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Study Questions on Chapter 4: Information

TERTIARY LITERATURE: summarized and interpreted primary literature complied into texbooks,
compendia, reviews articles,and information found on the internet.// SECONDARY LITERATURE: a
compilation of original articles accessible through indexing and abstracting services. // PRIMARY
LITERATURE: original materials including clinical trial, research studies, and case reports.//
ABSTRACTINGG SERVICES: service that locate and summarize professional and scientific journal articles
on specific topics.ej. medline,IPA(intern pharmac abstract)
**LEGAL REQUIREMENTS** FEDERALES: Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
require q las pharmacies tengan: SDSs (Safety Data Sheets): outline the dangers, composition, safe handling,
and proper disposal procedures for chemicals and substances.=> parmacias la obtienen de los fabricantes.
RISK EVALUATION AND MITIGATION STRATEGY (REMS):info & procedures that are required of
manufacturer by the FDA for drugs with known risks. Medicamentos en las listas REMS requieren tb uno o
ambos: Medication Guide,comunication plan, implementación sistema.(FDA amendment act 2007).
PATIENT PACKAGE INSERTS (PPIS) manofacturer’s patients product information included with the
product package.=> lo tienen los anticonceptivos y estrogenos./ se pueden encontrar en Phisician desk
reference (PDR).
MEDICATION GUIDES (MEDGUIDES): a patient handout provovided for many prescription medications to
help avoid serious adverse events.=> responsabilidad de los fabric, el pac recibe uno en cada nueva receta o
**ESTADO* Requiere qeue semantenga cierta información profesional disponible: AHFS Clinical Drug
Information: publicada por la ASHP american asociety of healt systems pharmacist , entrega información de
medicamentos, a través de MONOGRAPH: (document, or standard describing a drug, drug ingredient or
chemical.) estos se actualizan anualmente. y OFF LABEL INDICATIONS: a use of a medication for an
indication not approved by FDA.
Prescriber’s Digital Refernece (PDR): Contiene drug summaries and drug comunications (alerts) , tiene
infonombre d marca, dosage, almacen,contraindic, ef adv etc.
Drug Facts and Comparisons: usado para comparer medicamentos de la misma clase terapéutica, se actualiza
Handbook on Injectable Drugs: colección de monogramas y contienen info de la preparación,a
lmacenamiento, administración, compatibilidad estabilidad de drogas inyectables.
Aproved drugs Products with therapeutic equivalence evaluations: “ORANGE BOOK”: the common
name for FDA’s approved drug products with therapeutic equivalence.=>equibalencia entre generic y nombre
de marca,, Drogas cod A son equibalentes, B no son equibal.
Drug Information Handbook: endorsed by APHA, contiene nombres enericos cruzando con de marcas entre
US y Canada 1700 mongrafias.
Handbook of Nonprescriptions Drugs: publicado por la APHA info sobre OTC drugs, identificar ingredientes
y ef adversos comunes.
**REFERENCIAS DE SEGURIDAD Y RECURSOS* The institute for Safe medicine Practices( ISMP):
institución dedicada a prevención y seguridad de errores, entrega un MERP(medic error reporting o VERP
(vaccine med err. Report), entrega una lista de High Alert Medications, para acute y ambulatori settings, lista
de Confused Drug Names(look alike , sound/alike names) con tall man letters, lista de Error Prone
abreviations(do not use list) y medication saferty alerts.
Medmarx: anonimo y voluntario servicio de registro d efectos adv. Mas grande de US.
*PHARMACY LAW* Legal Handbook for Pharmact Technician: como la farmacia es regulada (por la
ASHP).// Escential of Law and ethics for PT.
Journals: profesional practice journals:oficial publications of pharmacy organizations and can reflect their
political views or policies./ Trade Journals: this are not produced by any professional association. Son
publicados comercialmente. /. Newsletter: publicadas frecuentemente y entregan Fuente de info actual;
Pharmacist Letter:entregaevidencia y recomendaciones en nuevos descubrimientosn terapuas medicamentosas./
Ocupational information: to find a job description and job outlook se ocupa el “occupational Outlook
Hanbook”. Licensure, registration and certification: cada state board of pharmacy./ PTCB(pt certification
board administra el PTCE(pt certify. Exam)// ExCPT=> es dado por la NHA.// PTCB requiere 20hr credit cada
2 anos + 1 contact hour in pharmacy law) + 1 contact hour inpatient safety.

2. What does the FDA require for some products to ensure that their benefits outweigh their risks?

3. A pharmacy technician looking for information on error-prone abbreviations would most likely want to
consult which resource?

4. Define newsleters

5. What pharmacy reference would a technician use to quickly access information on active ingredients and
common side effects regarding OTC drugs?

6. Which association accredits and certifies health-care organizations and programs in the United States?7. Who
provides the Safety Data Sheet (SDS)? What information do it provide?

8. What is the health care website for consumers?

9. On which site would a pharmacy technician look for information on the privacy and security of electronic
health records?

10. Where should the pharmacy technician check for a possible incompatibility of two intravenous

11. What specialty reference is used to find information on nonsterile and on sterile compounding?

12. What a pharmacy technician should consult while searching for an FDA label?

13. What subscription service is used for voluntarily and anonymously reporting adverse drug events in the
United States?

14. What are the PTCB requirement for pharmacy technicians every 2 years?

15. What is the use of Orange book? What are drug B in Orange book mean?

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