Olivia Pate One Last Pet 2

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Olivia Pate

Eng 1201

Professor Porter

17 April 2022

One last Pet

On a regular Monday morning Jane put on her work clothes, gave her dog one last pet and

headed out for her nine to five at the local supermarket. It was a typical Monday till it was almost time for

her to clock out and her manager asked to speak with her. She had only had this job for a month or so and

she was nervous she forgot to do something or was in trouble. She took a deep breath and stepped into his

office and shut the door behind her. He asked Jane how she was feeling about the job and how she was

adjusting. Then the questions started to deepen. “Do you have Pets?”, “Where did you live before

here?”, “Do you live alone?” but Jane did not think too much of it as he was a friendly man. They

finished their conversation and just as Jane was about to leave he stopped her and told her to “Be Safe”.

Sorta weirded out by the whole encounter she headed home. Where she couldn't shake the question of

“Do you live alone?” Jane made dinner, took her dog outside then went to bed. The next morning Jane

gets ready and gives her dog one last pet and heads to work. Jane's boss waves as she walks through the

doors. She waves back and when she was about to go on her lunch break he stopped her to ask if she

wanted to get lunch with him as he was on his way to get food. She agreed and they went next door and

grabbed burritos from the taco shop next door. They are sitting outside eating when her boss starts talking

again. He never gave off creepy vibes before he was a married man with kids but Jane just felt off with

the stuff he would talk about. Her boss was a big hunter and he would talk about hunting for hours and

how it was so “satisfying but recently got boring” Jane let him blab about hunting and then returned to

work. It was five oclock and Jane clocked out and headed home. Wednesday Morning arrived with a

downpour of rain. Jane got ready and gave her dog one last pet, went to work and had a normal day. Her

boss did not work on Wednesday so for Jane it was a quiet day stocking shelves. Jane had misplaced her
umbrella when she went into work that morning even though she vividly remembers putting it in her

locker in the break room. As soon as Jane is about to make a run to her car in the rain her boss out of

nowhere gives a tap on the shoulder and offers his umbrella stating he “thinks they parked near each

other” asks Janes Boss if the black toyota is hers. They share the umbrella and he walks her to her car.

Jane never saw his car because the boss walked her to her car but never got in any of the cars near hers. It

was like he disappeared. On Jane's drive home she was trying to think of why her boss would show up to

work just to leave again. Jane knew he had just walked into the store right before she left because his

umbrella was still wet and the bottoms of his blue jeans were dripping from walking in the big puddle

right outside of the sliding doors. Jane's 10 minute drive home felt like a 40 minute drive half way

through the drive. Jane noticed the same car behind her. Jane was already weirded out by her boss and her

encounter she decided to do the “four right turn test” After the third right turn the car was no longer

behind and Jane realized it was just her anxiety. It was not until she turned onto her street where the same

car appeared behind her. Jane knew it was the same car because sitting on the dashboard was a tacky little

hula girl figure. Although it was raining it was only 5:17 so it was still light enough outside to see. Jane

pulls into her house anyways and the car drives right by her house and she ruled it to be her anxiety. She

goes inside to make dinner and take a shower. Jane lives alone so it was just her and her dog who would

not stop barking out the right side window in her living room. Jane tells Toby to shush and she gets in the

shower but Toby barks the whole time she is showering. Jane gets out of the shower and in her towel goes

to the window where Toby was barking and takes a look and does not see anything so she shuts the blind.

Jane felt off tonight but really ever since Monday evening after having the talk with her boss she felt off;

but tonight was different she felt as though someone was watching her and she could not sleep. Thursday

morning comes up and already awake after not being able to sleep, gets ready, gives her dog one last pet

and heads to work. Jane, very tired at work, sees her boss who also looks like he did not sleep. Her boss

asks her to go to dinner to talk about a promotion Jane agrees because even though she gets weird vibes

from him this is what she needs since she is a single college student trying to pay off debt. He claims that

he will make a reservation and will pick her up at 7. Jane gets ready and at 6:50 she realizes she never
gave her boss her address as she goes to text him to tell him she receives a message from him saying “ Im

Here” This spooked Jane but then remember he could see her address on her paperwork and probably got

it from there.Jane gave her Toby one last pet and headed out the door and as she is walking about she

notices the bush on the right side of her house looked smashed. Jane gets in the car and they drive to get

dinner at a nice restaurant. Sitting down talking about the big promotion Her boss asked her “What she

would be willing to do for this promotion” and Jane felt a slight brush of another's hand on her inner

thigh. Jane inches aways from him with no comment. They finish eating and Jane says she will call an

uber and her boss insites he take her. She complies because even though weirded out the promotion would

have a very large impact and when he misses the turn to go back to her house he says his wife made

brownies back at his house they drive for a good 20 minutes and Jane says that she really should get going

to let her dog outside and he can drop her off at the nearest gas station and she will get a lift. This time no

response Jane picks up her phone when all of the sudden it is snatched from her hands and thrown out the

window. Jane realizes where this is going and starts yelling. Then in one swift motion as if he had done it

1000 times he reveals what is in his waistband holster. Jane sits back in her seat and doesn't make a sound

as tears roll down her check. After two minutes of silence they pull into an abandoned house. Jane knows

where this is going and cries as he dragged her unwilling body out of the car and Her boss tells her to

“sit” so she takes a seat on the cold jagged gravel. Hovering over her he reminds that she never answered

his question on what she would do for the promotion. Jane screams back at him with ruthless comments.

He pulls out what was in his waistband holster and Jane tries to scream and tells her “don't bother no one

can hear you” and keeps talking about how he loves to hunt and all of the animals he has hunted but how

there was one that he never got the chance to hunt until now. Jane's tears streaming down her face can

only think of two things : how can a happily married man do something like this. And how she wishes she

would have given Toby one last pet.

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