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Fun Manual

"Authentic Education is the leading training company

in Australia helping people do what they love"

How To Become A
Highly Successful Coach
The Fastest Way To Create a Fulfilling Lifestyle Changing People's Lives
(And Earn $100k Or More In Your First Year)

BRW AWARD WINNER 2013 & 2015

Name: _____________________________________ is becoming a highly successful coach!

W E P 1300 887 887 or +612 8054 5994

Thank you for taking the time to share this incredible program with us.

During the How To Become A Highly Successful Coach program you will learn powerful processes to
assist you in discovering the results you most want to achieve in life and exactly how to achieve them.
Together we will design a road map for creating the lifestyle you desire as a coach while ensuring you
are taking the action required to gain momentum every step of the way. You will also learn strategies
for balancing the mind and removing the internal conflicts that often sabotage our results, giving you
the focus and clarity need to become a highly successful coach.

By showing up at this event you have already taken the hardest step in the journey, so the rest is going
to be a breeze. The world is full of people who simply sit on the side lines and watch the game of life,
where as you made the decision to step up and actually play the game for yourself.

I want to personally congratulate you for believing in yourself and for being willing to seek out the right
tools to assist you in rapidly closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Over
the years we have found here at Authentic Education that the people who are willing to invest in
themselves always create the most incredible results in life, and you are one of those people.

You may have been invited here by a friend, a family member, a work colleague or simply read an email
or advertisement that inspired your attendance. Whatever the reason for your attendance I am certain
you will find exactly what you are looking for throughout the program.

This program is a combination of years of research done by myself and the team here at Authentic
Education to ensure you experience the greatest transformation possible in the time we have together.
Be sure to do whatever you can to attend the entire event as the program was designed so that every
module leads on from the last creating the internal drive required to create your very own highly
successful coaching business.

We know that deep down in your heart you have a dream of how you would love your life to be and we
are here to assist you with bringing that into reality. We also know that you have a strong desire to
change the world in some way, shape or form and to make a difference in the lives of others so I would
like to commend you for your service orientated mindset.

If you have any questions during the event please ask one of the volunteer crew members or myself so
that you may have the greatest clarity around the techniques and processes we will be sharing with
you. Have a fantastic time here at the How To Become A Highly Successful Coach and set your intention
to have fun!

With gratitude

Benjamin J Harvey
Co-Founder of Authentic Education
Welcome To Your Coaching Program Page 2 Top 7 Shadow Values® Page 32
What People Are Saying Page 4 The Difference-Maker Method® Page 34
Introducing Authentic Education Page 5 The Values TRACK® Page 36
Our Inspiration Page 7 The Ideal Client Formula Page 38
The PHD Programs® Page 8 Your Coaching Niche Page 39
In The Press Page 11 Coaching Deliver Methods Page 40
The Coach’s Success Formula Page 15 $100K Per Year… Page 42
Why Are You Here Page 16 Package: The 3 Time Convincer Page 43
The ART Of Transformation Page 18 Sponsorship Investment Table Page 44
The Game Of Life Page 19 The PRO Formula® Page 45
The RAPID Results Model Page 21 The Opening: The Dedication Page 48
The Science Of Voluntary Action Page 23 Your Turn Page 49
The 3 Checkpoints® Page 24 Run Sheet Example Page 50
Empowering Learnings & Thanks Page 27 The VISION Script Page 51
The Structure Of Results Page 28 Join The Community Page 53
Shadow Values® Fulfilment Hierarchy Page 31


This program is powerful and energising and provides life-changing tools for transformation, however
it is not intended to be a substitute for medical care and we are not replacing professional psychiatric
help. We are not licensed medical practitioners. As such by continuing this program you agree to the
1. I agree to release, indemnify and hold harmless Authentic Education, their agents,
representatives and employees for any loss or damage I, or my clients, may suffer in any way
associated with my participation in this training program or through the use of the tools and
techniques taught.
2. I know of no reason, nor have I been informed by my doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist of any
reason, why my participation in this program would do me harm in any nature. If this does not
accurately reflect my situation, I agree that I will notify one of the Authentic Education staff
members before continuing the program.
3. I acknowledge that all information presented in the program and by the presenter/s has been
obtained solely from their own experiences through education and as a participant of life
changing situations and is referred to or provided as general information only. I will require
further research to identify its application or modification or its appropriateness to my specific
requirements. It is referred to or provided by way of example only and is not intended to be,
nor is it accepted as specific advice or replacing professional medical/psychiatric help.
"Benjamin J Harvey is dedicated to transforming people's lives. Without a doubt the
systems he has put in place can not only make a difference in your business and in your
finances, but also in you just saying thank you, I get to do what I love each day and I get
paid for it."

Dr John Demartini
Human Behaviour Specialist, Author and Educator in "The Secret"

"Ben knows exactly how to get your message perfectly written down and how to
communicate it in a way that will move people into taking action. I get to choose who I
work with anywhere in the world and he is definitely one of the best!"

John Assaraf
Best Selling Author, Entrepreneur and Educator from "The Secret"

“Sometimes the hardest thing to do is your expertise on yourself! I arrived in Australia

ready to give my signature "speak-to-sell" talk and it was amazing having Ben by my
side to introduce me to the culture and show me some ways that I can actually increase
my own sales conversion from the stage. He's a master!”

Lisa Sasevich
Known as The Queen of Sales Conversion and Founder of The Invisible Close

"Ben is one of those friends and assets that you want to keep forever. He has a gift and
talent for helping people get what they want and deserve. Mozart's gift was music, Steve
Job's gift is innovation and Ben's gift is uncovering his client's true personal power and
wealth path.

Associating with and being in Ben's inner circle is one of the smartest moves you can
make. After being coached by Ben I was able to breakthrough my blockages and make
a $200,000 sale in 90 minutes. I urge you to see Ben live in action because it something
you don't want to miss that could change your life!"

Ari Galper
Sales Coach, Creator of Unlock The Game

"If you are considering doing any type of training with Ben Harvey he is a true pro. We
have been quite successful with his help to grow our business to $22million in global
sales pretty much over night.

One thing that I noticed about Ben is not only is he professional but he has this
enthusiasm for what he does and he has the ability to ignite with in people a sense of

Chris Howard
International Wealth and Lifestyle Strategist
In his pursuit to assist people like you in finding the answers to life’s most intriguing questions,
Benjamin J Harvey has studied the psychology of empowerment for over 15 years.

Knowing that you attend events like this to empower yourself and bring your dreams into reality,
Benjamin has been warming up for you today by assisting 1,000’s of people across the globe to find
their authentic message. Often these people go on to turn their message into a highly successful 6, 7
and 8 figure businesses using the tools Benjamin has shared with them.

Benjamin’s unique style of empowerment technologies brings total alignment between your head
(thoughts), your heart (feeling) and your hand (actions) through his complete understanding of
“Shadow Values”. This process has been refined during the delivery of well over 10,000 one-on-one
coaching sessions and conducting 200+ workshops.

Achieving unusually rapid results with people, Benjamin has successfully sold for and consulted with
many companies including Adecco, Centrelink, IBM, Australian Taxation Office, St George, Qantas and
AGL to name a few.

Using his integration of eastern wisdom and western strategies Benjamin has inspired teams around
the world from major national organisations and international companies to achieve truly incredible
results. Leading by example Benjamin has independently been responsible for generating annual
revenues in excess $20 million for the companies he has worked with and has trained some of the
most successful difference makers, coaches and change agents working in the world today.

As a result he founded Authentic Education with business partner Cham Tang, to help people just like
you to make a difference and a living from doing what you love.

Benjamin has since had the good fortune of working with diverse cross section of society ranging from
executives to environmentalists, Shamans to strategists, psychics to sales representatives, healers to
home makers, meditators to mediators and of course now you. Benjamin is also an internationally
certified Performance Consultant, Master Trainer and Master Results Coach.

The good news is this level of success is easily transferred to you. As you will soon realize there is
nothing special about Ben, rather it is the systems, models and formulas he uses that create the
incredible results you see in his students around the world.

Using the systems, models and formulas, a few of which you will learn about during this event,
Authentic Education has become a pioneer in the areas of personal development and business
acceleration programs.

As a result, Authentic Education was one of only 100 companies in Australia to receive BRW Fast
Starters Award in 2013 and the only company on the list that specialised in helping people find their
purpose and make a living doing what they love. They then backed it up in 2015 by receiving the BRW
Fast 100 Award and being ranked as the 38 fastest growing company in Australia. A feat rarely
achieved by any business in Australia and never before achieved by a personal development company.

Authentic Education provides courses through their PHD® (The Path for Heart-Centred Difference-
Makers) using modularised learning in live workshops, on-line courses and multimedia resources,
similar to the systems used in Universities and Colleges across the globe.

Authentic Education operates on a single principle that runs through all of their programs. This
principle being 'the measure of truth is effectiveness', meaning the correct strategy, or 'truth', for an
individual is whatever delivers them the most effective result and the highest level of fulfilment at any
given time. This allows the company to be fluid in their approach to coaching and education delivery,
giving them the flexibility to facilitate sustainable change in any business or individual’s life.

Benjamin knows that the only true way to experience the beauty life has to offer is to share your light,
live your love and do whatever it takes to be your own best friend.


We would like to extend a special thanks to Toni Fonoti for writing, signing and producing the Authentic
Education theme song “Life Rewards Action”. Much gratitude and love to you Toni for your incredible
contribution to the Difference-Maker Movement.
(Why do we exist?)

“A World Full Of People Living A Life They Love & Helping Others To Do The Same”

We know when inspired people passionately apply the right education they can change their life, and
the world.

(What do we do?)

Our mission is to create the largest group of world-class coaches, speakers and online educators
earning $100,000 or more per year by helping people live their love.

We do this by increasing your capabilities, your confidence and your number of clients.

(What is important to us?)

 Learn the seven core elements for accelerating your purpose and vision
 Craft and package your authentic masterpiece to share with the world
 Discover the nine income streams that will allow you to earn what you are worth
 Identify your Avatar to create your ultimate raving fan
 Discover what makes you attractive and refine your mystique
 Productise your system and service
 Master the art of doing what you love inside a structured business model
 Create your own Mission-Map for money, mindset, momentum etc.
 Promote yourself with world class marketing

 Gain complete confidence speaking in front of people regardless of room size

 Learn how to present your authentic message with total clarity
 Craft your unique introduction and a variety presentations including keynotes
 Discover the 27 step strategy for creating change, action and sales from a platform
 Package your message so it has impact and inspires action in people's hearts and minds
 Learn to connect with the audience
 Own the stage with powerful presenting skills and techniques
 Learn how to manage the business of speaking and make an income from inspiring
 Discover the 3 step process for delivering your unique educational points with power

 Master your authentic confidence and move beyond your fear of rejection
 Know your worth and how to communicate it
 Learn the VISION method for inspiring your customers to buy solutions for their
 Harness the power to influence and learn the art of pacing out objection
 Embody conversational product placement techniques used in the movies
 Learn about decision maps and the three core drivers of all human decisions
 Master the 11 Power Questions of the inspiration cycle
 Discover how to offer your products and services in boardrooms, over the phone,
online and in person

 Become an internationally certified coach and master the tools that allow you to make a
difference in your life and the lives of others
 Liberate your mind and emotions with the Universal Freedom Technique (the most
successful healing process we have ever seen)
 Discover the 7 most powerful transformational tools from around the world for rapidly
creating change in any area of life
 Learn the RAPID Results Model, a system that has been refined over the last 10 years
during 12,000+ hours of live coaching sessions
 Feel the certainty that comes from knowing how to help people regardless of how
unsurmountable their problem or situation may seem
 Master the art of working with Shadow Values®

 Learn the marketing secrets that created a BRW Fast Starters and BRW Fast 100
company, directly from the co-founder of Authentic Education, Cham Tang
 Master Facebook Advertising once and for all!!!
 Attract more clients WITHOUT using old, expensive marketing methods like newspaper
ads or snail mail but instead use low-cost or no-cost marketing methods for any budget
 No technical expertise needed. Learn simple and effective online marketing without the
mumbo jumbo
 For beginner, intermediate and advanced marketers or business owners
 Step-by-step video lessons you can cut and paste right away
 Learn an additional 7 marketing skills to boost your results even further such as
outsourcing and copywriting

 Discover the 6 key tools that make up the world’s most effective productivity system
 Automate your lifestyle to gain true freedom
 Take control of your space, time, energy and matter
 Breakdown each of your Success Identities for greater fulfilment
 Discover the fine art of creating congruent results using Olympian mindset skills
 Utilise technology to automate all the heavy lifting for you
 Learn the strategies behind time splicing and strategic engineering
 Form powerful automated rituals for your daily activities
 Learn how to use your Executive Function to achieve more with less effort

 Learn the 4 different ways wealthy people build and safeguard their wealth
 Reprogram your mindset with the psychology of the world’s most successful investors
 Establish your own financial plan and forecast
 Be able to make money in any economic environment
 Transform your debt into wealth with a proven debt reduction strategy
 Discover multiple ways to make and save money
 Improve your current standard of living while working less (yes, it’s possible)
 Discover exactly how the wealthiest people on earth analyse any type of investment to
predict their financial future.

 Attract new clients with the best business card in the world
 Learn how to write a book (even without having to write it yourself!)
 Gain trust and credibility as an expert in your field
 Free up your time by leveraging your book to send you pre-qualified prospects
 Help more people and leave your legacy
 Get your professionally printed books delivered to your door, complete with ISBN
number and an online marketing website tailored made for your book
 Receive step-by-step guidance with 9 times international best-selling author and
publisher, Fiona Jones, as she shows you exactly how to promote your book
 Learn what your book cover MUST HAVE that most self-published authors ignore


All course materials are copyrighted and written permission must be obtained from Authentic
Education in order for you to reproduce or transmit any part of this manual via any means.
Doing what you love is now more main stream than ever before. The movement of Difference-Makers
in Australia is gaining even more momentum. Thousands of people are giving themselves permission
to follow their passion and you can too. Just have a read of these articles for some proof of what is

The Fastest Way To Create a Fulfilling Lifestyle Changing People's Lives
(And Earn $100k Or More In Your First Year)
1) W______ is it i________________ to you to become a h_____________ s________________ c___________?

2) W______ is that i__________ to you?


3) W______ is that i__________ to you?


4) W______ is that i__________ to you?


5) W______ is that i__________ to you?


6) Based on your answers, what is the #1 r____________ you d_________ to attend this program and
become a h_____________ s________________ c___________?

7) What will that u_____________________________ g_________ you?

Page Number: ___________
Page Number: ___________
Page Number: ___________
Page Number: ___________
Page Number: ___________
  



Page Number: ___________
Page Number: ___________
Please find below the most common Shadow Values®:

1. A____________________ - Similar to uniqueness, status, feeling special, standing out, being different,
prestige, recognition, achievement, adventure, creativity, variety, fun

2. A____________________ – Similar to acting in a parent like manner, giving orders, being respected,
having a sense of righteousness, having the power to do it all your way

3. B____________________ – Similar to being accepted by, connected to or feeling part of a community,

a friendship, a family

4. C____________________ – Similar to being able to influence your circumstances, your territory,

yourself and/or others, security, certainty, protection, safety, freedom

5. R____________________ - Similar to being naughty, knowing you are doing something wrong,
breaking the rules, sticking it to the authority figure

6. S____________________ – Similar to power, progress, expanding, success, ambition, achievement,

confidence, morality, problem solving, being right, being better than yourself and/or others

7. V____________________ – Similar to being important, worthy and/or "good enough", deserving

Page Number: ___________
Page Number: ___________
1) What do you love to 2) What do you love to 3) What skills do you 4) What do you love to 5) What do you love to
T______________ about? R______________? love to A______________? C_______________________? K____________ a lot about?

Psychology Spirituality Presenting Solving the world’s Law of Attraction

Business Healing Taking photos of the problems Mindset
Healing Communication family Travelling Travelling
Meditating Quantum physics

Select one answer

from each column that Healing Spirituality Presenting Travelling Mindset
most inspires you.
1) What do you love to 2) What do you love to 3) What skills do you 4) What do you love to 5) What do you love to
T______________ about? R______________? love to A______________? C_______________________? K____________ a lot about?

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________

Select one answer

from each column that 2) ________________ 4) ________________ 6) ________________ 8) ________________ 10) _______________
most inspires you
Mindset Golfers Avoid making silly mistakes due to championship pressure
Swimming Parents Create confident swimmer in their children
Source energy Female healers Become more intuitive during their sessions
Exercise Men over 60 Become fitter and more flexible
Feng shui Home owners Create beautiful flowing space and vibrant homes
Managers / CEO's Managers / CEO's Avoid stress and become more productive
Family Teenagers Become more effective communicators with their parents
Page Number: ___________

Results Coaching Calls Per Month

Results Coaching Email Support
Results Coaching SMS Support
Audio/Video Messenger Inspiration
Weekly “Clarity Calls”
Monthly Mastermind Group Sessions

Monthly Inspiration Newsletter

Access To Our Online Community
Cell Yourself Audio Program
Personalised Recorded Inductions

Monthly Investment

Monthly Sponsorship Investment

(For New Clients Only)

Monthly $195 $175 $95
Monthly Sponsorship $100 $85 $50
Monthly $395 $335 $195
Monthly Sponsorship $200 $170 $100
Monthly $595 $495 $295
Monthly Sponsorship $300 $250 $150
Monthly $795 $695 $395
Monthly Sponsorship $400 $350 $200
Monthly $995 $845 $495
Monthly Sponsorship $500 $425 $250
Monthly $1,195 $1,015 $595
Monthly Sponsorship $600 $510 $300
Monthly $1,595 $1,355 $795
Monthly Sponsorship $800 $680 $400
Monthly $1,995 $1,695 $995
Monthly Sponsorship $1,000 $850 $500
Monthly $2,995 $2,545 $1,495
Monthly Sponsorship $1,500 $1,275 $750
Monthly $3,995 $3,395 $1,995
Monthly Sponsorship $2,000 $1,700 $1,000
Monthly Sponsorship
Page Number: ___________

Page Number: ___________

The Dedication helps the audience to feel like they have known you for a long period of time even
though they have only just met you. It also allows them to have an understanding of what drives you. It
is done by rapidly moving through three moments in your life, explaining what you discovered and
telling them what you now dedicate your life to.

For those of you who have not met me before my name is Benjamin J Harvey and something you may
not know about me is 17 years ago I found myself battling with depression trying to work out what my
purpose was in life whilst drowning in debt and severely overweight.

12 years ago I made a decision to do something about it and took action in the form of investing $17,
985 in education. I studied everything I could and more importantly I applied everything I learned.

5 years ago our company was awarded the BRW Fast Starters award for being Australia’s fastest
growing personal development company.

During that time I discovered there is a major problem in the world where people are leaving school
totally confused about what they are meant to do with their life and that confusion carries into their
adult life and expresses itself as mental illness, depression and despair.

And that is exactly why I decide to dedicate my life to creating the world’s best coaches to help people
make a difference and a living doing what they love.

Thank you.
For those of you who have not met me before my name is _______________________ and something
you may not know about me is ____________ years ago I found myself ___________________________

_______ years ago I ________________________________________________________________________


_______ years ago I ________________________________________________________________________


During that time I discovered there is a major problem in the world where

And that is exactly why I decide to dedicate my life to
Thank you.
Page Number: ___________

If you would like to get involved and help others make a difference in their lives then register today to
join the Authentic Crew. You will be able to support others on their journey, receive special tailored
training to assist in your ability to serve and become part of a unique community of heart centred

All you need to do is visit the link above, enter your contact details, let us know the events you would
love to crew at and we will give you a call to let you more about the opportunity.

Did you enjoy your training? Why not spread the word by sharing a little about what experienced on the
link above.

Be sure to connect with Ben, Cham and Authentic Education in the wonderful world of social media to
share in some great ideas:

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