facilitate the Players exploring the story ahead of them, not
and subterfuge. It is time for the PCs to sheath their
railroading them into a story they want nothing to do with.
swords and curb those murderous instincts, as the road
The simple pattern of a story arc is as follows, the rough
ahead will not facilitate or reward that style of play. If
you’ve ever had a PC start assassinating nobles in the
details of what should be prepared prior to a game session
political arc of your traditional 5th Edition campaign, involving each element. It is advisable that a DM have
you can understand why it can be good to make such each of these aspects lightly detailed before beginning a
transitions and expectations clear. This is the basis of new story arc, to both serve as a guide for developing story
the social contract between the Narrador and the PCs. focused encounters and a frame of reference if things start
Some veterans of 5th Edition may chafe at this getting off track.
experience initially. This is okay, it’s an adjustment for The Hook. A new chapter in the story of the PCs is de-
everyone. Give it time. It takes everyone a few sessions clared. The Narrador delivers a strong opening statement
to learn the rules of a new game, and GrymmWorld declaring the core objective of the session and dons an
is a major flip of the script from traditional 5th appropriate narrative Mask. This narration hints at what
Edition. Don’t expect your Players to understand the is to come, without spoiling plots twists and other details
relationship between the Narrador and their characters best left to the PCs to discover. The story arc also sets the
immediately, and certainly don’t expect perfection stage by introducing the starting environment and the ini-
from yourself. You will need practice and experience to tial hook of the adventure, finalized by the donning of the
maximize the Narrador’s full potential. narrative Mask through the Masquerade before the PCs
begin their journey.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

The Problem. The core conflict of the story arc is nar- The Epilogue. Once the PCs have completed their role
ratively introduced. This should be the focus of the PC’s in the story arc, they may not realize the impact they’ve
efforts. This is an issue only they can resolve, whether it’s a had on the world around them. The Epilogue is the
monster to slay, paramour to romance, or place to discov- Narrador’s chance to demonstrate this impact, illustrat-
er. The Narrador should provide only as much detail as is ing the consequences felt by the people, environment, and
necessary to pique the PC’s interest, withholding the most fiction of GrymmWorld thanks to the PC’s actions. The
exciting elements for the PCs to discover themselves. Epilogue is the character’s legacy and should be reflective
The Drama. In this section of the story arc, the PC’s clash, of the morality and severity of their actions taken over the
collide, and engage The Problem directly. The Drama should course of the arc.
challenge the Players to answer a difficult question with their
characters. Are they daring enough to explore a dungeon?
Are they courting their true love? Is this the great battle of
the age? The result of the drama has yet to be determined by
the PC’s actions, but the path forward should be clear.
The Resolution. After the Drama is resolved, any loose The Hook
ends should be tied up by the PCs with the aid of the
Narrador. Any plot threads left hanging can be used to The Problem
pivot into new story arcs or carefully preserved to appear at
a later date. Note a resolution does not necessitate success The Drama
on the part of the PCs. The characters could still resolve
The Resolution
their Drama through failure or defeat, which in the eyes of
the Narrador are just as valuable as victory when it comes The Epilogue
to telling an interesting story.

Sample Story Arc

The Hook. The Moonlich haunts the Eldermount. Unless written this year’s song. Only then will they be ready to face
the Song of Starlight is sung before the next full moon, the the Moonlich and sing of his defeat.
foul creature will descend upon Prometerra and unleash With the Starlight Song in hand, the PCs must summit
a plague of vile death. The DM declares this story arc Fellmount and begin a grand performance to send the
will coincide with the donning of the mask of Rustam, undead menace back to where it came from. The Moonlich
indicating conflict, violence, and battle will be common has called forth his greatest bard to challenge the heroes in
themes for encounters throughout the arc. a musical duel of epic proportions. Should the voice of the
dead prove too powerful for the PCs, Fellmount will surely
The Problem. The players begin in the Fellmount
fall under the Moonlich’s sway, the horror of all good and
region of Prometerra. They know that there are two
decent folk.
major mountain villages that often trade back and forth.
Trade has stopped because of the undead influence in The Resolution. Should the PCs prove victorious, those
the area thanks to the rogue moon appearing in the beguiled by the Moonlich’s troupes will descend back to
sky above Fellmount, from which descend a troupe of Prometerra. Life will return to normal, while gifts are given
undead performers signing songs that beguile the living. and songs sung to honor the heroes and their prodigious
From his lunar throne, the Moonlich watches as his vocal ability. A ballad is composed in the PCs honor; a
forces lure the people of Fellmount ever higher and join celebration of their deeds and achievement. If the Moonlich
in his eternal court where no life can endure. During proves victorious, many of Fellmount’s people ascend to the
this chapter, the story will introduce the first village, eternal court, never to be seen alive again. With new subjects
locals under threat by the Moonlich’s malevolence, and in hand, the Moonlich departs as mysteriously as he arrived,
the dangers of the undead troubadours patrolling the leaving the survivors under a cloak of perpetual dread at the
region. inevitable return of such a terrific foe.
The Drama. During this chapter, the Player Characters The Epilogue. Depending on how the conflict of the
are going to come into direct contact with undead forces story was resolved, the people of Fellmount develop a
and are going to be challenged with how they respond greater affinity for musical arts and the power of song (if
to the undead blight. They will have the opportunity to the PCs are victorious), or become a dour, bitter people
learn that the lich can be banished by the singing of the devoid of hope and joy (if the PCs are defeated). In
Starlight Song, a mystical melody written each year by either case, the summit of Fellmount is adorned with a
elusive Starling birds. In order to defeat the Moonlich and monument to the Moonlich, detailing his many crimes
his schemes, the PCs must escape from Fellmount to the against the region’s people, as well as the names of those
Tadfen Bog where they can find the Starlings who have lost to his evil.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

To develop your own story arc, consider using the for-

mat below and keep it available at all times during both The Narrador Code of Conduct
play and preparation. That way your narrative will feel fo-
cused, consistent, and interactive with what is going on at
the table. Follow along as your Players complete the story A s a great man once said, “With great power
comes great responsibility”. As the Narrador
you have become the most powerful character at
arc, using their in-game achievements to detail the Player’s
outcome or response to each story beat, neatly summariz- your game table and your obligation to use that role
ing what has transpired over the course of the arc. responsibly expands accordingly. Your responsibilities
as DM remain in place, but instead of being the
driving force behind the story at your table, you can
now collaborate with your Players to create a more
Running Games compelling and diverse narrative. The more effectively
as the Narrador you utilize the role of the Narrador, the better these
experiences will be, especially when guided by the
Playing the Narrador in GrymmWorld requires embody- following tenets.
ing the personality of its four narrative Masks both inside
1. Don’t Play God. The Narrador is a being of
and outside of play. This is not a simple task, but that is
world-shaping potential, but power is not a measure
why this chapter exists! There are many tools, strategies,
of what one can do. It is a measure of what one is
and techniques a DM can use to make full use of the willing to do. Temper your power by accepting nar-
Narrador through this section and this book as a whole, so ratively appropriate limitations as detailed in this
don’t be intimidated. chapter and beyond.
As the Narrador, you are now a Player and a DM. Your
character has a set of parameters defined by their Mask, 2. Listen Actively. Deeper and more personal
stories have the potential to resonate strongly
which you are obligated (and expected) to adhere to. This
with Players. This can be a delightfully wonderful
limiting factor on your power is necessary, for the Players
moment or frustrating, upsetting experience.
need to feel like they are not subjected to the inscruta-
Keep your ear out for how your Players (and their
ble whims of an entity who they cannot defy or negotiate characters) are feeling about what is happening in
with. This asymmetrical relationship should never be ex- the story. Remember, not everyone separates their
ploitative and aspiring Narradors are well advised to ad- personal feelings from those of their character.
here to the code of conduct outlined below. Keep your narrative tools handy to manage
troubling situations. Problems are always easiest
Interacting with Characters to solve when addressed early, so try to hear them
The Narrador will interact with Player Characters in a va- 3. Communicate Effectively. What sounds great
riety of ways, ranging from almost direct confrontation to in your head may not have the same effect when
far subtler influences. The many ways these actions can be presented at the table. Be mindful to speak in a
performed are discussed later in this chapter, but it is im- manner that best communicates your ideas and
portant to frame our purposes in doing so. Ask the players, story directions to the table. A story only you can
inside the game as their characters, and outside the game fully understand is a story no one else wants to be a
as Players, what they desire to achieve from playing in your part of.
campaign. Their answers will help shape your designs and 4. Share Responsibility. Campaigns in GrymmWorld
narrow down your tools when creating adventures with- ask the Players to take on greater responsibility in
in GrymmWorld. Balancing the goals and desires of each regard to the story. It’s no longer your job to ensure
individual is a challenging task. This task can be handled their every action becomes woven into the narrative,
through conversation and discussion to help players figure so be sure to provide the Players an opportunity
out what to sacrifice, what to fight for, and what sort of to step up. The more moments your Players get to
game they find most engaging. define the narrative, the richer and more detailed
Another function of this unique relationship with your campaign will become.
Players is experiencing their perspective on the game 5. Embrace Adversity. An endless parade of
world. GrymmWorld has little official canon. Instead, its rewards and validation does not make for diverse
mythology and lore are left deliberately vague in many ar- storytelling. GrymmWorld is about more than
eas, to be filled by the collaborative efforts of your cam- acquiring loot and winning the day. Moments
paign. A successful Narrador experience is one where of sadness, defeat, struggle, and other aspects of
together you and the Players have enacted deep and mean- adversity are not only possible, but desirable. So
ingful change on the continent of Prometerra. Asking long as such things are explored responsibly, they
Players about their characters’ families, hometowns, past will make for a far more dynamic and memorable
loves, old rivals, and what life was like before adventuring, campaign.
is a great way to build hooks for future play. Lastly, it is a

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

useful practice for players to provide their own descrip- Stakes and Consequences
tions as to how they respond to the world. Don’t dictate
to them how their character responds, ask them directly. When setting up scenes during play, each encounter
“What do you do? How do you respond? What are your should have the stakes and consequences of the situation
thoughts on that?” Their responses can carry far greater clearly articulated to all concerned, unless doing so would
weight than you may be used to, so be ready to turn even spoil a particularly juicy mystery. This helps Players to act
the most mundane conversation into the next great arc of confidently with their characters, facilitating trust in a
your campaign’s story. game where the average Player has reasonable cause to be
worried their treasured character may be obliterated for
the smallest of mistakes.
Behind the Curtain: Part of setting up the scenes also involves the Narrador
Steward of the Fiction finding opportunities to reward every Player for engaging
in the character-specific details they chose during charac-
T he Narrador is the ultimate guardian and
steward of the fiction, meaning they need to
keep track of all the elements that are passing through
ter creation. Personality Traits, Ideals, Flaws, and Bonds
should be examined and utilized by the Narrador to pro-
GrymmWorld. Some game masters do this through vide opportunities for Players to be rewarded with story
the use of notetaking, journaling, session recaps, or beats, scenes, and other benefits found throughout this
plot radar. The plot radar is a technique developed by chapter. The Narrador needs to be prepared to challenge
Tom Lommel and involves tracking fictional elements the characters through careful and considerate use of dra-
that are directly in front of the character, items that ma and conflict. Find out what gets a character excited,
are adjacent to the current scenes, and things that are nervous, intrigued, and interested in the game. It will be
further out on the horizons. Other gamemasters might time well spent.
use Mike Shea’s Lazy Dungeon Master series. There are
many tools and we will provide some hints here in this The Narrador and the Meta Game
chapter. Whatever technique is utilized, it is important
that you think of the following aspects:  The character of the Narrador is an essential part of
• Be a fan of the Players by knowing the characters Grymm-World and exists as a fourth-wall breaking enti-
they are playing and what they are capable of. ty that is aware of its existence as a vehicle for storytelling.
• Think about the clues and context of the adventuring
The guiding principle is that a Player’s character informs
environments and location the Players find the DM how to steer a session, while prompting Players
themselves in. with types of actions that advance the in-game narrative.
This character type is common in many fairy stories from
• Think about what hooks they will encounter and
a variety of cultures and is inspired by other tabletop role-
how they might find themselves persisting in the
playing games. It is important for Player Characters to be
aware of the meta-game nature of the Narrador and for
• Consider the opposition, their activities, and what the group to develop an attitude of appreciation for their
they do to come into friction with the Players. role in the game. Respecting the Narrador leads to rewards
• Encourage ingenuity, thinking outside of the box, both wondrous and exciting, while fighting the fictional
and overcoming adversity in unforeseen ways. direction of the game can produce terrific hardship. It is
• Reward according to the challenge and be consistent important that the Narrador honor agency of characters as
in those rulings but consider what it would take to often as possible. Think of the meta conversation about the
ensure the players feel satisfied. game as the script for a play, and the game of 5th Edition
as the actual performance. Allow your Players to peek at,
The Narrador has a responsibility to spotlight and
rewrite, and modify the script in ways that interest them,
emphasize elements that carry special importance in
so long as at the end of the day you are the one ensuring its
the world and making the importance known to the
players. Players won’t necessarily pick up on hidden,
key story beats and structure remain intact.
secret, or invisible information. Puzzles might remove
accessibility to story elements. That doesn’t mean
avoid using them, but implement them in a way that
Getting into Character
presents clues, solutions, and character specific meth- Becoming the Narrador is a process every DM utilizing
ods of solving. If you have players learning how to GrymmWorld should master. Divided into four sub-per-
play, you might make suggestions, not directions, that sonalities, the character of the Narrador provides you with
help inspire them to solve the problems they encoun- an opportunity to explore a diverse array of personas both
ter. Consider how you convey information and what in game, and at your table. These personalities, or Masks,
activities of play warrant rewarding the players with are designed to be as unique and diverse as our own human
deeper story experiences. experiences, but not all encompassing. Their themes and
interests are just vague enough to be adapted to your own

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

interpretations. It is both encouraged and expected that the players to the game space. Digital mediums are won-
you find a unique understanding of each of the Narrador’s derfully effective in this regard, allowing you to provide
personas to better facilitate your table’s play, as well as your a plethora of high-quality art that can perfectly fit your
own comfort. A beautifully executed Narrador perfor- game’s tone.
mance will combine acting, game mastering, and playing Voices. How one speaks is important when playing as
into one spectacular whole. Getting there takes work but the Narrador. Tone, turn of phrase, and intonation all play
detailed below is a basic list of resources you can use to into both effective communication and dramatic gravitas.
begin exploring what it means to the Narrador. Unique and colorful voices are compelling, but under that,
Ambience and Music. If you have ever read a fairy tale your own voice is the most powerful tool in your narra-
and heard the sounds of creaking wood or whispering tive arsenal. Consider what key phrases and tonal quality
wind in your head as you read along, then you understand the Narrador uses when you speak. Each mask has its own
how powerful a simple note of ambience can play in an inflections, ticks, and mannerisms that you can lean on to
imaginative experience. Utilizing thematically appropriate reinforce your table’s themes without ever having to per-
music and ambience at your table will go a long way. Make form a funny voice of questionable quality.
the utilization of music and ambience a part of your game Gameplay. The Narrador has control over how encoun-
preparation and reap spectacular rewards as your Players ters play out and what rulesets are present at your table. This
dive headfirst into your story with but a sound. book, especially this chapter, detail many fantastical tools
Props. Specific to the Narrador are the ideas of masks, for expanding your game in previously unexplored direc-
patterns, textures, and materials that relate to the tone of tions. The right combination of newness and collaborative
each Narrador persona. Detailed later in this chapter, each mechanics are essential to high quality GrymmWorld en-
of these Masks makes use of specific color combinations, counters but learning how to use a new toy takes time. Give
artistry, and other aesthetics to reinforce their presence. yourself a chance to master whatever mechanics you wish
Visually define what it means for you to play the Narrador to explore and define in character. Over time you will accli-
at your game table. You might be surprised just how far mate these rule sets to the Players and your group, exploring
donning a simple red cloak goes when preparing to run them together as both Narrador and PCs. Enjoy this pro-
a climactic battle. If you are referencing iconic objects or cess and don’t fuss too much about mistakes you make along
a persona in the game, consider what visual prompt (ei- the way. Serve the story first, and the rules second.
ther graphically or physically) could be used to connect

The Narrador’s Masks

Behind the Curtain: The Narrador is four distinct personalities inhabiting one
The DM As A Character? being, each of which takes the form of a narrative Mask be-
tween which the Narrador swaps like changing costumes.
T he entire concept of stories is built from the
knowledge told by an outsider, written by an
observer, or dreamt up while we are sleeping. As
These Masks are Rustam Crimson-Snow, Eudoxia Night-
Storm, Daphne Hallow-Field, and Gangesha Falling-
a child, I often watched the Dungeons & Dragons
Leaf. From where these identities hail is a subject of much
animated series, where a character named “dungeon
speculation, but the prevailing theory is that the Narrador
master” would pop in and out of episodes. Likewise, has chosen to adopt the personas of four adventures from
Jim Henson’s Storyteller was narrated by the wonderful GrymmWorld’s past. Together these dear friends wrought
John Hurt, who often would interject as if he were part deeds worthy of story, song, and legend like no other. That
of the scene, while sitting apart from it. In the earlier was, until the fell-beyonders came and rent asunder their
parts of this decade, I became interested in a Ryuutama world. It is said the love of these heroes for their home was
campaign that featured Story Dragons which were both so great, their spirits endured to ensure those that came
part of the game world and the role the game master after would know the joy of being a part of a wonderous
would play. The goal of introducing this set of ideas tale, and so became one with the Narrador. Whatever
into 5th Edition roleplaying is to capture the magic of their origins, the Masks now exist as potent forces shaping
the storyteller tradition and provide clear meaningful GrymmWorld’s very foundations.
mechanics that facilitate play. Rather than rely on DM Good stories show as much as they tell, and your games
fiat, you can apply clear and precise procedures while must be no different. When you need to communicate to
you adjudicate the game. A major challenge can be the Players the tone of the campaign is shifting to a new
that players must agree to the influence the Narrador style of play, all you must do is don a new narrative Mask.
wields, and the inability to shake it from the world. This act signals the Players that you are going to adopt
This is something some players may struggle with. My themes, content, and situations appropriate to a specific
hope is that the collaborative story-telling experience type of story appropriate for that Mask.
is improved by engaging with the existing game Donning a Mask can be both a narrative and physical
mechanics through this new set of rules. act. The Players should be made keenly aware when the
game is experiencing an introduction or change in Masks.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

This act should be executed in a suitably dramatic man- Influences. A detailed description of influences and
ner, akin to a scene change at a play or the start of a new how to use them. These influences, as described through-
chapter in a nail-biting novel. Accompanying this change out this chapter, can impact the game world. Influences
in the meta comes a shift in the land of GrymmWorld are the impacts that the Narrador has over NPCs, the
itself. Remember, the Narrador is an entity with fourth- game environment, and the overarching fictional narra-
wall breaking (and entering) properties, and the creatures tive of GrymmWorld. After revealing an influence of the
of GrymmWorld are accustomed to their world changing Narrador, you should ask the Player Characters how they
to accommodate the latest story arc. A sudden change in respond to the influence and what it means to them.
the seasons, a peculiar change in the common folk’s mood, Keepers. Throughout GrymmWorld there are those with
and many other omens can signal the Narrador’s donning a close affinity to the Narrador, the Keepers. Keepers are
of a new Mask. those that know the words the Narrador has spoken and
The Mask of the Narrador is more than just a tool for preserve the tales through oral tradition. A Keeper is a
narrative story telling. Each is equipped with a selection master of discerning the nature of the Narrador’s desires
of tools and resources which facilitate the DM exploring and may be able to offer valuable insight into what lays
their themes and character with the PCs. This chapter not ahead. Keepers are functional NPCs that can become in-
only shares the capacities of each narrative Mask, but a tertwined with the Player Characters thanks to their as-
wider array of tools and their uniquely effective interac- sociation with the Narrador, but are more akin to guides
tions with the Masks which you can explore. Before you or supporting characters in a story, letting the Players lead
can begin to fully utilize those resources however, you must the way.
learn the details of each Narrador Mask, which is detailed
in this section. The four narrative Masks and a summary of
their features are as follows: Behind the Curtain:
The Magic of Theater
• Rustam: The Mask of Battle
Stories of warfare, monster slaying, and
dungeon delving I t is said by Alexi Siegel, that in traditional theater
the ritual of putting on a mask is extremely
tender. It is transformative and is one of the most
• Eudoxia: The Mask of Intrigue magical moments of mask work. This is also true in
Stories of sedition, betrayal, and solving mysteries GrymmWorld. When the Narrador dons the Mask,
they are assuming the face, identity, and properties of
• Daphne: The Mask of Compassion an avatar of story. In the fiction of the game world,
Stories of romance, friendship, and personal drama this is viewed as the magic time, The Masquerade.
• Gangesha: The Mask of Truth Keepers share tales of miraculous beings that
Stories of hope, exploration, and long journeys transcend religious experience, extraplanar
encounters, and the day to day of the mortal coil.
Season. Each Mask is tied to a Season, a literal atmospher- The Masquerade is a period of personal growth for
ic representation of spring, summer, winter, and fall. When the Grymm, a time to be tested and face trials of the
the Narrador dons a Mask, all of GrymmWorld responds heart. The timeless tales of fairy song are heard when
by mystically aligning its season to those of the Mask. As the Narrador dons a Mask and the music changes
GrymmWorld is fairy tale fantasy, seasonality is not tied when the Mask is exchanged.
to science, it is tied to the Narrador and their desire to
control the sights, sounds, smell, and feel of the world
around them. Why this occurs none can say. Some believe The Dramatic Influence of Masks
it to be the Narrador exercising its godlike power, while
the more educated opinion postulates that the life cycle of The Narrador can reveal their influence in a campaign
the Narrador and GrymmWorld are intertwined, with through a multitude of mystical and potent ways via de-
the life of one reflecting the other, and vice versa. scription alone. The cold wind that blows before the pitched
Social Statistics. Each section below provides the per- battle, the gently falling summer rain that hides the tear-
sonality traits of the Mask which are dominant during drops of a lover scorned, or the crisp kaleidoscope of colors
play. These traits are a basic overview of how the Narrador the autumn leaves create as they fall to the ground are all
is likely to behave in a social encounter while wearing examples of the Narrador’s connection to GrymmWorld.
the mask. This interaction is likely to occur when the The Narrador’s touch can be shared through evocative de-
Narrador is speaking through one of its keepers but can scriptions of the environment, objects, and locations in the
also be used to interpret how the Narrador thinks and game space. Think of the words that best suit your inter-
feels about the actions of the PCs. This assessment is vital pretation of the Narrador and how they relate to the story
for determining whether the characters are collaborating elements that tie to the tonality of the tales that are set to
with the Narrador or working to derail the story the en- come. The Narrador can also impact the game through di-
tity so desperately wishes to tell. rect manifestation by one of its keepers, mysterious agents

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

of the mercurial entity, which act as both its avatar and The Mask of Battle: Rustam Crimson-Snow,
messenger. The appearance of such a creature is an act one The Record Keeper of Soldier Songs
should not take lightly and be performed only when the
Narrador feels the need to steer things in a direct and dra- Rustam Crimson-Snow is the embodiment of tales of
matic direction. The Narrador has influence over creatures, hardship, strife, and danger. Often appearing as a bat-
locations, environments, and objects. Narrador influence tle-hardened military leader with eyes narrowed in a
might prompt the NPCs to specific story-relevant actions, shrewd analysis of all that stand before him, Rustam is
might let the Player Characters receive leniency as a result a paragon of physical strength and martial virtue. When
of their actions, or cause a societal shake-up. Regardless of the problems of GrymmWorld are best solved by acts of
the outcome or effect, the goal of using this influence is to great violence, affairs of honor, or devastating sacrifice,
add to the ambiance, atmosphere, and overall tone of the the Mask of Rustam is donned. It is said, those that have
game. fought with Rustam have been bathed in blood, possessing
a grim strength one only earns through tortuous trials of
mind and body. Deadly and resolute, the coming of winter
RUSTAM signals all of GrymmWorld that great conflict is nigh. His
The Mask of Battle presence inspires more than a few Prometerrans to sleep
with one eye open and a sword in hand. Rustam’s tales are
Season. Winter stored in battle hymns, ancient legends of heroes past, and
Personality Traits. Rustam believes in the certainty of in the confessions made with a warrior’s final breath.
steel and the finality of death. His mind is a bastion of
grim determination, full of pain from ancient wounds
and a hunger for glory that transcends any notion of
• Ideals – Violence. Rustam sees the world as
inherently violent, best navigated blade in hand.
An honorable solution to almost any problem is
the direct and uncompromising application of
• Bonds – Honor. Those who fight without honor
are mere butchers in the eyes of Rustam,
disgracing themselves by putting victory before
integrity. It is better to die with dignity, then live
with shame.
• Flaws – Short-Sighted. Rustam rarely sees value in
exploring the deeper repercussions his violence can
cause. To this aspect of the Narrador, in the long run
all are fated for oblivion, so best to make the most of
the short run.
Do’s. Rustam holds great affinity for displays of deadly
skill, be it magical or martial. Using the threat of force
to get one’s way is a procedure Rustam always respects,
provided it is done so honorably. Invoking conflict
and confrontation brings a rare smile to Rustam’s face,
particularly if it’s against those who have yet to taste
the bitter bite of hardship.
Don’ts. Subterfuge and deception are anathema to
Rustam. Compromising one’s principles to justify
a course of action is enough to drive the entity to
a rage.
Keepers. Rustam prefers creatures of great violence
and strength to serve as his Keepers. Mighty dragons,
fearsome beasts, or similarly unsubtle beings are worthy
voices to speak for this facet of the Narrador. To create
a Keeper of Rustam, use the template provided in this
section to invoke a fitting persona.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

Keeper of Rustam Template Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating increas-
The Keepers of Rustam speak of the challenges of both es by 1, and its proficiency bonus is adjusted accordingly.
past and future. They often wear armor, be it meticulously
crafted and extravagant work or makeshift and quixotic Traits
in design. They travel with the tales of battle and valor, The creature gains the following traits.
singing them out in a hymn or military march. These songs Battlesworn. When the Keeper rolls initiative, it can
tell of the tragedies of battle - glorious conflicts against grant a number of creatures of its choice within 60 ft. the
unstoppable odds which always end in a noble death. gift of a desire for battle for 1 minute. These creatures have
When a creature becomes a Keeper of Rustam its traits advantage on attack rolls made on turns where they moved
and statistics remain the same but gain the following: at least 20 ft. toward an enemy creature.
Skills. The creature gains proficiency in the following Rustam’s Violence. The creature cannot have disadvan-
skills: Athletics, History, Intimidation, and Performance. tage on attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks made
If it would gain a skill in which it is already proficient, its against enemy creatures.
proficiency bonus is instead doubled for any ability check Additionally, as a bonus action, the creature can grant
it makes using that skill. itself a single additional action on its turn other than the
Damage Resistances. The creature is resistant to blud- Multiattack action, and then gains 1 level of exhaustion at
geoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical the end of that turn.
weapons. Voice of the Narrador. The Keeper’s voice always pro-
Condition Immunities. The creature becomes immune duces sound (even in areas of magical silence) and can be
to the charmed and frightened conditions. understood by all creatures which can hear it.

The blood within each creature in the story stirs, a hunger that violence satisfies far better than any meal. If influenced,
1 creatures engaged in combat for at least 1 continuous minute, gain benefits as if they had consumed 1 pound of food and
1 gallon of water.

The light in the realm shines a blood-red, heralding battle yet to come. Attacks rolls made in areas of influenced bright
light cannot have disadvantage.

Weapons and armor shine brighter, always being fit for conflict and more potent while in use. Influenced weapons
3 become magical and grant a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls, while influenced armor becomes magical and grants a
+1 bonus to AC while worn.

Wounds are more severe and leave significant (but not ugly) scars. When influenced creatures would roll damage dice,
they instead roll the maximum value on those dice.

A fog of war rolls across the land, forcing creatures to engage in close quarters combat. The influenced area is heavily
obscured, except for an area in a 20 ft. radius sphere around each creature in the influenced area.

A harsh wind blows throughout the land, ensuring those who would find rest and respite are instead driven ever onward.
6 When creatures in the influenced area would attempt to benefit from a short or long rest, they must first succeed on a
DC 15 Constitution ability check or instead gain no benefit from the rest.

Those who fought with honor and fell in battle are blessed with a noble fate. If an influenced creature slays an honorable
7 opponent and does not attend to their remains with honor within 1 hour of slaying it, that creature becomes cursed until
it does so. A creature so cursed cannot regain hit points.

A particular object or structure develops a supernatural affinity for blood. Until the influenced object or structure is
8 adorned with blood taken from an enemy in honorable combat, it emits supernatural battle cries which drown out all
other sound in the influenced area.

Influenced creatures feel compelled to address each other with formal honorifics and titles. An influenced creature that
fails to do so, becomes cursed. While cursed, it is unable to verbally communicate with other creatures for 24 hours.

Pathways and trails emerge in the influenced area, leading dire enemies toward each other. Creatures in the influenced
10 area have advantage on ability checks to track down their enemies and such creatures are immune to difficult terrain
when moving toward their enemies.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

Actions The Mask of Intrigue: Eudoxia Night Storm,

The creature gains the following actions. The Lamenter of Forlorn Dreams
Gift of Rustam (1/Rest). The Keeper bestows a magical
gift on a creature within reach, imbuing it with a penchant Eudoxia Night-Storm is the essence of whispers in the
for honorable violence for up to 1 week. On each of its dark, secrets shared by lamplight, and ciphers cryptical-
turns, the creature can use a bonus action to grant itself a ly concealed in the hidden places of the universe. In the
single additional action on its turn, and then gains 1 level deepest dens of burglars, thieves, and scoundrels are the
of exhaustion at the end of that turn. tales and stories of the keen fey-lady and her many secrets.
Eudoxia is often depicted as a strong woman, garbed in
Influences the colors of the night, her hair flowing like a warm and
Rustam’s stories are tales of valor, monsters being defeated, mysterious wind. She is associated with tales of tricksters,
comradery found in combat, and delving the dark places of
the world. Player Characters will engage with these tales
using their combat abilities, working as a team, and man- EUDOXIA
aging finite resources that dwindle over time. The Narrador The Mask of Intrigue
can reinforce this gameplay style by creating the following
influences in GrymmWorld, as detailed in the table below. Season. Summer
You can roll randomly on the table in the event an imme- Personality Traits. Eudoxia sees guile, deception, and
diate influence is required. These effects remain for as long trickery as the finest expressions of mortal existence.
as the Narrador chooses or until it changes its Mask to one Where else can one find amusement, danger, and
other than Rustam. immense satisfaction than the court of intrigue? Her
every desire is to spin webs of mystery, immersing
herself and others in an endless complex network of
plot threads and deceptions.
• Ideals – Supremacy. Eudoxia feels that victory
through one’s wits and will is the greatest virtue.
To attain supremacy over all opposition in such a
manner is the highest category of achievement, and
plenty of fun as well!
• Bonds – Organization. Eudoxia hates to act alone.
The more people involved in her webs of intrigue, the
more interesting the result. Her every scheme aspires
to include as many beings as possible, including
friends, enemies, and everyone in between.
• Flaws – Deceptive. Eudoxia has a difficult time
telling the truth, even when there is no reason to lie.
So layered are her deceptions that it is difficult for
her rare moments of sincerity to ever be believed.
Do’s. Eudoxia loves to see problems solved with a
subtle hand and careful planning. Creatures that display
daring wit, clever strategy, and cunning discretion
impress her. Any problem that can be solved with the
mind, should be, and those that can’t are still worth
testing oneself against anyway; no matter the outcome.
Don’ts. Direct confrontation and simplistic thinking
are anathema to Eudoxia. Creatures which try to cut
through intricately woven plots using force earn her
ire, as do any who have no respect for formidable
Keepers. Eudoxia loves Keepers with a clever tongue
and quick wit. Fey beings and their unique perspective
on life are particularly desirable, as are those who keep
to the shadows while avoiding the spotlight. To create
a Keeper of Eudoxia, use the template provided in this
section to invoke a fitting persona.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

cunning, and conceit; telling tales full of subterfuge, skull- proficiency bonus is instead doubled for any ability check
duggery, and things that go bump in the night. Eudoxia’s it makes using that skill.
influence is felt whenever there is political turmoil or Damage Resistances. The creature is resistant to psy-
social conflict. Her ways are that of shadow and subter- chic damage.
fuge, with her Mask being donned whenever a problem Condition Immunities. The creature becomes immune
facing GrymmWorld cannot be solved with brute force. to the charmed and frightened conditions.
Eudoxia’s adventures glorify mind over matter, plans com- Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating in-
ing together, and unconditional victory. creases by 1, and its proficiency bonus adjusts accordingly.

Keeper of Eudoxia Template Traits

The Keepers of Eudoxia enjoy pitching carnival tents The creature gains the following traits.
where they put on puppet shows and passion plays that Web of Intrigue. When the Keeper socially interacts
tell tales of intrigue and morality. They often dress flashier with a creature for 1 continuous minute, it can choose to
than they can afford, hinting that every bit of attire had a implant a subtle, reasonable suggestion in the creature’s
former owner, and every piece of jewelry might be linked mind for 24 hours. This suggestion takes the form of a spe-
to a tragic tale. They keep to the shadows, revealing them- cific activity the creature can take. When presented with
selves only when no other intermediary would suffice. the first opportunity to do so, the creature must succeed
Skills. The creature gains proficiency in the following on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or be forced to take
skills: Deception, Insight, Performance, and Stealth. If that course of action. A creature immune to the charmed
it would gain a skill in which it is already proficient, its condition has advantage on this saving throw.

Night falls across the realm, bathing the influenced area within a magical darkness. Dawn never arises within the
influenced area until a secret chosen by Eudoxia is uncovered.

Creatures of Eudoxia’s choice in the affected area forget who they were along with their past, taking on a new,
2 mysterious personality and memories. Creatures influenced in this manner remain this way until their true past can be
revealed through compelling evidence or persuasion.

An object or structure of Eudoxia’s choice vanishes, reappearing in the possession of a creature of her choosing.
3 This object or structure cannot be found except by creatures that already know where it is, becoming heavily
obscured to all other creatures.

A soft wind blows across the realm, whispering a name of Eudoxia’s choice, which is the hidden identity of a creature
4 living under an assumed name. This wind never ceases to blow nor whisper until influenced creatures discover the
named creature and reveal its true identity.

Creatures of Eudoxia’s choice become involved in a conspiracy, working to accomplish a mysterious objective not even
5 they fully understand. Creatures influenced in this manner view the secrecy of this conspiracy to be more important
than even their own lives and will not reveal its secrets under any circumstances.

The specter of death haunts a creature of Eudoxia’s choice. When this creature would be reduced to zero hit points,
it is slain instantly and cannot be restored to life unless Eudoxia allows it.

The identities of creatures of Eudoxia’s choice become shrouded in mystery. Influenced creatures have advantage on
Charisma ability checks made to conceal their identity and cannot have their thoughts read unless they allow it.

A horn sounds across the realm, which can only be heard by creatures of Eudoxia’s choice. Influenced creatures have
24 hours to arrive at the source of the horn’s sound or become cursed. While cursed in this manner, a creature cannot
have advantage on attack rolls, saving throw, or ability checks. This curse only ends when the creature spends 24 hours
in complete isolation, speaking to or being seen by no other creatures.

The shadows of creatures of Eudoxia’s choice develop a mind of their own, seeking to undermine and foil their
influenced owners at every opportunity. This effect only ends if a creature can befriend its shadow.

The deepest darkest secret belonging to a creature of Eudoxia’s choice becomes widely known by creatures with an
Intelligence of 13 or higher throughout an influenced area of her choice.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

Eudoxia’s Guile. The Keeper is invisible while in dim forest of dear friends, saucy lovers, and nefarious enemies.
light or darkness unless it chooses not to be. Wherever a Keeper of Daphne is found, one can count on
Voice of the Narrador. The Keeper’s voice always pro- trouble to be close by. Their presence is marked by bright
duces sound (even in areas of magical silence) and can be colors, musical voices, and a general aura of heightened
understood by all creatures which can hear it. emotions.
Skills. The creature gains proficiency in the following
Actions skills: Insight, Medicine, Performance and Persuasion. If
The creature gains the following actions. it would gain a skill in which it is already proficient, its
Gift of Eudoxia (1/Rest). The Keeper bestows a magical proficiency bonus is instead doubled for any ability check
gift on a creature within reach, imbuing it with the capac- it makes using that skill.
ity for stealth for 1 week. This creature is invisible in dim Damage Resistances. The creature is resistant to radiant
light or darkness unless it chooses not to be. damage.
Condition Immunities. The creature becomes immune
Influences to the charmed and frightened conditions.
Eudoxia’s tales are complex, multilayered affairs. Their plots Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating in-
are always intricate, facilitating the expression of one’s creases by 1, and its proficiency bonus adjusts accordingly.
intellect and insight, while discouraging acts of brutish-
ness or force. Player Characters who
think before acting, look for un-
conventional solutions, and put high
value on the power of the spoken word
find themselves thriving in her tales.
The Narrador can reinforce this gameplay
style by creating the following influences in
GrymmWorld, as detailed in the table below.
You can roll randomly on the table in the event an
immediate influence is required. The effects last for
as long as the Narrador chooses or until
it changes its Mask to one other than

The Mask of Compassion:

Daphne Hallow-Field,
The Author of Blooming Love

Daphne Hallow-Field is the peaceful calm one feels

at the sight of a blooming flower, the fluttering
of the heart when it experiences a first love, and
all the tender moments that are shared between
friends, family, and lovers. These stories are not with-
out trial and hardship, as no relationship is complete with-
out its share of drama. Daphne is associated with floral
colors, bare feet walking along freshly cut grass, and care-
fully laced valentines. They are often depicted in gowns of
daffodil yellow, lyre in hand and a back graced by gossa-
mer wings. When others speak with Daphne’s voice, it re-
sounds deeply in the souls of all who hear. Daphne’s influ-
ence appears wherever the bonds of friendship are formed,
colorful rivalries founded, or passionate hearts fall in love.
When an adventure falls under their mask, it will not be
strength of arms or might of spell that sees heroes through,
but the quality of spirit.

Keeper of Daphne Template

The Keepers of Daphne are cultured,
suave, and diverse. In honor of their
namesake, each is surrounded by a

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

The creature gains the following traits. DAPHNE
Magnetic Personality. As a bonus action on each of its
turns, the Keeper can attempt to form a bond with a crea- The Mask of Compassion
ture of its choice that can hear it. The Keeper attempts Season. Spring
a Charisma (Persuasion) check contested by the target’s
Personality Traits. Considerate, balanced, passionate,
Wisdom (Insight). On a success, the Keeper gains one of
love-filled, and thoughtful; Daphne is a social butterfly
the following benefits until the end of that turn.
in every sense of the term. They see each emotion
• The Keeper has advantage on attack rolls against
as uniquely beautiful and significant. Daphne sees
the target.
the people as the most important part of every place
• The target has disadvantage on saving throws - a chance to discover new relationships and start
against the Keeper. delightful drama. Trouble follows them at every turn,
• The target’s social attitude becomes one of the though rarely is a battle fought with blades or guile.
Keeper’s choice.
Daphne’s Light. The keeper can choose to magically shed • Ideals – Drama. To Daphne, self-expression
dim light in a 60 ft. radius (no action required). When a and the dynamic relationships which form from
creature in the affected area that the Keeper can see at- sharing one’s true self are the highest expressions
tempts a Charisma ability check or saving throw, Daphne of art, to be celebrated and explored at every
opportunity. The ensuing social drama is a
can choose to grant advantage or disadvantage on the roll
feast for the soul, bringing color and life to all
(no action required).
Voice of the Narrador. The Keeper’s voice always pro-
duces sound (even in areas of magical silence) and can be • Bonds – Relationships. Whether its endearing
understood by all creatures which can hear it. lovers engaged in romance or dire enemies trading
barbs, Daphne loves to see relationships play out.
They will go to tremendous lengths to ensure
new bonds are formed, and only aspires to end
The creature gains the following actions.
relationships when doing so can be done with
Gift of Daphne (1/Rest). The keeper bestows a magical
deserving gravitas.
gift on a creature within reach, imbuing it with greater in-
fluence over social dynamics for 1 week. As a bonus action • Flaws – Melodramatic. Daphne’s love of
on each of its turns, the gifted creature can attempt to form interpersonal affairs can be taken to startling
extremes. Their desire for melodrama tends to
a bond with another creature of its choice that can hear
bring out the brightest passions and darkest desires
it. The affected creature attempts a Charisma (Persuasion)
of those Daphne influences, often to the detriment
check contested by the target’s Wisdom (Insight). On a
of those caught in the crossfire.
success, the gifted creature gains one of the following
benefits until the end of that turn. Do’s. Daphne is delighted by artistic and enthusiastic
• The affected creature has advantage on attack rolls behavior. Those which share their thoughts and feelings
against the target. freely are seen as virtuous, deserving of attention, and
• The target has disadvantage on saving throws against favorable. When a creature solves a problem with words
the gifted creature. and feelings, they are acting as Daphne would in their
• The target’s social attitude becomes one of the gifted place. The more drama that ensues along the way, the
creature’s choice. better.
Don’ts. Those who betray themselves and those closest
Influences to them garner no love from Daphne. While not all
Daphne’s stories are tender and pure, but with a hint of relationships end the way one wants, to reject them
sorrow behind every pretty word. Characters will experi- entirely is to spit in the face of GrymmWorld’s most
ence growth as they focus on personal sociality with all the important facet, its people.
people of GrymmWorld, experiencing emotions such as Keepers. The Keepers are Daphne are creatures of
friendship, rivalry, romance, and heartbreak. These stories great charisma and colorful character. They immerse
involve building relationships, providing service to others, themselves in the communities and societies of
and not only exploring the very personal nature of who other creatures, centering themselves as community
the characters are, but also who they dream of becoming. figureheads and cultural icons. Keepers of Daphne are
The DM should advise players to be willing to explore the great poets and the humble farmers. They reside in
their characters personal history and plan and prepare for the lofty courts or in the small communities, keeping
their eventual future. Make them aware that the way they tabs on the juiciest gossip. To create a Keeper of
treat other people determines their success and failure. Daphne, use the template provided in this section to
The Narrador can reinforce this gameplay style by creating invoke a fitting persona.
the following influences in GrymmWorld, as detailed in

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

the table below. You can roll randomly on the table in the is often said “Gangesha rides with you.” The hope for the
event an immediate influence is required. The effects last as future, the diplomacy shared between lands, and a strong
long as the Narrador chooses or until it changes its Mask connection to the natural world embody tales told by the
to one other than Daphne. Mask of truth. The stories of Gangesha are some of the
oldest as well as among the first taught to the youth of
The Mask of Truth: Gangesha Falling-Leaf, GrymmWorld at bedtime. Their voice is stern but kind,
The Journal of One Long-Traveled befitting their portrayal as a diligent teacher burdened
with countless educational tools ready to be applied at a
Gangesha represents the call to adventure. When a trav- moment’s notice. Gangesha’s influence occurs whenever
eler is met on the road, or an unrecognized face stops in a the hidden becomes the revealed, the ignorant becomes
tavern for a brief meal before setting out on a road, it enlightened, and the unknown becomes known.

Daphne musically influences creatures of her choice, granting them a musical theme that accompanies their every action.
These creatures are always accompanied by music that sounds thematically appropriate to whatever action(s) they are
performing at the time, which can be heard in a 30 ft. radius centered on the creature. This effect ends if a creature
interacts socially to discover a new friend, lover, or enemy.

Mystical flowers bloom in an area Daphne chooses to influence. A creature which presents these flowers as a gift when
interacting socially makes the gifted creature’s starting attitude friendly.

A mysterious letter is delivered to a creature of Daphne’s choice. The letter is either from a secret admirer, family member,
3 or enemy (Daphne’s choice). If the influenced creature does not socially interact with the writer of the letter within 1
week, they become cursed for 1 month. While cursed, the creature cannot succeed on Charisma ability checks.

A ballad is composed about a creature of Daphne’s choice. When the ballad is performed, the influenced creature’s exact
location becomes known by each creature which hears the ballad.

Daphne alters the light in an area of her choice, adapting it to fit the mood of the creatures nearby. Creatures within
the influenced area are surrounded by a nimbus of dim light in a 5 ft. radius sphere that correlates to their mood, as
5 detailed below.
Angry. Red Avaricious. Orange Fearful. Yellow Calm. Green 
Inspired. Blue  Compassionate. Purple Affectionate. Pink

Creatures of Daphne’s choice experience prophetic dreams whenever they take a long rest. During these dreams the
creatures encounter a fictional creature of Daphne’s design that is either a friend, an enemy, or a paramour and the
creature must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or gains no benefit from the rest. This effect ends once
an influenced creature socially interacts with the creature in its dreams on three separate instances.

Daphne chooses an object to become of great personal significance to another creature. If the object is delivered to
7 the creature, the deliverer can choose to become a loyal and trusted friend to the influenced creature. If this occurs,
the creature will never betray or act against those who delivered the object unless it becomes an enemy.

Rosy clouds fill the sky over an area, casting magical shadows over those below which ensures any relationships
8 are authentic and free from outside influence. Creatures in an area of shadow cast by the cloud are immune to the
charmed condition and cannot have their behavior magically influenced.

A creature of Daphne’s choice experiences a dramatic change of heart in its personal relationships. The creature
9 either considers a number of creatures it once called friends to be its enemies, or vice versa. This influence lasts until
the creature has socially interacted with those whom it changed its heart about.

A creature of Daphne’s choice becomes marked for great dramatic significance. If the creature is slain, those
10 responsible for its death become cursed. While cursed, a creature cannot be considered friendly or an ally to other
creatures for 1 week.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

Keeper of Gangesha Template

The Keepers of Gangesha are haughty and dignified, but GANGESHA
frightfully intelligent. They carry themselves with an air of
well-deserved wisdom, capable of seeing past almost any The Mask of Truth
deception and cutting straight to the truth of any matter. Season. Autumn
Skills. The creature gains proficiency in the following
Personality Traits. Insightful, poignant, and superior,
skills: History, Insight, Perception, and Performance. If Gangesha is the great teacher who spreads truth and
it would gain a skill in which it is already proficient, its enlightenment wherever their stories are told. If beauty
proficiency bonus is instead doubled for any ability check were truth, then Gangesha would be the most beautiful
it makes using that skill. in all GrymmWorld. Their words are never tainted
Damage Resistances. The creature is resistant to psychic by lies and their every influence contributes toward a
damage. greater understanding of all who fall under its sway.
Condition Immunities. The creature becomes immune
• Ideals – Truth. Gangesha believes you cannot put
to the charmed and frightened conditions.
a price on the truth, be it personal truth, scientific
Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating in-
truth, or any other truth. In their eyes, accuracy
creases by 1, and its proficiency bonus adjusts accordingly. is the first step to understanding, and through
understanding one can better share truth with others.
All other concerns are secondary.
• Bonds – Education. A fact grows more useful the
more people you share it with, or so Gangesha
believes. At every opportunity Gangesha seeks to
further the understanding of others and the world
around them. It is often said by Keepers of Gangesha
“you don’t really know something until you can
explain it to someone else.”
• Flaws – Uncompromising. The search for truth does
not always lead to a pleasant place. Too often the
scarred or sensitive are dashed aside in the mad dash
for what is true. Gangesha and their Keepers often
fail to understand that how you say something is just
as important as what you are saying.
Do’s. Gangesha delights in the sharing of knowledge
and personal experience. Those who engage in rigorous
debate and civil discussion fill them with joy, showcas-
ing a passion for truth and understanding that looks
past one’s own narrow perspective. Even more impres-
sive are those who explore acts of self-actualization.
Such delves into one’s own soul in search of personal
enlightenment is a feat deserving of Gangesha’s praise.
Don’ts. Deception and arrogance are as vile to Gangesha
as a rancid sewer and as contemptable as those who
steal from babies. Those who peddle scams and schemes
are their enemies who should be opposed at every
opportunity. Their greatest ire is deserved for those who
destroy knowledge, for not only have they shown great
disregard for the importance of education, but they have
deprived others of knowing the great joys they so prize.
Keepers. The Keepers of Gangesha are beings who
exemplify the world they inhabit. Those that hide behind
facades or deceptions are not worthy, leaving only the
purest expressions of powerful ideals. Fiends, celestials,
and other uncompromisingly aligned creatures appeal to
Gangesha’s nature, no matter how severe or dangerous
their personal truths may be. Considerable wisdom is
the hallmark of Gangesha’s Keepers, as great insight is
required to fully understand almost every truth.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

Traits Actions
The creature gains the following traits. The creature gains the following actions.
Clarity of Thought. When the Keeper attempts an Int- Gift of Gangesha (1/Rest). The Keeper bestows a mag-
elligence or Charisma saving throw, it many instead ical gift on a creature within reach, imbuing it with great-
attempt a Wisdom saving throw (the saving throw DC er influence over social dynamics for 1 week. The gains
remains the same). truesight out to a range of 60 ft. If it already has true-
Gangesha’s Insight. The Keeper has truesight out to a sight, the range of its truesight increases by 60 ft.
range of 60 ft. If it already has truesight, the range of its Additionally, as a bonus action on each of its turns the
truesight increases by 60 ft. creature can take the search action, and any hidden crea-
Additionally, as a bonus action on each of its turns the tures it detects with this action immediately provoke an
keeper can take the search action, and any hidden crea- attack of opportunity from the creature.
tures it detects with this action immediately provoke an
attack of opportunity from the Keeper. Influences
Voice of the Narrador. The Keeper’s voice always pro- Gangesha’s tales are the stories of long-suffering, the road
duces sound (even in areas of magical silence) and can be less traveled, and the path not taken. Characters will expe-
understood by all creatures which can hear it. rience growth as they discover the world, its inhabitants,

A trail, road, or pathway of Gangesha’s choice becomes favorable to travelers for a period of 1 week. While creatures
1 travel along the influenced path, they move at three times their normal traveling speed, so long as they are traveling
toward a location they have never visited.
A creature of Gangesha’s choice becomes endowed with prophetic knowledge of the future. When a creature becomes
influenced in this manner, it immediately rolls a d20 and records the result. For the next 24 hours, whenever the
creature rolls a d20, it may substitute the roll with the result of its recorded roll. If an influenced creature fails an
attack roll, saving throw, or ability check using its substituted roll, it may immediately roll a second d20 and replace its
previously recorded roll with the new result. If this creature succeeds on an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check
with this feature, the effect ends.

A location of Gangesha’s choice becomes hidden from all creatures not local to the area, which lasts until the location is
discovered by a creature that does not already know where it is. To be hidden in this manner, dimensions and space twist
to conceal its presence, preventing a creature from discovering it by accident or even magic. This effect ends when the
location is found.
A structure of Gangesha’s choice becomes a homely house for a period of one month. Any creature that finishes a long
4 rest within the structure recovers from all levels of exhaustion, regains hit dice up to its maximum, and is cured of any
poison and disease. Once a creature has finished a long rest in the structure, it cannot benefit from this feature again.
A mysterious star shines every night, casting a beam of bright light in a 10 ft. radius cylinder of infinite height. When a
5 creature of Gangesha’s choice enters the area for the first time, it may change its proficiency in a single skill to another of
its choice, and the light fades.
A creature of Gangesha’s choice can choose to reinvent a personality for itself, changing its background (including its
6 personality traits) to another of the creature’s choice, replacing its current benefits from that background with those of its
new background. The creature can only regain its former background if Gangesha allows it.
A magical item of Gangesha’s choice becomes imbued with ancient magic. While a creature holds the object, it can
instinctively sense where the object was made, along with the most direct route to that location.
A spell of Gangesha’s choice becomes enhanced with the power of truth for 1 week. When creatures casts the influenced
spell, it can be cast using only verbal components provided the caster has not spoken a lie within the last 24 hours.
A non-magical torch of Gangesha’s choice becomes endowed with the power to reveal what is hidden, which lasts for
9 24 hours. Under the light of the torch, creatures and objects cannot be hidden and creatures have advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks to find anything within the area of light created by the torch.
Up to five creatures of Gangesha’s choice become magically linked, sharing each other’s senses and perceptions for 24
hours. These creatures perceive everything that their fellow linked creatures perceive, no matter the distance or planar
boundary. However, a creature influenced in this manner cannot be harmed by perceiving something through the senses
of others with whom it shares the link.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

and all the fictional elements that await them in this land can allow you to explore everyone’s perspectives while still
of wonder. Those within their stories can expect to live off acting within the boundaries of the game. However, it falls
the road, engage in environments that are new to them, to the PCs to make a single, formal request for a change
and encounter creatures that will challenge their precon- to the story. They may seek to introduce or reintroduce an
ceived notions of the world. There will be new magics, old NPC, alter a recent or imminent event, or even twist the
magics, and an opportunity to learn about the setting and hand of fate in their favor to ensure catastrophe does not
establish a personal history. The Narrador can reinforce befall them. Once you have heard the PCs concerns and
this gameplay style by creating the following influences in considered them carefully, it is time for the Keeper to make
GrymmWorld, as detailed in the table below. You can roll a counteroffer. To honor the collaborative nature of the sto-
randomly on the table in the event an immediate influence ry, the PCs must agree to a change in the story you dictate
is required. The effects of these influences last as long as to coincide with theirs. This change should not attempt
the Narrador chooses or until it changes its Mask to one to undo their request, but rather serve as a mechanism by
other than Gangesha. which to limit the Player’s authority over what comes next.
For example, if the Players wish to have their character
discover a potent magical item to face the Moonlich, your
Conflict with the Keeper may demand that to do so the Players must first
break the bonds of friendship with a trusted ally by intro-
Narrador and Its Masks ducing an interpersonal conflict. While it may take some
Sometimes your Players take a good look at the epic game negotiating to come to a reasonable compromise, the idea
session you spend eight hours preparing, only to march here is that everything, even changes to the story, come at a
in the completely opposite direction. This is…frustrating. price. That is the nature of compromise.
While in the land of GrymmWorld the collaborative na- The ability to influence a scene is spectacular and pow-
ture of the Narrador helps the Players become more in- erful. These interactions should not be taken lightly and
vested in a story they help define, they still may be having treated by all parties concerned with a great deal of rev-
trouble getting on board. When the Narrador’s leading erence and respect. It is advised that you do not allow the
cast decides they don’t like where the story is heading, PCs to bargain with a Keeper more than once a session.
conflict can arise. The Players may not feel the story beats Excessive negotiation can derail a session faster than a
are appropriate for their characters, or that the direction timely pizza delivery. When running such a scene with
of the narrative is one they are excited to go in. They may a Keeper, be sure to emphasize the Narrador’s Mask in
even be in a bad mood and not interested in taking on the conjunction with the creature’s personality. A particularly
responsibility of collaborative storytelling. Whatever the wonderful interaction involves championing an existing
issue, don’t worry. This is a natural part of storytelling, but NPC or villain as a Keeper, forcing the Players to share
one that needs to be course corrected for the narrative to a peculiar moment with a character with which they are
continue. Solving this problem is tricky, and this section intimately familiar.
details a selection of tools, both in and outside of game,
by which the Narrador can help get things back on track. 2. Invoking the Grymmening. If things are going very
badly or you have a strong desire to negatively reinforce
1. Bargaining with a Keeper. If the Players are taking either the Player’s or PC’s behavior with a dread event, you
umbrage with a particular course of action taken by the can use an event known as the Grymmening. The Narrador
Narrador, their characters can call upon a Keeper to ar- has an incredibly hostile relationship with the beings
bitrate the situation. The details of Keepers are discussed known as the fell-beyonders. The Narrador’s obsession with
later in this section, but in all cases the creatures are per- telling stories and creating narrative arcs for GrymmWorld
fectly capable of speaking as the in-world voice of the is an ongoing attempt to stave off their dread infection.
Narrador. This may be a strange practice to us, but to the This structured and artistic process is anathema to the en-
people of GrymmWorld the prospect of speaking with tropic powers of the fell-beyonders, but when the process
an entity such as the Narrador, which holds such reality breaks down, the depredations of the fell rear their malevo-
altering power, is not unheard of. Nevertheless, meeting lent heads. A dramatic conflict between the Narrador’s sto-
with a Keeper should not be taken likely. The Narrador ry and its favored characters can provide an opening for the
should select a creature to represent it that befits the situ- fell-beyonders to corrupt creatures, environments, and even
ation and best represents its interests. Tremendous might, magic. Such an event is catastrophic for GrymmWorld,
a silver tongue, sagacious wisdom, or brilliant intellect all greatly feared by all who call it home. The properties of
have merit in the Narradors eyes and can be used to spice the fell-beyonders and how to use them are detailed in
up a scene with the PCs. Chapter 1, but unless the PCs have nothing but ire for all
As the Narrador, you should use this opportunity to of GrymmWorld, they will likely oppose the fell at every
hear the PCs in-character concerns without stepping away opportunity. This is where the Grymmening comes in.
from the table. Arbitrating disputes at the table has a nas- When you invoke the Grymmening as the Narrador, you
ty habit of dispelling gameplay immersion, so this vehicle are declaring the story has been fundamentally damaged by

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

the actions of the PCs. Such an event is difficult to achieve, d20 known as a narrative dice. However, this is not the
but it does happen. Murdering a crucial NPC, dramatically only circumstance in which this dice can be gifted. Should
acting out of character, or playing a style of game contrary to the PCs engage wholeheartedly and enthusiastically with
the current Mask are all good examples of events worthy of the story, particularly if they collaboratively craft story el-
invoking the Grymmening. The introduction of the fell-be- ements alongside the Narrador, they can also be granted
yonders is a dark turn for any story and should be strategi- narrative dice. This is an exciting prospect and one you
cally deployed to force the PCs hand. Beware, the Players should use often when assuming the role of the Narrador
will rarely enjoy this process. Their characters may be forced to encourage PCs to lean into some of the stranger fairy
to flee from a fell hoard, surrender a magical item that has tale elements of GrymmWorld. If you are playing in a
been corrupted by the fell-beyonder’s influence, or take the physical space, it is recommended you hand out narrative
fight to enemies who have become even more dangerous dice as physical d20s, to serve as a reminder to the PCs
thanks to the fell’s profane gifts. No matter the influence about what resources they have on hand.
of the Grymmening, it serves as a blunt, if effective instru- Unlike inspiration, narrative dice are cumulative. A
ment to influence PC behavior. As universal antagonists character can store any number of narrative dice, however
to GrymmWorld who desire nothing but to obliterate the doing so may not always be wise. When a PC rolls any d20
PCs and all they hold dear, it is difficult to justify not acting in-game, such as when making an attack roll, saving throw,
against such creatures. ability check, or other instance, they can choose to roll all
their narrative dice, choosing any result from amongst their
results (even if they rolled with disadvantage). This mo-
Punishments or Consequences? ment is fictionally exercised as the PC being empowered
by the magic of storytelling inherent to GrymmWorld -
N egatively reinforcing a behavior with the
Grymmening is not an act of cruelty or malice,
but rather a lore-appropriate consequence for failing
one that can twist the very hand of fate in a heroes favor.
Depending on how many dice your Players have amassed,
to engage with the Narrador. Seeking to retributively this event can be spectacularly epic, so be sure to describe
punish the Players and their characters is wrong and the game appropriately. Celebrate the rolling of narrative
not conducive toward getting the story back on track. dice as a collaborative exercise, putting special emphasis
However, there are consequences to actions. When a on the actions used in association with dice to make the
group of players consent and agree to play the game, Player excited about the result. Such a result will lead to
they are accepting the assumptions and default rules greater engagement and interaction down the line.
of the setting. Guidelines such as working together as
a team to achieve an outcome. Agreeing to share space
at the table and pass the spotlight and microphone The Narrador’s Toolbox
from player to player amplifying and bringing attention Encounter building is the backbone of any 5th Edition
to each other’s individual goals and desires as needed. GM, and the Narrador is no different. However, the typ-
The Narrador helps facilitate this. Whether it is a dire ical presentations of the combat, social, and exploration
tiding, the advent of a fell-beyonder, or an offer to pillars of 5th Edition, while serviceable, are ill-suited to
raise the stakes, the goal here is to draw attention to encompass every aspect of the collaborative storytelling
the behavior of the Players and demonstrate that the
GrymmWorld wishes to explore. Certain scenarios of fan-
condition and state of the world is balanced against
tasy storytelling, especially those which appear in tradi-
their behavior. That said, that does not mean Players
tional fairytales, can benefit from a different approach to
that demonstrate exemplary behavior will not be
challenged, it’s actually quite the opposite. Exemplary
encounter design. To help the Narrador tell these stories,
Players can handle the greater challenges of play this section provides a plethora of encounter building tools
because they know how to work together and share and systems designed to interface with both the mechan-
space at the table. Contentious Players have difficulties ics of 5th Edition and the Narrador. From skirmishers, to
and are going to struggle against the more dangerous wandering treks, to relationships, this section is well worth
aspects of the world. Use the Grymmening and other the time it takes to explore by any prospective Narrador.
forms of negative reinforcement to teach, not to harm. Be warned. These systems are wholly new tools that can
spell serious consequences for an adventuring party. Just
like traditional encounters, they possess the capacity to
3. Gifting Narrative Dice. The negative reinforcement completely change the direction of your game’s narrative,
tool of the Grymmening is counterbalanced by the more deciding the outcome of key events, presenting unique
positive mechanic known as narrative dice. This inter- challenges, and even killing Player Characters. It is ad-
action replaces the inspiration mechanic from the 5th vised you familiarize yourself with these rulesets and in-
Edition core rules, but with the bonus of synergizing with troduce them gradually. The last thing anyone wants is for
the properties of a GrymmWorld campaign. When a PC your group’s fairytale adventure to turn into their worst
behaves in a manner that is particularly in character or nightmare because you introduced too many new game-
inspired, the Narrador can award that character a special play rules and tools all at once.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

bonus plus its Constitution modifier. When a creature suf-

Duels fers its wound maximum, it is defeated and cannot con-
“His name was Inigo Montaya. They killed his father. tinue the duel. Depending on the terms of the duel, this
So they died.” defeat can result in dishonor, pain, grievous injury, magical
– Rustam retelling his favorite consequences, or even death. The Narrador decides what
part of a famous fairytale consequences arise from the duel, but a general model for
such consequences is detailed below.
Some of the world’s greatest problems have been solved
by a simple crossing of blades. When honor must be sat- DUEL CONSEQUENCES
isfied and scores settled, sometimes only a fearsome duel
between two mighty opponents will do. Duels are ubiq- ENGAGEMENT RESULT
uitous across many cultures and societies, especially in OUTCOME
GrymmWorld. They can be to the death, to the pain, or
even just for fun, testing each combatant’s skill at arms and Defeat 5 levels of exhaustion or death
tactics. Some duels can even be magical in nature, bringing
10 or more 4 levels of exhaustion or lose 80% of
spellcasters into conflict with titanic clashes of magic. The
wounds hit point maximum (rounded down)
duel encounter tools exists to facilitate these experiences,
bringing a personalized, violent conflict to the forefront of 7 or more 3 levels of exhaustion or lose 60% of
your storytelling. wounds hit point maximum (rounded down)

Running A Duel 4 or more 2 levels of exhaustion or lose 40% of

wounds hit point maximum (rounded down)
Every duel begins with a challenge, typically over some
2 or more 1 level of exhaustion or lose 20% of
type of personal or political stakes. While one on one
wounds hit point maximum (rounded down)
fights certainly exist in the realm of 5th Edition, duels
are far more than that. They are honorable, ceremonial Brief shortness of breath and light
affairs governed by a strict code of conduct. Those issu- No wounds
ing a challenge must specify the following details to the
challenge, whether the duel is one of steel or spell. This
identifies whether the duel will be martial or magical in Martial Duels
nature. Additionally, the challenger must specify a time When creatures engage in a martial duel, it is not only a
and place for the duel. All of these elements are negotiable, test of the body, but also the mind. The duelist with pri-
though excessive quibbling over such details is often seen ority in a given round dictates the terms of the engage-
as dishonorable cowardice. However, a standard duel is al- ment with their enemy by choosing three different ability
most always a respectable affair. Outside influence, mag- scores. These scores represent the nature of techniques and
ical equipment, and enhancing spells are highly frowned strategies applied by the duelist with priority. Ones their
upon unless agreed upon in advance. Once a duel has opponent must match. Both duelists then make a single
been accepted and the participants ready, the true contest ability check with each score, matching the corresponding
can begin. results with each other in a mighty clash. Strength match-
A duel is broken up into rounds, much like a traditional es Strength, Intelligence matches Intelligence, and so on.
combat, each of which represents 20 seconds of conflict The winner of these contests gains the upper hand in the
between the two participants. Duels take place exclusively duel, with each participant suffering a number of wounds
in the theater of the mind; a tactical grid layout detracts equal to its rolled failures.
from the dramatic tension and style which makes a duel Every step of the duel should be narrated by its partic-
so exciting. It is expected that the participants will move ipants, with an aim toward inspiring drama and suspense.
about the combat area over the course of the duel, their ac- The Narrador should reward such behavior in a PC by
tions being narrated by both the Player and the Narrador awarding them inspiration on specific ability checks.
with dramatic flair. Before the conflict can begin, at the
start of each round both duelists must roll for initiative to Magical Duels
determine who has priority in that round. Priority allows When two creatures engage in a magical duel, the mysteri-
a duelist to set the terms of the engagement which occur ous and dangerous conflux of energies is hazardous to both
that round. Depending on whether the duel is martial or parties. In these cataclysms, the spellcaster with priority
magical in nature will determine how an engagement plays must play a dangerous game of skill and chance, wager-
out, the details of which can be found below. ing their own magical power and commitment to the duel
The outcome of an engagement can result in grievous, against that of their opponent. This interaction is akin to
even deadly injuries in the form of wounds. A creature can the famous game of liar’s dice, but with a few twists to
suffer a number of wounds in a duel equal to its proficiency make it synergize with the 5th Edition ruleset.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

At the start of each round, each spellcaster rolls a num- This was not the case, and the opponent suffers four wounds
ber of d6s equal to their spellcasting ability modifier plus due to King’s Intelligence modifier being +4.
the their proficiency bonus. These rolls are made secret- If a duelist wishes to counter a magical assault instead
ly, hidden from whoever is controlling the opponent. The of calling a bluff, they must make a counter-wager of their
contestant dueling with priority then makes a wager by own. To do so, the defender must either make a wager that
guessing two numbers; the first is the number of dice they is greater in number of dice, greater in value shown on
wish to name, following by a single number that could ap- the dice, or both. This wager carries the same speculative
pear on those dice (1 – 6). This guess is a wager, betting weight as the initial one, which in turn can be countered
that if both duelist’s dice were revealed, the number of dice again from the opponent in a similar manner. This ex-
showing the number named would be of a count equal to change can pass back and forth between the two duelists
or higher than the wager. until their claims become so outrageous that one side is
forced to call.
Example. Archmagister King’s opponent counters his
Optional Dueling Rule: Wild Magic wager of seven 2s either with a claim of eight 2s, seven 3s,

I f you wish to introduce even more random chance or potentially a dangerous risk along the lines of seventeen
and chaos into a magical duel, you can use the sixes. Whatever the case, Archmagister King must choose
Wild Magic variant rule. This rule means that when either to call the wager, or counter with another wager of
rolling d6s in secret in a magical duel, that any 1s his own.
rolled are wild when considering a wager of any dice Every step of the duel should be narrated by its par-
showing a number other than 1. Using the example ticipants, with an aim toward inspiring drama and sus-
below, this would mean that when Archmagister King pense, but with an added flair of magic that distinguishes
makes a wager of eleven 2s, he is actually saying that the event from martial duels. The Narrador should reward
between him and his opponent, there is at least eleven such behavior in a PC by allowing them to reroll one or
2s and 1s showing on their combined dice rolled. more of their d6s after making a wager.
This option makes the duel even more unpredictable
and challenging, but also more fun! Fictionally this Rewarding Duels
interaction represents the chaos and randomness of
Winning a duel is a tremendous victory. There are few con-
magic taking effect over the course of the duel.
tests as culturally and personally significant than one-on-
one conflict, and any duel should reflect that according-
Example. Archmagister King is engaged in a magical ly. The nature of the conflict and the Mask worn by the
duel, has an Intelligence modifier of +4 and his proficiency Narrador at the time of the duel should always play a role
bonus is +3. He rolls seven d6s secretly, while his opponent in how the PCs benefit (or are harmed by) the outcome
rolls 8. Because Archmagister King has priority, he wagers of a duel. In addition to whatever story advancements are
that between him and his opponent there is at least seven 2s befitting of a duel, it is an exceptional opportunity to pro-
and declares that to his enemy. This declaration represents vide the PCs with meaningful rewards for their characters.
the first blow of the magical conflict - an opening salvo of If the opponent of the duel has a CR, its experience value
energy and power to which his enemy must respond. should be divided amongst the party as though they had
Once an initial wager has been made, an opposing du- defeated it in combat. Many creatures (especially dead
elist can choose to either call a potential bluff or respond ones) can provide meaningful treasure if defeated or spared.
with a wager of their own. This choice represents the deci- Additionally, if you are using the reputation tool de-
sion between countering with one’s own power or allowing tailed later in this chapter, a duel is a perfect opportuni-
an opponent to overextend and exhaust themselves. If the ty to earn some Ire or Favor with an organization with-
wager is called, both duelists reveal their d6’s and deter- in GrymmWorld. Blood feuds, wars, life debts, and even
mine if the wager was correct. If so, the duelist who called more mysterious consequences can be a fitting way to fol-
suffers a number of wounds equal to their opponent’s low up a duel into the next major story arc of a campaign.
spellcasting ability. Regardless of the outcome, once a wa-
ger has been called, the round ends and if both opponents The Narrative Masks and Duels
are still standing, new dice are rolled, priority determined, The four Masks each have a special relationship with duels.
and combat begins again. Otherwise, a victor is declared Their preferences and personalities ensure certain types of
and the duel ends. conflict are befitting their playstyle, while others may cause
Example. Archmagister King’s opponent chooses to call the Grymmening should the PCs fail to orchestrate a duel
the wager of eleven 2s, believing that statement to be ab- appropriately. The preferences of each Mask when it comes
surd. Unfortunately, King’s opponent is wrong, and when to duels and their corresponding details are found below.
the dice are revealed, there are in fact twelve 2s between • Rustam: The Mask of Battle. Duels under the
the pair. This poor exercise in judgement represents the Mask of battle are always bloody, visceral affairs.
opponent’s belief that King’s magical assault was a barely This aspect of the Narrador prizes honor and glory,
controlled, desperate gambit that could be safely ignored. seeing the victor of a duel as the one conducting

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

themselves in a manner befitting the most noble of to traditional combats, a battle is a climatic encounter where
warriors. Mercy, cowardice, and weakness have place forces clash on a scale which transcends the limitations of
on Rustam’s piste. When honor must be satisfied the traditional 5th Edition combat model. The emphasis is
and blood spilt, Rustam sees no finer vehicle than on combined arms, rather than intricate turn by turn tactical
a good old-fashioned duel to the death. Those that play. The forces involved can range from a small band (such
engage in trickery or dishonor while dueling invoke as an adventuring party) to a fully-fledged army with thou-
the Grymmening within Rustam’s stories. sands of warriors.
• Eudoxia: The Mask of Intrigue. Not every battle These fast and flavorful rules-light combat encounters
need be settled with bloodshed or mayhem. For the are ideal for streamlining an encounter that would other-
subtle hand and silken mind, duels under the Mask wise take hours (or even multiple sessions) to run. There
of Eudoxia are a precise instrument to settle affairs are clear victory conditions and goals that must be met to
that would ordinarily require wasteful effort and attain victory. These should be understood by all parties
resources. Assassinating a warmongering general, concerned prior to starting. Players will get to engage with
eliminating a political provocateur, or provoking an both familiar abilities and fictional elements while remov-
impulsive enemy are examples of conflicts Eudoxia ing the burden of bookkeeping at scale. For the DM, there
loves to see settled by duels. Those within her stories is an opportunity to weave a more grandiose sense of scale
need not fight honorably or even slay their enemies. into the world and its conflicts. The goal is not to replace
Victory at any cost, especially when won through or redesign the combat system, but rather to supplement
guile and trickery is a spectacle Eudoxia longs to it with familiar feelings of play while adventuring through
see. Blunt and bloody duels which cause far more GrymmWorld. 
problems than they solve invoke the Grymmening Each battle is divided up into four phases of play.
under Eudoxia. • Preparation. The participating forces of the
• Daphne: The Mask of Compassion. Some duels are battle make their preparations for the coming
not fought for honor, prestige, politics, or principle. conflict. Weapons must be sharpened, spells
A climactic affair of the heart can best be resolved memorized, and prayers whispered to ensure
through a healthy expression of violence. Duels under victory in the struggle ahead.
Daphne are about solving social problems and are • Address. The leaders of the battle address their
only lethal in the most passionate of circumstances. forces. Strategies are devised, inspirational
When dignity, love, or respect must be upheld, a speeches spoken, and riveting music
duel within stories told by Daphne is a fine solution. performed.
Those that duel for selfish or impersonal reasons • Clash. The physical conflict of the battle. This
invoke the Grymmening within Daphne’s stories. is where the glory of battle is determined.
• Gangesha: The Mask of Truth. The greatest conflicts • Aftermath. The result of the clash has been
are often terrific teachers. Such is the dogma of determined. Victory or failure shall be
duels fought under Gangesha, who views these declared. The outcome may have ramifications
conflicts as opportunities for personal growth and for years to come.
tests of character. Only when confronted with a
terrific threat, alone and unaided, can a being truly Running a Battle
understand the measure of their strength. The lessons
may be harsh, even deadly, but are always ferociously A battle is not the kind of conflict one bumbles into to;
poignant. Those that duel for victory or when success they are conflicts that all parties concerned see coming.
is nigh guaranteed invoke the Grymmening within Whether it is a band of orcs raiding a fortified village or
Gangesha’s tales. a squadron of flying monkeys invading a wizard school,
all battles are built around a selection of key components.
Before a battle can begin, the DM must determine who is
Battles involved in the conflict and what form their forces take.
“No one ever won a battle by dying for their cause. Each participating force in a battle is divided up into a
You win by making the other fool die for theirs” single affiliated squad. For example, an adventuring party
– Eudoxia on how to strategize for victory looking to ambush a band of ogre raiders would form one
squad, while the ogre raiders would form another. These
Not every battle need be fought in the traditional style of squads then have their sizes determined by the DM, ac-
5th Edition combat. Some conflicts lend themselves to cording to the table below, which helps accounts for the
more narrative focused engagements. Such encounters are squad’s numbers and provides bonuses to be discussed lat-
less reliant on individual turns, tactical battle maps, and er in this section.
finicky mechanics. In GrymmWorld these encounters are Each battle is dived up into four phases of play: prepa-
known as battles and can serve as an effective encounter ration, address, conflict, and aftermath. These sections can
building tool for larger, more dynamic conflicts. In contrast take considerable periods of in-game time depending on

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

the nature of a battle. Gigantic melees make take hours

to prepare properly, with clashes which last an entire af- BATTLE PREPARATION
ternoon. These details are determined by the DM and can
be influenced by the PCs and their abilities. Each of these BATTLE DICE
phases is explored in greater detail down below. BONUS
The squad gains a number of bonus
BATTLE SIZE 10 Battle Dice equal to the preparation -
leader’s proficiency bonus.
SQUAD SIZE DESCRIPTION BONUS When the battle phase begins,
but before battle dice are rolled,
4–10 battleworthy the squad learns whether
Tiny - 15 +1 battle dice
creatures opposing squads have less, more,
or an equal number of battle dice
11–25 battleworthy
Small +1 battle dice to the squad.
The squad’s hit points increase by
26–50 battleworthy an amount equal to the preparation
Medium +3 battle dice 20 +3 battle dice
creatures leader’s character level or CR
(whichever is greater).
51–100 battleworthy
Large +6 battle dice
creatures If the squad rolls a 1 on its battle
25 +6 battle dice
dice, it instead rolls a 2.
101–200 battleworthy
Huge +10 battle dice
creatures The squad has advantage on all
30 +10 battle dice
battle dice rolls.
Gargantuan 201+ +15 battle dice

Preparation Surprise Battles

Unless unlikely enough to be caught by surprise, all squads hough exceedingly difficult to pull off, it is possible
participating in a battle must prepare. The sharpening of a squad is ambushed by a force that took great pains
weapons, casting of spells, planning of strategies, praying to conceal their assault. To gain such an advantage, a
to deities, and many other practices can help grant a squad squad must meet the following criteria according to
an edge in the coming conflict. Additionally, each squad what type of surprise battle they wish to perform.
must determine their goal in the coming battle. For NPCs Surprise Attack. To surprise an opposing squad, a
and monsters, the DM determines these objectives in se- squad must have made its preparations for battle and
cret. The Players in turn must make their goals known the completed its address all without being detected. Doing
DM. These objectives can range from benevolent, such as a so requires both the preparation leader and address
choir of kobolds looking to serenade their opponents into leader make Stealth ability checks, using an associated
giving up the fight, to horrific, such as a legion of skeletons ability score of their choice (such as Strength,
looking to peel the flesh from the bones of every living Constitution, etc). If the squad’s size is Huge or larger,
both leaders have disadvantage on this roll. This roll
soul. This objective will frame the results of the conflict,
is contested by a Perception check from both the
as well as whether the actions of the PCs align with the
opposing squad’s preparation leader and address leader.
current Mask worn by the Narrador. If either Stealth roll fails, the attack fails to surprise
While preparing, a single leader amongst the squad takes the enemy. If both Stealth rolls succeed, the enemy
charge of efforts. This leadership is represented by the fig- squad is surprised and gains no benefit from either its
ure making a single Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma preparation or address phase (squad’s choice).
ability check (leader’s choice, no associated skill), which Ambush. To ambush an opposing squad, all the
determines degree of their success. The DC of this check criteria for a surprise attack must be met, as well as
and the benefits of this success are detailed in the prepa- the opposing squad being completely unaware of the
ration table below. The squad gains the benefits according enemy force’s presence in the area. The DM determines
to the DC, along with the benefits of all lower DCs. A if the enemy is aware of an ambush because most
character organizing the preparations for battle should de- hosts of creatures large enough to form a squad are
scribe in detail how they are accomplishing this feat. If the difficult to conceal entirely without extraordinary effort.
Narrador feels this description is in line with their Mask, An ambushed squad gains no benefits from both its
as well as being suitably descriptive, they can (and should) preparation and address phases.
award a narrative dice to be used on the roll.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

Address which are used to determine the result of the conflict. A

Once the preparations have been made, the battle is on squad has a number of base battle dice equal to either its
the brink of being joined. However, one last task remains; CR, or the PC’s average character level (when applicable).
to give a rousing speech that inspires the squad’s warriors The squad then accounts for any additional battle dice it
and prepares them for the struggles of the conflict ahead. may have gained through its size, as well as its preparation
An inspiring speech can be the difference between a dev- and address phases. Additionally, if the PCs performed ac-
astating rout or crushing victory on the battlefield, so any tions leading up to the battle the Narrador feels warrant
squad would do well to place great emphasis on the prac- additional bonus battle dice, those benefits should be pro-
tice. A single leader amongst the squad is chosen to give vided now. Once all pools of battle dice are accounted for,
the address. If the leader is a PC, they can choose to ei- the PC’s squad divides their battle dice evenly amongst the
ther roleplay the address, roll an ability check to represent Players, which represents their character’s contributions to
their character performing the address, or both. When the battle. Once the Players are ready, the clash can begin.
rolling an ability check, the addresser can choose to make Before rolling their battle dice, all squads must deter-
a Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion check using an mine how many of their dice are dedicated to offense or
associated ability score of their choice, the results of which defense. Offensive dice are used to deal damage to enemy
are detailed in the table below. If the addresser chooses to squads, while defensive dice are used to shield one’s squad
roleplay their speech in lieu of rolling, the DM determines from harm. Once these determinations have been made, all
the quality of the result according to the table below. If the squads roll their dice simultaneously, and the total rolled
addresser chooses to do both, they could gain advantage for each squad’s offensive and defensive dice is added to-
on the roll, as well as a narrative dice if they honored the gether. Any benefits gained from the preparation phase
sensibilities of the Narrador’s current Mask. that apply to battle dice rolls should be accounted for at
this moment. The total rolled by a squad’s offensive dice
Clash indicates how much damage it can choose to do to ene-
Everything has led to this. The climactic conflict for which my squads, dividing its damage up between any number of
both sides have prepared. As battle is joined, each squad squads. The total rolled by a squad’s defensive dice indicate
gains a collection of special d6s known as battle dice, how much incoming damage that squad is able to reduce.

The address is counterproductive, failing to stir the hearts of those who hear it, The squad becomes demoralized,
9 or
let alone inspire them to risk their lives. A resounding flop that could lead to losing a number of battle dice equal
disaster on the battlefield. to the addresser’s proficiency bonus.

The address is enough to steel the spirits of those who hear it. While fear and
The squad gains two additional
10–14 doubt remain, they are concealed beneath the emotions brought forth by the
battle dice.
addresser. Nothing to write ballads about, but serviceable.

The address is compelling, forceful, and most importantly, inspiring. The

squad sets aside all concerns that would prove unhelpful in the battle ahead, The squad gains four additional
determinedly focusing on what must be done. A speech sure to inspire tales battle dice.
around the campfire.

The address is a speech for the ages. Those who hear it have their hearts filled
with the desired emotions of the addresser, believing on a deep, personal level The squad gains six additional
everything that was said. A speech that will be remembered and recorded by battle dice.
those lucky enough to witness it.

The address is legendary in both its artistry and effectiveness. Every word rings
with terrific power and personal truth which resonates with all who hear it. The squad gains eight additional
No force that witnesses such an event can doubt their course nor consider the battle dice.
possibility of failure. A speech that will be remembered for generations.

The address assures each and every listener that the course of action that lies
ahead, no matter the outcome, is not only desirable, it is destiny made manifest.
The squad gains ten additional
30+ Each member of the squad is instilled with beautiful, unshakable conviction that
battle dice.
knows no equal A speech so spectacular as to be inspire future leaders in the true
meaning of leadership.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

Players should be mindful as to how their offensive and devise what constitutes a number of creatures befitting a
defensive dice are strategically distributed, with an aim to- squad, the table below can aid in providing a basic array
ward completing their battle’s objective as determined in of statistics for easy to run battles. This system works sim-
their preparation phase. ilarly to the challenge rating system detailed in the 5th
When Players are rolling their character’s battle dice, Edition core rules, with the notable additions to allow for
they should indicate what their character is doing which integration into the battle encounter ruleset. Additionally,
warrants the rolling of their dice. Perhaps their wizard is in place of using the squad’s ability check bonus to made
slinging fireballs while mounted atop a shining Pegasus, or checks for the squad, a DM may use a specific creature
their rogue strategically eliminating enemy commanders on filling a leadership role within the squad.
the battlefield. The Narrador should ensure each PC has a
chance to articulate how their character handles themselves Aftermath
in the conflict and consider awarding narrative dice accord- The consequences of a battle are often felt long after the
ingly. Regardless of how the battle plays out, the results of fight’s conclusion. The aftermath phase of a battle is an
the conflict are detailed in the aftermath phase. accounting of how well a battle went for participating
NPCs and monster squads are unique challenges with squads. To begin this process each squad must determine
their own category of statistics that can be used to cre- how much damage they received after accounting for
ate challenging encounters. While it falls to the DM to their defensive dice result and damage taken in the battle.

½ Tiny 1d6 +2 50
1 Tiny 1d6 +2 200
2 Tiny 2d6 +3 450
3 Small 3d6 +3 700
4 Small 4d6 +4 1,100
5 Small 5d6 +4 1,800
6 Small 6d6 +5 2,300
7 Medium 7d6 +5 2,900
8 Medium 8d6 +6 3,900
9 Medium 9d6 +6 5,000
10 Medium 10d6 +7 5,900
11 Large 11d6 +7 7,200
12 Large 12d6 +8 8,400
13 Large 13d6 +8 10,000
14 Large 14d6 +9 11,500
15 Huge 15d6 +9 13,000
16 Huge 16d6 +10 15,000
17 Huge 17d6 +10 18,000
18 Huge 18d6 +11 20,000
19 Gargantuan 19d6 +11 22,000
20 Gargantuan 20d6 +12 25,000
21 Gargantuan 21d6 +12 33,000
22 Gargantuan 22d6 +13 41,000
23 Gargantuan 23d6 +13 50,000
24 Gargantuan 24d6 +14 62,000
25 Gargantuan 25d6 +14 75,000
26 Gargantuan 26d6 +15 90,000
27 Gargantuan 27d6 +15 105,000
28 Gargantuan 28d6 +16 120,000
29 Gargantuan 29d6 +17 135,000
30 Gargantuan 30d6 +17 155,000

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

The details of how a squad is affected based on damage re- what transpired in the battle, converting the results of the
ceived is detailed in the table below. PCs actions, the damage dealt, and damage received by
respective squads into a story befitting the battle. When
determining who won a battle, the Narrador should con-
AFTERMATH sider which squad best accomplished its desired objectives.
For example, the PCs may suffer catastrophic damage to
fell an army of marching oak trees looking to root in fertile
farmland, but so long as the enemy objective is denied it is
The squad suffers minor damage. A few safe to call that a win for the Players.
serious injuries, but nothing that cannot be Finally, battles are an excellent place to distribute a vast
10 or walked off in a few hours. A few of its weakest array of rewards. Treasure, equipment, and many other
less members may be casualties, but few would call goodies are easily scavenged from the site of a battle, par-
this a bad outcome considering what was at ticularly if the PCs are among the victorious left standing
stake. to claim it.
The squad suffers moderate damage. There are
tragic casualties, but with the majority of its The Narrative Masks and Battles
11–20 members better the worse for wear. Many will Each of the four Masks have a special relationship with
never be the same, but it could have been far battles. Their preferences and personalities ensure certain
worse. types of conflicts are befitting their playstyle, while others
may cause the Grymmening should the PCs fail to orches-
The squad suffers serious damage. Nearly half trate a battle appropriately. The preferences of each Mask
of its members are casualties of the conflict, when it comes to battles and their corresponding details
21–30 struck down by the efforts of the enemy. are found below.
The battle was fierce, but the cost is far from Rustam: The Mask of Battle. As befitting of its title,
battles are a glorious and violent under Rustam. This Mask
The squad suffers terrific damage. Its casu- sees these conflicts as the ultimate expression of drama,
alties count at nearly three quarters of its full of acts of heroism, dire struggles, vicious wounds, and
31–40 number subjected to the objectives of the plenty of glory for all. The more bodies that pile up, the
enemy force. One can only hope the enemy more worthwhile the struggle. Such epic struggles are al-
fared worse in the conflict. ways hard fought, leaving scars and bloody stories in their
wake. Fighting a battle openly and honorably delights
The squad suffers devastating damage.
Rustam, while acts of deceit, overtures of peace, or trickery
The majority of its members are casualties,
on the battlefield invoke the Grymmening.
completely overcome by the opposing force.
Those few who are still able bodied are lucky,
Eudoxia: The Mask of Intrigue. Not every battle is won
spared by fate or fortune from the fate that by the stronger army. When a great conflict can be resolved
befell so many of their comrades. through guile, cunning, and deceit, it is likely because the
influence of Eudoxia is being felt. A sudden ambush to
The squad suffers catastrophic damage. cripple an enemies defences, an orchestrated defection
Casualties among its members are nearly through persuasive bribery, or even the sabotaging of a
absolute, with many suffering total, foe’s equipment and weapons are all worthy of applause in
irrecoverable defeat. Few could look at this Eudoxia’s eyes. A battle that is over before it has even be-
outcome and call it a victory, unless of course gun is the finest expression of Eudoxia’s ideals, particularly
the opposition looked just as bad, or worse. if it involves not an ounce of bloodshed while resulting
in overwhelming victory. Those that prefer brutish tactics
The Narrador determines the specific consequences suf- or unnecessary bloodshed bring forth the Grymmening
fered by a squad based on the objectives of its enemy. For ex- when battling under Eudoxia’s influence, even when there
ample, a squad of sentient gingerbread men seeking to coat may be no other choice.
the enemy in viscous, sticky frosting may deal a tremendous Daphne: The Mask of Compassion. Battles are con-
amount of damage to the enemy, but the result may simply stantly waged for land, justice, or conquest. But every so
be the defeated PCs must spend hours extricating them often, an affair of the heart sparks a war of its own. Such
from the colossal mess. The Narrador is encouraged to ex- conflicts under the mask of Daphne are not fought with
pend spell slots, provided levels of exhaustion, deal damage, sword or spell, but with poetic artistry, diplomacy, and
destroy equipment, or similarly punish the PCs in a variety philanthropy. To Daphne, such barbaric clashes are indic-
of ways for damage received during a battle. ative of a failure of the heart. Even the most implacable
Additionally, the Narrador must determine who won of enemies can be made to allies if both sides are willing
the battle. This judgement should take place after detailing to change. Those seeking to battle while under Daphne’s
the results in character. The Narrador should summarize influence would do well to lead with their hearts. Their

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

enemies are not foes to be destroyed, but friends one has Effort Bonus
not yet made. Why strike with a sword when one could To gain an effort bonus on an exploration ability check,
recite romantic poetry that stirs affection in others? A suc- you may expend your characters hit dice when you attempt
cessful battle under Daphne is one where instead of bod- the roll. For every two hit dice you expend in this manner,
ies, one finds lovers. Instead of wounded, one finds friends. you gain a +1 bonus to the roll.
Those that would rather see their enemies dead or maimed The DM may award advantage on the check if the
invoke the Grymmening under Daphne, damning them- Player uses character resources, receives significant assis-
selves and their enemies simultaneously. tance from the party, or is particularly descriptive as to
Gangesha: The Mask of Truth. It is said as warrior is how they encounter the challenge. The results of the abil-
fortunate to die for a cause they believe in. if true, this per- ity check determine whether the attempt results in disas-
spective undoubtably came from the mask of Gangesha, ter, failure, success, or triumph, the details of which can be
who advocates fighting battles not for victory. Only truth found below. Each exploration encounter has a CR which
is work risking so much on the field of war. Battling for a determines the ability check DC of its challenges, as de-
cause not one’s own, or striking down undeserving foes in- tailed in the Exploration Encounters by CR table. Once
voke the Grymmening while Gangesha’s influence is felt. the adventuring party has navigated the exploration, the
Nothing is more glorious than to see an army fight for a encounter ends and the rewards and/or penalties are de-
cause near and dear to every participant. A conflict not scribed by the DM.
only between blades, but between deep convictions and
principles. Defending one’s home and family, delivering Perils
justice to a vile enemy, or honoring a grand alliance are ex- Any challenging exploration encounter involves the un-
amples of such battles Gangesha finds worthy or approval. expected. At some point during the parties’ exploration
encounter, they will experience a peril. The nature of the
peril is specific to the setting of the encounter. A volcano
Explorations may erupt, spewing lava toward the group, or a river may
Heroes must be more than slayers of dragons. No matter suddenly flood which threatens to wash the PCs down-
their quest, an adventuring party must journey far and wide, stream. Perils are exceptionally dangerous and carry with
encountering extraordinary obstacles that stand in their them special penalties based on the result of the ability
way. These are explorations, both a pillar of 5th Edition ad- check, as detailed below and in the Peril Effects column of
venture design and an important gameplay experience in the Exploration Encounters by CR table.
the land of GrymmWorld. Detailed below is a simple and • Triumph. If the character succeeds on the ability
effective solution for constructing exploration encounters check by 5 or more, the party navigates the peril with
as they are described in the 5th Edition core rules, reward- such efficacy they suffer no harmful peril effects.
ing Player decision making and strategy while penalizing • Success. If the character succeeds on the ability
failure. check, the party navigates the peril and suffers one
of the possible peril options while navigating the
Running an Exploration encounter.
• Failure. If the character fails the ability check, the
When a challenge is encountered, a single character in the party suffers two of the three perils made possible by
adventuring party must take the lead on the challenge, be- the encounter (chosen by the DM).
coming the primary factor as to whether the obstacle is • Disaster. If the character fails the ability check by
overcome or failed. The DM describes the nature of the 5 or more, the party suffers all three perils of the
challenge, using the parameters detailed below to outline encounter.
the obstacle. The party then decides, based on that descrip-
tion, which character will take the lead on the challenge. The Narrative Masks and Explorations
The Player of that character then describes the way they Each of the four Masks have a special relationship with
will attempt the challenge in reasonable detail. These de- explorations. Their preferences and personalities ensure
tails should include specific aspects of their character other certain types of conflicts are befitting their playstyle, while
than skills, including class features, spells, and other el- others may cause the Grymmening should the PCs fail
ements. The DM then decides based on that description to manage an exploration appropriately. The preferences of
what skill and associated ability score is most appropri- each Mask when it comes to explorations and their corre-
ate for engaging with the challenge and asks the Player to sponding details are found below.
make an appropriate ability check against the challenge. Rustam: The Mask of Battle. Rustam sees explorations
As a part of making an ability check in this manner, a as terrific challenges to test one’s mettle. Like many great
character can expend their hit dice, which represents the explorers, Rustam sees value in merely attempting an ex-
amount of effort they put into the challenge, to gain a bo- ploration, no matter the outcome. The more hazardous and
nus to the roll. The benefits of expending hit dice for an untested the environmental challenge, the better. Those
effort bonus to the ability check are detailed below. that push themselves to the limit during explorations are

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

heroes in Rustam’s eyes, while those who play it safe are Daphne: The Mask of Compassion. Where others see
missing the point. Shying away from conflict or look- an exploration as a test of strength or guile, Daphne sees
ing for the easiest path through a problem invoke the it as a test of leadership and teamwork. Creatures who
Grymmening with exploring under the mask of Rustam, emphasize working together and sharing in the emotion-
while facing challenges head on earn the entities’ approval. al challenges of the exploration are seen as virtuous to
Eudoxia: The Mask of Intrigue. Sometimes an explora- Daphne, particularly if those involved grow even closer as
tion calls for a subtler hand. When an exploration encoun- a result of their trial.
ter can be navigated without excessive risk or through a Gangesha: The Mask of Truth. An exploration is a
cunning strategy, Eudoxia wholeheartedly applauds. In her chance to experience the adverse and dangerous aspects
eyes there is no finer example of a quality exploration as of GrymmWorld; something which Gangesha believes
when every plan goes off without a hitch and every precau- should be embraced without question. Appreciating the
tion is taken to ensure success. Pointless or risky practices unique facets of exploration and learning all there is to
are anathema to Eudoxia’s ideal exploration, invoking the know is a practice Gangesha endorses. Those who glean
Grymmening in her presence. Taking the time to consider understanding, knowledge, and personal truth from their
every possible path, discovering a hidden course, or even experiences are seen as embodying Gangesha to the high-
avoiding a problem entirely earn her approval. est degree.

½ 8 1d4 environment damage, 1 level of exhaustion, or encounters a CR ½ creature 50
1 11 1d6 environment damage, 1 level of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 1 creature 200
2 12 2d6 environment damage, 1 level of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 2 creature 450
3 13 3d6 environment damage, 1 level of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 3 creature 700
4 14 4d8 environment damage, 1 level of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 4 creature 1,100
5 15 6d6 environment damage, 2 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 5 creature 1,800
6 16 7d6 environment damage, 2 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 6 creature 2,300
7 17 8d6 environment damage, 2 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 7 creature 2,900
8 18 9d6 environment damage, 2 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 8 creature 3,900
9 19 10d6 environment damage, 2 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 9 creature 5,000
10 20 12d6 environment damage, 2 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 10 creature 5,900
11 21 13d6 environment damage, 2 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 11 creature 7,200
12 22 14d6 environment damage, 2 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 12 creature 8,400
13 23 15d6 environment damage, 3 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 13 creature 10,000
14 24 16d6 environment damage, 3 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 14 creature 11,500
15 25 18d6 environment damage, 3 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 15 creature 13,000
16 26 19d6 environment damage, 3 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 16 creature 15,000
17 27 20d6 environment damage, 3 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 17 creature 18,000
18 28 21d6 environment damage, 3 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 18 creature 20,000
19 29 22d6 environment damage, 3 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 19 creature 22,000
20 30 24d6 environment damage, 4 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 20 creature 25,000
21 31 25d6 environment damage, 4 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 21 creature 33,000
22 32 26d6 environment damage, 4 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 22 creature 41,000
23 33 27d6 environment damage, 4 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 23 creature 50,000
24 34 28d6 environment damage, 4 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 24 creature 62,000
25 35 30d6 environment damage, 5 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 25 creature 75,000
26 36 31d6 environment damage, 5 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 26 creature 90,000
27 37 32d6 environment damage, 5 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 27 creature 105,000
28 38 33d6 environment damage, 5 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 28 creature 120,000
29 39 34d6 environment damage, 5 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 29 creature 135,000
30 40 40d6 environment damage, 6 levels of exhaustion, or encounters a CR 30 creature 155,000

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

activities, a creature cannot gain any bonuses or advantage

Wanderings on these checks, other than the use of Narrative Dice by
A wandering is an exploration encounter involving trav- any means other than narrating how their character per-
eling across great distances, often to new and mysterious forms their helpful activity. When making the check, if a
lands. This system intends to capture the feel of going on a Player describes how their character is preparing for the
long journey as their characters explore the world around wandering to the DM’s satisfaction or suitably in charac-
them. GrymmWorld is an ever-changing realm not en- ter, they may gain advantage on the check. For example, a
tirely grounded in proper space or comprehensible physics, ranger that describes how their character will hunt for the
making it a land constantly challenging those who walk its party’s food during the wandering may make a Wisdom
paths. It can be quite the trial for a party of adventurers to (Survival) check, gaining advantage if they speak to the
journey across even the continent of Prometerra, making exact nature of how their character will go about doing so.
for a dynamic encounter which offers a party many valu- The DC of this check is detailed below.
able experiences. Wanderings can take many forms. From A creature that succeeds on this check helps the party
PCs blazing an off-trail route through perilous mountains, adequately prepare for the journey. For each failure, the
to sailing the high seas to forbidden islands. As long as the incurred by the party, the journey phase experiences five
journey is long and difficult, a wandering can be a choice additional misfortunes, the details of which are discussed
encounter for any campaign. Whenever a DM wishes to later in this section.
make the traveling part of their game’s story a dynamic
encounter, the system provided below will serve them well. PREPARATION PHASE
A wandering consists of three gameplay phases, prepa- ½ 8 3 gp 2 hours
ration, journey, and arrival, each of which the PCs must 1 11 10 gp 4 hours
complete before the wandering is concluded. The details of 2 12 15 gp 8 hours
each of these facets are found below, but in summary the
3 13 25 gp 1 day
preparation phase involves setting the initial stakes, des-
tination, and provisions the Player Characters can access. 4 14 50 gp 1 day
The following Journey phase lets the PCs participate in a 5 15 100 gp 2 days
series of social, exploration, and combat encounters during 6 16 200 gp 2 days
each segment of their travels. At the end of a wandering 7 17 300 gp 3 days
the PCs must complete their Arrival, where they conclude 8 18 400 gp 3 days
their travel and reach their destination. A wandering is 9 19 500 gp 4 days
completed when the PCs either arrive at their destination 10 20 750 gp 4 days
or abandon the journey. 11 21 1,000 gp 5 days
Preparation Phase 12 22 1,250 gp 5 days
Every great journey begins as a plan; a scheme around 13 23 1,500 gp 6 days
which eager adventurers devise, scope, and speculate as to 14 24 2,000 gp 6 days
what is required to complete such a daring deed. When 15 25 2,500 gp 1 week
the PCs decide to embark upon a wandering, they must 16 26 3,000 gp 1 week
dedicate considerable time and effort toward planning the 17 27 3,500 gp 1 week
trip. Such details include means of travel, provisions, navi- 18 28 4,000 gp 1 week
gation, and other logistical factors determined by the DM. 19 29 4,500 gp 1 week
To represent this challenge, each wandering is assigned a
20 30 5,000 gp 2 weeks
preparation check with a DC according to its challenge,
21 31 5,500 gp 2 weeks
determined by the DM. The more dangerous, logistically
challenging, or mysterious the wandering, the more diffi- 22 32 6,00 gp 2 weeks
cult it is likely to be. Additionally, each preparation phase 23 33 6,500 gp 2 weeks
requires time to adequately plan the journey, which in- 24 34 7,000 gp 2 weeks
creases according to the wandering’s CR as detailed in the 25 35 7,500 gp 2 weeks
Preparation phase table. 26 36 8,000 gp 2 weeks
Each PC that wishes to participate in the preparation 27 37 8,500 gp 2 weeks
phase on a wandering must make an ability check us- 28 38 9,000 gp 3 weeks
ing a skill in which they are proficient, which represents
29 39 9,500 gp 3 weeks
that character’s logistical contribution to the preparation.
Due to the extensive and time-consuming nature of these 30 40 10,000 gp 3 weeks

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

Additionally, each preparation phase requires special breath the air found within the area. Ultimately it is up the
materials that will be needed during the wandering. In DM to determine the exact nature of these components
most cases, these materials are nothing more than some and their cost based on the PCs status and location in the
bedrolls and a few rations, but as the challenge of wander- world, but generally the mystical nature of GrymmWorld
ing increases, these items can become more elaborate, bi- demands a logistical cost be paid to successfully complete
zarre, and expensive. These costs can cover ritualistic items a wandering, as detailed in the logistical cost column of the
to protect against misfortune or strange devices required to preparation phase table.

2 –10 The journey gains an amount of fortune equal to the number displayed on the card.
J The PCs encounter a safe landmark along their journey where they can rest and recuperate without fear of any harm.
The PCs encounter a mystical landmark that has never been discovered by the public, affording them the opportunity
to name the landmark and catalogue its properties, which are determined by the DM.
The PCs encounter a historical landmark lost to time, from which ancient artifacts and relics can be recovered, the
nature and value of which are determined by the DM.
The PCs encounter a hidden landmark in which a forgotten magical item lies. The item’s nature and rarity are
determined by the DM.
2 –10 The journey gains an amount of misfortune equal to the number displayed on the card
The PCs encounter a dangerous landmark, the hostile nature of which prevents them from gaining the benefits of a
long rest up to half the total days of spend on their journey.
The PCs encounter a cursed landmark that hexes them with a foul magic. For the remainder of the journey when the
journey would gain fortune, they instead gain half as much fortune (rounded down).
The PCs encounter the landmark of an ancient tragedy best left forgotten, the nature of which is determined by the
K DM. The disturbing and unfortunate nature of this incident causes the current amount of accumulated misfortune to
The PCs discover a hidden cache containing a cursed magical item, the rarity of which is determined by the DM.
If a PC does not attune to the magical item within 3 traveling days, the journey immediately gains 10 misfortune.
2 –10 The journey gains an amount of fortune equal to the number displayed on the card.
J The PCs encounter a friendly humanoid NPC who offers trade, advice, information, or other useful services.
The PCs encounter a friendly monster who offers services or interactions according to its nature. The monster can be
of a CR equal to the wandering’s CR or lower.
The PCs encounter a creature that wishes to join them on their wandering, aiding them in completing the journey.
The creature can be of a CR equal to the wandering’s CR or lower.
The PCs encounter a benevolent entity of near-godlike power who offers them assistance. The PCs must describe the
assistance they seek and roll percentile dice. If they roll a number equal to or lower than their character level, the entity
grants their request. The DM chooses the nature of the assistance, though the effect of any spell of 7th level or lower is
typically a suitable reward.
2 –10 The journey gains an amount of misfortune equal to the number displayed on the card.
The PCs encounter a hostile humanoid NPC who does everything in its power to trick, deceive, lead the PCs astray,
or otherwise disrupt the journey.
The PCs encounter a hostile monster who threatens, attacks, or otherwise attempts to inhibit the journey. The monster
can be of a CR equal to the wandering’s CR or lower.
The PCs encounter a creature seeks their death and attacks immediately. The creature can be of a CR equal to the
wandering’s CR or lower.
The PCs encounter a malevolent entity of near-godlike power who overwhelms them with hostile magic. The entire
A party is subjected to the effects of a spell of 7th level or lower of the DMs choice. The spell save DC for this effect is
always 23, and the spell attack bonus is +15 to hit.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

Journey Phase Once all of the cards drawn for a journey phase have been
The journey phase is the heart of a wandering, embodying revealed and their interactions resolved, the journey phase is
the idea that the road traveled is sometimes more interesting concluded and the arrival phase begins.
than the destination. This phase of the wandering is the most
significant, affording PCs a chance to test their characters Arrival Phase
skills, engage in different types of encounters, and learn more Once the journey phase has been concluded, the PCs must
about the environment through which they are venturing. take account of their wandering and determine the results.
Performing a journey phase requires a DM draw from a While they may have experienced several encounters over
set of fifty-two traditional playing cards, which determine the course of the journey, the full measure of its experiences
what happens over the course of the phase based on inter- can be accounted for in the fortune or misfortune accumu-
pretations of the drawn cards. Doing so helps evoke a sense lated from the cards drawn during the journey phase. To
of unpredictability and newness common to those who em- do so, the party tallies up how much fortune or misfortune
bark on long expeditions. When drawing these cards, the they gain over the course of the journey, which represents
DM pulls seven cards from a freshly shuffled deck, placing a general summary of how well the wandering went from
each card face down so the result is hidden from the Players. the PC’s perspective. For every fortune the party earned, its
Once all of the cards have been drawn, each Player choos- total fortune increases by one point, while the inverse is true
es to reveal a single card, with their character making an for each misfortune. If the amount of misfortune accumu-
ability check with a DC equal to the wandering phase DC lated in the journey exceeds the amount of fortune accumu-
using a skill of their choice. This ability check represents the lated, the wandering went very poorly, some representations
character’s contributions over the course of the wandering of which can be found in the table below. While the PCs
and if successful, the Player can request the DM deal them may have travelled to their intended destination, the process
a second card and can then pick their result between the of doing so was excruciating, difficult, and not as planned.
two options. For example, Salvatore the froggy Feran, while If the inverse is true, the wandering went well for the PCs.
journeying through a CR 8 wandering, decides to flip his They effectively overcame hardships, discovered new won-
card and chooses one of the face down options. Grant, the ders, and maybe even had a little fun. The general details of
Player running Salvatore, chooses to have his character use how to measure the severity or benefits of misfortune and
his formidable might to make a Strength (Athletics) check fortune are detailed in the arrival phase table below.
which represents Salvatore’s physical prowess at clearing the The results of fortune and misfortune are narrated retro-
way for the party during the journey. The phase DC of this actively. The DM describes what occurred over the course
check is 18, which Salvatore passes. This allows Grant to of the wandering to account for these results, factoring in
request a second card from the DM and choose which op- the environment, the nature of the wandering, and other
tion occurs during the wandering. The details of each card, appropriate challenges. This summary has already account-
revealed during each character’s interaction during a wan- ed for the actions of the PCs and cannot be altered or in-
dering phase, are found in the journey phase table below. fluenced unless the DM allows it.

Triumphant Success. The PCs suffer no adverse long-term consequences from the
20 or more fortune
wandering and reap significant rewards, such as treasure or other resources.
Tremendous Feat. The PCs suffer few adverse long-term consequences from the
10–19 more fortune wandering, gaining a small collection of rewards from their wandering, such as treasure
and other useful items for adventuring.
Solid Accomplishment. The PCs suffer expected consequences from the wandering and
5–9 more fortune
gain little beyond the satisfaction of a successful journey.
We Made It. The PCs suffer reasonably from the events of the wandering, but nothing
0 fortune
a warm meal and a comfy bed will not cure.
Minor Disaster. The PCs suffer arduous consequences from the wandering, losing
5–9 misfortune
additional resources and useful equipment along the way.
Serious Calamity. The PCs suffer terrific consequences from the wandering, including
10–19 misfortune
debilitating injures and the loss of treasure or key equipment.
Total Failure. The PCs barely made it, suffering consequences they will likely need
20 or more misfortune
considerable time recovery.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

The Narrative Masks and Wanderings

Each of the four Masks each have a special relationship Reputations
with wanderings. Their preferences and personalities en- Players enjoy roleplaying with a purpose. The mechanical
sure certain types of conflicts are befitting their playstyle, benefits of engaging in fictional scenes while working to-
while others may cause the Grymmening should the PCs wards a goal is at the core of every roleplaying game. To
fail to manage a wandering appropriately. The preferences aid in this interaction in roleplaying scenarios, this section
of each Mask when it comes to wanderings and their cor- details a system by which PCs can interact with individ-
responding details are found below. uals and groups to gain meaningful in game rewards (or
Rustam: The Mask of Battle. What is a journey but a consequences) from those interactions. Collected generally
march to the next great battlefield? Rustam views wan- under the field of reputations, this section overviews how
derings as an opportunity to take one’s thirst for violence NPCs and groups of fantasy beings can formulate strong
on the road, looking for new challenges to crush and foes opinions about the actions of PCs, and then turn those ac-
to defeat. Those who march as if going to war on their tions into low maintenance interactions in a campaign.
wanderings are enthusiastically endorsed by Rustam, par-
ticularly if they bring others along to join the fray. A wan- Using Reputations
dering in which no injuries occur, no blades are drawn, or
no scars are earned invokes the Gyrmmening, while such a The role reputation plays in a campaign is up to the
journey that leaves a trail of bodies, blood, and conquered Narrador, but it is always an important one. Powerful crea-
foes is just the kind of story the entity loves to see. tures and groups can exert their influence in tremendous
Eudoxia: The Mask of Intrigue. To Eudoxia, a wander- ways, and their opinions matter greatly. A DM should only
ing is like a great puzzle begging to be solved. Its many use reputation when it can provide a compelling, interac-
complicated logistics are perfect for a cunning mind to tive experience which befits the current Narrador mask.
navigate, particularly one that overcomes its obstacles Banal or mundane social interactions are for lesser groups
through elaborate planning and forethought. Whats more, or insignificant individuals, not entire organizations or
those that use what they discover over a wandering to major NPCs aiming to accomplish big things. The na-
advance their agenda and expand their influence please ture of the characters’ interactions with an organization
Eudoxia greatly. A successful wandering in her eyes is one or NPC depends on their reputation with them. Getting
where additional tools and advantages are gleaned for fur- someone to care about a party is not easy. It takes a sig-
ther use down the road. A failed wandering involves learn- nificant achievement that greatly benefits or frustratingly
ing the bare minimum about the places one visits or pass- foils the target(s) to develop such a reputation. Performing
ing through as quickly as possible. Such disappointments an act that greatly benefits an organization or NPC earns
will surely invoke the Grymmening from the despondent their gratitude grants the party a favorable reputation and
mask. special favors. Meanwhile greatly antagonizing an orga-
Daphne: The Mask of Compassion. A long walk has nization earns a negative reputation and considerable ire,
done wonders for many a relationship, and what is a which can take the form of the mechanics detailed below.
wandering if not one long journey to be enjoyed with
pleasant company? Daphne revels in the camaraderie Reputation Favor
of wanderings. The necessity of teamwork, the drama of A favor is a token of gratitude an organization or NPC
survival scenarios, and the intimacy of isolation all make gives to the characters. When the characters need a favor,
for a tremendously compelling experience when enjoyed they can redem this token and gain assistance from whom
correctly. Those that deepen relationships or forge new they received it. The nature of the assistance will always be
bonds over the course of wanderings earn Daphne’s ap- appropriate for the group or individual’s nature. It is proba-
proval, irrespective of the successfulness the actual wan- bly unreasonable for an organization of old scholars to join
dering. Those that shirk the opportunities to make new the characters on the front lines of a war in the hells, but
friends and discover new peoples will swifly invoke the a grateful archmage providing a handy teleport spell, that
Grymmening. would be completely reasonable. This assistance should
Gangesha: The Mask of Truth. There is always some- also be significant and something the characters could not
thing new to discover when traveling. Gangesha views accomplish themselves without a significant detour from
every wandering as an opportunity to unearth forgotten the adventuring lifestyle. Providing a magic item, access to
lore or catalogue new phenomena. What is even more special knowledge, or removal of an aggravating obstacle
impressive in Gangesha’s eyes is when wanderers discover are all good examples of useful favors.
truths about themselves. Few challenges test one’s charac- Favor can be both conceptual and literal. The DM is en-
ter like an extended journey, changing many souls forever couraged to give out a physical representation of favor that
in dynamic and interesting ways. Those that embrace the is thematic to the organization or NPC. For example, a
hardships of travel and grow from them earn Gangesha’s legion of holy warriors may give the party a holy symbol
approval, while those that seek to overcome all obstacles of their order or a tribe of dragons could bequeath a fang
with dull efficiency bring forth the Grymmening. from their fallen.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

Reputation Ire Individuals

When the characters anger or make an enemy of an orga-
nization or NPC, the DM gains a special token called an In order to understand how the PCs can have a positive or
ire. The inverse of favor, ire is a weapon the DM can use to negative reputation with an NPC, it is important to have a
strike at the characters, and the organization is the delivery sense of that NPC’s personality and characteristics. While
method. Assassination attempts, new enemies, traps, and you may know the general temperament and preferences
other dastardly deeds are all methods by which an organi- of most red dragons, it can go a long way toward making
zation can make the adventuring life even more stressful. your specimen more interesting by defining a selection of
Like favor, ire should always be thematic to the organization personality traits for the PCs to explore. If the DM feels
or NPC. An angry group of nature wardens can collapse a an NPC is important enough to warrant parameters for
dungeon the characters are exploring or an indignant church determining how NPCs may gain a reputation with it,
can mystically block the group’s cleric from casting spells. they can develop a selection of social statistics as presented
A DM in possession of ire should be a cause for concern. below.
The players should always know their DM has it and what The following example represents a notable figure with-
organization the ire is from. The DM should keep the ire in GrymmWorld that the PCs may encounter and with
visible both narratively and physically. Signs of the orga- whom they can earn a reputation.
nization’s presence in the characters’ adventures coupled
with an ominous token of ire at the table, will increase the Organizations
tension and make the players feel antagonized.
Once a favor or ire has been expended, the PC’s rep- Fantasy organizations are awesome. They put a face to po-
utation with that organization or group may return to a litical, social, and economical interests that can leverage
neutral state at the DM’s discretion, allowing them to earn the characters for support or be a party’s worst nightmare.
that individual’s ire or favor again. The Players should be In GrymmWorld, such groups are far more common and
made aware of when this occurs either in character or di- can be classified as organizations when led by figures of great
rectly from the DM, to better understand their PC’s place significance. How characters interact with these groups can
in the world and their relationship to the other beings in it. be a pivotal moment in your campaign, allowing the party

Individual Reputation Example: Salvatore the Frog Knight

Description. Salvatore is a noble knight from Tadfen Bog, Flaws: Short-Sightedness. Eager to make a difference,
short in stature, slimy in skin, but stout of heart. As a Feran, Salvatore has fanned the flames of conflict on more than
Salvatore takes on the appearance of an anthropomorphized one occasion, instead of putting them out. His enthusiasm
frog, prone to punctuating his speech with endearing ribbits for the thrill of battle and deep convictions about the
and flicks from his long tongue. His armor is rusty from importance of moral action often lead to unintended
frequent exposure to the water Salvatore so loves, but his consequences, particularly amongst those hold a grudge.
foes would do well not to mistake this lack of quality of Do’s. Salvatore loves to fight for fun, feast with friends, and
arms for quality of skill. frolic freely. His happy go-lucky attitude makes the Frog
Personality Traits. Bravery comes as easily to Salvatore as Knight quite sociable, so long as one does not mind settling
breathing. Those who fail to respect the peaceful are swift the occasional dispute with blades instead of words. To
to feel the bite of his greatsword. His ferocity is tempered Salvatore, the sword is not a tool of death, but just another
with mercy against those who act in ignorance out of a form of communication that others fail to appreciate. After
misguided perspective. One could not ask for a better friend all, what is a little blood spilt between friends?
or companion, so long as you don’t mind insects as an entrée Don’ts. Cruelty and malice cannot coexist with Salvatore.
at the dinner table. The Frog Knight is uncompromising in his conviction that
Ideals: Virtue. Strength and achievement are meaningless moral philosophy and a virtuous outlook are essential to life
to Salvatore when not tempered by the fires of virtue. One and guide every action. Those that express arbitrary contempt
cannot find success in battle only by results. Instead, each for others are as despicable as thugs and as vile as assassins.
violent act must be measured by the quality of character and His worst opinions are of those who cloak their malicious na-
integrity of spirit behind it. It is not enough to fight for the ture behind a mantle of virtue; fighting for noble causes while
right cause. One must also be a good person. being a villain is a crime punishable by a blade to the gut.
Bonds: Peace. While a warrior at heart, Salvatore fights Social Challenge DC. The following ability check DCs are
so that others can live in peace. While his heart races at appropriate when interacting socially with Salvatore.
the thought of battle, the Frog Knight is always saddened
Easy DC: 16 Medium DC: 19
when such conflicts do not result in a more peaceful world.
Hard DC: 22 Social CR: 13 (10,000 XP)
Violence is a fickle tool after all, but the only one Salvatore
knows how to use.

chapter four: the narrative and the narrador

to gain valuable allies or provoke lethal enemies. With such how to socially engage the group and can introduce
powerful incentives for players to engage these groups, you NPCs of great significance.
will find organizations a compelling force. • Membership. This section will provide the gist of
A well-crafted organization provides unique opportuni- who would join this group— scoundrels, warriors,
ties for characters to gather exclusive loot, meet interesting spellcasters, and even monsters can be part of an
characters, discover adventure hooks, battle foes, and play organization.
an important role in some of the most significant forces How many members should it have? An
in their world. Organizations in GrymmWorld are an ex- organization can be small (10–30 members),
ample of this design tool in play. They aid the Narrador medium (31–100 members), large (101–500
in detailing the major players in its dynamic world along members), or huge (500+).
with what they have to offer. Detailed below is a system • Alignment. This section details the average align-
for building organizations. This tool will help your play- ment of the organization as well as its morals when it
ers engage with the organization without demanding you acts collectively. Even an organization of mostly evil
develop every detail—that comes later according to the creatures may behave in a more neutral manner when
needs of your campaign. Organizations are divided into working together to accomplish the organization’s goals.
the following components. • Motto. This section details a saying by the organiza-
• Name. Every organization needs a name and organi- tion that illustrates their disposition and ideals.
zations often have impressive ones. • Resources. Organizations have considerable resourc-
A solid name should give some hint as to what the es at their disposal. Their membership can consist of
organization stands for without revealing too much. artisans, thieves, spellcasters, explorers, politicians,
• Leadership. Who oversees the organization? and far more, all of which are willing to contribute to
It can be an authoritarian overlord or an anarchic the group’s collective capital.
collection of like-minded colleagues. Detailing an • Creed. The values and goals of an organization are
organization’s leadership helps the players figure out what binds the group together. This section gives a
summary of the group’s creed and sets its general
Behind the Curtain: An example of an organization within GrymmWorld is
Building Organizations detailed below.

Y ou probably noticed the details in this section do

not explore the full potential within an organization.
That is by design and for a particularly good reason. One
Sample Organization
of the worst DM experiences you can have comes from Fellclimbers Expedition Society (FES)
overdeveloping content that will not see play. Sure, you
could expand an organization to include fourteen unique Leadership: Elected council of five senior climbers
member stat blocks, a detailed system for managing their Membership: Large (241 members): humanoids;
resources, and a laundry list of rewards for the character Duenden, Espertan
to earn, but all that is pointless unless the players care Alignment: Chaotic neutral
enough to engage with it. We propose an alternative Motto: “Onward and upward and onward again!”
strategy. Use the model provided in this chapter when Resources: Climbing equipment, geographical
introducing your players to an organization. There are expertise, topographical maps
enough details for them to potentially get hooked. If it Creed: The Fellclimber’s Expedition Society has two
seems like the party wants to get more involved with the goals, to map and catalogue the impossibly huge moun-
group, then you have a green light to create more content tain range of Fellmount and to summit every peak with-
with a good chance it will see play. This holds true for out the aid of magic. This is a daunting and exceedingly
villainous organizations as well. If the players find the dangerous task, earning the organization a well-deserved
idea of a collection of villains interesting after an initial reputation for being full of daredevils and risk takers.
encounter, chances are they will be looking forward to The FES enjoys this notoriety, taking great pride in their
discovering more next session. ability to accomplish what others would not even dare
It is not recommended that characters join an attempt without the aid of magical protections.
organization unless the organization is dedicated to The affinity of the Fellclimbers for the mountains they
adventuring. The methods by which an organization ascend borders on the religious. Each peak has a secret
accomplishes their goals are complex and rarely name known only to members of the society. They guard
compatible with the lifestyle of an adventurer. Political the routes to the top carefully against all those who
intrigue, recruitment, and managing huge numbers of would seek to gain a shortcut to the glorious mountain-
minions may be interesting for a session or two, but tops. However, the FES is always in need of resources
that will not feel fun for long. It is better to provide the and equipment and will happily accept the aid of others
party with routine opportunities to gain favor. who prove themselves friends of the mountains.


P ROMETERRA IS a continent of diverse, magical
regions and even more diverse, magical people. In
a state of rediscovery and renaissance following the
degradations of the fell-beyonders, Prometerra is very
to be enjoyed, so what are you waiting for? Time to dive in
and begin writing the first chapter of your GrymmWorld’s

much a land in flux. Every locale is styled to invite explora-

tion and inspire curiosity. From ancient ruins of the beau- Brilhago 
tiful past to strange local anomalies born of wyld magic, The Light of Yesterday
Prometerra is begging for adventurers to explore her se-
crets. While detailing the countless wonders of Prometerra There is a shining city, set apart from the rest of Prometerra
could fill volumes, this chapter does its level best to illus- by an immense lake shrouded in silver fog. This noble
trate some of the most significant and intriguing aspects of metropolis stands proud amidst a wounded land, rent
the continent. From the mist shrouded lakes encircling a asunder by the Spire, which pierced reality itself and brought
city of light, to the ashen sands patrolled by weather worn the fell nightmares into this world. It is here that pilgrims
knights, there is much to discover and build a thrilling come to learn the story of how they came to be, to share in
GrymmWorld campaign around. song and feast. If their heart is pure, these noble souls may
While these details are indeed fascinating and fun, one ascend the Spire to the heavens, from which none have ever
must remember GrymmWorld is not about clearly de- returned. Brilhago is a center for art and culture, but it is
fined borders and impeccable details. It is a land shaped out of place and from a different time. An ancient relic of
by memory, intention, magic, and heart; unbound by the GrymmWorld’s past, preserved by the hard working hands
laws of nature we typically enjoy. Your GrymmWorld can and sturdy souls of its people, Brilhago is called the Light of
and should be entirely different than the GrymmWorld’s Yesterday, for its city shines with ancient magic and divine
of other campaigns. Remember, this uniqueness does power from an era of legend and myth.
not just come from the DM. It is intended that your POPULATION: 525,123 Grymm
GrymmWorld is forged through collaboration with the GOVERNMENT: Theocracy
Players as a campaign unfolds. Together you will shape LEADERSHIP: Ruling Council (Eleven high priests)
and define the continent, forging a world all your own RESOURCES: Technology, Religion, Fish, Mithril
with each passing session. While you can certainly treat ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral
Prometerra like another 5th Edition campaign setting, FAVORED CLASSES: Clerics, Paladins, Wizards
choosing to forgo tools like the Narrador and other
means of collaboration takes some of the magic out of
GrymmWorld. It may not be what you are used to, but The Ways of Brilhago
your campaign will be brighter for it.
Each of Prometerra’s main regions are presented here: Mountainous, beautiful, and ancient, Brilhago is a shin-
Brilhago, Cachoeira, Desaly, Fellmount, Labirinto, Praia, ing beacon from GrymmWorld’s history which endured
Tadfen Bog, and Witchwood. These fantastical regions dire catastrophe and ruin. The land is scarred but strong,
have countless wonders in store for any 5th Edition cam- a testament to the strength of its ancient defenders who
paign. Within each section you will learn about the people, fought in ages past. Signs of ancient battle are every-
places, cultures, landmarks, organizations, environments, where. Magical craters, warped landscape, and ancient
heroes, villains, and much more. Revel in the unrivaled structures long abandoned are the marks emblazoned
weirdness of the Witchwood, get lost in the murky dark- upon Brilhago, but even here there is great beauty. Nature
ness of Tadfen Bog, or bask in the glorious majesty of has reclaimed much of what was lost. Despite its trauma,
Brilhago’s waterfalls. The lands of Prometerra are itching the realm is as pure as the day mortal eyes first gazed

upon it. Craggy cold mountains in the north slope steeply works tirelessly to rebuild Brilhago into the cultural bea-
downward, feeding countless springs into a lake of terrific con of days past. However, there is hardly a consensus of
size. Here the works haul great catches of mithril scaled how best to do so. Every citizen, faction, and guild possess-
fish aboard silvery longboats to be brought to market es strong opinions about what is best and how to accom-
within a shining ancient metropolis. To the south lies a plish it. The infighting within the realm is fierce, but rarely
cold artic ocean, overshadowed by a dark Spire of impos- violent. The people are simply passionate about bettering
sible height. This literal wound in the world marks where themselves and society, often to the point of excess.
the fell-beyonders first came to GrymmWorld. It serves as While all Brilhago idolizes the past, there are three dis-
a reminder to all of Brilhago what was lost and why they tinct subcultures which proliferate three distinct ideolo-
must continue to fight to preserve what remains. gies: the fisherfolk, the faithful, and the finders.
The Fisherfolk are the industrialists of Brilhago, always
Culture seeking the simplest solution to any problem. There is no
One of the last remaining cultures to survive the com- reason for them to change anything or expand their vo-
ing of the fell-beyonders, Brilhago is a pragmatic and cabulary. There’s fish in the lake, the fish means food, and
resilient society. Its people follow the olden ways of with food comes growth. Their opinion is that the nation
GrymmWorld. They strive to better themselves and usher is best served by an expansion of industry. They work tire-
in a restoration of the Old Time, reviving the culture of lessly to ensure the people of Brilhago have enough food
The Beautiful People and all their arcane wonders. Split to eat, so that many may grow strong and provide for the
into distinct guilds of industry, religion, and science, each next generation.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

The Faithful are practitioners of ancient, now defunct, of the Beautiful People. Getting these devices to work
religions. Their ways deal in myth and legend. From with- is another matter. Much of what is recovered is beyond
in their ancient libraries and shadowy schools the divine the Brilhago-Grymm’s capacity to understand, leading to
gods are studied. They are constantly searching for some much trial and catastrophic error as they attempt to un-
way to restore the greatest beings of GrymmWorld’s his- ravel these ancient mysteries. In some rare circumstanc-
tory. Some of their collected stories within their citadels es, the Brilhago-Grymm have employed ancient weap-
are true while others are false apocryphal writings. This ons powered by the fell-beyonders. While it is theorized
leads to a belief that the faithful are contradictory and lost these loathsome tools were an attempt to turn the fiend’s
amidst the impossible puzzle that is the past. Nevertheless, strength against them, the riskiness of their use is a source
The Faithful press on, tirelessly praying to silent gods in of fierce debate within the courts of the Shining City.
hopes of one day receiving an answer. Some examples of the wonderous vehicles created by
The Finders are people of science and progress. Guided Brilhago based on ancient technology and magic are pro-
by the past, they aim to restore magic, technology, and vided below.
power to Brilhago. They plumb ancient ruins in search of
obscure secrets, fiddling with obtuse arcana and danger- Magic
ous technology in hopes of rediscovering ancient weapons While the gods of GrymmWorld are dead or have since
or useful knowledge. These risky endeavors are known to assumed new modes of existence, a fragment of their pow-
unearth ancient horrors and lore best left forgotten, rou- er yet remains within the mystical lake of Brilhago. From
tinely placing the people of Brilhago at risk, though a within its crystalline depths sparks an invisible divine es-
worthwhile one if one were to ask the Finder’s opinion sence, imbuing the people and places of Brilhago with an-
on the matter. cient power. This mystic force is instinctively felt by the
locals, who call the effect a divine echo. Many take great
Brilhago-Grymm spend so much time looking to the past, comfort in the continued presence of this force, believing
they forget the present. Of course the future is important, it to be a sign that the restoration of GrymmWorld is not
but one cannot escape this simple truth: In the long run, all only possible, but also imminent.
are dead. One cannot forsake the promise of today for the With the looming threat of the fell-beyonders hanging
chance of tomorrow. over Brilhago, there are those who believe there is anoth-
- Gangesha on Brilhago culture er magic worth exploring. Scientific research into the fell
magic that harnesses the raw and dangerous power of the
Technology beyonders is a hotly debated, but not forbidden practice
Science of the surreal is prevalent in Shining City. The among the people of Brilhago. The powers of the fell are
wonders it has unearthed and preserved feel out of place very controversial and carefully a guarded secret by the
even within the strangeness of GrymmWorld. Mithral highest of the order. Rumor has it that the nobles of the
cast ships sail silently whilst there is no wind, while whirl- Shining City and the Faithful are seeding this fell energy
ing gyroplanes streak across the sky in defiance of physics. into the population to strengthen and advance the inhab-
Curiously, many of these fantastical contraptions cease itants. While the wisdom of this course of action may be
to function outside the region, devoid of some key spark dubious, the results are formidable. Fell influenced weap-
which can only be found within Brilhago. With each pass- ons and magic have proven mighty indeed, promising a
ing day the Grymm discover more curios from the time permanent solution to the horror of the fell-beyonders.


Shroud Skiff 5,000 gp 15 mph 3 7 10 16 180 13
Windrunner 30,000 gp 25 mph 14 40 60 18 360 15

Gyro – Plane
15,000 gp 60 mph 2 0 1/2 8 30 5

Gyro – Cruiser
50,000 gp 100 mph 7 30 2 10 100 10

chapter five: exploring prometerra

An example of a spell developed by the people of Brilhago legends and superstitions play a more significant role in
is provided below. the faith of an average Brilhago-Grymm. Even then, most
of the realm’s population are atheist, placing their faith in
their own hands and strength. This personal conviction is
New Spell: Purifying Light well justified. The ancient ways of Brilhago have endured
This is a class spell for clerics and wizards.
longer than any other Prometerran culture, surviving even
6th level evocation the death of its gods and near extinction of its people.
Unfortunately, the proximity to the fell-beyonders has
Casting Time: 1 action
birthed a cult which believes the strange invaders to be di-
Range: Self (60 ft. radius sphere)
vine in nature. These misguided Brilhago-Grymm are few
Components: V, S, M (a glass candle)
Duration: Instantaneous
in number and secretive in the extreme, but their cult is
growing. Other faiths include that of the Silverfish. With
You hold your hand aloft and unleash a blast of
the abundance of mithril scaled fish, the Fisherfolk have
mystical light in a 60-foot radius sphere centered on
developed a humble faith believing the strange animals to
you. Each other creature of your choice in the affected
be the progeny of a great spirit which inhabits the lake’s
area may end one 5th level spell or lower currently
affecting it. When a creature ends a spell effect in this
darkest depths. Known as the Silverfish, this entity’s ex-
manner, it may regain 1d6 hit points, plus an additional istence is unconfirmed, but you’ll never find a Fisherfolk
1d6 hit points for each level of the spell effect ended. setting sail without paying homage to the deep dark by
throwing a sack of gold overboard as tribute.
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a
spell slot of 7th level or higher, the maximum level of a
spell effect an affected creature is able to end increases May my ship sail silent and true
by one spell level, to a maximum of an 8th level spell May day’s waters stay clear and blue
effect if cast using a 9th level spell slot. May my catch be whole and fair
May my nets ner sink nor tear
May my boots hold fast
Cosmology Beneath the sail and my mast
All those within Brilhago acknowledge the divinity of an- And may I come home to you
cient gods, but that is far from paying homage. Instead, local - Common Fisherfolk Prayer

chapter five: exploring prometerra

Ecology have learned to live on edge, always ready to defend against

The closer you get to the Spire, the more intense the dan- forces that would tear down a lifetime of hard work. To
ger. It is the source of fell and planer monstrosities that are other Grymm they seem zealous and overworked. In turn,
difficult to keep at bay. Were it not for the menagerie the the people of Brilhago view others as feckless and whim-
scientists constructed, many threats might venture into the sical, a privileged point of view only possible thanks to the
world. There is a reason why the military might of the lake- heroic efforts of generations of Brilhago-Grymm. The old-
side city pits itself toward the Spire as opposed to the out- er and wiser among them tend to be non-confrontational,
side world, they have a lake that provides natural resources carefully guarding their true motives and goals until they
and a natural form of defense. require the help of others in safeguarding their dealings.
The lake itself appears to pose natural dangers. Primarily,
beasts from within that threaten the surface above. Politics
Within the city proper, one must be careful with agents Political power in Brilhago is centered around faith. While
of the night who seek to protect the secrets of the city from its religious leaders pay homage to dead gods, their signifi-
the outside world. cance in society has endured since ancient times. Using the
diverse teachings of these old religions, a council of elev-
Adventuring in Brilhago en high priests apply their wisdom to restore Brilhago to
The shining lake of Brilhago is a clash of science, religion, its former glory. Unfortunately, when a priest receives no
and industry. The people enjoy things that make them feel guidance from their gods, the fallibility of mortals rears its
good in life and the benefits of an open community that ugly head. There is tremendous disagreement among the
the religion allows. The scientists present the facts and re- priests, each jostling to enforce the religious order they feel
ality that the world they live in is volatile and potentially best serves Brilhago’s interests. Intrigue, backstabbing, and
unstable. Thus, you have factions forming within factions even the occasional act of violence are not uncommon re-
as the heretical scientists collide with the holy church. sults of political disputes. Between the political backbiting
Not only that, the fell-beyonders of the Spire make their of the theocracy, there is a balance between the Fisherfolk,
way out into the world, striking first against the people of the Faithful, and the Finders that must be maintained.
Brilhago. Adventurers here find the conflict between dis- The Fisherfolk tolerate no disruption in their mission to
senting opinions. The mysteries of the lake and the moun- feed and supply Brilhago. When they venture out into the
tain pose exciting challenges, with the lake suitable for low- world, they serve as a ferry and as traders on behalf of their
er and mid-tiers. The mountain and Spire are best reserved nation. While they have their ship, these individuals are also
for the highest levels of play with an early and frightening the gate to cross the lake and make it back to the shore.
foray useful for introducing the near infinite power that has The Faithful holds many secrets and are comfortable in
pierced the world itself. Brilhago introduces the dangers of their position that they have built upon in The Shining
truth, either by those that pursue it or those that proclaim City. They are able to shape the divine to their benefit and
it. This region should provide context for the fragility of the do so to preserve the many histories of the world. However,
world and the reason for the existence of heroes. they object entirely to any scrutiny that comes from the
outside, the lake dwellers, or their scientific neighbors.
People to Meet The Society of Finders is at odds with the plodding
practices of the Fisherfolk and the pedantic mutters of the
The people of Brilhago are a determined, driven lot. They Faithful. In their opinion, anyone that would prevent their
make friends with those who share their goals and beliefs, progress towards understanding the fell-beyonders is an
while making rivals and enemies out of those who chal- enemy and anything that distracts from this goal is a mas-
lenge their way of life or perspectives. Such conflict is not sive waste of time.
one of malice, but of healthy rivalry. Brilhago-Grymm are
used to having to fight for what they want; be it their way Factions & Organizations
of life, point of view, or their very survival. Their heroes are The following factions are the major players within Brilhago,
great warriors, politicians, and inventors. The spectacle of influencing its politics, cultural practices, and relationships.
a political speech can be just as inspiring to a Brilhago-
Grymm as a climactic battle against impossible odds.
Leadership: Elected Leader
Demeanor Membership: Gargantuan (10,000+ members):
The people of the Shining City are living contradictions. humanoids (druids, rangers, rogues)
They fight for the future by looking at the past. While their Alignment: Chaotic good
methods are undoubtably effective, it makes for a curious Motto: “Fish for friends, family, and the future”
culture. The conflux of faith, science, and good old fash- Resources: Food (fish), mithril, watercraft
ioned hard work put them at odds with just about everyone, Creed: Fisherfolk work the harbor, the lake, and ferry trav-
and that is just the way they like it. The proximity to the elers from the far-land, to any marked island, within the
Fellspire does not help matters. Many Brilhago-Grymm realm of Brilhago. They are keenly dressed for protection,

chapter five: exploring prometerra

A deadly ghost fleet forms on the fog. The undead raiders open fire on the harbor. Repel the attackers and assist
the church in turning them! The fleet of the dead is a curse upon the lake and every few years they rise up to
1 attack the harbor, reliving the horrors of the first war. The best way to eliminate them is to return them back to
their watery graves, but that would require the use of a powerful clergy. Ferry members of the church out onto
the waters avoiding damage. Turn the undead fleet and protect the harbor.

The scientists of the Spire are looking for the recovery of fell-remnants near the Spire. This surreal and arcane
dream like wonderland of the High Rock is extremely dangerous. A new creature has emerged from the Spire
and has infested the poor traveler. The individual will befriend the party and works to slowly bring them under
the influence of the symbiote he hosts. Remove the symbiote and recover the fell remains from the world above.

There is dissension among the religious practitioners. Two rival priests of the church have begun preaching out
3 of sacred literature. However, their doctrine does not agree with itself and it has caused great tension among the
people. Determine which priest is teaching the truth and which is fabricating their own fantasy. 

Three fisherfolk have gone missing. They set sail onto the shining lake and into the fog, but they’ve gone missing.
There is no sign of their vessel, but a bottle was found floating in the water that contained a small stone. When
the stone was touched it conjured an image of the three sailors being held in a watery prison. Uncover the
mystery by delving deep into the shining lake and seeking out the kidnapper.

The scientists of the Spire have come under the gun of the church! The church has named all high scientists as
apostates and enemies of the faith. They are launching an assault on the observatory. Either join the church or
the scientists, but you are going to be forced to pick aside. The scientists are currently studying an ancient artifact
that could remove the Spire from the world itself, but the church is prepared to destroy all their research.

A powerful beast has risen from the water and is said to be granting wishes to all those that can catch it.
However, it appears to be a ruse and the mischievous trickster is using the illusory monster to obtain the secrets
of all those that beseech it, later blackmailing the people. Find out where the trickster is hiding and bring them
to justice for their crimes of extortion. 

The church has been robbed in the middle of the night. Angry fisherfolk that were promised a bountiful catch for
honoring tithes have disgruntledly stormed the church and taken back what is theirs. Unfortunately, the balance
7 of the tithe has shifted and a specter of woeful distress has been released among the people causing a plague to
spread. Enough gold must be recovered, and the scales set back into balance to cause the plague to go away. If it
does not happen then the curse will remain indefinitely and continue to spread among the people.

Two priests have gone missing and they are needed to officiate the upcoming holy day. Rumors say they were seen
climbing up the mountain armed to the teeth. All signs point to them in pursuit of a unicorn that was seen in the
region, but the mountain is not forgiving and the question remains what two priests would need with a unicorn.
Summit the mountain and track down the priests. Either assist them on their hunt or bring them back to safety.

The Great Sea Race is set to begin, but an old friend’s gambling debts have finally caught up with them. The only
9 way to save your friend’s life is to set sail in their stead and win enough to bargain for their freedom. Find a ship
and a crew to participate in the highest stakes sea chase to ever take place on the shining sea.

It is a difficult and dangerous road up the mountain, and it has gotten worse. Fell-beyonders are preventing
anyone from bringing supplies to the science facility and they have completely locked down any chance of the
scientists escaping. Who can explain their sudden mustering? Remove the fell from the path to save the lives of
the gallant scientists trapped in the observatory above.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

with water repellant garb, wide hats to keep the sunlight as ensure such power sources cannot be easily destroyed.
off of their sensitive skin, and strong arms from the per- In gameplay terms, arcatechnology is just another way
sistent rowing and reeling. They try hard to avoid any poli- to showcase the power of magic. Functionally there may
tics with the church and while they don’t judge the Finders be no difference between an ordinary flametongue sword
they seem awfully fearful of them. Fisherfolk embrace the and an arcatech version of the same item. However, at the
bountiful feasts of their sparkling water and try to main- DM’s discretion, arcatech can be more than just a different
tain a certain ritual reverence around the acts bespoke to way to experience magic. The following options can apply
their trade. Their leader is elected yearly, with the winners to arcatech items, objects, and structures at the DM’s dis-
often chosen based on their high quality performance in cretion. These options need not be exclusively applied.
the arts of fishing and sailing.
Option 1: Arcatech Power Source
Arcatech items, objects, and structures must be magical-
Leadership: Unknown ly recharged to replenish their power sources. Once a week
Membership: Large (434 members): humanoids; bards, an arcatech item must be recharged or its magic becomes
clerics, warlocks, wizards inert and the item becomes useless. To recharge a depleted
Alignment: Neutral evil item, a creature must sacrifice some of its own magic in
Motto: “No knowledge worth not knowing” the form of spell slots to recharge the item. Whenever a
Resources: Arcatechnology, history, magic (conjuration, creature finishes a short or long rest while in contact with
divination) the arcatech item, it can choose to expend a spell slot to
Creed: The Finders sit high above the Shining City in restore the item to full functionality. The rarity of the item
their Spirescopes, toiling away to unearth ancient secrets. determines the minimum spell slot required to recharge
They perform strange science upon the surreal findings the item, as detailed in the Arcatech Recharge table.
from the great Fellspire. They hope to glean new arts and
technologies by which the fell-beyonders can be destroyed ARCATECH RECHARGE
and GrymmWorld saved. Garbed in ebon-colored cloth-
ing, they venture into the darkest corners of Prometerra in MINIMUM SPELL SLOT LEVEL ITEM RARITY
search of new lore. They are secretive, devious, and dedi-
cated, willing to risk much in pursuit of their goals. Their 1st common
magic and technological prowess ranks among the might- 3rd uncommon
iest in all Prometerra, earned through tragic sacrifice and
5th rare
reckless experimentation.
7th very rare
Arcatechnology 9th legendary
The secret to the Finder’s success is arcatechnology—the
wondrous fusion of magic and machine that revolution- Option 2: Perfect Synergy
ized society in ancient GrymmWorld, few of which sur- Arcatechnology’s perfect fusion of magic and machine con-
vive today. These devices are intricate, complicated, and fers considerable benefits over traditional magical items. An
powerful. Grymm have come to describe such devices as arcatech version of a magical item functions in areas of anti-
arcatech, and many consider it to be dangerous science magic. Creatures cannot attune to or use arcatech items un-
best left forgotten. Arcatech is rare in GrymmWorld. less they have the necessary Intelligence (as detailed in the
Complex arcatech telescopes allow researchers to peer Arcatech Intelligence table), or are taught how by another
into unexplored dimensions, while arcatech bathrooms creature with the necessary Intelligence. Once a creature
augment homes with flushable toilets. Grymm have learns how to use an arcatech item, it is always considered
learned to appreciate the overcomplicated and some- proficient with that item (where applicable).
times untrustworthy devices. How arcatech is present-
ed in GrymmWorld is up to you. It can be elegant and ARCATECH INTELLIGENCE
organic, industrial and noisy, steampunk, magicpunk, or
somewhere in between. The point of arcatechnology is to MINIMUM INTELLIGENCE REQUIRED ITEM RARITY
demonstrate just how advanced ancient Prometerran soci-
ety was and why some fight so hard to restore it. 9 common
At the heart of arcatechnology is power. All machines 11 uncommon
need it and arcatech consumes raw magic as a power
source. This is much more complicated than it sounds, for 13 rare
magic is not so easily controlled. Those constructing arcat- 15 very rare
echnology must take great care to properly stabilize and
17 legendary
integrate magical power sources into their devices as well

chapter five: exploring prometerra

Option 3: Major Malfunction Places to See

When an arcatech item is destroyed, but the majority of
its structure remains, catastrophe can ensue. This can oc- Brilhago is full of interesting places to visit. From a crystal
cur due to a major mechanical malfunction, an exploding clear lake of tremendous size, to ancient war-torn battle-
power source, or a bizarre magical phenomenon. It is at fields, to hidden ruins full of ancient power, there is always
the DM’s discretion what happens when an arcatech item something to find by ambitious adventurers looking for
is destroyed, though generally the rarer an item the more trouble.
dangerous the malfunction. The Major Malfunctions table
provides some examples of major malfunctions that can Environment
occur, which the DM can expand upon or limit according The shimmering lake is shrouded in fog. It glistens and
to the needs of the game. The save DC for effects on the gives off an eerie light from a hidden sun and the three
table is 11 for common magic items, 13 for uncommon, 16 rival moons. It is difficult to build settlements on the many
for rare, 20 for very rare, and 25 for legendary. rock covered islands in the lake. A collection of high and
mysterious monuments sit upon a few of them. The big-
gest island, Shining City proper, is a collection of splendid
MAJOR MALFUNCTIONS monuments, magnificent spiraling towers, and a shining
D6 RESULT city that rests upon the most significant island. The waters
are filled with a variety of dangers, though you can avoid
The power source for the item detonates. Each them if you stay on the surface. There are many pockets
creature within a 15-foot-radius sphere when the of ebon colored tides that pass through the mirky parts of
1 item is destroyed must attempt a Constitution the lake.
saving throw, taking 6d10 fire damage on a failure,
or half as much on a success. Landmarks
The item flashes out of existence, disrupting magic Sparkling Harbor
in an area around it. When the item is destroyed, it
generates a 30-foot-radius burst of antimagic. The brilliant water meets the polished rock of a magnificent
2 seaside community and stronghold. The magnificent and
Magical items in the area have their effects sup-
pressed for 1 minute and spells and magical effects majestic Navy is docked alongside brightly colored pleasure
of 5th level or lower in the area immediately end. vessels. Everyone seems to know their duty here in the harbor.
Holy clergy-folk watch and inspect what is shipped in and
The item catches on fire and burns for 1 minute. out. This is the central tourist hub and liveliest part outside of
Creatures holding or touching the item when it the cloistered towers of those that live in the Shining City.
catches fire must attempt a Dexterity saving throw.
On a failure, the creature takes 6d6 fire damage The sparkling harbor is the central hub of activity in the
and catches on fire. A creature who is on fire in this Shining City. It sits outside of the holy quarters of the
3 manner takes 6d6 fire damage at the start of each of Church of the Unborn God and is an active blend of
its turns and can repeat the saving throw at the end working folk, naval fleets, religious watchdogs, and vis-
of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. iting scientists. There is much to see, hear, and acquire.
On a successful saving throw, the creature takes half Generations of storefronts have been built on top of each
as much damage, does not catch on fire, and drops other here in the shining harbor. There’s attention in the
or removes the destroyed item. air as the church has a strong interest to control what goes
in and out of the community and will often arrest people
A powerful fiend is called from across the planes, for suspected contraband. There is an access point in the
appearing in the nearest unoccupied space to the item. harbor to the inner city, both the surreal scientific wing as
4 If the item was common the fiend is CR 2 or lower, if
well as the religious buildings used by the church. Access
uncommon CR 4 or lower, if rare CR 7 or lower, if very
to each of these areas is heavily controlled.
rare CR 11 or lower, and if legendary CR 16 or lower.

The item attempts to banish its user to another plane. Island of Forgotten Saints
A creature holding or wearing the item when it is The misty island soil gives way under your feet, the
destroyed must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or silhouettes of towering and imposing figures in solemn poses
become banished to a plane it has never visited. stand perfectly still in the distance. An uncanny peace fills
your heart as you reside here. The headless and handless
The item emits a dazzling flash of light. Each creature
statues that were placed here before time immemorial
within 60 feet of the item that can see it must attempt
6 a Constitution saving throw. On a failure they become channel the energies of the divine to shape and create a
permanently blinded. On a success they become focal point of power around you. The design of the clothing
blinded for 1 round. is unknown, the scripts unreadable, but the intense peace
projected by the statues is almost intoxicating.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

The island of Forgotten Saints is a bit of a mystery to the both the macro and microscopic scales. The scientists here
inhabitants of the region. No one is quite sure how these are bold and forthright but completely untrusting of out-
statues got here, what language their runes and scriptures siders that have not proven themselves. They have forsaken
are inscribed in, and why so much divine energy is chan- the Great Guild Hall in the north and attempt to fabricate
neled to this place. There are many wild theories about why their own tools and wares to pursue the knowledge they
they are here, but the church denies its very existence. There seek.
are about 50 headless and handless statues posed through-
out the island. Archeologists believe they were sculpted by
a master crafts person, but for what reason is unknown.
Many of the statues on various marbled platforms have
weathered the centuries in perfect condition. People often
come here to see the sites and to feel the divine energy, but
others come here to give silent prayer and seek guidance
from unknowable deity.

Library of the Everlasting Mind

Shelves of books reach up to the greatest heights, here resides
the core of all knowledge that is known or can be known
by Grymm. The record of the world, the stories of gods, the
invention of language, and the art of conflict are all collected
here in the great works of written word and composed
illustrations. Small creatures bustle about, crawling, flying,
teleporting, all around as they assist the librarians of this
great chamber of knowledge.
The church has amassed an enormous archive of books,
scrolls, and records. They often send pilgrims out into the Cachoeira
world to collect these works and bring them back. The The Ceaseless Bounty
Library of the Everlasting Mind is the key to the church’s
power. For the records placed within their most sacred of A hundred waterfalls feed a thousand river dragons
temples, seems to generate the material plane as we know across the lush and beautiful country of Cachoeira. The
it. The very function of time and space are regulated by the vast hill country is the royal land of thriving trade and
works that are contained within, or so their doctrine says. bustling productivity. The people dress brightly, the
Removal of any of these works would cause a major col- earth provides for many, and there is a persistent har-
lapse to all reality and they argue this is the counterweight mony. There is a strong military presence that was built
to the damage done by the Spire that pierced the world. specifically to defend the region against the fell, but they
are mostly inactive. Cachoeira provides safe and quick
Spirescope access to many other regions.
Sitting at the top of the steepest hill, I am pointed away from POPULATION: 1,248,115 Grymm
the shining light of the city below. A massive instrument GOVERNMENT: Kingdom
focuses the cosmic terror generated by the impossibly tall Spire LEADERSHIP: Oligarchy
that breaks reality itself. This is the realm of surreal science, RESOURCES: Craftsfolk, Food, Land
where the very end of the world has reached and the light of ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good
the planes beyond is examined by those in pursuit of truth. FAVORED CLASSES: Bards, Rangers, Wizards

The Spirescope sits at the end of the world. It is the obser-

vatory responsible for watching the world wound and alert- The Ways of Cachoeira
ing the Shining City when the fell-horrors pierce reality
through rifts rent by the Spire to invade the surrounding Cachoeira is a rigid society of tradition, laws, and progress.
world. It is here these scientists study the deep importance Its people have forged a new and wondrous life for them-
and impact of fell-magic and seek to harness and trans- selves from Promterra’s troubled past and vigorously de-
form the energy into a benign use. Many of these exper- fend it against any who would violently threaten their idyl-
iments are considered completely unethical, highly dan- lic society. As the most populous of Promterra’s region, the
gerous, and have resulted in the countless deaths of brave beautiful hills and falls of Cachoeira are teeming with life.
souls in the pursuit of truth and knowledge. A Spirescope Farmers, city folk, adventurers and more have a place in
is the most powerful focusing lens in the world. It has the Cachoeira. The region is fraught with political, economic,
ability to discern the various planes across the cosmos, on and social turmoil brought about by this vast melting pot.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

Despite all this, Cachoeira is a nation in ascension. Its peo- mineral used as fuel. These devices typically are not found
ple can be found through Promterra, making their mark in the open, rather they are transported via wagon or boat
upon GrymmWorld in new and wondrous ways. These to where they are needed. The burden of transporting the
Grymm are respected for their accomplishments, but there fuel, as well as having enough for the return journey,
are many who feel the Cachoeiran’s have failed to appre- should weigh heavily on any using these constructs. It
ciate things outside themselves and accomplishments. requires precise calculations and it is not uncommon to
A silly notion to any respectable Cachoeiran Grymm. find the remains of a destroyed contraption that was not
properly taken care of. 
Cachoeirans have used their ingenuity and expert crafts- River Runner
manship to develop superior transportation methods to The wind propelled rivercraft of the Dragon-Tier river
travel through river, road, or trail rapidly. The Rainbow system are a beauty and wonder to behold. Far sleeker
Dragon-Tear river system is dominated by their boat craft and more dynamic than any watercraft, one will find on
which can mobilize and move in either direction, traveling the great lake to the south or in the brackish water of the
with or against the water currents. They have manufactured bayou’s to the east. These sleek and elegant vessels travel
spider-climbing vehicles to the summit and cross moun- quickly and are powered by the elements, able to navi-
tain ranges. Cachoeiran technology represents mastery gate trechurous rivers with dexterous ease, all at a bargain
over the elements and manipulation of the natural world. price.

Spiderclimb Construct Magic

The spider climb transportation devices can carry one Magic is a science to be studied and mastered, or so say
to four people inside them. They have hard metallic ex- the great wizards of Cachoeira. The Royal Government
teriors and are powered by a combustible mineral that believes magic is a force to display and through which to
is ignited within. Those who travel in them carry a rare show authority. Magic has been used to accelerate farming
to feed the people, reduce the construction time of guild
projects, communicate across vast distances, and to be used
as a terrible weapon should the need arise. These great
weapons sleep inside a deep arsenal vault built after the
Old War. There are rumors that some wish to bring them
out as a warning to any that would seek to threaten the
Cachoeiran way of life.

Cachoeirans worship no gods, for in their eyes none are
worthy. It is said the Hill-folk used to have a god, until
the pollution caused by the Trades Guilds killed him. Or
so they say. Cachaoeirans would rather deal with beings of
flesh and blood anyway. Much easier to track down and
pummel when they don’t live up to their obligations. As
the Royals feel religion is important, they have opened a
multi-denominational mission where those that speak of
gods can come and share what they know about them. This
exercise is typically observed by dismissive Cachoeirans
looking to confirm their suspicions as to why gods are far
greater trouble than they are worth.



15,000 gp 5 mph 4 0 1/2 19 100 10

Mithral Windrunner
2,000 gp 15 mph 3 10 5 14 80 12

chapter five: exploring prometerra

The Golden Heart of the Waterfalls

Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement)
This beautiful instrument is roughly the size of a full- result of the Charisma (Performance) check you made
grown Grymm. It is both sentient and well-studied, when you began playing the harp. Once a creature has
carrying with it the most beautiful voice that was ever been affected in this manner, it cannot be affected again
heard in all the world. The harp knows a song of healing, until 24 hours have passed.
a song of love, a song of battle, and a secret song. The harp Sentience. The golden heart of the waterfalls is a sentient,
has a sincere love for whoever is attuned to it, but she’s neutral good wonderous item with an Intelligence of 12, a
often very shy about it.  Wisdom of 14, and a Charisma of 21. It has hearing and
Bardic Talent. While you hold this harp, you are truesight out to a range of 60 ft.
proficient in the performance skill and with the Personality. The golden heart of the waterfalls speaks with
instrument. If are already proficient in performance, you a flowery voice full of joy and excitement. It is eager to
instead double your proficiency bonus when attempting be played at every opportunity, emulating the Narrador’s
Charisma (Performance) checks. mask of Daphne to the best of its ability. Its purpose is
Song of Golden Talent. As an action you begin playing to spread joy and mirth through its collection of uniquely
on the harp and make a Charisma (Performance) check, beautiful songs, which it teaches to any who wield it
during which time you cannot take any actions as you responsibly. These compositions are legendarily beautiful,
focus all your efforts on performing the music. You with a single performance able to instantly make a bard’s
immediately cease playing on the harp if you become career. Curiously, the music appears to be un-transcribable
incapacitated or if you choose to stop (no action required). by pen or ear. Those who attempt to play the music
While you are playing on the harp in this manner, when a without the harp’s tutelage forever earn the instrument’s
creature that can hear the harp attempts an ability check, ire, which in turn seeks to punish these “pretenders” at
you can choose to replace the result of the check with the every opportunity.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

Ecology is a depth to the people, these are representatives of every-

The biggest challenge to Cachoeira is there are dangerous one, and the reason we collect and tell stories. They need to
storms in Devil-Tree and the occasional devil summon- know what dangerous positions are associated with misuse
ing that goes awry, other things sometimes come through of power.
the portals that open. There are Tall-Folk, the giants of the
world, that often dwell in the hills that dislike the noise People to Meet
Cachoeira brings about. The river is home to many fantasti-
cal creatures, such as comet-eels, bear-sharks, and rocktopi. The temperament of the people of Cachoeira is exception-
ally pragmatic, overly cordial, and puts a high emphasis
on social rules and norms. The Cachoeirans feel the way
a person carries themselves, and what they present out-
wardly says a great deal about who they are. People learn
social rules through observation and practice. It is rare for
anyone to teach the social norms, making it difficult for an
outsider to be taken seriously or accepted. The Cachoeirans
are prone to forgive this lack of grace as they are reliant on
trade and commerce with the outside world to function. 

The Royal Court of Cachoeira pronounces law and over-
sees all the operations and activities in this region. They
maintain power through the command of the army, which
is loyal to them since the Old War, and through their
generous financing of the Wizard College. Their revenue
comes mainly through taxation and granting estates and
lands to those that use them. The most considerable push-
back to the Royal Court comes from the Great Guild Hall.
The guild controls the Great Wonderworks of Prometerra.
The guild leadership has considered moving their head-
quarters if the Royals continue to press the citizens with
increased taxes. The Royals also have inner dissent since
five families within the court all claim the right to rule
due to complicated genealogy and succession manipula-
tion. An additional political force are those that live in the
hills. They are responsible for the vast farms of the region.
They are interested in preserving their culture and peace-
ful traditions without interruption from river traffic, guild
technologies, or interference from the courts. They are es-
sential for food and trade, but also fear that the wheels of
machines might leave them displaced from their homes.

Factions & Organizations

The following factions are the major players within
Adventuring in Cachoeira Cachoeira, influencing its politics, cultural practices, and
Cachoeira is a region of classic delights and adventuring relationships.
should reflect this. There is a grandeur and excitement, the
Court of Royals
introduction of concepts such as rulers, royalty, lineage, and
disagreements on a large scale. Cachoeira is meant to reflect Leadership: Eleven kings and queens
the danger that comes with unregulated advancement and Membership: Small (22 members): humanoids; bards,
the philosophies of dead minds mingled with modern needs. clerics, paladins
Cachoeira has simple stretches of fiefdoms, trade unions, Alignment: Lawful good
and power exchanges. Cachoeira is good for adventurers of Motto: “Chosen by blood, proven by virtue”
any level, but they certainly need some marks of prestige if Resources: Artisans (calligraphers and painters),
they want to gain access to the courts. Introductory adven- manpower (thugs, warriors), territory (Steel Streets),
tures might involve them being recruited to carry out tasks weaponry (melee weapons)
for minor graces of the court, or they arrive as diplomats Creed: The Royal Court oversees the affairs of all the peo-
from afar. Cachoeira should let adventurers know that there ple in the land of waterfalls. They claim a noble heritage

chapter five: exploring prometerra

The Local Devil has made a bad deal that has gone sour. Assist them in getting out of the non-sustainable bargain
and he will owe you a great favor. The deal he made was with a local tavern owner that pulled a malicious prank on
the devil. The payment involved requires the devil tricking the locals into all going to the same pub. However, this is
killing the competition, and local businesses are suffering not only from the excessive parties that are occurring at the
tavern, but also because there is no income for the competitors. The devil needs someone to convince the tavern owner
to let him off the hook but giving up this much success is a tough order.

Some royals have called for a tournament of adventurers. Each house is required to sponsor a team of champions, and
your group is being recruited heavily for the contest. Now every house is playing by the rules, and the competition
2 is looking fierce and unfriendly. Monsters, mutants, aliens, and automata have all been recruited to go up against the
adventurers. Beyond fame and fortune, a Story Stone of Wonder containing one of the founding secrets of the world
is up as a prize for the winner.

There has been a murder at the masquerade! A great ball has been held, but a distinguished guest of honor has been
3 poisoned by a dastardly villain. Follow the trail of secrets and uncover the evidence to help you determine the motive
and the method behind the murder. Capture the villain before more fall victim to the fiend.

The sheepherders have been having more difficulty defending their flocks as threats have increased. The large folk from
the hills have been showing aggressive action against the ranchers, they need increased defenses as well as assistance
determining the reason for the threat. Defend the homestead, then track down the giant menace to uncover the
reasons for the aggression.

A guild has been lacking the resources needed to manufacture and fabricate their latest designs. They are looking
for brave souls that can collect and gather a laundry list of items. They’re going to need a wagon full of devil sand,
a truckload of witch lumber, a large vat of wishing well water, and a cart of troll stone. Scour the region, get paid
handsomely, and earn yourself favors with the guild for everything that is delivered.

The cactus army marches on Castle Cachoeira! Out of the desert sands comes an infernal force of folhans that are
bent on revenge. They claim a major offense has been committed against their kind and they are willing to spread
havoc throughout the kingdom. The army is willing to stop their march if their demands are met. Assess the situation
by learning what they want and who is responsible for the sudden uprising within the court.

The Countess Lemondew has married into the Royal House and is quickly seizing power! The renowned vampire
has beguiled and tricked the royals into a hasty marriage to one of the low princes. She has quickly used her
immortal experience to play the political game of chess found within the court, increasing her influence rapidly.
Determine her motives and if there is any foul play. Likewise, there seems to be something suspicious about the
prince who has not been himself since he met the vampire. Uncover the truth behind these secrets to restore order
to the court.

A secret weapon from the military labs has gone missing. You are being called upon to discreetly track what has
happened to it and to uncover it before the weapons of war are unleashed once more.

A group of unknown travelers that don’t seem like Prometerran-Grymm, have all appeared at Devil Tree. They are
moving into the hills disrupting the sheep herding cycle. The newcomers are not inherently hostile, but they are
creating an added burden on everyone in the region. Find a suitable settlement site for the new travelers. Ensure a
balance between the sheep herders, the Great Guild Hall, the royal family, and the newcomers.

Agents of the Church of Brilhago need you to extradite their representative of the church. Religious tension is high
in the land of waterfalls and the advocates of the new gods are coming under fierce persecution and direct danger. You
must gain entrance to the Grand Palace and find a way and the means of pulling the religious leader from the palace
and relocating them back to the shining sea in the far south.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

that was bequeathed upon them by the divine forces that and monuments can be constructed, all to serve the goals
inhabited world first. The court formed at the end of an of the community. The risk is what the guild asks in return?
ancient war that occurred so long ago, most people have They have considerable holdings and they might ask for
forgotten what it was about. They are dressed in finery and favors and privileges in return. After all, they have spent
bright colors, and at night it appears as if the stars them- their entire lives seeking to master certain traits. 
selves had come down to the world below and walked the Anything that exists, needs to be built, made, maintained,
streets. The members of the court are comprised of a single constructed, repaired, or assessed, the guild is the one who
large house, an extended family who claims royal lineage. should be called upon.
The truth is all Grymm can claim the same descent, but
Hill Herders
the royals claim to have been chosen above others.
The royals are the great decision-makers of the land of Leadership: Tripartite (The Wrangler, The Ranger,
waterfalls. They own most of the property and they reg- and the Shepard)
ulate commerce. They establish agreements with nearby Membership: Huge (923 members): humanoids
regions and occasionally venture and treat with those far (barbarians, druids, rangers)
away. They also command a powerful military; it is their Alignment: chaotic good
job to assist in any military conflict that arises. The royals Motto: “Where the herd roams, we follow”
don’t believe in securing borders, as they think the land Resources: Leather, Meat, Wool
should be traveled by everyone.  Creed: Hill herders are dressed plainly in clothing to stay
warm at night and cool during the day. They are not no-
Trade Guilds
madic, but they are often found roaming far from home.
Leadership: Elected Council of Masters They protect the animals of the region and are keen story-
Membership: Gargantuan (2000+ members): humanoids tellers and travelers. They know the hills very well and the
(bards, clerics, wizards) names of all the animals, not just the types of animals, but
Alignment: lawful netural each animal as a unique distinct individual creature. The
Motto: “From our hands cities rise” organization is overseen by three key figures: the Wrangler,
Resources: Construction, Craftmanship, Metal, Stone, the Ranger, and the Shepard. The Wrangler is responsi-
Wood ble for keeping track of every member of the herd, while
Creed: The trade guilds are the most exceptional crafts- the Ranger moves the herd safely from place to place. The
people of this or any age. They are responsible for all the Shepard is responsible for all the herds in the hills and
high technologies and constructions that fill the continent. making sure that their needs are met and listen to their
They build bridges, construct buildings, craft boats, and concerns.
design items for daily use. All of these are masterworks in Hill herders are primarily responsible for feeding all
every field. They can be found all over the continent, not the members of the region. More than that, they also pro-
just local to the land of waterfalls, but were founded in tect and maintain the hills. They are the first voice of warn-
Cachoeira. They typically wear the uniform and insignia of ing to the Royal Court or the guild when there is danger
their chosen craft and are some of the most generous and coming into the region. Their lives in the hills allow them
forthright folks you will find. the first glimpse of coming dangers. Animals live prosper-
Not every guild member shares the same trade, though ous and happy lives under the care of the shepherds. Often
they have it within them to perform as generalists if called they act as guides to travelers who are coming to and from
upon. However, they will typically direct you to the right the region. They know the way and can be relied upon to
individual for specialty work. For this reason, when you give accurate information.
request assistance from the guild, you need to specify pre-
cisely what type of help you need, and the best way to do
that is by telling them the problem you are trying to solve. Leadership: The Local Devil (Elected leader)
The guild is run by a master. Each master earns the Membership: Huge (787 members): Fiends (devils)
position through longevity. They are the senior members Alignment: lawful evil
and enjoy all the privileges that come with age and endur- Motto: “Better the devil you know”
ance. However, they may not be the most skilled member, Resources: Political influence, fiendish power
but their job is to know who that individual is. There is a Creed: These sharp dressed fiends are born of Devil-Tree.
dues collector that makes sure every member of the guild They are crafty, sly, careful in speech, and immensely artic-
has paid their dues so that all might prosper and enjoy a ulate if not overly so. While clearly not native to Cachoeira,
good life. they have take a keen interest in its political affairs. The
Guild members travel the entire continent, planning the devilish often drive hard bargains and introduce negative
future and fixing the past. They hold a great deal of power aspects into society either for their own amusement or
that is often unspoken because allying with them often en- because they have a different perspective on things. For
ables you to take advantage of their ever-improving tech- example, the devilish would prefer there to be no Royal
nologies. Rivers can be crossed, mountains can be climbed, Court not because they pose political rivals (which they

chapter five: exploring prometerra

certainly do), but because they find the notion of inherited crafted, and all things are kept in their proper order. This
title and power ridiculous. The uniquely fiendish perspec- is where the working folk master their trade and discover
tive gives the Devilish tremendous insight and power over their place in the world. There are stables, craft stations
ordinary Grymm, often to dark and mysterious ends. of every sort, and massive sleeping quarters for any guild
member that needs a place rest or reside. The Great Guild
Places to See Hall receives audiences from all over the world to nego-
tiate price payment and scheduling of the major projects
Environment they are to undertake. They’re the bridge builders, master
Cachoeira is a lush green country of rolling hills, coursing architects, and the driving force behind industry in the
rivers, and vibrant trees. While the ground is not perfectly world. They are also home to fabulous inventors who are
flat, many well-traveled trails make it reasonably easy to experts at dealing with adversity and figuring out how to
traverse. Cachoeira paints the map with picture-perfect overcome every obstacle.
farmland and a thousand graceful waterfalls. There is, in the
far west-region, a red-soil area where the Devil-Trees grow. 
Travelers can come through the south by descending the You have never seen a sight so beautiful as what you
steep side of Fellmount and entering the Devil-Tree region lay your eyes on now. The sun shines upon the beautiful
or by sailing against or walking along the Blue Dragon- castle palace whose banners fly high in the air, waving
Tear River. There are often Great Guild Hall caravans that in the gentle breeze. Rows of soldiers march in formation
take this route and end up in the Herd-hills.  politely, during this time of great peace, almost as if they
were a in parade celebrating the most significant age
Landmarks known to the Grymm. Trumpets can be heard announcing
the arrival of royals at some event in the vicinity.
Devil Trees
To live in the palace! It is genuinely one of the great works
The red clay earth cracks harshly as dark low hanging clouds
of the age and has withstood many generations. There is a
gather in the region. Sparse thistles come forth from the soil
family of royals that dwell within. They oversee the many
and the sound of rolling thunder is heard, meanwhile the air
affairs of the region of waterfalls. It is said, among these
becomes dry and stale. Dark burgundy trees twist up towards
people in the magnificent palace, they prepare for the great
the sky calling to the lightning that dances violently across the
trials of the age ceaselessly. They retain vast stores of food,
clouds. The smell of brimstone fills your nostrils as you breathe.
wine, and weaponry. Within they house ambassadors from
A sulfurous hint of the beings which dwell here.
every significant faith found on the continent. The palace
Devil-Tree is found at the southwestern tip of Cachoeira. It is in an excellent defensive position and can withstand
is a very empty region but has a direct connection to fiend- an attack from any direction, including the sky. It is well
ish realms beyond Promterra. Devil-Tree is where people maintained under select contracts with the Great Guild
go to appeal to powers that are not bound by pre-existing Hall, and they tend to commission their own Great Guild
oaths, pacts, and covenants. The beings that can be found leaders to oversee the operations.
here are authors of new contracts. While Devil-Tree is the The estate is home to seven palaces, each shared by a dif-
origin point for these devils, they make their way into the ferent division of the royal family line. Due to rotations in
world and settle wherever they wish. Devil-Tree is one who has set on the high throne, seated in the central pal-
of the few connections to worlds beyond this one. While ace, it has been said that there might be conflicts between
it might appear to be a one-way gate, there are rumors the royals because of their political maneuvering.
that certain rituals and hidden gates can be opened in the
Rolling green grass hills, clear rushing silver rivers, guild
The Great Guild Hall
houses lining the way, and beautiful pathways moving
Emanating a golden light and carved out of the most beau- through the region mark the areas of the Woolland. These hills
tiful woods, the Great Guild Hall shines like a jewel in the are home to hluffy flocks of carefully tended creatures, skillful
northwestern region of the continent. The craftsmanship is the shepherds protecting every herd, and the occasional giant
finest to be found in the world, intricate carvings telling the walking down from the mountain and poking about.
story of the people cover every part of the outside. Carefully
Far away from the palace, the guild, and the river rail sta-
crafted statues line the entryway; it is here that the great
tion are the settlements of the Woolland. This is where the
artists of the age are gathered to discuss their business and the
shepherds of old practice their trade and tend to the flocks.
work to be done across the continent.
This tradition has been passed down each line and shared
The Great Guild Hall in the land of waterfalls is a mar- with neighboring regions. The hills roll with the rivers and
velous work and a sight to behold. The most beautiful the flocks feed many in the continent. Life out here is sim-
wood and the finest metals adorn the building inside ple, save for the occasional devil wandering into the moun-
and out. Every archway is leafed, every table, elegantly tains, or adventurer that finds their way to the local land.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

one of the most perilous regions in all of Promterra. While

Desaly other Grymm may be dissuaded or frightened off by these
The Smouldering Trial harsh living conditions, the Desalian’s have wholeheartedly
embraced it. There ways are brutal, efficient, and disciplined.
Stiff winds blow across the bone-dry and sun-bleached sands. One cannot survive on frivolous notions or thoughtless ac-
There is something sad, tragic, and romantic about Desaly, tions. Anything Desalian’s do, they will do well. They com-
the Rose of the Desert. The Seat of Knighthood is in its heart, mit themselves fully and wholeheartedly to the task at hand,
and the Rolanders wander from here to the rest of the world. sparing no time for laughter, sadness, or relaxation until
Desaly is a land both blessed from on-high and cursed from their goal is met. Those unaccustomed to such grim deter-
below. They are the subject of stories and songs, but they have mination find Desalian’s to be a dour lot. However, those
none of their own. The people are sparse and far apart, but a who have spent many moons learning their ways know their
single castle floats gracefully above the scorching sand, and hearts to be as passionate as any Grymm. They just only
that is where the regent sits beside a sleeping being of high choose to express themselves so when the time is right.
power. A roaming horde of burning undead rises and falls, There is a gentle poetry to Desalian existence. Rose-
commanded by a force of supreme evil. Knights travel the sands in a constant search on an un-
– Traditional Desalian Poem spoken errand. The great Desalian love ballads chronicle
POPULATION: 173,881 Grymm the hidden meaning to all this Their ways are old, ancient,
and unknowable. Desalian-Grymm are hesitant to wel-
come outsiders into their fold unless those outsiders are
seeking to become knights. They often also mistake those
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good that are traveling through the desert for being a native
FAVORED CLASSES: Clerics, Paladins, Warlocks
danger to the land. They prepare themselves for the worst
with every encounter, though one can circumvent the
threat through the use of a ceremonial greeting involving
The Ways of Desaly a series of elaborate bows.

If Desaly was merely a desert, it would be an already harsh Technology

land. However, thanks to a multitude of natural and mystical The technology of Desaly emphasizes practicality and effi-
hazards, a sinister moon inhabited by a nefarious lich, and ciency in all things. For example, the Rose-Knights wield
ancient ruins teeming with Fel-Beyonders, Desaly is easily long polearms to keep the threat of the burning hordes

chapter five: exploring prometerra

at bay. They wear vented armor that has been forged in to the ground and be loaded quickly. These homes are de-
the Silent Citadel and passed down through generations. signed to quickly load personal belongings and allows one
Armor is passed from knight to squire ritually, typically at to pull their home across the burning earth. 
the time of the knight’s death. The deserts are traversed via
sturdy riding beasts, with large obsidian monolithic path Magic
markers placed by the Rose-Knights of the Silent Citadel. Desalian magic is life-sustaining. The Sorcerers of the
The monoliths also act as a scrying stone. One can view Citadel have cast their Water Fonts of Endless Drinking,
what is occurring near another if you speak the rune placed where Oa have gathered to stay safe. They tax the Oa and
upon it. The runic script is High-Desalian, making it diffi- demand their loyalty, which the Oa give relatively freely.
cult to decipher by anyone from the outside. Without the water, they wander the desert. The Unseen
At night, ley trails are visible through arcane-enhanced Order of the Arcane is driven obsessively towards the
viewing glasses. It reveals the sorcerer marked paths that deepest magics. They have access to vaults of wizardry un-
the Unseen Order of the Arcane created. The sands may like any other in the known world, rivaling the magic of
shift, and the desert may change, but the spell-woven walk- Labirinto and Atlantis at the heights of their civilizations
ways remain constant.  before the collapse. Rose-Knights hold a divine connec-
Desalian-Grymm live in elaborate and mobile camps tion to their beliefs and are the recipients and practitioners
as the threats found in the desert pose a danger to most of miracles. They believe magic is a means by which to add
permanent settlements. The Rose Court is the exception to a certain measure of grace to the world.
this rule. Desalian-Grymm who assume the mantle of a
Rolander venture across the sands in search of new places Cosmology
to settle, clearing out any threats which would pose a threat Desalians worship the Fourth Moon, the Bones of the
to the people and their future. World, the Suzerain Blossom, and some have belief in the
Desalian cuisine is intricate, sophisticated, and dynamic. strength of the Godslayer. The Fourth Moon hangs low
According to Desalian tradition, the person who prepares the in the sky and this moon belongs to Desaly. The Bones
food manages the morale of the community. Desalian food of the World are the ancient remains of a titanic creature
exists only in the desert. The ingredients are local to the re- that was slain very long ago and even in death commands
gion and have the requisite freshness for proper preparation. respect. The Suzerain Blossom is the divine source of the
There are several mounts that are available to the Rose Rose-Knights power, she sits in dreaming sleep upon her
Knights. Among these are the desert steed, a mighty horse throne with the caretakers within the Silent Citadel over-
that exists between worlds. It is a shadow and a thought of seeing the affairs of the region. The Godslayer is a device
a horse that manifests only in Desaly. There are also rac- that contains the power and might with the potential of
ing snails that prowl the desert quickly in their heavy and ending deific existence. Many view the lich who once held
armored homes. The least common mount is a scavenger it as the ultimate authority of all that is.
bird. These massive winged beasts are capable of carrying
at knight to great heights. There are very few since taming Ecology
them has proven too treacherous and the roosts where they The desert is dangerous. Between the burning horde and
were once raised have fallen. the natural predators that walk the dunes, it is entirely
The wheelhouses and homes of the desert slide along the unsafe to travel. Unless you know the arcane walkways or
sand in graceful fashion. A home must be quickly collapsed the command words to scry the great stone monoliths that
and transported as the sand shifts and the movements of mark the sands, those who wander the them are doomed
the enemy occur. The portable homes are designed to drop to remain there.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

Desalian-Grymm trod quietly among the sun-burned Adventuring in Desaly

sands of the desert state of Desaly. One would hardly re- Desaly has a clash of powers between an undying horde
alize they were there most of the time. They seem to be of undead and sorrow-soaked knights. Adventures here
a part of the landscape. Garbed in tight wrappings and should highlight fragments from time that are buried in
casting a long or no shadow at all, the Desalian-Grymm the sand, the nobility and self-sacrifice of the knights, and
are locked in a struggle to balance and keep peace among the joy and gladness of the merchant villages. There are
the sands. also the faint shadows of religious overtones cast down
from the sky. There are gods and devils in the air above and

Establish a permanent trade route between the villages of Balm and the Basin. Two permanent villages have existed
in the desert region, though they have had difficulty interacting due to the perilous environment. They need intrepid
1 explorers to establish a permanent route that can be used for caravans between the two towns. Travel from one village
to the other across the desert marking the way. Learn the geography of the land to create a safe pathway away from
the harm of the unstoppable legion of burning and bloody bones.

The Rose-Knights have come under assault. Assassins from the moon have infiltrated their stronghold and unleashed a
vile plague upon the knights. Thankfully, the assassins have left several clues that can be pursued. Find the antidote to
the plague and heal the knights. Hunt down the source of the assassins and prevent them from infiltrating the knight’s
stronghold in the future.

A mysterious artifact has been found in the desert near the Bones of the World. It has been causing villagers in the town
of Payson to have strange visions while they sleep. Among the villagers, a prophet of the sleeping goddess has risen.
Members of the holy order do not approve of prophets rising from among the people. Discover the source of the visions
and interpret the dreams. Protect the people from religious oppression or take up the cause and stamp out apostasy.

The Silent Citadel has been attacked by lunar assassins. You must hold the line and defend the sleeping goddess at all
4 costs. Journey to the Silent Citadel and prepare the defenses. Make your stand to protect the goddess of the people that
keeps the peace in the desert below. 

Sandstorms have hit the desert villages fiercely. They are short on guides to lead migrations through the perilous weather
patterns. If the villages fall, it will throw the region into complete and total chaos. The Rose-Knights are unable to
complete the task as they are currently fighting on the front lines against the undead legion. Help the villages find a new
haven to establish as a residence.

An entire village has been abandoned. The trail leads deep into the desert to the Bones of the World. There a village is
being forced to participate in arcane rituals that are tipping the balance between law and chaos. As none of the villagers
arrived according to their will, a rescue is needed lest they succumb to the arcane forces. It is a fight against the masters
of magic, and the stakes are exceedingly high.

The Rose-Knights are preparing an assault against the mustering legion of burning and bloody bones. They have been
7 having a difficult time tracking the movements of the legion due to interference from the Moonlich. Perform recon for
the Knights and report the movements of the opposing force, but be mindful of the dangers of the desert!

The Sand Griffin’s Roost needs fresh Sand Griffins! The giant avian mounts need to be caught and brought to the roost
8 for training. The Rose-Knights are understaffed due to recent casualties and losses in their fight against the forces of the
Moonlich. They have reached out to adventurers to help procure the new creatures and assist in their training.

A palace has fallen from the moon and crashed among the desert. The site must be secured and investigated, meanwhile
9 the dangers that lie within remain a mystery to the outside. Enter the palace and face the dangers inside, determining
the cause of the fall and what valuables and secrets can be uncovered by investigating the ruins.

A convoy from Cachoeira has become disoriented after an attack by wild predators. Dangerous weather abounds and you
are left to face the elements. The convoy is carrying volatile materials that are to be used by the Rose-Knights in their
fight against the Moonlich and his army. Survive the intense heat, sandstorms, and monster attacks as you try to make
your way back to civilization.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

true monsters roaming the desert below. Desaly is where Motto: “Honor beauty. Respect freedom. Defend Life.”
heroes are born, and ancient magic reveals itself. The land Resources: Armor, Manpower, Weapons
is in a permanent sunset. The stillness beneath the myste- Creed: The Rose-Knights are the crimson armored, watch-
rious moon above should be reflected in the sad and epic ful protectors of Desaly. They proclaim and hold a firm be-
poems that are recited among the people. Desaly is a rep- lief that all Grymm deserve peace from the nightmare forc-
resentation of the natural beauty of the planet and the soul es of the world. It is their sworn duty to protect those that
searching the people do. Adventures here are an opportu- fall under their charge, be they in the desolate desert regions
nity to soak that in. or elsewhere throughout the continent. These brave souls are
viewed as gallant heroes and known for their accomplished
People To Meet at arms. Some knights were born here in the desert sands
while others traveled from far away and were ordained to
The desert is a land of forgotten order and quiet dignity. The the order after taking oaths and passing trials.
Desalian-Grymm will not turn blades on each other unless Rose-Knights earn the right to be called such by train-
ordered by superiors, then they will fight without hesita- ing under another knight. There are no requirements other
tion or issue. Above all, they are disciplined to protect one than desire and consent by both individuals. Members of
another from the harsh and cruel way of life. For they live the order receive no title and no patents of nobility. A knight
in a land that faces a inexhaustible threat of endless foes holds no land and earns no income. Their poverty is nearly
that can rise and march on their society at any moment. For as legendary as their fighting prowess. they will stand and
this cause, the Desalian-Grymm ready to master the harsh defend even in the face of inevitable defeat, fighting to the
natural world. The Rose-Knights are the epitome of these last Grymm no matter the cause. 
ways. The Oa are juxtaposed to the Rose-Knights because In their organization, the Knight Commander commis-
they speak of a more lenient philosophy compared to the sions every member and gives them their charge and orders
strict behavior of the Rose-Knights. The Oa are proud of for duty. Typically, the Knight Commander assigns the Rose-
their Rose-Knight protectors and inspire their children to Knights to teach martial combat skills, wilderness survival,
be like them, however since they have taken no oaths, they or beast riding. Others are charged with forming combat
are not strict practitioners. All of this is different than the squadrons and facing the burning horde en-masse. Some are
Sky Court which has detached and removed itself from the commissioned to be a Rolander, a wandering knight seeking
world below. The real dangers that surround Desalian set- objects of power and recruiting others to join the cause.
tlements, the valiant knights who will lay down their lives, a Rose-Knights are quick to aid anyone caught against
silent citadel drifting alone in the sky, all of these are things the burning horde found in the desert, for they know that
that make-up the Desalian way of life. the burning and bloody bones harvest the energy of those
whose souls they claim. The burning horde consumes the
Politics slain spirits. The spirits are removed from existence entirely,
All of Desaly is at war with the lich Theodoren the Godslayer. a fate the Seat of Knighthood is committed to fight.
In ages past, Theodoren ascended to the throne of judgment Rose-Knights cursed by the burning horde have con-
in the heavens with the aid of the Fel-Beyonders, murdered tracted a lich-plague. Marked for death, they are excom-
the gods, and ruled all Prometerra until he was confronted municated from the order and sent into the world to face
and cast out by Prometerra’s greatest legends. That may all evil head-on. They are the holy knights of vengeance,
be wise tales. Still, a burning horde of undead blights the they ride alone, but are still loved by their former com-
land and makes the desert almost unpassable. The Silent rades.  Rose-Knights exist to stand against the agents of
Citadel holds dominion over the Oa. It is the Silent Citadel evil in the world. A Rose-Knight makes an excellent guide
that gives the Oa the protection of the Rose-Knights. In across the desert sands. They can be found roaming or on
return, the Oa must offer their love and prayers to keep the patrol and will often accept travel companions, so long as
regent of the Silent Citadel alive. To complicate things fur- they do not interfere with their duty. They are the sword,
ther, the Unseen Order of the Arcane believes they have an the spear, and the shield of Desaly.
ancient claim to these lands and all that dwell on them do
so at the behest of their goodwill.
Leadership: Tripartite (The Prophet, The Record Keeper,
Factions & Organizations The Astronomer)
The following factions are the major players within Desaly, Membership: Large (214 members): humanoids; clerics,
influencing its politics, cultural practices, and relationships. sorcerers, warlocks
Alignment: Neutral Good
The Rose Knights
Motto: “Pray for a new dawn.”
Leadership: The Knight Commander Resources: Foresight, Magic, Religion
Membership: Gargantuan (2,341 members): humanoids; Creed: The Skyborne protect a strange and powerful en-
fighters, paladins, rangers tity, the sleeping Suzerain Blossom Domine. The organi-
Alignment: Chaotic Good zation seeks to inspire the Desalians to worship and love

chapter five: exploring prometerra

her, hoping to birth a new deity to assume dominion over The Oa provide rest, respite, relaxation, and sustainabil-
Promterra. In exchange for this worship, the Skyborne ity in the desert. Without an anchor such as them, the
share the Suzerain’s great dreams, provide clean water, and Rose-Knights would all perish alone in the sands fighting
arm the Rose-Knights in defense of the desert lands. until they fainted or they would barricade themselves in
The Skyborne are the closest thing to religious clergy their fortress home. The belief of the Oa keeps the sleep-
within Desaly. They are story keepers and fortune-tellers. ing sovereign dreaming sweet dreams without giving in to
They interpret the living dreams of the sleeping sovereign the temptations of nightmares. Thus, the Oa are a critical
and speak the meaning of each divine vision in secret to component to Desalian society. 
one another. Most Skyborne live in the Silent Citadel When present in communities, the Oa makes sure ev-
floating above the crimson earth, but some are known to ery deal is fair and fixes the price of all the resources that
dwell in the deserts and travel between the oases. These are traded, bartered, and moved through the desert region.
Skyborne ensure that the settlers within have not given up Additionally, they act as a de facto tie-breaking vote when
faith in the Suzerain Blossom Domine. deciding the affairs of every oasis village.  Additionally,
The Prophet is the interpreter of the great dreams of the they may act as supplicants for protection, resources, and
sleeping sovereign. They can be found in the sacred plac- aid within their villages. They adjudicate the cases between
es of the citadel and are the most revered and respected community members that have developed grievances. In
Skyborne, often elevated and exalted to a position equal some cases they even serve as the liaison with the Skyborne
to the Suzerain. The Oa look to the Prophet as a religious that dwell in the Silent Citadel. Together these leaders are
leader, the Rose-Knights view them as a visionary.  the teachers of religion and philosophy, facilitating cere-
The Record Keeper records the dreams of the sovereign, monial duties with great pomp and circumstance.
the deeds of the Rose-Knights, and the devotion of the
Fourth Mooners
Oa. They keep a record of all that has occurred in the des-
erts of Desaly going back to the time before the Suzerain Leadership: Theodred the Moon Lich
slept, before the Fourth Moon appeared in the sky, and be- Membership: Large (191 members): undead, humanoids;
fore the Oa first tasted the living water sent from heaven. clerics, warlocks, wizards (school of necromancy)
The Astronomer of the Citadel keeps track of the Fourth Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Moon’s movements in the sky. They control a secretive Motto: “Embrace the inevitable and know true peace”
that track down and eliminate internal corruption within Resources: Monsters (undead), magic (necromancy)
the Silent Citadel. This corruption stems from those that Creed: The Fourth Mooners believe the end-times never
would seek to infiltrate the Silent Citadel in hopes of ob- cased and the only salvation is to join with the fourth moon
taining the secrets kept within the hallowed halls. above Desaly and well within the Moon Lich’s Radiant
Court. The malevolent power of Theodoren has corrupted
The Oa
the minds and hearts of many individuals. These wretched
Leadership: Elected caravan leaders souls have turned their eyes and focused their thoughts on
Membership: Gargantuan (14,290 members): serving his dark desires and bring evil to Promterra. These
humanoids; druids, rangers poor souls are work on expanding the reach of the burning
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral horde with hopes to extend their domain to other regions
Motto: “Endure to survive, give to live” of Prometerra. The only thing standing against them has
Resources: Culture, Food, Water been the Rose-Knights’ resolve. The Fourth-Mooners have
Creed: The Oa cultivate the rich culture of the desert and two goals. They want to capture the Sky Citadel and use it
delight in its natural beauty. They establish small commu- to free Theodoren from the lunar prison or find the arcane
nities across the hot sands and are the keepers of the great means to bring the moon out of the sky and into the earth
water wells that were given by the Silent Citadel. Oa view below. 
the desert as their ancestral home, believing that before The Apostate speaks plain evil. They spread dissent
the burning horde rose, it was the most beautiful place in among believers and question the motives of the Skyborne.
the entire world. The Oa are relatively harmonious, but not They do not challenge Rose-Knights openly but can poi-
without their squabbles. They rotate which communities son the well and turn the Oa against them. 
get to dwell at each water well every season and sometimes The Anti-Dreamer provides a counter philosophy and
moving and migration is complicated. new interpretation of the divine dreams of the Suzerain
The Oa have a vast knowledge of the sand and a pas- Blossom Domine. They view the Prophet as a deceitful
sion for living that you won’t find elsewhere in the world. dictator and leader of unnecessary inquisition. They are
They love hearing things and seeing things. They delight in willing to prove their point by openly combating sup-
cooking delicious food for one another while listening to porters of the faith.
stories from those that travel the world. They are relatively Fourth Mooners infiltrate all aspects of society across
defenseless though and have relied on the Rose-Knights the continent and are bent on freeing the Theodoren. They
for protection since the threats of the desert are uncom- are spies, thieves, murderers, and liars. A false guide, a false
monly severe and lethal.  princess, or a corrupt official are all likely be members of

chapter five: exploring prometerra

the lunar cult of Fourth Mooners. Fourth Mooners want a the surface of Desaly’s fourth moon. Here one can find a
mass desert exodus and a march of terror upon the rest of bizarre society composed of thousands of undead beings.
the continent before claiming it as their own. Their motive Each being is a part of Theodoren’s deathly court, fash-
for this conquest is the belief that Theodoren was wrongly ioning a disturbing mockery of the high societies found
imprisoned. They intend to send a powerful and volatile across Promterra. Within the Radiant Court’s crystal halls
message to the rest of Prometerra. one can find vampire barons, ghostly courtiers, lich politi-
cians, and other malevolent figures drawn to Theodoren’s
The Radiant Court magnetic personality or bound by his necromantic mag-
While most liches are solitary beings, Theodoren lairs with ic. When not menacing Desaly or Promterra at large, the
his found “family” of sycophants within his fortress upon Moon Lich entertains his courts with elegant balls and

Theodoren the Moon Lich

Medium undead, chaotic evil

Armor Class 21 (natural amor) 2nd level (5 slots): darkness, hold person, mind spike, suggestion
Hit Points 667 (58d8 + 406) 3rd level (5 slots): animate dead, bestow curse, counterspell,
Speed 30 ft., 40 ft. (hover) dispel magic
4th level (4 slots): black tentacles, blight, charm monster,
dimension door
7 (-2) 19 (+4) 24 (+7) 30 (+10) 14 (+2) 30 (+10) 5th level (4 slots): cloudkill, enervation, far step,
Saving Throws Str +7, Con +16, Int +19, Wis +11 negative energy flood
Skills Arcana +19, Deception +19, History +28, Insight +11, 6th level (3 slots): circle of death, create undead, soul cage/
Perception +11, Persuasion +19 7th level (3 slots): forcecage, sequester, teleport
Damage Resistances cold 8th level (2 slots): maddening darkness, mind blank
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, radiant; bludgeoning, 9th level (2 slots): invulnerability, psychic scream
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Unholy Light. Theodoren is imbued with the deathly radiance
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
of the moon and sheds bright light in a 60 ft. radius, and dim
poisoned, stunned, unconscious
light 60 ft. beyond that.
Senses truesight 120 ft. passive Perception 21
Additionally, when Theodoren would take radiant or necrotic
Languages All
Challenge 30 (155,000 XP) damage he instead takes no damage and regains a number of
hit points equal to the damage he would have taken (before his
TRAITS immunities apply).

Eternal Evil. If Theodoren is slain, he magically regains a new ACTIONS

body within 1 month. When this effect occurs, Theodoren’s
body appears on Desaly’s fourth moon, regaining all of his hit Antimagic Sheath (Recharge 5–6). Theodoren becomes
points and becoming cured of any harmful effects. The new body immune to spells and magical effects for 1 minute and
appears in an unoccupied space within the Radiant Court. suppresses any magical effects with which he is in contact, but
cannot cast spells while the sheath is in effect. At the start of
Mythic Resistance. When Theodoren fails a saving throw, he each of its turns, Theodoren can choose to end this effect.
can expend one of his unspent legendary actions to succeed
instead. Multispell. Theodoren casts three cantrips, or a spell of 8th level
or lower and one cantrip.
Profane Metamagic (1/Round). When Theodoren casts
a spell, he can choose to improve the effects of the spell LEGENDARY ACTIONS
(when applicable) by applying one of the options below.
• Distant Spell. The range of the spell is doubled. Theodoren can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
• Expand Spell. The affected area of the spell is doubled. options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at
• Heighten Spell. Affected creatures attempt their first saving a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Theodoren
throw against the spell with disadvantage. regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
• Intensify Spell. The spell is cast as though it were cast using Cantrip. Theodoren casts a cantrip.
a spell slot four levels higher, to a maximum of 9th level.
• Maximize Spell. The spell deals maximum damage on its Ready. Theodoren gains an additional reaction, which lasts until
damage dice. the end of his next turn or until he uses it (whichever comes first).

Spellcasting1. Theodoren is a 20th-level spellcaster. His Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions). Theodoren casts a spell of
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 25, +19 to hit 5th level or lower).
with spell attacks). Theodoren has the following spells prepared. Power Overwhelming (Costs 3 Actions). Until the end of
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand, message, toll the dead Theodoren’s next turn, whenever he deals damage he instead
1st level (6 slots): charm person, magic missile, shield, deals double damage.
unseen servant, witch bolt

1 Some of the spells presented here can be found in the official 5E supplement, XGE.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

bizarre sporting events upon the lunar surface. Few living The Silent Citadel
beings have ever dared approach Theodoren’s court in its
A deep green shadow falls from the cloudy sky, land-
cold, airless isolation, and that is likely for the best.
ing upon the sun-burned sands, turning their natural
Lair Actions crimson hue an eerie grey. The wind carries the distant
sound of gentle lullabies upon the breeze. Upon the face
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Theodoren
of the translucent green rock is a massive seal, bearing a
can take a lair action to cause one of the following magical
mark of unknown origin. A beautiful crystalline citadel
effects; Theodoren can’t use the same effect two rounds in
sits atop the floating rock, making no sound, save for the
a row:
• Ties That Bind. Theodoren binds two creatures he gentle lullaby that seems to follow in the air. 
can see within 60 feet of each other together with an The Silent Citadel is the home of a god-like sleeping be-
empathic link. When one of the creatures is affected ing, the Suzerain Blossom Domine. She is the source of
by an attack or hostile effect that does not affect the divine power and the central figure of the Desalian reli-
other, the linked creature is then also affected. This gion. The edifice is full of loyal protectors, prophets, and
effect ends if the creatures are ever more than 60 feet idealistic dreamers that make up the Skyborne. Though
apart. the building itself exists for a divine purpose; its inhabi-
• Life Suppression. Theodoren fills a 30-foot cube with tants seem highly skilled in arcane sciences. They monitor
life-suppressing magic for 1 minute. Creatures in the the world outside, the skies above, and any who come into
area of the effect cannot regain hit points. the citadel. The building itself glows an otherworldly white
• Consume Magic. Theodoren expends a spell slot and seems to be self-illuminated by the unseen dreams of
and regains 5 (1d10) hit points plus an additional 5 the sleeping sovereign. The Silent Citadel is accessible by
(1d10) per level of the spell slot expended. any of the seven teleportation circles that can be found in
the desert below, the locations of which are kept secret by
Places to See the Skyborne and the Rose-Knights. Each teleportation
circle brings you to an entrance threshold where a sentinel
Desaly is entered by coming down the Fellmount’s south will either allow you entrance or turn you away.
eastern foothills and crossing the steppes until they turn to
sand. When the sky changes and the Fourth Moon hangs The Bones of the Beast that Built the World
low in the sky, you know that you have entered Desaly. This place is the site of an otherworldly formation of
The other way into the desert region is by sailing up the remains. Bones of a creature of impossible size. Setting
Shining Lake and traveling through the perilous Northern one’s eyes upon a towering mountain of impenetrable
Pass and entering through the Low Mounds. It is also pos- marrow and bone, one begin to understand the scale of
sible to come from the east and follow the Red Dragon- a creature that would have been the size of a mountain
Tear River into the west until you hit the first dunes of range. Massive teeth, claws, talons, and vertebrae are
Balm, the last village of Desaly.  larger than any could conceive. An intense and deep
spiritual power resonates along the bones. Unknown
Environment carvings come into view as if to warn trespassers they are
The landscape is a vast burning desert of dark crimson not welcome.
sand. The dunes create low-valley passages throughout
the region and an orange and violet sky seems caught in Geometric patterns drawn in the sand around the bones.
near-perpetual sunset much of the day. Small floating is- Silhouettes of creatures appear on the horizon and never
lands hang in the air, drifting with the air currents, casting seem to draw closer, always a fixed distance from viewer.
soft shadows about the desert below. There are buttes, pla- Words of power that cannot be spoken are collected along
teaus, and low mountains that are not suitable for climb- each disc of the gargantuan vertebrae that remains a left-
ing due to the sharpness of the rocks and instability of over from an ancient time.
the formations. Enormous expanses of broken lands cry The Bones of the Beast that Built the World are a
out from the earth, releasing dark mists from their cracks great mystery to all who inhabit the entire continent of
and chasms. The occasional reflective pond can be found Prometerra. Legend says that they are either the bones of
luring travelers to approach, often concealing deep-dwell- a god, the bones of many gods, bones of a chaos-creature
ing predators. Several large-scale rock gardens, with native that was slain by a god, or the result of a forbidden cosmic
floral blooms, can be found among the harsh and lonely summoning that ended in apocalyptic fashion creating the
environment. desert. 
This place is the site of the Unseen Order of the Arcane.
Landmarks The order has both blessed and cursed this place using their
The following landmarks are some examples of the fantas- secret arts. The bones themselves are a potential resource
tical places that can be found in Desaly. of potent arcane components. Many superstitions relate to
those that seek this power and what will become of them.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

The Valley of the Fourth Moon come to commit themselves to a higher cause and to stand
as an exemplar to others. It is a home, a fortress, a univer-
As you leave the fog-shrouded shores of Brilhago or the bram-
sity, and a key to the Silent Citadel.
bly marshes of the Tadfen Bog, your eyes focus on the ebon orb
that hangs low in the sky above. All things seem to narrow
Devil-Lich Wastes 
in perspective as all color seems to fade from the mind and the
world turns to a scale of gray, black, and white. The earth opens up and a dark noxious fume emanates from
There is a sharp magnetic pull that seems to take hold of all the fissure below. Fire bursts in the open air, combusting
who enter this valley and you can feel the rivets in your ar- spontaneously as if gaseous fumes were present. Burned,
mor, the steel of your blade, and what courage you carry with broken, and bloody bones clad in dark crimson armor rise
you pull towards the moon in the sky above. from the dust. They begin to walk with new life before
bursting in ochre flames. They are unfeeling and undying.
The Fourth Moon is only visible when one enters the des-
They march with a sinister cause to destroy the world of the
ert region of Desaly. It is visible as one passes through the
foothills of Fellmount into the desert or as one comes up
from Brilhago and enters the Valley of the Fourth Moon The Devil-Lich Wastes was once the largest mass graveyard
proper. Some people say that this moon was cast out of in all Prometerra. This has made it critical to the machina-
Prometerra by the three other moons and is cursed to tions of the diabolical Theodoren, the undead dictator who
dwell in the desert in a state of perpetual agony. fell long ago. He is the enemy of the Rose-Knights, the
Oa, and the Skyborne. He pours his malice into the task of
seeking out and then slaying the sleeping Sovereign, end-
On the border of the Tadfen Bog where the marsh meets ing the divine dreams. To break the faith of the people, he
the dry grass and the sun begins to set in the sky, there punishes them with an endless march of undead that seek
is the bright village of Balm. People pull carts, stalls are to claim as many souls as possible. He also sends agents of
being set-up, and villagers distribute fresh water for all to deceit from this region into the outside world. 
drink. One can hear the sound of working animals noisily This desolate land is where criminals come to die. The
grunting throughout the small town. Builders construct wasteland is where the Rose-Knights’ hearts are prone
homes out of clay, stone, and grass in various shapes. to failing them. This place is the greatest mistake the world
Occasionally these houses seem to slide from their positions ever made and is evidence of a betrayal of the people by
along the sand as some homes need to be transportable!” a higher power.
Balm is an oasis and entry point into the greater region
of Desaly. It is not an enormously large community, but Fellmount
it gives off a sense of pride and grandeur because it will
The Ascendant Stone
be the largest settlement travelers will see for some dis-
tance. The Oa that live here are friendly and diligent.
High above the world, where towering stone shapes
Community members are attentive to the needs of those
touch the sky, nightmares find their way into the
that pass through, pricing things sensibly.
world. The Fellmount was not always here. It rose out
The Seat of Knighthood of the earth in retaliation and defiance to the gods that
laiddown their lives to save this reality. Brave souls
At the center of the elaborate rock garden sits a single-story
dwell upon it, for it is rich and plentiful in many great
structure with a small shack on top. A lone rider in the
resources. Mountain towns assist those who wish to
distance makes their way towards the gate, brandishing
overcome any of the six mountain passes that lead from
a polearm and steadying on towards the mark. A second
the low-land to the summit that touches the sky. 
traveler wanders on foot and cautiously observes the serene
surroundings of rock and roses. The Seat of Knighthood, POPULATION: 139,671 Grymm
where oaths are taken, and the brave sit in worship. GOVERNMENT: Republic
LEADERSHIP: Ritualistically selected governors
The Seat of Knighthood is where the Rose-Knights make RESOURCES: Herbs, Ice, Metals
their home. Rose-Knights are not an official army. Instead, ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
they are a collection of individuals that have committed to FAVORED CLASSES: Barbarians, Druids, Rangers
a sacred and divine quest to protect Desaly from the threat
of the dark forces of the Burning Horde. Occasionally,
members of the order go beyond the desert region, but this The Ways of Fellmount
is uncommon. While they can repair armor and weapons,
they do not fashion any of their own. Their equipment Towering above the rest of Promterra, the stone pillars
is a gift from above. The Silent Citadel, and the Seat of of Fellmount form a peculiar mountainrange full of ice, snow,
Knighthood houses a map of the seven teleportation cir- stone, and no shortage of peril. Here one can find hard-
cles of Desaly. The Seat of Knighthood is where people ened Grymm mining precious metals, stone, and gems.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

Any who live within this harsh realm are proven survivors. running. These materials are legendary in their own right
The mountains are not known for the kindness or conve- and the examples provided below are just a handful of
nience, forcing each denizen into a life or death struggle some of the riches drawn fourth from the mountain’s flesh.
on a frequent basis. No matter what fury the mountains
bring down upon them, the creatures of Fellmount view Magic
it all as a worthy test of their commitment and endurance. Mountain magic is old magic. It finds its power in the ore
Those that dwell upon Fellmount’s tallest peaks are among itself. The arcane components of the metal, imbue people
the hardiest creatures on Promterra. and objects with intense energy. This energy heightens the
At the center of Fellmount is a titanic peak, piercing senses, adds extra weight to spoken words, and enhances
the clouds to an near inconceivable altitude. This is the the ability of those it touches. Speaking these words in the
Eldermount, and all of Fellmount kneels before it’s su- presence of others is often forbidden. This magic is a mys-
premacy. Only the mightiest creatures of GrymmWorld tery and often considered the most powerful magic of all.
dare lair upon this peak, which tests any and all who dare
attempt to ascend its windswept ridges. For those seeking Cosmology
a life of perpetual challenge and personal growth, there is The mountain is the god, so say the folks who live in
no finer land in all of Promterra. Fellmount. The god brought forth the six children for
whom the pathways through the peaks are named. The
Technology gods suffered a great wound when the Spire pierced the
Fellmount’s technology is related to extracting precious world and have fallen into a deep sleep. The children must
ores from the mountain. To live there, most other tech- bring those that would seek to wake the god up the moun-
nology is life-sustaining and protective. While outside tains. You can wake the god by releasing it from its prison.
might be torrential storms, frigid cold, and deadly beasts This requires the removal of the rock pinning it down.
the mountaintop villages of Fellmount are cozy places.
Kept warm by magical furnaces powered, here one can Ecology
find pleasant saunas, underground greenhouses, and other Nightmares are born on the mountain, falling from the
comforts as extravagant as any lowland city. This wondrous broken skies above, and escaping into the world below.
lifestyle is funded by the tremendous wealth reaped from Likewise, the ancient enemies of the world spawn forth
Fellmount’s stone. Miners routinely unearth tremendous from the hills. The process of their spontaneous generation
fortunes in precious materials which are in turn exchanged is enigmatic. Ancient evil seems to collect and gather into
for the vast resources required to keep their communities the mountain and then finds its way back into the world.

chapter five: exploring prometerra


A crystalized version of its famous namesake, known for its beauty and Objects made of
Adamantine durability. Cutting this crystal requires a tool that can deal arcane damage. adamantine crystal are
Crystal Objects made of adamantine crystal have their hit point maximum increased worth ten times their
by 200. normal value.

Famous for its ability to retain heat, corium is naturally found in a molten
state and must be cooled and solidified before properly forged. In a solid Objects made of corium
Corium state, corium glows with a soft red light and is highly prized for its ability are worth twice their
to withstand hot temperatures. Objects made of corium are immune to fire normal value.

Living crystal harvested from the dendritic tree, dendrite can be coerced
into growing into the shape of various objects. Cutting dendrite requires
Objects made of dendrite
necromancy magic to ensure the crystal does not grow into undesired
Dendrite are worth four times their
shapes. When an object made of dendrite is reduced to 0 hit points, if at
normal value.
least one fragment of the object remains it will regrow and be restored to its
hit point maximum after 24 hours.

Doomstone is a gray, unassuming stone that can only be found at the site
where the last of a species went extinct. Chiseling the stone must be done Objects made of
with one’s bare limbs to be of use to artisans. Additionally, such objects doomstone are worth
are destined to be destroyed on a date of their creator’s choosing. On that three times their normal
date the object crumbles to dust and cannot be repaired by any known value.

When pure elements are compressed by godlike forces, elementium is

formed. This material appears as a light-purple metal that resonates with
Objects made of
musical tones when struck. Forging elementium requires a system that
Elementium elementium are worth six
stabilizes the metal’s composition, as any impurities introduced instantly
times their normal value.
ruin the material. Objects made of elementium are always artifacts and have
only beneficial magical properties (when applicable).

This unusual ceramic is famous for being completely indestructible once Objects made of everslate
fired and its inability to be created by even deities. The ceramic is drawn are difficult to price and
Everslate from a dark clay that forms around the grave of a dead deity or titan. Firing have no established value
this clay requires dragonfire. Objects made of everslate cannot be destroyed due to their extreme
or even damaged by any known means. rarity.

This glowing green stone is especially useful in creating arcana, particularly

those related to necromancy. When a creature within 15 ft. sees at least 1
lb. of unworked grimstone for the first time in a day, it must succeed on
Objects made of
a DC 20 Constitution saving throw or become addicted to its light for 1
Grimstone grimstone are worth
year. A creature so addicted must spend at least 1 hour a day in at least 1
twice their normal value.
lb. of the stone’s presence or gain three levels of exhaustion. Objects made
from grimstone shed dim green light in a 15 ft. radius but lose the cursed
property of the raw material.

Imperial gold is a heavenly material possessing the benefits of gold

without any of the drawbacks. The metal is as hard as forged steel; to Objects made of imperial
work it requires a system that crushes the metal beneath a titanic weight. gold are worth four times
Objects made with imperial gold cannot have their appearance altered by their normal value.

chapter five: exploring prometerra


The most poorly understood metal in Promterra, mysterium can only
be found in realms devoid of living creatures. The metal is an ever-
Objects made of mysterium
changing array of colors, and if it contacts any other metal, it instantly
are difficult to price and
Mysterium transforms into that metal. Forging mysterium is only possible through
have no established value
an alchemical system that magically locks it in its current state. Objects
due to their extreme rarity.
made of mysterium cannot be named, visually replicated on any medium,
or verbally described.

A pink metal notorious for its ability to retain magical power. Forging the
metal must be done without the assistance of any magic, including that Objects made of orichalcum
Orichalcum found in tools and equipment. Objects made of orichalcum are immune are worth three times their
to spells or magical effects, and creatures holding or wearing objects of normal value.
orichalcum cannot cast spells.

A highly volatile and deadly material, plutgnomium is prized for its

great weight and density. The material deals 10d6 necrotic damage and
Objects made of
10d6 poison damage to any creature that stays within 10 ft. of at least
plutgnomium are worth
Plutgnomium 1 lb. of the material every minute. Processing plutgnomium into a safe
four times their normal
state requires a complex magical system that can “deplete” the material.
Objects made of plutgnomium weigh twice their normal weight but have
resistance to all damage.

Ideal for runic inscriptions and magical engravings, runerock is a bluish

stone that responds well to carving. When a spell or magical effect that Objects made of runerock
Runerock involves a magical inscription or rune (such as a glyph of warding or symbol are worth three times their
spell) is placed upon a section of runerock, it cannot be dispelled or normal value.

Starmetal is one of the rarest known materials and used in crafting the
finest equipment. The metal is silvery in color with a green sheen. Forging Objects made of starmetal
Starmetal starmetal requires a system that subjects the metal to blinding daylight are worth twenty times
and intense heat. Objects made from starmetal can be used to fashion their normal value.
items of legendary quality in one tenth the usual time.

Voidstone is the raw material upon which items like a sphere of

annihilation are based. The material absorbs all light it comes into contact Objects made of voidstone
Voidstone with, appearing as a hole in reality. Chiseling voidstone can only be done are worth ten times their
with magical force. Objects made from voidstone are immune to any normal value.
effect that would harm it.

Some say removing the rocks causes theses evils to come and a true test of adventuring skills. Middle and high tier
forth. Others say, fell energies are more powerful here than adventurers are best suited for venturing in the mountains,
elsewhere. All know the mountains are not safe to travel, with the higher altitudes reserved for matching levels.
not just because of poor weather, but rather it is from where Whether adventurers are delving deep within the moun-
the forces from the ancient times return to the world. tain caves or climbing the high peaks, Fellmount should
strike them with awe and wonder, demonstrating the heart
Adventuring in Fellmount of the world itself.  
Fellmount is perilous to adventure in. Adventures in this
region are about showing the scale of the continent and People to Meet
what can be reached by performing feats of astonishing en-
durance. Communication and tough decisions should be The people of Fellmount, known as the Grymmer-Mond,
the theme, as well as the resistance of the people against are genuinely interested in visitors from the world below.
the land itself. This is their home, and they are masters of it. The higher you go, the more they assume that you are
Introduce Fellmount as a goal to reach, a summit to climb, an angelic messenger on a great quest, or are seeking to

chapter five: exploring prometerra

A master of magic is being held in the high prison deep within the mountain range. They hold information as to the
whereabouts of a forbidden spell book that is being hunted down by agents of the Moonlich. Gain access to the prison and
an audience with the prisoner. Solve the riddles that are presented and recover the lost spell book before it falls into the
hands of the agents of shadow!

The heart of the mountain calls to brave adventurers. Find the artifact and bring it back to its rightful location. A legendary
item of power has become lost within the heart of the mountain range. The recovery of this item would provide the
2 sustainability that the village of Miod would need to continue mining operations. The dimly lit caverns and complete and
utter darkness of the natural dungeon environment prove to be a treacherous trail to tread. Despite this, the heart calls to
nearby creatures and would allow the village to wield miraculous power in their pursuit of happiness.

There are dangers at the Dragon Scales as a rebellious lot have taken control of the pass. They refer to themselves as the
Siblings of Sovereignty and claim a distinct royal lineage. Chase the lot from the mountain and either drive them to the
3 desert or deliver them to the prison for judgment. This group will not allow individuals free travel through the region and
are demanding tribute. The people of South mountain have always considered themselves a free people and don’t take lightly
to these usurpers. 

Troll-folk have overrun and sacked the heavenly palace of Vol. Organize an assault and liberate the town or deliver them
out of the mountain. The trolls are not taking kindly to the locals and have spoiled much of the wondrous paradise, but if
they are removed peace can be restored and beauty can return. Gather your allies and resources to stand your ground against
the high dwellers.

Winter has fallen upon the mountain and deadly beasts are rising from every crevice. Defend the settlements from the
fell invaders. It will take cunning to set traps, use misdirection, and defend areas where the creatures can be faced in single
5 combat. The question remains, who is hunting who? When the fell wind blows, it means the chaos that stirs within the
earth below has begun a hunt all on its own. It is hunter versus hunter as the players must protect the citizens of the
mountain against the seasonal threat.

The mountain god stirs and is summoning its children to judge those on the mountain. The player characters must endure
the trials of the five Elemental Graces which will test their tenacity and devotion. After each elemental test, the mountain
will grant its blessing and strengthen the characters allowing them to unlock hidden potentials that have remained

A dangerous prisoner has broken free from the Wraithwalk and is taking revenge on the mountain folk. Hunt down and
capture the prisoner. A former lieutenant of the Moonlich is sewing destruction on the mountain and must be tracked
down and captured. Locate their hideout and either apprehend them or defeat them in combat. Years ago, they were a great
plague both in the desert below and on the mountain above. Eventually were captured and placed in the prison. Recently a
treacherous agent saw to their escape. If a lieutenant of the lich is set free, it is only a matter of time before they bring the
moon crashing down to the planet. They must be stopped.

Deliver masterwork mining supplies to Mond. A fancy new mining company has emerged and commissioned masterwork
tools to be fabricated in the land of waterfalls and brought to the high colds of the mountains above. However, they don’t
trust the shipment with just any shipping company, and they need to recruit powerful adventurers to protect the goods.
All is not what it seems as there appears to be more to the story. It may all be a ruse to impress a royal princess found
in the palace of Cachoeira, just as well as it could be an attempt to impress a rival mining company. However, the pay is
extraordinary and all signs point to a secret the Narrator will soon reveal.

The paradise engine of Vol has malfunctioned and the high village needs raw components to repair it. There is an abundance
of rare crystals deep within the mountain that power the city. Getting there is treacherous and involves delving deeper
standard mining operations. Apart from that, alien secrets are hidden within the mountainside. Gather your belongings and
muster your courage. Obtain these rare crystals less the people at the top of the world be lost and their great town desolate.

A mysterious weather pattern of red clouds has appeared on the mountainside. The clouds radiate violence and pain. The
vortex of the fell storm moves across the ridge. The source of the storm is a powerful wizard who sits in the eye of the storm
and is scouring the land in search of a powerful artifact. The wizard must be confronted and the artifact needs to be removed
or destroyed before the wizard recovers it and destroys everything.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

converse with the gods. They often tell tall tales of how community on the mountain tends to be isolationist. Each
the people that live below the mountain peaks are not so district contains an commander chief, chosen through rit-
far away. They are just microscopic, which is why they ap- ualistic tests of strength and endurance. Their job is to co-
pear so small from the high vantage point of the mountain ordinate the work needs within the community. There are
dwellers. two communities in addition to the prison of Wraithhood
The Grymmer-Mond are hard-working people. They that comprise the population of Fellmount. The free com-
have been described as weathered through and through, munities outside of the prison are Mond and Vol. Mond
as sharp and resolved as the rocks. The towering moun- is on the south pass and Vol is on the north. Wraithhood
tain of Fellmount and the harsh climate has shaped them faces the desert.
to endure numerous challenges. They live and thrive not The most significant conflicts within Fellmount are over
just in the storm and snow that falls upon the rocks, but resources. The southern pass wants to entice travelers en-
the inner-press that works against the heart and soul as ter through the south and make their community worth
well. Grymmer-Mond often faces a genuine threat from the visit. The northern pass works very hard to keep their
the deep shadows that are cast upon the world. They seek pass as safe as possible, but the number of resources it takes
to bring light to the darkness and to obtain the precious is detrimental as their community itself suffers. Anyone
resources to benefit the rest of society. coming from the east does not want to stay long because
The people here often seem underdressed, given the of the danger of Wraithhood.
harsh environment, but that’s because they need to make
use of their limbs incase of a fall or be overtaken by the Factions & Organizations
threats in the area. They have developed protective salves The following factions are the major players within
and lotions that guard the flesh and skin from subzero and Fellmount, influencing its politics, cultural practices, and
perilous climates, as well as the sharpness of the rocks. The relationships.
disposition of those that live here is often described as
Vol Mining Company
stoic by outsiders. Everything about Grymmer-mond is
very nuanced and understated. For Grymmer-Mond have Leadership: Elected CEO
learned to trust each other, it is said there is no selfishness Membership: Huge (891 members): giants, humanoids;
among them. The Grymmer-mond convey much in only a barbarians, rogues
few words. They often laugh at the same joke simultane- Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
ously, but not for very long, and the general societal rule is Motto: “Rock and stone, to the bone!”
you never explain the humor.  Resources: Manpower, precious metals, transportation
If one were to examine their social structures, you would Creed: The Vol Mining Company understands that high
find them living in large group complexes that are built power is kept within the rocks of the mountain. Many
into the natural walls of the mountains and the high hills solutions to the problems of the world can be solved with
where they reside. The individual abodes are relatively the magnificent creations made from the powerful arcane
small compared to low-land estates. Dwellings contain and divine substances found within the rock. They view
elaborate homemade decorations that explain each fam- the mountain as a great resource and they have enlisted
ily’s story from the time they arrived in Fellmount. These people from all over the continent to seek out, obtain, and
form records that tell the stories of the people that can be then deliver the most precious ores.
traced across generations. These stories spiral through each They are divided into three groups: rock-seekers, rock-
home, as the family builds upon their predecessors. shapers, and rock senders. Ore can only be obtained by
Most people who meet a Grymmer-mond respect those who seek it. The shapers process and refine the found
them for their hardiness and fortitude. One aspect of materials. Lastly, the senders deliver it out into the world. 
their culture not often complimented is their food. Many The Mining Company is often at odds with the lo-
described it as bland beyond belief, almost as if they were cal Grymm and the academic faction among them. The
eating rocks . To the Grymmer-mond, living so high above Company see problems in the world and view their trade
the world where extraordinarily little grows , the luxuries of as the solution. The powerful and precious stones that
life are foreign to them. Given the opportunity, Grymmer- make up these mountains can be harvested and crafted
mond have very astute tastes, often describing the food of into materials that would solve these problems. They have
the other regions in great detail and poetic language. It is applied many technologies to mastering the mountain
said the stories shared by Grymmer-mond are often of the and overcoming the adversities found thereon. They’re
food they have eaten in their travels. Only in private will viewed by many as profiteers and robber barons, but they
they talk about their favorites. see themselves as saviors on the mountain who bring
life-sustaining magic and technology to those that live
Politics below. It is important to note that they have the most
One of the significant challenges to the mountain people efficient and organized delivery systems out of all people
is communicating with each other. Travel is slow, hard, and in the land.
dangerous. Due to the geographic difficulties, each small

chapter five: exploring prometerra

The Wraithwalk mountain gods, and they will protect the mountain with
great religious fervor.
Leadership: Unknown
Among the Scale-Singers are singing groups that speak
Membership: Large (228 members): undead, humanoids:
a strange tongue. This strange language can be understood
fighters, monks, paladins
by every Grymm but cannot be replicated in turn. All these
Alignment: Lawful Evil
songs draw come from the heart and seek a closer under-
Motto: “A cell for every evil”
standing of the whispers and hymns of the mountain.
Resources: Law enforcement, prison
Their leader is known as the Damsel. The Damsel is
Creed: The Wraithwalk is charged with keeping those
an unseen leader, more of a spiritual idea rather than a
found guilty of high crimes imprisoned within the prison
physical person. To them, she is mother of all life, born
simply known as The Catacomb. They are steadfast in their
of the stone they so revere. Prayers to her glory involve
duty, which is associated with an oath that they have taken
the carving of beautiful runestones, the process of which
to keep the worst of Promterra’s Grymm incarcerated at
can take days of constant singing and ritual. These stones
any cost. They always seek to contain those that have been
can be found all over Fellmount, some of which date back
found guilty of the highest crimes from across the realm.
to ancient times. A testament to just how long the Scale
Each day they patrol the mountain ranges to gather re-
Singers have been keeping their traditions.
sources to sustain those they have imprisoned and to ward
off the ancient threats of the mountain range.
This organization is the closest thing to law enforcement Places to See
in the area and attempt to remain neutral on all matters
While the natural, savage beauty of Fellmount is diffi-
outsider their area of expertise. They exist to carry out
cult to overstate, it is not a place for tourists. Most of
their duty, which has been charged to them by the outside
the realms days are shrouded in darkness from storm
world. They have no recruiting process and the origins of
clouds or from the shadows cast by its titanic peaks. To
the organization are relatively mysterious. Some say they
find places of significance and meaning one must jour-
were initially a group of Desalian knights, others say that
ney far and risk much. Those that are willing to be tested
a Cachoeiran prince commissioned them. Unfortunately,
by the mountains can find wondrous lands untouched by
the Wraithfulk are often overworked, understaffed, and
the hands of Grymm. Strange valleys full of icy beasts,
volcanic fissures bristling with hidden life, or glistening
They are split up into three categories: the wardens, the
mountaintops blooming with gemstones. Every journey
patrol, and the guard. Inside The Catacomb, wardens over-
is a vertical exercise, with climbing skills and equipment a
see all operations. The patrol walks the mountain pass and
necessity. Even flight cannot be relied upon, for the hur-
secures the area. The guard ensures no prisoners escape.
ricane winds of the mountain can dash foolish Grymm
They maintain locations of hidden caches or resources
against the stones with little effort. Those that brave all
stocked, so that others might find aid along their journey.
these perils and triumphed are blessed with the knowl-
They use a complicated system of marks and puzzles to
edge and experience few other Grymm are capable of
protect and direct each other to these supply havens.
ever knowing. A true treasure that justifies the risk.
Scale-Singers Environment
Leadership: The Damsel Dangerous mountain passes, snow-covered peaks, sud-
Membership: Medium (79 members): humanoids; den storms, and dramatic temperature shifts fill the region.
bards, clerics Shadows fall from the sky to the world below. The moun-
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral tain range is hostile to all those who dwell upon it. There
Motto: “The mountain sings to all who listen” are only two months out of the year that makes traveling
Resources: Music, religion in the Fellmount easier. Most people make their way up
Creed: The Scale-Singers are a religious organization that the mountain during this short window of time, known as
seeks to uncover all the mysteries of the old gods who cre- the Dimmer Days. For the rest of the year Fellmount is as
ated the mountain and are sleeping within the mountain brutal as can be. The temperature is never above freezing,
range. They view these mountains as sacred and feel it as the monsters are always hungry, and the ice eats away at
their duty to prevent the ruination of the region. They any exposed material like a slow burning flame.
move from mountain town to mountain town, singing There are six major routes through the mountain pass,
their songs of the old ways and warning the people not to which bear the names of creatures found throughout the
provoke the wrath of the old gods. various mountains of Fellmount: Goblin, Troll, Gorgon,
This group is known for its religious philosophy. They Wraith, Giant, and Dragon.
work as an environmentalist organization that protects Each route contains its own unique challenges to over-
the mountains. It is unusual for them to sabotage expe- come to summit the Fellmount. The most common rea-
ditions or mining operations to defend their mountain son people pass through is visiting family who live on the
home. They feel it is their duty given to them by the old mountain. The second most common reason is that they

chapter five: exploring prometerra

are escorting guilty parties that have been sentenced to the daylight falls upon them. The stone forms broad inclined
prison of Wraithwalk. The least common reason for tra- pathways winding through the side of the mountain shad-
versing Fellmount is those who are out seeking adventure. owed by overhanging cliffs. Dragon’s Scales considered a
The Goblin-route is taken through the North pass. It sacred site for many who hold a reverence and sanctity for
received this name because it is the shortest route, but dragons. There is a philosophical conflict between miners
also because in the legends of Fellmount, it is the route seeking to collect ore and scales from this region, and those
a father goblin created to return home to the mountain that believe the hills are sacred. One faction holds the area
god. The Troll-route is another northern pass, it once had holy, and the other sees it as the key to the industry. The
a different name, but was conquered by an invading force two sides disagree profoundly about the treatment of the
and renamed it after they abandoned it. In the south lies region. However, both sides agree the local dragons are to
Giant-pass and Dragon-pass. Giant is one of the steepest be respected. Tribute is offered to the great beasts by all
climbs, and Dragon is one of the most challenging areas to who pass through this land, and those who do not pay the
navigate. To the east is the Gorgon-pass, which is known toll from their pockets instead pay with their lives.
for its petrified forests and collapsing trails.
Landmarks In the high peaks lies a garden paradise where the great
The following landmarks are some examples of the fantas- enchantments of the age have created a small respite from
tical places that can be found in Fellmount. the harsh nature of the region. This village and settlement
is home to the mining guild. Mond is a popular launching
point for those that wish to climb the mountain. The hang-
The gray land sits at the bottom of a valley surrounded by ing gardens, reflection ponds, and the museum of science
snow-capped spires of rock. Fortifications of an unknown design and art are all found in this small and strange settlement.
are covered in the religious iconography of an unknown people.
Mond is the antithesis of standard mountain life. It is
Those who breathe, create white clouds in front of their face as
an elaborate and wondrous settlement in a high place of
the temperature drops below any that can be safely inhabited.
the world. It relies on magic derived from the core of the
You cannot be entirely sure one way or another, but the bones on
mountain to sustain its beauty and wonder. The people
display around the ritual mount may very well be moving.
work very hard to maintain the settlement and make it
Scavengers search the area for tools and treasure. Ancient inviting for any that arrive. It is home to one of the larg-
records are kept in a simple script and provide the key to est mining guilds and mountaineering communities in
translation between many tongues. Travelers often create the world. People come here to study and learn about
a base camp here in preparation to summit the mountain. various mountain monsters and how to defeat them.
Supermassive stones laid upon each other to create walls The workers who bustle though the streets are a strong
and fortifications, the hostile wind blows in the open, and and stoic type. The drab colors of the buildings stand in
tight clusters of tents and lanterns are hung for those that stark contrast to the myriad of colorful ores and stones
seek to travel upwards. that are moved throughout the town. A hidden gem with-
The Barrowfell is one of the gateways to summit the in Fellmount, Mond is protected by a powerful dome that
Fellmount. It was an ancient fortress used by troll-folk helps regulate the temperature. The dome grants an atmo-
who sought to fight and claim the mountain for their own. sphere of ephemerality that stands in contrast against the
Although the trolls were able to take the region, they harsh backdrop of the mountain.
found this point less defensable and did more to hinder
The Eldermount
their way of life than it cultivated. After many hard years,
they abandoned their fortress. Today it is used as a base The sky loses its colors and the stars reveal themselves, as
camp for those that seek to summit the mountain. the highest peak of the Eldermount pierces the heavens.
From this point you can see all the continents and speak
Dragon’s Scales Corridor
directly to the gods. This is the highest point of the natural
The tall peaks stare down upon you as you enter the long world, where the old gods meet the new, and wishes are
and low overhang resembling the massive wings of a spoken to the whole of the universe.
titanic creature. The stone appears as a rainbow-colored
The Eldermount kisses the stars and is the highest point in
rock, its formations protruding from the earth like
the entire continent. It is said that here the old god came
talons. This is a place of giants, with the bones, claw marks,
to sleep and gave birth to the Grymm. Very few people
and other evidence of gigantic monsters found everywhere.
have reached this point, though its magic and mystery are
The Dragon’s Scale Corridor is named for its miraculous unparalleled in all Promterra. This location cannot sustain
rock formation that resembles the wings of a dragon, pro- life for very long, and those up here will surely die if they
viding a sheltered pathway to the summit. Rainbow-colored dawdle. The sky turns to stars that crown the world. In the
scaly rock is omnipresent throughout the area, forming distance, the great and dreadful Spire can be seen stretch-
beautiful patterns that shift when the rare instance of ing even higher into infinity.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

There is ancient and potent magic that can be easily Labirinto

accessed here, a primordial source powerful that spreads
throughout the world and empowers the realm. The great The Lost And Found
height of the summit casts shadows from this high point
If one were to witness this realm in another time, a different
that touch the ground far below, which at certain angles
age, it would be a land of impossible machines and endless
can cover vast swathes of Promterra.
wonder. Today, however, all that is left are the endless mazes
The Catacomb sprawling across a dead metropolis. The sky is starless, and
what sunlight can be found is shed from an artificial sun
The dimly lit trail leads to a frightening cliff that takes
emitting pallid light. There are few beings of flesh and blood
the form of a cage. Cries can be heard, the weeping and
found here, and fewer still dare brave its clockwork corridors.
wailing of those inside calling forth to any that might
Some say the land is cursed. Others say it may not even exist
passing by. A grey cloud hangs low over the entire
at all. A single undying sovereign is all that remains of a
area. On the steep cliff face stands the gate to the prison
once great and royal house. An ancient queen of metal and
known as the Catacomb.
wheels, bound to serve a protocol lost to time.
Carved into the side of a sheer cliff and accessible only by POPULATION: 767,222 Grymm
a narrow bridge of wrought iron, the Catacomb is home GOVERNMENT: Monarchy
to criminals, murderers, thieves, villains, and monsters that LEADERSHIP: The Empress Impossible
cannot be slain. No one is quite sure what to do with these RESOURCES: Artifice, Metal, Technology
troublesome beings, and so they are sent to this magical ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil
prison from which there can be no escape. Unsleeping, FAVORED CLASSES: Artificer, Monk, Wizard
undead guards watch over its gates, ensuring the malev-
olent forces contained within are always under lock and
key. Magical winds ensure no flying creature can assail the The Ways of Labirinto
Catacomb, while powerful runes coat its every cell and
corridor, inscribed with spells of sealing and confinement. In the northeastern land of Promterra lies a silent realm
All of Promterra pays tribute to the Catacomb in some of metal, science, and death. Named Labirinto for the
fashion, as each has an interest in ensuring those contained mazelike metropolis that fills most of the region, this
within never again see the light of day. Once a month this bizarre land is all that remains of an ancient kingdom of
tribute is brought and accepted, along with any new pris- artificial beings. Like a gigantic, rusted machine in disrepair,
oners deserving of such a grim fate. one can clearly observe an original plan and grand design
to Labirinto. It is as if the entire realm were once a well
oiled machine of inconceivable complexity and genius.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

From within its shadowy ruins the autonomous machine to make room for new ones. Since this transfer they have
residents of Labirinto still toil, acting out the echoes of to choose which memories to keep and which memories
a life that no longer functions in the ruins of their once to dispose of, leading to a race of people which has selec-
beautiful home. Here ancient technologies beyond repair tively curated its consciousness over hundreds of genera-
rot away, with what little that still functions jealously tions, much to its detriment. 
guarded by ancient machines desperate to preserve what
little remains of this grand design. Labirinto is a failed Cosmology
science experiment, broken machine, and defunct work of The clockwork court worships the empress, meanwhile the
art all rolled into one. No where else in Promterra can one empress holds reverent remembrance of her former em-
find such a fitting symbol of the horror’s suffered by the pire. She holds a particular fondness for her former family
realm at the hands of the Fell-Beyonders. and remembers them often. Her abilities within the rem-
nant are highly formidable and appear deific. One would
Technology need to meet her to determine whether she a lost or shat-
Most of the technology of Labirinto is ancient and de- tered deity, or simply a being of incredible power. It is said
funct. What little survives is either precious beyond mea- that her power comes from the perfect shape, that is, the
sure or worked into the construction of its people. Its ability to shape the divine that flows through the world
components are always a bamboozling mixture of clock- and was shattered the day the Spire pierced the earth. The
work and magical components, fashioned together by ar- old histories say that the world was shattered once before.
tisan hands and obvious genius. The skill and knowledge New histories says that it has always been broken.
required to maintain these wonderous devices has long
since been lost, meaning each object has a fixed shelf life Ecology
before it inevitably breaks down and falls to ruin. A pro- The ruins of Labirinto hold many dangers. At the down-
phetic symbol of Labirinto’s inevitable fate. fall of the empire, the streets became brutal and lawless.
The most exciting aspect of life in Labirinto’s sprawling Protections were put into place to ensure that material
maze-land metropolis is the star-fueled automobile. Sleek possessions and homes would be safe, leading to a ecology
in design, the vehicles operate during the hours of star- of nefarious traps and magical hazards. There is all man-
light. These machines are said to be highly dangerous if ner of bizarre creatures infesting these ruins. Some are the
not piloted with great skill. Uniquely, these machines have result of failed experiments, others crept up from the dark
interchange parts and can be repaired easily, due to their places in the world after the Spire appeared. Exploring
once abundant number, should they break down.  groups and caravans are often at odds with each other, but
will hold a truce when the Court of Effigies make their
Magic presence known.
Regional magic is tied to both the existence of the clock- The frosty trails that lead between each stead are also
work kingdom as well as its history. It is said that a school home to creatures of the barren waste. Explorers and car-
of great wizards sought immortality, but fear of lichdom avans believe that there is no food here, but for the dan-
caused them to find an alternative path towards eternal gerous creatures who hide in the ruins, the Grymm are
life. They were able to channel their memories into the perfectly suitable for eating.
core of carefully constructed automata. They could trans-
fer their essence and memory into it. There were a limited Adventuring in Labirinto
number of their types to start with, but expanded over When setting up an adventure in Labirinto, the empha-
time. Factories and workshops where they developed sis is on the danger inside the remnant and the isolation
their metal bodies of brass and iron were shut down after outside. There is an alien power that exists in the center.
the last of their order transferred his life into a clockwork Labirinto is filled with technology and instrumentation
core. that is not like the other regions. Demonstrate the cold
Transferring into a core had a major consequence, a twilight realm for what it is: an echo of what once was and
limited capacity for new learning and information. This the shadow of things to come. The sparse lack of humanity
drawback required the need to suppress their memories in the metropolis is a stark contrast to the warm firelights

Star Fueled Dragster 50,000 gp 65 mph 1 1 1/2 18 150 15
Star Fueled Big Rig 100,000 gp 55 mph 4 20 20 19 300 20
Star Fueled Landship 1,000,000 40 20 200 100 21 1,000 30

chapter five: exploring prometerra

The Empress Impossible has invited the party to the Clockwork Court. Each party member must prepare a gift an
associated story. Entertaining the Empress will convince her to open up about the things that she has been pondering in
1 her heart. Thing such as where the moon goes when it disappears from the sky, which new stars have appeared, or which
stars are soon to fall from the heavens. Understanding this astronomy is the key to unlocking new arcane knowledge
which would benefit everyone in their fight against the fell.

A rival group of adventurers has headed to the Sun Core and gone missing. This is not abnormal, but their families have
2 reached out to you specifically. You must delve into the Sun Core and find the missing party. Bring them back safely and
learn the things they have seen for yourselves.

The scavenger camps are being looted! Stop the looters in the act! The northern most scavenger camp has been braving
the dangers of of Labirinto but have not been able to recover the stolen item from their ventures. They are constantly
3 finding themselves robbed in the night. There have always tensions between scavenger camps, but it is hard to tell
whether this is a rivalry or the result of some other sabotage. Observe the camp and determine the cause of the looting.
The camp will add rewards if any of the precious goods can be recovered.

A creature unlike any other Grymm, has been spotted lurking near the scavenger camps. The spoken language does not
appear to be of GrymmWorld. The presence of the creature has been causing increased anxiety among the scavengers
4 due to their lack of understanding in what the creature wants. Make contact and see if you can discern the desires of the
creature, initial contact points toward it returning to its kind after accomplishing a task. Evidence points toward the Sun
Core as the source of the alien being.

A famine has struck the region and a curse that rots fresh food has made it nearly impossible to import any life
sustaining resources. Scavengers hope an artifact in the region of the Labirinto metropolis could be used to replace
meals. This would sustain the people for a time until the famine and curse can be resolved. Delve into the lost metropolis
and seek out the meal replacement device and an energy source to power it for the duration of the famine.

A promising sector in the lost metropolis is inaccessible due to the arrival of large and dangerous predators. The
6 predators need to be relocated or eliminated. Either find a suitable habitat for them and drive them towards that area or
find a way to eliminate them. Once the region is cleared, a library of the ancient arcana is can be uncovered.

The Clockwork Court is experimenting with the concept of religion. They are looking for missionaries to be brought to
their court and explain their doctrine. Collect and gather religious representatives and escort them to the Court of the
7 Empress. Help translate and express the religious teachings of the missionaries in a way that the clockwork people will
understand and can relate to. Performing this task will greatly improve relations between the court and the rest of the
world possibly leading to a reduction in hostilities among the court.

Raiders from an unknown group have driven the scavenger camps off their lands and they’ve no choice but to hide in the
region of Labirinto. The royal army has named all scavengers outlaws and are hunting them down and persecuting them.
Whether you side with the army or the scavengers, a choice must be made to help either the oppressor or a member of
the resistance. Help the scavengers repel the invading force or capture them in the name of an unjust law.

The Clockwork Court has uncovered ancient memory cores that belong to unknown members of their order. The
memory cores have revealed the locations of several cogs thought to have been lost. These cogs can be found in several
locations on the southern region of Labirinto and provide access to a great power that had been locked away. Each core
matches a corresponding location within the metropolis. Find the cogs that are located at each site around the continent
and return them to the matching location within the metropolis. Doing so will open the heavens and unlock the Lost
Palace of the Gods within the region of Labirinto, allowing Grymm to worship new gods once more.
A new order of mages referring to themselves as the Starlight Whispers have declared themselves to be a new scavenger
faction. Unfortunately, the wizards delved irresponsibly and activated a long sleeping construct, a terrifying Colossus
capable of leveling entire city blocks with its might. Uncover the true nature of this new order. Seek out the Colossus
and see if it can be deactivated. The region of Labirinto is already too dangerous without the concern an unmanned
construct wreaking havoc. Additionally, the new order is upsetting the balance of power that was maintained by the
other factions in the region.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

of the scavenger camps. The noise of metal scraping Factions & Organizations
against stone, or the melodic music boxes of the Empress The following factions are the major players within
Impossible can be heard in the distance. Labirinto is all Labirinto, influencing its politics, cultural practices, and
about discovery and experiencing things you have never relationships.
seen before. For seasoned adventurers seeking to learn
Court of Effigies
what is beyond the horizon, Labirinto is an ideal location.
It is for those that have learned a deep understanding of Leadership: Eternal Triumvarate (Tok, Tik & Cog)
the other regions and are ready to begin their trek into a Membership: Small (49 members): constructs,
realm lost in time and space. Labirinto demonstrates the humanoids; (artificers, wizards)
tragic failure of those that have failed to exercise power Alignment: Lawful Neutral
properly. It is also an emblem of hope. Adventures here Motto: “ Your purpose is our command”
are meant to inspire others to succeed where others have Resources: Knowledge (engineering), magical equipment,
failed. technology
Creed: The Court of Effigies are the de facto rulers of
People to Meet all the labyrinth. They maintain control of the region by
keeping the difficult Empress Impossible occupied and
Labirinto is a solemn part of the world. Many consider comfortable. They are utterly paranoid of the world be-
it a dead land, cut off from the rest of the continent. The yond their twilight domain and are mainly concerned
people that live in the north look to each other and speak with their functions and processes failing. To prevent
with words of forlorn hope and carry a somber manner that from happening, they have decided to stop the pro-
about them. The marvelous clockwork metropolis was gression of time. They achieve this by utilizing their local
once a wonder of the world, but the gears have stopped deity to prevent the days from passing. That is their great
turning, and the nation no longer serves the people as it secret, the labyrinth is kept in a perpetual twilight to pre-
once intended. vent the days from advancing; this is the core tenant of
All that remains of this once great land is the Empress their belief. Accordingly, they rule the remnant and keep
and the Court of Effigies. There are still a few small scav- it in eternal night, hoping it will slow down their decay.
enger camps that caravan between the ruins. The Grymm The truth of the matter is, there are many forces at work
here are ambitious and inquisitive, seeking to uncover in this world, and manipulating just one factor may not
the legacy of May’s land. Still, they are cautious as the achieve their goals. 
Clockwork Court will do what it must to guard its secrets
and protect their liege.

The Court of the Empress Impossible has the final say over
all things in May’s land. They try to persuade the Empress
into acting in a way they feel is her best interest. The Court
believes this is to stay in the capital at the palace and not
to venture outside, for all of her needs are taken of care
The truth of the court is that it is not extensive. They
have storerooms full of replacement heads and faces
equipped with voice modulators. This is done to deceive
the Empress into believing there is a larger number of
members that exists. It is unknown whether she aware
this is a fraud. The Court believes the only way they
can protect the Empress is safeguarding her within the
Court. They knows they can’t keep her confused forever,
so occasionally outsiders are granted an audience under
stringent guidelines.
The explorers outside the center of the maze tend to
have loose coalitions with each other. Exploring the maze-
like land is perilous, and those that brave its twisting pas-
sages are often competing for resources and discovery of
ancient artifacts. Some groups have firm alliances. Others
have no coalition. They tend to carry banners that indicate
allegiances to other groups, but at the risk of drawing the
attention of the Clockwork Court. 

chapter five: exploring prometerra

One member of the court oversees the tracking of time, bounty hunters should respect the amnesty of those that
making sure that it moves a slowly as possible to prolong come into the labyrinth. The treasure hunters see the ar-
their life. Each court member has a purpose, and the sec- chaeologists as imperial colonizers that are more manip-
ond leader ensures their duty is fulfilled. The last chief ulative in their research and studies. No single group can
member of the court regulates inventory supplies, making claim to be indigenous to the area, save for a few rogue
sure that whatever replacement parts are needed can be automatons that have decided to join the outsiders.
procured from within the ruins. This triumvirate also di- Each of the explorers have a distinctive protocol and
rectly engages and interacts with the Empress Impossible. code of conduct. Their existence is very controversial,
This is only done as a last resort when their needs exceed as they are often viewed as little more than grave rob-
their means. Through these occasional meetings, they hope bers, revisionists, highfalutin intellectuals, and evasive
to convince her to assist with their needs. criminals.
The Clockwork Court knows the way around the rem- Many of the explorers are decent guides through the
nant better than anyone else. They know it better than any remnants and tend to be far more trusting about outsiders
explorers or any rogue automaton that might live here. than the Clockwork Court. The Court would rather seek
They are unfailingly loyal and faithful to the Empress and to capture and/or eliminate those that travel up from the
will do whatever they must to protect her as well as pro- south. 
long their life. 
Tower Dwellers
The truth is, many members of this court were once high
wizards and archmages that imbued their intelligence into Leadership: None
the life core of their creations, in an attempt to prolong Membership: Medium (263 Members): constructs,
their life into immortality. Occasionally, echoes of their humanoids; artificers, warlocks, wizards
former consciousness work their way into the heart, and Alignment: Lawful Evil
the old wizard’s powers manifests. Not every wizard agreed Motto: “Leave us alone”
with this approach, and this outcome caused a schism be- Resources: Knowledge (history), magic (enchantment,
tween them and the tower dwellers. transmutation)
Creed: Those that dwell in the tower are cryptic, para-
Ancient Explorers
noid, and extremely driven towards one goal: Power the
Leadership: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta machine in which live. They tap into the core energies of
Membership: Huge (526 members): humanoids; bards, the earth, unleashing frightfully powerful magic that is
rangers, rogues almost unfathomable in its operation. They are tall, lean,
Alignment: Chaotic Good and garbed in twilight robes and astral armor. They have
Motto: “It belongs in a museum!” drawn up vast plans about how to repair and power the
Resources: Cartography, knowledge (historical), machine in which they dwell. They will not leave the tow-
manpower er, for they believe it is the only thing that sustains life.
Creed: The Ancient Explorers make camps throughout It is rumored that long ago, they were wizards that broke
Labirinto. They seek to learn about the civilization that off from the precursor of the Clockwork Court. This sep-
once lived here before it fell. They all have different mo- aration caused them to fall out of grace and favor of the
tives and methodologies for moving through the ruined Empress Impossible. Post separation, the group would
cityscape of the labyrinth. The first group are archaeolo- still like to dispose of the Empress. This would require
gists, they are trying to determine everything about the powering the machine because it is capable of tremendous
past civilization that lived there and understand its history. and unimaginable feats, which only the tower dwellers
The second group are anthropologists. They are attempting understand.
to understand the people that lived here at the height of The tower dwellers are collecting all the cosmic ener-
civilization. The most sought after aspect of this culture is gy and arcane devices that they can and feeding it into
discovering what led to their downfall. The third group are their ever-growing tower. Each year they build upon it,
treasure hunters who are seeking out the valuable remains, getting closer and closer to the heavens. They are a mys-
components, and technology of the fallen remnant.  The terious sect of a forgotten age. This piece of society which
final group of explorers are the bounty hunters. Many peo- is incomplete and total conflict with the rest of society.
ple flee into the labyrinth and hide, in an attempt to evade They have a core belief that once they power the ma-
the law. This creates prime conditions for the bounty hunt- chine, it will separate them from the rest of the world,
ers to come seeking those that are laying-low and bring and they will journey to a new destination. But what will
them back. happen to the world when the massive machine uncorks
Each group carries a unique banner that distinguishes itself from its roots in the earth? None can truly say, but
each faction. There can be conflict between these various it is clear the Tower Dwellers are unconcerned with such
groups because their goals and intentions are in direct questions.
competition with each other. The archaeologists view
the treasure hunters as thieves. Anthropologists feel the

chapter five: exploring prometerra

Places to See The records hint at rumors of a massive accident, but

the information seems to be edited, redacted, and other-
Environment wise shrouded in mystery. Some claim this facility as the
The northern remnant of Labirinto is barren and bathed source of the Court of Effigies. Others say that it was an
in the twilight of twinkling stars. Immense urban struc- arms facility, and a coup was staged against the Empress
tures tower over the cities below, all of which have been Impossible by members of the funding organization. What
abandoned for many years. The buildings were made from we do know is this is a favorite site for treasure hunters and
a material not found anywhere else in Prometerra. It is looters to. It is however hazardous to do so because, like
hard and malleable. There are four large ruins of ancient most significant sites here in the remnant, there are potent
metropolises, in the remnant of which long, cold, and oc- defenses at work to protect the secrets that lie within.
casionally snowy trails snake between them with twinkling
The Sun Spire
stars high above. Nothing can grow here. There is no agri-
culture or livestock. The landscape, for the most part, is flat Reaching high into the heavens is what can only be
though there is some variety. In the center of it all sits the described as a colossal heaven piercing tower. It rotates
palace of the Empress Impossible, but it is an exhaustive slowly and occasionally projects bolts of prismatic colors
and challenging journey to navigate the labyrinthian maz- into the distance, giving the gift of life to previously
escape to reach it. inanimate objects. There are no guards. There are no roads
to get there. One cannot even be sure of the true nature
Landmarks of this building, which is separate from the palace and all
The following landmarks are some examples of the fantas- other parts of the city.
tical places that can be found in Labirinto.
Over three hundred stories of towering black and silver
Palace of the Stars metal create the cold frame of the dark tower. Enchanted
cannons fire at random from unknown sources within the
Rotating staircases spin upwards towards a starless sky.
tower. Unbearable heat radiates from beneath the build-
Everything about the structure reaches towards heaven
ing. A ring of impassable fire seems to circle the tower
and what it means to be perfect. Every step taken on
like a protective moat. It is from this ring that it received
every stone seems to reveal a silent note of a forgotten
it name, the sun mote. Strange and alien creatures live
song. This is the Palace of the Stars, where the Court of
inside that are not the clockwork beings or the travelers
Effigies lives, and the Empress Impossible dwells in the
that venture into the city. Deep magic is practiced here.
space between day and night.
The sun’s core sits beneath the sky-piercing tower. Truth
The Palace of Stars is the home of the Empress Impossible. be told, this place is the reason why no stars shine in the
She is a deific individual that has always lived here in sky or sun brings daylight to the region. The tower itself
the remnant of the labyrinth. She holds power over the has absorbed all light and feeds it into the core of the
heavens and has named each star in the sky. The clock- world. This feeds the cosmos directly into the earth below.
work Court of Effigies works diligently to maintain the If this sounds frightening, it should be. The towers in-
palace. The palace is filled with beautiful escalators, auto- habited by the enigmatic remnant of the labyrinth, which
matic walkways, elevators, transportation circles, and vast may or may not have once been members of the Royal
archives of a world that once was, but is no more. There are Court, may not even be from this world at all. The 300
many automated defenses designed to keep out intruders, stories stand tall, a false mountain of creation and com-
and the palace is almost entirely inaccessible due to its ex- mitment to industry. It rotates slowly and in the oppo-
treme level of security. However, it is not uncommon for site direction of the planet’s rotation. It projects powerful
the Court of Effigies to invite guests or for their convoys to points of multi-colored light which seem to awaken and
leave small openings for outsiders to gain entrance. animate objects found throughout the city. Some say that
the tower can leave the world, and it is gathering and col-
Factory 47
lecting strength to do so. Getting to the tower appears
At the end of the long street and behind tall foreboding impossible. There are rumors of teleportation points with-
walls stands a massive building that seems to hang in the labyrinth, as well as secret passageways that would
comepletely still. It is broken, run-down, and looks to be allow one to enter. Still, the only sure way to proceed to
in a complete state of ruin and disarray. Every now and the tower is to fly over the labyrinth. Few people have that
then, dim lights flicker and project outwards from the ability to fly, and even less are willing to do so as taking to
dark holes that riddle the surface of the building. A nearby the skies in the remnant is not always safe.
pointing in the direction of the edifice reads, “factory 47,
Factory 47 is a decommissioned and closed clockwork cre-
ation facility that was once the primary industrial force
of the remnant. It has since fallen into complete disarray.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

POPULATION: 522,131 Grymm

Praia GOVERNMENT: Confederation
The Freeborn Shore LEADERSHIP: Elected City State Leaders
RESOURCES: Agriculture (Tropical Fruit),
A Traditional Folk Tale of Praia Natural Resources (Coral, Fishing, Lumber)
“After spending the entire morning fighting their way ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good
through the hot and foggy bramble in the rainforest beyond FAVORED CLASSES: Fighters, Rogues, Sorcerers
the Witchwood, four siblings emerged from the brush as the
sun prepared to hit its apex. They found themselves on a high
road at the top of a hill looking down on the beautiful and The Ways of Praia
brilliant white sands stretched out before them.
 So it was that the four siblings Beaver, Tortoise, Snake, and Beautiful sands, the smell of fresh blossoms blooming, the
Stork had set their eyes upon the shore for the very first time. crashing sound of ocean waves, all these wonderful things
They saw the great and spacious sea that seemed to go on forev- fill the region of Praia. So many have gathered here to
er and ever. After they had stared for several hours, the Great share life where the rivers meet the sea. Art, music, and ex-
Sea Serpent rose from the ocean and beseeched the siblings, pression are all prominent in this coastal community. The
wishing to know their desires. denizens of Praia enjoy a feeling of relative peace, but it is
Beaver asked to keep the beach safe, for it was beautiful not uncommon for nearby regions to bring their problems
and because the path they traveled had been so very danger- to Praia’s beaches.
ous. The Serpent put into place a Great Gate at the edge of the
forest to keep danger out and loved ones safe. Beaver learned Technology
that an eye must always face the gate, as not everything that Grymm-Prai rely on piercing instruments made from
approaches is dangerous. The ocean is for friends, after all. Wonder-Wasps  and expandable flasks made from ani-
Tortoise asked to come to know the sea better, and the mal bladders to collect clean water from the forest. They
Serpent lifted him. They traveled to the furthest isle from the create protective-clothing and armor out of the hard-
shore, so that he might take a better look from far out at sea. ened trees and chitin found in the forest. The people of
Tortoise was afraid, but the Serpent let him know that if he Praia also make use and repurpose the shells and me-
swam towards the shore, he would find his way home. The ga-crustaceans as needed. Their naval vessels are craft-
Great Sea Serpent pointed to the deeps below and let Tortoise ed out of a combination of natural resources and a
know that there are a great many treasures above and below material they say comes from Outside. There are few
where the water meets the air, and all it takes is patience. specific designs regarding these vessels, but they are
Stork waited for the Serpent to return, and when they did, considered miraculous and revered for their grand
Stork asked the Serpent to set a beacon that Tortoise might appearance. Most sailors use smaller sailing vessels
find his way home. The Serpent nodded and dove deep into rather than the grand designs of the proudest ships.
the sea. A few hours later and after suffering a great wound, A typical Grymm-Prai home focuses on equal-
the serpent placed a majestic sized pearl, larger than a house, ity amongst the residents. These domaciles are
upon the sand, in a gentle cove. The sun would cast its light round in shape and typically single-story, though
upon the pearl and create an enchanted glow that would the ceilings can be very high. At the center of the
signal to Tortoise the way back home. home sits a Breath Stone, which regulates the
 The Serpent looked upon Snake and asked her what she de- temperature. The stones are a sacred gift from the
sired. “To look upon your greatness forever more and to never Great Sea Serpent, acquired from the Coastal
forget our meeting with the Great Serpent of the Sea.” Cove’s cave network. They function based on the
The Serpent kissed her on her mouth and looked her in the harmony of the household; less harmo-
eyes. She turned to stone and until this day, she stands at that ny means worse regulation. Friends
spot looking upon the ocean, forever entranced in the Great tend to live together and settle their
Sea Serpent’s gaze. differences out of the home. Round
The remaining siblings spent the rest of their days here, tables use for eating are made of pol-
inviting Grymm to live in peace. Some stayed in the forest to ished rocks that have been smoothed
watch the gate that was placed by the Serpent. Others took to by the crafts folk of the community.
the isles where Tortoise found the hidden treasures of the deep. The homes are illuminated by biolumines-
Stork was responsible for ensuring everyone stayed rested, safe, cent sea life encased in glass. The individuals of
and with plenty of food to eat. 
the household are responsible for caring for the
But Snake still stands at the top of the hill looking upon the
plants. The sea life is often rotated out and returned to
Great Eastern Ocean, counting the steps of every ghost that
the sea to make sure they do not spend too long in cap-
passes along the shore. She remains trapped in a kiss, with a
tivity. Of course, the home can exchange and collect fresh
single eye to the Great Sea Serpent, the being that brought
Light Fish from the market in Pier-town or take to the
peace, clarity, and protection to the Grymm of Praia. It
seas to collect them straightaway.
remains that way even now.”

chapter five: exploring prometerra

As mentioned above, Praian homes are temperature reg- the Stone-Biting Golems into their rotation, and built
ulated by Breath Stones gathered from nearby caves. To the Great Gate as a gift to protect Praia from the outside.
locate these stones, a device known as the Eaters Eye is However, as the story goes, this was for selfish reasons, as
used. These Breath Stones are harvested eyes of a Praian the Sea Serpent was misunderstood by others in the di-
Stone-Biter. These eyes operate based on heat, to navigate vine pantheon. It felt the needed to bless these people with
the dark caves, which were not formed by water, but by peace, prosperity, and great bounty to impress the other
centuries of stone biting.  gods. For this reason, the Praians seem somewhat skepti-
cal of outside religions, because they seem formalized with
Magic distinct hierarchies. The Sea Serpent wants to bless the
The Grymm-Prai source all magic back to their ancestral people of Praia and punish piracy. This has led to pirates
lineage. All magic is born of dragons and serpents, and if that seek to abolish the faith and ostracize its believers as a
not there, then it comes from the sea directly. While many means of protecting themselves.
Grymm view magic as a balance between the divine and
the arcane, Grymm-Prai view it as an internal manifesta- Ecology
tion of the individual. After all, they say, “Who nnows the While the Bright Sands of central Praia are fairly safe, the
gods? And who has time for school?” Grymm-Prai teach rain forest and the high seas are another matter. Monsters
Sea Serpent magic forms to anyone who wants to learn. that are native to this region are typically seeking food in
Magical practices are only taught in the Glass Castle, the sea, protecting the vegetation and bounties of the rain-
where arcane practices are taught, or at the Coastal Cove, forest, or are loose spirits that make their way onto the
where divine practices occur. The Grymm-Prai do not beach proper. A variety of poisonous saps and venomous
view magic in that manner though, they view all things oozes fill the forest, while other dangerous predators rely
as a balance of the individual, and it is all serpent-centric. on their highly developed sense of smell to find prey. The
Because they consider all perspectives of magic users, even sea creatures often mistake the shadows of sea vessels on
if Grymm-Prai consider it an incorrect and potentially the surface for prey and have been known to attack sailing
false position, it is entertaining to pursue the philosophical craft while seeking food. 
discussions to learn what they can from outsiders. Local legends tell of ghosts and specters that walk
the shores of Praia from time to time. These are spirits
Cosmology bound by the Sea Serpent and forbidden to pass the gate
The Sea Serpent is the divine representative and god into the rest of Prometerra, but rumored to be tied to
that is recognized by all Grymm-Prai. The majestic and lands far across the great eastern ocean on the far side
remarkable sea deity gave magic to the Grymm-Prai, set of the world.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

The enchanted Praiolin of the Glass Castle orchestra has been stolen! You must recover and return it so that the royal
1 wedding procession of Cachoeira can continue. Obtain passage on a Pier-town privateer vessel and set sail out to the
turtle harbor in the far reach of the sea. There you must track down the pirates that stole the item and serve justice.

The horrible storm of the endless sea approaches! You must prepare the locals and ensure that they are safe for the
2 oncoming devastation. Gather need things, convince the folks to move to safety, and assess the damage after the storm.
For the village to survive, it must endure the wrath of the elements amidst political strife and turmoil.

To ensure bountiful fishing, the Great Sea Serpent must be appeased. Complete the sailor ritual across seven pirate
isles before a week passes. You must journey to the seven major islands off the coast of Praia and place the sacred idols
onto the Altars of Remembrance. The Great Sea Serpent will be pleased by this and bless the Grymm-Prai with a great
catch to feed many, while famine currently burdens the community.

The Witch warden’s wonder-cat of spying has been abducted and must be released! Infiltrate the Gate Guardians
stronghold and free the miraculous creature. A misbehaving spy cat journeyed from the north and found itself
4 captured by the Gate Guardian’s defenses. Journey into their stronghold and free the creature so that it might return
to the wardens of the north. It was monitoring the movements of the legendary questing beast and may have valuable
information as to its whereabouts.

The legendary Glass Castle orchestra has finished performing a wedding ceremony in Cachoeira, the land of waterfalls,
and must return home to Praia! Help them make their way to the Glass Castle opera house on the white sands of the
beach across the continent. They have never journeyed across the continent and they need guides to see that they make
it home. This debt is owed due to a family connection to honor your family, it must be seen through.

The stronghold of the villainous pirate, Toxic Jack, has been found! The riches of the region await inside. Assault the
stronghold and retrieve the stolen plunder! Sail out on the high seas past pirate town and breach the world fortress of
Toxic Jack. Inside, many riches are being stored, but have been illegally acquired. There is a bounty on Jack’s head, and
an opportunity to either seize the riches for yourself, or return them to the people of Praia.

The Gate Guardians are on strike and the region is threatened by monsters! Convince the guardians to return to their
position. Upset at the lack of respect and mistreatment they have received, the Gate Guardians have abandoned their
posts. Rumor has it, they have retreated into the nearby foothills. Monsters openly attacked the beach community and
spirits move through the rainforest and across the gate, leading to a horrible ghost plague in the area. You must journey
into the nearby mountains and convince the guardians to return, lest the region fall to the fury of the supernatural
forces that abound within.

The mythical mega fish has returned, and the great beast must be hunted on the high seas! Capture or kill the majestic
creature once and for all. The mega fish is a legendary aquatic animal that has plagued Grymm-Prai and pirates alike on
8 the high seas for many years. Find yourself a vessel, journey through the waters, and hunt the creature down. You may
try to contain the specimen, or make sure that it never plagues the region again by destroying it. The choice is yours as
you commandeer a vessel, and take to the waters in pursuit of the great fish.

Madame Mermaid is missing! Find Madame Mermaid and return her to the tavern in pirate Town. Local folk hero
and legend Madame Mermaid was seen at the docks one evening when a fog rolled in. When the fog left, she was
9 missing with only a clue as to what became of her. Tracks lead to the West, in the direction of the caves of intrigue. She
must be found and returned for the business to return to normal. There are signs of foul play, and a mysterious religious
organization that has taken an uncommon interest in the hero.

The Praia Ghost Plague is upon us once again! While attempting to exit the beach region, a ghost plague has come into
the area and prevented everyone from traveling out. The Great Gate has shut and turned to stone. The clouds hang low
in the sky and have turned dark. Phantasmal creatures prowl around every corner, and you must lay low for a time. No
one can say how long the Ghost Plague will last. Survive the duration of the Ghost Plague by making sure that you
have resources to survive and a safe place to stay. The spirits of the forest are strong and vengeful and don’t take likely to
those that come close.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

Adventuring in Praia Politics

Praia is filled with steamy hot jungles, sunbaked home- The political balance of Praia is simple. The forest dwell-
steads, and sea breeze blown voyages. When framing ers are required to watch the Great Gate, and the sail-
your adventures in Praia, it is important to juxtapose the ors are required to bring the Sea Seperent’s blessing
tranquility of the sandy beach community, which is full along with the bountiful food for the people. The central
of laughter, high fives, and an upbeat sociality, against the Grymm-Prai beach dwellers are necessary for maintain-
harsh natural toil of life defending the great gate. The sec- ing a safe and peaceful community, where Grymm-Prai
ond aspect is the high seas adventures of pirates and priva- can learn, grow, and prepare for everyday life. There is a
teers sailing the great and spacious sea. The factions are not community gathering of representatives that discusses
typically at odds with each other in Praia, so if there is con- the various needs, ensuring each group has the resourc-
flict between them, the disruption is intense! Consider that es needed. The forest-dwelling Great Gate Guardians
Pier-town and the Pirate Isles work well for intrigue and often need relief from their watch, or entertainment to
mysteries. Meanwhile the Great Gate and the surrounding reduce stress. The sea sailing Islers need better resources
rainforest tend to work better for more dangerous combats from the shore as their vessels and island outposts do not
and military themed settings. Praia is a fairly fragile com- self-replenish. Grymm-Prai on the Bright Sand beach-
munity beyond the gate, so large catastrophes don’t fit in es need to secure opportunities for their people to learn
as well as smaller scale conflicts. Consider setting up your the ways of the outside, ensuring they have enough re-
sessions in Praia for lower-level player characters. sources to care for the larger community. If the sailors
stop sailing, then the population would need to take to
People to Meet the great eastern ocean themselves and begin to fish. An
easy enough task, but perilous, and prone to sinister pi-
The Grymm-Prai are viewed by the outside Grymm as a racy. If the Great Gate Guardians forsake the gate, then
joyous folk who possess unique martial skills and have a all the fell-creatures from beyond, and the natural pred-
deep bond to both the world and each other. They admire ators of the forest, would make their way onto the beach.
the vibrant community of artists and the commitment to This would require the Grymm-Prai to defend themselves
their ways. While that feeling might not be rampant across without the aid of their appointed protectors.
all Prometerra, there are certainly sects that consider wor-
shipping the Sea Serpent reprehensible and foolish. Other Factions & Organizations
Grymm are curious to know more about the many blessings The following factions are the major players within Praia,
offered by the god of the Grymm-Prai and seek to live and influencing its politics, cultural practices, and relationships.
study among them. The Grymm-Prai typically view oth-
Great Gate Guardians
er Grymm from beyond the Great Gate as uptight, over-
dressed, underfed, and overworked. They prioritize getting Leadership: The Commander, The Colonel,
to know each other, understand why they are here, and The Three Captains
how they can make life easier for each other. Grymm-Prai Membership: Medium (423 Members): humanoids;
usually do not seek conflict with any other region found on fighters, monks, sorcerers
the continent. They find their strength in having open arms Alignment: Lawful Good
to outsiders and enforcing the importance of family. The Motto: “Our watch never ends”
Grymm-Prai believe they all share a natural connection Resources: Manpower, information gathering,
between all members of Grymm society. military training
Praian society is a balance of those that live at the Great Creed: The Great Gate Guardians are conscripted from
Gate, upon The Bright Sands, and the among the Outer the Bright Sand population and pledged to protect their
Isles. The Praian way of life is one of celebrating the beauty community from any threats. They begin training at a
of life, while establishing community trust and fellowship. young age and start by venturing through the surrounding
There is a strong core belief in the extension of an invita- rainforest trails with a guide. Overtime, the guide delves
tion giving consent to become family. Many Grymm-Prai deeper and deeper into the rainforest. At the end of four
give each other the title of cousin. As you move away from years, recruits journey to a nest of wonder-wasps and bat-
the beach and into the rain forest, the Grymm-Prai have a tle beetles. The recruit must defend themselves and claim
playful nature. This is a coping technique to deal with the the wasp’s stinger and the beetle’s shell. If the recruit is
threat of the imminent natural dangers of the forest, and defeated, the guide will step in and protect them. They tell
the potential of outsiders seeking to take advantage of the them to return to the beach and teach others what they
Grymm-Prai who live on the beach. As we move out onto have learned, until they are confident that the group will be
the islands and set sail upon the seas, we find the fearless able to defeat the wasps and beetles. After the recruit re-
and adventuring sailors who inspire young Grymm-Prai turns with reinforcements, the group of them can attempt
and old, to imagine the world in its totality and beyond. to pass the test. The guide asks the recruit to put on the
They value individual freedom and are the most receptive beetle shell and wield the massive stinger of the slain wasp.
to outside Grymm visiting the community. Then, they fill a flask with pure water and bring it back to

chapter five: exploring prometerra

the beach and wash with it. From that point on, they are to The Compassion Committee rotates monthly and is re-
report to the Great Gate for any assignments that relate to sponsible for the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritu-
the protection of Praia. al wellness of the community. With some, they schedule
While not a formal military force and restricted to the lo- appointments, with others they casually stop by. If they
cal region of their oceanic home, the Great Gate Guardians find a member of the community lacking, they seek to
are diligent in their watch. They reverently guard the Great fulfill that need. Sometimes the fulfillment is not what
Gate that their serpent deity placed at the request of their the participant expects. “You need more labor in your life.
ancient ancestors. You need to learn a new skill. You need to spend a month
The general attitude of the Great Gate Guardians is typ- in the rainforest to gain a deeper appreciation for what
ically described as playful, casual, and mostly non-serious. you have.” The processes can be intense, but they always
The reality is they are much closer to a skilled and disci- try to orchestrate it so the individual can safely engage in
plined demeanor. This is attributed to the fact that they are their recommendation. 
completely acclimated and comfortable in their position
as watchers of the region. Some have expressed that they
feel these sentinel protectors are lazy, but the truth is they Leadership: The Commodore Tortoisaur,
rely on uncommon movements and manners to catch any Prometerra Pirate Captains, The Upkeepers 
predators off guard. This nonconformity has led the ene- Membership: Large (899 members): humanoids;
mies of the gate watchers to have a difficult time adapting barbarians, fighters, rogues
and preparing for their approach. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Motto: “Sail for gold! Sail for glory! Sail for Song!”
Resources: Criminality (Piracy), Seafaring Vessels,
Leadership: The Storykeeper, The Choir Leader, Treasure
The Compassion Committee  Creed: The Islers are the skilled explorers, handy-folk,
Membership: Gargantuan (50,000+ members); fey, and daring sailors of Praia. They spend most of their time
humanoids; druids, rangers, rogues searching the great eastern ocean for food, treasure, and
Alignment: Lawful Good newsworthy information. They consider themselves the
Motto: “We make the world better” freest individuals in the whole world, and feel their nau-
Resources: Art (performance and writing), cultural tical skills give them an advantage in all aspects of life.
influence Islers tend to fall under the command of the Commodore
Creed: The Bright-Sanders of central Praia are at the Tortoisaur; a position appointed every ten years to the
heart of the community. They are the artists, storytellers, senior-most sea captain in honor of their ancestors. They
dancers, and philanthropists of charity and compassion meet annually to organize and resolve any concerns about
to all that live in the region. Their goal is to make pro- the sea voyage and fishing they intend to perform. They
vide everyone in the community with love, support, and add to their annual map all the new islands and potential
relief from the hardships of the world. The Compassion dangers of the sea. They report what outposts need upkeep
Committee can often come off as nosy, overbearing, and an and call upon a group known as the Upkeepers to repairs
invasion of privacy to outsiders, but the intent comes from on the outposts, to ensure the havens remain in habitable
the best place. The exception being, if an outsider has infil- condition. The lifecycle of the Islers is typically all well and
trated the Grymm-Prai and is using this as an opportunity good, but there is another group of Islers that upset this
to collect secrets and information for their own devious harmony, the Prometerra Pirate Captains.
purposes.  The Prometerra Pirate Captains view themselves as su-
The Bright-Sanders tend to either spend their time perior to all who live in Praia. They know that through
propagating new art in the vibrant and bustling area of force, subterfuge, deceit, and theft, a life of piracy can
Pier-town or basking in the great art of the Glass Castle. be very profitable. The profits are split between the crew
Many trek to the Coastal Cove to seek deeper philosophi- where they can funnel the riches into other parts of the
cal and religious meaning in their lives.  continent. It is not uncommon for them to sneak into
Grymm-Prai tend to respect their Storytellers, who town, don costumes they stashed in the Coastal Cove, dis-
achieve that status having been asked to deliver a story guise themselves, pillage the town, and hastily make their
at the Glass Castle to all the community. In the end, getaway. The Great Gate Guardians are astute to look for
if people are still seated, the community names you a these scallywags and seadogs, but they can be quite crafty
Storyteller. If not, well, you have been found boring in their ways. 
and risk being forever relegated to a cultural position The Great Sea Serpent is said to favor the daring Islers,
of mediocrity. The Grymm-Prai also have several Choir but also to curse those who commit heinous acts of piracy.
Leaders who train the Bright-Sanders to sing together. The sailors under Commodore Tortoisaur must monitor
This is one of the preferred ways they cultivate communal their stress levels to avoid the temptation of turning to the
harmony, with an emphasis on singing. All who sing are life of pillaging and plundering, but the danger is always
singers, and those who teach others to sing are leaders. there.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

Places to See locals credit the massive jewel to the god. The cave systems
spiral in tight and jagged loops. They contain rare Breath
Environment Stones and other fantastic materials, but also contain many
Praia is a gorgeous coastal region that runs down the threats and hazards. The caves offer shelter from any ill
eastern beaches of Prometerra. There is also a small col- weather or exposure. The rainbow song-fish of the cove
lection of several islands located on the high seas within are plentiful and would be an adequate source of food, but
this region. The seas themselves are treacherous, requiring local customs forbid the eating of rainbow song-fish. The
great skills to sail and navigate. The beaches are brilliant, Grymm-Prai say that their peaceful songs are responsible
clean, and where communities are built and gather, while for the tranquility of the region, and the Sea Serpent asks
the western rainforest is dense, humid, and a treacherous that the harmonies continues without interruption.
slog. The temperature is pleasant on the beach, with a
The Outer Isles
short rainy season, while the rainforest has intense daily
downpours of warm rain. The steam from the evaporating “Green and grey dots lie scattered upon the sea, covered in
rain obfuscates vision in the forest, while the bright skies small cabins and stone watchtowers erected upon them.
make everything on the beach appear in beautiful clarity. Tied to a pier are several vessels, and the silhouette of
To first enter Praia, most Grymm encounter the Great an unused Turtleship bounces lightly with the waves.
Gate just east of the southern tip of the Witchwood. From An Outer Isle is where many sailors make port and take
there, they enter the Praian Rainforest, which is a series rest during the long voyages at sea. Within these harbors
of rain-soaked, narrow, and obfuscated trails through the they keep both their cargo and themselves safe.”
densest slog on the continent. The rainforest breaks into
The Outer lsles are where the Islers, both sailor and pirate,
a small clearing known as Stone Snake Lookout, where a
make small havens to escape the perils of the ocean. These
magnificent statue stands facing the sea. This lookout rolls
ramshackle, sparse, and unruly outposts are never in good
right into the Bright Sands of central Praia. These are a
shape and they often are indefensible against threats. The
series of beautiful beach communities. If you head north
philosophy held by many on the seas is that if one aban-
along the high ridge road, you will end up in Pier-Town,
dons an outpost as opposed to claiming it, they have not
which is a port community. Pier-town has a dock which
made a home, but rather an outpost for pirates. It is not
allows people to sail out into the Outer Isles upon the
uncommon for Islers to borrow each other’s supplies and
great eastern ocean. The isles can access any of the beaches
drop them off at a nearby Outer Isle. Often the inhabitants
in Praia. If from the rainforest, you continue down the hills
you encounter at each isle are not the same with every visit.
from the Lookout, you’ll come across the heart of central
The only way to know who has docked at an isle is to check
Praia where the majority of the Grymm-Prai live. Under
the vessel and their colors. Unfortunately, there is always a
the presence of the Glass Castle, the largest collection of
chance they have stolen the sailing ship and are passing as
Grymm-Prai reside. From there, you can walk south down
the previous owners instead.
the shoreline about a day’s trip to the Coastal Cove. The
Coastal Cove can also be entered from the sea, by way of The Citadel of Glass
the Outer Isles, making it an occasional spot for smug-
“A palace of glass reaching the sky glows from within,
gling. If you head west from the Coastal cove and go back
filling all of the beaches with the most wondrous music.
inland, you will find yourself entering the Tadfen Bog. 
The Grymm-Prai gather in special dress and waltz in
reverence as they approach the magnificent structure.”
The following landmarks are some examples of the fantas- The Glass Castle is an artistic nexus of wonder, beauty, and
tical places that can be found in Praia. romance. The monument to peace and love stands just over
six stories tall and is brimming with light and life. When
The Coastal Cove the seasonal concerts are in session, they foster a sensation
“At the edge of the coastal region sits a tranquil and sheltered of deep unity to all that hear them, though the caretakers
bay that casts a wondrous glow across the shoreline. From seem to exclude those that are not permanent residents of
this place, beautiful and gentle melodies echo throughout the the Bright Sands. This location is often a favorite locale of
southern tip of Praia. There sits a supermassive pearl, a titanic honeymooners and romantic partners. Soft-eyed Grymm
god-like jewel upon a gentle seabed. The calm churning of the take advantage of the enchanted flying carpet dinner
tide meets the sound of crumbling rock. A cool frost escapes the rooms for quiet and intimate evenings alone.
front of a nearby cave, refreshing your lungs and your spirits.”   The Great Gate
The Coastal Cove and its spiraling cave system are a site “Amidst the foggy mists of the overbearing rainforest, a
of reverence, majesty, and reflection. The largest pearl in towering wall of jade and bronze stands resolute, its gate
all the planes sits here. Many see the entire cove as a sort a magnificent sight to behold. It marks the path to central
of non-denominational holy place. Stories say that the Praia if you head deeper into the forest or sends you out to
pearl was a sacred gift from the Great Sea Serpent. The the world beyond.”

chapter five: exploring prometerra

The Great Gate stands as the ultimate defense the Grymm-

Prai have to protect their way of life. There is a strong mili-
Tadfen Bog
taristic feel, but the armed guards seem to blend in with the The Troubled Bubbling
surrounding foliage and fauna. Garbed in heavy chitin plate
and wielding weapons acquired from slain swarms of beasts, Warespliching through the Tadfen Bog
these guards form an imposing figure. They would prefer to Four merry jected Travelers trod
remain invisible, but you can hear the noises they make out Modest and dynent was their way
of intense boredom during their watch. The gate itself is a Beneath them swam the knotherd whales
wonder of the world, forged and placed into being by a deity. Whispering quiet gutexter tales
The towering gate, which stands three stories high, has stood As the riptiers flowed from night to day
strong and protected all those who live behind it. Combined
- A Tadfen Tale, famous local poem
with the diligent efforts of the Great Gate Guards, the
Grymm-Prai have enjoyed a long period of peace. POPULATION: 522,131 Grymm
GOVERNMENT: Confederation
Pier-town LEADERSHIP: Elected City State Leaders
“Sun-soaked streets of grey-brick are surrounded by RESOURCES: Agriculture (Tropical Fruit),
sandstone structures of all sorts, each inviting every passerby Natural Resources (Coral, Fishing, Lumber)
to join the celebration of life at the town-center. You can find ALIGNMENT: Lawful Good
many of the circular family homes are clay that is shaped to FAVORED CLASSES: Fighters, Rogues, Sorcerers
resemble spaciously spread shells. All who enter are considered
family, all who leave are remembered as kin.”
The Ways of Tadfen
The streets of Pier-town are bursting with life. The com-
munity is in a constant flow of frenetic movement and Slow-moving, brackish, and full of the creeping things of
seasonal festivals. Pier-town is where the Bright Sands of this world, the Tadfen Bog has a mind all its own. Many
central Praia meet the great eastern ocean, and the sea sail- of the great and ancient trees have reached sentience, ma-
ing Islers mingle with the beach dwelling Bright Sanders. turing into the Folhan-people. The largest communities
Off duty Great Gate Guards from the surrounding rain- of tree people are found here in the deep dark swamps.
forest relieve stress at the local watering holes. People Likewise, many animal-kin, called Feran, belong to the
fill the streets with dance, sport, and spectacle. While it larger bayou community. Folhan and Feran possess intrin-
might look like a bewildering display to outsiders, this is sic characteristics that aid in their survival within the un-
where the Grymm-Prai are seizing life and sharpening tamed swamps of Tadfen. Apart from the inherent danger,
their abilities. The pier leading out to the sea is where the many of the great medicinal magics of the world are found
Islers port, and where believers of the Sea Serpent give here. Grymm come from all over to learn their lineage
their worship offerings as part of the tenants of their faith. and history. Meanwhile, lovers chase down the fleeting

chapter five: exploring prometerra

romantic moments of a thousand wishing stars raining The clothing worn by these swamp dwellers is often fab-
from the sky at night. ricated out of serpent skins, animal hides, beast bones, and
Tadfen-Grymm usually emphasize lineage, ancestry, native vegetation. Occasionally, the Tadfen-Grymm re-
and tradition while continually adding to their own. It is purpose the garments or possessions of those whose lives
the goal for every member of society to both impact, yet were claimed by the brackish waters of the swamp, largely
sustain, their way of life. The balance of preserving tradi- to prevent an abundance of pollution from forming within
tion while creating powerful impacts is almost paradoxical, their lands.
but it has led to innovation amongst the culture as they try The attitude and disposition the Tadfen-Grymm have
to build a better world. towards outsiders could be described as playful, but also
generally untrusting. Most outsiders who come to Tadfen
Technology Bog seek to claim vital resources, something the Tadfen-
Tadfen-Grymm build home structures that start above Grymm work extremely hard to curate and monitor.
the surface, but then are fully capable of surviving sub- It is not uncommon for those in the more populated
mersed, so the water below the abode can be observed. areas to ridicule the simplicity of the Tadfen-Grymm, but
They are masters of repurposing, recycling, and apply- there is also a deep respect for the openness and general
ing their precise artisan tools to reshape and repurpose cordiality they have with one another.
discarded goods, materials, and objects found within the
bog. The Tadfen Bog is full of clever and resourceful bay- Adventuring in Tadfen Bog
ou dwellers. They are clever because to have survived this Bayou-bound adventures are spent between two worlds,
long in the haunted, ghost-filled, and dangerous swamps the dark and cold waters that run through the region and
of the southeast. Through their resourcefulness, they can the soft but challenging flora biome above ground. The ad-
fabricate every tool, article, and item they need, out of ventures that take place in the Tadfen Bog deal with the
the abundant resources found within the dank and deep balance of community comfort when facing the threat of
flowing waters of their hallowed marshlands. dangerous natural predators, difficult to understand reli-
gious practices, and haunting outsiders that lurk about the
Magic fringe. There is a romantic quality and hopefulness found
The Tadfen-Grymm tend to use magic as a way of explain- in the wishing stars that fall here, combined an ingenui-
ing things that are difficult to understand. Magic is used ty that is unique and bespoke to the area. The bog is still
to define the aspects of life and death, how old the world filled with peril and danger, there are many unknowns that
is, where names origins come from, and how the Naming abound. Tadfen factions are not cordial with each other, so
Tree came to grow so large. Magic here is used to pro- there remains a higher level of tension. The Tadfen Bog is
tect communities, communicate with outsiders, cultivate for adventurers to master the lower and mid-tiers of play.
beasts, and accomplish hard tasks. Learning how to survive the wilderness, engage with the
unknown, and demonstrate ingenuity among the mun-
Cosmology dane, make up the learnings of the swamp. 
The folk of the bayou honor two things, their ancestors
and the great naming tree that tracks their lineage and sto- People to Meet
ries throughout the years. These two components of their
society comprise a sort of religious philosophy, but also The people of Tadfen Bog, known as the Tadfen-Grymm,
provide the source for the divine power that flows through are extremely set in their ways. This is not to be confused
the region. with stubbornness, they simply feel they have found the
secret to a long and happy life among the great dangers
Ecology of the world. While they are appreciative of innovations
The bayou of Tadfen Bog is extremely dangerous. It is very from the outside world, they are keen to uphold their
easy to get lost in the twisting and winding water passage- long-standing traditions. This is a way of life they have cel-
ways throughout the swamp. Additionally, the creatures ebrated over many centuries. To the Tadfen-Grymm, life
within the bog are some of the deadliest in Prometerra; they is a river to follow that takes you in one direction. There is
intend to kill and consume.  Like any respectable swamp, a saying among them that all water has a variety of depths
Tadfen Bog is overflowing with insects. Those who are unac- that are worth exploring. 
customed to the fretful buzzing, biting, and crawling have a
difficult time traveling through the muddy waters of Tadfen. Politics
Most Grymm who live in the Tadfen Bog region of Tadfen-Grymm form small community groups known as
Prometerra, reside in small family communities that adopt pools. These are strong, self-selected alliances that tend to
and incorporate a variety of members beyond their direct consist of four to fifty individuals. They lay claim to vari-
lineage. Tadfen-Grymm select those with whom they ous turf in the bayou and look out for each other. The turf
choose to maintain a close sociality with and those they is used for establishing a home, hunting grounds, aquatic
enjoy working and spending time with.  farming, and controlling the flow of any traffic through

chapter five: exploring prometerra


Carnivorous predators pursue the party of adventures across the Tadfen Bog! You must escape the perilous swamp or
slay the beast. A group of sharp-toothed and violent creatures has picked up on your presence in the swamp. They have
decided you will make a very tasty meal. They are setting a trap to lure you into dire straits. Using your own cunning and
wits, you must survive against the pursuit of your would-be captors or make a stand and fight from a defensible position.

The Otter-john elections need a resolution and you have been called upon to assist! Determine which candidate should
be supported and endorsed during the union vote. Two candidates are up for the office of the union commissioner. The
2 elected official will determine the fate of the swamp’s cleanliness. There are many character witnesses inside the bayou
that can reveal the motives of each candidate. Gather evidence and present your case to the Otter-john union and make a
recommendation as to who should lead the group.

Something deep within the ancient peat of Tadfen Bog stirs. From the murky depths of the swamp emerge zombified
Grymm from an era long forgotten, mummified from centuries and sealed away beneath the water. The troupe of
3 peculiar undead harm none who do not stand in their way, instead seeking out a patch of solid ground to begin preparing
a grand stage play. The citizens of the Tadfen Bog received mysterious invitations to the event, called the “Torpid Tale of
Under Some”, which is set to premier in two weeks’ time.

A wishing star has fallen from the heavens and has landed in a nearby region. Retrieve the wishing star from the point
where it fell. The heavens have opened, and grace has fallen from the sky. This grace will have a clear mandate and
4 instruct the party to climb the Naming Tree. They will be given a clear view of the lineage of a celestial visitor. The
naming tree will reveal the name of a new god ready to manifest in the continent and the party will be the first to learn
their name and intent.

Fires rage throughout the swamp! A conflict between an investigating witch warden bounty hunter and a Ghost Apple
warlock escalated to dangerous spell usage. Flammable gas has ignited as misplaced spells have set the swamp ablaze.
5 Rescue the bayou dwellers and wildlife and get them out of the dangerous inferno! Quench the flames of the region to
prevent the spread of devastation throughout the swamp. Tough decisions must be made regarding what can be salvaged,
what risks must be undertaken, as the fate of the swamp hangs in the balance.

A Ghost Apple elder lies dying. She is responsible for maintaining the peace between the river folk and the outsiders.
It is said that the Otter-john’s have a remedy that could treat the ailment, but they are not willing to share their
medicine with anyone from the outside. The party must infiltrate the Otter-john headquarters and find the tincture and
return to the Ghost Apple Tribe and administer the medicine. The river folk do not take kindly to thieves, so discretion
is the name of the game as the supplies must be boosted from the Otter-john stronghold and snuck into the swamp to
aid the elder.

The Ghost Apple Tribe has surrounded the Naming Tree and are intent on burning it to the ground. The keepers of the
tree are having a difficult time mustering a defense. The party must choose whether to join the Ghost Apple invasion or
7 stand in defense of the sacred site. The fighting will be fierce on both sides and the root cause seems to stem from a curse
that has seeped into the roots of all the local wildlife. The Ghost Apple Tribe members believe the curse must be purged.
Meanwhile, the keepers of the tree are diligent about protecting their charge.

A group of Otter-john’s has gone missing. They were journeying to the wishing spot and all signs of them have vanished.
Return the Otter-johns to safety. The bayou is treacherous and there are signs of foul play and misdeeds afoot. Track
down the Otter-johns, find evidence of what happened to them, and discover their whereabouts. There were eyewitnesses
in the small river steading of a retired swamp knight, and clues may point how to get the river cleaners back.
The stormy season has hit and you are far from any settlement in the heart of the swamp. You are going to need to find
shelter, food, water, and fight for survival during the hell that has been let loose for this season. You are not alone in the
storm. Something in the swamp has awakened. It is hunting you down. Make it through the storm season and live to tell
the tale.

A legendary blade has been rumored to be buried in the swamp. Find the sword and learn its secrets. Legend tells of a
Rose-Knight hero who was banished from the desert and cast her legendary sword into the swamp. The sword is said to
10 be the key to restoring the dreams of the goddess that sleeps above the sandsThe bayou is full of many perils and you are
not the only one who has heard of the miraculous blade. Agents of the Moonlich have headed into the swamp and seek
its power. It is a race to find the treasure while avoiding the inherent danger of the region.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

the area. The pool is responsible for housing, feeding, and than all the other members of the faction. The Tall One
caring for each other. They sometimes conflict and dis- always lets the others know when they near, by sounding
pute territory, which is always a difficult negotiation. The the pure whistle to break the silence of the empty places
Tadfen-Grymm are not violent people, but they are highly in the swamp. 
efficient killers within the swamps of the bog because it is No Teeth got his name because it is rumored that he lost
a necessity for survival. They tend to have a hierarchy that all his teeth. The truth is, his teeth are kept at the end of an
is based on age. This comes from a long tradition that as animated chain., he lets loose upon unsuspecting victims
pools raise and teach their own, young folk often look up in the bayou. The chattering mandibles bite and gnash all
to their elders who taught them. on their own. The stories claim he stole fruit from a Witch
Warden up north and was cursed for his thievery. No Teeth
Factions & Organizations is responsible for ensuring all members of the Eyes Upon
The following factions are the major players within the Shore have enough food to eat, and he often does that
Tadfen Bog, influencing its politics, cultural practices, and by making sure they are out ensnaring would-be rafters by
relationships. the shoreline. 
The Soul-Bearer journeys through the bayou, placing
Eyes Upon The Shore
wards and barriers around the land her faction claims as
Leadership: The Tall One, No Teeth, Soul-Bearer. their own. She keeps the soul of a cloud giant in a massive
Membership: Huge (Unknown Number of Members): cold-iron cage at the end of a long-crooked staff. The light
aberrations, humanoids; (druids, warlocks) of the soul leads the way through the swamp. Her purpose
Alignment: Neutral is to secure the lands and keep the homes of her people
Motto: “To each their own and live alone” secret from outsiders. She leaves absolutely no tracks, and
Resources: Knowledge (local, nature), Secrecy it is rumored that she has a special love and allegiance with
Creed: While racing down the river roads, one often finds the entity known as Death, though it is said she is the only
themselves ensnared by unseen elements among the drift. thing Death itself fears.
The Tadfen Bog is filled with treacherous traps and many
are set by the Eyes Upon the Shore. This faction resides
deep in the interior of the swamp lands. Rumors tell of the
Ghost Apple houses and the ritual dances illuminated by
the captured souls, held in the cast iron lanterns they build
out of salvaged parts. The Eyes Upon the Shore do not
associate with the other Grymm in the Tadfen Bog, they
see no benefit in a shared sociality with the outside world.
Rather, they remain steadfast upon the shadow-filled
shores that line the ramshackle river systems of the swamp. 
The goals of this group is to survive in solitude, though
they act in a predatory fashion. Legend tells that this group
once belonged to the fabled halls of the Baton Bayou, but
those are just stories. Others say that they were allied with
the fell in the Last War. As punishment, they were forced
into the deep swamp. It is known is that they shun histo-
ry in complete antithesis of the core beliefs of the other
swamp dwellers. 
The Eyes Upon the Shore keep their total number mys-
terious and obscure. They have outlawed counting and
arithmetic and adhere to the mantra, “use what you need, Leadership: The Salvagers, The Refactors, Ferry Folk
when you need it, and if you don’t have it, go to the river Membership: Gargantuan (10,000+ members): fey,
and catch it.” This has led them to prey upon all those that humanoids; bards, druids, rangers
would travel the river systems found deep within the fauna Alignment: Chaotic Good
filled bog.  Motto: “Dirty job? clean conscience!”
There are several members of note that have been report- Resources: River fairing vessels, Philosophy
ed by Grymm who live in the swamp. First there is the Tall Creed: Out of the Baton Bayou, comes the hearty river
One. The Tall One attempts to lure people towards their riding, swamp swimming, wreckage clearing, Otter-john
favorite trapping spot by letting loose the most pure and Brigade. The purpose of the brigade is three-fold. First,
wholesome whistle in all the world. They say the whistle they are to keep the Tadfen Bog tidy. The perilous water-
itself was stolen from a mythic bard that once sang to the ways often lay waste to those traveling through them. The
gods in the heavens above, but now it resides in the rot- Tadfen-Grymm rely on their stalwart Otter-johns to jour-
filled lungs of a river bandit. The Tall One stands higher ney to and fro, clearing out the debris and bringing it back

chapter five: exploring prometerra

to safe harbors. The second duty of the Otter-john Brigade being. They make their own clothing, follow a daily rou-
is to recycle the recovered remains. They transform these tine, and take their time to do absolutely everything with
found fragments into tools, shelter, and even weapons for an emphatic and rigorous discipline.
hunting. Often the Otter-johns uncover objects of mys- The Orderlies also have a position of power. Because
terious origin and power. These objects are offer to their they are so knowledgeable, they often learn That Which
leadership, elected Otter Officials that understand the old Should Not be Repeated. Thus, they must discern what
ways and the arcane. Their third purpose is to serve as riv- can be shared and what must be put away. If there is em-
er-rafting guides and ferry operators. They know their way barrassment, shame, dishonor, or scandal, then the order-
around the swamp, and what dangers lay in the shadows lies have either an oral or written record of it.
beyond the shoreline. Each ferry is individually unique and Orderlies typically take one of three roles. Most speak
custom-crafted by the salvage otters. They can take travel- knowledge that has been heard in the world. If the knowl-
ers as far south as Brilhago, to the borders of Desaly, or up edge becomes obsolete, they tend to say, “We don’t discuss
north to the Witchwood, but they are most likely to take that any more” or “I do not recall.” That which is known,
folks to the various landmarks found inside the swamp. they preamble with a “I say, I say” or “Round these parts,
There is one exception, the Otter-johns will not go to the here’s how that story goes down…” They move around the
Getin place. The reason for this self-imposed travel restric- bayou and teach the young and old Grymm alike, at least
tion is they do not agree with the practice of absconding if the are Grymm willing to listen. The Namers stay at the
wishing stars that fall to the ground below. They believe Naming Tree and never leave. Their job is to receive all the
the stars are meant to stay in the heavens and those that records and through their rituals, transfer the knowledge
find their way down here ought to be treated as if they into the Naming Tree. A Tender must tend to the things
remain in the sky above. that need to be taken care of. They make sure the fish can
Otter-john philosophy is the topic of much discussion spawn, the rivers that need cleaned are reported to the
in the circles that surround the Tadfen Bog. The academ- Otter-johns, and by ensuring that their way is preserved.
ic articles of the Otter-johns undergo many revisions and
these often occur through spoken discourse. While no
Otter-john has received widespread attention, their in- Traveling Through the Tadfen Bog
sight into the realities of the world have been noticed by
the wise.
Otter-johns often wear wide brimmed, circular hats,
T he easiest way to traverse the bog is by hiring an
Otter-john ferry in the Batons, using those skilled
navigators to get around. The challenge with this is
and water-repellent homemade bib overalls. This cloth- initially getting to the Batons. The northern trail is less
ing is crafted within their homes and the coloring of each a trail and more a faint unmarked path, narrow and
item denotes the family and lineage of the Otter-john that tangled. From the west, you can take to the waterways
wears them.  easily, the river is wide and spacious, with relatively
While the inventiveness of the Otter-johns might not flat water that feeds straight to the Batons. Traversing
match the technical precision of the Great Guild Halls from the east requires fighting the currents and pushing
of Cachoeira, the efficacy of their creations impresses all through the river-system coming from the legendary
that witness their function. Their underwater workshops Naming Tree. From the south, you would need to take
are powered through mysterious electrical currents that the marshland trails up into the higher ground and
they have harnessed and mastered. The secret of the circuit avoid the dangerous Eyes Upon the Shore faction that
is something they have not shared with any beyond the stalks the lands.
bayous deepest depths.
Places to See
Leadership: Academic Council (17 members)
Membership: Medium (99 members): dragons, fey, Environment
humanoids; bards, druids, wizards The Tadfen Bog is a swampy bayou of a thousand tangled
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral waterways. The temperature is humid and muggy, with lit-
Motto: “We know everything ‘cept the things we don’t know yet” tle breeze. The area is prone to torrential downpours and
Resources: Books, knowledge (obscure trivia), sudden floods that cause the water to rise to drastically el-
Creed: The Orderlies ponder not only the great mysteries evated levels. The tree branches droop and sway across the
of the world, but rather all that has been found. They pre- water currents and grassy pathways. An exorbitant amount
serve the history of this world, track the names of all things of vegetation grows upon every living surface. Navigating
that come into being with an obsessive attention to detail. the many waterways takes skill, patience, and practice. 
Orderlies often leave their families, journey to the Naming
Tree, and learn the word that can only be whispered. Once Landmarks
they learn the meaning of this whispered word, they dedi- The following landmarks are some examples of the fantas-
cated their life to the explanation of all that has come into tical places that can be found in Tadfen Bog.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

The Naming Tree The Baton Bayous

“The impressive plants grow more greenly here, and the water The song of the swamp rings out loudest in these parts.
flows upon carefully groomed grass. Your eyes reach upwards, Beautiful organic shaped homes dot the shore, dim lights
all life feeds into the colossal trunk of a green-barked and lively hanging low. The homes reach high like trees, but the most
tree unlike any you have ever seen. It is as if the world itself miraculous portions are found under the water, while the
had extended its leaf-covered arms and stretched them towards rest of the house stays afloat. Clusters of communities fill the
the sky above. People gather at the foot of the tree and speak to area, each with their own code, integrated family lines, and
solemn individuals who direct them where to begin their climb, philosophies, living together here in the swamp.
that they might seek out their lineage and learn the true names
of their people.” Mysteriously powered interconnected lantern systems
light the swamp. The Song of the Swamp rings most
The Naming Tree holds the records of every family line powerfully here. This is a place of two worlds, life above
that has been born into this world. It is the largest tree in the water and life below it. Dwelling are carefully crafted
Promterra: a gigantic willow whose snake-like branches ex- out of every material found here in the swamp. The inhab-
tend nearly a quarter of a mile in all directions. As one of itants expertly conform the materials into secure and solid
the most significant cultural sites in all of Tadfen Bog, The dwellings.
Naming Tree is visited frequently by Grymm on a pilgrim- The Batons are the largest and longest lasting settle-
age of self-discovery and tradition. Here parents come to ment here in the Bog. There are a large number of fami-
find the perfect name for their children, avengers seek the lies that live here, each with their own constructed homes,
names of those who have wronged them, and others pour built their way. To make life as practical as possible each
over their lineage in search of hidden truths. family designs and builds their home to fit their unique
needs. The families tend to get along, but there are occa-
River-switch Rapids sionally small disagreements between them. The Under-
The water rushes quickly and tumultuously bending to and folk that live beneath the waterline, are secretive and tend
fro. Dangerous waters invite you to journey in and raft or to alert the surface of the things they learn through the
sail your way to anywhere within the bog proper. Beware whispers of the water. The water speaks a language and
the tangles of the rapids and be careful not to overestimate the Under-folk understand it. The Batons are a hub of
your chances, for the river system is treacherous and many hospitality, there is always someone here that knows how
a Grymm has met their end beneath the brackish streams. to find their way around the bog. Need to learn what
Wide narrow dips and dives of rushing water currents your Name means? They can direct you to the Naming
race through the bulk of the bog. Grabbing Vines swoop Tree. Looking to elope with your lover? They know how
and dip all over the waterways. Shallow rocks hide just to head to the Getin Place. The Otter-Johns are centrally
beneath the surface of the water without breaking it but located here.
damage many vessels that float past. The leadership of the Batons is a council of the five larg-
est families and a mediator selected from the group. The
The River-switch Rapids course through the Tadfen Bogs community decides as a group, making concessions, and
like chaotic veins in a sleeping beast. They allow Tadfen- compromising, to do whatever is necessary to sustain and
Grymm to quickly get around and are essential for resup- preserve their way of life.
plying every part of the bayou with fresh food, clean water,
and recovered resources from around the Bog.  However, The Getin Place
many Grymm are fond of saying “’aint no need to get any- A pair of silhouettes watch the low-hanging and
where quickly, for it will probably still be there when you azure-colored midnight moon. The two bodies stand
arrive and if it ’ain’t then you would’ve surely succumbed unaware of any earth-dwelling presence around them.
to the same dreadful fate.” as a cautionary euphemism. The They tilt their heads and begin to focus on an uncountable
brave few that do in fact explore the system, are the stal- number of stars in the sky above. Just then, a pillar of
wart Otter-johns who keep the system clean and guide brilliant light falls and illuminates a spot in the field afar.
travelers through it. The shores are often populated by the The would-be lovers run hand in hand, chasing their hopes
ominous presence of the The Eyes Upon the Shore, who and dreams as they fall from the sky in a fierce but fleeting
survive off the things they retrieve from the river. This in- burning passion.
cludes adventurers. 
The water in the River-switch Rapids is murky and vi- Each night, a clear and unclouded starlit sky fills the ex-
olent. The rocks that breach the surface of the water are panse of the heavens above. Star-like objects fall to the
sharp and savage. The system is fiercer on the eastern end earth below, infused with divine energies that alter the fate
than the other areas, and the local legends say that is due of those that touch them. Not a single structure stands in
to arcane forces manipulating the water. The Tadfen Bog’s this area. It is held sacred and special by the locals, for it
river system has many fishing holes, swimming spots, and represents their hopes, dreams, and wishes. The Getin Place
connects to every key settlement here in the bayou.  is both perilous and paradisaical. The beautiful evening sky

chapter five: exploring prometerra

can fill the heart with euphoria, wonderment, and fantasy The people of the Witchwood view outsiders as a new
for tender moments and long-lasting friendship. The dan- friend ready to be made and most certainly able to find and
gers posed by those that have fallen to the fates of wishes fulfill unfinished tasks within the wood. It is important to
gone wrong, is an ever-present peril. For while the star- the Grymmitch that every Grymm find their job, learn
like spheres that fill the sky are imbued with divine magic their duty, and make the absolute best use of their time.
and powerful blessings, there are fate-fallen boney crea- The Grymmitch would like to see each Grymm fulfill this
tures that sneak about the high grass of the Getin Place part of themselves, so they are willing to take in outsid-
looking to take lives and bring sorrow to all. These folks, ers and question them about their interests and abilities.
the Star-crossed, only act out at night. Despite the danger, This applies to the general Grymmitch, not necessarily the
fancy-free hearts adore and hold this place special among Wood Wardens, who are waiting for outsiders to make a
all the spots in the Tadfen Bog. In the daytime, it is but a mistake and be fined for their faults.
mere field, often rain-covered or scorching in the sun, but Outsiders view the Grymmitch as a tad overbearing,
each night, no cloud may touch the sky and it fills with forthright, direct, but also jovial, healthy, and knowledge-
wonder.  able. The Grymmitch have done a good job of passing their
superstitions and common sayings throughout Prometerra.
These sayings are often viewed as standard values, but most
Witchwood would tell you that those are just old tales, and you prob-
The Wicked Woad ably should not believe everything you hear. They often
are annoyed by the fixation on jurisprudence held by the
The creaking of ancient trees, the hooting of hidden owls, and Wood Wardens.
cackling of distant mischief makers are telltale signs one has
just entered the Witchwood; Promterra’s realm of supreme Technology
strangeness and peculiarity. Here one can converse with The people who live here have mastered agriculture and
cats, swaps stories with hags, argue with one’s own shadow, entertainment. The best theaters are found here in the
or make friends with a pumpkin patch. These curios and Witchwood. The excellence in theatre has a lot to do with
a thousand more are commonplace in the chaos that is the the way they craft their instruments and design the theater
witchwood. Between blackened boughs in eternal autumn one spaces. Likewise, the farmlands outside of the wood itself
can find candied houses home to nefarious witches, ancient are very well organized. They have developed many con-
wells full of mystical water, or a creature you have never met traptions to facilitate and expedite their chores and tasks.
which understands you perfectly. For those in search of the Mechanical scarecrows, carriages drawn by magic, and
different and strange, one will not only find this in spades appliances which run themselves are all commonplace. A
within the shadowy Witchwood, one will find something particular favorite of the Witchwood is the flying broom.
even more wondrous. True and all-encompassing acceptance Every household is likely to have at least one of these
for who you are and how you choose to express yourself. wonders, used for all manner of mischief, convenience, and
POPULATION: 777,777 Grymm entertainment.
RESOURCES: Chaos, Lumber, Magic (Transmutation), Of deep interest to the people who live in the Witchwood,
Pumpkins are the strange and wondrous ways of the Witch Wardens
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral that live here. They are masters of brewing, as well as iden-
FAVORED CLASSES: Druids, Sorcerers, Warlocks
tifying boons, blessings, and curses. Within the wood, the
tree people tend to focus on the art of illusion, growth, and
communication. The town’s folk are want to practice mag-
The Ways of Witchwood ic, but concentrate on the miracles of the divine. 

The Witchwood-Grymm, call themselves the Grymmitch. Cosmology

They have an almost comical and cartoonlike manner to The religious schism that is found in the Witchwood is the
their dress, but rarely would someone have the guts to tell gnostic viewpoint of the Witch Wardens, and knowledge-
them to their face. They dwell in the dark and dense forest able of all the deep and secret things of the universe. There
region of the Eastern part of Prometerra. Their manner of are the Grymmitch that worship the four gods. The four
dress is largely arcane, but more pseudo-magic as opposed gods are related to the environment that surrounds them.
to the traditional understanding of the arcane. Each of the four gods hold dominion over the River, the
The Grimmitch live in small communal villages, often Northstar, the Beast, and the Sun, respectively.
forming communities that are centered around each member The Grymm would tell you that they very much know
performing their part. A collection of these villages forms these gods and have seen them. They understand the influ-
a town, but these communities take great care to give their ence of these gods in all things. The Witch Wardens would
neighbors considerate distance and privacy. tell you that while they might seem like deific creatures,

chapter five: exploring prometerra

they are in fact, something else altogether. The tree-folk Adventuring in Witchwood
believe that the world itself is the only god, and it is the The Witchwood demonstrates unique adventuring chal-
god of life. There is no point in arguing with them about it lenges. There is an intrinsic and extrinsic political strife
because who would believe them anyway? They are made in Pigton, small hamlet that it is. Likewise there is the
of wood. wondrous and unique social structure of Tremorleaf. These
two towns must coexist for both to thrive, but they need
Ecology advocates and diplomats that can be trusted, such as play-
The enchanted forest expands across the continent. It is er characters. Throwing a wrench into all of this are the
filled with faerie-magic, extraordinary creatures, and is the enigmatic Witchwardens who are the acting authority,
point where law and chaos collide. It is place of relentless but don’t have the same investment as the townies. The
weirdness, contradiction, and impulse. The Wardens of the towns are fairly safe for low level excursions but the woods
Wood try to keep track of things, but they are either using themselves require more mature magic to manage. Small
outdated ordinances or are posing as having authority that dangerous treks into the front of the wood or sticking close
was never theirs to claim. The woods include many settle- to an established trail can be handled, but the wood itself
ments and villages, but even more wilderness for would-be should evoke danger, wonder, peril, and the miraculous.
heroes to explore. Witchwood and the surrounding towns are small time

chapter five: exploring prometerra

The mayor has gone on vacation and Pigton is leaderless! Steward the village for a week and resolve their concerns. The
local mayor has gone missing and the desperate townsfolk eagerly appoint the party to sit as a council of leaders to act in
1 his place. You will need hear out the concerns of the town and make legally binding negotiations with the nearby Witch
Wardens and citizens of Tremorleaf. Improve the areas satisfaction rating and make sure the town stays thriving during this
period of interim rule.

The village of Tremorleaf has discovered that it sits on top of a massive cave system. All signs point to a group of horned
infernals that have been planning a negotiation with the tree folk of the forest. The dilemma is that the infernals are
tempting the free folk to make deals that only benefit the devils and would jeopardize the balance of the wood. The devil’s
either need to be asked to go or convinced to stop conniving beneath the earth. If they are to go, then they need to be given
a new home. Convincing them would take a hard bargain. Search out the devils in the night below the soil and find out
what deals can be made.

Rescue the dairy princess! A local Pigton dairy princess, an award given as part of the annual festival, has been taken into
the Tremorleaf settlement. You must journey through the dangerous woodland region and face the perils within. Upon
3 entering the village, you will need to negotiate with the leaders of Tremorleaf to determine why the dairy princess was
taken, and how to get her back. The clock is ticking as her family reveals that the princess is in fact a disguised elemental
creature, a being that can command the four winds could shift the balance of power in the region.
Delve deep into the murky waters of the Duskpond! Uncover the secrets of the water kingdom below the world! Several
4 Witch Wardens have gone missing. A foul presence has been located in the Duskpond, meanwhile a monstrous watcher has
begun making sure none enter the waters. The creature must be dealt with and the waters must be searched.
The great Witchwood scavenger hunt is underway! Wardens have dropped fake magic items throughout the Witchwood and
have invited members of Tremorleaf and Pigton to see if they can uncover the arcane objects. While typically this annual
5 tradition is a ruse and all in good fun, it appears that actual artifacts have been slipped in with the goods; no doubt intending
for a prank to be pulled on the citizens of the two towns. It is a good opportunity for adventurers to obtain some rare finds
and it looks like some of these artifacts are quite precious to the Narrador and their desires.

Gather everything in Tremorleaf that is needed to complete the spidering ceremony. The blind prophet of the village of spi-
ders is preparing for the annual vision quest. Fell-beyonders have made this exceedingly difficult as the requisite components
6 have not been procured for the event. The village has requested your help so the religious ceremony can be completed, allow-
ing the spider folk to participate in their sacred and holy ordinances. Journey to Tremorleaf and learn the requisite objects.
Seek them out in the Witchwood and surrounding area. Return them to Tremorleaf so that the ceremony might proceed.

Someone has been silencing Folhan while they sleep. Murderous axes have been taken to their trunks, and the mighty
tree people have been left to rot where they once stood. These are not common axes; they appear to be celestial in nature.
Seek out the owners of the axes and uncover the mystery of who is coming into the woods and targeting Folhan with
their murderous deeds.

The Witch Wardens have arrested both the mayor of Pigton and the blind prophetess of Tremorleaf, holding both captive.
Both towns are descending into chaos and anarchy as tensions are growing between them. Seek out the Wardens and learn
why the leaders of both villages are being held prisoner. Negotiate for their freedom and safety or make an exchange. As a
last resort you can attempt a jailbreak against the powerful practitioners of magic.

An unusual automaton from Labirinto has arrived in Pigton as an unusual guest. He has taken up residence in a tall tower
that used to serve as a watch, back in the time of the Old War. Strange arcane energies emanate from the tower every
evening. The automaton does not allow anyone entrance into the tower, nor do they socialize with much of the town.
9 When asked what purpose they serve, they have simply responded with “I serve my maker and follow their directive.” Who
is the maker of this creature? What sort of energies are being projected from the tower in the evening? Why do they keep
the door locked? The people of Pigton would very much like these questions answered and are looking for your adventuring
party to find those answers.

The blind prophetess of Tremorleaf has seen a vision of a burning hoard of bloody bones marching from the south towards
the north. The only way to stop the march is to travel southwest and attempt to destroy or protect the iron bridge that
connects the desert to the planes of the north. What has caused the prophetess to see such a horrible vision? The Moonlich
is not bound to keep his domain limited to the dusk of Desaly. What of The Rose Knights? Why are they not able to stop
the undead assault on the outside world? Embark on a quest to prevent the march of the invincible undead army against the
people of the north.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

struggles. The drama of the day to day versus the drama of that a Warden will always have the final say. Lastly, the
the miraculous. Journey to Witchwood to bring everyone Felbane are focused on the expansion and growth of the
in closer and find out what is important to the individual as Witchwood. They are responsible for keeping a record of
well as the whole. all that occurs inside the forest.

Factions & Organizations

The following factions are the major players within the
Witchwood, influencing its politics, cultural practices,
and relationships.
Witch Wardens
Leadership: Dusk-witch, Brew-witch, Dawn-witch,
Membership: Large (777 Members): aberrations,
fey, dragons, giants, humanoids; druids, sorcerers,
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Motto: *Maniacal Cackling*
Resources: Alchemy, Medicine, Magic (Evocation,
Necromancy, Transmutation)
Creed: The Witch Wardens exist to watch over the wood,
resolve disputes between the townsfolk, and guard the
deep mysteries of the forest. They are divided into four ser-
vice groups: The Dusk-witches that patrol the night, wake
up the trees, and invite the animals to put on their clothes
and get to work. The Brew-witches, who harvest the flora
and prepare tinctures, tonics, potions, and more. They tend
to stay closer to the Dense-wood and the Duskpond. The
People to Meet Dawn-witches who teach at the Small School and deliv-
er the mail between towns, auditing every step taken by
Those that live in the wood have minimal choice but to each traveler that passes through. Lastly the Blue-Witch,
work hard to maintain their lives, as their positioning is that keep and remember the rules of the Witchwood and
not the safest. The central conflict is against the natural shares them with all who will listen.
world which does not like to be dominated and mastered Witch Wardens are the principal authority figures in
by the Grymm that choose to live here. The creatures and the Witchwood. Their first duty is to watch over the for-
the plants that have belonged here for a long time under- est and make sure that it is well taken care of. The sec-
stand that Grymm will go and travel to wherever they ond duty is to ensure that those who travel around the
must. The Grymm must then rely on the Witch Wardens woods receive the requisite and proper education before
to be their ambassadors and maintain the rules that allow doing so. They are teachers and instructors in the natural
the wood to exist and its most perfect form. order of things, as well as the small mysteries of the world.
Deeper within the wood, other Wardens are responsible
Politics for gathering, examining, evaluating, and processing the
The politics of the area break into four distinct groups. raw components that are found. They are accountable for
First, there is the trade and feud between the two towns processing medicine and uncovering the inner mysteries.
of Pigton and Tremorleaf. They both have mayors and Lastly, some Wardens record the law. While there is no
decent size populations. They have two festivals that they formal hierarchy amongst the Wardens, these Blue-Witches
share together and two festivals that they celebrate sepa- are viewed as in a supervisory capacity.
rately. They are two separate religious organizations that
worship the same four gods, but the doctrine is entirely
different.  Leadership: Archdruid (Sir Appleseed)
The Witch Wardens primarily concern themselves with Membership: Medium (117 Members): plants,
protecting the wood and making sure that the town folk humanoids; druids, rangers
do not upset the inhabitants therein. They have the au- Alignment: Neutral
thority to act as mediators for all Witchwood communi- Motto: “A great forest from one seed sprouts”
ties. There is a sort of reluctance to this responsibility. It Resources: Agriculture, cartography, medicine
is as if there is a deeply hidden secret that weighs upon Creed: The Felbane of the Witchwood are the great
them, calling them elsewhere. As wise arbiters, it is said messengers and storytellers of all tree folk within the

chapter five: exploring prometerra

continent. Most tree folk dream of taking a pilgrimage Tremorkin

to the Witchwood and conversing with the bark that ex-
Leadership: Archdruid (Spinderella)
ists here. The trees here have been awakened by a great
Membership: Gargantuan (5,266 Members): fey,
many things, and no two trees can necessarily agree on
humanoids; (barbarians, druids, rangers)
how they come into being. Some say the Wardens wake
Alignment: Neutral Evil
them up, and others say that the life circles feed into their
Motto: “Get out, and stay out!”
roots. What is certain though, is the Felbane have a goal
Resources: Lumber, monsters (beasts, plants)
of expanding the Witchwood. To do so, they spend an
Creed: Tremorleaf is run and ruled by the woodcutters.
awful lot of time planting sleepers, that is dormant trees
that are not sentient, and guarding them against harmful They all serve directly under the High Facet, a steel covered
axes. spider-oid that claims dominion over the easternmost part
Felbane are responsible for expanding the wood. They of the wood. They are adamant about holding their domain
create and cultivate life circles that breathe energy into and maintaining their community. The key to retaining
the planet. They view themselves as world-defenders. In their ground is their elite organization of the Eight Axes.
the last war, the Felbane rose out of the soil and protected They are the most strange, skilled, and powerful woodcut-
the Grymm. ters in all the land. Among them is a prophetess, the lonely
The Felbane divide their leadership into three different Spinderella who discerns the old ways from the webs and
specialties, the tallest, the oldest, and the Wildwood. The passes them on to people from the community. Her stories
tallest tree can see the farthest and so reports news from carry with them the echo of a familiar spirit that can be
outside the wood. The oldest tree that has begun to rot, found in Pigton. Those that come into the town embrace
collects the stories of the other trees that when they die, the burdens placed upon them. They are comfortable in the
they might pass it back into the life circle. The Wildwood wood, and they intend to keep it that way.
moves through the forest, twisting trees into new and The Tremor-Grymm and their religion hold the forest
strange formations found only in the Witchwood. This from pushing its way to the coastline. This stops the Witch
ensures that they mature along their own natural path and Wardens from pushing their authority into domains where
are antagonistic towards the ideas of the Wardens claim- they have not been invited. They would probably be more
ing dominion over the wood. effective if they were not intensely at odds with the people
of Pigton. The main reason for this rivalry is disagreements
Piggies found within their religious doctrine.
Leadership: Elected Governor
Membership: Gargantuan (23,412 Members): Places to See
Alignment: Chaotic Good Environment
Motto: “Home, happy, and hungry! The Witchwood is a dense and unusual forest of ephem-
Resources: Baked goods, neighborly dedication, eral trees that seem to dance and weave their mytholo-
pumpkins gy apart from the rest of the continent. There are tangles,
Creed: The people of Pigton are jovial and self-sustaining. thorns, and angel blossoms that grow next to the devil-
They do not live within the wood proper. They often journey wood, and mysterious vegetation that you won’t find
around it to find what they need or procure wood for their anywhere else. The grass is lush and inviting, almost like
crafts. Their journeys around the Witchwood have misled a thick soft blanket that is comfortable to travel across.
some into the forest. They hold many kinds of jobs and There are well-worn trails that wind their way through the
professions, practicing many various trades and crafts. They Witchwood. Gargantuan fungal growths can be found,
view their religion as an integral part of their community. and rivers of moon shower-sparkles that flow from high
The pride of Pigton’s inhabitants comes from the traditions branches direct the eye to where the fairies live.
they have maintained from generation to generation. The trees very much have eyes, ears, and pass messag-
The people of Pigton are excellent hosts and have built es between each other. They gossip about who has passed
a robust and vibrant community that gives the people the through, who they would like to stay, and who they think
region a safe place to live. They live on the border of dan- should go from the wood that they call home.In the thick
ger with wild frontier on every side. Their farming com- wood, the densest part of the forest, are the Wise-dens. This
munities are a significant source of food in the east, and is where the Wardens live when they are not out patrolling
those farms must remain protected from those that would the wood, though some choose to live just outside of the
do them harm. No one would ever vacation here, but they Witchwood proper in smaller hamlets. 
would probably build a home. There is a lot of gossip in the To enter the Witchwood, you can go across the Red
community, and a lot of old grudges that are almost im- Dragon-Tear River until you come to the wood’s edge. You
possible to explain if you are not a member of that specific can go directly out the Great Gate of Praia or raft north out
family line. of the Tadfen Bog. If you are coming from the west, then
you will find yourself needing to enter the Dense-Wood.

chapter five: exploring prometerra

If you come from the south, then you will be in the hamlet Dense-wood
of Pigton. Coming from the east, you will find yourself in
The woods are dark, dangerous, and full of mystery.
Tremorleaf. Navigating the wood is not too difficult if you
The sounds of wolves and worse echo amongst the trees.
stick to the travelled paths. If you find yourself away from
The smoke grows strange as the fungal growth seems to
them, the trees tend to make identifying natural landmarks
peer in your direction, studying your every move. The wind
difficult, so one may need to locate a Warden and ask them
becomes colder and the symbol of a broomstick is discovered
for directions.
as your hand brushes a nearby branch.
Landmarks The Dense-wood is where the Witch Wardens have re-
The following landmarks are some examples of the fantas- treated to. They have cast every enchantment they know
tical places that can be found in The Witchwood. to keep the wood as uninviting as possible to outsiders.
It is pure fairy-tale madness within, as the world turns
upside down on its head. Witch Wardens are very pro-
At the edge of the wood, there is a long-worn fence with tective of the things the Witchwood. They are committed
a few folks lazily keeping an eye on the woods beyond. to their sacred duties. Their function is to keep the wood
Their attention mainly seems to be focused upon each other. safe, ensure that the trees continue to grow, and that
Vast fields of crops lead into a small collection of homely the mysteries of the world are protected from inquiring
buildings, and the aroma of seasonal delights fills the air. minds that poke their noses where they should not.
Well-dressed folks freely travel the streets, and all seems to
be well.
If you look into the water and your reflection speaks to
Pigton is a center of commerce and agriculture in the east.
you, make sure you don’t answer back. It may seem like
The settlement benefs from the enchanted wood. Its lo-
your reflection, but ask yourself, are your lips moving?
cation makes it a hub of activity for all travelers. Pigton is
When you look deeper, do you see the shadow moving
known for its swine harvest, and it’s schoolteachers who
beneath the surface of the pond? Do you feel the breath
have taught many of the children of the continent their
on your neck of the creatures that are slowly gathering
earliest lessons. It is home to the four shrines, where each
behind you?
of the local gods are worshiped by their followers. Pigton
houses many families that pass on trades from generation Buried within the Witchwood is a point where very few
to generation. These trades are usually kept within the people go. The Duskpond sits as an otherworldly entrance
family line or shared among close friends. into the water kingdom below the world. The Wardens
consider this the font of all knowledge more than any
book, tome, legend, or song. Only death waits beneath the
At the edge of the forest beyond the thick trees, the woods waters. Legends and myth tell of a vast water kingdom
begins to serve a new purpose altogether. Built within the below the world. Legends suggest to this spot as the point
massive structures of trees and adorned in the beautiful to get there.
autumn leaves that perpetually brown, is the humble
village of Tremorleaf. The trees themselves are hollow and
home to the many woodworkers that live here. 
Tremorleaf would be the most frightening place in the
world to an outsider if they did not know the people
that live there. Thick green tangled webs from enor-
mous spiders surround and wall of the village. Stretching
high up into the air are frighteningly majestic trees that
act as homes to the people that live here. The people of
Tremorleaf are adventurous and resourceful. They are the
key to all lumber production in Prometerra. The journey-
man and lumberjacks that live within, travel the wood and
harvest the enchanted trees. Those that remain within
the walls work to maintain the community and upkeep
its inner workings. The four gods are worshiped here. The
worship here is different than in Pigton. Each god is wor-
shipped according to the season it is associated with, and
each season invites a new deific creature to visit and be
glorified. This ties back to the creation myth held by the
old lumberjacks that lived here.


THE Questing
peculiar and wonderous life. Magical or mechanical,
disgusting or beautiful, peaceful or violent – all have
a place to belong and a role to play in the grand tale of
Questing Beasts test Player Characters’ patience, resolve,
and determination. Every skill that is essential to survive
a story-centric fairy tale world will be pushed to the ut-
most extremes in fantastical and far-fetched quests that
GrymmWorld. However, among this wonderful diversity involve engaging in the surreal and whimsical landscape
there exists a category of being whose significance to both of the outer reaches of GrymmWorld. Every Questing
GrymmWorld’s history and present day cannot be under- Beast could be met in combat, but they would also be will-
stated. These are the questing beasts: ancient beings from ing to engage in unique social encounters or request long
when the realm was young, charged with great purpose exploration. Additionally, each beast is tied to a specific
that affects the lives of all Prometerra’s citizens even to this region of Prometerra. From Brilhago to the Witchwood,
day. These creatures are legendary in power and story. They Questing Beasts stand ready to put heroes to the test.
ceaselessly challenge the heroes of GrymmWorld in ways no
other creature could, earning respect and ire from Grymm
and monster alike. List of Questing Beasts
The Questing Beasts are presented in regional order.

What Are Questing Beasts? Eliasor of the Thunderfare

Questing Beasts were once members of the great cosmic
pantheon that held stewardship over the planet know The spiral-shelled goliath of the gastropods, Eliasor is
known as GrymmWorld. When the realm was pierced by an elusive creature whose speed puts the wind to shame.
the fell-beyonders, the gods shielded GrymmWorld with The creature “stands” about eight feet high, with a length
every ounce of their divine strength. What little remained and width of a decent sized boat. Eliasor’s shell reflects
of their divinity found home in the forms of majestic all the colors of the rainbow, complimented by flesh
beasts of sky and earth. The Questing Beasts hold keys of a deep royal purple. As it zips about Cachoeira, its
to the greater mysteries of GrymmWorld and are consid- head tilts and turns with childlike
ered guardians of the time that came before. Ancient and
powerful, the spirits of the Questing Beasts predate even
the Narrador and are not to be underestimated.
Questing Beasts interact with the game by pre-
senting opportunities for adventurers to find deep-
er mysteries and hidden clues through elaborate
quests that challenge more than just their fight-
ing ability. Each Questing Beast is terrifically
unique, possessing a distinguished personality
and powerful narrative that can make up an
entire arc of an adventure’s story line, or even
be the focus of an entire campaign. If you
are looking for adventure hooks, challenges,
and story arcs to flesh out your GrymmWorld
experience, the Questing Beasts stand
ready to deliver.

chapter six: the questing beasts

curiosity, with its swiveling eyestalks taking in every inch

of its surroundings. He smells like the earth after rain on Questing for Eliasor
a hot summer day. The heat and steam of its smooth and
slimy form alert all to Eliasor’s presence, unmistakable
even in the lush wilds of Cachoeira. Though a creature of W hen questing for Eliasor, the primary objective
is to locate the beast and return it to Cachoeira
by any means. Heroes who attempt to do so are likely
few words, Eliasor’s voice is like the sonorous chimes of a
majestic gong, accompanied by the reverberating echoes of to encounter the following challenges which are
a heavenly chorus. presented in a general chronological order.
Discovery. The heroes must learn of the history and
The Legend of Eliasor the Thunderfare mythology of Eliasor from the people of Cachoeira,
“A low fog rolled over the rain-soaked and river washed made difficult by their violent and aggressive demeanor
hills of Cachoeira. The mist kissed every blade of grass and due to the snail’s absence. However, the tale of Eliasor
the sun’s light refracted across the land, coming into focus is so well known even a child could tell it, given the
upon a great stone. The golden light graced its surface, right incentive.
painting the stone with every color there ever was or
Exploration. The heroes must reach the Solar Sanctum,
will be. From within, the great megalith began to stir, where Eliasor has come to reside. The Sanctum is a
cracking like an egg to reveal the great gastropod Eliasor. crystalline castle carved from a single gigantic diamond,
All of Cachoeira knows this to be a creature of peace and magically suspended eight miles in the sky above
prosperity, a sign of the old times before the shadows fell. Cachoeira. Such a place is well beyond the reach of
Eliasor of the Thunderfare brings the end of war and most beings in Cachoeira, let along GrymmWorld,
ushers in an era of peace. However, it is fickle beast, prone and is populated by celestial beings unaccustomed to
to wanderlust and recklessness. When not imbuing its visitors.
shell with divine light, Eliasor can be found grazing upon
Cachoeira’s lush hills or bathing for days in it’s water- Encounter. The heroes must return Eliasor to
Cachoeira by whatever means they see fit. The beast is
falls. It is the crux upon which all war and peace hangs,
extremely content within the Solar Sanctum but has
the cork on the bottle of chaos which threatens to erupt in
a virtuous heart. It will only fight in its defense, and
Eliasor’s absence." never to the death. The details of Eliasor’s personality
can be found in Eliasor’s Social Statistics sidebar
The Quest for the Lost Light detailed in this section.
The Quest of the Thunderfare is a perilous journey through
the heavenly skies above Cachoeira. Eliasor departs the
world below and journeys to the Solar Sanctum, a crys-
talline structure in the stratosphere that ensures Cachoeira Eliasor Social Statistics
is never without radiant sunshine. It is there Eliasor rests
peacefully, recharging its shell with divine light, unaware Personality. Happy-go-lucky
of the turmoil its absence causes in the lands below. Its de- • Ideals. Eliasor desires to retain its agency and
parture takes with it the fragile peace of Cachoeira and the freedom above all else and values other creature’s
drums of war begin to sound. None know why this occurs, freedom just as much. Nothing can persuade it to act
whether the inherent aggression of Cachoeira’s people is in a manner contrary to this goal.
held in check by Eliasor, or the beast’s absence inspires acts
• Bonds. When confronted by those who live and revel
of violence. Regardless of the conflict’s source, those who
amongst the wilds, Eliasor experiences flashbacks of
take up the quest to recover Eliasor must ascend into the
its past life as a deity before the Shattering.
heavens and travel to the Solar Sanctum. There they will
find the elusive snail, unwilling to leave its comfortable • Flaws. Eliasor has a crippling craving for the leaves
resting place and descend back to Cachoeira. Whether by of the bacabbage, a massive leafy green vegetable
violence, coercion, or persuasion, Cachoeira will only know commonly found growing near colonies of shambling
peace if Eliasor returns. mounds.
Social Challenge DC. Ability checks made against
The Sign of Eliasor Eliasor in social and roleplay encounters have the
Indications of Eliasor’s departure from Cachoeira are dif- following DCs, according to their difficulty.
ficult to miss. A bridge of many colors appears at the • Easy DC (for friends and allies): 15
first of a thousand falls. The Hill-Herders move to safer
pasture. The sky turns grey, the ever-brilliant sun dimmed • Medium DC (for acquaintances
by the snail’s rejuvenation. The sound of drums, machines, and benevolent strangers): 18
and industry begin to ring throughout the air and dim • Hard DC (for enemies and
smoke rises on the horizon. Everywhere conflict breaks threatening strangers): 21
out: from dinner table to bandit-infested road, violence

chapter six: the questing beasts

becomes the main form of conflict resolution. These omi- Rewards

nous signs are more keenly felt the longer Eliasor’s remains Eliasor’s return to Cachoeira will mark a new era of peace
absent, threatening to consume the entire region within a and a change in the royal line. Those responsible will be-
few short years. The entire region cries out for heroes to come known as the peacemakers and looked to as trusted
take up the challenge and quest for Eliasor. guides by the people of Cachoeira. Whether friend or foe,
creatures of this region will always refer to such heroes by
Challenges of the Quest the title of “lightener” when addressing them in any capac-
Finding and recovering Eliasor is fundamentally a mission ity. Additionally, creatures who complete the quest have
of peace. However, there are many obstacles between the the color of their eyes changed to an ever-changing array
Players and their goal. Should the Players choose to quest of prismatic hues, as well as granting them the following
for Eliasor, you should consider carefully which Mask of Epic Boon.
the Narrador to don. While finding Eliasor is altruistic,
that doesn’t mean that every action the Players perform
along the way will be virtuous. There will moments of Epic Boon: Boon of Revealing Light
conflict along the way, which should synergize with your You are aware of the presence (but not the exact
Mask choice to ensure a compelling journey. A rough arc location) of any fell-beyonder within 1 mile of you.
outlining the challenge of the Quest for the Lost Light
can be found below.

Eliasor the Thunderfare

Large monstrosity, chaotic good

Armor Class 21 (natural armor) Bite. Melee weapon attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft. one target.
Hit Points 172 (16d10 + 48) Hit: 38 (5d12 + 6) slashing damage.
Speed 50 ft. climb 50 ft. Primastic Shell. Ranged spell attack: +8 to hit, range 120 ft. one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) prismatic damage.
12 (+1) 22 (+6) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) Light Bomb (Recharge 5–6). Eliasor launches a globule of
Saving Throws Str +5, Dex +10, Con +7 light at a point it can see within 60 ft. which erupts in a blast
Skills Athletics +9, Perception +3, Survival +7 of radiant energy in a 15 ft. radius sphere. Each creature in the
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, radiant, thunder; affected area must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution saving
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks throw or be blinded for 1 hour.
Condition Immunities charmed, prone Infinite Leap (Recharge on a Short or Long Rest). Eliasor
Senses tremorsense 120 ft., passive Perception 13 launches itself at a point it can see, leaping up to 10 miles toward
Languages Ancient Cochoeiran, but understands all languages its target. Eliasor travels at a rate of 1,000 ft. a round, during
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) which time it can take no other actions. If Eliasor ends this
movement on a solid surface and is not incapacitated, it takes
TRAITS no damage from the movement, otherwise it takes 70 (20d6)
bludgeoning damage.
Lightning Speed. As a bonus action on each of its turns,
Eliasor can take the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge action.
Mythic Resistance. When Eliasor fails a saving throw, it can
expend one of its unspent legendary actions to succeed instead. Scoot. As a reaction when Eliasor is hit by a weapon attack, it
can move up to 30 ft. in a straight line away from the source of
Prismatic Shell. Eliasor’s shell is infused with magical light. the attack.
When Eliasor is hit by an attack from a creature within 120 ft.,
it can make a Prismatic Bolt attack against the creature (no LEGENDARY ACTIONS
action required).
Eliasor can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Rejuvenation. If Eliasor is slain, it magically returns to life in
below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and
24 hours somewhere in the land of Cochoeira at maximum hit
only at the end of another creature’s turn. Eliasor regains spent
points and under no harmful effects.
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Sticky. While Eliasor is on the ground, it cannot be pushed,
Move. Eliasor moves up to its speed.
pulled, or forcibly moved unless it allows itself to be. Additionally,
Eliasor can climb difficult surfaces, including vertical or horizontal Bite (Costs 2 Actions). Eliasor makes a Bite attack.
terrain without needing to make an ability check. Freedom of Movement (Costs 3 Actions). Eliasor ends one
of the following conditions on itself: grappled, paralyzed,
ACTIONS restrained, or stunned. If Eliasor would be unable to take this
Multiattack. Eliasor makes three Prismatic Bolt attacks, each of action, it can instead take this action.
which must be against a different target.

chapter six: the questing beasts

Finally, the heroes will gain a fragment of understand- • Whoopsie-daisy. A creature of Eliasor’s choice
ing about the malevolent force lying within GrymmWorld within the lair must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma
known as the fell-beyonders. This fragment is incom- saving throw or be cursed for 24 hours. While so
plete, requiring the seven other fragments from the rest cursed, when the creature misses an attack roll, it
of GrymmWorld’s Questing Beasts. The details of what immediately falls prone.
this fragment confers can be found in the Fell-Entropia • Here comes the boom. Eliasor becomes super-
section in Chapter 1. charged with thunderous energy. Until the end of its
next turn, whenever Eliasor moves, it deals 2 (1d4)
Eliasor’s Lair thunder damage to each creature within 5 ft. of a
A relic of a bygone age, the Solar Sanctum was the ref- square that it enters for the first time on a turn.
uge of Eliasor before the being met oblivion at the hands
of the fell-beyonders. While the deity is long gone, the di- Lucien, Sword of the Sky
amond palace remains, a glistening beacon hovering above
the skies of Cochoeira. Here Eliasor comes to restore its With wings like swords, talons like spears, and a great
vitality. To the beast, the Sanctum is nothing more than hooked beak, Lucien strikes fear into all that journey in the
glorious place to relax and feel the wind on one’s shell, but mountains beyond the Shining City. The masked shrike is
to the ancient celestial guardians charged with its care, it is massive, with an impressive wingspan comparable to el-
a sacred artifact to be defended at all costs from desecra- der dragons and lightning-quick movements that defy
tors. Eliasor understands none of this however, preferring any preconceptions about its size. The shrieking call
to spend its days zipping about the resplendent sanctum, of Lucien is known as the death cry: a soul-piercing
drinking in every ounce of sunlight. scream that shatters hope and reaves will. Like
a shadow from the sky, Lucien strikes, snatch-
ing unprepared adversaries before impaling
Prismatic Damage them upon its bladed wingtips. Its passing
is marked by an inky residue that stains
E lisasor deals a special type of damage called
prismatic damage. When Elisasor would deal
this damage, it rolls a d8 and deals a type of damage
any organic surface it touches a shad-
owy black.
according to the result of the roll, which is determined
by the options below. If you are running Eliasor and
want to cut down on the number of times you must roll
to determine damage type, you may instead only roll on
the table once on each turn the Eliasor deals prismatic
damage, using the result for all instances of prismatic
damage for the remainder of the turn.
1. Red. Fire damage.
2. Orange. Acid damage.
3. Yellow. Lightning damage.
4. Green. Poison damage.
5. Blue. Cold damage.
6. Indigo. Thunder damage.
7. Violet. Necrotic damage.
8. Mysterious. Force damage.

Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties),
Eliasor takes a lair action to cause one of the
following effects.
• Stick-to-itiveness. The ground in
the lair in a 60 ft. line that is 10 ft.
wide becomes coated in slime for 1
minute. A creature that enters the
area for the first time on a turn or
starts its turn there must succeed
on a DC 16 Strength saving throw
or have its speed reduced to 0 until
the start of its next turn.

chapter six: the questing beasts

The Legend of Lucien, Sword of the Sky The Sign of Lucien

“Long ago, when the world was pierced by the Spire from The Quest for the Spire’s Tears always begins the same
the Fell-Beyond, the Divine Sword of the Sky rose to way: with the eruption of the Fell-Wound. From within
protect the Shining City. And so that god fell, its black the scarred crevasse a foul torrent spews fourth, the bloody
blood raining upon Brilhago in a torrent of misery. tears of GrymmWorld itself. These are the Spire’s Tears,
From its waters rose the shrike, defiant in death and which must be harvested and taken from Brilhago lest
sentinel against the Fell-Beyond. We call it Lucien, the they fester. All light in Brilhago begins to fade. A black
Sword of the Sky, but like a blade, the beast cuts both wing appears on the face of the eastern moon and the peo-
ways. Its hate for the ancient evil puts all at risk, for in ple cry out to dead gods for mercy. Most ominous of all,
its eyes we are not to be trusted. Bone Sump is its home, a the great Spire turns bone white, heralding a time of dread
fitting place for a being anathema to all life. To venture for all of Brilhago.
there is to cross swords with death, a contest the great
shrike is not likely to lose.”
Lucien’s Social Statistics
The Quest for the Spire’s Tears
Personality. Bloodthirsty
The Quest for the Spire’s Tears is a harrowing one, taking
the players to the verge of death and self-destruction in • Ideals. Lucien seeks only to destroy every foul scrap
their desire to achieve victory. Knowledge is a dangerous of the fell-beyonders taint upon GrymmWorld. He
thing, and the brave heroes must enter the Bone Sump to knows he cannot do this alone but holds any who
would try to his absurdly high standards of strength.
collect the divine sorrow from an erupting Fell-Wound.
However, the Sword of the Sky tolerates no intrusion upon • Bonds. Lucien holds a deep personal connection
the grave of its past life. A deadly game of cat and mouse to the Fell-Wound, where his past life was smitten
ensues across the surreal dreamscape of the Bone Sump. to ruin and impaled upon the Spire piercing
Those who manage to escape with their lives are lucky, but GrymmWorld. The very sight of it fills the beast
to recover the tears as well is an act worthy of legend. with inconceivable grief and grim determination.
• Flaws. Lucien fears compassion and benevolence
toward himself, with such acts making the beast
Recovering the Spire’s Tears deeply uncomfortable and recalcitrant.

W hen questing for the Spire’s Tears, the

primary objective is making it to the Fell-
Wound, recover a barrel of the Spire’s Tears, and
Social Challenge DC. Ability checks made against
Lucien in social and roleplay encounters have the
following DCs, according to their difficulty.
return alive to the Shining City. Heroes who attempt • Easy DC (for friends and allies): 18
to do so are likely to encounter the following
challenges, which are presented in probable • Medium DC (for acquaintances
chronological order. and benevolent strangers): 21
Discovery. The heroes must learn of the existence • Hard DC (for enemies and
of the Spire’s Tears from the people of Brilhago. The threatening strangers): 24
people of this region are terrifically frightened of
the Spire, refusing to speak with strangers about the
many horrors and evils said to surround it. Challenges of the Quest
Exploration. The heroes must journey through the Retrieving the Spire’s Tears challenges a hero’s cunning
Bone Sump, to the base of the Spire at the epicenter and tests their ingenuity, evasiveness, and fortitude. Lucien
of the Fell-Wound. This venture is harrowing tests not only one’s skill in combat, but their knowledge of
in the extreme, full of monstrous perils, noxious ancient lore and historical record. After all, how can one
environments, and corrupted magic. Once the Fell- who knows nothing of the world truly save it?  Lucien is
Wound has been reached, the fluid of the Spire’s Tears utterly merciless, testing one’s resolve to the absolute lim-
must be collected, and the ire of Lucien awoken. it before administering the finishing blow. Those that fail
Encounter. The heroes must carry the Spire’s Tears become impaled on the sharp rocks of Bone Sump, their
(the details of which can be found in Chapter 5) bodies standing in grim testament to Lucien’s ferocity. A
to the Shining City. During this time, Lucien will rough arc outlining the challenge of the Quest for the
stalk the travelers, seeking every opportunity to Spire’s Tears is found below.
test, ambush, and slay them. However, once they are
behind the walls of the Shining City, the heroes are Rewards
safe and the quest is complete. The details of Lucien’s Defeating Lucien, the Sword of the Sky, endows the play-
personality can be found in the Lucien Social ers with knowledge of what came before the Spire, what
Statistics sidebar detailed in this section. lies beyond the Spire, and the true nature of all divine
creatures that inhabit GrymmWorld.

chapter six: the questing beasts

Surviving Lucian stains the limbs of the heroes an inky Finally, the heroes will gain a fragment of understand-
black, which defies any attempt to remove or magically dis- ing about the malevolent force lying within GrymmWorld
guise it, even when transforming into other beings. However, that is the fell-beyonders. This fragment is incomplete,
a creature so stained gains a powerful Epic Boon, detailed requiring the seven other fragments from the rest of
below. Those bearing this stain are greatly pitied throughout GrymmWorld’s Questing Beasts. The details of what this
Brilhago, for being destined to encounter the fell-beyon- fragment confers can be found in the Fell-Entropia sec-
ders, a future no reasonable person would wish upon anyone. tion in Chapter 1.
To others throughout GrymmWorld such a work is disturb-
ing, eliciting superstitious prejudice from the populace. Regional Effects
The region of the Bone Sump where Lucien can be found
is augmented by his magic, which creates one or more of
Epic Boon: Boon of Fell-Resistance the following effects within the area.
You have advantage on saving throws against fell-
• Mindmire. The area becomes infused with clouds
beyonders and other Fell effects within GrymmWorld. of miasma. When a creature enters this cloud for
the first time in 24 hours, it experiences dreadful

Lucien, Sword of the Sky

Huge monstrosity, lawful evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) may use its action to make a DC 21 Dexterity (Acrobatics) or
Hit Points 304 (29d12 + 116) Strength (Athlectics) check to escape the grapple.
Speed 20 ft., fly 90 ft.
Bladefeather. Melee or Ranged weapon attack, +13 to hit, reach
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 5 ft. or range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (4d6+7) slashing
15 (+2) 25 (+7) 24 (+7) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 6 (-2) damage.
Saving Throws Dex +13, Int +11, Wis +7 Death Cry (Recharge 5–6). Lucien emits a shrieking cry that
Skills Insight +7, Perception +13, Stealth +13 can be heard by creatures up to 1 mile away. Creatures within
Damage Immunities piercing the affected area must succeed on a DC 19 Charisma saving
Condition Immunities charmed, exhausted throw or be cursed with dread. When a creature cursed in this
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 23 way is critically hit by Lucien, it becomes frightened until the
Languages understands all languages, but cannot speak end of its next turn, drops what it is holding, and immediately
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP) use its reaction to move up to its speed away from Lucien in a
straight line.
TRAITS Shreadstorm (Recharges on a Short or Long Rest). Lucien
makes a Bladefeather attack against each creature of its choice
Fade into Nothingness. As a bonus action on each of its turns,
that it can see within 120 ft. These attacks score a critical hit on
Lucien can turn itself invisible and immediately take the hide
a roll of 16 – 20.
action. This invisibility ends if Lucien deals damage, touches
another creature, or makes an attack.
Mythic Resistance. When Lucien fails a saving throw, he can
use one of his unspent legendary actions to succeed instead. Lucien can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and
Overwhelming Assault. When Lucien scores a hit with a
only at the end of another creature’s turn. Lucien regains spent
weapon attack and exceeds his target’s AC by 10 or more, he
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
doubles the damage of the attack.
Bladefeather. Lucien makes a Bladefeather attack.
Rejuvenation. If Lucian is slain, he magically returns to life
somewhere in the Bone Sump within Brilhago in 24 hours. Sharpen (Costs 2 Actions). Lucien sharpens its beak and
Lucian returns at maximum hit points and under no harmful feathers. The next successful weapon attack Lucien scores deals
effects. an additional 35 (10d6) damage. This benefit lasts until the
end of Lucien’s next turn or until it scores a weapon attack,
ACTIONS whichever comes first.
Piercing Strike (Costs 3 Actions). Lucien magically teleports
Multiattack. Lucien makes three Bladefeather attacks.
to an unoccupied space it can see within 60 ft. that is also
Beak. Melee weapon attack, +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. within 5 ft. of an enemy creature. When Lucien appears, it may
Hit: 40 (6d10+7) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it immediately make a Beak attack.
must succeed on a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or be impaled
upon its beak, becoming grappled and restrained. A creature

chapter six: the questing beasts

visions of the past. An affected creature that

succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (History) check
to recognize the events may pass unscathed. Those
that fail have their maximum hit points reduced
by 13 (2d12) until they leave the region.
• The Sharpening. Rocks and trees take on blad-
ed and pointed shapes. A creature that enters
or is forcibly moved into a space within 5 ft. of
such a rock or tree for the first time on a turn
takes 3 (1d6) piercing damage.
• Snuff Light. All nonmagical sources of light
are immediately extinguished, and the radius of
magical light is reduced to 10 ft.
If Lucian dies these effects fade until he returns to life.

Nyklas, the Duneshredder

A skull headed fiend from the pit, this quadrupedal crea-

ture is wreathed in swirling flames and burning embers.
Taking the form of a goat with tremendous horns, Nyklas
is muscular being of formidable strength. A pair of colossal
horns hang from his skull, encircling its entire body like a
great pair of wheels. While one might expect a sulfurous
odor, the scent of Nyklas is that of freshly cut vegetables
from a robust garden. His mighty yawp breaks the silence
of the Desalian dunes, upon which he rolls in an absurd,
but dangerous form of locomotion. Nyklas races about
with a powerful urgency, indelicate but determined to find
whatever he seeks as quickly as possible.

The Legend of Nyklas

Nyklas’ Social Statistics
“When the lost moon appeared above the land of Desaly, so
too did the horned silhouette of Nyklas, the Duneshredder. Personality. Dutiful
With burning fury Nyklas wanders the endless dunes of • Ideals. Nyklas honors the spirits of dead, shepherding
the Desalian Wastes. He is the counterweight to the Moon- souls safely to what awaits beyond. Such an
Lich, preventing all that fall from joining her silver legions honorable goal takes precedence over all others, a
of the damned.  Hither and thon Nyklas rolls, gathering duty Nyklas upholds with grim determination.
fallen souls lost amongst the sun-soaked sands. However, not • Bonds. The Moon Lich lurking above Desaly is the
all are ready to welcome final death, seeking to hide from sworn enemy of Nyklas. Its silver legions constantly
the Duneshredder. Any who cross Nyklas’ path are ground attempt to usurp and foil the beast, stealing the
beneath its burning horns, be they living or dead, for his souls of its people to fuel the lich’s foul magics. No
pursuit of the lost can afford no delay. Observe his journey argument can persuade Nyklas to cease its opposition
from afar and you shall live to continue your story.” to such a nefarious foe.
• Flaws. Nyklas is prone to fits of blinding anger,
The Quest for the Wayward Souls particularly when its duty is impeded. In such a state
Every so often a few souls lost in the sands of Deslian Wastes the beast is nearly unreachable, attacking any being
escape Nyklas’ gaze, becoming wayward spirits which men- that stands in its path.
ace the land. Should enough of these spirits become pres-
Social Challenge DC. Ability checks made against
ent, Nyklas will enter a furious rage becoming a threat to
Nyklas in social and roleplay encounters have the
all who travel the dunes, living or dead. Heroes who take
following DCs, according to their difficulty.
up this quest must gather the reluctant souls from their
hiding places and deliver them to Nyklas. However, the • Easy DC (for friends and allies): 16
beast is beyond reason by this point and will do everything • Medium DC (for acquaintances
in its power to eliminate what it sees as the source of this and benevolent strangers): 19
conundrum. Managing the rampaging Nyklas while locat- • Hard DC (for enemies and
ing the spirits is no mean feat, beyond all but the most threatening strangers): 22
determined and dedicated heroes.

chapter six: the questing beasts

The Sign of Nyklas is ferociously aggressive, but not suicidal. He will challenge
The Quest for the Wayward Souls can begin at any time, any he encounters with ferocious charges but will retreat if
all that is required is an appropriate saturation of hidden unable to best those he encounters. As the quest progress-
spirits. Nyklas’ rage is heralded by the Lost Moon turning es, the agents of the moon lich become more prevalent,
a foul shade of green as the endless sunset turns to cease- capitalizing on Nyklas’ distracted state to hinder the quest.
less night. With this sign the moon lich capitalizes on this A rough arc outlining the challenge of the Quest for the
distraction, readying his silver legions to infest the realm Wayward Souls is found below.
and turn all that inhabit the sands to an invincible army
of blood and bone. Amidst it all, Nyklas roils and tears Rewards
across the dunes, desperately searching for those few souls After the souls have been set on their rightful path, the end-
that have escaped his gaze. Those daring enough to enter less sunset of Desaly will return and the moon lich’s forc-
the fray risk not only their lives, but their very souls upon es beat a hasty retreat. The only sign of affirmation from
Desaly’s sands. Nyklas is its joyous baying, which echoes about the wastes
for a week and a day. The brave few who completed the
Challenges of the Quest quest are given no reward or recognition by the morose peo-
Finding the Wayward Souls is a test of many facets. A ple of Desaly who see the act as its own reward for a duty
hero’s survival skills are tested by Desaly’s unforgiving well performed. Additionally, creatures who complete the
sands, their wits in finding the hidden spirits, and their quest have their hair and cosmetic components bleached to
strength in surviving any encounter with Nyklas. The beast bone white, gaining the following Epic Boon in the process.

Nyklas, the Duneshredder

Large fiend, lawful neutral

Armor Class 19 (natural armor) Rejuvenation. If Nylkas is slain, he magically returns to

Hit Points 220 (21d10 + 105) life somewhere in the Desalian Wastes within Desaly in 24
Speed 60 ft. hours. Nyklas returns at maximum hit points and under no
harmful effects.
23 (+6) 12 (+1) 21 (+5) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 8 (-1)
Saving Throws Str +11, Con +10, Wis +8
Skills Athletics +16, Perception +8 Multiattack. Nyklas makes a Horns attack and two Hoof
Damage Resistances necrotic, poison attacks. Nyklas can forgo making both Hoof attacks in this
Damage Immunities fire manner to instead take the Dash action.
Condition Immunities charmed, grappled, paralyzed, Hoof. Melee weapon attack, +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
restrained, stunned Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 60 ft.,
passive Perception 18 Horns. Melee weapon attack, +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Languages Ancient Desaly, but understands all languages Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) fire
Challenge 14 (11,500 XP) damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 19
Constitution saving throw or be knocked unconscious until the
start of its next turn.
Burnout (Recharge 5–6). Nyklas wreathes himself in roiling
Blurred Movement. While Nyklas is not incapacitated, flames. Until the start of Nyklas’ next turn, he is immune to
creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls against him. spells and magical effects and the damage of his Burning Wake
Burning Wake. When Nyklas moves along the ground, it feature is increased to 14 (4d6).
leaves behind a trail of fire that burns until the start of its
next turn. A creature that enters an affected 5ft. space for LEGENDARY ACTIONS
the first time on a turn or starts it’s there takes 4 (1d8) fire
damage. Nyklas can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and
Mythic Resistance. When Lucien fails a saving throw, he only at the end of another creature’s turn. Nyklas regains spent
can use one of his unspent legendary actions to succeed legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Roll Out. Nyklas moves up to his speed.
Ramming Speed (1/turn). When Nyklas moves at least 10
ft. in a straight line toward a target and hits it with an attack Hoof. Nyklas makes a hoof attack.
at the end of that movement, he increases the damage of the Charge (Costs 3 Actions). Nyklas moves up to his speed and
attack by 5 (1d10) for every 10 ft. of movement he moved makes a Horns attack.
toward the target in this manner.

chapter six: the questing beasts

Regional Effects
Epic Boon: Boon of Grim Determination The Desalian Wastes containing Nyklas are augmented by
his magic, which creates one or more of the following ef-
When you make an attack roll against a fell-beyonder fects within the area.
and have advantage on the roll, you may roll three dice • Embersand. The dunes of the waste turn an ebon
instead of two and pick the highest result. black and smolder like embers. The affected area
radiates Extreme Heat and ignites unattended
objects that come into contact with it.
Finally, the heroes will gain a fragment of understand-
• Desiccation. Water in the affected area instantly
ing about the malevolent force lying within GrymmWorld
evaporates 1 round after it is exposed to the
that is the fell-beyonders. This fragment is incomplete,
desert air.
requiring the seven other fragments from the rest of
• Bonegrinder. Undead in the affected area are
GrymmWorld’s Questing Beasts. The details of what this
surrounded by swirling sands that erode its body.
fragment confers can be found in the Fell-Entropia sec-
An affected undead takes 6 (1d12) bludgeoning
tion in Chapter 1.
damage at the start of each of turns until it leaves
the affected area.
Finding the Wayward Souls If Nyklas is slain these effects fade immediately.

W hen questing for the Wayward Souls, the

primary objective is to locate all seven spirits
which have escaped Nyklas and hidden in the
Zelena, the Frozen Heaven

Like a living sculpture carved from the purest ice, the

Desalien sands. The spirits are harmless, having taken Questing Beast Zelena, the Frozen Heaven graces the
up residence in ancient ruins, forgotten temples, and windswept mountaintops of Fellmount. Her ice encrusted
other relics of GrymmWorld’s past where Nyklas feathers shine like gemstones, made all the more glorious
struggles to go. Once discovered, the spirits willingly by her tremendous visage. Any who turn their gaze sky-
accompany any living mortal and can be delivered to
ward on a clear day may witness Zelena in flight. With an
Nyklas (preferably all at the same time) so the beast
unearthly grace she swoops from peak to peak, dropping
may return to his duties. Heroes who attempt to do so
her feathers about the realm for aspiring adventurers to re-
are likely to encounter the following challenges, which
are presented in a general chronological order. cover. Her presence is complimented by the scent of spring
flowers and her voice flows like rushing waters, crashing
Discovery. The heroes must learn of the existence of the waves, and low thunder.
Wayward Souls from the people of Desaly and how they
affect Nyklas. Much of this knowledge is known only by The Legend of Zelena
veteran heroes who aided Nyklas in past quests but are
“Atop the highest peak in all the world, where the wind is ever
now retired. With the moon lich’s army on the horizon,
the rest of the populace is left stricken and afraid. cold and the sun always shines, lives the great Zelena, the
Frozen Heaven. From her lofty perch she watches us mortals, her
Exploration. The heroes must journey through the sapphire eye always searching for heroes in need of a challenge.
Desalian Wastes in search of the seven Wayward
Her soul is ancient, wrapped in a coat of icy feathers as hard as
Souls, each of which is found in a geographically
diamonds. Even the dragons bow and pay homage to wisdom
distinct locale. These locations are always in areas
and strength, for before the cataclysm it was she who slew Fell-
Nyklas struggles to reach, but often come with their
own hazards. Some spirits are likely to be discovered Leviathan and saved our story. Now the Frozen Heaven lives
by the moon lich’s silver legion, which will do alone, seeking champions to safeguard our world’s next chapter.”
everything in its power to keep the souls hidden from
Nyklas while their master’s plans come to fruition. The Quest for Heaven’s Justice
Every so often on her flights across Fellmount, Zelena
Encounter. The heroes will likely encounter Nyklas
will strategically drop one of her feathers before a band
several times over the course of the quest. Until all sev-
en souls are back in the beast’s care, he is irreconcilable of heroes she believes has the potential for extraordinary
and violent. Only when faced with undead does Nyklas greatness. Such (un)lucky beings begin the quest by re-
fight to the death, possessing an unrelenting hatred for trieving the feather and returning it to Zelena, risking life
any who even resemble the moon lich’s agents. Once and limb in the process. Unfortunately, Zelena can only be
all seven souls are in Nykas’ possession, the quest is found atop the highest land point in all GrymmWorld, the
complete. Turning over the souls to Nyklas is no simple Eldermount, ensuring a perilous journey to say the least.
matter. The beast is likely enraged and unwilling to set- Throughout their journey Zelena will be watching and
tle things in a nonviolent manner. The details of Nyklas’ judging the bravery and determination of the adventurers.
personality can be found in Nyklas’ Social Statistics At the end, the great beast herself will challenge them. A
sidebar detailed in this section. titanic battle where one is not expected to win, merely en-
dure to one’s last breath.

chapter six: the questing beasts

The Sign of Zelena

The Quest for Heaven’s Justice begins solely at Zelena’s
discretion. It is not often the great beast offers a compa-
ny of heroes a chance to impress her and most pass at the
opportunity. Zelena keenly scours Fellmount in search of
champions. Upon discovering worthy subjects she will drop
one of her great Frozen Feathers somewhere nearby. When
this feather is recovered by its intended recipients, a wind
howls across Fellmount and great storm clouds gather on
its highest peak. The Quest for Heaven’s Justice has begun.

Challenges of the Quest

The first step in the Quest of Heaven’s Justice is figuring
out what to do with the feather. Once the chosen he-
roes have discovered they must bring it to the top of the
Eldermount, the true test has begun. Zelena wishes to test

Returning the Feather

W hen questing for Heaven’s Justice, it is imperative

that the feather dropped by Zelena be returned
in a timely manner. However, once the object has been
given over to the great beast, the worst is yet to come.
Zelena challenges any who summit Eldermount directly
in a test to determine whether they will die for a cause
greater than themselves. Heroes who attempt to do so
are likely to encounter the following challenges, which
are presented in a general chronological order.
Discovery. The heroes must gather the feather
Zelena’s Social Statistics dropped by Zelena and divine its purpose. The people
of Fellmount know better than to get involved in this
Personality. Sagacious quest and will point only at the summit of Eldermount
• Ideals. Zelena knows she cannot cure GrymmWorld when asked. The mountain itself is discussed in greater
of the fell-beyonder infestation, but that doesn’t stop detail in Chapter 5, but even the most experienced
her from trying. She seeks a means by which this can party should prepare themselves for a rough road ahead.
be accomplished and is willing to sacrifice herself and Exploration. The heroes must begin their ascent to
more to do so. the top of Eldermount. This titanic obstacle can be
• Bonds. Zelena has a profound sense regret over experience in a variety of ways, but a DM running it
her inability to fully defeat the fell-beyonders. This should note the mountain’s strange properties and the
sorrow is forever written on her face by frozen tears; terrifying dangers likely encountered along the way. The
a constant reminder of her responsibility to correct number of Grymm who have summited Eldermount
past failings. in living memory can be counted on two hands, and for
• Flaws. Over the centuries Zelena has grown cold good reason. Monsters, magic, and more await.
and hard-hearted toward the other creatures of Encounter. The heroes must present the dropped feather
GrymmWorld. She sees only the big picture and before Zelena, who gives them but a moment to catch
never accounts for emotions except when absolutely their breath before attacking mercilessly. During this
necessary. climactic conflict, the great beast asks deeply personal
Social Challenge DC. Ability checks made against questions of the heroes. What is their purpose? Why are
Zelena in social and roleplay encounters have the they doing this? What does their future hold? A DM
following DCs, according to their difficulty. running Zelena should carefully craft these questions to
be poignant toward specific characters and Zelena will
• Easy DC (for friends and allies): 23
stay her assault only to hear a meaningful answer to her
• Medium DC (for acquaintances inquiries. No matter what is said however, Zelena fights
and benevolent strangers): 26 to the bitter end to better measure the heroes’ mettle. The
• Hard DC (for enemies and details of Zelena’s personality can be found in Zelena’s
threatening strangers): 29 Social Statistics sidebar detailed in this section.

chapter six: the questing beasts

one’s determination and resolve. Are the heroes deeply worthy and complete the quest. When this occurs, the
committed to their beliefs that they would face the great- top of the Eldermount is split by lightning as the clouds
est beast in the world and stand before it? Do they have applaud the effort with raucous thunder. Zelena will then
the strength to risk everything in service of a mighty deed, grant her new champions the greatest power she can be-
despite no obvious reward or benefit? If found worthy, they stow. This anointment grants the Epic boon of Imminent
will be endowed with extensive power. Justice, the details of which can be found below.
Finally, the heroes will gain a fragment of undestand-
Rewards ing about the malevolent force lying within GrymmWorld
Those who stand and deliver before Zelena earn her re- that is the fell-beyonders. This fragment is incomplete,
spect. Those that critically wound (reduce her below requiring the seven other fragments from the rest of
half her hit point maximum) or even defeat her are truly GrymmWorld’s Questing Beasts. The details of what this

Zelena, the Frozen Heaven

Gargantuan monstrosity, lawful good

Armor Class 20 (natural armor)

Hit Points 478 (29d20 + 174)
Speed 20 ft., fly 120 ft. Multiattack. Zelena makes four Ice Feather attacks, or two Ice
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Feather attacks and either her Thunderous Screech or Fickle
15 (+2) 17 (+3) 22 (+6) 19 (+4) 26 (+8) 21 (+5) Winds action.

Saving Throws Dex +11, Wis +16, Cha +13 Ice Feather. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, range
Skills History +20, Insight +16, Religion +12, Perception +16 120 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10+3) piercing damage and 21
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, (6d6) cold damage.
and slashing from nonmagical weapons Thunderous Screech. Ranged Spell Attack: +16 to hit, range
Damage Immunities cold 120 ft., each creature in a 20 ft. cube within range. Hit: 21 (6d6)
Condition Immunities charmed thunder and 21 (6d6) cold and the target(s) must succeed on a
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 26 DC 24 Constitution saving throw or be deafened until the end
Languages all of their next turn(s).
Challenge 25 (75,000 XP)
Deep Freeze (Recharges on a Short or Long Rest). Zelena
generates a maelstrom of frigid cold in a 20 ft. radius sphere
centered on a point within 120 ft. Creatures in the affected area
Feathers of True Ice. Zelena’s feathers are coated in ice as hard must succeed on a DC 24 Strength saving throw or become
as diamonds. When Zelena takes 15 or less damage from a frozen (as detailed in the unique condition below).
single attack or effect, she instead takes no damage. Fickle Winds (Recharge 5–6). A fierce wind begins to blow in
Additionally, Zelana’s attacks are magical and when she hits a 300 ft. radius sphere centered on a point Zelena can see within
a creature with an attack, she deals an additional 21 (6d6) cold 60 ft., which blows in a direction of her choice and lasts for 1
damage (included in the attack). minute or until she dismisses it using a bonus action. Creatures
Mantle of Radiant Winter. Zelena exudes an aura of staggering other than Zelena moving against the wind must spend 2 ft. of
cold in a 60 ft. radius sphere. At the start of each of her turns movement for every 1 ft. they move and ranged weapon attacks
Zelena can choose to unleash her freezing might upon creatures of made against targets upwind automatically miss.
her choice in the affected area. An affected creature must succeed
on a DC 24 Constitution saving throw or be chilled for 1 minute. LEGENDARY ACTIONS
A creature under the chilled condition is vulnerable to cold
Zelena can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
damage and cannot regain hit points. At the end of each of its
below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and
turns, an affected creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the
only at the end of another creature’s turn. Zelena regains spent
effect on a success. Once a creature has made a successful saving legendary actions at the start of her turn.
throw against this effect, it is immune to the effect for 24 hours.
Flutter. Zelena flies up to 30 ft.
Merciful. When Zelena reduces a creature to 0 hit points,
she can choose to instead reduce it to 1 hit point and knock Ice Feather. Zelena makes an Ice Feather attack.
it unconscious for 1 hour. A creature knocked unconscious in
Thunderous Screech (Costs 2 Actions). Zelena makes a
this manner can be awakened by another creature within 5 feet
Thunderous Screech attack.
taking an action to wake it.
Mythic Resistance. When Zelena fails a saving throw, she can Freeze Magic (Costs 2 Actions). Zelena suppresses the effects of
use one of her unspent legendary actions to succeed instead. up to three spells of her choice within 120 ft. of her for 1 minute.
Zelena must concentrate to maintain this effect (as though
Rejuvenation. If Zelena is slain, she magically returns to life concentrating on a spell), with the spells resuming their effects
atop the Eldermount within 24 hours. Zelena returns at maxi- when this effect ends (assuming their durations have ended).
mum hit points and under no harmful effects.

chapter six: the questing beasts

fragment confers can be found in the Fell-Entropia sec- The people of Labirinto rightfully flee from her light,
tion in Chapter 1. while the ignorant are swiftly dispatched by the burning
power of the Sun-Slayer.

Epic Boon: Boon of Imminent Justice The Legend of Porche, the Sun-Slayer
When you roll initiative and are aware of the presence
“The day the Clockwork Court imprisoned the Empress
of fell-beyonders within 120 ft. of you, you can choose Impossible was a time of change for Labirinto. Metal was
to decree a single fell-beyonder to be your sworn recast, machines broken, and brilliant inventions forged, but
enemy for 24 hours. The target cannot have resistance between it all emerged a true wonder: Porche, the Sun-Slayer.
or immunity to damage dealt by you and you have So extraordinary is her design and devious her power that
resistance to damage dealt by it. This effect ends early if Porche draws light from our second sun. Each day Porche is
you select another fell-beyonder as your target. allowed to wander the glorious above our land dims. With her
stolen power she stalks the corridors of Labirinto, destroying all
who are cast in her light. The nefarious intention behind Porche’s
Regional Effects design is unknown. No matter how many times her body is
The mountain of Eldermount is augmented by the Zelena’s broken, and sunlight liberated, she always returns to menace
magic, which creates one or more of the following effects the land, an enduring plague upon all of GrymmWorld.”
within the area.
• Restless Winter. A creature that finishes a long The Quest for the Stolen Flame
rest in the affected area must succeed on a DC 18 Every day she roams Labirinto, Porche hungrily consumes
Constitution saving throw or instead gain no benefit the light of the realm’s artificial sun. Normally this effect is
from that rest and gain 1 level of exhaustion. negligible, but should the Sun-Slayer venture too close,
• Uttercold. The temperature of the mountain’s envi- she can drink deeply from the sun’s radiance and ingest
ronment cannot exceed 0 degrees Fahrenheit the primordial spark within. The immediate aftermath of
• Brittle Magic. The duration of any spells or magical this event is catastrophic, causing the sun’s light to wane
effects produced within the area have their durations and proliferating sinister darkness throughout the land.
reduced to 1 minute. When threatened, Porche turns her stolen power upon her
If Zelena is slain, these effects fade immediately. attackers. Few can withstand such an assault, so any would
be saviors of Labirinto must be prepared to withstand the
burning power of the sun itself. The first challenge of said
New Condition: Frozen heroes is to find Porche. The beast is supernaturally adept
at navigating the winding lands of Labirinto, putting even
A frozen creature is encased in ice, which is an object
the most experienced local to shame.
that surrounds the creature with an AC of 15 and has
100 hit points. When the creature is no longer encased
in ice, the condition ends. Creatures subjected to the
frozen condition suffer the following effects:
• The creature is immune to all damage except cold
and psychic damage.
• The creature’s speed is 0, and it cannot take actions
other than attempting to break free. A creature
attempting to break free from the ice must take an
action to attempt a DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
ability check ending the effect on a success.

Porche, the Sun-Slayer

A mechanical, pearl-brass scorpion built by

Grymm long forgotten, Porche sounds like an
old clock winding down; spinning, grinding,
and pinching every metal worn gear with her
rickety movements. Her sleek metallic plates reflect
the unearthly light cast by the miniature sun affixed
to the tip of her burnished tail. No matter where she
travels in Labirinto, the coming of Porche is heralded by
the sun’s light casting all in its burnt-amber hue. Despite
her fearsome power, Porche is only the size of a yard dog.

chapter six: the questing beasts

The Sign of Porche Challenges of the Quest

The Quest for the Stolen Flame begins when Porche man- To embark upon the Quest for the Stolen Flame one
ages to drink the wellspring of light within Labirinto’s ar- must simply seek to restore Labirinito to its usual radi-
tificial sun. The effects of this action are immediate and ance. Saving the realm from this grim fate poses a vari-
severe. The light across the realm begins to fade, casting ety of challenges, as Porche will never relinquish her prize
dark shadows throughout the great labyrinth. The people without a very compelling cause. The land of Labirinto is
of Labirinto seek shelter, fearing the darkness to which already quite hostile to outsiders, particularly those of flesh
they are unaccustomed, filling their hearts with paranoia and blood, adding to the challenge of the quest. As the
and suspicion. All the while, Porche skitters about the lab- realm darkens, the situation rapidly escalates, with count-
yrinth in a cunning game of hide and seek, evading any less malevolent beings moving into the shadowy labyrinth
who dare to take up the Quest for the Stolen Flame. with sinister intentions. All the while, Porche skitters
about evasively, content to digest the endless source of en-
ergy within her.
Freeing the Flame

T racking Porche down is no mean feat. The beast

knows every corner of the great labyrinth and
can navigate it flawlessly, while those chasing her
Porche’s Social Statistics
Personality. Gluttonous
must contend with its many perils (See Chapter 5 for • Ideals. Porche believes only in satiating her own
details). Despite her small size, Porche is formidable. ravenous hunger. While she can feed on almost any
Gorged on magical light, the beast will turn her pilfered source of magical energy, it is the primordial flame
fire on any who wish her harm and is frustratingly within the great Sun Spire of Labirinto which
difficult to negotiate with. There is no defined strategy satisfies her appetite like no other morsel can.
to recovering the flame; theft, violence, bribery, and
trickery have all worked in the past, though never • Bonds. Porche has a peculiar affinity for the great
without great effort. Heroes who attempt to free the labyrinth within Labirinto, knowing its every
flame are likely to encounter the following challenges, secret, shortcut, and architectural element. This
which are presented in a general chronological order. ability is entirely unique to Porche, with no other
known being upon GrymmWorld possessing
Discovery. Any aspiring heroes must determine that
such a unique and powerful affinity for the locale.
Porche is responsible and determine how to find her. The
dimming of the sun is an apocalyptic omen for the peo- • Flaws. Porche’s hunger leaves her short sighted
ple of Labirinto. Many act with outright hostility when and impulsive, rarely thinking more than the next
approached, blaming anything, no matter how implausi- step ahead. She can be easily tempted into reckless
ble, for their plight. What is worse, it is only a matter of action by the promise of potent magical power.
time (typically 3 weeks) before the artificial sun exhausts Social Challenge DC. Ability checks made against
its fuel, sending the entire region into complete panic. Porche in social and roleplay encounters have the
Exploration. The heroes must venture into the farthest following DCs, according to their difficulty.
reaches of the labyrinth in pursuit of Porche, who likely • Easy DC (for friends and allies): 17
has a considerable head start and knows the terrain. At
the best of times the abandoned sections of the labyrinth • Medium DC (for acquaintances
are perilous, but now things have taken a turn for the and benevolent strangers): 20
extremely hazardous. Most of these beings know better • Hard DC (for enemies and
than to mess with Porche, but intrepid heroes are another threatening strangers): 23
story. Only the most experienced of adventurers have a
hope of tracking Porche down quickly, and never without
a few bumps and scrapes from encounters along the way.
Encounter. Porche acts like a cornered animal when Whether it is obtained by force of arms or clever words,
confronted, desperate to protect her endless supply the Primordial Flame instantly returns to the Sun Spire.
of delicious sunlight. This attitude is not grounded in With a radiant burst of light all of Labirinto is illuminated
rationality, but rather a curious instinct or programming
by the rekindled flame of the artificial sun, which shines in
imbued into her design. This isn’t to say Porche can’t be
a brilliant prismatic display for an entire month. Such an
reasoned with (a typical feeding is enough to sustain her
for at least a decade) but persuading her to part with her event is a cause for great celebration throughout the realm,
favorite meal takes some serious negotiating skills. Most with those responsible for staving off the darkness becom-
prefer force of arms, but Porche is more than capable of ing regional celebrities and honored guests in every house-
putting up a good fight. The details of Porche’s personal- hold. Additionally, any heroes who took part in the quest
ity can be found in the Porche’s Social Statistics sidebar receive a powerful blessing when immersed in the light
detailed in this section. of this sun, granting them the epic boon of Everburning
Hope, the details of which can be found below.

chapter six: the questing beasts

of what this fragment confers can be found in the Fell-

Epic Boon: Boon of Everburning Hope Entropia section in Chapter 1.
When you succeed on a saving throw against an enemy Regional Effects
fell-beyonder, you magically regain 1d12 hit points.
The region around Porche is augmented by the Questing
Beast’s magic, which creates one or more of the following
Additionally, the heroes will gain a fragment of un- effects within 10 miles of her location.
derstanding about the malevolent force lying within • Escape Routes. Tiny, Porche-sized apertures in
GrymmWorld that is the fell-beyonders. This fragment the walls of Labirinto appear, providing her with
is incomplete, requiring the seven other fragments from efficient means of egress between the walls of the
the rest of GrymmWorld’s Questing Beasts. The details great labyrinth.

Porche, the Sun-Slayer

Small construct, neutral evil

Armor Class 21 (natural armor) Sunsting. Melee Spell Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
Hit Points 202 (27d6 + 108) Hit: the target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. throw or be poisoned permanently. While so poisoned, a creature
always suffers from Extreme Heat1 and is vulnerable to fire and
radiant damage.
17 (+3) 11 (+0) 19 (+4) 23 (+6) 15 (+2) 8 (-1)
Antimagic Protocol. Porche casts dispel magic without the need
Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +11, Wis +7
for any components as a 5th level spell. If Porche succeeds in
Skills Arcana +16, Perception +7
dispelling a spell effect in this manner, she regains 6 (1d12) hit
Damage Resistances fire, radiant; bludgeoning, piercing, and
points for each spell level of the spell dispelled (minimum of
slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities poison, psychic
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, Radiant Beam (Recharge Short or Long Rest). Porche begins
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned projecting a beam of radiant energy in a 300 ft. long line that is
Senses passive Perception 17 5 feet wide in a direction of her choice, which lasts for 1 minute.
Languages Labirinto, but understands all languages A creature that starts its turn in the beam or enters the area
Challenge 15 (13,000 XP) for the first time on a turn takes 16 (3d10) fire damage and
16 (3d10) radiant damage. Any unattended objects or structures
TRAITS caught in the path of the beam take 30 fire damage and 30
radiant damage at the end of each of Porche’s turns.
Heavily Reinforced. When Porche takes 30 or more damage Additionally, at the start of each of her turns while projecting
in a single turn, she instead takes 25 damage. the beam, Porche can change the orientation of the beam to
another orientation of her choice, sweeping the beam across
Miniature Sun. The sun on Porche’s tail exudes daylight in
the space between both orientations by the shortest possible
a 300 ft. radius sphere, and dim light for 300 ft. beyond that,
distance. Creatures caught in the path of the beam as it changes
which suppresses any darkness (including magical darkness) it
orientation must attempt a DC 19 Dexterity saving throw,
meets. Porche is aware of any creatures in any area illuminated
taking 10 (3d6) fire damage and 10 (3d6) radiant damage on a
by this light, and creatures illuminated by the light cannot be
failure, or half as much on a success.
hidden from her.
This effect ends early if Porche is incapacitated or chooses to
Mythic Resistance. When Porche fails a saving throw, she end it by taking a bonus action.
can use one of her unspent legendary actions to succeed
Rejuvenation. If Porche is slain, she magically returns to life
Porche can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
within Labrinito within 24 hours. Porche returns at maximum
below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and
hit points and under no harmful effects.
only at the end of another creature’s turn. Porche regains spent
legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Claw. Porche makes a claw attack.
Multiattack. Porche makes two claw attacks and uses either
Dig. Porche burrows up to her speed.
her Sunblast or Sunsting actions.
Sunstrike (Costs 2 Actions). Porche uses either her Sunblast or
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Sunsting action.
Hit: 11 (1d10 + 6) piercing damage.
Sweeping Blast (Costs 2 Actions). Porche changes the
Sunblast. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft. or
orientation of her Radiant Beam.
range 300 ft., one target. Hit: 45 (6d12+6) radiant damage.

1 The details of this effect can be found in the 5th Edition core rules.

chapter six: the questing beasts

• Air Cover. Porche and any effects she produces The Legend of Oedipus Stonetongue
are invisible to creatures 30 ft. or higher above the For as long as there have been hearts, there has been sorrow.
ground. All hearts ache when faced with loss, but for some the pain of
• Repair Stations. Special repair stations appear the past is never forgotten. Such is the fate of dear Oedipus,
throughout the area. When Porche takes a Short the Stonetongue beast awash in its own tears. Rejected by
Rest in one of these stations, the time to complete the world and sentenced to count all the stones of Praia, dear
the rest is reduced to 10 minutes. Oedipus walks alone. This task is endless and impossible.
If Porche dies these effects fade immediately. Every rock must be numbered, named, only to be forgotten
by the forlorn beast; an endless cycle of misery from which
Oedipus Stonetongue Oedipus will never emerge. As he wanders, Oedipus cries out
for companionship. Those that can withstand his foul stench
To look upon Oedipus Stonetongue is to know the gro- and strange appearance are driven away by his cantankerous
tesque. The beast is large, lumbering, and packed tightly demeanor. To be among these “fake friends” is to incur the
with rough-hewn muscles that pulsate and flex with every beast’s great wrath. With a sticky vengeance, Oedipus de-
movement. There is a disgusting slurp and sucking noise scends from the treetops to punish those who dared toy with
from every tentacle that slithers and crawls across every his already shattered heart.
surface they touch. Everything Oedipus touches is coated
in a fetid grey slime that offends every sense imaginable. The Quest for the Slimy Crown
An observer who dares approach this beast can observe When the reign of the Rime King comes to end with-
his elephantine size, violently purple skin, and many seg- in Praia, their coral crown vanishes in a flash of indigo
mented eyes that glow a deep yellow. Each movement of light. By unknown magics the sacred relic appears atop the
the creature is asymmetrical and indelicate, as if it were head of Oedipus Stonetongue, who experiences a rare flash
wracked with crippling pain. From its gooey maw emits of true happiness at the prospect of being named king of
overdramatic cries of anguish, like a melodramatic actor Praia. The people of the realm are duty bound to follow
taking center stage. the beast’s bizarre orders, flocking to its location to wait on
Oedipus’ every want and desire. Thanks to his foul mood,
Oedipus’s reign is not fit to last. The people of Praia suffer
under his self-aggrandizing rule, desperately awaiting ad-
venturers daring enough to reclaim the crown and bestow
it upon one who is worthy.

The Sign
The Quest for the Slimy Crown begins when Oedipus
comes into possessions of the Rime King’s coral crown.
However, rarely are mighty heroes on hand to immedi-
ately take up the challenge. Oedipus has been known to
rule for years before being dethroned, with one legendary
reign lasting well over a century during an era known
as the Fetid Dominion. More likely, heroes will be
compelled to embark upon the quest after witness-
ing the suffering of the Praian people. The beast’s
commands are bizarre, but rarely deadly, geared
toward mollifying his own ego and gleeful-
ly testing the limits of his authority. Armies
marching in reverse, feasts held for non-exis-
tent holidays, and other bizarre activities are
a clear sign something is dreadfully wrong
in Praia.

Challenges of the Quest

Confronting Oedipus and reclaiming the
crown is but the first step in the Quest for the
Slimy Crown. Even that seemingly simple
task is fraught with danger, as Grimm-
Prai are dutiful in their obligation to obey
the wearer of the coral crown. However,
Oedipus abhors blood and violence, and

chapter six: the questing beasts

will never escalate a confrontation to that level unless given

no other choice. The beast will not willingly hand over the Oedipus’s Social Statistics
crown under any circumstances, requiring trickery, force,
or negotiation to recover the item. From there, it is the de- Personality. Egocentric
ceptively simple matter of bestowing the crown upon the • Ideals. Oedipus believes himself to be a victim of
head of a willing Grimm-Prai (see the details of the coral the universe (and may well be right), lamenting
crown in Chapter 5 for details). Such a decision must be his misfortune as dramatically as possible at every
made quickly, for Oedipus will do everything in his power opportunity. He believes this grievance to be an
to recover the crown, but a reckless choice can spell ca- adequate justification for almost any course of action
he chooses to take, so long as he does not directly
tastrophe for Praia in the decades ahead. More than a few
harm someone who has not harmed him.
Rime Kings have been tyrannical despots thanks to a poor
decision made by foolhardy heroes. • Bonds. Despite his cantankerous demeanor, Oedipus
revels in the presence of other beings. To be attended
Rewards to, waited on, and served gives the beast some small
amount of joy. Endearing oneself to the volatile
Stealing the coral crown and appointing a new Rime King
creature is difficult, but those favored few are nearly
ends any conflict with Oedipus, causing the beast to retreat as precious to Oedipus as anything can be.
deep into the Red-Rime Grove to brood. Meanwhile, the
• Flaws. Oedipus wears his extremely sensitive heart
people of Praia close a dark chapter in their lives and open
on his shoulder. Forms of emotional stress evoke
a new one – full of hopeful prospects and untapped poten-
extreme responses in the beast; insults, disrespect,
tial. If the heroes chose well, the new Rime King will reign and a condescending attitude often elicit powerful
long and well. Should they choose poorly…Well, no king responses.
rules forever, and bad kings rarely for long. In either case
the heroes are lauded for their efforts, earning them the ti- Social Challenge DC. Ability checks made against
tle of Kingmaker and a page in Praia’s resplendent history. Oedipus in social and roleplay encounters have the
Such dedication earns said heroes a powerful epic boon, following DCs, according to their difficulty.
known as the Boon of Spiteful Retaliation, the details of • Easy DC (for friends and allies): 18
which can be found below. • Medium DC (for acquaintances and
Additionally, the heroes will gain a fragment of un- benevolent strangers): 21
derstanding about the malevolent force lying within • Hard DC (for enemies and
GrymmWorld that is the fell-beyonders. This fragment threatening strangers): 24
is incomplete, requiring the seven other fragments from

Bestowing the Crown

W hen Oedipus acquires the coral crown, he typically

holds court in the Red Rime Grove of Praia, an
inhospitable location for most creatures, let alone the
in Praia to witness some of these bewildering incidents and
discern something is amiss.
Exploration. Tracking down Oedipus requires working
average Praian. The constant coming and going of peoples
and goods pollutes the habitat, creating a truly hateful one’s way into his court. Bypassing the many innocent
cesspool of misery and resentment. The foul mood of Praians serving the beast is not easy, for most are caught in
Oedipus is felt far and wide. Discerning heroes would do an impossible dilemma thanks to their honorable nature.
well to notice community leaders stepping up in this time However, dying for the Rime King is as noble a cause as
of crisis, as they may make for fine future Rime Kings. overthrowing a tyrant, allowing heroes multiple avenues of
The coral crown is firmly stuck atop Oedipus’s head and is approach. Audiences are rare, but security in the court is
the source of any fleeting happiness the beast experiences. inconsistent to say the least.
Parting the two is challenging in the extreme. Heroes Encounter. Encounters with Oedipus are unpleasant
who attempt to obtain the crown are likely to encounter affairs. The beast does a poor job of communicating his true
the following challenges, which are presented in a general desires, prone to drama and excessive airing of grievances.
chronological order. If personally attacked or the coral crown removed without
Discovery. When Oedipus wears the coral crown, the signs his consent, Oedipus erupts in inconsolable, violent fury.
are obvious and ever present throughout Praia. The people Any thieves or plunderers would do well to watch their
pray for a swift end to the Rime King’s rule, as grim tax backs until the coral crown is safely delivered to the next
collectors gather food, currency, and even more bizarre Rime King, for Oedipus will not relinquish his one mote
objects for the beast’s inscrutable desires. Agents of Oedipus of happiness without a fight. The details of Oedipus’s
are always decorated in honor of their lord, wearing bizarre personality can be found in the Oedipus’s Social Statistics
costumes in his honor. Heroes have only to spend a few days sidebar detailed in this section.

chapter six: the questing beasts

the rest of GrymmWorld’s Questing Beasts. The details Regional Effects

of what this fragment confers can be found in the Fell- The region containing Oedipus is augmented by the
Entropia section in Chapter 1. Questing Beast’s magic, which creates one or more of the
following effects within the area of Praia while he wears
the coral crown.
Epic Boon: Boon of Spiteful Retalation • Winds of Forgotten Horror. The winds whisper
of the crimes for which Oedipus was condemned
When you take damage from a fell-beyonder you can
see within 60 ft. of you, you can take a reaction to
to count rocks for all eternity. The crimes are so
deal psychic damage to the fell-beyonder equal to the horrific and disturbing that if a creature hears the
damage you took. winds for one continuous hour, it must succeed
on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or become

Oedipus Stonetongue
Huge monstrosity, neutral

Armor Class 18 (natural armor) attempt a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check, freeing the target
Hit Points 450 (36d12 + 216) on a success.
Speed 40 ft., climb 40 ft., swim 40 ft.
27 (+8) 8 (-1) 22 (+6) 15 (+2) 6 (-2) 22 (+6) Multiattack. Oedipus makes four tentacle attacks. Oedipus
Saving Throws Str +14, Con +12, Wis +4 can forgo making two tentacle attacks to instead make a single
Skills Acrobatics +11, Perception +4, Sleight of Hand +11 Constrict or Spit attack.
Damage Resistances psychic; bludgeoning, piercing,
Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 25 ft., one
and slashing from nonmagical weapons
creature grappled by Oedipus. Hit: 36 (8d6 + 8) bludgeoning
Damage Immunities acid
damage and the target is restrained and cannot breathe and
Condition Immunities charmed
begins suffocating for as long as it is restrained in this manner.
Senses blindsense 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft.,
passive Perception 14 Spit. Ranged Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, range 60/120 ft.,
Languages Praian, but understands all languages one target. Hit: 30 (4d10 + 8) acid damage.
Challenge 17 (18,000 XP)
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 25 ft.,
one target. Hit: 21 (2d12 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
Acid Sheath (Recharge on a Short or Long Rest). Oedipus
Crippling Melancholy. Oedipus exists in a constant state of converts its slime into acid for 1 minute. When Oedipus affects
melancholy sadness, which exudes from him in a 30 ft. radius a creature or object with his Stick-to-itiveness feature, he deals
sphere centered on him. When a creature enters the area for 9 (2d8) acid damage to the target. Additionally, anything stuck
the first time on a turn or starts its turn there, Oedipus can to Oedipus via this feature takes 9 (2d8) acid damage at the
force it to attempt a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or become end of each of Oedipus’s turns.
overwhelmed with sadness for one minute. On each of its turns
a creature who is overwhelmed can either use its movement, LEGENDARY ACTIONS
use a single action, or use its bonus action, but otherwise do
nothing else. At the end of each of its turns, an affected creature Oedipus can take three legendary actions, choosing from the
can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time
A creature that succeeds on a saving throw against this effect and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Oedipus regains
becomes immune to Crippling Melancholy for 24 hours. spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Mythic Resistance. When Oedipus fails a saving throw, he can Move. Oedipus moves up to its speed.
use one of his unspent legendary actions to succeed instead.
Tentacle. Oedipus makes a tentacle attack.
Rejuvenation. If Oedipus is slain, he magically returns to life
within Praia within 24 hours. Oedipus returns at maximum hit Gelatinous Body (Costs 2 Actions). Oedipus’ body becomes more
points and under no harmful effects. fluid until the end of its next turn. While in this state, Oedipus
becomes immune to the grappled and restrained conditions, and
Stick-to-itiveness. Oedipus is coated in layer of sticky slime. can squeeze through spaces as small as 2 feet in diameter.
When Oedipus touches or is touched by a creature or object, he
can choose to stick to that creature or object. Anything stuck to Wail of Misery (Costs 3 Actions). Oedipus emits a wail
Oedipus is considered held by him (if an object) or grappled by of misery that can be heard by creatures up to 120 ft. away.
him (if a creature), though this does not require Oedipus have Enemy creatures that hear the wail must succeed on a DC 20
a free hand to interact with a target in this manner. Freeing a Constitution saving throw or become blinded for 1 hour as they
stuck target requires a creature within reach to use an action to begin crying profusely.

chapter six: the questing beasts

frightened of all other creatures until it can no

longer hear the winds. Colinopi’s Social Statistics
• Liquifaction. Large swamps of foul-smell-
ing muck and mire form throughout the area. Personality. Passionate
Affected areas are considered difficult terrain • Ideals. Colinopi believes in love. Nothing is more
and creatures in the affected area cannot detect wholesome or valuable to the Moist Love-Beast than
anything via sense of smell. the pursuit and sharing of affections with others.
• Cantankerous Locals. Natives to Praia always Though Colinopi always outlives its partners, it never
awaken in a bad mood, becoming unfriendly to- sees that as a reason to stop trying, honoring the
ward all other creatures at the end of each Long memory of its past paramours while seeking new
Rest until something adjusts their attitude. experiences in love.
If Oedipus dies these effects fade immediately. • Bonds. Colinopi treats every potential paramour
with a respectful flirtatiousness that always seems to
Colinopi, the Moist Love-Beast push the right buttons. However, even when rejected
the Moist Love-Beast takes things in stride, still
Deep within the Tadfen Bog is a loving beast of infinite considering such creatures as beautiful souls worth
proportions. This is Colinopi, a squishy, eye-encrusted sal- knowing and appreciating.
amander whose presence literally stretches across all of • Flaws. Honoring the memory of its first lover,
Tadfen. With a broad head, a face only a mother could Colinopi will never again date dragons. Even the
love, webbed feet, and flesh that squelches with every presence of such a creature is too much for the Moist
movement, Colinopi snakes through the swamps, trailing Love-Beast to bear, shattering its confidence and
its endless tail behind it. Its countless pairs of eyes start at reducing Colinopi to a sobbing ruin.
its head and continue down to the hypothetical end of its Social Challenge DC. Ability checks made against
tail, granting Colinopi a view of all of Tadfen no matter Colinopi in social and roleplay encounters have the
the circumstances. Prone to excessive napping, the beast’s following DCs, according to their difficulty.
sedentary body is overgrown with moss. Though it rarely • Easy DC (for friends and allies): 17
speaks, the voice of Colinopi sounds of a guttural gagging, • Medium DC (for acquaintances
punctuated by the tongued smacking of lips. Life in the and benevolent strangers): 20
swamps of Tadfen is not clean, coating the Moist Love-
• Hard DC (for enemies and
Beast in a healthy layer of earthy, but still pungent, mud. threatening strangers): 23
The Legend of Colinopi
“Colinopi the Moist is also known as the Love-Beast. When
the idea of soft sweet words, secret songs, and wishing stars
came into being, it is said that they were first mentioned
by the swamp creature. They crawled into the bayou
where they could remain warm and wistful. The
legend says they came here when they were rejected by
the heavenly bird, and so sank into their sadness. Forlorn and
without true purpose, Colinopi slinks around the waterways
in search of would-be lovers that they might swallow
to feel their love or lead to the secret poem caves
they constructed many eons ago.”

The Quest of Unlikely

Colinopi is a lover, not a fighter, but the
pursuit of true love can be as dangerous
as any battlefield. Taking up the Quest of
Unlikely Matchmaking involves tracking down
the Moist Love-Beast and helping it find its
next paramour. Unfortunately, this is not
nearly as easy as it sounds. Colinopi is a
sound sleeper, picky eater, shrewd lov-
er, and slow mover, all of which com-
bines to form a frightfully difficult quest.
Heroes seeking to aid the beast must navigate the

chapter six: the questing beasts

perils of Tadfen Bog while acting as intrepid matchmakers. of what this fragment confers can be found in the Fell-
Colinopi does not awake ready to hit the dating scene, and Entropia section in Chapter 1.
must be fed, watered, and washed thoroughly, testing even
the most dedicated hero’s patience and stoicism.
Making A Match
The Sign of Colinopi
The first sign of the beast is an encounter with its infinite
tail. Many a hero has stumbled across the strange append-
T he Quest of Unlikely Matchmaking can only
be completed by finding Colinopi another
being to love and be loved by. The salamander has
age, but not many have the dedication to follow it through discerning standards, refusing to date non-sentient
the bug infested swamps of Tadfen. It is clear from the creatures of any type and rarely dating those of a
eyes lining the tail the beast is asleep, unresponsive to any type it has dated before. What is worse, the Moist
stimuli and severing instantly if damaged. Those who track Love-Beast requires a lot of work to get presentable.
the tail to the Moist Love-Beast can begin the Quest of A proper makeover is advisable, particularly due to
the Unlikely Matchmaking in earnest. Colinopi’s astonishingly low confidence, even for
a mud-encrusted salamander. Heroes who attempt
Challenges of the Quest to do so are likely to encounter the following
Tracking the infinite tail to Colinopi can take weeks, de- challenges, which are presented in a general
pending on how close the discovered section is to the main chronological order.
body. Enduring the wandering path through Tadfen Bog • Discovery. Heroes upon the Quest of the
is a considerable challenge, but nothing compares to the Unlikely Matchmaker must awaken Colinopi
sheer absurdity of setting Colinopi up to find true love. from its deep slumber. The only way of doing so
Many heroes have proven themselves heroic in battle, but short of overwhelming violence is an extravagant
few are heroes in the affairs of the heart. Those upon the love ballad to stir the Love-Beast’s heart. Bards
Quest of Unlikely Matchmaking will be tested in patience, and performers of Tadfen know many such songs
creativity, and artistry. The Moist Love-Beast is not one that are rumored to be favorites of Colinopi,
for taking dating advice, often attacking those who seek to though a quality improv session has been known
to do the trick.
help it out of sheer frustration should things not go well.
Balancing the irritable salamander’s personality with the • Exploration. Once awakened, Colinopi is eager
goals of the quest is a tricky tightrope aspiring hero must to begin the search for a partner. However, the
walk. salamander needs all the help it can get, gaining
particular benefit from the following activities:
Rewards | A thorough washing in clean water.

Setting Colinopi up with an appropriate lover is a bizarre | A hearty meal

but fulfilling task, earning such heroes the gratitude of the | A fortifying, confidence boosting drink
Moist Love-Beast and its paramour. When such a match is | Some solid dating advice
found, the flora and fauna of the Tadfen Bog erupt in cel- | A thoughtful discussion about what Colinopi
ebration, heralding a new love story beginning to unfold.
is looking for in a partner this time.
The rest of Tadfen is content to leave the new couple alone,
but the matchmaking heroes are unceremoniously granted Additionally, the salamander doesn’t travel well,
forcing helpful heroes to bring prospective
a powerful epic boon known as the Boon of Unbreakable
dates to the Moist Love-Beast to see if they are
Kinship, the details of which can be found below.
• Encounter. Unfortunately, things are not as
Epic Boon: Boon of Unbreakable Kinship simple as they may appear. When Colinopi gets
frustrated with any matchmaking activities, it
If you are reduced to zero hit points or slain by a fell- quickly becomes violent. Rarely does this outburst
beyonder, you instead survive and immediately roll turn deadly, but it can prove quite dangerous to
any number of your remaining hit dice and regain hit ill-prepared heroes. Otherwise Colinopi is friendly
points as though you had instantly finished a Short and deliberate. It speaks thoughtfully and has a
Rest. Once you have used this feature, you cannot use it habit of asking just the right questions to spark
again until 1 week has passed. a pleasant conversation. Flirting is a common
practice, though only with creatures who would be
receptive. The Moist Love-Beast is loath to make
Additionally, the heroes will gain a fragment of un- another creature uncomfortable and will never do
der-standing about the malevolent force lying within so willingly. The details of Colinopi’s personality
GrymmWorld that is the fell-beyonders. This fragment can be found in the Colinopi’s Social Statistics
is incomplete, requiring the seven other fragments from sidebar detailed in this section.
the rest of GrymmWorld’s Questing Beasts. The details

chapter six: the questing beasts

Regional Effects • Healing Mud. When a creature finishes a Short

The region containing Colinopi is augmented by their Rest in the affected area, it can use the enriched
magic, which creates one or more of the following effects mud in the swamp to double the hit points it would
within the area. normally gain from expending its hit dice.
• Pleasant Vibes. When a creature finishes a long • Mating Calls. Creatures in this region looking for
rest in the affected area, its initial attitude toward prospective paramours can be heard by suitable
other creatures is friendly until it is given a reason matches anywhere in the affected area.
to feel otherwise. If Colinopi dies these effects fade immediately.

Colinopi, the Moist Love-Beast

Huge monstrosity, neutral good

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Dexterity saving throw or be swallowed by Colinopi. A

Hit Points 283 (27d10 + 135) swallowed creature is blinded and restrained, it has total
Speed 40 ft. swim 40 ft. cover against attacks and other effects outside Colinopi,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA and it takes 21 (6d6), acid damage at the start of each of
17 (+3) 19 (+4) 21 (+5) 13 (+1) 17 (+3) 22 (+6) Colinopi’s turns.
Saving Throws Dex +9, Wis +8, Cha +11 Tongue. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 50 ft., one
Skills Nature +11, Perception +8, Persuasion +16 target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage and 21 (6d6)
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, acid damage. If the target is a creature it is grappled and on its
and slashing from nonmagical weapons turn can attempt a DC 17 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
Damage Immunities poison (Acrobatics) check to escape. Colinopi can use a reaction to
Condition Immunities charmed pull the target to an unoccupied space within 5 ft. of them.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18 Mud Breath. Colinopi exhales a wave of mud in a 30 ft.
Languages Tadfen, but understands all languages cone. Creatures in the affected area must succeed on a DC
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP) 19 Dexterity saving throw or take 9 (2d8) bludgeoning and
9 (2d8) cold damage and be slathered in mud. A creature
TRAITS that is slathered is blinded until it immerses its eyes in clean
water or a creature within reach uses an action to wipe away
Empathic Sensitivity. Colinopi can sense the emotions the mud.
and mood of any creature they are aware of within 120 ft.
Colinopi has advantage on Charisma ability checks against Hypnotic Display (Recharge Short or Long Rest).
such creatures and affected creatures have disadvantage on Colinopi’s body emits a hypnotic display of bioluminescent
attacks and Charisma ability checks against Colinopi. light for 1 minute. When Colinopi begins the display, each
creature of their choice within 60 ft. that can see Colinopi
Mythic Resistance. When Colinopi fails a saving throw, must succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or become
they can use one of their unspent legendary actions to charmed for the duration. While charmed, a creature is
succeed instead. incapacitated and has a speed of 0.
Rejuvenation. If Colinopi is slain, they magically return to
life within the Tadfen Bog within 24 hours. Colinopi returns LEGENDARY ACTIONS
at their maximum hit points and under no harmful effects.
Colinopi can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
Infinite Tail. Colinopi’s tail extends from their body to a options below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time
seemingly infinite length, granting them vision through the and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Colinopi regains
appendage thanks to its countless eyes. The tail possesses spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Colinopi’s statistics, but none of their traits, and any damage
dealt to the tail deals no damage to the main body of Move. Colinopi moves up to their speed.
Colinopi. A section of the tail can be severed by dealing 30 Mud Breath. Colinopi takes their mud breath action.
points of damage to it.
Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Calinopi takes either its Bite or
Tongue action.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 26 (4d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage. If the target is
a Large or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 19

chapter six: the questing beasts

Willia Shadow-Cast
A creature of two dimensions, this jet-black cat glides
across any surface like a living shadow. Its body absorbs
all light, leaving no definition or contour. Wherever
it walks the sounds of sleigh bells gently jingle, herald-
ing its approach to all who dwell within the Witchwood.
Willia emits no odor and is cool to the touch. Her size is
comparable to the largest of lions, with eyes
glowing either a brilliant orange or ivory
white, depending on her own inscruta-
ble preferences. When speaking, the
beast is articulate and sharp, like a
schoolteacher speaking to an unruly

The Legend of Willia

“It is said that within the dark of
the Witchwood there are orange eyes
that glow like flickering candles. To
and fro these eyes wander, searching
for signs of the normal in a realm of
weirdness. These are the ways of Willia
Shadow-Cast, a cat of dark dignity
and profound strangeness. With every
step she takes, the ground exalts in her
passing, springing up great gourds of
impossible size and peculiar shape.

Rescuing the Hostage

T he Witchwood is inhospitable to sensible creatures

at the best of times. Venturing into its gnarled groves
invites conflict of a staggering variety from creatures large
but well worth the effort. Only nonsense reasoning is
compelling to the creatures of the Witchwood, a bizarre
and challenging prospect.
and small. The local flora and fauna are all in on Willia’s • Exploration. Assuming the heroes reach the Painted
game, eager to aid the beast in her endeavor to torment any Shadows, they must then walk between its two-
would be rescuers. Flocks of crows spy on the heroes at all dimensional structures in search of the Birdhouse where
hours, while trees seek to trip clumsy intruders and move to Willia makes her lair. The entire area is filled with
cover seemingly reliable trails. Should the would-be rescuers shadowy beasts from other dimensions, most of which
turn back and surrender to her cunning, Willia considers are openly hostile to the beings of Prometerra. The two-
her efforts to have been a delightful success. Those who dimensional nature of the Painted Shadows does not
overcome the perils of the antagonistic Witchwood and help much, requiring a unique perspective to navigate
the beast’s direct action are quick to earn her ire, which can effectively and uncover where Willia has hidden her
turn deadly at any moment. Heroes who attempt to do so Plaything.
are likely to encounter the following challenges, which are
• Encounter. Encounters with Willia are fraught with
presented in a general chronological order.
danger and wit. The beast is just as likely to chat as it is
• Discovery. Finding the location of Willia’s lair is a to strike, encircling mortals like a predator circling prey
frightful challenge, nearly equal to the act of getting it knows cannot escape. While the beast does not shy
there. The Painted Shadows is seldom visited, even by away from killing, rarely is this an expedient affair. The
the locals, and is home to mysterious beings who have game is as important to Willia as victory and failing to
yet to be properly named, let alone understood. One savor the moment drives her to fury. Those seeking to free
could bumble about the Witchwood in hope of finding her prey would do well to note defeating Willia is not a
Willia’s lair, but a far more pragmatic approach is to requirement for completing the quest, only liberating the
befriend the monstrous denizens of the Witchwood, target from the bars of her Shadow Cage. The details of
an activity the locals always recommend with an Willia’s personality can be found in the Willia’s Social
overenthusiastic smile. Such a prospect is dangerous, Statistics sidebar detailed in this section.

chapter six: the questing beasts

To be of the Witchwood is to give thanks to Willia. She is mind when picking her target, preferring those whose
the echo of divinity, cursed to walk this world as a literal absence will cause the maximum amount of turmoil
shadow of her former self. She is now but a witness, feeding and strife throughout Prometerra. While this act is
on the weirdness of the Witchwood in a cycle beyond the far from benevolent, Willia’s motivations are not sin-
capacity of rational minds” ister, merely delusional, applying the inscrutable logic
of the Witchwood to the far more sensible realms of
The Quest of the Pilfered Plaything Prometerra. Those close to the victim know Willia is re-
Under her whimsical charge of keeping the Witchwood sponsible for the scratch marks left on nearly every sur-
in a perpetual state of absurdity, Willia will occasional- face at the sight of the kidnapping; three deep cuts from
ly abduct a figure of great significance from somewhere a clawed paw.
on Prometerra, holding them hostage within a shadowy
birdcage and toyed with for her amusement. Naturally Challenges of the Quest
such an occurrence creates quite a stir, especially in the Tracking Willia down and freeing her hostage is but one
region from which the figure was abducted. Political tur- facet of the quest. The Shadow-Cast exists in a state of
moil, geographic conflict, and general mayhem soon fol- two dimensions, and can inflict this condition upon oth-
low, much to Willia’s delight. The cat eagerly awaits any ers, compounding the already befuddling nature of the
would be heroes who would attempt to rescue her new Witchwood. Her lair is the Painted Shadows (see Chapter
favorite toy, ensuring their experience is as bizarre and 5 for details), a lair of contradictions and impossibilities
peculiar as possible. from which few can escape. Heroes who take up the Quest
of the Pilfered Plaything must not only content with
The Sign Willia’s devious trickery, but also unravel the puzzling
The Quest for the Pilfered Plaything begins when Willia prison in which her hostage is being held. Life, limb, and
kidnaps her target. Often the cat has a strategic goal in dignity are all on the line, for Willia is exceedingly catlike
in how she treats her toys.

Willia’s Social Statistics Rewards

Rescuing Willia’s favored Plaything causes the beast to
Personality. Mischievous
forever consider the heroes that are responsible unfun and
• Ideals. Willia passionately believes almost vows never to antagonize them again. A path leading out
everyone in GrymmWorld takes things way too of the Witchwood mysteriously appears and for one week
seriously. She desperately seeks usurp the status
the denizens of that realm will refrain from attacking the
quo and drive all of Prometerra closer to the most
heroes and their companions in honor of their victory. The
extreme absurdities of the Witchwood. While
people from which the hostage was plucked are almost
this is not a malevolent desire, it is undeniably
guaranteed to provide handsome rewards, particularly due
to the significance of the hostage on a geo-political scale.
• Bonds. Willia has a strange affection for the color The people of the Witchwood are in awe of those who
orange. Anyone sporting the color automatically defy Willia and will treat them with a level or reverence
intrigues her, while those that harm anything befitting a noble. However, the true prize is the powerful
bearing the color antagonize her greatly. epic boon Willia bestows on those who best her, called the
• Flaws. The Shadow-Cast beast has a crippling Boon of Bottomless Cunning, the details of which can be
addiction to playful behavior. Even when every found below.
logical perspective dictates she must finish off
her enemies, she desperately seeks to squeeze
jout one more moment of torment from her Epic Boon: Boon of Bottomless Cunning
enemies. This behavior has been her downfall on
more than one occasion, but the habit has proven As a bonus action on each of your turns, you can
unchanging across millennia. magically teleport to an unoccupied space you can see
Social Challenge DC. Ability checks made against within 60 ft. that is within 5 ft. of a fell-beyonder.
Willia in social and roleplay encounters have the
following DCs, according to their difficulty.
• Easy DC (for friends and allies): 19 Additionally, the heroes will gain a fragment of un-
derstanding about the malevolent force lying within
• Medium DC (for acquaintances GrymmWorld that is the fell-beyonders. This fragment
and benevolent strangers): 22
is incomplete, requiring the seven other fragments from
• Hard DC (for enemies and the rest of GrymmWorld’s Questing Beasts. The details
threatening strangers): 25 of what this fragment confers can be found in the Fell-
Entropia section in Chapter 1.

chapter six: the questing beasts

Lair Actions bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from

On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Willia can nonmagical weapons. The cage lasts until Willia
take a lair action to cause one of the following effects. uses this action again or until it is destroyed.
Willia can use the same action option twice in a row. • Living Darkness. Willia conjures 1d4 Shadows in
• Shadow Cage. Willia forms a 10 ft. cube of unoccupied spaces she can see within 60 ft.
shadows, which take the form of a hollow cage • Dispel Light. Willia extinguishes any sources of
with bars 1 inch apart. The cage is an object with light in a 20 ft. radius sphere centered on a point
100 hit points and an AC of 15. It is immune to she can see within 120 ft.

Willia Shadow-Cast
Large monstrosity, chaotic neutral

Armor Class 19 (Half Cover)

Hit Points 294 (28d10 + 140)
Speed 50 ft., climb 50 ft. Multiattack. Willia makes two Claw attacks and one Bite
attack. Willia can forgo making a Bite attack in this manner to
instead make a Cursed Tail attack or take the Hide action.
1 (-5) 24 (+7) 21 (+5) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 12 (+1)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +11, Wis +9, Cha +7
Hit: 39 (5d12 + 7) piercing damage. If Willia was hidden from
Skills Deception +7, Perception +9, Stealth +13
the target when she made the attack, she deals an additional 35
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning, thunder;
(10d6) piercing damage on the attack.
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities necrotic Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target.
Condition Immunities charmed, grappled, paralyzed petrified, Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) slashing damage.
prone, restrained, stunned, unconscious
Cursed Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 19
creature. Hit: the target must succeed on a DC 21 Charisma
Languages Witchen, but understands all languages
saving throw or be cursed until it leaves the Witchwood. While
Challenge 19 (22,000 XP)
cursed, when the target would regain hit points, it instead
regains no hit points and takes necrotic damage equal to the
TRAITS number of hit points it would have regained.
Aura of Mischief (1/turn). When a creature within 60 ft. Banishing Pit (Recharge Short or Long Rest). Willia causes a
of Willia that she can see makes an attack roll, ability check, pit of two-dimensional space to appear in a 20 ft. space on the
or saving throw, she can remove any advantage applied to the ground within 120 ft, which lasts for 1 minute. Creatures in the
roll and instead impose disadvantage on the roll. affected area when the pit appears must succeed on a DC 21
Dexterity saving throw or fall into the pit. On a success the crea-
Mythic Resistance. When Willia fails a saving throw, she ture is moved to the nearest unoccupied space outside the pit. A
can use one of her unspent legendary actions to succeed creature that falls in the pit is banished to a shadowy dimension
instead. for the effect’s duration. While so banished, a creature’s speed is
Rejuvenation. If Willia is slain, she magically returns zero and becomes blinded. On each of its turns, a banished crea-
to life within the Witchwood within 24 hours. Willia ture can attempt to escape by using an action to attempt a DC
returns at maximum hit points and under no harmful 15 Charisma ability check, appearing in an unoccupied space of
effects. its choice within 10 ft. of the pit on a success.
Living Shadow. Willia is a two dimensional being whose
form is cast upon objects, terrain, and structures no matter LEGENDARY ACTIONS
where she moves. She typically occupies a 10 ft. square
Willia can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
upon a surface and is immune to any effect that would
below. Only one legendary action can be used at a time and
move her to a space where she cannot cast a shadow on the
only at the end of another creature’s turn. Willia regains spent
legendary actions at the start of her turn.
Because of her two-dimensional nature, Willia has half
cover (+2 to AC and Dexterity saving throws) against three Move. Willia moves up to her speed
dimensional creatures.
Hide (Costs 2 Actions). Willia takes the Hide action.
Shadow Step (Costs 3 Actions). Willia magically teleports to a
space in darkness that she can see within 120 ft.

Quite possibly the greatest compilation
of high-level monstrous foes compatible
with the 5th Edition of the world's greatest
roleplaying game. The Total Party Kill
Bestiary: Volume 1 focuses on development
of monsters with a challenge rating above
10, putting special emphasis on non-
humanoid, non-legendary creatures. Monster
information includes detailed descriptions,
lore, background, ecology, treasure, plot
hooks, and tactical suggestions and scaling.

Consider looking over our other products,

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ISBN 978-1-946678-21-8

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