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2. Possible Answer for "Tell me About Yourself":
3. . What are your weakness?
4. What are your biggest strengths?
5. Where do you see yourself in five years?
6. Why should we hire you?
7. Why do you want this job?
8. What do you consider to be your biggest personal achievement.
9. Describe your dream job?
10. What kind of work environment do you like best?
11. Tell me about the toughest decision you had to make in last six months?
12. What is your leadership style?
13. Tell me about the time you disagree with a decision. What did you do?
14. Tell me how you think other people would describe you?
15. What can we expect from your first three months?
16. What do you like to do outside of work?
17. What are the three traits your top performers have in common?
18. How do you deal with pressure or a stressful situations?
19. What qualities makes you a good leader?
20. If you won a 10 million dollars lottery, would you still work?
21. . Who has impacted you most in your career?
22. . Is it better to be good on and on time or perfect and late with your work.
23. Do you prefer to work alone or on a team?
24. How do you keep yourself organized?
25. . How long do you expect to work for this company?
26. . Are you more of a leader or a follower
Hello, good afternoon ma'am my Chraizle M. Ruiz. It's nice meeting you. It was privilege and I
was really excited to share to youy my skills and knowledge today to be accepted in my dream
Job. I hope that we will have a great time together in this interview. Thank you ma'am for giving
me this chance.

1. Possible Answer for "Tell me About Yourself":

Hi, a pleasant day ma'am. I am Chraizle M. Ruiz, currently a grade 12 student from the
University of Manuel S. Enverga. A class valedictorian during primary and Junior year. Science
is very close to my heart since I was a child, and which is why, I know my way around a
laboratory and have had multiple opportunities to put my knowledge into practice during our
biology and chemistry class.
Learning Human Anatomy felt like home, which is why I’d love to work as a neurosurgeon. I am
passionate, focused, disciplined, and extremely responsible. I am also looking forward to putting
to practice all the things I learned during my time in university.
2. What are your weakness?

Well, as a grade 12, I’d say my biggest weakness is the lack of real-life work experience.

While I have worked on a dozen of science projects in the university, I haven't experience
working in a fully agile environment with an experienced team.

I am, however, willing to do my best and catch up as fast as I can.

3. What are your biggest strengths?

My biggest strength is that I am academically smart and I’m very efficient at working under
pressure. No matter the crisis or stress, I can make the right decisions on-the-spot through my
critical thinking ability and leadership ability which I think is very suitable for the position.
Occupying the position as a leader for almost my entire school life. There were a ton of
last-minute hiccups - on the spot reporting and major group projects that is not yet finished up
until the presentation. On top of that, we were always understaffed for whatever reason.
There are moments, were things looked so bleak that we were considering not presenting our
work . Instead, I took the initiative in my hands and sorted through the problems one by one. I
think my personality will be a big asset to the company.
4.Where do you see yourself in five years?

For our common reference it is the first ever job that I am applying to, but I’d say that my goal in
five years is to see significant growth in my excellent practical abilities and studying procedures
and theories about curing neuro-related diseases and disorders. One of my longer-term career
goals is to be involved in medical training and mentoring, maybe as a speaker at a medical
conference or town's doctor, but I know the first step is to master the day-to-day work. So in the
next five years, I look forward to continuing to build my practical abilities, continuing studying
books about neuroscience, both in-person and over the internet, and continuing my current
career path as a neurosurgeon. I reviewed the job posting and it seems like this position would
offer some great challenges and learning opportunities for someone relatively new in their
medical career like myself.”
5. Why should we hire you?

I have just the right skill-set to excel as an neurosurgeon. While I haven’t previously worked as a
neurosurgeon, I pretty much fit the bill for the role.

Not only, I am smart but I’m extremely focused at task at hand and have strong work ethics. I
have managed several project teams in my university and previous school. I led the
organization of General Mathematics as a President. This involved continuous communication
with 8 general club, 80 members, 8 advisers and a principal.

I’m very meticulous and organized, and I’m more than capable of helping the head surgeon get
the most of their free time.
6. Why do you want this job?

I’m very passionate about curing other people's pain and give hope to sickest patients in the
hospital with devastating neurological diseases that can have subtle and far-reaching effects.
These might include problems of behavior and perception in some patients, and mobility issues
or debilitating pain in others. And so, Correcting these conditions surgically or non surgically
often has an immediate and dramatic impact on the patient's quality of life. For I do think that,
brain is the most important part of our body I therefore concluded that we need someone who
can take care of our brain because like any other organs brain also deteriorate. I’ve always
wanted to put my future medicine degree to a good cause - and the position as a neurosurgeon
at this company is the right way to put my dreams into reality.
7. What do you consider to be your biggest personal achievement.

My greatest achievements in life as a student will always be my ways in which I grow and
outperform myself, though there are times that I felt I am stuck and can't move forward, I am
able to get up off my feet and continue moving despite the hindrances. I have always been a
straight-A student from grade 1 up until today. And knowing that I could do more with my time, I
managed to volunteer for club in my first year of high school. As I realised that managing events
and preparing for them is my area of interest, I continued to be a part of the events club of my
junior high. As I reached my final year in junior high, not only did I graduated as the class
valedictorian with 96 GWA which is the highest grade in my school but also ranked first in every
subject and become an awardee for my club as opposed to just being a volunteer.
8. Describe your dream job?

My dream job is a job that would allow me to make a positive impact on people every day. I
would love to job with a company company like yours that makes life-saving and life-enriching
ways that thousands of people need to beat their fear of the services in the hospital. I would
love to be have a job in a cooperative team that finds innovative ways to make science and
medicine more efficient and effective. I would love to have a job where I can see patients smiling
through to the end of the any operation and consultation and celebrating everyone’s hard work.,
and that for me is my dream job.
9. What kind of work environment do you like best?

I value teamwork and communication, so I would love to work in a job setting where everyone
works together well and holds themselves accountable. I always make sure to finish my
assignments on time, and I would love to depend on my coworkers to do the same. I have
always been a positive person, which translates to my work as well. Even when working on a
challenging operations, I find it essential to stay positive about it. A place where I could
influence my good traits is the best place to work at.”
10. Tell me about the toughest decision you had to make in last six months?

I think I made the the 2 toughest decision of my life when I am applying for college admission.
The first is that my parents did not want me to pursue medicine in college because they could
not afford it and I have to made them think that I wouldn't go against their will. The second one
is I defied my parents and try to make it possible by applying a college scholarship. I am also
planning to apply for engineering courses just in case.
11. What is your leadership style?

"I believe that effective delegation and communication are two of my leadership strengths. As a
result, my leadership style capitalizes on those assets. I always try to delegate tasks to the
person who is best suited to complete them, and I make an effort to communicate clearly what
needs to be done and why. This eliminates back-and-forth communication, errors, and the need
to redo tasks. Investing more time at the start of a project to communicate effectively and
properly delegate saves time as the project progresses.
12. Tell me about the time you disagree with a decision. What did you do?

One time, I disagreed with my teacher during our school year anniversary, over the best way to
help a customer because we are task to sell products in the school. And, rather than
questioning her authority in front of everyone in the store, I asked her to speak privately in the
faculty. I made sure to be open and honest about how I thought we could better handle the
situation. She agreed, so we decided to do it my way. It taught me a lot about the importance of
open communication in the workplace. Our customer left content, and we were able to establish
an even better relationship.”
13. Tell me how you think other people would describe you?

My classmates and peers would describe me as an organized, thoughtful person who works
well under pressure. So much of what I enjoy about doing hard task is creating a well-organized
environment and anticipating the needs of my members to make high school life run as
smoothly as possible. My teachers and classmates regularly comment on my positive attitude
and problem-solving abilities when we get a difficult task at hand. Also my colleagues have told
me that they value my reliability, punctuality and analytical mindset. I always work to manage my
time effectively so that I can help others with last-minute projects and spend extra time
reviewing my work for accuracy.
14. What can we expect from your first three months?

In my first three months, I would start to develop strong relationships with other doctors in every
department. I would spend a lot of time researching and talking to senior doctors and nurses to
learn as much as I could. My objective for the first three months would be to learn your medical
system inside and out. I believe that in three months, I can make a significant contribution to
team projects through my collaborative efforts.
15. What do you like to do outside of work?

One of my extracurricular activities is keeping up with my practical development and continuing

education responsibilities. I keep up with my area of expertise through reading professional
journals, books about medicine. I have a variety of hobbies. I hike with my dog every chance I
get. I spend time with my friends and family members. I try to play guitar every weekend. I like to
cook and sing with my parents.
16. What are the three traits your top performers have in common?

It is the mix of Integrity, Hard Work, Empathy

Being a good doctor necessitates a high level of obsessiveness in a work place. It has nothing
to do with epiphanies, brilliant diagnoses, or even lifesaving. It's dealing with a large number of
people who have mental illnesses that are difficult to change or improve. It is the skill to have
the ability to assist patients woth pure love. It is making a difference in their lives, but it takes a
lot of hard work—day after day, paying attention to details, seeing patient after patient and
complaint after complaint, and answering the phone when you don't want to. Compulsive
attitude is really must when you want to be a top performing doctor like doc Adams, doc Charles
Bell, Joseph Babinski
17. How do you deal with pressure or a stressful situations?

For me, planning is a critical component of dealing with stress. When I'm stress, planning allows
me to take things one step at a time and prioritize what needs to be done for myself and my
coworkers. In fact, a stressful situation has led to some of my best work. projects. I was able to
create workflows that were simpler, more efficient, and had less room for error.
18. What qualities makes you a good leader?

While communication skills such as active listening and intentional body language assist me in
becoming a better leader, I must hold myself accountable in order to lead by example. I alwas
try to tell them first our objective. I've realized t if the team understands the goals, they can
better understand how their role affects the project's success. I always give them credit for their
efforts and always compliment them for their hardwork.
19. If you won a 10 million dollars lottery, would you still work?

It gives immense pleasure and happiness when you eat, live your life on your own hardwork. So
if I get a lottery, lucky for me, I'll used that money for charity work and improving medical
system. But that doesn't mean that I will quit my job, because I am working not just to earn but
also to learn and serve other people. That is my goal, the purpose I think I have in this world,
nothing could ever change my mind.
20. Who has impacted you most in your career?

This is very personal for me, but I am gonna share it. I want became a neurosurgeon because I
wanted to treat my grandfather but he passed away last September. My lolo had many diseases
but the scariest disease that I dont want him to suffer is from the Alzheimer's disease because I
am afraid that once he suffered from it, he would forget about his family, including me. Well, he
passed away before it happens but I will continue to become a neurosurgeon to help someone
like my lolo to never forget those person who love them. Because from the bottom of their heart
they know that they don't want to forget the memories they have with their love ones.
21. Is it better to be good on and on time or perfect and late with your work.

Neither is good, because it is much better if your work is perfect and on time. But if I am going to
choose between the two, I will choose have a good and on time work. In the industry, task are
time-sensitive which means that you are expected to complete the job on time over all else. It is
always punctuality over quality. No matter how great your work is, if it's not on time then your
boss will reject it. And to be franked there is no such thing as perfect work, it is not attainable.
22. Do you prefer to work alone or on a team?

"It is dependent on the task at hand." When it comes to brainstorming, groups can generate
great ideas by combining multiple perspectives, and they can also highlight people's skills and
talents. But I also enjoy working on my tasks on my own because I was pretty independent ever
since and to be honest I enjoy solitude and I believe that the ability to work alone is necessary
for the team to succeed in many ways.
23. How do you keep yourself organized?

"To stay organized, I use an online calendar and to-do list." I also like to finish my most
important task first thing in the morning. That way, if I run into any problems later in the day, I'll
still have completed my main task. I've also discovered that communication and organizational
skills go hand in hand. So I've learned to communicate with my team about progress, setbacks,
deadlines, any unanticipated tasks that need to be addressed in more clear and timely manner.
By using this method, I've been able to stay organized and manage a large workload with tight
24. How long do you expect to work for this company?

I've been looking for a job with a dynamic company that is involved in the community, and your
company certainly fits the bill. I believe that this position is a good fit for my skills and
experience, and that it will allow me to advance professionally. I intend to stay as long as I am
able to contribute. I have no immediate plans to relocate. I'd like to work somewhere where I
can have a consistent schedule and be a part of a team.
25. Are you more of a leader or a follower?

I am both. Whatever was expected of me, I was able to adjust. I was more than capable of
leading a group when it needed one, but I also recognize when it's better to take a step back
and defer to someone who knows more than I do. Both leaders and followers are important in
any organization, and neither is more important than the other. In fact, being a good follower,
makes you a better leader.

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