Gods Plan

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Noah Deakyne

1201 English

Prof. Syle

February 13, 2022

People who make bad choices shouldn’t be hated “God’s plan, God’s plan”, by drake, is

a famous quote from the original God's plans song. The meaning behind God's plan is basicialy

how it's said. No matter what struggles you are going through there is light at the end of the

tunnel. In the remix of God's plan the main character is Kyle Exum who plays the role of the

dad. The dad explains to his son about life and the son doesn’t think he is doing anything wrong.

Both songs are different but have the same meaning of giving and ego.

Giving to others boosts a person’s self confidence in life. In “God's plan” drake gives out

a ton of money to people. These people are so grateful for his generosity. This eternally

promotes good habits in life for these people. Some of these people have not made bad choices.

However in the moral of the song it didn’t matter. Some of these people even praised Drake as

a God. The reason why this is significant to my claim is because giving people money or

something that will eventually help them physically and mentally grow. Which is a reason why

we shouldn’t hate on these people who had made some bad choices in life.

Drake’s ego rises when he gives to others. In the official God’s plan song by Drake he

mentions how he might go down as G.O.D. He also sings about how he does so much for
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everyone and wants all the acknowledgement indirectly. He sings like he owns all the people.

This supports my point because sometimes people just give to others just so they can be

noticed as a more valued person. Pathos are used in God's plan to appeal to other people. He

gives money to these people on the streets so he can get more views. Don't get me more

wrong, giving to others is for a good purpose. For some people, giving money to less

unfortunate people will boost your ego way higher. I definitely agree that this attracts a lot of

christian people. Drake’s parody is the same way but the song attracts more younger ages.

Mostly because of the funny jokes it mentions and the way the script is written. Drake’s haters

is another type of audience for Drake’s parody.

Dads are overprotective when it comes to their sons. When I listened to the remix parody, I saw

key points in the video that supported why Dads are overprotective. In the music video Kyle

who plays the role as the dad states that his son doesn’t listen to him. He wants the best for his

son and sometimes it comes with severe consequences. However in both music videos, they

have one thing in common and that is they both want the best for others. Like Drake mentioned

in his music video they expected too much out of him. Basically saying he does it for love but

people are too dependent on him. Sometimes people need to grow up and find their own

motivation without being dependent on other people.

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Overall these people shouldn’t be hated because they have made bad choices. These music

videos are different in many ways but have similar points to them. The audience for Drake’s

song are for a level of speaking english. The people who listen to Drake’s music are people who

listen to pop and rap music. The audience for Drake’s Paraody is young, english speaking, all

genders, and all races. The reason why Drake’s song and the paraody got so many hits is

because it relates to so many different kinds of people. Some experiences like poverty may

move those people more than others. Mainly because it is relatable to them. God's plan shows

support to less unfortunate people and the Drake’s parody shows support to his own son. Both

sometimes are too dependent on the producer but eventually they find a way through.


God’s plan by Drake-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpVfcZ0ZcFM

God’s plan Parody by Kyle Exum-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCY7BD379mg

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