Top 3-Alternative Genre Project

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Top 3 Reasons To Get More Sleep

1. Sleep Deprivation causes symptoms of depression and anxiety to worsen the

longer you go without sleep. Once a day's work for the brain has come to an end

it has been engraved in your life that it will get some sort of rest before it goes to

work again. If it does not get its rest its flaws and abnormalities come into the

light more. Increasing the effects of depression, anxiety, and a multitude of other

issues that are a part of the brain. The amplification of anxiety and depression

can lead a person to do harmful things to themself or others. Getting the right

amount of sleep is an important thing to be the best person that you can be to

avoid your mental health declining if the symptoms of depression or anxiety are

already showing.

2. Also, a main effect on the body that sleep deprivation has is the ability to later

your physical health. What I am referring to is the state of your immune system

and its ability to combat infections and diseases as well as the altering of body

functions. These effects have been observed in many medical studies and have

been known to be very harsh on the body. The main functions of the immune

system are critical to the body and if they are impaired there is no telling what

effects the body will take on. Sleep deprivation is also known to change reaction

times and cause grogginess which can become a dangerous hazard for anyone.
3. The final effect that sleep deprivation has pon a person that I will talk about today

is something called microsleeps. Microsleeps are a split-second time period

where the mind loses consciousness for a fraction of a second. This is a way for

your mind to try and force the body to sleep. For this half of a second, the mind

shuts down every part of the body that would turn off for a regular time of sleep.

This is especially dangerous if the person experiencing these microsleeps is at

the hands of a vehicle and or operating or doing something that can harm other

people if not handled by an attentive attendee.

Through these effects come the outcomes. This is written with the hope that

people will understand the dangers of not getting enough sleep. These effects can really

take a toll on your mental health. Increasing the effects of depression and anxiety can

hamper the ability to live your life to the best you can. The altering of your physical

health can create serious health problems and cause sickness. Microsleeps are also

another way for people to hurt themselves. If you experience the effects while using

machinery or driving a car it can really injure or even kill someone if they lose control of

the vehicle.
- The audience I was hoping to reach here is younger generations from 16 to 25

years old. This age range is very influenceable and can be swayed in one

direction by only reading a snippet of one article. Many people all over social

media are doing 24 hour no sleep challenges or, are trying to stay up and do all-

nighters. These things can be very dangerous to the body and by using this Top

3 style, I was hoping to have a quick and informative article that may pop up as a

snap chat ad or something of that sort to try and enlighten people about this


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