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I. Application on Communication Principles and Effects:

Choose the correct sentence and tick the circle before the letter. Each item merits two points. (50
points) 1/24

19. Which of the following job advertisements is most inclusive? * 2 points

A. We hire applicants based on efficiency factor.

B. Having a native-like accent in English is not a requirement but a plus factor.

C. Be one of us if you are 20-30 years old and single.

D. We welcome all applicants especially those with 5-year minimum experience.

11. Which of the choices is an improvement of the sentence below? The 2 points
cafeteria served excellent food; it was only two years old. *

A. The two-year old food in the cafeteria was excellent.

B. The served food in the cafeteria is excellent.

C. The two-year-old cafeteria served excellent food.

D. There is excellent food served by the two-year cafeteria. 2/24

3. Which statement best demonstrates consideration and courtesy? * 2 points

A. Please read the terms and conditions of the contract so that you will not complain
in the future as our past clients did.

B. Please read the terms and conditions of the contract to avoid conflicts in the

C. Please read the terms and conditions of the contract so that we would not have
unpleasant relations with you.

D. Please read the terms and conditions of the contract, or we might have future

15. Why is an articulate applicant usually hired by a law firm? * 2 points

A. An articulate applicant can represent the company anywhere in the world.

B. An articulate applicant can give the best face of the company to clients.

C. An articulate applicant is an asset in many ways to a company.

D. An articulate applicant has the ability to clarify issues with clients. 3/24

14. In a Filipino setting, why is an applicant’s response to being asked what 2 points
she can contribute to the school, “I saw your curriculum, and it is totally
outdated and I can upgrade it for you so you can be on a par with other
schools,” not acceptable? *

A. The response is too wordy and it can be made concise.

B. The response made use of highfalutin and inappropriate words.

C. The response is too blunt to the point of being disrespectful.

D. The response implies that the applicant is better than the school owner.

6. Which statement exemplifies clarity? * 2 points

A. Please use the official format attached to this memo for all office documents.

B. The purpose of this memo is to provide a reference for all your staff members of
the formats of various documents for office use.

C. This memo is to provide a reference for all your staff members of the formats of
various documents for office use.

D. No other format is allowed for office documents except the attachment. 4/24

24. Which of the following is most helpful to a new employee in 2 points

communicating effectively with people in a culturally diverse workplace? *

A. clarity of expression

B. self-confidence

C. social intelligence

D. good reputation

21. Americans place a high value on eye-to-eye contact and tend to 2 points
distrust those who fail to look at them directly. The Japanese, in contrast,
believe eye contact over a sustained period shows disrespect. Arabs, on
the other hand, maintain direct eye contact with those they interact with
for prolonged periods. What do these situations imply about eye contact
preferences? *

A. Eye contact preferences vary across cultures.

B. Eye contact is not a necessary element in communication for Asians.

C. Eye contact is of great importance in most cultures.

D. Eye contact is overrated element in communication. 5/24

1. After your GPCOM class, your classmate James kept talking about 2 points
globalization. Clarity is most evident in what statement below? *

A. James Sun talked about globalization and things that people should do.

B. James Sun talked about globalization and of embracing diversity.

C. James Sun said that embracing diversity is a key to globalization.

D. Globalization and diversity is all that James Sun talked about.

Option 5

20. A political analyst comes from a culture where people constantly greet 2 points

one other eagerly whenever there is an opportunity. Which of the

following must the political analyst assume when he starts working in an
unfamiliar work environment? *

A. Some people are not verbally expressive.

B. Some people do not have manners.

C. Some people do not respect others.

D. Some people simply do not care. 6/24

9. Which is the best sentence as regards correctness? * 2 points

A. The role of a political analyst is to conduct research and analysis on current

policies and political events.

B. The role of a political analyst are to conduct research and analysis on current
policies and political events.

C. The roles of a political analyst is to conduct research and analysis on current

policies and political events.

D. The roles of a political analyst are to conduct research and analysis on current
policies and political events.

12. When speaking with others especially strangers or foreigners, a low, 2 points
soft tone should be used because this is an indicator of…. *

A. recognition of the primary importance of the person.

B. consciousness of one’s social involvement and positivism.

C. conscious effort to show courtesy to the person.

D. understanding diversity of cultures and bridging it. 7/24

7. Conciseness in communication can be best illustrated by _____. * 2 points

A. phrasing your colleague’s ideas through poetic language.

B. keeping your colleague’s sentences short and simple but complete in thought.

C. providing evidence to support your colleague’s claim or argument.

D. addressing your supervisor with a respectful tone and language.

13. How do words best facilitate understanding during disagreements in 2 points

the workplace? *

A. Words help diffuse tensed atmosphere.

B. Words can clarify issues amongst peers.

C. Words become the tool to present one’s arguments.

D. Words can empower those who are right. 8/24

10. Which is the best example of a concise but courteous statement * 2 points

A. Attendance is mandatory.

B. Attendance is required.

C. Attendance is obligatory.

D. Attendance is compulsory.

5. How do you best show courtesy in declining a client who arrived at the 2 points

closing hour? *

A. We are very very sorry that we really cannot entertain you today because you came
at the wrong time.

B. Please come back during clinic hours so we will address your business concern.

C. We entertain medical concerns only during office hours.

D. We are sorry but we can’t entertain your medical concern today. It’s not clinic hours. 9/24

16. Why is the language the most convenient tool to learn and to clarify? * 2 points

A. Language is a medium in asking about the unknown topic.

B. Language is always at our disposal, anytime and anywhere.

C. Language is the tool for the concepts to be made public.

D. Language is part of our mechanism to facilitate everyday activities.

8. Which sentence best illustrates concreteness? * 2 points

A. Romeo has exemplary qualities in dealing with clients.

B. When it comes to client care, Romeo is the model.

C. Romeo has the highest rating as regards client satisfaction.

D. Romeo has the best client satisfaction rating at 94 percent. 10/24

25. Sacha is from the Philippines and is surprised that on her first trip to 2 points
New York City, native New Yorkers do not respond to her friendly
overtures on the subway. She learns that New Yorkers generally do not
talk to strangers on the subways to maintain their privacy. Knowing such
information, how should she deal appropriately with New Yorkers? *

A. She will ignore them and mind her own business to be familiar to the practice.

B. She must understand their behavior from their own cultural reference.

C. She will exert more effort to generate positive feedback from the New Yorkers.

D. She still extends her friendly gestures to make the world a better place.

18. Why should courtesy be given primary attention in language use? * 2 points

A. Courtesy begets positive feedback anytime and anywhere.

B. Courtesy is a natural human trait that we just have to exercise.

C. Courtesy shows our humaneness and sensitivity of other’s ways.

D. Courtesy is a mark of individualism in this world of diverse personalities. 11/24

17. Why is non-verbal language usually more powerful than the verbal form 2 points

of a statement? *

A. Non-verbal language has deeper and complex nature than the verbal form.

B. Non-verbal language is usually spontaneous thereby revealing genuine expression.

C. Non-verbal language is open to many interpretations than the verbal form.

D. Non-verbal language is perceived using more than one sense.

4. Which is the most creative statement in declining the offer of a position 2 points

by the company’s president? *

A. I appreciate the offer but to be honest, I don’t think I am fit to occupy the position.

B. Your offer appeals to me, but I must regretfully decline because I am content with
my status right now.

C. The offer is great; however, I have other priorities I have to attend to.

D. The position is indeed an upgrade; however, I really enjoy my stress-free status. 12/24

23. We, Filipinos, embrace the practice of greeting one another eagerly 2 points
whenever there is an opportunity. Which of the following must we assume
when we start working in a foreign work environment? *

A. We should spread this practice to foreign co-workers since it gives positive vibe.

B. We should adapt whatever is the practice of the foreign work environment.

C. We check first our new environment then adapt the dominant practice.

D. We observe first then adapt our practice as we see fit to the occasion.

2. Which sentence is the best example of concreteness? * 2 points

A. Many Filipinos write and speak in fluent Philippine English.

B. As of 2015, 14 million Filipinos can speak English.

C. Most Filipinos can speak English as their second language.

D. According to Brooks (2017), about 92% of the Philippine population, or around 90

million, can speak English as their second language. 13/24

22. In every workplace, it is inevitable that errors are committed. Which of 2 points
the following assumptions is most favorable to work relations? *

A. Persons are flawed; hence, they should be excused when they commit errors.

B. Persons are prone to errors; hence, they should be given rooms for improvement.

C. Persons are fallible; hence, monitoring and training should be increased.

D. Persons are not perfect; hence, standards of performance should be regulated.

II. Modified True or False. Read and analyze each statement, then shade the
letter of your choice. (2 points each)
A if statement X is true but statement Y is false
B if statement X is false but statement Y is true
C if both statements are true
D if both statements are false 14/24

29. * 2 points

28. * 2 points 15/24

* 2 points

26. * 2 points 16/24

27. * 2 points

30. * 2 points 17/24

III. Register reminds us of the appropriateness of a language to use in

consideration of our relationship with the person we are speaking to or
speaking with. In the following situations, choose the most appropriate way of
speaking the message or meaning to our receiver/listener. (2 points each)

6. Which of the following responses can be considered as a casual answer 2 points

when your friend asked you if have eaten lunch? *

A. Not yet, but thank you for asking.

B. Nope! Maybe later. Thanks.

C. Thank you for asking, Ms. Delicadesa, but I have not yet eaten my lunch.

D. Thanks for asking, Ma’am, but I will eat later. 18/24

3. In a promotional print and non-print material for a newly opened 2 points

medical clinic in Baguio City, which register is most suitable? *

a. Consultative

b. Intimate

c. Casual

d. Formal

e. Static

8. You are actually annoyed but you choose to be polite and poised. Which 2 points
of the following is the most polite way of asking the question (despite
your irritation)? *

A) Yours? This one?

B)Is this yours?

C) Would you mine telling me if this is yours?

D)I am asking you if this is yours. 19/24

4. While having your break, which is the most appropriate statement for 2 points
clarification with a close co-worker who just reported on sales? *

a. May I clarify if our sales this month have gone lower by 40%?

b. Did you mention our sales this month have gone lower by 40%?

c. Would you mind if I clarify about our sales going down by 40 % this month?

d. Are you sure that our sales this month have gone lower by 40%?

e. Can you prove that our sales this month have gone lower by 40%? 20/24

5. Which of the following is a formal telephone conversation? * 2 points


C D 21/24

7. Which of the following responses can be considered as an appropriate 2 points

answer in refusing a date? *

A) I am sorry, I am not a dating type.

B) I’m sorry, you're not my type.

C) I'm sorry, but I really can't go out with you. Thanks for the invite, anyway.

D) I regret to refuse your offer for a date but this is not the right time.

9. Sheila has this endearing way of addressing everybody "Beh." Which in 2 points
the following instances should "Beh" be most appropriately used? *

A) Beh,let's go eat. (To her best friend)

B)May I have the menu, Beh? (To a server)

C) We should be ready with the modules before the month ends, Beh (To her
colleagues at a departmental meeting)

D) Beh, can you show me how to go to the market? (To a stranger) 22/24

1. Which of the following should determine the level of a person’s formality 2 points
and style in communicating with others? *

a. the communicative context

b. his educational attainment

c. his social status

d. his culture

e. his environment

2. To exemplify the formal register, which is the best structure for 2 points
presenting the estimate of COVID 19 recovery as a research finding based
on collected data? *

a. It is speculated that 95% of people infected with COVID 19 will recover.

b. Perhaps, 95% of people infected with COVID 19 will recover.

c. Around 95% of people infected with COVID 19 will recover.

d. It is safe to say that 95% of people infected with COVID 19 will recover.

e. Conclusively, 95% of people infected with COVID 19 will recover.

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