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11 All prize winners will have their stories printed in the magazine keep writing

12 Most people entering the competion last year followed the advice they were

13 Writers should remember tochek that any information they use is correct.

14 The magazine is llooking for stories which have an unexpected ending.

15 Writers are encouraged to describe the people in their stories cleaety.

16 Stories should either be written clearty by hand or typed.

17 Late entries canbe faxed if necessary.

18 The magazine will send back all stories wich have failed to be selected.

19 The rules of the compelition are different this year from last yea.

20 Writers can enter stories wich magazines outside Britain have already

11 In 1440, Joohn Chapman fived in Norwlch.

12 John rarely magaged to sell all his goods at the market.

13 Johnand his wife had enough money tolive comfortably.

14 John’s wife encouraged him to make the joumey to London.

15 People stopped to chat to John while he was standing on London Bridge.

16 John was disapointed by what the old man told him.

17 John’s wife reallsed why he was digging a hole under the fist.

18 The writing on the box was in a language that was foreign to John.

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19 The second container was buried directly under the first.

20 The people of Swaffham benelitted from Joh’s good luck.

11 Food is in cluded in the cost of a room.

12 A princess used to live in the bullding.

13 Sunningdale Hotel is on a qulet road.

14 An Express bus will take you from the hotel to the centre of town.

15 The hotel provides facliltes for washing clothes .

16 The hotel prefers guests who stay for a short time.

17 You can have dinner as late as 11 pm.

18 You are allowed to cook food in your room.

19 You can only play music un til 11 pm.

20 It is long way to walk from the hotel to the main rallway station.

11 The headmaster wrote to the arist to ask about buying the sculoture for the

12 The shool got the giratte sculpture free of charge.

13 The shoolchidren were looking forward to the arrival of the glraffe.

14 The artis Tom Bennett stated making metal bojects whlle he was working at
a university.

15 Tom thinks that he did an excellent drawing on his fist day at shool.

16 Tom only made one metal blcycle of himsell and his wife.

17 Tom changed one of his metal sculptures into a diffren animal whlle he was
making it.

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18 Tom says that his lion sculptures was very popular with small chidren.

19 Tom intends his antimal sculptures to appear realistic.

20 The puplis of Grangetown High have decided on a name for their glraffe

11 The population of Alaska remalned the same throughut the 1880s.

12 For a short time, more people lived in iditarod than in any other city in

13 After 1910, it became possible to deliver letters in winter as well as summer.

14 When travelling on the idtarod Trail, drivers had to take food for the dogs
with them.

15 In the 1920s, aeroplanes were used more odten than boats and dogs.

16 Doctors in Nome hada good sopply of medicine tocure diphthearia.

17 The pilot Cari, Eielson refused to fly his plane because of the cold weather.

18 Leonhard Seppaa’s dog was able to lead him safrly to his destination.

19 Balto fell into some icy water but managed to save himself.

20 The iditarod race takes a different route every year.

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