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The people doesn´t like

some animals because
of them aspect, where
do they live or what do
they eat. The truth is that
they are like so much
others animals, and can
be beneficial, we just
need to respect them.

The opossums are born at the
same time with other 20 babies
as the size as honey bees, just
the half of them survive. When
they are babies they get on their (Struthio camelus)
moms back and ride it in files
while their mom looks for food. The ostriches are the tallest birds,
When they feel that they are in they are flightless birds, for these
danger by a predator they close reasons they use their long legs to
their eyes, lie in the ground and run really fast. The uncertain
stick out their tonge so the believe says that they bury their
predator think they are die and head into the sand, the truth is
do not eat them. that they just hide their heads
bending them down for protect
itselfs from predators.

Hyena (Crocuta
The hyenas are animals that
live in groups, the people
associate them with dogs, this
fact is not wrong at all but
scientists associate them as a
cats. One of their
characteristics is their noisy
laughs. In some areas they
have been heavily hunted as
destructive pests.

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