How To 3d-Print On Clemson's Campus: Before You Start

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How to 3D-print on Clemson’s Campus

Before you start

While 3D-printing may seem intimidating to new users, it is a fun and creative
activity that is free on Clemson’s campus! Anybody can virtually print anything they
want to,to; it just takes a little bit of time and knowledge to get the process going. While
tThis guide is specifically for Clemson students, but there are services and printers all
over the world that will allow you to 3D-print at a cost but generally follow the
instructions listed here.

What you will need

 Clemson Tiger-One Card or Mobile ID that can enter buildings on campus
 Clemson Canvas credentials
 Any browser (Google Chrome, Firefox, etc.)
 Optional: USB stick or Laptop

Step 1: Add the Clemson Makerspace to Canvas
1. Navigate to the website:
2. Click ‘Add to Canvas’ to add the makerspace to your Canvas page.

3. Navigate to the ‘home’ page of the Makerspace Canvas page.

Step 2: Become Makerspace certified
1. Click the ‘Modules’ section of the Canvas page.
2. Follow the instructions and work your way through the ‘About Us’ and ‘General
Makerspace Safety Training’ modules.
3. Complete the ‘General Makerspace Safety Quiz’.
a. Questions are based on the ‘General Makerspace Safety Training’ module
4. You must Sscore a 100 on this quiz so you canto move on to other modules;
however, you have infinite attempts to do so.
5. Complete the ‘Wavier Agreement’ Quiz.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure to read these questions carefully as they
are legally binding.
Step 3: Become 3D-Printing certified
1. Click the ‘Modules” section.
2. Scroll down to find the ‘3D Printing Information’ and ‘Lulzbot 3D Printer
Operation’ and read through it.
3. Read through the ‘3D Printing – Extended Cura Guide’ for extra information on
Cura (explained soon)
4. Complete the ‘3D Printing Quiz’.
a. You must score a 100 on this quiz to become certified
Step 4: Choose an object to 3D-print
1. Choose a design from a 3D-printer design website such as, or create your own design on websites such as
a. You can find instructions on how to create designs on the Tinkercad
2. Download the .stl file containing the design from either website.
3. Navigate to the website: and download Cura
Lulzbot Edition service.
a. Choose the version of the service based on the OS you are currently
running on

4. Once Cura is done downloading, open it and open the .stl file you chose to print.
5. More detailed information on the setup and operation of Cura can be found in the
‘3D Printing – Extended Cura’ module and the makerspace staff members would
be happy to help with any problems you encounter
6. Orient your .stl file so it follows all of the 3D-printing guidelines outlined in the ‘3D
Printing Information’ and ‘Lulzbot 3D Printer Operation’ modules.
7. Optional: Add the .stl file to an USB or Laptop and bring it to the printing facility.
Step 5: Choose a printing facility
1. Choose either the Watt Makerspace or the Cooper Makerspace located at the
Watt Center and Cooper Library (5th floor) respectively.

a. Either facility is great for printing; however, the Watt Makerspace is bigger
and has more options for colors
2. Find a Makerspace staff member to help you set up a printer to use.
Step 6: Complete the printing process
1. Give the staff member your USB or laptop with the .stl file or search for your .stl
file online using the computers in the Makerspaces.
2. Choose a printer with the color you wish to use for your print and ask the staff
member to load your .stl file into the printer.
3. Watch the printer print the first 3 layers of your design (usually around 10-15
4. Look at the time needed to complete your design and set an alarm for when the
design is finished printing.
5. Once the print is done, return to the facility you originally went to and retrieve
your design during operation hours.

Congratulations! You just 3D-printed your first design at Clemson. With

subsequent prints, these instructions will become much easier because you do
not need become certified again or download the printing software. Just choose
a design, head to the Makerspace, and print!

(Example of a 3D-printed object I printed using Clemson’s Makerspace)

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