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Ritney Jean Agpalasin


Basic Calculus
Module 2: Limit Laws

A. Express what you have learned in this lesson by answering the questions below.

1. In what way did the limit laws help you in solving for the limit of function?

 The limit laws enable us to evaluate the limits of functions without having to repeat
step-by-step methods each time. It is used as an alternative to using tables of values
and graphs to solve the limit of a function. A function's limit can be determined by
factoring and canceling, multiplying by a conjugate, or simplifying a complex fraction

2. Is direct substitution of x values applicable in solving the limit of function?\

 We can direct substitute the x values, but because a limit at a specific x-value does not
depend on the value of the function at that x-value, direct substitution is a shortcut
that does not always work.

B. Determine the limits of the following items using the limit laws.

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