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Art- Expression of emotions, feelings, talent, skill, expertise.

Science- refers to applying a scientific mindset and methodology to the decision-making
process when selecting which methods to use.
To employ instructional materials and to embrace other "best teaching practices."

1. Teacher
2. Student
3. Subject matter

Teacher- Has essential abilities and is filled with a genuine commitment to dedicate time and
effort in continuing to sharpen and mature children's minds.
The Student is the second most important aspect in learning. Needs, interests, and abilities
should all be taken into account. Taught by the same teacher in the same atmosphere.
Individual differences are brought into the classroom.
Content is a combination of what has to be taught and how to learn it.

Professional - Someone who follows to a profession's technical or ethical standards.

A. Competence
B. Code of Ethics
OTHER ELEMENTS OF A PROFESSION- Initial Professional Education; Accreditation;
Licensing; Professional Development; Professional Societies; Code of Ethics

1. Initial Professional Education - Completion of university program in their chosen fields.

Long and arduous years of preparation
2. Accreditation- University programs are approved by a regulatory body like the Commission
on Higher Education (CHED) in the Philippines to ensure that graduates from these recognized
programs start their professional lives with competence.
3. Licensing - Mandatory not voluntary. Administered by a government authority, Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC)
4. Professional Development- Ongoing professional education that maintains or improves
professionals’ knowledge and skills after they begin professional practice.
5. Continuing Professional Development- mandated by RA 10912 otherwise known as the
CPD Act of 2016.
6. Professional Societies- Professionals see themselves as part of a community of like-minded
individuals who put professional standards above their individual interests.
7. Professional societies put dedication to the public interest and commitment to moral and
ethical values.
8. Code of Ethics - States what professionals should and should not do. Violation of the code
of ethics is one of the grounds for revocation of professional teacher’s Certificate of Registration
and suspension from practice of the teaching profession (R.A. 7836).

• PD 1006- the Decree Professionalizing Teaching

-The first legal document that professionalized teaching issued by the President
Ferdinand E. Marcos.
– the need to professionalize teaching was felt to insure that in the immediacy and
urgency of teacher recruitment, qualitative requirements are not overlooked and although
teacher requires a number of years of collegiate study it is the only course that is not yet
considered a profession… Furthermore, in recognition of the vital role of teachers in nation
building and as incentive to raise the morale of teachers, it is imperative that they be considered
professionals and teaching be recognized as a profession.

• RA 7836 Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994

– Passed to promote quality education by proper supervision and regulation of the
licensure examination and professionalization of the practice of the teaching profession.

1. There was no formal preparation for teachers during the pre-Hispanic times
2. Formal training began during the Spanish period when men were trained as maestros by the
Jesuits. Maestra’s were also trained.
3. 1901- two-year preparation of teachers were given by the Philippine Normal School; two
became four years.
4. To ensure quality teachers and to make teaching at par with other professions passing a
licensure examination was made mandatory by R.A. 7836.

Trends toward Professionalism

• National Competency-Based Teacher Standards
– Institutionalized through CHED Memorandum Order No. 52, s. 2007 and DepED Order
No. 32 s. 2009
– Born out of partnership between different academic institutions, along with:
• the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)
• Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs)
• Philippine Regulatory Commission (PRC)
• Department of Education (DepEd)
• Civil Service Commission (PRC
- Framework for teaching and teacher development that would guide all teaching-related
policies, reforms, and activities
– Teacher is a professional who is authorized to make important decisions in the
educational process and is accountable for their students’ accomplishment of learning
– Main principle: All Filipino teachers must be committed and held responsible for
classroom instruction with results that are manifested in high performance levels in
of student learning outcomes
– Defines seven domains within which teachers can develop professionally
– Domain 1. Social Regard for Learning
– Domain 2. Learning Environment
– Domain 3. Diversity of Learners
– Domain 4. Curriculum
– Domain 5. Planning, Assessing and Reporting
– Domain 6. Community Linkages
– Domain 7. Personal Growth and Professional Development
1. NCBTS, D1 Teacher- Positive and powerful role models for students to pursue
different efforts to learn with actions, statements, and different types of social interactions
exemplifying the ideal
2. NCBTS, D2 Teacher- Provides a social, psychological, and physical environment
where students can engage in different learning activities and work toward attaining high
standards of learning, regardless of their individual differences in learning
3. NCBTS, D3 Teacher- Facilitate the learning process, even with diverse learners, by
recognizing and respecting the students’ individual differences and by using knowledge about
their differences to design assorted sets of learning activities to ensure that all learners can
achieve the desired learning goals.
4. NCBTS, D4 Teacher- Facilitate the learning process, even with diverse learners, by
recognizing and respecting the students’ individual differences and by using knowledge about
their differences to design assorted sets of learning activities to ensure that all learners can
achieve the desired learning goals.
5. NCBTS, D5 Teacher- Use assessment data to plan and revise teaching-learning
plans; Integrate assessment procedures in the plan and implementation of teaching-learning
activities; Report the learner’s actual achievement and behavior
6. NCBTS, D6 Teacher- Link classroom activities to the experiences and aspirations of
the learners in their homes and communities; Strengthen the link between schools and
communities to help in the attainment of the curricular goals
7. NCBTS, D7 Teacher- Give importance to having a high personal regard for the
teaching profession, concern for professional development and continuous improvement.


Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers

Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (Domains)
1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
2. Learning Environment
3. Diversity of Learners
4. Curriculum and Planning
5. Assessment and Reporting
6. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement
7. Personal Growth and Professional Development
Career Stages (PPST)
1. Beginning Teacher
2. Proficient Teacher
3. Highly proficient Teachers
4. Distinguished Teachers

1. Beginning Teacher (PPST)- Have gained the qualifications recognized for entry in
the teaching profession; Strong understanding of the subject/areas in which they are trained in
terms of content and pedagogy; Possess the requisite knowledge, skills and values that support
the teaching and learning process; Manage learning programs and have strategies that promote
learning based on the learning needs of the students; SEEK ADVICE FROM EXPERIENCED
COLLEAGUES to consolidate their teaching practice
2. Proficient Teachers (PPST)- Professionally independent in the application of skills
vital to the teaching and learning process; Provide focused teaching programs that meet
curriculum and assessment requirements; Display skills in planning, implementing, and
managing learning programs; Actively engage in collaborative learning with the professional
community and other stakeholders for mutual growth and advancement; Reflective practitioners
who continually consolidate the knowledge, skills and practice of career stage 1 teachers
3. Highly Proficient Teachers (PPST)- Consistently display a high level of performance
in their teaching practice; Manifest an in-depth and sophisticated understanding of the teaching
and learning process; Have high education-focused situation cognition, and more adept in
problem solving and optimize opportunities gained from experience ; Works collaboratively with
colleagues and provide them support and mentoring to enhance their learning practice ;
Continually seek to develop their professional knowledge and practice by reflecting on their own
needs, and those of their colleagues and students.
4. Distinguished Teachers (PPST)- Embody the highest standard for teaching
grounded in global best practices; Exhibit exceptional capacity to improve their own teaching
practice and that of others; Recognized as leaders in education, contributors to the profession
and initiators of collaborations and partnerships; Create lifelong impact in the lives of
colleagues, students and others; Consistently seek professional advancement and relevance in
pursuit of teaching quality and excellence; Exhibit commitment to inspire the education
community and stakeholders for the improvement of education provision in the Philippines.

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