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Gracie Finney

ENG 1101

Ryan Myers


The Woman Of The Decade

When evaluating a musical artist, there are a few important things to consider. A musical

artist is a public figure, which means that they have a great influence on those around them, and

they need to be conscious of how they represent themselves. Depending on who the artist is, they

might, for example, cater to younger teenagers. They would need to ensure the music they are

producing will benefit that age group. The artist should also be original. It’s very common for

popular artists today to have others create their work for them, and then take all of the credit.

There’s nothing wrong with a little help, but it’s crucial that the artist be the primary creator.

Having an entertaining stage presence is essential. Attending a concert, music festival, etc. is

supposed to be a lively occasion. If the performer stands still and doesn’t explode with energy, it

tends to take away from the event. Lastly, using social platforms and events to support others just

makes the artist a better human being overall. For many years now, Taylor Swift has proved

herself to be one of the most influential women of the generation. She is a tremendous example

of a self-made, selfless role model.

Taylor took an interest into music production from a very young age, and was able to

start her career at the age of 14. She signed with Sony/ATV publishing house and released her

debut album at the age of 15. The songs featured on the album were innocent love stories of a

teenage girl and the heartbreaks she experienced. As she continued to produce more records, the

songs matured along with her. Fans were able to truly watch her grow up through her music. She
offered advice hidden in the lyrics, and sweet messages of reassurance to anyone willing to

listen, but particularly younger females. Throughout the years, she has received quite a bit of

criticism for writing songs that revolved mainly about past relationships. It’s easy to look past,


Songwriting is something that Taylor does take seriously. Every song she has published,

she took the time to write and work in the studio to perfect. The evolution of her albums really

shine, too. Her first four albums were classified as country, but gradually became more and more

pop-sounding. When writing her 6th studio album, Taylor took the time to record bits of her

songwriting process. This makes the production process so much more intimate and personal.

Taylor is known for her various trademark looks as well. Whether it be on stage or simply

walking downtown, she is almost always rocking a trendsetting statement piece. It’s obvious that

she has no fear in flaunting flashing ensembles, as she can be seen on stage wearing glitzy and

complicated outfits.

When performing, Taylor doesn’t hold back. Everything from the location, set list,

special guests, outfits, and any graphics or lighting is carefully planned and organized. In 2015, I

attended her 1989 concert in Columbus, Ohio. I was fortunate to be fairly close to the stage and

got a great view of the entire performance. She opened with flashing lights and a glittery,

letterman-style jacket. She could be seen doing extravagant choreography both on the stage, and

a second stage that rose and spun above us all. Taylor expressed her gratitude for our attendance

and unconditional support before closing.

Taylor stated that for many years she felt too scared to speak up about what she believed

in. She wanted to be non-controversial and loved by all, but as she grew up, she recognized how

crucial it was that she spoke up about things going on in the world that she felt were seriously
wrong. Taylor has peacefully voiced her political views, given full support to the LGBTQ+

community, and is all about women’s empowerment. She speaks of her personal sexual assault

experience and her struggles of being a woman in the music industry. She is no longer affiliated

with a record label because of her negative affair with the people involved, and now produces her

music entirely on her own. In 2019, Taylor became the first ever recipient of Billboard’s Woman

of The Decade Award for multiple reasons. One of the biggest reasons being that she stood up

for what she wanted, while still being classy about it.

Nobody is perfect, no matter how hard we try, but we can definitely do our best for the

things we are passionate about. Taylor has experienced both ups and downs in her career, but

came back better every time. She is the archetype of an independent, successful woman with a

full heart.

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