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School of Architecture

Delhi Technical Campus, Greater Noida

Affiliated to – Guru Govind Singh Indraprastha University Delhi


Submitted by:


Enrollment no.


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Submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirement for the Degree of

Bachelor of Architecture




Registered with: AR. ABHINAV GARG

Degree followed - Bachelor of Architecture

I hereby certify that Mr. / Ms. KRITIKA GAMBHIR Enrollment no.- 07718001618

is a registered student of the Institute has completed his/her B. Arch

Research Paper in accordance with the requirements as laid down by the department& as per
GGIPU syllabus.

The work is acceptable for examination.

Title of Research Paper: Relevance of Vastu in Residential Buildings

Signature of Internal Guide Signature of Research Paper Coordinator Signature of HOD

(Ar. Abhinav Garg ) (Ar. Charu Jain/Ar. Nidhi Sachdeva) (Ar. Tanya Gupta)

Designation - HOD, School of Architecture

Delhi Technical Campus (GGSIPU)

Greater NOIDA

Date .

I hereby certify that the work, which is being presented in the Research Paper (AP-403), titled
Relevance of Vastu in Residential Buildings. For partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of the Degree of BACHELORS OF ARCHITECTURE, submitted in the School of
Architecture, Delhi Technical Campus, GGSIPU is an authentic record of my own work carried
out during the period from July-December 2020 under the supervision of Ar. Abhinav Garg

Place: Greater Noida (KRITIKA GAMBHIR)

Batch: 2018-23

The Research Paper presented here would not have been possible without the guidance &
support of Ar. Tanya Gupta, HOD, School of Architecture for extending her support whenever
wherever required.

Ar. Abhinav Garg, my Guide & mentor for her/his relentless pursuit of high academic standards,
the can-do attitude & imbibing professional ethics, has helped this project meet high academic
standards & professional working.

My parents who have taught me to strive for perfection in everything I do.

And also, my friends & colleagues who were always around to help me.

Appreciation & gratitude is owed to them.

Kritika gambhir



Date _____________.

Certificate of Acceptability

Candidate’s Declaration


List of Illustrations

1.3. AIM
1.6. SCOPE

2.1.1. UNDERSTANDING THE TERMANOLOGY The five Elements Earth Water Fire Sky

2.1.2. UNDERSTANDING THE PRINCIPLES Understanding Vastu Purusha Mandala The Environmental principles of Vastu The Principles of Sun Rays The Principles of Magnetic Poles The Principles of Concentric Zones

3.1. Planning of Residence according to Modern Terminologies

3.1.1. Foundation

3.1.2. Partition

3.1.3 Ground Floor

3.1.4. Stairs

3.1.5. Lintels

3.1.6. Doors

3.1.7. Windows

3.1.9. Roofs

3.1.10. Surface Decoration

3.1.11. Temporary Structural Supporting System

3.1.12. Building Material

3.1.13. Structural Design

3.1.14. Architectural- Climate Response

3.1.15. Rooms of a Residential Building

3.1.16. Water Supply

3.2. Planning of Residence according to Vastu

3.2.1. Foundation

3.2.2. Doors, Bolts and other safety measures

3.2.3. Staircases

3.2.4. Storeyed Halls

3.2.5. Platforms

3.2.6. Open Spaces

3.2.7. Joinery

3.2.8. Roofing

3.2.9. Ornamental Appendage

3.2.10. Pillars

3.2.11. Material Selection

3.2.12. Position of Rooms

3.2.13 Doors and Windows

3.2.14. Location of water source

Vaastu Shastra is the antiquated Indian study of engineering, building development and
inside design with furniture, shadings and pictures. It looks to bring a pleasant association
between the developer, the structure, the tenant and the ecological energies.[1] “VAASTU
SASTRAM” It is an ancient science of urban planning and building design. It specifies the
shape and size of a house plot, as well as its slope, direction, and location, as well as abutting
streets, open spaces around buildings, the location of a water source, a water tank, stairs, various
rooms, toilets, and septic tanks, the position of doors and windows, and their numbers. Various
advice mentioned in "VAASTU SASTRAM" have scientific backing and can assist inmates in
living a healthy, peaceful, and prosperous life. [2] The word “Vaastu” as “Vaas-tu” has a
meaning of “Vaas means residence and “Tu” means God, or “ The place where God can live”.
Vastu can be called as the Science of Architecture. Vastu stands for maintaining a balance in all
ten direction of the Universe. These direction provides subtle energies that can be sensed like
gravitational energy, solar magnetic energy and airflow. According to vastu if there is a harmony
in all energies there is a positive environment and negative energy if there is a disharmony.

Vastu Shastra- Ashoka Gaurav

Need of study
According to a research conducted by Property Portal 93% of the buyers
prefer Vastu Compliant home. Therefore as an architecture student I believe that Vastu
being an ancient term still carries a lot of importance in India and Architects and
designers specially in India must know the concept and working of Vastu.
Hence a need of appropriate research is needed.

Finding Relevance in Vastu to bring about a Holistic change in the society.

Vastushastra is an art in the field of architecture which is being followed since a ages by a number of
architects, the aim of this study is to identify the behavior of Vastu in Residential Buildings.

Understanding of vastu related terms and principles
To go deep into the study of Vastu the first and foremost priority is to understand what is Vastu
and its principles and how does it affects better planning

How does Vastu affects better planning in residential buildings.- designing of house
according to Vastu
Vastu Shastra as great act of planning structures and spaces that are liberated from magical
powers and leads human existence in congruity to such an extent that they will bring wellbeing,
abundance and peacefulness to the occupants.

How much weightage does vastu hold and what is its importance in different sectors
( Architects, Designers, Constructors and end users)
Vastu Shastra is more like a pseudoscience, hence there are many users that have a stong belief in
Vastu and some prefer the contemporary way of designing, hence it is important to survey the
percentage of people from different sectors who would like a space built according to Vastu to
analyze the importance in today’s time.

To analyze the Gap between spaces designed following the principles of Vastu and
Spaces designed in Contemporary time.
It is necessary to study how Buildings are being designed in the modern time and what
principles are being followed and how buildings are designed following the principles of
Vastu and what is the difference between both designing techniques and how vastu can
be incorporated in the modern residence designing.

1.4 Hypothesis
Vastu is relevant in modern residential architecture and incorporates better planning.

An attempt to bring in light the term Vastu and understand the principles and working of Vastu.
To bridge a gap between contemporary style of architecture and Vastu incorporated architecture.
Incorporation of Vastu in contemporary style of building.


The originals books that were written on Vastu Shastra are in Sanskrit hence there is a
language barrier
The study based only on Indian context.
The study is based of Surveys and case study as there is no parameter to prove efficiency
of Vastu.
Every data cannot be trusted on vastu, only originally written books can be trusted


Understanding of vastu related An attempt to bring in light the The originals books that were
terms and principles term Vastu and understand the written on Vastu Shastra are in
principles and working of Vastu. Sanskrit hence there is a language

How does Vastu affects better Incorporation of Vastu in The study is based of Surveys
planning in residential buildings contemporary style of building. and case study as there is no
parameter to prove efficiency of

To analyze the Gap between To bridge a gap between Every data cannot be trusted on
spaces designed following the contemporary style of vastu, only originally written
principles of Vastu and Spaces architecture and Vastu books can be trusted
designed in Contemporary time incorporated architecture.

1.7 Methodology
2. Literature study
2.1. Introduction

'Vastu' is gotten from the action word (Vas) to abide,There is one more meaning of Vastu, from
'Vastu' which implies likewise the spot of home, It is stretched out from residential quarters to
transports and furniture. Vastu is subsequently partitioned into four sorts, to be specific, the
ground, the manor, the vehicle and the bed-stead. The head 'vastu' or then again 'vastu'is
obviously the ground. The Science is likewise called Silpa Sastra or 'The Science of imaginative
creation,' Silpa is gotten from Sill=to concentrate (Sila samadhau). It includes all imaginative
creations initially brought about by the brain and afterward executed by the hand. The name'
Vastu Sastra' stresses the possibility of utility and Silpa the possibility of artistic creation. [4]

2.1.1. Understanding the Terminology

North East is called EESANYAM

South East is called AGNEYAM

South West is called NAIRUTI

North West is called VAYUVYAM [2]

Urban Building- The Five Element

The body of a human being is made up of Panch Mahabhoo Tatvas or Five Elements.
These five elements are Fire, Air, Space and Earth. It is very important that these
elements shall be in harmony, both within and outside the body, a healthy mind aswell as
a peaceful environment..

The magnetic rays of the Earth move from North to South pole.
If we consider, according to Vaastushastra human body is also a magnet and the
magnetic rays of human and earth interact with each other. Because of this reason human
being should never sleep with their head towards North pole as like Pole repel each other,
as a result a person can’t have a sound sleep and might even see nightmares .
If the are heavier and higher a person never faces financial problems.(Vastu Notes, n.d.)

‘Water is Life’, this tells about the importance of water and human body in composed of
75% water.
Gravitational pull by the moon caused Tides in the Ocean, and in the same way all the
celestial bodies affect the water content in the human body.
By giving proper place to water in North-East i.e. Ishan kon brings happiness and
prosperity in life. Fire

Fire represents the water in the body.

Fire should be positioned in South-east corner which is also known as Agni- Kon., in the house kitchen
should be positioned in this corner this results in the increase in wealth and happiness. Sky

Sky in vastu means an open space without any obstruction

By placing an open space or sky element in the middle of a plot a healthy environment
can be created , and imbalance of sky element can cause mental illness. (Vastu Notes, n.d.)

2.1.2. Understanding The Principles of Vastu Vastu Purusha Mandala

It will be straightforward to understand Vastu Purusha's definition if we look at it as two

separate words. The term 'mandala' refers to a chart or blueprint that reflects the cosmos
figuratively. The word 'Purusha' refers to the cosmic man, energy, connection, power, or soul.
The Vastu Purusha Mandala is a metaphysical building planning system that encompasses the
voyage of supernatural forces and celestial bodies. The Vastu Purusha Mandala is an essential
component of Vastu Shastra. It is the diagrammatic portrayal of the architectural design in terms
of star and planet movements, mathematically speaking. To gain a better grasp of the Vastu
Purusha Mandala, one needs also have a basic comprehension of Hindu Cosmology. According
to the Hindu Cosmology, the square represents the surface of the Earth, which is also the
foundation of all Hindu forms. Here, it represents the Earth in four corners explaining a
horizontal relationship with the sunset and sunrise (the South and North direction). [5]

Image reference- Vaastu Mangal The Environmental principles of Vastu

The environment as the main appearances of safe house has been the subject of many guidelines
and standards of Vastu study of design. Its presence in the spatial setups of the arrangement, its
math and headings, other than the game plans of water pools and vegetation around the structure
development is profoundly clear through Vastu rules. The primary geometrical pattern applied as
the floor plan is typically a mandala from which the other ideas and examples will be started.
The representative examples and calculations of mandalas are natural in beginning and picture
the regular peculiarities and their impact in fabricated space.[6] From the natural elements
which propose the shape and spatial game plans of the examples in the mandala, the Sun Rays,
the Magnetic Poles, the Geopathic Zones and the Concentric Zones are the most critical of all
which together has directed specific standards of structural development. For instance the idea of
the eight bearings of Vastu Shastra science and their related gods, from which the four cardinal
bearings are the most significant, is as a matter of fact in light of the climatic highlights of every
bearing. The Vastu Researchers has seen the impacts of every course in the human framework
over hundreds of years and figured out that appropriate direction with the cardinal headings
adjusts the constructed space with the energy network of the earth and brings amicable
advantages. It additionally permits the house to assimilate energies produced from the sun,
moon, stars and the actual earth appropriately. Further they have seen that energy is poured
forward from the middle and the space to within through the directional lines which are called
'Yonis' or 'life lines' in Vastu. That is the reason in Vastu the building should be inherent
arrangement with the four cardinal headings. [7] The Principles of Sun Rays

Sun ascends from the east, goes through the south and sets in the west. Anyway because of the
23.5˚ tendency of the earth from its upward pivot, the east isn't the first course that gets the sun
beams; it is upper east. A similar application can be applied to the cardinal west. Subsequently in
the event that we define a nonexistent boundary from upper east to southwest, the southern half
will be the light zone with positive energy while the northern half is the dim zone with negative
energy. For this situation the southeast which is in the light zone will have the normal light over
the course of the day and is suggested for the kitchen.[8] Sun beam comprises of apparent white
light along with undetectable infrared and bright beams. Roughly from 6 am the impact of
infrared beams begins which is gainful to the human wellbeing and has purging impacts.
Consequently water present at east, north or upper east turns out to be bacteriologically protected
without decay of the fixings. From 11 am to 3 pm the impact of bright beams will be very high
which is destructive for the body. From 3 pm until the nightfall the impact of infrared beams in
heat quality will increment[9] In view of the place of the Sun overhead during the day time, the
coolest area in the house is north heading. Subsequently the rooms with higher need and
significance are set in the north bearing. Cow shed and paddy stockpiling is set in the northwest
while the depositories are kept in the north area. Library likewise can be an appropriate capacity
for the north heading. Everyday Meditations or on the other hand supplication exercises are done
in the upper east piece, as it is the coolest corner. East offers the morning sun which is
wonderful. In current Vastu, restroom is set toward this path and close to the entry corridor.
Anyway in antiquated times restroom was excluded from the house arranging. As southeast gives
enough light over the course of the day which has a clean impact, kitchen is the most appropriate
capacity to be set in this corner. The light and hotness of the sun in the southern piece is
inordinate and horrendous, subsequently rooms should be put toward this path. While rooms are
generally utilized during the night the hurtful beams moving from this course will not upset the
natural surroundings. This piece ought to be kept high, dim and shut [9] Western piece of the
house likewise gets the negative sunrays in a lesser degree during the day. Along these lines it is
a superior spot for lounge area, while a couple hours in a day will be set for eating exercises. The Principles of Magnetic Poles

“When a magnetic needle is suspended freely, free from any outer influence, it ends rest along
north-south direction of the earth’s magnetic field,” which proves the existence of magnetic
energy field of the earth.”

Fundamentally the earth is made out of a metallic inward center in a similar size as the Moon.
The temperature of this metallic center is equivalent to the temperature of the Sun's surface and
this hotness as a matter of fact causes agitating in the fluid external center of the Earth. In view
of the attractive dynamo hypothesis, the revolution of the Earth which changes into a whirlpool
of fluid, twirling around the Earth's pivot, changes over the planet into a geo-dynamo. Such
materials that are equipped for directing power are called metallic that have an allowed to move
electrical charge. One of the components in this fluid layer is packed hydrogen which is in a state
where a portion of its electrons are extracted from the molecules and are allowed to move
around. This moving charge will produce an attractive field and the quicker the planet turns, the
more grounded the delivered attractive field. Subsequently the planet earth has a solid attractive
field due its quick turning rate and material creation of its fluid center which is more iron and
nickel [10]. The Principles of Concentric Zones

While square is known as a legitimate shape for building, example of concentric squares in Vastu
Purusha mandala is a prototype design which lays out a intense, fiery and solid impact in view of
the old lessons. This example which is found in many societies like Egypt, America, Europe and
Asia and in works of numerous popular draftsmen and specialists is in a general sense made out
of concentric squares which vastly subside to the inconspicuous focus of the universe from
which all the creation arise. Pagodas and Step Pyramids are the models of this example in
design[7]. n Indian conventional geomancy, one is the image of the maker or God, the limitless
reality or the outright solidarity which is shown by point in mathematical articulation. Bindu in
the focal point of the Vastu Purusha mandala which demonstrates the navel is the appearance of
this consecrated idea. Two, aside from its quantitative application, is the image of duality in
creation which is addressed by yin-yang image in Chinese Feng Shui. Duality of Shiva and
Shakti or the male and female powers is represented by line in mathematical domain and is
known as the wellspring of formation of the actual world. Three then again is represented by
triangle and is known as the mother which implies the course of creation from the two
conceptual mathematical shapes to the triangle which is a finished mathematical example. While
three is the interfacing join between the sacrosanct domain and the fabricated structure, four is
the image of made objects and addresses 'the principal conceived thing'[11]

The Concentric Zones [11]

Hence square or square shape were dependably utilized in planning the arrangement of each
home to address the universe of appearance or the domain of unremarkable what man is living on
while the roof was viewed as the domain of the heavenly what man should rising to [8]. The
equivalent idea is likewise shown by Lao Tzu as the idea of creation which ought to additionally
happen while developing another abode since it is the sub-par illustration of the world's creation.
"The Tao brings forth one. One brings forth two. Two Aside from the representative importance,
in view of the investigations of Kumar, square is the best mathematical shape in affordable and
underlying contemplations followed by square shape since it requires the lesser measure of
development materials on its fringe while giving the more extensive inward region contrasted
with other mathematical figures. In primary terms, "square-and rectangular-formed structures
can move the heap securely even where the bearing limit of soil is low, while other unpredictable
shapes give huge contact regions more than they fundamentally required. "The even state of
rectangular figures too makes an anticipated way of behaving as far as primary computations and
constructional strategies which include tortional conduct issues and stress fixations. Hence even
constructions can perform better under the quake or wind powers. Most importantly, in light of
the Vedic lessons, the calculation of square is in complete congruity with human extents as
shown by Leonardo da Vinci since human can fit agreeably inside both square and circle [11].
The 'concentric squares' is another emblematic chart which was, truth be told applied by Vastu
Shastra experts from old times in building their residences. In this chart four belts of energy field
can be perceived; the middle part is the Brahma Pada which is an exceptionally charged zone
called the 'hot zone.' Around the middle is the 'brilliant space' or Deivika Pada while the third
belt is called Manusha Pada or 'cognizant space'. The furthest region is the 'gross material space'
or Paisachika Pada. The two deepest regions are the zones which ought to be open or built with
least dividers or weighty things while the two external belts are the spot of human home and
actual construction. The explanation is that the energy of the two internal zones is significantly
unpretentious for the human body [7]. Anyway Ashvini Kumar accepts that the most inward
region together with the most external region isn't appropriate for human living. Contrasting the
Vastu Purusha mandala with the human body, these two regions represent the nose and skin from
which the body can relax. In this way these two regions should be open and loaded up with
windows to serve the comparative capacity. The thought is to treat the arrangement the same way
as the human body. While the focal parts and organs are fragile and delicate the base tension
ought to be applied to them [8]. This thought should be visible in the improvement of the patio
places of Japan, china and Iran. The possibility of concentric zones later in 1920 was
recommended by American geographer E.W. Burgess as the appropriate arrangement for
fostering the urban communities.

3.1. Planning of Residence according to Modern Terminologies

Architecture is the workmanship and study of building delightfully and building well to serve
conveniently the fluctuating and complex necessities of man. The old man used to live in normal
sanctuaries like caverns and nooks. Gradually he figured out how to make covers utilizing
bamboo, stones, blocks, mortars, concrete what's more, the most recent one, the built up concrete
cement. He first made little cabins utilizing bamboo what's more, wide leaves. Then, at that
point, came the thick mud dividers. A few fortifications additionally were fabricated with these
mud dividers. Mud dividers of 10 to 12 m thickness were underlying some posts. Bit by bit these
mud dividers were supplanted with stone and block facades. Prior architecture was polished
uniquely for specific developments i.e. Places of love, fortresses, castles, landmarks, public
nurseries and so forth In any case, as the civilisation improved, man required various kinds of
structures for his exercises. Homes are expected for living. Modern structures are required for
creation of various things. Different business foundations in the structure of shops, deals
workplaces, godowns are expected to store and market these items. Emergency clinics are
required for up keep of wellbeing. Banks and monetary organizations are expected for exchange
and exchange of cash. Film lobbies, show theaters, clubs and so on are expected for amusement
and unwinding. Schools and universities are expected for instruction. Different places of
business are expected for organization. Transport stations; Railway stations, Air ports and so on
are expected for transportation. Labs are expected for research works. Like this the prerequisite
of convenience for different exercises has expanded with time. At this the recent conventional
preparation stage what's more, development rehearses were modernized and the SO called
'planned architecture' is developed. This volume totally manages arranging and planning of
private structures as it were. A home ought not be treated as simple arrangement dividers, floor.
rooftop, entryways and windows. It is the practical utility of the walled in area which ought to be
thought about fundamentally. Next comes the protection structure and feel. Different units of the
house ought to be assembled in proper request. This needs cautious preparation and investigation
of prerequisites. [2]

3.1.1. Foundation

Foundation is the essential and the lowermost piece of a construction. It gives a uniform base for
the superstructure and moves the heap of something very similar down to the dirt beneath it
consistently. Extreme attention to detail ought to be practiced while fixing the kind of foundation
and its different aspects, since foundation once laid if yields under load, nearly nothing should be
possible to save the existence of the design. Foundations ought to be laid on a firm and hard bed
underneath the ground level in order to move the heap of the structure securely on to the hard
bed beneath and at. a similar prong to give great mooring to the super-structure.

There are mainly two types of foundation shallow foundation and deep foundation, In this
research paper we will talk about shallow foundation as it is used for construction in a

Purpose for foundation

To give a level and uniform base to the super-structure.
To appropriate the heap of the construction on a bigger area of hard dish and additionally
to guarantee uniform conveyance of burden over the dirt underneath, i.e., forestalling
accumulated load at one point and off load at which might prompt inconsistent
settlement of sub soil, driving some point super-structure as breaks to disappointment of
To give great port granting dependability to forestall toppling the super-structure

Foundation of a 9” Load Bearing Brick wall Structure

3.1.2. Partition
A partition might be characterized as a slim however primarily safe component which is
expected to isolate the region of a structure into required size compartments. An ideal parcel
ought to be slender, less weight, ought to be not difficult to build. A segment fireproof, prudent
and divider is for the most part planned as a non-load bearing divider however it ought to be
equipped for enduring self weight what's more, dealing with stresses. Partition can be made with
various materials like wood, Bricks, Hollow blocks, glass blocks, concrete cement, Asbestos
concrete or aroused iron sheets and so on For protection it ought to be guaranteed that the parcel
is sound evidence. Slim allotments are for the most part not sound evidence. As an overall
peculiarity it is seen that by each multiplying in the heaviness of the parcel, sound protection of
around 5 decibels can be gotten. One more strategy for making a parcel a sound evidence is by
taking on hole divider development. The vacant space between the two leaves decreases sound
transmission significantly.

Types of Partition-

Brick Partition- a brick partitioned is composed of brick masonry, either ordinary or

reinforced. As a general rule half brick thick wall should be constructed beyond a height
of 2.0 m. Long thick walls are likely to collapse due to shear failure hence half brick
partition should be reinforced. Reinforcement in brick masonry may be metal hath of
hoop iron strap at every 4th of 5th course of vertical steel reinforcement.
Hollow Blocks- Residential construction can be done using Hollow blocks, Clay blocks
or terra-cotta blocks. These blocks are readily available in the market and are joined
together with rich cement mortar. These partition are less in weight , resistant to fire,
sound proof upto some extent and economical. The overall thickness ranges from 6-15
Glass Partition-
Glass Block partition: this type of partition is done with blue annealed glass blocks.
Nowadays many types of glass blocks are available in the market. Thet are elegant in
appearance, damp proof, sound proof and allow passage of light through it. The glass
block being brittle posses low tensile property and should not be allowed to carry any
other wight than self weight.
Glaged glass partition- in this type of partition the sheet glass is fixed in a wooden,
brass, steel or aluminum frame. Opening like doors can be safely provided in this type of
Concrete Partition-
Precast Concrete Partition : This type of partition consists of precast cement concrete
slabs and I-Joists. Precast slabs of 40mm thickness using M15 grade cement concrete
with or without reinforcement.
Cast in situ cement concrete partition: the thickness of this type of partition ranges from
8 to 15 cm. First of all the location of the partition is marked and welded steel fabric or
vertical and horizontal steel reinforcement in form of square mesh is erected in the centre.
Metal Lath and Plaster Partition: This sort of partition is dainty, less weight, flame
resistant and sound confirmation upto some surviving. It is developed in the
accompanying way. First the proposed area of the partition is checked and either steel
support in the structure of cross section or light weight steel channels at appropriate
stretches are fixed in an upward direction. If there should be an occurrence of common
support either welded steel texture or 8mm at 20 cm c/c in both flat and vertical bearings
are fixed. In weight channels are utilized they are case if light normally fixed at 50 cm
c/c. Crafted by welded texture, support outline or then again channels ought to be
appropriately moored on every one of the four sides. Then, at that point, metal strip is
tied solidly to this edge work with excited steel wire. Mortar normally of 1:3 blend is
applied first from the two sides of the slat and is permitted layer of putting with cm 1:5 is
done and relieved. The to set. Again second generally thickness of this partition goes
from 50 to 75 mm. For getting worked on sound and with an empty air heat protection
the above sort of partition might be project space in the middle. This can be accomplished
by fixing two columns of channels or support with an unmistakable hole of 10 to 15 cm
in the middle and fixing of metal slat and putting is done as made sense of before. For
additional adequacy sound engrossing materials like blankets might be filled in the

Ac sheet or GI sheet Partition: This type of partition is less weight, easy to erect
dismantle and is economical. First of all frame work with steel channels and angles is
fixed sheets are fixed to this frame and either asbestos cement or galvanised iron work by
J-hook bolts and washers. The spacing of steel channels and angle depends upon the size
on sheets available. This type of partitions are not sound and heat proof. For neat
appearance corrugated sheet at centre and flat sheets at both faces may be adopted.
Hard Board, Wood Wool, Board Partition: This type of partition is light in weight, easy
to construct and dismantle and is neat in appearance. This partition is made by fixing hard
boards or wool boards to wooden frame work of horizontal and vertical members. The
disadvantage of this type of partition is that it possesses least resistance to fire and is not
sound proof.

Wooden Partition: Now-a-days use of this type of partition is becoming less popular as
plenty of wood scantlings are required for its fabrication. Also wood partitions are neither
sound proof nor fire resistant. They are likely to decay and can be attacked by white ants.
They are of two types viz:
(a) Common partition and
(b) Trussed partition

3.1.3. Ground Floor

Ground floor is the term given to the floor of a construction quickly over the ground
level. The floor which falls subterranean level is called as 'Basement floor'. Ground floor
normally comprises of an under layer of sand or earth filling, lean material. concrete
substantial base and floor wrapping up with the ideal The kind of floor to be taken on
relies on the expense of development, monetary capacity of the proprietor, ground
conditions, field of openness, necessity like resilent floors, fireproof floors and so forth
An obviously planned ground floor ought to be:
(a) Durable
(b) Good apparently
(c) Damp confirmation
(d) Fire safe
(e) Resilent
(f) Easy to clean
(g) Economical
(h) Low in support cost.

The usually utilized floor completing materials are:

Stone sections either cleaned or unpolished
Wooden squares, wooden sheathing
PVC tiles and sheets

3.1.4. Stairs
Stairs give access between the floors and work with development of tenants from one
story to the next. Contingent on the accessibility of space for vertical course, its
significance, useful prerequisite, administration conditions, monetary capacity of the
tenants stairs can be made from wood, steel, stone work or RCC. Among the above RCC
is the most common and reasonable material because of economy, strength,
imperviousness to fire and immense degree of adaptability presented in trim. Presently a-
days wood as a material for stairs is uneconomical. It has least protection from fire, bugs,
water and not sound verification. It tends to be utilized distinctly where it is efficiently
accessible. As wood is not heat proof, it ought to never be suggested for stairs of elevated
structure structures. Anyway where polish is significant wood is utilized for hand rails
and balusters. Metal stairs are only occasionally utilized in private structures. They are
generally utilized in industrial facilities and work shops. Workmanship stairs consume
more space and are weighty.
Beforehand stairs which comprise of risers, tracks, stringers and hand rails were housed
in a room called step case. Presently a days stairs are being found in the fundamental
non-private rooms in different creative styles. The stairs ought to be planned
appropriately considering necessities like simplicity while climbing and plummeting,
imperviousness to fire, simple openness, economy and so forth.

Requirements of a Good Staircase


1. It should be easily and quickly accessible. For public buildings it is provided at the main
entrance and at ends. For residential buildings it should be so located that It should be easily
accessible from all the rooms but at the same time, it should not affect privacy. It is usual to
provide stair case at the entrance, when the upper floors are let out. For individual houses
without any other occupation the stairs are usually provided in or with in the vicinity of drawing
room. High rise buildings should be provided with fire escaping stairs at the rear, to serve the
tenants' in case of calamities like fire. The stair location should receive natural lighting and
ventilation to the maximum possible extent.

2. Materials: The materials used for the construction of stair should be sound. They should
possess fire resisting qualities.

3. Width of stairs: In case of a residential building a stair should have a minimum

width of 90 cms. Depending upon and the no. of users, the width should be the no. of floors to be
served increased accordingly.

4. Length of stair: The stairs should not be too long. Landings should be provided at suitable
intervals to reduce strain while ascending and descending. Atleast one landing should be
provided in between two storeys.

5. landings: The width of landing should not be less than the width of stair. Sufficient no. of
landings should be provided at intermediate positions, so that persons using the stair will not
suffer much fatigue.

6. Length of flight: The no. of steps in a flight should be of minimum 3 and a maximum of 12.
Long uninterrupted flights without landings from one floor to the other cause strain to the user.
At the same time too less steps in a flight cause confusion.

7. Pitch of stair: The pitch of stair usually varies from 25° to 40°, Steeper angle beyond 40°
should be avoided to reduce fatigue and danger. Too flat angle occupies more space.

8. Head room: The head room in a stair should not be less than 2.15 m. Protruding supporting
members such as beams supporting the flight should not come within 2.15 m vertical distance
from the tread.
9. Hand railing: Hand railing should be provided at a height of 70-75 cms from the line of nosing
for the protection of the users. Hand rail should be strong enough to withstand the possible
thrust. Solid balustrade should be avoided as it obstructs lighting.

10. Proportions of going and rise: To make ascending and descending convenient, the going and
rise has to be fixed properly. The following rules may be adopted while fixing sizes of going and

(a) (Going in cm) + (2 x Rise in cm) = 60

(b) (Going in cm) × (Rise in cm) 400 to 410 approx.
(c) Taking basic size of going and rise as 30 cm and 14 cm respectively, for every 25
mm deducted from the going,rise:
12 mm should be added to
ex: 1.30 cm going and 14 cm rise
2. 28 cm going and 15 cm rise
3. 25 cm going and 16.5 cm rise
4. 23 cm going and 18 cm rise.
Usually rise varying from 14 to 19 cm and adopted. for residential buildings the
Usual that the size of risers as going from 23 to 30 cm is must be ensured size of step is
25 x 16 cm. It well as going is the flight. Uniform throughout.

Design of a Stair
A residential building is having a stair room of size 4.50 x 2.0 Workout
the sizes of risers and treads.
Height of room is =3.0 m.
Size of room = 4.50 x 2.0 m
Provide a dog-legged staircase.
Width of staircase = 1.00 m
Providing two flights with mid landing height of each flight
3.0/2 = 1.50 m
Assuming 15 cm risers
No. of risers required 150/15 = 10 Nos.
Assuming 25 cm tread,
Length of flight =(10 - 1) 25 = 225cm
Width of landing =1.00 m
Space left for passage = (4.50-1.0-2.25) = 1.25 m.
Hence provide 25 x 15 cm size steps with 1.00 m wide mid landing.

3.1.5. Lintels
Lintel is a flat primary supporting part which is given to help the heaviness of over openings like
entryways, windows, cup sheets and so on, the superimposed brick work. The lintel is anticipated
by least 15 cm on either side of the opening into the divider to move the forced burdens to the
supports of the openings. Lintels may be built with wood, stone, block either plain or built up,
RCC and steel.

3.1.6. Doors

A door maybe defined as a movable barrier which facilitates inhabitants to move freely in and
out side of a building. A door mainly consists of two parts i.e. 1. Frame 2. Shutter or leaf. The
shutter which are the movable parts of the door are secured in position by the frame. Doors are
usually made of timber. Sometimes for economy precast RCC or steel frames are used. Doors
made out of aluminum sections with glass panels are also used in shops, offices etc.

Points to be noted while Locating Doors

(a) Only satisfactory no. of entrances that will serve the reason should be taken on. A
construction shouldn't have even more no. of outside doorways. One at the section and one at the
posterior of the design is sufficient. Correspondingly the no. of inside doorways furthermore
should be least. For model, a bed or a joined lavatory should have one doorway specifically.

(b) As far as could be anticipated doorway should preferably be arranged along the edge of the
room. But assuming some other way essential, a doorway should not be arranged at the point of
convergence of the mass of a room.

(c) Single leafed outlined or flush entrances at one corner are the best for inside rooms like bed,
annexed toilet, kitchen, etc, considering the way that when opened totally the doorway stays
along the adjoining divider and causes least prevention.

(d) The region of an entrance ought to be so it shouldn't impact the security of the inhabitants.
For example, not exactly a touch of inside should be perceptible from eating or drawing rooms
when the doorway of a bed room is kept open.

(e) In private designs course of action of pointless doors should be avoided. The no. of doors
should be kept to the base for optimal utilization of room. For example, a doorway without
entrance is enough between a drawing and parlor region. Opening and closing of entrance isn't
generally mentioned in such cases. A shut entrance dissuades ventilation and lighting. An open
entrance among devouring and drawing room will draw adequate lighting from drawing room

(f) All external doors ought to be safeguarded and should have strong against theft. They
authentic locking plans and security contraptions. The outside doors should open towards inside.
(g) Where ever lighting and ventilation is normal despite security for instance, assuming there
should be an event of an external doorway of a kitchen, etc, the mix doors which have strong
outlined wire fit or entrance on inside doorway frame and grilled entrance ostensibly may be
embraced. While working, inside outlined entrance is kept open doorway is kept closed. Other
than besides, the fit/grilled security this arrangement allows free spread of air and light inside the

(h) The doors should not be found in a haphazardous way. Assuming that there should be an
event of slim constructions the turn of doors should be works with free on a straight line. This
part of air and light. An opened entrance should good light from the associating room. draw

(I) Finally the area of entrance should of the room coordinate with within upgrade

3.1.7. Windows

Points to be noted while Locating a window-

 The place of windows relies on the direction of the building. A window in a bed room
ought to permit free section of Breeze. A window in a drawing room, lounge area,
Kitchen and so forth ought to manage the cost of sufficient lighting as well as ventilation.
For this it ought to be guaranteed that the area of windows isn't under 10% of the floor
region of the room.
 To accomplish satisfactory normal air movement inside, Maximum area of windows
ought to be given on the dividers confronting the overall breeze heading, as additionally
on the inverse or adjoining dividers.
 The ledge level of window ought to ideally be between 60 to 80 cms above floor level.
This works with reciept of good breeze to the occupants during dozing. The degree of
heads of entryways and windows ought to be at a similar level. The ledge level of
windows/ventilators might be kept at 1.50 m above floor level in latrines and store rooms.
But at this point a-days latrines are being furnished with glaged windows of width 50 to
80 cms with a ledge level of 0.80 m. Protection is accomplished by giving different
licensed venetian blinds which are uninhibitedly accessible in the market in different
tones and sizes. This is viewed as a decent practice since the section of normal light
through these windows makes sterile circumstances by eliminating irresistible d microbes
that are breeded in toilets.
 The shades of windows ought to open on outside. For simple conclusion and opening of
shade 'Stake stays' might be fixed at the base. 6. Steel barbecues or cross bars ought to be
given in the casing to protect against robbery.
 The area of windows ought to be to such an extent that they work on the outside
appearance of the structure. 8. Windows having width more than 2/3 of the width of the
divider in which it is given fills no additional need.
 Windows in kitchen, latrine might be furnished with fly confirmation network. To keep
away from sun brightness glaged windows might be given sun control films. Presently a-
days different sorts of sun based radiation control films are accessible in the market in
various shades and varieties. By gluing them to the glass sheets of the window, of around
90% of the unsafe bright radiation can be forestalled. Likewise these movies cause the
glass to break evidence, lessens tension on forced air systems and lifts feel. The
admission of light and wind can be constrained by utilization of Venetian blinds.
Different licensed wood, fiber glass, aluminum Venetian blinds, are accessible in the
market in various tones and shades. These blinds are fitted over windows to pattern
successfully the unforgiving brightness of the sun, that too by giving a dash of style to the
outside. They are accessible in both vertical and level models. French windows are
generally furnished with vertical louvers. They can be cleaned effectively by basically
cleaning with a material.[2]

3.1.8. Roofing

3.2. Planning of a Residence according to Vastu

3.2.1. Foundation

 The foundation is promising in all regards when it is totally loaded up with different
things yet the foundation is unprosperous and foreboding when (it is loaded up) with a
lesser number of things; the foundation ought to, along these lines, be impeccably laid.
 The profundity of the uncovering (lit. foundation-cave) ought to be basically as high as
the cellar of the structure; the four sides (lit. corners or dividers) made of block or stone
ought to be equivalent; from its base ought to be eliminated water (assuming that there
comes out any), and numerous types (of) earth ought to be saved in that. 9-12. The floor
of the unearthing ought to be solidified with seven sorts of earth, in particular, from
waterways, and mountains, from ant colonies, orab-openings, coastlines, from highest
points of trees, and from almost a cow-shed (lit. from the foreparts of cows' feet). 13-15.
Upon this (world store) ought to be (further) saved the foundation of the (white) lotus at
the focal piece (of the uncovering), toward the east the base of the blue lotus, toward the
south the root. of water-lily, toward the west saugandhi (grass), and toward the north the
kakali (gunja) plant. 16-20. Upon this ought to be put in, all together, the (accompanying)
eight kinds of corn: sali (corn) ought to be put toward the north-east and vriki (grains)
toward the east, kodrava (Paspalum scorbiculatum) toward the south-east, kangu (Panic
seed) toward the south, mudga (phaseolus mungo) toward the south-west, mäska (bean,
phaseolusradiatus) toward the west, kulattha (dolichos uniflorus) toward the north-west
and tila (sesamum indicum) toward the north.

 Upon this (at long last) saving (the other normal materials for example concrete) the
foundation should ho raised up to the (upper) surface of the uncovering.

 As respects the estimation and the shape it (the foundation) ought to be in similarity with
structures of one to twelve stories.

 The twelve assortments of aspects (of broadness and length) ought to start individually
with three and four parta (mitras, for example angulas) and end at 25 and twenty-six, the
augmentation being by two.

 The profundity of the removal ought to by equivalent to its expansiveness and less by
one-eighth or onw-fifth, or comparably least by one fourth. Every one of these (actions)
are expressed to by (taken) in bars (of four cubits).
 The broadness of the uncovering ought to be equivalent to the width of the (principal)
mainstay of the structure, or it could be made misfortune by one-eighth, or be three-
fourths of the expansiveness.

 The profundity (of the unearthing) ought to be made as up to naid; the width of (its)
divider is expressed here: the width of all the (four) dividers ought to be one, two, or
three sections out of the three section an into which the profundity is partitioned.
 The profundity of the exhuming being isolated into four parts one section is given to its
base, two sections to its support point and one section to the entablature. It (the removal)
ought to be formed like a three-crease square structure at its entry into the watery part
(for example the base)". These actions appear to be in bars of four cubite or two yards
(see line 28); assuming it be taken in a real sense to suggest the angula of inch, the
aspects would be excessively little for the foundation of any structure.[14]

3.2.2. Partitions

Most importantly, deal with partinions in according to Vaastu-

• Dividers ought to be straight and uniform.

• As per Vaastu, a mass of lopsided thickness is lamentable.

• Remember vaastu while building divider.

• It is great to get limit divider developed before development of home.

• Development of the mass of foundation must be done from south west point.

• Apply here a similar rule of foundation filling.

• Keep the level of mass of home lower in east, north-east.

• Just south and west divider ought to be worked to safeguard development material. Get divider
underlying rest sides solely after consummation of building development.

3.2.3. Ground Floor


 The circumstance and the trademark elements of the doors will be depicted at this point.-
 In a wide range of sanctuaries of the divine beings, and the residence places of the
Brahmas and different positions, in (a wide range of) castles of the lords, and in the
courts, and structures (manlapa) four fundamental entryways ought to be constracted on
the four sides, and there might be as numerous more modest (minor) entryways as one
 In the district of the passageway (lit., interspace) entryways ought to be opened at the
 Entryways ought to be developed appropriately at (the center of) the dividers; there is no
limitation (firm standards, lit., no deformities) about it.
 .Entryways (i.e., dormer-windows) ought to be appropriately opened at the north-east of
the rooftop (harmya). The water-entryway (or drain) ought to be reasonably built at the
lower part of the divider.
 In the fundamental structure the entry entryway along with two boards (kavifa) should
developed in the south; a straight line ought to be drawn precisely across the center, and
at the lower part of that ought to be built (the entryway).
 The fundamental entryways ought to be outfitted with balanced strides (toward the front).


In a wide range of structures, like the temples(mandapa), and so forth, there ought to be space for
windows which ought to be opened as coordinated -

Those (windows) of the divine beings (for example sanctuaries) are wanted by the insightful
(designer) additionally for the human (common) structures. The latticed windows (jalaka) of the
human (private) structures are fit to the temples also. All the expansiveness and level of those
(windows), as recommended by the old (specialists), ought to be followed.

 They (the windows) ought to be outfitted with points of support (pula) also, leaves (lit.
edge, palika); miserable enlivened with leaves and blossoms.
 The screen (jalaka) of the divine beings (i.e., sanctuaries) ought to be outfitted with
openings in the center. In the windows (screen) of the Brahmans and the rulers, the center
point of support ought to be forgotten about, however they ought to be outfitted with
center style (patliku) by the master planners.
 In the event of (the windows in the structures of) the Vaikyas and the Sudras, the center
support point ought to be held, (and) there ought to be no style (pattika) in the center, yet
it would be propitious to make a stage (mancha)
 They should not be built without the highlights referenced above; assuming they be
eccentrically developed, it would cause the deficiency of abundance and famg sravi),
there is not even a shadow of a doubt.
 The windows ought to be fittingly opened for the door houses at their zenith tower,
alcove between their points of support, and at the strong (ghana) and the empty (aghana)
segments. In any remaining sorts of structures as well, windows ought to be opened in
legitimate spots as expressed previously, as it outfits magnificence, solace, and comfort
(lit. provider of thriving). From certain perspectives (authorition) the three assortments of
width (for windows) ought to start from one-and-a-half cubits, thus expanded by six
augulas (i.o., quarter of a cubit) to five cubits.

Ornaments and Furniture

4. Case Study
4.1.Houses in Dubai
Dubai is a dessert and is prevalently a sweltering and moist environment, despite the fact that the
mugginess doesn't move above the most elevated normal degree of 65% it is considered moist on
the grounds that the RH level doesn't fall beneath 55% all through the year (,
2009). The normal most noteworthy temperature of Dubai is in the late spring and is 41°C and
low of30°C while in the colder time of year it is normal high of 23°C and low of 14°C. These
parts of the climate have a solid sway on the examination directed and the information
accumulated for this postulation. For the reasons for this postulation moderate sized abiding
spaces which are three-or four-room free homes based on the standards of Vaastushastra in
Dubai will be thought of. The justification for the determination depends on size of the house, its
adherence to the standards of Vaastushastra and the likeness of the clients' profiles. The normal
size of these houses is kept between 250m2 to 500m2 which ought to be adequately sizeable to
keep contrasts in solace factors in various parts/spaces of the house. Assuming little houses were
chosen the space would perhaps have comparable recorded estimations on all sides and parts as
the restricted aspects would make comparative circumstances in all sides of the house. Bigger
homes are very restricted in Dubai out of which not very many are planned on the standards of
Vaastushastra and thusly have been dispensed with. The clients' profiles for the various houses
will be kept comparative as far as their prerequisite to reside in a house that is planned in light of
the standards of Vaastushastra. This associates the clients' as far as tolerating the necessities of
vernacular plan. The homes are situated in private areas in Dubai, in particular Al Mankool, Al
Jafliya and Jumeriah 1.[13]

4.1.1. Case study 1

Plans and Section of Case study 1

The house chose for the main contextual investigation was an average size family home which
was roughly 250m2; it was based on two levels with an inside flight of stairs and a back-garden
space. The cooling framework utilized in the house is individual cooling units. Notwithstanding
this the house has a roof fan in the residing space and floor fans around the house and these are
utilized in appropriate weather patterns. There are openable windows on the two levels of the
house, of which there is a sliding glass entryway that opens into the nursery region and is
likewise utilized as a window. The house isn't completely lined up with every one of the
guidelines of Vaastushastra however observes a portion of the significant ones which are the
accompanying -

• This building is arranged around the North/South pivot, yet it is lined up with the short hub of
the structure. It is vital that the fundamental hub of the structure (short or long) lines up with the
North/South hub and isn't adjusted at an point higher than 15°.Therefore this house conforms to
the guideline of direction.

• The vast majority of the windows of the house are put accurately on the North and East side.
However, there are a couple windows on the South and West side which isn't in accordance with
the standards of Vaastushastra. The windows on the South and West side will help decide of the
effect these have on the clients' solace levels in the space.

• The extents of the actual house follow the extents that are laid out by Vaastushastra as the
house is square shape as a general shape.

• The rooms inside the house additionally follow comparable extents as each room is rectangular
and in light of comparative extents as the entire fabricated space. The worry is that a few rooms
are compromised, this inspects if the unadulterated math affects the solace levels of the clients.

• This house doesn't have a current yard and hence doesn't consent to this particular prerequisite.

• The house has windows on the South and West side, however these windows have no window
overhangs or then again concealing gadgets. This will help decide whether there is heat gain
from these sides of the structure and in the event that it has an sway on the clients' solace factors.

4.1.2. Case Study 2

Plans and Section of Case study 2

The subsequent case study chosen was like the first case study in quite a while of size as it was
260m 2 with two levels, an inner flight of stairs and open nursery space. Every one of the rooms
that are involved have exclusively controlled air conditioning units and the hallway spaces have
no operable cooling frameworks. No other cooling frameworks are utilized in the house. There
are openable windows on the two stories and galleries on the upper floor with openable glass
entryways which are used as windows permitting ventilation in the cooler months. The house is
agreeable with the standards of Vaastushastra in the accompanying ways -

The direction of the house lines up with the cardinal bearings and the length of the house lines up
with the North/South hub which is a center rule of Vaastushastra. The windows in the house are
on most sides which incorporates the sides that are believed to be positive North, East what's
more, the side that are believed to be negative West.

• The extents of the entire house depend on the extents of Vaastushastra; the house is rectangular
in extent which is one of the suggested proportions and shape.

• The rooms inside the house are rectangular and square and match the general extents of the

• This house doesn't have a current yard and subsequently doesn't consent to this particular

• In this house there aren't an excessive number of windows on the South side of the house, only
one little window on the

South-east façade and this doesn't have a shade. The West side of the house has numerous huge
windows, however these are slowed down into the house and have a shade to conceivably
forestall heat gain.

4.1.3. Case Study 3

The following house is bigger than the initial two and is 350m2 in developed space. This house
is additionally a two-story house with an interior flight of stairs and a lift, however the open air
space isn't used as a nursery or green space. The compound space in this house is utilized
essentially for it is cleared and utilized as an outside to stop the excess space seating space. The
house has focal cooling units with individual controls for each room. There are no other cooling
frameworks utilized in the house. There are openable windows that can be utilized for cross
ventilation when the weather conditions improves.

The house is consistent with the guidelines of Vaastushastra in the accompanying ways -

• The direction of the house lines up with the cardinal bearings and the length of the house lines
up with the

North/South hub which is a center standard of Vaastushastra.

• The windows in the house are on all sides. Windows on all sides help to decide whether these
windows have the
anticipated sway on the inside space and on the solace levels of the clients.

• The extents of the entire house depend on the extents of Vaastushastra; the house is rectangular

in extent which is one of the suggested proportions and shape.

• The rooms inside the house are rectangular and square and match the general extents of the

• This house doesn't have a current open yard however there is a current focal space which has a
rooftop. Without an open yard the house doesn't conform to this particular necessity.

• The house has windows on the South and West side, however these windows have no window
overhangs or then again concealing gadgets.

Plan and Section of Case study 3

4.1.4. Case Study 4

4.1.3. Conclusion

Case study 1 follows the vast majority of the standards of Vaastushastra, then again, actually the
southwest room isn't rectangular, there is a compromised of the room. Since this room doesn't
follow the standards of extents and math it is hotter than the southeast corner of the house in the
late spring months. The temperatures of the house during the cold weather months are inside
satisfactory solace levels even without the utilization of cooling. The house has satisfactory
inside temperatures in the cold weather a long time except for the southeast side which is totally
coated and along these lines expanded heat gain is noticed. For this situation concentrate on the
window stretches out over both the floors as it is a window and this causes heat gain.

Case study 2 is the hottest in the Southeast side during summer on the grounds that there is a
southeast window which causes heat gain, though the southwest side isn't as warm on the
grounds that there is no coating on the south side. The window on the southwest side is covered
by a shade and hence serves to keep up with lower temperature. The west windows take into
consideration cross ventilation of the air and the concealed construction makes a difference to
forestall exorbitant hotness gain. Throughout the cold weather months the house is agreeable
aside from the southeast corner which is normally hotter by 5°C due to uncovered coating on the
south side.

4.1.4 Case study Findings

Summer temperatures can be extremely high in Dubai running higher than 40°C and not dipping
under 30°C. These temperatures make it undeniably challenging for individuals to go outside for
broadened measures of time, or to remain inside without the utilization of cooling, which made it
hard to keep temperatures of the house in the late spring. One choice was to put the information
lumberjacks for the situation concentrate on houses when the inhabitants were on vacation,
however since there were various families they would disappear from the house at various times
in summer. To comprehend the sway that the plan of the house had on the interior temperature of
the house the outer temperature had to be a steady element and hence directing these tests on
similar dates was significant. Tenants of the house were approached to keep a log of the time that
the cooling was turned here and there in the house and was considered during the investigation of
the temperature and mugginess information gathered. Information lumberjacks were set in four
moderate headings of the house during both summer and winter. Each time the lumberjacks were
set at a similar area in the house and were saved there for a similar length of 10 days. The
temperature and moistness readings where recorded at time periods minutes to have the option to
comprehend the times at which changes happened. The information was gathered from every one
of the houses and the beneath bar graphs show the result.[13]

4.1. Survey
Two kind of surveys was conducted for this research paper. Firt research paper was for the end
users of a residence and the Survey was conducted for professional Architects/ Interior
Designers. In each research paper various questions was asked to them and the findings were as

4.1.2. Survey 1- End Users

 The Audience filling the Survey were end users and they comprised of the following

 The first Question asked to the audience was do they prefer a Vastu Compliant Space or
not. The answer were as follows-

We found out that 35.3% of people would prefer a Vastu Compliant house if they were given a
choice and only 11.8% people do not prefer a Vastu Compliant Space.

 The second question asked to them was What is the reason for which they would go for
Vastu Compliant house ?
Most of the people answered this question by saying there is a positive impact in personal
as well as professional life and they have heard stories of people prosperous lives and
there is no harm in following. Some even said that they are strong believers of vastu
themselves and have themselves experienced the impact of Vastu inn their Lives and a
few percentage said that it doesn’t matter to them.
 In the third question the audience was asked whether they would compromise the design
of a space to follow Vastu. The answers were as follows-

47.1% of the audience says that they can readily compromise the design and aesthetics of
a space to orient their house according to Vastu while 52.9% of the people are not ready
to give up the designing to follow Vastu.

 The fourth question asked to the end- users were do they themselves feel any positive or
negative impact of Vastu in their residence?
Most of the people said yes, and some even said since they have shifted to a new place
which was Vastu compliant there is a major impact on their health aswell as career.

4.1.3. Survey 2- Architects/ Interior Designers

 The Audience filling this Survey were-

22.2% Architects and 77.8% Interior Designers.
 The First Questions asked to these professionals were do they Personally believe in
The answer was-

77.8% of these professionals themselves believed in Vastu, which is a big number while only
22.2% of these professionals did not believe in Vastu

 The second question asked to them was do they think that Vastu can Affect their
The answer to this was-
According to this Survey 66.7% professionals believe that not being familiar with Vastu can
make them loose their clients, while 33.3% of the professionals believe that it does not matter
whether they are familiar with Vastu or not, it wont affect their clientage.

 The third question was to what extent Vastu affects Architectural Grounds??
The answers by the professionals to this question was-

22.2% of professionals believe that there is a high impact of Vastu in the Field of Architecture
while 66.7% of the professionals believe there is a moderate affect of Vastu and only 11.1% of
them believe that there is very less or no impact of Vastu on Architectural Grounds.

 The fourth question that was asked was does Vastu hinders the design of the building?

The answer to this was –

75% of professional believe that Vastu hinders the design of the building, while 25% of of them
believe Vastu does not affect the design.
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8. Kumar, Ashwini. Vaastu: The Art And Science Of Living: The Art and Sciene of Living. s.l. :
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