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Unit 5 Mastery Kylee Boos

Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:

Comparing, ordering, and finding absolute value to rational numbers.

Students will be able to find the absolute number of a rational number.
Students will be able to order and compare rational numbers absolute value.
State Standards:

6.NS.7 Understand and apply the concepts of comparing, ordering, and finding absolute value to
rational numbers.

This lesson will help students find absolute value of a number and help compare rational
numbers. Students can plot rational numbers on a number line from the previous lesson. This
will help the students figure out how to find the absolute value of a rational number since an
absolute value is the distance from the number to 0. This lesson will help the students for the
next lesson by providing the difference from one number to 0 helping students compare rational
numbers using symbols such as greater than, less than, and equal to (>,<,=).
Students will be grouped in this lesson by a variety of understanding levels. This will be
determined by the previous lessons quiz. For this lesson the data for the level of understanding
will be collected by an exit assignment. This assignment will show what students understand
what part of this lesson.
Workbook, worksheet assignment, smartboard/projector, whiteboard, pencils, and electronic
Introduction (10 minutes):
Student will enter the classroom and gather all materials needed for the lesson. Once students are
settled the teacher will go over a brief description of what will be going on today in the lesson.
Next the teacher will show a short video about finding the absolute value of a rational number.
Teacher will announce what groups each student is in to prepare them for small group activity.
Teacher will then transition to the teacher directed portion of the lesson.
Unit 5 Mastery Kylee Boos
Teacher Directed (20 minutes):
Teacher will have an online version of the textbook of the smartboard ready to start the lesson.
The teacher will read the objectives of this lesson to all students while including examples of
each objective. Teacher will then begin to teach the lesson to the students. Once teacher had
taught the lesson to the students then the teacher will do examples working with the students.
This will lead to students doing one by themselves. Finally, teacher will transition students to
small groups.
Collaborative (10 minutes):
Student will complete a worksheet assignment with their small group. This will allow the
students to work together to find the absolute value of a rational number. Student will collaborate
their answers and show how they got to that point with the small group. After small group is over
student s will transition to independent work.
Independent Digital (10 minutes):
Student will work on assignments assigned by the teacher about rational numbers and comparing
them to each other. This will be done of a math application called Aleks. This application will
return all data to the teacher for the teacher to check for understanding and how long it took the
students to complete the assignment. After the independent digital portion students will transition
to the closure of the lesson.
Closure (10 minutes):
Student will complete an exit slip that will have questions like a poll. This is for the teacher to
see what the students understand of this lesson and the last lesson. This will help the teacher
decide what the next day will be like. This could be review or a new lesson. The results to this
poll will also help the teacher decide what the next groups will look like.
This video was chosen for the introduction portion of the lesson to give the students an idea of
the overall lesson. Having another teacher teach the same lesson but maybe in a different way
will help the students find which way is better for them to use. This video will be part of the first
objective “Students will be able to find the absolute number of a rational number.” This video is
showing the students how to find absolute value of a rational number. After watching the video
multiple times, I realized that this video shows ways to find an absolute value of a rational video
making this video highly qualified. This choice of multimedia is for all learners. For the assistive
learners they can watch the video in a slower form and pause when needed. This video will be
both talking while showing examples for the learners to understand which way they prefer. This
video is free and can be accessed on any device. This multimedia piece teaches specific
Unit 5 Mastery Kylee Boos

numeracy skills to prepare the students for the future part of the lesson. This multimedia piece
follows the LORI criteria very well.
Aleks is an application that can be downloaded or used through a web browser. This piece of
multimedia is great for all because students can work at their own pace while there are options to
watch a video of a lesson if needed and examples to find the solution to an equation. This
multimedia piece also sends reports back to the teacher about the progress of the students. This
piece of multimedia will help student practice all lessons needed. This piece will also help the
student complete all objectives of this lesson by practicing multiple examples of order,
comparing, and finding the absolute value of a number. Using the LORI criteria this application
will motivate the users to use the app while they are learning doing so. This application will let
the students control what they do on the app and their speed to completing the task. This app also
as students engaging the entire time while using the app. Overall this application follows the
LORI criteria very well.

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