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American College of Dentists

Courses Online Dental Ethics

Verification of Course Completion

This verifies that the user named below has Passed the test for Course 1 - Introduction to Ethics, Professionalism, and Ethical Decision Making
of Courses Online Dental Ethics (CODE).

CODE is a series of online courses in dental ethics and professionalism offered by the American College of Dentists as part of Dental Ethics, The purpose of CODE is to heighten ethical and professional responsibility, promote ethical conduct and professionalism in
dentistry, advance dialogue on ethical issues, and stimulate reflection on common ethical problems in dental practice. The courses provide C.E. credit
and require registration. Original C.E. verification is subject to audit by many state and provincial dental boards. This verification should be retained by
the attendee.

The American College of Dentists is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing
education programs of this program provider are accepted by AGD for Fellowship, Mastership, and membership maintenance credit. Approval does not
imply acceptance by a state or provincial board of dentistry or AGD endorsement. The current term of approval extends from 10/1/2014 to 9/30/2018.
Provider ID #218565. Course details are presented below and have also been sent to the user by e-mail.

Test results for Stephen Libbing of Chicago, IL

User IP address:

Time of submission: Wed Aug 2 2017 17:37:19
Name of course: Course 1 - Introduction to Ethics, Professionalism, and Ethical Decision Making
Total elapsed time: 1224 seconds
Test has been taken: 1 time
Passing score: 75%
Your score: 85% (29/34)
CE credit for passing score: 1.5 hours

Questions answered incorrectly:

5) Answer given: b. False
6) Answer given: Deciding
25) Answer given: a. True
30) Answer given: a. True
33) Answer given: b. False

The American College of Dentists is designated as an Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry, Provider ID #218565.

American College of Dentists

839J Quince Orchard Boulevard
Contact: Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878-1614
Dr. Stephen A. Ralls 301-977-3223

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