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A. Do you think the Church should intervene in scientific activities?
The church has been instrumental in many scientific breakthroughs. As science
progresses and our understanding changes with it, some think it may be time for the
church to revise its stance as well. But before we can even talk about that, we need to
explore just why they’ve taken this position in the first place. One possible reason is that
people think science conflicts with religion, another might be that they’re afraid of losing
their power over people’s minds if scientists are allowed free reign.
The church’s anti-scientific stance is also an artifact of the time in which it was
established. The Middle Ages were a time when people believed that the world was flat
and that everything that happened could be explained by natural causes. Even today,
some still believe this. Hence, those who opposed scientific activity may have thought it
necessary to take a stand against it and explain why the church should remain in its current
place of human progress. Many theologians warned that science cannot explain
everything but instead, they maintained that God should be considered as the true source
of knowledge and truth. Then, in 2019 Pope Francis stated that science paves the way to
learning more about the world and even urged the people to care more about climate
changes and the environment. However, this has caused some confusion as to what the
church’s true stance is and whether they are open to scientific progress.
To sum it all up, the church’s biggest concern is that science may contradict religion.
Since God had created everyone, would it not make sense that God also created science
and the people who researched about it. My stand is that I do believe that science and
religion can coexist, as long as there is no conflict with faith.

B. Explain how can Darwin’s evolutionary theory influence the following fields in
modern times:
i. Agriculture
Darwin’s theory of evolution can be applied to agriculture in two ways: firstly through
artificial selection and secondly with natural selection. Artificial selection is where the farmer
seeks out desired traits in the plant or animal they are breeding. Natural selection is the
process of survival of the fittest. An animal or plant that is better adapted to its environment
will maintain its population while those less suited will die out.
Evolutionary theory can be applied to agriculture in a number of ways. Firstly, it is possible
to use Darwin’s theory when selecting plants for their desired traits by carefully selecting which
ones have certain characteristics and then selectively breeding these plants with other plants
with similar characteristics. This would enable farmers to breed plants which have particular
traits they require for growing certain crops fit for the climate and the need of the people.

ii. Political science

C. What are the controversies or questions in Freud’s idea in the following fields:
i. Medicine
Freud's idea of the unconscious is one of the most influential and
controversial in the field of science. Freud’s concept of the unconscious is based
on many assumptions, some which are still often debated today. Freud’s idea of
the unconscious has had a great impact on the field of medicine and many
scientists have attempted to replicate Freud’s research in their own fields. Freud
has come under great criticism for his theory that humans are ruled by unconscious
mental processes.
For more than a century, psychoanalysts have been at debate with Freud’s
idea. Yet, their idea that human behavior is influenced by factors by our
unconscious and that childhood experiences have a profound influence on
personality has been controversial. Since Freud's time, psychoanalysts have
disagreed about what role the unconscious plays in human behavior. Some believe
that it plays a positive role in our development, and others believe it to be a
negative force. However, in recent years doubts about Freud's philosophies and
claims for its effectiveness have emerged, citing these things lack of scientific
evidence for certain teachings of psychoanalytic theory, and difficulty in treating
patients who live with an unconscious trauma. A large number of questions exist
on how the unconscious mind works and how one can help the patient overcome
their problems.

ii. Mass media

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