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Early Childhood Education

Learning Experience Template

Name: Grace Gaspar Lesson Title: The Animal Song

Date: 3/20/2022 Grade Level: Prekindergarten Circle one: ECE PKSN
Standard(s)/Guideline(s): Domain: Cognition and General Knowledge Strand: Life Science Topic: Explorations of Living Things Standard
Statement: With modeling and support, identify physical characteristics and simple behaviors of living things.

Domain: Social and Emotional Development Strand: Self (continued) Topic: Sense of Competence Standard Statement: Show confidence in
own abilities and accomplish routine and familiar tasks independently.
Pre-assessment of current knowledge: Have students discuss if they have any pets or have seen any animals and what they need to survive. Talk about
what you need as humans to live each day.

Instructional Objectives (2-3) Assessment of Student Learning Learning Experience

Two- Three Assessed Identify Evidence: (What will you collect or record as data Academic Language:
Instructional Objective(s): The to demonstrate students have met your objective(s) and -characteristics
student will be able to... skill?) -structures
-describe unique features and -flight
distinct characteristics of animals -I will have each child sing the song and make sure they -wings
through singing. have learned the words and the motions. -beak

-Identify sounds animals make by -I will have a checklist that notes if the children are able to
using confidence in ones singing perform the motions while singing the song. This would Procedural steps:
ability include noting if they can remember the lyrics, sing with
expression, and move their bodies in the correct motions. 1. I will perform a read aloud of “Rumble in the Jungle”
They will also need to describe three unique features of by Giles Andreae and illustrated by David
animals that allow them to survive. Wojtowycz.

One Assessed Developmental 2. After reading the book we will discuss how all living
Skill: things have unique features that allow them to live
and carry out their days. We will talk about how
-singing strengthens language humans have legs so that we can walk around and
development go where we need to go. Birds have wings that help
Program Monitoring: (How will you aggregate or compile them fly from a tree to the porch. Frogs have
your evidence into a class or group view?) webbed feet and can jump high.

-The class will perform their song and dance for their 3. I will ask them if they have ever seen any animals
parents. outside and what they notice about them. We will
talk about how squirrels can climb really high and
have bushy tails. Or how their dogs have sharp
teeth and can bark.
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

4. The kids will share any observations they have

made outside, and we will discuss why these
features are important.
Safety Considerations:
-provide ample space and time for 5. I will then sing, “The Animal Song” and have the
the children to use their whole students practice the main lyric: “Lets sing the
body to complete the motions and animal song.”
sing the song comfortably.
6. Then I will introduce each motion that the students
Modifications: Allow students will do along with the song.
who cannot use their whole bodies
to sit, use smaller movements, or 7. I will sing “The Animal Song” to the students have
use their voice only to participates. them listen first.
For students who cannot use their
voice, allow them to use motions “Let's sing the animal song
and dance moves that elaborate (Jump in place)
on the idea. Allow students to Jump Jump like a tree frog, Jump Jump like a tree frog.
chose to not sing the song in the Jump jump like a tree frog,
performance. Let's sing the animal song
Shake shake, like a rattlesnake, shake shake, like a
rattlesnake, shake shake, like a rattlesnake,
Let's sing the animal song
(flying motion with arms)
Fly fly like a blue bird, fly fly like a blue bird, fly fly like a blue
Let's sing the animal song
(pretend to climb)
Climb climb like a sneaky squirrel, climb climb like a sneaky
squirrel, climb climb like a sneaky squirrel,
Let's sing the animal song
(swing your arms)
Swing swing, like an elephant, swing swing like an elephant,
swing swing like an elephant,
Let's sing the animal song
(make roaring motion with hands)
Roar roar, like a lion, roar roar like a lion, roar roar like a lion,
Let's sing the animal song

8. The children will learn the song and we will go

through it a couple times.
Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

9. We will practice the song for a few days and then I

will have each child sing it to me and complete a
checklist to make sure they are able to sing it,
complete the motions, and then describe to me
three unique features of animals.
10. Finally, the children will put on a performance for
their families.

Authentic Materials: (Describe authentic real life, hands-on


-the childrens book

Adult Roles:
-read the book, introduce the unique features of animals,
perform the motions and sing the song for the children,
guide the learning of the children

Resources & References:

The Ohio Birth Through Kindergarten Entry - Learning and Development Standards: Social Emotional Development and Cognitive Development and General

I adapted this song and created some of my own lyrics.

Early Childhood Education
Learning Experience Template

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