Subject Aim

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Good question. Most people are easily confused.

Politics is the battle during the Election. Politics is the horserace, the showboat Senator, the
protests and the firebrand; Or in short: those who would move the ball further down the
field (I am using American Football terms here).

Policy is where laws are made, deals are made and the votes taken. Policy is taking an idea
and making it concrete where it affects people.

Politics intersects with Policy if you play the "Outside," game;

Policy is strictly an "Inside," game

I hope that helps.

hey aren’t the same thing, but non-political government isn’t what most people mean when
they use the word “government”.

Politics is cheating; using violence to force your will on others when you can’t get them to
agree with your argument. When you base government on politics you have political
government. Rule by criminals.

Political aim is the aim/ideology of an individual or his party.

Political campaign is the aim of the lobbyists who pour in money for running campaigns.
Individual aim takes a backseat in campaign, lobbyists who can influence the decision of
executives in their favor when politician or the party comes to office is the ultimate aim of
Political campaigns run by huge funds from lobbyists.
‘Politics’ is merely the subject. Or ought to be. That is the method  should be that of the
sciences i.e. calm, studied and objective the measurement conducted in that spirit. But
‘politics’ itself? In practice? Have you watched PM’s question time at lunchtime on
Wednesdays? The standard of debate is not impressive. In fact it’s often so poor it’s
embarrassing. And i cant’ see it changing. This is worse than embarrassing - it’s quite scarey.
These people can lead us into war and have done in the past.

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