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Human shysoloy Ecology and envionment NEET Physics Syllabus Claes 11 Topics [UNIT 1: Physical Word and Me 1.1 Physi: Scope and excamen nature of phys laws; Pry, echnology and soda. 1.2 Need for messurement Uns of measurement ystems of uns; Sunts, fundamental an dered uns, Length, mass and ime measurements; acuray end p easing insrumeis errs in measuromentsigifcant ques 1.8 Dimensions of physical quantes, dmersoral arajsis adits appeabons. UNIT 2: Kinematies 2.1 Frame of reference, Maton 8 sigh tine Poston graph sed and veleiy, Uniform and nen-onfrm mon, average spees and instantaneous vloct scceleratd meton, velo an polonve graphs, or nla aceleates matan (apical Westen), 22Elamentary canoes of fereniatonandintgraton for describing moton, Scalar and vetr quantis: Position and displacement vectors, general vectors, ge ard notation, equal of veters, mulipkeabon of vectors by areal number; addon ad suiacion of vce, Reaive velocity. 23 Un velo Resliion ofa wecor ina plane-eciangulcomonens 2.4 Scalar and Vector produc of Vectors Maton na plan. Cates of unfloam velocity an unorm acelratior projectile motion, Unirm sear main. [UNIT 3: Laws of Motion 2.1 Inve concep offre, net, Newtons slaw of maton; momentum and Newe's second law of maton impulse; Newo's td lw of ater. Law en ‘near momentum anes applesbos, £2 Equllorum of concurent oes, Stat an Kineton laws of feo, rong eon libration £8 Dynamics of norm crear maton. Cererpeta re, example of cxcular maton (vehi on lvelcouar ca, vehicle en barked rea} [UNIT 4: Work, Energy and Power 4.1 Werk dane by 2 constant fore and vara forcast enory,wor-eneaytaarem, power 4.2 Notion of potent energy, potent aneyy oa spring. consis forces: conservation of machancl energy (ket and potential enerpe): non-conservative Imotan in verte ce, ease art retate colons none and wo dnsione. [UNIT 5: Motion of Systm of Particles and Right Body 5 Canto of mass ofa two-part syslam, momentum conservation and conte of mass meton. Conte of mass ofa iid Body conte of mas of uniform rd 52 Moment ofa force orue, ang momentum, conservation a angular momentum wth some exagtes. 53 Equlibcum orig boss, iid body ralatan and equation af rtatonl motoneuron oflinear and roltonl maton amen! tint, ras of gyration HL forsinple geometrical objects (no dvvaton), Staton of paral and perpendicular aes thacrams and th” apelators UNIT 6: Gravitation 6.1 Kepler’ laws of planetary motion. The universal aw of graveation. Acolration duo to gravy ads varaton wth atu ard pth £2 Gravistional potontal evra gravistional potential Escape veloc. orbital vob ofa sate, Gsostabonary stats. ‘UNIT: Properties of Bulk Mattor 171 Elastic bshavir,Stose-srinelatonsip.Hecke's aw, Young's modulus, blk modulus, shar, mods of ipaty possons rato elas energy 7.2.Vicoay, Stokes law eminal velosty, Reynolds numb, stealing ana trent ow, Catal vee, Boral heoram ans appheatns. 73 Surface energy and sn lorson, angle of contact. excess of paste, appt of surface arson eas to ops, bulos and capary rie 74 Heat, emperatr,tarmalexpasion: thermal expansion of sls quis, and gases. Anomalous exparsion. Specie heat capacity: Cp, Cy- calorie chang 175 Heat rst conduction and Neral conduct, convscton and radiation. Qualtatve eas of Black Body Rasaton, Wels displacement aw. and Green Het 7.5 Newton's aw of osing nd Stsfan'aw. UNIT €: Thermodynamics £1 Themal eculum and dfn of temperature (orth aw of Thermodynamics), eet, work animal anetgy. Fst aw of themedynamis. soenal and £2 Second aw ofthe thermodyamies: Reverb and iver processes, Heat engines and ofigertors LUNI 9: Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory 21 Equaton of stat ofa perfect as, work done on compressing a gas. £82 into tory of gases: Assuretons, concept of pressure. Knots energy and tempore; degrees of foedo, law of epaton of energy (atomont oly 2 to spectc heat capactes of gases carcept of mean hee pth, 10:1 Perio melon pero, raqueney,aplcemenlas a uncon of ine. Perec uncon, Sample arnane maln(SHM) ands equation; phase oections of restoring foce and force contant energy SHM -Knoti nd potetal eras: Spe pondulum-dervation of exgresion Frits te pois te, fred and dam casas (quate iden on), resonance 102 Wave maten.Longtusnal end vansvarse waves spout of wave moton, Displacement lan or progressive wave, Prine of superposition of weves, fl ‘waves, sandng wavesin stings and organ pe, fundamental edo and harmonics, Beats. Doppler ec. Class 12 Topics UNI: Electrostatlos “1 Elatie charges and tr consorvaton. Couloms lawfrce between two pant charges, forces botwoen mulpo charge; supeposton pnp and coinaou 1.2 el, lect eld de oa pot charge, elect el nes lc pole, lect i eto apt, torque on 8 pte na urlerm ele el 4.3 lace, tatamantof Gauss theorem and is appltons tnd ld due to iialy lang stag wre, untrmly charge fie plane sheet ad unto sphorcal nal fed inside and ous) 1.4 Eloi poten soon eforoce, lotic potential duo toa point charge. poo and systom of charges: qupstontal surfaces, slectical potential oneray ‘Mo pont charges an of eketic doesn an lacoste “1.5 Conductors and sults, oe charges and bound charges inside a conductor. Oiectes and elec polarzaten capactors and capactanc,combaaton ot UNIT 2: Curent Eletety 2.1 Elctrc curen, ow of acc charges in a metal conductor, df valocty ard moby, ad ha rlation wih soci cure Onis aw, lctcal resistance, haracteritis (ner and nor-nga),electicl energy and power, lectial eistvly and enductly 22 Caron esistrs, colour cade for carbon resists; sia end paral combinations otras; mperature dependence of reslstance. 29 eral resistance ofa o8, potenti ference ana em of al, combination fen seis ard parallel 24 reat laws and simp applations. Wheastone bg, mats beg, 25 Potentemetr principe ard applcatons to measure potontal erence, an for comparing om of wo col measurement of tral resistance ofa ce UNIT 3: Magneti Efects of Current and Magnetism 3.1 Concept of magete fl, Oerted's experiment. Blt Savart aw and is applet to curent caring cxelar op 2:2.ampar’s lw anditsappeaon nfl long sign we, straight nd oral soles Fores. ona moving charge nue magnate and lect els 3.3 Force ana curentcanying consclerinsunform mapraic ols. Force Between wo pvalcrrot-caning conduclereefniton of ampere. Tague experienc fxientlogn na magnate ld; moving col gehanometrte cent sanatvy and conversant ameter and votnelt $54 Curent loop a6 a magnet dipole ad is magnet dpa mamant Magnet dlple mann of @ reveling slcron Magnet fd itnsty de toa magnet ‘agro lon its a and perpen smi Trae on magnet dole bar gn n 8 unfors magnei ld bar magrat as an equvalnt solon, ma Ines Earta magnet ald and magnetic ements 35 Pare, and fere-magnet sustance, wih axemples. {8 locromapnsic and factors afocng thor soni. Permanent mages LUNI 4: Electromagaetie Induction and Alternating Cutents 44 lcromagnte induction Faraday’ lw Induces er and econ Ln’ Law, Eddy cen, Sel ane muta nductance 4.2 Akomatng curers, pak and value of ating curan vas; reactance and impedance LC oslltons(qualtave reatment on), LCR saris rout 4.3. AC generator and vantorme. 52 lecromagnetie waves orate cheractersts (qualtsve ees ony), Transverse nue of elecvomagnate waves. 59 Electromagnetic pecan (rio waves, mcromave, are, vibe lve, ray, gamma rays) nung elementay face about ha use, UNI 6: Opies 81 Retlecton af ght, sphaical mrt, mot formula. Rftacon of igh, tal teal refecton and is epeatons optical eres, easton at spericl sufaces, Ions formula, on-maker’s formula, Magifeaton,powor ofa lns, combination fin onss in cota combination ofa los anda mar, Racton and speso| vough eps. 52 Scateing of ight ue color of the sky and reddish oppaarance afte sun £9 Optesnsruments: Human ee, nage fomaton and accommodation, crecton of aye delat (nyople and hypermtropis) ung ns 14 Meroscopes anéastonomical telescopes (etetng and erating) andthe maging power. 155 Via opts: Wavefront and Huygens’ pencil, ralectonanértacton of plans wave st.plae surface using wavtons {6 roo flaws ofracton and reaction using Huygens sree 67 Irterernce, Yous double hole experiment and expression fringe with, coherent sources and sustained ntefronce of gh 18 fraction due tow sgl lt width of contra maxi 1:9 Resoling power of microscopes an asvonomicl alascopes. Polit, lane polarzelight Sewsters aw, uses of plane polrzedigh and Plaois 7-2 Mater wavoe-wave nature of parils, de Srl lation. Davisson- Gera experiment (experiential shouldbe ome on conchasion shoul be exp {2 Redoacvy:lph, beta and arma parclos! ray and her proparees decay aw. Mass-enargy relation, mass detec: Bang energy ser nucleon adits varia ruber, nla Fiona uo. £91 Enoay bands in aie (ave eas ony), condor, insulators and semiconductors semicon od: charset in ocwar and overs rede: LV charatrats of LED, photodiode, solr el, ad Zener ds; Zenar dade ase vokage raul Jureon ransetor, vanestr acto, characte © transistor as an ampli (common emi: configuration) and oss Lage sons (OR, AND, NOT, NANO ad NOR}. Traitor ak ms. NEET Chemistry Syllabus ass 1 Tepes UNI: Some Base Concepts of Chemisty 11 Caner nto: Ipatanand cop of hemi 12 Laws of chemical cantinaton Dato'alome tan concep af alerent, lars and aeces 1. Atomic nd molecu assos Wale concep and molar ass perceniagecompoaion and empl ans molecular formu; chemical reaction, stoichiometry 3 calelaton based on seein, UNI 2: Structure of Atom 2.1 Namie numb, oles and nbars, Concatofshals and subs, dus nature of mater and ight, de Srogle's relations, Hetenberguncetainty pine otal quanium numbers, shapes of 9 and ¢ orl, rab or ling electrons morale: Aa pence, Paul oxcison pencils and nes il, secon co toms ably of ha fies an comely fed ota, Periodicity in Propertion 2:1 Modem periodic wand lang form a perdi tbe, pric wenden properties of elmens lon ei, inc a, nization enthalpy, elackon gin enthalpy, ‘ecronogatviy, valores. LUNI 4: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 4.1 Valence electons, onic bond, covalent bon, Bond parameters, Laws stucture, pla character of covalent bond, alece bond theoy resonance, geomet of \VSEPR hoor, concept of hyszaton invling 5, pané dois and shapes of some simple rclecules, molecular oral neoryofhomenudeardatomic moocu (uate a any). Hydrogen bona UNIT 5: States of Malte: Gases and Liguids Carl's aw, Cay Lussac's ow. Avogatss law, eal bahaviour of gases, empsioa detvaton ges equation. Avegaeo number, doa gas equate. Kino onergy lecular peeds (elementary tea), deviaton rom ieal behaviour, uetactn af gases etal leprae. '5:2Lguid Slae-Vapou pressure, viscosity and sua ension quslaive ideo no aration), 6:1 Frat aw of herradyramice intemal energy and ethy, heel capa and specie, massurrnt of AU and 3H, Hass aw of constant heat sumtin, end Gaecoatoncombvaton fmatenatomaaten eublmaten, pea eration, ingen, saiion and alten, 62 mtroducton of enrny a state uncton, Sacond nw of erodyamcs, Gitbs energy change for spontaneous andnon-spetansovs process tea for eal Un 7: Equitrium 7-1 quilscum n physical and chemical processes, dynamic nature of equilib, lw fehl equitium,equbsum corsa fcr aflectingaquiorLe ripe: one eaultium- ionization of cis and bases, song and weak elecohytes, degre cf lnzan, lonzson of poljbase acts, ac sen, concept fF ‘of a (domentary daa), ble solalons. Henderson equation, slut protic, cammon ion eft wth latte example, £1 Concept xen ad oxidation aration, eax rections oxidation number, balancing redox eatonsin lero oss and gin of eletron and change umber, UNI 9: Hydrogen 2.1 Occurence, stops, peparatn,properies and uses ofhytrogan;hydresdonc, covalent and erst: physical and chemical propre of wate heavy we UNIT 10: Block Elements (Atal and Alkaline oath metals) 10.1 Group an grou 2 sloments: (auch aslonizaton ental, etme and oni ra). ends n chanical racy wih oxygen, watt, hyarogan and halogens uses, 103 Preperation ana Properties of Some impart Compounds: 104 Sedum carsnat, sodium chore, soa hyéroxide and sosum hyerogencarbonso, blogic mporanc of sodum and potassiam. 10:naustial use of lee animator, bologal importance of Mg and a, ‘1.4 General no guction to p-Bloek Element 11.2.Goup 12 laments: Generalised, elevone contguatin,cccuence,valtonof properties, xdaton stats, ends chemical reactivity, anomalous fra ele fhe group; Born, some important compounds bore, bors ai, boron yids. Amin: wes, resctons wih acs and aka. 11.3 Ganeral 4 loments: Genaralinvoditio, electronic corsguration,soerence,variion of properties, xan sales, Wendsin chemical racy, sromalou ffs lament Carbon, lool toma, pyslel and chemielproparie: use of some mperat compounds oxes, ‘1.4 important compounds of icon anda few uses scan evachond, sllcones, sia an ols, he use. LUNI 12: Organie Chemistry: Some Basle Principles and Techniques 12160 al irrosucton, meted of puritan quale and quantsatvesnalyl,clssfcaton and IUPAC nomenclature of agane compounds. 122 Eeczonedplacamts a covalent bond: inductive aac, elecromacftct. resonance and nyparconupaon, 12:3 Homelsteanaheterlc feson of covalent ond fee rsa, carbocation, earbanons crophes and welsphles, pes of organs reactns UNIT 13: Hydrocarbons 13:1 Akanes- Nomenclatiro,|smerism,confomnations (thane only, physical propers, chemical reactions ining tee raial mechanism of halogenaton con roles +32 Akenet Nomerclaluro, seule of outle bond ethene) goometical tomeram, physi propettas, metho of preparton chemical acon: sition a halogen, waar, hyrogen halos (Markovnkov's aon and perce ofl), ozone, oxtation, mechanism of lacropieadton, 19.3 AlynessNomanciture, suche of tiple ton (thy) physical properties, metheds of reparation, chemical reasons: cle character of akynes, aon hydrogen. alogens, yetogen hades end water 134 Aromatehyaracatone- reduction, IUPAC nomenclatire: Benzene: resonance, aroma; chanical pope: nach of eactopie substan Nt sulphonation halogen, Fidel Cras alyaion and anyston ectveifsnceof ancl group m mono-wbettied benzene: crcrogeniey and ox) UNIT 14: Environmental Chemistry 14.1 Environmental poison: Ar, wetor and sol polio, chemical reacionsin atmosphere, smog. major arosohecpoutats acd ran azane adits reaction, depaton of ozone ayer, greennouse elect and gba warming-paluton due o dust wats gran charity ae an aemative toll rdacig polation, ala of enveormental potion, Class 12 Toples UNI Sota Sta 1.1 Clssiteatono sale bated on aoret sindng feroes;molcuar ini covalent ang metal alas, amorphous and erysalne sl elrmorar ia), unt ce imorsona nd tee cmansonal aces, calculatn f density fuel, pacing # solu, packing eiciency, vids, numb ol lone per unt ainacube uit foes, ecical ans magnet preperies, Band theory of metals, concurs, semiconductors ané neater UNI 2: Solutions 2.1 Types of solutons, egrssion of concanration of solitons of sldsinIquds, slut of gases in us, sol sluts, clive propertas- lava lowering prestur, Raoult, elevator of Sang pink. epresion of Faszng po, mol pressure, determina of lecular masses using ealigavepoperbes abo Prolecular mass, Van Hot factor UNIT 3: Electrochemistry 2:1 Redox rections, conductance in eect slons, specie and molar conducvy vation of conduct Wh concerto, Karauees Law. lect. ‘ects (elemanary ies), dy eall- elco cls and Galvanic eal lead accra, EMF of cel, standard elocrde poten Relation botweon dbs on nd EMP ot cal ful os cooson 4.1 Rat fw reaction (average ad instantanaou) factor afecg aes reaton; concen, mera, clays; de and maker of react ate Specie rate constant. rtograte rate equations andha Me (nly for zero an fst order reas} concept of alison hoary lrmetry dos, material ‘Abwelon energy, Athenaus equation, UNI 5: Surface Chemistry 5:1 Adsorptan-physiorpton and remigrpon lator affecting adtorpn of gates on sll, clays homgeneous andhetogersous, ya talactviy Catalysis: aed sate: istncton betwoon ta soluons, clos ad suspansons ool, opbobic mulmelacdar and macroreleslar colli; popetos of “yal loc. Brownian moveman, lecophoess,coagualon emuluons- pes of enulions LUNI 6: Ganeral Principles and Processes of Wolatin of Elements on, extn reduction latte method an rting; occurance and pies of extraction af amin UNI 7:p- Block Elements 74 Group 18 slomants: Genera induction, laconic coniguration, osurenc, oxidation sss, ends in physical and chemical ropetes:erparation and prop simonis and ive acd, exe a mitogen rice onl) Phosphorous alokopie forms: compounds af phospsorous preperation ara properties of phosphine, Na Pots end arose elmer es ory) 7.2 Group 16 clomants: General induction, laconic conguation, nation stats, occurence, ends in pysical and chemical ropertes diaxygenproparaior Inaustal process of manufacture, propertes and uses, axes of subhur structures oly 7.3 Group 17 slorants Genera nveducton, lactone contguation, xian stats, occurence, tend in physical and chemical popes: compounds of halbge ‘reparsta, properties and uses ot core and hytoelee ai, intaalogan compounds exons of halogens (ettties on). 7.4 Group 18 slemans: General inveducion eectonie coniguaton,cccurence, ends apical end chanical popes, ues lonthaby oxdaten states, onc rad colour caalytepropery, meprtc properties, nesta compounc, aly fomation. Preparaton and propettes of K2C'207 a {2 antraneis-slocrons configuration, oxistion sate, coemical actly, and lanhanoécontaston and is consoquencs. £83 Anis: Elctonc configuration, oxléatn stles and comparison wt tharos LUNI 9: Coordination Compounds £1 Ceorination compounds: rrduction,lgands,cordnation number, clr, magnet roperies and shapes, IUPAC nomenclature of menanucoar cordnaton tomar (structural and sero} bonding, emer heoty VB,CFT, impvtance of cootnation compounds (a qualitative analy, bloga stor) 102 Haloarenes: Natu of CX bond, sutaltuonreatans (drece intuence a halogen fr monosubstituted campounds ony ‘1.1 Aloha: Nomendatre, mabiods of preparain, physi and chema ropes rimary schol ony dertfeation of primary, seconday and teary ak rmochanism of denyeration, uses wth special reforncs to mthara and ethanol, 11.2 Pranol: Nomenclature, methods of reparation, tysical and comical ropertas, acc nature of phenol slecrop substitution eacton, uses of phenols 11.3 thers Normandie, eth of proparaton, physical and chemical proper uses UNIT 12: Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acie 12.1 Alohydos and Ketones: Nomonelatrs, nature of carbon group, matods of preparation, physical and chomcal properics; and mechanism of rucoepic a reacity of apa hyerogen in aldehydes uses, 122.carvosyte Aas: Nomancttwe, ace nature, matods of papain, physical ané cham properties ses LUNI 13: Organie Compounds Containing Nitrogen 18:1 Amines: Nomenelature asset, suture, matnods of preparaton pyscal and craic properies, uses, entcaon of pinay secondary an tetary 182.6yandes and lacyandes- ll be mentioned at evant placss 199 Dazonum eal Preparaton, cnamcalraactons and imgartanoe in ynnat orgie chemi. UNI 14 Blomolecul “141 carenyerates-Clasiostin (aldose an keose), monosaccharide (glucose an cts), DL. conguaion, lgosacchariss (sures, lactose, alos), palysaccnades (sarh, libs, sheogen): mpocarce, 1142 Proeine- Elementary idea of amino sets, pepe bond, plypalses, poi, pry scr, secondary suche, ey sure a usirnry sr (cusltatie dea ny), denaturation of proteins enzymes. “1.3 Hormones: Elomeniay ies (excuting struct) “4.4 Vane Cassifoton an incon, 1.8 Noel Anes: ONA and RNA UNIT 15: Plymors 15.1 Chssfcaton- Natura an syrtete, methods of polarization adton and condansaton),copaymerzatin. Some inpotant payers: natural and synth prlyoters akelte; adder, Biodgradabl and nonbategradale polymers LUNI 16: Chemistry in Everyday Life 16:1 Chamzala in maicnes. analgesics, vannulzars, enisepics, disfeclat,antinicchias,onteiy drugs, nics, antacs, enhistaines 162 Chemie in oo preservatives, ail swooning agents, elementary idea f anodes. 185 Clkansng agents soaps and detrgents, cleansing ston. NEET Biology Syllabus Class 11 Topics LUNI Divert in Living Wort 1.1 Vintis thing? : Bosvray: Need or daeaication; The domains fH; Taxonomy & Sy Tools for study of Texonory~ Museums, Zo05, Herb, Betenial gardens 1.2 Five kingdom cassifaton; salon features and clsscaton of Manor; Prost an Funglint major groups; Lchons; Viruses and Vis. 1.8 Salon eaturs ad lsileaton af plans inio major aoups-Algse Byephyes,Plrdophtes. Gymnosperms and Angiperms hres tv sant and din, features an at east we exampos af ae calegory). Angoaperms dausicalion up ta clas, characterise osu and sxamplot), 14 Saint features and classiest of anale-ronchordate up to phyla love and chorate upto asses lvl (rao ve sali features and at lest Wo exam LUNI 2: Structural Organisation in Anim Pants 21 Morphology and modiations Tksues; Anatomy and functions of rent pars of foworing plats: Root, sam ‘00 (Tbe dal along wh he relevant rata fhe Prats! Syl). 9. rorsconce-eymose an rocarose em 22 Animal tssues; Mrplegy, srstony and uncon ediarent systems (gstve, cre respiatary nervous and productive) ofa neat (eoekroaeh). only) LUNI 3: all truture and Function 3.1 068 theory and col asthe basic unit of He; Suc of prokaryotic and eukaryote cl; lant cll and animal col Cell envelope, cell marérano, ol wal: Cel or thucure and lncien Endomembrane aytenrendopieanc ratiodum, Gol bdtes, eosomes, vacuoles; itacondia, besos, plaids, eo bods; Cjtatke Aagole, centile (uta stuctre and furcton); Nueus-nucar membrana, coomatin, nctals. 3.2.Chemicalconstusntsoliving cll: Blomolecles-stuctr and functon of rots, crbodyeats, pis, nue acts; Enzynse-yas,propertos, snzymo ac 88 Col sion: Cet cycle, moss, miosis ae har signtcance, UNI 4: Plant Physiology 4.1 Transport in plants: Movement of waar, gases and ruins; Clo cl ranspor-Dusion facia fusion, acto transport Plant water rolations— bio poe moss, plimaljis; Long wanes anspor af wale Absorption, applet, symals,Panspiaten pul rel pressure angulation Trarspaon-Oper dlosing of somata: Uptake and warlocatono mineral u:rens-Transpert of fod, soem anspor. Mass ow hyethess: Dison of gas (hit merton 4.2 Moral nuttin: Essential minerals, macro and mironutins ad hel role; Dalcency symptoms: Mineral xtc Elomantary lea of Hydropois as a mothe rine nation, Ntogen metabolan-ikogen eae, balogial mogen tatn. 43 Photons: Phtasyntass asa means of Auobophl nan; Stoo phetosythesl lke plse; pigments ined In Photosynths(Elemetary ies) ra bonntatie pases of photosyiheis: Cyse and non cyclic and photophosphoaton;Chemiosmotc hype; Photresiaton C3 and pathways: Fact protosyninesi 44 Respiration: Exchange gees: Caularraspraton glyco, fementaton ( Iceculos genarate: Amphibole aways: Respeatory quent. robe), TCA eel and elecuon anspor stom sedi) Energy laters Num 4.5 Pan rom ad davelbpran: Saad german; Phaes of Pant ron ad plan grr Conon of growth ierentain, ddiferentaon and eit ‘Sequence of avelpmsntal process in a lat cal Growth reguator-auxn.geberetin, cok, etylene, ABA: Seed domancy Vemalsaton; Protoptiodsm UNIT 5: Human Physiology 5.1 Digeson and absorption, Almenary canl and gestive lands, Ralf dgesve enzymes and gestntstnal homanes Prt, digestion, ebsorplon ane of grote, carbonyates and fats Calo vale of pata, carbonates and ft; Egeston virions and gests cords - PEM, ingestion coratpation Jundioe, aes. '52 Breathing and Respireton: Respttery organs in animal (eel oly) Respatoysjszm in humans; Mechanism of basting ad is regulation nhumans-Exe tise, anspor of gases and regulation afresprabon Respilory vlures Orders related 0 ressraton-Astima, Emprysar, Orcupatona esporyeoorder 53 By Mids and ckculaton; Carposton oboe, blood groups, comguatin of lod; Compas lyn ands ncon; Human reulry system Sucre near and loos vessels: Carla yee, aries output, ECG, Doula eclaton Regulation of 8 carla acy lsrders of credstor systam-rypecealon, Cor Csmeregultion; Regulation of key functon Reni-angotensin, tral Navurste Factor, ADH and Diabetes sinus; Role of ther organs in excrton; Disorders Renal fare, Renal eat, Nephi; Dakss and arc Kiney. be deat whe rlevatpacal of Praca ylabu Joins Disorders of muscular and sell eytor-Mysstens grav, Tetany, Musculr oystopny. Ati, 515 Nowra cont and copdinain: Neuron an nerves; Newous syst in human certfal neous system, papel neous sien and vse nanos yo! and conducton of neve impulse Retlex action: Sense organs; Elementary structure and functon of ye an er. '57 Chemical coordnaton and regulation: Ensocrne ands and hemones; Human endocsne syten-ypthalamus, itary, Pinos, Tyros, Parathyrid Arena Gonads; Mechaniam of homens ation (Elmer des); Roe of omnes assengars and rgulrs, Hypo-adhyperaily and lated Gordes (Comet 1.9. Dwarfs, Acomegaly, Creinism, gtr, exopaic goer, dabols,Adsons seas), (ip: Dansaee and Gaordere mantoned above abe deat in ri) 1.1 Reproduction in orgpsms: Reproduction, charles etueo all rganigns fo cantruaten of species; Modes freproducton~ Asexual and sexu Ass reproduction: Mdee-Bnary fio, sporuiaten budding. emule ragmentston vegetative pronsgaton i pans 1.2 Sansa rereducton in owing slants: Flower sucure; Development of male and female gavopntes: Polinao-yeas, agencies ans examples; Outreecr poms parranecarpy,selyambryony Signcance of seed and futfomation 1.3 Human Ropraducton: Male and female rpreducv systems; Mizescpic anatomy of tests and ovary; Garetogenessspermatogenois &oogonesis; Meet Fetsaton, embry development ute blestoeyst maton tnplantan: Pregnancy an laceta formate (Elementary ea); Parurion Element ea): Lata (Elona dea 1.4 Repeeducve neat: Neo for repre heath and prevention of sexily ransmited dseases (STD) th canekNeed and Methoss,Conaceptin ans M Termination of Pregnancy (MTP), Ammiocentess; ltlty end ssi reproductive ecologies ~ IVF, ZIFT, GIFT (Elementary se Io general awareness). 21 Hevedly and vatton: Mendelian nheétance; Deviations fom Mendelsroconplte dominance, Co-dominance, Mlle ales an nheance of aod gout Elomertary fea of polygon rnantance; Ctromesome theory of inherance; Chromosomes and genes; Sex determination humans, is, honeybee; Lage a Kirstoto’'s synsromse, 22 Molecular basis of Ivetance: Search forgone material and ONA as gant materal Structure of DNA and RNA: DNA packaging; DNA epcation Cetra Transerpion, genet code, transition, Gene expression and regulatin-Lae Operon, Game and hunse gename rat ONA lager ping. 2 vali: Orig f te; Biokegelevoluton and evidences frill evolution tom Palentlogy, comparative anatomy, emeryalogy and maecular evidence niin, Modem Sythe hos of Evluton Macsaniem of valitnaraton (Molaion and Recomtinaion) an Natural Selection wih examples, pes oft Selection: Gene fw and genet ert Hay Wears praca: Adapt Redon; Human aolton 5:1 Heath and Osease, Pathogens arates causing human dscases (atari, Flies, AScaasi.Typeld,Paeumor, common el, amoebiasis, ng Wom) oncops of manolgy-vacines; Canoe, HIV ana AIDS: Adolscanes, rug an aechal abuse $3.2 mproverentnfo3 preducon: Plant breeding, sue culture, sng col poli, Broorietion; Asiclire an Arial husbandry UNIT 4: Biotechnology and its Applications 4.1 Pinciplos ans process of Biotechnology: Genet engineering (Recombinant ONAtechnolbay ‘4.2 Aopcaon of Bitechnlogy in hash an gril: Hun insulin and vaccine production, pone harapy; Gneticaly modad erprisme-S crop; Trager Bossy lates Bopracy and pats. UNIT 5: Ecology and environment 51 Organisms an environment Haba and ice, Population and aclelal adaptations, Paplaon bueraclens-mutalim, competion, peda bute. gouth, rh rate ana death ate age ein. 6 paestsm, Pe 52 Ecosystem: Ptr, componens roducbiy ane decomposition Eneray flow: Pyramids of number, biomass, ener: Nation cycling (caton and phosphert succession; Ecologel Servoes-Carbn fan, plinalion, oxy ease 153 Bloversty and ts cansrvaton: Concept of Blosversty; Pats of Balers: Inpotance oF Blodersy; Loss of ldlverty; lodhersty conseraton: Het (Greenhouse afec ana global wang: Ozone cslaton:Deferesate: Any toe case tudes as suozoss sores aderessing envvoamersal issues Contine Courses for NEETUG : Course Dela and Admission Process NEET2021 Aplcaton Form NEET2021 Proparaton Statory NEET 2021 Onine Test Soros NEET Past Your Papare Get in touch with us Your Name ‘Topic / Subject Email Address Your Message / Query

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