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Galelli 1

Sebastian Galelli

Dr. Henry

Ling 102 TuTh

10 September 2019

Homework Assignment 1

My first name, Sebastian, given to me by my mother, comes from the Latin name

Sebastianus, which meant “from Sebaste”. Sebaste was a country in Asia Minor, now modern-

day Anatolia, its name derived from Greek “sebastos” (σεβαστος), or “venerable” translated into

English. According to the Christian tradition, the name Sebastian descends from Saint Sebastian;

a third century Roman soldier whom was martyred during the persecution of emperor Diocletian.

Due to the saint’s popularity, the name was used more popularly in medieval Europe, especially

in Spain and France. My first name is unique to me in my family, and in such is a way for me to

create my own legacy for my namesake.

My middle name, given to me by my father, is that of his father, my grandfather Teodoro.

It is the Italian, Spanish and Portuguese form of Theodoros (Θεοδωρος) or Theodore, which

means “Gift of God” from Greek theos (θεος) “god” and doron (δωρον) “gift”. The name

Dorothea is derived from the same roots in reverse order. This was the name of several saints,

including Theodore of Amasea; Theodore of Tarsus; and Theodore the Studite. It was also borne

by two popes. This was a common name in classical Greece, and, due to both the saints who

carried it and the favorable meaning. My middle name, as it is also my grandfathers name, is one

which I will have to live up to, as my grandfather is the main reason why my family is as

successful as they are, and he is well respected by everyone who knows him.
Galelli 2

My last name Galelli, is that of my fathers’ side, and is unique to my family, and some

others around the world. Unlike traditional last names with traced historical backgrounds, the

one of my family may have been altered and changed at some point in my family’s history. With

little credible information of the history of my last name, I will rather write what Galelli means

to me. To me a Galelli is someone is perseverant, hardworking, and steadfast. No one in my

family has ever been handed anything, as they were immigrants from first Italy, and then

Argentina. My grandfather immigrated here with my dad and with almost nothing to his name

created the wealth and happiness which my generation enjoys today.

Galelli 3

Works Cited

Campbell, Mike. “Meaning, Origin and History of the Name Sebastian.” Behind the


Campbell, Mike. “Meaning, Origin and History of the Name Teodoro.” Behind the


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