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I would say it's those who turn small things into big controversies who enjoy them the

most. Not
everything that is deemed controversial, should be, but some people are extremely petty,
emotionally stunted, downright stupid, lumpenized, overgrown brats who can't stand seeing
others happy, can't stand seeing others live in peace, and are totally hostile to the very concept of
LEARNING, so they turn molehills into mountains.

Gender equality is still controversial, damn near everywhere. Why? Who makes it controversial?
Isn't it just common sense to let an adult human BE an adult human, with basic rights and
responsibilities? Chauvinists stir this shit pot because they are miserable, insecure and can't stand
seeing anyone happy, especially women. At the same time there are certain sections of self
proclaimed feminists, harboring a collective goddess complex, who also stir the shit pot because
they want all the perks of equality, without having equal responsibilities, without being held
accountable for bad behavior. Some of them have this deranged idea that having a twat is a
license to BE a twat, without any social or legal repercussions whatsoever. Some of them even
believe that all “mothers” are above reproach, simply because they have shat out offspring and
proven to the world their twats are functioning. (Ask a kid who has been severely abused or
pimped to pedomonsters for money by Holy Mother how he/she feels about women escaping
accountability!) In this case, 2 separate types of Special Privilege idiots keep the gender
controversy pot boiling, because equal rights with equal responsibilities is just too much for
either to stomach. Embracing such a radical notion might result in a dangerous happiness
epidemic, wherein both genders coexist harmoniously, and we just can't have that, it's too

What else is unnecessarily controversial… Pot!! Omg, it’s a fucking PLANT!! Who made it
controversial? Curmudgeonly fascists who simply hate seeing people have a peaceful, happy
time, and who want to destroy the environment and human health at all costs. Had organic
cannabis cultivation been allowed to flourish, and had its use across manufacturing verticals been
encouraged, we would have much less pollution and deforestation today. It could have also been
a biofuel, among other things. Had its medicinal properties been appreciated and embraced,
instead of suppressed and criminalized, more people would be healthier and happier over all.
Opioid abuse and benzodiazepine abuse, encouraged by the FDA, AMA and pharma cartel,
would be far less rampant today. Had its recreational effects been studied and compared to
booze, we might not have an alcoholism epidemic, and we might have less alcohol related
violence, deaths and family dysfunctions. But no, a healthy happy planet full of healthy happy
people, it's too controversial to imagine!!

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