Portfolio Project 12

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Ewell 1

Mikayla Ewell

EDU 201

Professor Saladino

April 24, 2022

1. The reason I am choosing to be a teacher as my profession in the future is to be able to give

children someone they can look up to. I would like to be someone that children can relate to

and trust. My goal is to be able to help children get an amazing education during their early

years of school because of how important it truly is. There’s been a few teachers in my

lifetime that have stood out to me and made me feel like teaching is truly my profession. I

had an art teacher in high school that really took me under her wing and made me feel

special. This made me recognize that not all teachers are the same. Just because I have had

bad teachers in the past, doesn’t make teachers bad. She truly made me feel like teaching

would be my profession in the future. I think something that has already helped me to

prepare for being teacher is sticking to my education. I also think my background with

babysitting and working in customer service has helped me prepare for this profession. I

know more about CCSD and why it really is complex. I didn’t know how complex it was

until taking my education classes. I plan on moving out of state after college, so I need to

look future into other school district so I can further my knowledge.

2. I would say my educational philosophy is that students need structure and repetition to learn.

This is a very important way of educational philosophy and needs to be incorporated in my

ways of teaching. Students need a schedule for their day and need repetitive motions in their
Ewell 2

everyday life. My psychological orientation would be cognitivism. This goes hand in hand

with structure and repetition. I think my knowledge of historical education events and laws

give me a positive outlook on education. The laws that are set for education have purposes

and make it relevant to most students. I think the only way I wouldn’t have a positive outlook

on schools if they didn’t follow the educational standards, but I don’t see a day in my life

where I wouldn’t have a positive outlook of children.

3. I think the strategies that I would implement while teaching is to make sure that I have a

diverse classroom. I would like to be able to have pictures and books and assignments that

would have everyone of all skin color and gender to be included and relevant. This would

give normalcy and have students aware that there are so many people of many different types

that are amazing and that they are too even if they are different. For behavior I will make

sure I have my classroom rules set and posted in my classroom. This will make students

aware of the consequences that come with bad actions. But also good comes with good

behavior. Assessments should be often, but they don’t always have to be boring. I would

make sure to make assessments more interactive and immersive and it makes it something

they don’t dread.

4. The qualities that I would need to be able to move forward in my career as a teacher would

first have to be finishing my bachelor’s degree in elementary education. I need to finish my

associates at CSN and move to UNLV to finish my bachelors. Then I would need to be able

to get licensed as an elementary teacher. For my goals, I never let it set on the back burner. I

will forever be working for what I want to do, and I am so close to achieving it.

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