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Jace Beaupierre


Best work and Reflective Essay #2

Global warming is a very apparent subject throughout the media and the news. I have
seen many companies and corporations pushing out inventions and solutions to aid in stopping
it. Global warming is an obvious issue that could majorly affect the world sooner than later.
There have been many attempts and propositions on how to stop it or slow it down but not much
has succeeded. There are many groups who use different tactics and methods on stopping it,
but they are not making a significant enough dent. Bringing global warming to a stop is only
possible by finding out the causes of it.

This was one of my biggest projects I have probably had throughout my educational
career. Creating this project took several months of hard work. I have not had any other
assignment take more than a month. This project, being this big, of course, took many steps. I
had to do things like finding accurate and reliable sources from books, websites, and from the
news. Creating this project was not something you could do last minute, or have at the back of
your mind. It took careful planning and orchestrating to ensure getting the best grade possible.

Another reason as to why this is one of my most important works is because of the
presentation time. Because this project was so big and long, of course the amount of time
presenting could not be anything short of five minutes. The minimum presenting time of this
project was 15 minutes. When I first heard this requirement, I was in awe. After finishing my
project and practicing presenting on my own, I realized 15 minutes was not as long as I thought.
With a project so big, 15 minutes would not be long.

All in all, this project was the most challenging obstacle I have faced throughout my
schooling. It required dedication and persistence, with the constant progress check ups and
minimum work required. I believe I will experience many more challenging assignments like this
in the future when I attend college. This project has well prepared me for the future and pushed
my boundaries.

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