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Identify the semantic properties of the following word ( at least 4 semantic

Wande( đi lang thang)= +alone, +walk slowly ,+no definite, +ramble
2 what is the lexical sense relation between each of following pairs of words?
When it is antonymy, specify whether it is binary, gradable. or relational
a. Flower(hoa)- petal ( canh hoa) -> gradble antonymy
b. narrow(hep)- wide(rong)->binary antonymy tu te )-meaner( nguoi keo kiệt)-> relation antonech. Compartative adj
d.powerful( day suc manh)-stronger( manh me)-> gradble antonymy
Antonymy: A #B
Binary antonymy: trái nghĩa nhị phân / lưỡng cực

alive # dead : alive=not dead

open # close : close = not open
Gradble antonymys: Trái nghĩa cấp độ( có intensify) + very/extremly
Hot – warm – lukewarm-cool-cold ( nóng-ấm- trời lãnh đạm-trời hơi se lạnh-lạnh)
Love- be fond of – like- be different-dislike-hate( yêu-thích- hơi thích-khác biệt-
không thích-ghét)
Test:very/how+adj/adv or much/very much/how much +verb
-old#young: how old is he? – he is very old
-Love#hate: how much do you love her?very much
-> question: how+adj/adv or much, anwers: very much ....
Relation antonymy: trái nghĩa quan hệ
verb :buy-sell ( liên quan đến mua bán)
Give- recevie( liên quan đến việc cho và nhận lẫn nhau giữa hai người)
Nouns: employer-employee( công việc), father/mother-son/daughter( gia đình).
Compartative adj : thiner-fatter( liên quan đến cơ thể con người), cheaper-more
Comparative averbs: more efficiently-less efficiently, faster-more slowly
Multiple incompatibility: sự đối lập nhiều thành phần
Season system( hệ thông mùa): Spring-summer-autumn-winter
Physical state system( hệ thống vật lý): solid-gas-liquid
University student system( các cấp học ở đại học) – freshman-sophomore-junoir-
Primary elemetn system: earth-air-water-fire
 Tóm lại có mấy cái ở trên thì chọn relation antonymy
3.For each of the follwing sentences. Identify the figure of speech used and
interpret it
My uncle passed away last year.
Simile: so sánh
Metaphor: ẩn dụ , 2 loại
Irony: châm biếm, mỉa mai( nói ngược để mỉa mai: bạn tốt đến nổi tất cả bài tập
đều mình tôi làm cả)
Sarcasm:châm biếm, mỉa mai
Hyncecdoche: chuyển hóa
Metonymy: hoán dụ
PersonificaPers: nhân hóa
Hyperbole: cường điệu
Euhyperbol:(uyển ngữ, nói tránh)
My uncle passed away last year.

-The figure of speech used: euhyperbol , passed away into died

- This question using “ passed away” wil be formal and will not cause discomfort
to the listener
-It’s nicer way of saying” passed away” without talking about died
4. Idenity the two following presuppositions in the following utterances
I regret missing the leture last week
a.Factive presuppsitions
I regret missing the leture last week -> I missed the leture last week
b. Lexical presuppsitions
I regret missing the leture last week -> I was miss the leture before
5 idenity which maxim has been violated and what implicature might be drawn
from the second speaker’s response.
Mary: Where is Jack ?
Jim: Well, he didn’t meet me for lunch as he was supposed to be
A. Conversational implicature
Implicture : Jim utterance may implicate that he does want to see Jack as Jack
was supposed to be( quantity maxim)
Where is jack?
Well, he did not meet me for lunch as he was supposed to be
Implicature : Maybe Jack still in for lunch , but He did not see Jim as he was
supposed to be ( relation/ relavance maxim)
6. provide two situation, so that the following uttrance performs two different
acts. Interpret the utterrance and identify the acts performed in the light of the
situation you provide
It’s very hot here
Situation 1
a.Becareful! It’s very hot here =>( Take care of youself form hot weather)
b. thanks for your timely warning
A indriectly asks B becareful to hot weather in here
Situation 2
A. Remember bring water! It is very hot here (=> you will thirsty in hot weather)
B. Ok! Ok!
A indrectly remember B . This is commissive.

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