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Gwynedd Mercy University

School of Business and Education

Name: Armani Bessick Grade/Level 2

Topic: Concepts of Health and Nutrition

PA Core or Academic Standard(s): (1 point) 10.1.2.C1 Identify foods and the roles they have
in keeping our bodies healthy.

Big Idea(s): (1 point) Use knowledge and discussion to identify and make healthy food choices.

Essential Questions: (1 point) How do I acquire and practice knowledge of healthy and
unhealthy foods?

Objective/Performance Expectation: What will students know and be able to do as a result of

this lesson? (1 point) The students will complete a worksheet on sorting high fat foods from low
fat foods, then play a movement game of choosing the right food choice from being healthy and


1. Briefly describe the students in your class, including those with special
needs. Explain how you will meet the needs of ALL learners (Differentiated
Instruction). (2 points)

This is a second grade class with 15 girls and 11 boys. This class
includes one student who is deaf and one student with special needs. During
classroom time, both students are monitored with their own assistants.
Throughout times of a lesson like this, the students may or may not need as
much from their assistant. The students sit in the front of the classroom closer to
the whiteboard to be able to see what pictures I put on the board and to be able
to read my lips if the student that is deaf can understand. That student knows
sign language so whatever that student cannot keep up with, the assistant helps
by using sign language of whatever I am teaching. I always give the students the
same treatment as any other student in the classroom. The student with special
needs may have to take a few minutes to take a break or take a walk with the
assistant if lessons become too hectic for the student. Sometimes this student
may get very excited or very emotional about activities for the lessons. In order to
meet the needs of all of my students during this lesson, I will discuss the
expectations and book clearly for everyone, follow up with a summary worksheet
to see how well students listened, concluding in a creative art project of creating
a theme and summary of the book. This will keep all students listening and
engaged in the lesson in order to know how to create their own summary and
theme of the book.

2. List the specific standard and expectations as outlined in the PA

Core/Academic Standards (SAS). (1 point)

10.1.2.C1 Identify foods and the roles they have in keeping our bodies

3. Explain the psychological principles/theories you used in constructing this

lesson and explain how it is manifested in the lesson. (2 points)

In my opinion, students love working in groups and it provides a different

and better type of learning but sometimes it is good to see the choices they make
on their own too. So, in the beginning of the lesson, I will have students work in
groups on the high fat vs low fat foods worksheet. Then, I will allow students to
be able to include their own opinions in the food choice game. According to
Vygotsky, students usually work better and learn better when they are learning
together and from each other. I used his theory for the beginning part of my
lesson to create an environment for the students to work together. I used
Gardner’s theory of intelligence modalities. According to Gardner, bodily-
kinesthetic includes a sense of physical action along with the ability to train
responses. He also believes in logical thinking and the ability to cooperate in a
group like Vygotsky by naming it interpersonal. I will allow students to use logical
thinking and physical action in the movement game of food choices.


4. Describe the effective classroom routines and procedures resulting in

little or no loss of instructional time. (1 point)

The lesson will begin in the morning before lunch time. To transition into
health and motor, I will discuss and present a powerpoint on healthy and
unhealthy food choices and their benefits within the whole body. I will have this
become the review from the last lesson to see the students’ knowledge on
healthy and unhealthy foods. I will discuss my plate and the different food groups
to start the learning part of the lesson. I will use a high fat vs low fat food group
worksheet to finish the learning part of the lesson and to see how much the
students remember and know. The students will play a movement food choice
game after completing and going over the group worksheet as a class. Students
will receive their groups and instructions for the worksheet and the directions for
the game before they start.
5. Identify what you will do to set clear standards of conduct and behavior
management of student behavior. (1 point)

During the morning meeting, we go over the rules and expectations for
the students during class time and lessons. The students know these
expectations well from the beginning of the school year, especially with them
being posted everywhere in the classroom on anchor charts. Whenever a student
is not following any expectations that we have for the classroom, I will refer to the
anchor charts and whatever expectation the student should be listening to. For
this lesson, students are expected to raise a quiet hand when they need help or
have a question about something. If it becomes too rowdy, I will have the student
clap twice when I ask if they can hear my voice. The students that continue to
follow the expectations during the entire lesson will be able to have lunch with the
teacher the next day. The student who may not be following the expectations will
not be able to participate in the movement game on food choices during the

6. Identify what you will do to establish expectations for student achievement. (1

Before the lesson, students will be sitting in their seats listening to my
instructions for everything that is planned for the lesson. First, I will review the
students’ knowledge on healthy and unhealthy foods with a powerpoint. Then, I
will assign groups and give out the instructions for the group worksheet on high
fat vs low fat foods to include more learning. Once the students are finished with
the group worksheet, we will go over the whole worksheet with the answers and
explanations as a class to make sure every student fully understands the
differences between high fat and low fat food choices. After that, the students will
be expected to stay seated and listen to the directions in order to participate in
the ending food choice game.


List Materials Needed

● Pencil
● Snack foods
● High Fat vs Low Fat food worksheet
● Anchor charts

7. Motivation Activities/Strategies: (1 point)

How will you generate interest or focus your lesson for the students?

I will start my lesson off by bringing in a healthy snack and an unhealthy

snack for students to have. Before the students are able to actually eat the snacks I
bring in, I will write down both snacks on the board and create a voting list for the
students to figure out which snack is healthier than the other. Students will learn to
understand why the snack is more healthier and why the other snack is less healthier to
start off the lesson about unhealthy and healthy food choices.

8. Prior Knowledge Activities/Strategies: (1 point)

How will you activate prior knowledge, build background, or review previous

I will review healthy and unhealthy foods with a powerpoint and create an
anchor chart on the foods to keep hung up in our classroom for students to be able to
refer to at any time. The students can use the anchor chart to include their decision on
their meals at home and in school.

9. Sequence of Lesson: What learning activities/strategies will you use to

engage the students in the learning? What will students do to use and apply new
concepts or skills (independent practice if relevant)? How will you monitor and
guide their performance? Include relevant vocabulary. (Please use bullets to
sequence your lesson) (3 points)

● Review expectations for the lesson.

● Tell the students what the objective is for the day and what they will learn.
“Today, we will be reviewing from last class and learning what the
difference is between healthy and unhealthy foods and their benefits.”
● Refer to anchor charts hung up in the classroom on the healthy and
unhealthy foods we already discussed last class.
● Students will identify the snacks I bring in by deciding and voting which is
less healthier and allowing them to eat the snack after.
● Present the powerpoint thoroughly with the included video in the
powerpoint to include the review and learning part of the lesson.
● Explain instructions for the group worksheet on high fat vs low fat foods.
● Place students in their groups and allow them to complete the worksheet
as a group.
● After the students have finished the worksheet, come together as a class
to review and explain the answers on the worksheet.
● Students will stay seated after the group worksheet and receive directions
and expectations for the movement game on healthy food choices.
● Once the game is finished and the students are seen to make healthy
food choices, students will return to their seats.
● I will go over what was learned from the lesson, the group worksheet, and
the game. “Today, we learned what healthy food choices are and why
they are so important.”
● I will ask students some questions and encourage them to answer them
so I can ensure they understood the lesson. “Which food(s) benefit the
eyes in a good way?” “Which food group will rice belong to?”
● Bring closure by talking about what the students will learn next class and
what is expected for next class. “Next class, you will need to bring in a
healthy or unhealthy food label of your choice to compare and share with
the class.”

10. Level of Learning/Assessment Evidence (1 point)

How will you know if students grasped the material? What techniques/strategies
will you use to assess learning (Bloom’s Taxonomy)? Identify what informal
and/or formal assessments you will use to monitor student learning. Also identify
if this will be formative or summative.

In order to include informal assessments, I planned a food choice game

to have students include their own opinion to see which student understands and
how well they grasped the material from the lesson. To include formal
assessment, while the students are completing the group worksheet on high fat
vs low fat foods, I will walk around and observe their answers and other
conversations on the worksheet to see the way they work as a group and how
they include themselves. I will know which students fully understand the lesson
information and which do not.

11. What will you do to bring closure to the lesson? How will you summarize
this lesson and preview the lesson that will follow? (2 points)

I will conclude the lesson by asking the students some review questions
about what they learned from the lesson about the different foods. I will tell the
students what they need to prepare for tomorrow. The students will be told to
bring in a healthy or unhealthy food label from their choice to compare with the

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