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- LESSON ULTIMA - Do you think that doing social - If you were appointed as a chairman

- Ar you agree with this? activities with your colleagues outside (presidente), what would you
- yes, because all these things allow for of work is good business etiquette? consider to have a good meeting with
a good working environment and a - yes, because we are creating a work your coworkers?
better working environment in the environment, being friendly, not - I would make everyone feel included,
place. disrespecting each other, etc. that no one interópts anyone else, that
- Which of these priorities would make - if you are an attendee, what etiquette they don’t use cell phones and that
you choose one job over another? behaviour should you follow? they are willing to talk in a friendly
- for me the right job is that I have a - If I were an attende I should use a manner and without disturbing noises.
good salary, I have a good holidays bc I friendly tone, say please an thanks,
like to travel a lot and I have a flexible and not be late - What advice would you give
schedule(skeyoul) I mean work when I - what do you think about the idea of someone to be successful at work?
want to work becoming facebook friends with you - to be successful at work you must
- what do you think is the best colleagues? dress to impress but not to
employee emploi benefits/ what - I think it's good after a while, because complicate, have a good body
benefits / perks you’d like to get at we get to know each other better, we language, i mean, smile, have eye
your workplace. get along well and we generate a contact, minimize distracting
- I would like to get have health, dental, positive environment moments, move slowly in your
life and vision insurance, because I - Would you work in a company that space, etc. and be respectful and
think those things are important to be makes you wear formal clothes all friendly, work in a team and avoid
healthy day every day? gossip.
- What is the definition of business - yes because I like to dress formally, so - What should you do with your
étiquette? I don't feel uncomfortable, so yes. smarphone during conversation with
- Business etiquette is a set of rules that - Hoy important do you think body others? Why?
govern the way people interact with language is when you meet new - The cell phone must be left on silent so
one another in business, with people in business? that it doesn’t interrupt the
customers, etc. it is all about behaving - is very important because we can see conversation.
in an appropriate way. how the other person is, through his - How can you make sure you run an
- What are a few examples of bacic smile, if he has eye contact, if he effective meeting? As an attend, what
business etiquette? minimizes moments of distraction and should you avoid doing?
- For example use a friendly tone, say feels comfortable in his space. - everyone feel included, no one is
please and thanks, not be late - Hoy would you demonstrate good interrupting anyone else, and send an
- How has the covid pandemic changed body language? emaild and agenda 24 hours in
or impacted basic business etiquette? - I would demonstrate good body advance. As attend I shouldn’t use my
- now, for example, there is no excuse language through the smile, having cell phones, I shouldn’t be late and I
for being late because we are right eye contact, minimize moments of shouldn’t talk too much or interóp
next to the laptop or cell phone. distraction and feel comfortable in my others
be calm an choose my outfit responsibility was to verifai
JOB according to the dress code. that the accounting was
- Which factor is most
crucial when looking for - If you were asked
a new job? “what’s your dream
- I think the factor most job”, what would you
crucial when I looking for a say?
new job is first research the - I would say that I would
organization website that I’m have loved to be a loyer to
interstin in, then see if there - What are some things
defend justice and get my
are any veikencis available. you should never do or Friends out of prisión in a
star networkin and use social say at a job interview? future.
midia - I should never say at a job Also lawyers have a good
interview for example: how vacation for many days, and
- If you had a job much will I earn? Bc the the salary is very high, and
interview tomorrow, inverviewer will think I’m they can work at home and at
how would you prepare only interested in money and the time they want.
nothing else. Also I shouldn’t
for it?
say I’m really nervous
- what I would do is practice
because I would expose my
and repeat, be ready on time,
insecurity. and never say I
try to be calm and choose my
really need this job! because
outfit according to the dress
it would expose my
desperation to have the job.

- What can you do to - What skills and

prepare before you go to responsibilities were
an interview? associated to the last job
- before I go to an interview I
you had?
can practice and repeat, try to
- I had mathematical and
fainancial skills, and my
- Do you think there are
more natural disasters - WHAT ARE SOME
now than in the past? CAUSES FOR
- Yes, I think there are more THESE NATURAL
natural disasters now than in the DISASTERS
past, bc the planet is changing - forest fire and the most
and the other day for example I of the time there happens
saw on the news that exist a because of people's
volkeino that if it erupts we all irresponsibility. for
die, I think that it was called example when they don’t
yellow stone. So all this is very put out the cigar well, or
shocked. the campfire, etc.
altogether in the past I don’t see is a tsunami I think soo,
very natural distarses like now, and this is all natural
so the global warming is really disasters
getting worse and worse produced(produc) by an
- Do you think we are Si es un flood: this is
prepared to deal with caused for some river that
them? has
Lesson global overflowed(overflowd)
- I think that we are prepared to
- What natural disasters prevent them from occurring at
drought and and it's also
do you know? (cosd)by us, the people,
greater(greider) risk, but
- Earthqueik, tsunami, torneiro, because we spend a lot of
somehow they will have
forest fair, volkeic eruption, water unnecessarily.
negative effects on the planet,
drought(sequía), (annecesarily)
people and animals. So I think
flood(inundacion), hiurraquein, that we are not prepared to deal
avalánch. with them , but we can prevent - Have you ever
them a little experienced a natural
- Yes I have a experienced
natural disaster in the year
2010 when there was the homes generating a lot of actually people need to be
earthquake(erthkuek) in smoke and there are also more inford about
concepcion. i was only 9 many industries that (risaikilin) and don’t use a
years old and I was at release toxic gases. and lot of electricity or water
home alone with my for the same reason many - What can we do?
brother, because my people use cars instead of - We can plant tree, buy
parents were at a party. It bicycles or just the bus, so risaicld prodécts, not use
was very shocked and release Exhaust(exhast) papers. And eat vegtebols.
thank god where I live the fumes(fiums) and all this
- If you had the
sunami didn’t arrive, but is very bad for the
it is very sad for the people’s halt
chance to talk to the
people who lost president, What
everything. would you say to
- Are you - What can we do to convince him to take
environmentally improve(mejorar) the action about it?
friendly? air in our own cities? - If I had the chance to
- yes because i buy risaikl - We can leave the Wood talk to the president I
prodects, i use a gas stove stove and prefer the gas would say him to think
and an electric car. i also stove and buy electric cars about the future of his
try once a month not to over(antes q) gasolin, in family so that they can
use electricity, and when I order to improve the air in live in a better world
take a shower I try not to our own cities. without much pollution.
use so much water. - Do you think
governments are
- What are the cities doing enough to
with the worst air prevent
quality in Chile? deforestation?
- The wors city with wors - mh I don’t think so, for
air quality in chile is expample they need to put - What are the main
Santiago, because there more risaikilin points in effects of global
are many people who differente places and
have a wood stove in their warming?
- The effects of global compare hualpen with san
warming are an increase pedro de la paz, hualpen
in sea level, droughts, is poorer, and I have
storms, extinction of never seen the police
animals, loss of coral reef there, on the other hand in
and increase in san pedro de la paz it is
temperature. very nice and I always see
police taking care of the
- What do you think people.
- What do you believe about the racism, the - I think the social
has been the primary inequality:
covid, the poverty
cause of Chile’s social and Social
unrest over the last Inequality:
few years? Is there - I think racism
any possible dehumanizes people but
solution? in the last few years it has
ESTALLIDO gone down a bit because
we are a different
SOCIAL generation and the world
- I think that the primary is changing.
cause of chile’s social - What social issues
- I think the covid It is a
unrest is the abuse of have become more
very serious situation that
power of large companies,
has claimed the lives of evident in Chile
and the great injustices during the
many people worldwide,
that exist. I think the best pandemic? What can
and has also greatly
solución for this problem
affected people's mental you do to help?
is change the government
health - I think that there have
and constitution.
- I think the poverty it is been more economic
something that will never problems than social
end in a country that problems, bc with the
divides the rich with the pandemic many people
poor, for example if we have stopped working and
also all things have gone
up in price. what I could
do to help is to get
vaccinated so
that everything can go back to normal.

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