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Below, the three faces of the Russian Right.

 At the front, the pious women remind us that we need to get back to where
we lost connection to our Lord Jesus Christ. According to them, it was the
onset of atheism and Western perversions of the Christian faith that
messed things up for all of us.
 To the left, the red banners of Stalinists. Through their lens, it was liberal
r3tards, starting from Khrushchev all the way to Yeltsin, who threw a
monkey wrench into the perfect clockwork of the Soviet State.
 To the right, the white-yellow-black tricolor of Imperial Russia reveals the
presence of nativists. For them, it’s our foreign enemies and nasty
minorities who robbed us of the past imperial glory.
All of them gathered together to demonstrate against the stupid, spoiled, wicked
progressives and their rabid leftist vanguard, the eternal source of trouble for our great

Below, the faces of the Russian radical Left. This is from the time about a decade ago when
our President’s magnanimity allowed these people to gather somewhere they could be

They carry the black-and-red colors of leftist libertarians. Their banners say: “Organize
yourself and resist! Against the State and Capital!”

A policy is specific a rule or guideline. For instance, “The country of Narnia has a policy of
trade with Telmar.” This policy means they have a rule that they try to keep trade relations
open with that country and discourage activities that might endanger such trade.

In contrast, politics is more generally the art or craft of accomplishing political goals through
any sort of diplomacy, agreements, threats, bargaining, or haggling. Politics are the general
methods one uses to make specific policies happen—sometimes ethical, sometimes not.

You can also use politics to describe an individual’s or a country’s ideology. For instance,
“Joe’s politics are pro-monarchial,” or “Narnia’s politics favor worship of Aslan as opposed
to Tashite religious practices, and as part of those politics, they have a specific policy of
supporting any legislature that outlaws human sacrifice.”

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