Op and Culture

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International Politics

 International politics is a single subject study dealing with only political

relations among states and governments.
 Internal politics is strictly limited to official relations and meeting between
states and officials.
 International politics are studied with a more traditional approach
highlighting mainly history and current affairs analysis.
 In the simplest terms possible, politics is what people do to get and retain power.
Governance is how they use that power once they have it.
 So, running an election campaign, dealing with the media, making yourself look
good and your opponents look bad, drawing up a manifesto, things like that are all
part of the phenomenon we call politics. Governance involves things like making and
repealing laws, holding diplomatic meetings with foreign leaders, setting taxes and
managing the national budget, handling matters of war and national defence.
 As a side note, one could say that all governance is political, (because decisions
made in power are always made with re-election in mind), but not all politics is about
governance (because anyone, including those with no power at all, can be involved
in politics).
 I assume OP doesn’t just want a dictionary definition, since anyone could find that
online without asking on Quora for a bespoke answer.
 I will try to keep this short, as the other answers so far have done. My perspective
here is that of a cultural anthropologist. A sociologist or a political scientist may give
OP a different answer.
 “Culture” to an anthropologist is the sum total of ALL learned behaviors (that is,
non-genetic, non-instinctual) that are passed on by a given social group from
generation to generation. It includes EVERYTHING of that nature — the forms of
social organization and family structure, the forms of governance and of relations
with outsiders, as well as technology, cuisine, couture, architecture, arts and crafts,
literature and lore, religion and ritual, and so forth. Many cultures overlap with
others, share elements of their culture with other cultures, or borrow from other
cultures they have come into contact with. Any given group — even a subset of a
larger group — which has traditions of their own that they pass along from old

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