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Brhianna Genereux

Caroline Reynolds

English 1201-151

26 January 2022

“Dua Lipa's $1.5 Million Concert Was a Stunning Bid to Stay on Our Minds During the


Larry Fitzmaurice’s article “Dua Lipa's $1.5 Million Concert Was a Stunning Bid to Stay

on Our Minds During the Pandemic”, which appeared in New York Times Magazine in March of

2021, is a great example of how music can give us hope even in such a dark time. The article

opens by talking about some of the many spectacular moments in music that occurred in the

months before March of 2021. Along with the many amazing musical moments, it also mentions

the jealousy that people around the world felt watching them while stuck in their homes.

Fitzmaurice then goes on to talk about Dua Lipa’s album Future Nostalgia, which was released

around the same time the pandemic started. He mentions that the album was expected to fail but

it did the exact opposite. The album became a hit because people lived vicariously through her

music, wishing for a time when there was no pandemic.

Fitzmaurice goes on to talk about Dua Lipa’s “over-the-top”, a concert that included

many well-known artists. He mentions because of covid it was live-streamed, but still, cost a

good chunk of money. The concert was one of the first performances pulled off during the

pandemic, and these types of performances were a struggle for lesser-known and upcoming

artists. Fitzmaurice says that it was harder for artists who did not have as much money or as

many connections in the music industry, to get to an audience. He also states that in the future it

might be harder to do these kinds of performances. Fitzmaurice then goes into some detail about
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the decor and some of the highlights of the concert. In the closing paragraph of the article,

Fitzmaurice talks about the origin of the dance music Lipa was singing, and its connections to

clubs. He ends the article by talking about how clubs can mean a lot to people, but how the

future of nightlife might change.

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Fitzmaurice, Larry. “Dua Lipa's $1.5 Million Concert Was a Stunning Bid to Stay on Our Minds

During the Pandemic” 19 Songs that Matter Right Now. New York Times Magazine.

March 2021.

Accessed on January 26, 2022.

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