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Unit 3 speaking and listening Assessment: Group Discussion followed by a

Digital Presentation
Content Focus: Inspirational Speeches
Theme Focus: "How do Words Inspire Change" (inspire, provoke, calm)
Purpose: Initiate and participate in a group discussion for the purpose of presenting a
group analysis of your assigned content
Unit Connection: How your topic related to the unit writing assessment - you will be
individually analyzing and writing about “How Words” from our unit authors/selections
“Inspire Change” (inspire, provoke, calm)
Standard: SL.1
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led)
with diverse partners on topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own
 Groups will be assigned several speeches to choose from; after decided on one, the goal will be
to analyze this speech for words that inspire change. Author background, purpose, central
idea/summary, and analysis of “Words that Inspire Change” will all be required elements in
 During the group discussion time, each member of the group will be assessed on the following:
o Preparation
o Level of participation
o Quality of shared content quality of shared during the group discussion time
 During the group digital presentation , each member of the group will be assessed on the
o Amount of participation (each member should contribute equally)
o Presentation skill (eye contact, volume and clarity)
 The group will graded on the organization, presence and quality of content
requirements, and cohesiveness (smooth transition’s)

Elements of Effective Group Discussion will be established by groups

after discussion on GROUP NORMS- show Video; we will also talk
about group roles

Elements of Effective Group Presentations

I. Create ONE presentation
A. Work together to have ONE introduction, body, and conclusion for the

B. Everyone must contribute (i.e. reading, research, planning, organizing,

proofreading, etc.).

C. Use a Shared OneDrive PowerPoint, so everyone in the group can see the
project and participate in the planning

D. Work together to build a strong, meaningful presentation

E. Create smooth transitions – between slides AND between group members
1. Explain how the next topic is relevant to the previous one.
2. If first time the next speaker has talked, introduce the speaker
and his/her topic.
3. Sometimes an easy way to transition is to acknowledge the
overlap in topics/points.

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