Annotated Bibliography Celena Hodgson20220328

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Celena Hodgson

Week 2

Research Methods Writing Assignment

28 March 2022

Annotated Bibliography

Tosun, Alime Selcuk, Neslihan Lok, and Sefa Lok. 2020. “The Relationship Between Social

Network Addiction to Physical Activity in University Students.” Ovidius University

Annals, Series Physical Education & Sport/Science, Movement & Health 20:181-185.

This article was written to compare and evaluate the relationship between physical activity of

university students and social media addiction. In order to obtain data and evaluate various

demographics among students, a study was conducted with 100 students using the socio

demographic information form, international physical activity questionnaire, and social network

addiction scale. A test named the Mann Whitney U test was also used along with the Beck

depression scale to further evaluate the test subjects and from relationships among them as well

as percentage distributions for the data. Data such as student age, parental education level,

perceived health, and longest tenured area of residence were also factors that contributed to the

study. Overall, the results showed a negative correlation between social network addiction and

levels of physical activity. In particular, girls who’s mother’s education level is primary school,

father’s is secondary school, have a poor perception of their health, and who live in a

metropolitan area for an extended time had the most negative results.
Kuzucu, Yasar, and Ibrahim Gokdas. 2019. “Social Network Addiction Scale: the Validity and

Reliability Study of Adolescent and Adult Form.” International Journal of Assessment Tools in

Education 6:396-414.

In this article, a study was performed to develop a social network addiction factor analysis scale

based on validity and reliability for young adults and adolescents. The study was performed

using 425 high school students (14-17) and 310 young adults ranging in age from 18-43. After

analyzing the participants based on a 10-item and three-factor scale, variance percentages and

reliability coefficients were developed for both adolescents and young adults. From the numbers

generated through this study, it was determined that both high school students and young adults

have adequate validity and reliability structure that confirm the presence of social network

addiction in these groups.

Research Topic: Social Media Addiction

Part II:

The topic of social media addiction can be analyzed through the sociological theory of symbolic

interactionism. In the text, symbolic interactionism is defined as personal one-on-one

interactions through communication from a micro perspective (Openstax 2020:15). This can be

applied to social media because the vast portion of society uses it to interact with people

throughout the entire world. The interaction of individuals through social media can become

addicting because people can be whoever they want to be online without many repercussions in

the real world. The ability to form an alternate identity or persona is addicting to many

individuals and gives them the opportunity to re-invent themselves. The concepts of validity and

reliability are key contributors when discussing social media addiction as well as the overarching
theme of the sociological perspective. In the text, reliability is defined as “how likely research

results are to be replicated if the study is reproduced” (Openstax 2020:31) and validity is defined

as “how well the study measures what it is designed to measure” (Openstax 2020:31). In the

study regarding social media addiction related to validity and reliability, whether or not

individual are addicted to social media is the dependent variable and both the correlation

coefficient and variance percentages are the independent variables. Speaking generally, the

independent variable could be anything that correlates directly to individuals being addicted to

social media. In terms of ethical issues that must be taken into consideration during any study, it

is not ok to invade anyone’s personal privacy. Also, everyone who participates in any study

should do so willingly so that they are not misrepresented. Fortunately, all of these studies are

anonymous, so the ethical issues are very minimal. The idea of social media addiction is a hot

topic and parents of young kids, young adults, and other adolescents could all benefit from

knowing the results of these studies.

Before gathering any pertinent information for this topic, the research process needs to be

conducted fully. According to the text, the research process sequence is as follows: ask a

question, research existing sources, formulate a hypothesis, design and conduct a study, draw

conclusions, report results (Openstax 2020:31). Before the formation of the annotated

bibliography, the research topic “social media addiction” was formulated. Next, scholarly

sources were obtained from the Sinclair website (to further my research, I could look through

other databases). A hypothesis, study, and conclusions were then completed and represented in

the scholarly sources above. Conclusions were drawn from the results of the studies and then

results were reported to support the original hypothesis. Overall, the reliability and validity of
these studies is most important. The presence of valid and reliable data shows a quality study and

one that can be implemented for further research and analysis.


OpenStax. Introduction to Sociology, 2e.  Openstax College: Houston, TX. Retrieved March

28, 2022 ( ).

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