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date all the way back to the 1800s.

The reason for this was gases released

Jace Beaupierre What is Global Warming? into the atmosphere. Oceans allow us to better understand climate change
due to 90% of Earth’s heat ends up in the ocean. Oceans started to conceive

What can countries do to make higher temperatures in the 1800s or possibly even earlier.

the reversing of global warming Global warming is the process in which the atmosphere of the earth gradually
The industrial era
was the main start
more efficient and faster? increases overtime due to an increase of carbon dioxide, pollutants, and
chlorofluorocarbons. Global warming can occur from either change in
of releasing gases
into the air
weather patterns or gases/other chemicals released by humans. The main What are we doing currently to prevent global warming from getting worse? What are
cause of today's global warming are from ourselves, humans. Global warming
can completely alter our ecosystems and our livelihood. Global warming can Each country in the entire world has their own take on dealing with climate change. Many
the main
Global make extremely hot places even hotter, and cold places even colder. It also have done a great job in committing to several tasks to help reduce global warming. Some of
them being Norway, France, and New Zealand. These countries and more have taken their causes of
makes weather very unpredictable at times. It can also cause natural
warming disasters to become much stronger, unpredictable, and deadly. This is why we
part in executing a plan and reach zero net emissions by 2050. This is a huge step in the right
direction to saving the earth. Although, this alone will not prevent global warming, it’ll Global
need to put a stop to global warming. definitely help a bunch and many other countries should be inspired by this. In America, we
I will present to you several ways global When did global warming first start are focusing on using renewable energy and using energy as efficient as possible. We also Warming? The
use programs such as green transportation. This is when you place several smaller
warming has negatively impacted our
planet and the solutions to prevent it
appearing? shipments into one large vehicle like a truck to reduce use of gasoline and emissions. known causes of
global warming are:
from worsening before it’s too late. The first observation of humans starting to affect the planet's climate can

Burning Fossil Fuels millions of acres of land. We’ve also to these increase in numbers and
seen many hurricanes that are strength in natural disasters, many
Deforestation bigger and much stronger pass by have lost lives, family members,
Florida and the tropical regions like houses, belongings, and much Sea Levels
Farming and Agriculture
Hurricane Dorian and Hurricane more. They’ve had a major affect Food Sources Floods
Modern machines Harvey striking part of Texas. Due and will only get worse over time.
How does global warming affect places like Antarc ca or The Sahara What are some things global warming
has directly affected?
Can the increase of global
How will global warming affect the Earth in warming drastically affect living
Global warming affects Deserts and Continental Glaciers both a great amount. People
believe global warming can only affect extremely cold, low temperature places, but that’s these upcoming years? conditions of the earth?
not true. Both deserts and continental glaciers are both heavily affected by global warming. Global warming will increase the length, and number of tropical
Deserts become way more dry than they already are and also have a higher chance of
number of natural disasters by a storms, or hurricanes, gradually. Melting Glaciers
wildfires that can ruin the landscape. Glaciers and ice caps are all melting at an alarming Many places can become uninhabitable due to several things. One
lot. There will be more frequent We have already seen the effects
Wild Life Ecosystems
rate. This can result in a change of temperature in the ocean and also raise the sea levels.
Many different countries have already experienced rising sea levels with beaches becoming wildfires that could become even of this happening over these past of them being rising sea levels. Many places can become
smaller. Before it’s too late, many cities will be complete engulfed underwater if global bigger and more common. It will few years. completely underwater by the year 2050. That is less than 30 years
warming is not stopped.
also cause dried and more We’ve seen major wildfires in away and only becomes a smaller number. Some of the places that
frequent droughts than ever California and Australia burning could potentially be underwater are Miami, Florida, and Venice
before. It’ll also increase the size, Italy. This does not mean that these two places and many more will

be completely submerged under water, but many of them will released into the atmosphere. When different animals
There will be constant temperature They can because the more ice caps
experience many floods and part of the cities gone. This is all rises as long as global warming is still melt, the more likely a volcano is to like cows, pigs, goats, and etc., feed on grass, when they
preventable if we stop releasing gases in the atmosphere soon. in affect. erupt. digest it, it releases methane that is extremely harmful
Commonly asked questions about here is a video about global to the planet. They also release methane because
manure as it decomposes, released methane. There are
global warming? warming from national billions of farm animals in the entire world and the
Will all the ice caps eventually melt? Does global warming cause volcanoes geographic amount of methane being released by each animal
to erupt earlier than they’re supposed adds up very quickly.
How strong can hurricanes become if All the ice caps would melt if global
warming isn’t stopped.
What are the key solutions to
global warming isn’t slowed down or
reversed? stop global warming?
Hurricanes can become bigger and
stronger every year which’ll inflict
What is an unpopular cause of
Are the California wildfires causing
global warming to increase?
more damage emotionally and
global warming? The key things to stop global are limit releasing gases in the atmosphere, and limit

They do because of the amount of

Farming is another cause of global warming. Many the amount of deforestation. Gas emitted into the air is the main contributor of
Will the average temperature global warming. Lowering the amount of gases released into the air by cars, fossil
throughout the day go up carbon dioxide they release. people are not aware of this but is in fact true. Farms fuels, vehicles, and etcs is the key to stopping global warming. Helping to stop
continuously? contribute a great amount of the emissions that are deforestation will also aid in the prevention of global warming. To do this, it’ll require

communication and execution. If everybody including citizens to politicians 2016

communicates on how to deal with this problem, then we can come up with a An o cial college that has states many sources. Explains what each piece of HSUS, Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Animal Agriculture, 2008
solution. If everyone plays their part, everything will go smoothly. Trying to research when exactly global warming first started to happen. One of the information means and what is contributes. Uses real data to show what each
many ways of doing so is checking the temperatures of the oceans. Also using the country is doing.
Annotated bibliography causes of global warming today to see if they were present back then. Explains
States and talks about green gas house emissions emitted into the

how greenhouse gases were what started it. Greenhouses gases are still released Annotated bibliography environment every year. One of the main causes were methane emissions
and its high percentage. Most of this methane comes from farm animals when
into the atmosphere until this day. digesting or manure. Nitrous oxide has the highest percentage of emissions at
Annie Sneed, Scientific American, Get Ready for More Volcanic Eruptions as the
Planet Warms, 2017 65%. It specifies the compounds of each gas and how they contribute to
Uses information on what could release gases based on what we release today. global warming.
Hougton J.T., Global Warming: The Complete Briefing, 2009
Uses details on certain events that occurred back then like the industrial era. Real
Explains how there could be a potential of volcanic eruptions in the near future.
company that has written many articles about earth's changes. This piece of information uses exact data collected from around the world and
Global warming is indirectly causing volcanoes to become more active. When The content that’s contained is the known causes of global warming. It will state the
there is less ice in the ocean, it has been directly related to volcanic activity
becoming more frequent. There have already been many eruptions in many parts
Annotated bibliography basics of global warming and how it can be prevented. Hougton states about the
corroborates it. It uses math to calculate the exact percentages of everything
and is written by an official firm. The humane society of the United States is an
action the government can take in order to prevent global warming. It’s also about
of the world. Many people were required to evacuate their homes due to these official non-profit organization that researches and studied many affects
the affects individuals and industries can cause on the environment and what they animals have on the earth.
eruptions. Volcanoes can oppose a serious threat soon. Grantham Institute, What are the world’s countries doing about climate change?,
can start doing to help. The whole book explains the whole process of global
This article is uses real scientific data to back up their claims. They tok information warming and climate change and they’re future. Annotated bibliography
from scientists that studied volcanoes and their link to global warming. It was Explains which country is doing what about global warming. Explains a lot about
written by a reliable source that used proper information. what the UK is doing. Details how di erent countries can do better on their This source is very reliable due to the fact that it was written by an expert on the
Loop,Five most destructive hurricanes of the last decade, 2020
contribution on global warming. Many countries needed to communicate to help subject. This source can help me explain the basics of global warming and how
Annotated bibliography stop global warming. There are many agreements between countries to help stop many different things contribute to global warming. Explains the worse hurricanes that have occurred in the last decade. Explains why
global warming. these hurricanes are becoming stronger every year. Details where and when the
CarbonBrief, Scientists clarify starting point for human-caused climate change, Annotated bibliography hurricanes hit each country/state. Describes how each hurricane a ected
people's lives and the land. Also describes the cost of damages and strengths of
the hurricanes. Annotated bibliographySpencer bibliographyTrevor M. Letcher, Elseiver, Union of Concerned Scientists, Solutions to Global Warming in North America,
Uses key information provided by several sources from when the hurricanes Managing Global Warming, 2018
R. Weart, Hup Harvard EDU, The Discovery of Global Warming, 2003
occurred. Many meteorologists studied and tracked each hurricane and their Explains what North America can do to stop contribution to global warming.
This talks about the specific options that could prevent global warming. It’s
information was used. An o cial company that has states news for many subjects. Details what we’re doing that is causing harm to the planet. North America has
. about many things that can be implemented in order to stop global warming
problems. It has only one volume that states the many different causes and what
many industries that all contribute to global warming. US is the most well-known
This book explains the beginnings of global warming and how people reacted to it.
Annotated bibliography Many people in the north thought positively of global warming in hopes of it making things to use to specifically stop those causes. Each chapter has many different
contributor to global warming. Believes everyone needs to contribute like citizens,
businesses, politicians, and more.
their countries warmer. The effects of global warming were being realized in 1960 technologies that can be used and how they could be used. Many of them include
and more and more effects were being discovered. They started to realize the long things like solar, geo-engineering, and hydro. It states how the prevention of global Uses graphs to represent the US contribution. States where each piece of
Rose Moore, The Travel, 15 USA Cities That Will Be Underwater By 2050 (10
warming can only be stopped using new equipment. The amount of pollution that is information of graphs came from. Written by acclaimed scientists that research on
Already On The Ocean Floor), 2019 term effects global warming can have on the planet and were trying to predict what
could happen. Global warming is going to become a major thing and there will be being emitted is too much, too fast compared to the precautions countries are taking this topic heavily.
States 15 cities that could potentially be underwater in these upcoming years. many problems if nothing is done about it. to prevent global warming.
Explains why and how each city could be completely submerged. Explains how
sea levels is the main issue. Rising Sea levels come from global warming due to This source used many different sources from many different years to come to a This is a very credible source due to the fact that the publisher is very reliable.
many factors. The cities are not going to become completely covered but partially. conclusion. They used several different certified scientists to learn more about global He has many different writings on the subject of global warming. This piece of
warming and its effects. This will be very useful for explaining the source of global information will help me in introducing the items needed to prevent global warming.
This uses accurate information on where the lowest sea level cities are. Many of It also helps me find the specific causes of global warming which will aid my
warming and how it was started.
these cities have already showed signs of rising water at their beaches. Written by research.
an o cial source and reputable firm.
Annotated Annotated bibliography

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