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Politics, broadly speaking, is the pursuit of self-interest within the public sphere.

Culture, still broadly speaking, is the sum of pursuits within a given society across the public,
private and civil spheres.

The curious aspect in the United States is that we are chartered (that is, it is part of our
culture) to have the “pursuit of happiness” as individuals, which, broadly speaking,
guarantees the ability of each and all of us to undertake efforts to achieve our own self-
interest in civil and private society without the necessity of recourse to politics in order to

However, when the self-interest of others is to thwart you and your pursuits, asserting
politics becomes the best way to gum things up… culture’s tar-pit in essen
A policy is specific a rule or guideline. For instance, “The country of Narnia has a policy of
trade with Telmar.” This policy means they have a rule that they try to keep trade relations
open with that country and discourage activities that might endanger such trade.

In contrast, politics is more generally the art or craft of accomplishing political goals through
any sort of diplomacy, agreements, threats, bargaining, or haggling. Politics are the general
methods one uses to make specific policies happen—sometimes ethical, sometimes not.

You can also use politics to describe an individual’s or a country’s ideology. For instance,
“Joe’s politics are pro-monarchial,” or “Narnia’s politics favor worship of Aslan as opposed
to Tashite religious practices, and as part of those politics, they have a specific policy of
supporting any legislature that outlaws human sacrifice.”

Scholars tend to treat international relations and international politics as non-distinct

disciplines and frequently interchange between their definitions and terms however there
are many major ways through which IR and IP differ from each other.

International Relations

 International relations are the sum up of all sorts of relations between

states and citizens including peace or war,legal or cultural etc.
 International relations encompass BOTH official and non-official
relations.For instance,a press conference between two world leaders and a
French man flying out to meet his British friend are both described as
international relations.
 The study of international relations involves a scientific approach with other
subjects like sociology and anthropology coming under the banner.

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