QP - Mundane Astrology - Dec2021

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Jyothisha Acharya Semester – I Examination Jan 2022

303-Mundane Astrology
Max Marks 100.                  Duration 3 hours

SECTION I                      20 Marks

A. Fill in the Blanks    : (Each 1 mark)              5 Marks

Below 5 questions are with respect to commercial astrology:

1. Raise and fall in agricultural produce    is seen in      ____ House
2. _____ rashi signifies woman   
3.    _____ graha signifies public affairs

4. ______ graha in purvabhadra causes famine

5.Ruling Power is seen in    ____ House

B. Match the following : (Each 1 mark)              5 Marks

1. Sun                      -      Lagnamsha in national chart

2. Venus              -      Lottery
3. Kethu                      -      Vote Bank     
4. Saturn              -      Expression of Self
5. Jupiter                      -      Harmony

C. Identify True or False: (Each 1 mark)              5 Marks       

1. Saturn is the Yogakaraka for India   

2.    Venus is beneficial for India
3. Agricultural produce is seen in Rishaba Rashi
4.    Slaughter House is seen in Vrischiga Rashi
5.    Dairy Farms is seen in Kanya Rashi   

D. Identify the answer which suits the best : (Each 1 mark)      5    Marks

1.    Jupiter-Saturn conjunction causes – War/Peace/Less crops

2.    Mars-Saturn conjunction causes – death of ruler/peace/rainfall
3.    Mars-Jupiter conjunction cause – Expenses/Savings/Volcanic eruptions
4.    Sthithi of Bharani is Adomukha/Triangmukha/Urdhawamukha star
5.    Tatwa of Hastha Nakshatra is Agni/Jala/prutwi

SECTION II      Write Short Notes    5 Questions Each 2 marks      10 Marks

1) Meghadipathi
2) Simha-Angaraka Dosha
If the mars is placed in Leo or in amsha of Leo is called

3) 5 uses of mundane astrology

4) Ritu
5) Lunar Eclipse

SECTION    III      Answer ANY SIX QUESTIONS    Each 5 marks        30 Marks

It is mandatory to answer Question    4 & Question 6)

1) Caste the chart of one of the natural disasters in India and the mundane reasons for the natural disaster
to have occurred that day
2) What is Kanya Angaraka Dosha, draw one example chart

3) Caste the Rohini Chakra for the current year 2021 Plava nama samvatsara.     
4) What is the effect of Jupiter transit to Kumba rashi this year from an economic front
5) List    the Ashta Diggaja , their directions. Who are the other 4 elephants that hold the earth.
6) Cast the Rashi and Navamsha chart of Mr Narendra Modi and list the top 5 reasons why he is the Prime
Minister of India.
7) List the effects of eclipses occurring in the 12 lunar months

SECTION IV      Answer ANY FOUR QUESTIONS    Each 10 marks        40 Marks

It is mandatory to answer Question 3 and Question 4.
1. Write Short notes on Saptanaadi Chakra.
2. List the Adhipathis for Year 2021    -    Plava Nama Samvatsara and the impact of the same

3. Draw the Arudra Pravesha chart of year 2021 Plava Nama Samvatsara and forecast the rainfall.

4. When will the current Covid and its variants be totally out from India so that normalcy will prevail as per 
mundane astrology?

5. Write the effects of Jupiter in different constellations from an economic astrology perspective.

                                                                                            **** Shubham Asthu****

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