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Noah Deakyne

April 7, 2022

Prof. Syle

English 1201

Should animals be used in experiments and testing? Animals haven't been allowed to make their

own decision to be tested. These animals have no say in their testing or experimented. These has

been legal for years in the US. Animal testing has been going on for so long. Most people don’t

really care about animal safety or rights. This research paper will explain all viewpoint to this

research topic.

Why are animals even being tested in the first place? A lot of times when animals are tested it's

usually because of a disease they were exposed to or diagnosed with. People love their pets

sometimes too much. Testing them for diseases makes sure they are healthy and up to date on any

new medicines that have been released. New medications can be big and expensive at the same

time. Medicines or antibiotics have always been helpful to animals since 1950.

Can animals be harmed from testing or experimentation? When scientists do experiments on

animals the main purpose is to help the other generations of animals. In the process the animal may

suffer from injury or worse death. There have been over a 100 million animal deaths a year. That is

absolutely absurd. These deaths mainly have been caused because of overuse of drugs or animal

abuse. Scientists believe that animals are like humans and have similar traits. That is not true at all,
most of the time scientists just say that to make it not look as bad when the animal dies. So many

different kinds of animals have different responses to different drugs or experiments.

Why isn’t animal testing illegal? Animal testing has not yet been banned in the United States. From

all the deaths in the United States, it's surprising how it is still legal. However there are some good

things that come from testing animals. One good example for testing animals is, determining if a

disease is present. With talking about the diseases in the first paragraph, this paragraph will explain

how the animals get the diseases in the first place. Bacteria has been a problem for many decades.

Even in the dinosaur ages a lot of dinosaurs were killed because of the diseases that they were

exposed to.

Testing for animals can be good. Animal testing can ensure that there is no diseases that can be

transmitted from that animal. This is a safety concern to a lot of people. Animals may not like

testing, however it's a way for doctors to know what is happening to those animals. These will

ensure the animals protection from diseases that could be curable.

Can testing be bad for dogs? As we discussed in paragraph two in my essay. This paragraph will

talk about how they are treated when tested or experimented on. For example, when dogs are

experimented on they are put in a metal cage and shut with no escape. This can be frightening to

the dog. Animals do have feelings, some are stronger than others. Sometimes animals won’t even

show emotion from hurting but inside they do. Approximately 90% of experiments don’t even

work on animals. Animals just have such a different response to testing than humans. That

behavior can just be unpredictable.

How much animal testing or experiments go on in the US? There has been over $16 billion of

taxpayers money spent on animal experimentation by the United States government each year. For

all this money going toward experimentation, there should be a good cause. Actually 47% of

research funding on animal experimentation is blown by the National Institute for Health. There

have been so many negative experiments that have gone wrong. It makes one wonder how this

experimentation is still going on.

Can there be a safer way to test animals? Obviously overloading funding isn’t stopping the deaths

from experiments. The safest approach for this subject would be to stop testing and

experimentation on animals. As there have been so many deaths in the US. We need to find a

solution to this problem. We could be using this money for so much more in the world and we

choose to over fund these testing and experiment labs. Animals are being harmed from these

experiments and are nearly dying every time.

Should the animal itself have a say in whether to be tested or not? Sadly animals IQ isn't as high as

humans to make a logical response. However, could monkeys answer this question? Monkeys' IQ

have been similar to human’s IQ for years and could answer intelligently. Though they are wild

animals, could they make an intelligent answer to be tested and would they even want to be tested

in the first place? In total there have been 38 recorded monkey deaths from laboratory mistakes and

mistreatment of animals.

Animal testing should be illegal in the United States. The reason for why animal testing should be

illegal in the United States is because it violates animal rights. The only thing the testing really does

is cause pain and suffering to the experimental animal. The NIH has mentioned that these drugs
have shown to be safe and effective in animal testing but fail in human trials because they don't

work or are dangerous.

Should there be a specific type of species that we should choose to do research on? Due to so

many deaths from experimentation on these animals. I think choosing a specific type of animal that

has an over abundance of population is a smart idea. Humans have been doing testing on such

extinct species for so long and have sometimes killed the animal in the process. To eliminate this

problem the solution could be to choose one type of animal. I feel this could eliminate some

problems we've been having with experimentation.

Could we experiment on humans instead of animals. Although experimenting on humans in certain

circumstances is illegal. However with consent from the test subject and under the right authority

could be done securely. This could be an alternative to experimentation on animals. With the

human body nervous system is alot stronger than some animal nervous system which may lead to

more success in the future for testing. Today we test humans all the time. Think about the diseases

we test like mono, strep, and much more. We do tests on people daily through hospitals. In the

hospital the environment is safe and secure. This makes a person more comfortable when being

experimented on like we have done in the past.

Should testing animal agencies increase their funding to these experimentation labs. Well in today’s

society the estimated funding for testing is around 14.5 billion dollars. I definitely believe that the

money is going toward a good cause. However, why are these animals still dying constantly in the

US? Since all this money isn’t really helping, maybe the labs should shrink. Which less risk for the

Should there be more government limitation on experimentation and testing on animals in the

United States? With talking about the amount of money that is put into animal experimentation.

This paragraph will talk about what limitation there should be on experimenting. First,

experimenting should be limited to a certain number of labs in the world. We don’t need to

experiment in every state; it's so unnecessary. Second off, it's a waste of money in this country. We

could focus on so many other things in our society and animal testing is important to a certain

degree. Lastly, is that it prevents more risk of animals getting hurt. With less labs around, the

government will focus more on those specific labs and both forth more effort. Which will decrease

the amount of animal death and risk.

In conclusion all animal testing or experimentation in the US should be banned. The species of

animals should have time to rebuild its population. We need to allow all the deaths of these animals

to recover. This proves that animal testing causes great harm and suffering to these poor animals.

The more of us that stand up against this cruelty, may bring change in the future.

Work Cite

Britannica,, 2022 Britannica resource,

Heather dunnuck, Lone star college research, 2022,

The global resource for animal use in science, Animal research. Info, 15 february 2021,

Calen otto, Justice, Why do humans still experiment on animals? November 10, 2021,

Human Society International/global, "about animal testing". October 21, 2012,

FDA, "Animal Testing & cosmetics", updated April 5, 2006,
Tiwari, Smriti "13 Pros and Cons of Animal testing", October 8, 2020,

American Physiological Society, "Why Do Scientists Use Animals in Research"? 2019,

Pugh, Cheraine, "Animal Testing is animal Cruelty". 2016,

Grooms, Alliza, “Animal testing should be banned”. November 13, 2021, updated November 15,



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