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6 mm


6 mm


Ansys Steps For the problem:

Step 1]

1.1] Drag ‘Modal’ from the Analysis system from the toolbox on the project schematic

1.2] After that from the same analysis system select and drag ‘Harmonic Response’ and put
on the solution option of ‘modal’ on the schematic section. As shown in fig 1

1.3] We are taking ‘Engineering Data’ as default.

Fig 1

Step 2]

2.1] We are going to work on ‘Modal’ section selecting ‘ Geometry’ option from it and
draw a square of 48.58*48.58 mm (Before any sketch check unit are asper need). After
drawing a square and setting dimension from sketching toolbox extrude the square dimension
48.58mm as shown in fig 2- fig 4

2.2] After the extrusion press F5 key to generate the cube.

Fig 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Step 3]

Close the ‘geometry’ tab and open the ‘Model’ Section. Here we provide the boundary
condition to our geometry as per follow:

3.1] Right-click the model and select the ‘connection’ option from the insert section as
shown in fig 5. After that connection option will appear below the model section select
spring option from it. Provide the value in details of longitudinal section as per given below
used as shown in fig 7.

After that just ‘Generate Mesh’ from mesh option as default we can change mesh size
element if needed,


Fig. 6

Fig. 7

4.2] From ‘Modal’ section right-click the Analysis setting and select ‘ Remote
Displacement’ as shown in fig 8. After that ‘ Remote Displacement’ option will be appeared
below the Modal section just provide the value as per need.

Fig. 8

Step 5]

Same way as done in the modal section we will select displacement from ‘Harmonic
Response’ section from Analysis setting option

6 mm

Fig. 10

Step 6]

After that left-click on the solution and select option of ‘Deformation’ and stress from the
frequency response from the right top corner as shown in fig 11 We will get 2 option below
solution namely ‘ Frequency Response’ and Frequency Response 2’. In both, we have to
add detail the same.

Fig. 11

Fig. 12

Fig. 13

Hand Calculation:

6 mm


3] ꞷn = √(k/m) ….. [It is square root of (k/m)]

=46.67 rad/sec

0.52 mm
0.62 mm


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