Alternative Genre Project

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“Good night, Honey”

By: Katelyn Feeser

“Good night, Honey” is what I always say as I walk up my stairs to the bedroom to go to bed,

Honey being my husband. The bedroom is dark and still, the bed looking like the softest and

most comfy object on this planet. No T.V. on no lights just the simple wind blowing against the

windows with the April storms rolling in. I get in bed cover up with my favorite blanket and lay

my head down on my favorite pillow. I start to say my ABC’s this helps me fall asleep when I

have had a long day and have lots on my mind. As I start to fall asleep and finally go into a

deeper and more peaceful stage of sleep. I am woken up.

BOOM! Startled awake my chest now pounding and that feeling of no control over my own

body. I sat there in a slight panic asking myself what was that what just happened? Staring at

the ceiling as the sleep paralysis starts to go away. I could finally move I jumped out of bed and

started making my way downstairs to my husband because I had just fallen asleep. As I walk

down the stairs, I hear more big booms and a crashing noise, even what I feel like is glass


The craziest and most bizarre thing was happening in my living room. My husband was

nowhere to be found I start screaming “Jeremy!” but I cannot hear myself. But as I stand in the

doorway to the livening room there is a 6ft tornado! No damage no broken glass just a tornado

spinning all I can feel is the wind blowing in my face making my hair a mess. Next thing I see is

finally my husband standing in the front doorway screaming at me. At this point I can no longer
hear anything its completely silence, but I can just feel the wind. Once I realized he was

screaming “Get down!” as fast as I could I dropped to the ground hard and…

My alarm clock went off my eyes open I was laying in bed. Bedroom window wide open my

heart racing but why? Why am I sweating why is my heart racing, why am I in a state of panic? I

reach over and lay my hand on my husband who is sound asleep next to me. All I can think is

“wow that must have been a crazy dream” I proceed to relax and hit my snooze and go back to

bed for 5 mins.

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