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Noah Deakyne

English 1201

Prof. Syle

March 18, 2022

What is type 1 diabetes? In this paper I will be reviewing websites that answer my

question. These websites I will be critiquing on about what is type 1 diabetes. How is type 1

different from type 2? What causes type 1 diabetes to occur? Is it passed genetically? These

questions will be answered in my paper.

In my first cited source I noticed that they stated a lot of the negative effects of type 1

diabetes. They really focused on a lot of the bad parts of type 1 diabetes. Rather than explaining

how to prevent type 1 diabetes. In my opinion I really thought this research was helpful to an

extent. This would have been an excellent source if my research topic was about “The causes of

type 1 diabetes”. I found that they gave great visual learning as a side of this source. When I

clicked on the source it instantly gave me an option for a visual guide to type 1 diabetes which I

thought was pretty cool.

For my second resource I thought the site was very well organized, factual, and appealing

to the eyes. Sometimes when you go into this website they just give you the boring 18 factual

paragraphs to read about type 1 diabetes. However this source gave great information and was

very informative about “what is type 1 diabetes”. Though I had a couple complaints about the

website. The ad pop ups were extremely annoying to read and get rid of. Another complaint was
the lack of customer support. I felt like I had to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and go

to a different website just to find who wrote the article. Besides those complaints this website was

clearly up to date and is extremely informative to me about my research topic.

My third resource was a Sinclair library website. This article talked about all the different

kinds of ways diabetes can be researched. For an example in the article it talked about how type 1

diabetes can be treated. Also gave great examples about people you currently have type 1 diabetes.

They quoted a patient's experience with having type 1 diabetes. One negative thing about this

article that could have been improved would be the authors lack of references. I didn’t see any

references to this Sinclair library site. Besides that I really felt this sinclair database library site

article was extremely informative to my research topic.

For my fourth research article I thought this site was the most personal site. This article

from the website was a student that talked about a scientist diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Roger

Unger had died at 96 studying diabetes himself. This article definitely could have given

information about diabetes itself. It went more in depth about its effect on the scientist. Which is

actually great to study off, however I could tell they really didn’t go beyond that point of research

about type 1 diabetes than that. This article was great for personal research about type 1 diabetes.

The fifth research article gave really great information about type 1 diabetes. They like to

talk a lot about the blood sugar of diabetes. I think I counted the words “blood sugar” in this article

at least 15 times. One negative thing about this article was a couple of the advertisements. I did

however find the contact information for this article extremely easy to navigate. I think for this
article they gave great information about blood sugar. When reading the article I understand what

they were trying to accomplish. They were trying to explain how to treat diabetes. In the articles

they always went back to what to do when you get diabetes. I thought they were very informative

about diabetes itself. Out of all the articles this one I thought was the best for my research paper.

Lastly,the last source had given excellent information about type 1 diabetes. I would say

that there was some advertisement but not a lot compared to the other sites. When looking at this

resource I found great information about comparing type 1 to type 2. I would say more than ⅔ of

this article was about comparing type 1 to type 2 diabetes. One unique thing that separates this

article from the rest would be its section about pregnancy. Out of all the articles I had researched

about this was the other one to talk about type 1 diabetes with pregnant women. This was one the

most informative articles I had researched.

In conclusion all these articles are updated and eligible for my research paper. Although

some bad and good, they all gave great information about type 1 diabetes itself and I will be using

these sites furthermore to expand my essay to be better. Out of all the articles the last one had the

informative information about type 1 diabetes and had more exclusive topics about diabetes.

Although each website had unique features the last website was by far the best for my research.
Brito Kali “Interview with a Diabetes Patient” accessed Feb 18, 2013, Children hospital of

Richmond at VCU.

Felman,Adam “What to know about type 1 diabetes”, Reviewed by Kelly Wood,MD, Updated

April 6,2021,

Felson,Sabrina “A Visual Guide to Type 1 diabetes” Reviewed on January 28, 2022,

Heidt,Amanda “Roger Unger, Endocrinologist and authority on Diabetes, Dies”, University of Texas, news article,

JDRF National Director “Type 1 diabetes- A just like You film” Accessed October 30, 2018,,

Khambatta, Cyrus “Mastering Diabetes” New York:Avery,An imprint of penguin Random House,

2020, Sinclair Library,

King,George “Reverse your diabetes” New York,NY : Workman, publishing 2016.

Originally published in 2014 as the Diabetes Reset, Sinclair Library,

Kivi,Rose “What is Type 1 Diabetes”, Reviewed by Marina Basina,D,

Updated on October 20,2021,

Vieira, Ginger, “Your Diabetes Science Experiment: Live your live with diabetes, instead of letting

Diabetes live your life”,foreword by Schelner,Gary - published December 12, 2012,

Woolston, Chris “Type 1 diabetes”, Reference Mayo Clinic. Type 1 diabetes. 2009

December 31,2020.,

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