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E-BE Class 3

E-BE DVDs Counter Time: ([Evolutionary Path...] DVD 1) 1:20–End.

Questions and Answers

1. (a) How is the Karmic Imprint formed and how does it enter our physical body?
(b) What are the consequences of carrying the Karmic Imprint?
• (a) When the process of forming dark crystals that vibrate at a totally opposite
polarity in the Morphogenetic Field is compounded, it forms the Karmic Imprint.
This miasmic build-up of dark crystals blocks anything coming through from the
higher levels. Instead of being able to bring the light in to clear those crystals, the
Karmic Imprint progressively brought more of those crystals in at a faster rate
than the light coming in.
• The original reversed Karmic Imprint enters the physical body in Harmonic
Universe 1 (HU-1) via the coccyx, the tailbone at the base of the spine.
• (b) The Karmic Imprint blocks the light coming in from the higher levels; we get
denser―our consciousness moves slower, and we end up in HU-1.

2. (a) How can miasmic grids in the Morphogenetic Field be cleared of the Karmic
Imprint according to the Guardian Alliance (GA)?
(b) What is the advantage of using such a method?
(c) How does this method of clearing the Karmic Imprint differ from other
schools of teaching?
• We can find 1 or 2 key core elements of the Morphogenetic Field that we want to
flip, reverse that polarity at its point of origin and put the whole bunch of them in
line with the Heroic Probability of the Soul’s intentional path. That will erase
thousands of years of karma accreted in this cycle.
• (b) We can regulate the rate of Karmic Imprint clearing―we can clear ourselves
in one big bang, blow ourselves right out of matter and completely into full
cognition, or take it a little slower so that we can remember the process.
• (c) The method involves using specific energy dynamics to clear the Karmic
Imprint as the priority for survival rather than having to walk through karma,
which is time-consuming―we can always catch up with the lessons later. In
contrast, some schools teach that we have karma because we deserve it, because
we have to work this through for the Soul to learn the lessons the hard way; get it
right to make it go away.

3. (a) Define the God Seed and its existence.

(b) Identify the dimensional portal leading to the God Seed in terms of its
location on a planet within a star system.
(c) Why is this portal important in our Time Matrix?
• (a) There are 3 definitions of the God Seed in this DVD segment:
(1) It is the original point of Creation.
(2) It is the original point of All That Is.
(3) It is the Home of the Heart and Mind of God.
The God Seed exists in Eternal Time, which is beyond the Time Matrix where all
is known and never forgotten. It is gestalt consciousness, from which infinite
members of our family of consciousness are created.
• (b) To access the God Seed, visualize a tube/beam of light from the 7th chakra to
the 8th dimensional (D8) portal at the core of the planet Mintaka within the
Orion Star System.
• (c) The portal is important as it allows consciousness to move back and forth in
and out of the Time Matrix.

4. (a) Describe the direction of spin of the God Seed energy and how it helps to
clear the original reversed Karmic Imprint at the coccyx.
(b) Describe the impact of the God Seed energy on our Morphogenetic
Field, the Hova Bodies and the level of protection it offers.
• (a) The God Seed energy spins like a double helix strand of DNA with energy
currents spiraling down clockwise and counter-clockwise together into the spark
of light encapsulating the shadow of light at the coccyx. The shadow represents
the original reversed Karmic Imprint at the point of entry to HU-1 here. The God
Seed energy merges with that spark of light, making it bigger and stronger, while
the shadow of light comes apart and is transmuted into the light as the frequency
is too high to sustain it.
• (b) Once the shadow is transmuted, it begins the natural process of releasing
multi-dimensional energies. The God Seed codes will start to activate within the
Crystal Body, the Morphogenetic Field. The karmic pattern will bring into our
line of experience other members of our family of consciousness that came in on
the same pulse of consciousness as us―humans came in on exactly the same
pulse. Our family link is established when we re-twist our pulse of consciousness
with the codes of the God Seed.
• This energy will begin to heal the Hova Bodies so that they will begin to merge
over time.
• Opening the lines of communication through the energies of the God Seed is a
way of protecting ourselves from distortions that make that energy run away.

5. (a) How is love defined in Keylontic Science, and how is this feeling created in
the meditation?
(b) What are the experiential attributes that can result from the regular
practice of this meditation for 6 months to a year?
• (a) Love is a state of vibrational harmonization. The meditation establishes a state
of harmonization of our consciousness with the God Seed. We feel the love from
the God Seed as it begins to travel down our Pillar of Light into our physical
• (b) We can begin to hear the songs of the universe and words of our Christed Self,
Rishi, and our Monadic identity. The regular practice of this meditation can give
us the ability to bring into manifestation the direct cognition of our God Seed

6. (a) In which part of the physical body do the Kee-Ra-ShA spirals exist?
(b) What is the purpose of activating the Kee-Ra-ShA?
(c) How relevant is the Kee-Ra-ShA to most people?
(d) Why isn’t it advisable to activate all the Kee-Ra-ShA spirals?
• (a) The Kee-Ra-ShA are spirals of energy that exist at the coccyx.
• (b) The Kee-Ra-ShA spirals are the cosmic strands of energy that connect the
multiple levels of identity with the cosmos. Activating the Kee-Ra-ShA spirals at
the coccyx will begin access to our original point of entry into HU-1. It will set
into motion within the Morphogenetic Field the resonance that will draw us and
our family of consciousness together for the next step of evolution. It will begin
the process of our homecoming and our gestalt consciousness coming back
together to become the God Seed again.
• (c) In most people the Kee-Ra-ShA are dormant. Only a small amount is
necessary to sustain the physical form here.
• (d) You don’t want to wake up your Kee-Ra-ShA spirals all at one time, for you
can possibly throw yourself out of existence in the expansion back into the God
Seed, and that will scare the people around you.

7. (a) Describe the attributes of HU-4 experienced in the meditation in terms

of color, matter form, and manifestation capabilities.
(b) What is the matter form of HU-4 compared to in the meditation?
• (a) At HU-4 we can see shades of pale silver and gold swirling like liquid
metal/light. We can shapeshift (i.e., take any shape our body wants), and create
Oversoul families (that will in turn create race strains in the lower harmonics).
• (b) The fluid flowing liquid metal is compared to lava that comes from a volcano.

8. (a) Outline the route of the return journey from the God Seed.
(b) What is the additional visualization required to shift the D8 consciousness to
the highest dimension mentioned in part (a)?
(c) How is the return journey from the God Seed different from the forward
• (a) God Seed → Monad → Energy Matrix → D8 portal → D15 → HU-4 →
• (b) You visualize yourself walking or bouncing as a ball of light on the
Dimensional Scale from D8 to D15.
• (c) The forward journey does not include the “side-trip” to D15 and HU-4.

9. (a) Define the Monad in terms of its relation to the Time Matrix and its potential
for expanding into higher Levels of Identity.
(b) What is the color of the Monad during the meditation?
• (a) The Monad and the Monadic Imprint are the key to leaving the Time Matrix
at D8 and being able to achieve ascended mastery in the expansion back into God
• (b) In the meditation, the Monad is silver-blue.

10. (a) What is a Monadic reversal, and how does reversal affect our
Morphogenetic Field, Pillar of Light, Hova Bodies, the Levels of Identity,
physical body and Earth body?
(b) What Matrix is created out of the Monadic reversal, and which Harmonic
Universes does it reside in?
• (a) If the Monad is a sphere of energy, and in that sphere of energy there are little
shapes pointing at one direction, that’s the direction that kept the electromagnetics
intact in the Morphogenetic Field. To reverse the Monadic Imprint would be to
flip those shapes over, create the mirror image, which will reverse the polarity of
their charge.
• What the Monadic reversal does to the consciousness in the Time Matrix is that
it severs it from the Pillar of Light that connects us all the way up.
• The Monadic reversal keeps the lower Hova Bodies of the Time Matrix from
plugging into the higher Hova Bodies of ascended mastery, which keeps you
locked in time.
• If Monadic reversal happens here, not only will the Earth incarnate here be
locked in its own Time Zone in HU-1, all the higher aspects of identity will be
phase-locked into their dimensions―you get stuck because your Hova Bodies
can’t integrate.
• If there is enough Monadic reversal in people, it will create distortions in the
Earth’s Morphogenetic Hova Bodies where they are unable to integrate during the
ascension cycle. If this process of integrating the multi-dimensional Hova Bodies
has started and something blocks that, it creates instability within the grids.
• If our physical body contains very bad miasmic programs because the Hova
Bodies don’t integrate, it will make the electrical energy coming in from the
higher body fragment all over the place, resulting in disease or distress in the
physical system. The Earth body will do the same—it will create a condition of
tectonic stress ,and if that stress is too bad it will create Earth changes that we
don’t want to see.
• (b) The Illuminati are basically beings who have undergone complete Monadic
reversal. They exist from HU-1 to HU-4.

11. (a) Define “code convolution” with reference to the name of a group who caused
the condition.
(b) As a result of code convolution, which 2 Levels of Identity and their
corresponding Harmonic Universes are disconnected from one another
and why?
(c) What are the ramifications of code convolution on the behaviors of beings
in HU-3 and HU-4?
• (a) The Lyrans caused a condition called code convolution by combining too
many of the same type codes in strange configurations. They started to mix &
match consciousness, play with the codes and see what else they could come up
with as far as creating new versions of themselves. At a certain point, if you mess
with the original consciousness too much, it becomes something different from
what it was originally.
• (b) The Reverse Matrix Avatars in HU-4 decided to cut the connection between
themselves and their higher identity Rishis in HU-5 because the Rishis were

trying to direct them to get back into harmonization & they took that as taking
away their free will. So they made a choice to sever themselves.
• (c) In HU-3, some members of a race of etheric beings, who became distorted
because of the code convolution of the harmonic levels above them, began to
develop characteristics like warring consciousness, i.e. one consciousness trying
to dominate another. They lost touch with the oneness and began to work against
each other.
• Certain groups in HU-4 became very aggressive toward other groups, and they
were not responsive towards working with the Law of One. They decided
purposefully & willingly that they didn’t want to play by whatever rules were
being set by the whole.

12. (a) What is the difference between an Avatar from a Light Matrix and another
from the Reverse Matrix?
(b) How does the Morphogenetic Field of a Reversed Matrix in HU-4
deteriorate over time, and how can this be arrested?
(c) How do the Reverse Matrix Avatars sustain themselves energetically?
• (a) The Avatar from the Light Matrix is connected to the Rishi identity and is able
to run energy from Source, whereas the one from the Reverse Matrix cannot.
• (b) If you use up all the energy from the original pattern, the original
Morphogenetic Field, without continual supply from Source, you will slowly lose
the vibrational rate of the Morphogenetic Field, begin to fragment and fall apart
till you go back into space dust.
• (c) The Reverse Matrix Avatars vampire energy off life-force fields of other
Densities that still have a connection to Source.

1. code convolution:
The Lyrans caused a condition called code convolution by combining too many of the
same type codes in strange configurations. They started to mix & match consciousness,
play with the codes & see what else they could come up with as far as creating new
versions of themselves. At a certain point, if you mess with the original consciousness too
much, it becomes something different from what it was originally.

It breaks down connection on the Avatar Level at HU-4, and the Rishi Level at HU-5.
The Reverse Matrix Avatars decided to sever their Rishi connection because the Rishis
were trying to direct them to get back into harmonization, and they took that as taking
away their free will. So they made a choice to sever themselves. It caused a lot of
distortions of those races that were created from those matrices of consciousness.

In HU-3, some members of a race of etheric beings who became distorted due to the code
convolution of the harmonic levels above them began to develop characteristics that here
we will be very familiar with, like warring consciousness, things like one consciousness
trying to dominate another. They lost touch with the oneness and the fact that we are all
the same and when we get to that level we are all God. They got into mentalities that

even now we are still trying to purge from our own consciousness. They began to work
against each other.

Certain groups in HU-4―these are the Christed beings that are liquid light―became very
aggressive toward other groups, and they were not responsive towards working with the
Law of One. They decided purposefully and willingly that they didn’t want to play by
whatever rules were being set by the whole.

2. Finite Identity:
When the Avatars at HU-4 and the races that manifested from it made that choice to sever
their connection to their Rishi Identity in HU-5, they became Finite Identities. They had
within them the energies of the original pulse of consciousness, but when they severed
(through Monadic reversal) the connection to the higher matrices, they severed the
connection of perpetual energy being pulsed through them from Source. They are still
existing within Source, but they just can’t run energy from it anymore.

It causes a problem for them, because although they are independent and can do what
they want, they are finite. If you use up all the energy from the original pattern, the
original Morphogenetic Field, without the continual supply Source can give you, you will
slowly lose the vibrational rate of the Morphogenetic Field―you begin to fragment and
fall apart till you go back into space dust, i.e., undifferentiated units of consciousness.

So you still exist―you are still alive as consciousness, but your units of consciousness
are no longer aware of their ascension identity―they can no longer experience being
evolved, the at-one-ment of being in power. They are simply units of consciousness that
can be used by other forms for their evolution. So those races knew that they created a
dilemma―finally free, but also going to lose themselves.

They had a choice―they will always have a choice to put the Monad where it
belonged―put the codes back. They didn’t want to do that―instead they found a way to
feed themselves. They found a way to drain energy from the life-force fields of other
Densities that still have a connection to Source. If they can’t get the connection directly,
they have to vampire off other energy fields. We are not talking about little guys here,
little ETs―we are talking about huge fields of consciousness that are equivalent to what
we imagine are Christed consciousness.

3. God Seed:
There are 3 definitions of the God Seed in this DVD segment:
(a) It is the original point of Creation.
(b) It is the original point of All That Is.
(c) It is the Home of the Heart and Mind of God.

The God Seed exists in Eternal Time, which is beyond the Time Matrix where all is
known and never forgotten. It is gestalt consciousness, from which infinite members of
our family of consciousness are created.

To access the God Seed, visualize a tube/beam of light from the 7th chakra to the D8
portal at the core of the planet Mintaka within the Orion Star System. This portal
allows consciousness to move back & forth and in & out of the Time Matrix.

The God Seed energy spins like a strand of DNA. It is a double helix type of spin with
energy currents coming down clockwise & counter-clockwise at the same time, spiraling
into the spark of light encapsulating the shadow of light at the coccyx. The God Seed
energy recognizes the spark of light but not the shadow, which is the original reversed
Karmic Imprint at the point of entry to HU-1 here. The God Seed energy then merges
with that spark of light, making it bigger and stronger, while the shadow of light there
comes apart and is transmuted back into the light because the frequency is too high to
sustain it.

Once the shadow is transmuted, it begins the natural releasing process of energies that are
multi-dimensional in nature. When we start to call alive the codes of the God Seed within
us, we will start to activate within the Crystal body, the Morphogenetic Field, the karmic
pattern that will bring into our line of experience other members of our family of
consciousness that came in on the same pulse of consciousness as us. Humans came in on
exactly the same pulse. Our family link is established when we re-twist our pulse of
consciousness with the codes of the God Seed. This energy will begin to heal the Hova
Bodies so that they will begin to merge over time.

Opening the lines of communication through the energies of the God Seed is a way of
protecting ourselves from distortions that make that energy run away.

4. Illuminati:
The Illuminati are basically beings who have undergone complete Monadic reversal;
some of them for so long that they have no cellular memory at all of what it means to be
at one with Source. They exist from HU-1 all the way up to HU-4.

The Illuminati Matrices evolved a long time before the Human Imprint was created or
before the human race was created to rectify some problems the Illuminati caused. Once
upon a time there were pulses of consciousness that came in together & they were all
consciousness―they were all pulses of light. There were no Illuminati at that point in our

5. Karmic Imprint:
When the process of forming dark crystals that vibrate at a totally opposite polarity in the
Morphogenetic Field is compounded, it forms the Karmic Imprint. This miasmic build-up
of dark crystals blocks anything coming through from the higher levels. Instead of being
able to bring the light in to clear those crystals, the Karmic Imprint progressively brought
more of those dark crystals in at a faster rate than the light coming in. The Karmic
Imprint blocks the light coming in from the higher levels; we get denser, our
consciousness moves slower, and we end up in HU-1.

At the coccyx is a spark of light encapsulating a smaller shadow of light. This shadow
represents the original reversed Karmic Imprint of the body at its point of entry into HU-
1 reality here. Most of us have many incarnations at this time and many karmic patterns
compounded on this one. This one shadow is one that is following us throughout our
lifetimes, and we can use the God Seed energy to remove it, to turn it back into life.

The GA believes in using specific energy dynamics to clear the Karmic Imprint as the
priority for survival, rather than having to walk through our karma, which is too time-
consuming. We can always catch up with the lessons later.

To clear the Karmic Imprint of miasmic grids, we can find 1 or 2 key core elements of
the Morphogenetic Field that we want to flip, reverse that polarity at its point of origin
and put the whole bunch of them in line with the Heroic Probability of the Soul’s
intentional path. That will erase thousands of years of karma accreted in this cycle. We
can choose to clear ourselves in one big bang, blow ourselves right out of matter &
completely into full cognition, or take it a little slower so that we can remember the

6. Kee-Ra-ShA:
The kundalini or energy spirals of light that activate at the coccyx begin access to the
original point of entry into HU-1, thereby setting into motion within the Morphogenetic
Field the resonance that will draw you & your family of consciousness together for your
next step of evolution. It will begin the process of your homecoming & your gestalt
consciousness coming back together to become the God Seed again.

The spirals at the coccyx connect to the multiple Levels of Identity of one through the
cosmos. They are the cosmic strands of energy. In most people the Kee-Ra-ShA are
dormant. Only a small amount is necessary to sustain the physical form here.

You don’t want to wake up your Kee-Ra-ShA spirals all at one time, for you can surprise
yourself how fast you can expand back into the God Seed, and you can possibly throw
yourself out of existence and scare the people around you.

7. Kristos:
The light matrix of HU-4, our liquid light collective consciousness, is called the Kristos.
In this matrix, you have the Christed Avatars―they create Oversouls, sets of them,
families of them. The Oversouls create families of Souls. The Souls create families of
Incarnates down here, family lines, genetic lines. They run directly into the Christed

The matrix with its reversed polarity at HU-4, the anti-Kristos, and the members of that
collective would be representatives of the anti-Christ just as members of the Light Matrix
would be members of the Christ. There are Avatars without intact Monads who still have
the ability to create through their thought forms, to create using codes of the lower
dimensional aspects of themselves. There are people here born through those matrices
who have the codes of the Reverse Matrix Avatars. That doesn’t mean that they are bad
people. Even if they are part of those matrices, it’s OK, because all they need to do is to
make a Rishi connection. That’s the problem with that matrix―it has severed that
connection between the Avatar and Rishi Levels of Identity.

8. Love:
Love is a state of vibrational harmonization. The meditation establishes a state of
harmonization of our consciousness with the original point of Creation, the God Seed.
We feel in our body the love and frequency from the God Seed as it begins to travel down
our Pillar of Light into our physical body.

9. Lyrans:
The Lyrans were some of the original groups that came in from the Cradle of Lyra.
There are about 24 different families, each from the 24 different God Seeds. They went
through the Lyran pattern, so there were 24 basic families of consciousness that
manifested as Lyrans. Some of the Lyrans caused code convolution when they started to
experiment, mix and match consciousness and play with codes.

10. Monad:
The Monad and the Monadic Imprint are the key to leaving the Time Matrix at D8.
They are the key to being able to achieve ascended mastery in the expansion back into
God Source. In the meditation, the Monad is a silver-blue area of the Energy Matrix, the
final place you have to move through until you get into the God Seed.

11. Monadic reversal:

You can conceptualize a Monadic reversal this way: If you had your monad as a sphere
of energy, and in that sphere of energy there are little shapes, let’s say, triangles and
square things―they were pointing at one direction, and that was the direction that kept
the electromagnetics intact in the Morphogenetic Field. To reverse the Monadic Imprint
would be to flip them over, create the mirror image, which will reverse the polarity of
their charge.

What the Monadic reversal does to the consciousness that is still in the Time Matrix is
that it severs it from the Pillar of Light that connects you all the way up. It is created so
that the lower Hova Bodies of the Time Matrix cannot plug into the higher ones of
ascended mastery, which keeps you locked in time.

If Monadic reversal happens here, not only will the Earth incarnate here be locked in its
own Time Zone in HU-1, all the higher aspects of identity will be phase-locked into the
dimensions. You get stuck where your Hova Bodies can’t integrate.

If there is enough Monadic reversal in people, it will affect the Earth’s grids directly―
we will create distortions in the Earth’s Morphogenetic Hova Bodies where they won’t be
able to integrate to create the ascension cycle. During the ascension cycle, the Earth is
temporarily moving into integration of its multidimensional Hova Bodies. If once the
process has started something blocks that, it creates instability within the grids.

If our physical body has very bad miasmic programs in there because the Hova Bodies
don’t integrate, it will make the electrical energy coming in from the higher body
fragment all over the place, which will result in disease or distress in the physical system.
In the Earth body, it will do the same. It will create a condition of tectonic stress, and if
the tectonic stress is too bad it will create Earth changes that we don’t want to see and we
don’t have to see.
12. space dust:
Space dust is undifferentiated units of consciousness that can be used by other forms for
their evolution.

Multiple Choice
1. How is the Karmic Imprint created? It is the result of ______.
(a) the combination of too many similar codes
(b) the build-up of dark crystals in the Monad only and nowhere else
(c) the build-up of dark crystals in various portions of the Morphogenetic Field
(d) too many codes in the Morphogenetic Field

2. To get the Karmic Imprint out of the body, the GA uses energy dynamics to
(a) accelerate the pace of lessons the Soul needs to learn
(b) reverse the polarity of key elements in the miasmic grids
(c) align its point of origin with the Soul’s Heroic Probability
(d) begin the process of releasing multidimensional energies

3. To get through the D8 portal, we visualize a tube of light from the 7th chakra to
the ____.
(a) Time Matrix
(b) Energy Matrix
(c) Cradle of Lyra
(d) core of Mintaka

4. How can the original reversed Karmic Imprint be transmuted into the light? It
can be transmuted by ____.
(a) directing the God Seed energy to the coccyx.
(b) activating the God Seed energy at the coccyx
(c) directing the Kee-Ra-ShA spirals to the coccyx
(d) activating the Kee-Ra-ShA spirals at the coccyx

5. What is the route taken during the forward journey to the God Seed?
(a) D8 portal → Monad → Energy Matrix → God Seed.
(b) D8 portal → Energy Matrix → Monad → God Seed.
(c) Energy Matrix → D8 portal → Monad → God Seed.
(d) Energy Matrix → Monad → D8 portal → God Seed.

6. What is the route taken during the “side-trip” of the return journey from the
God Seed?
(a) D15 → HU-4 → D8 → HU-1.
(b) HU-4 → D15 → D8 → HU-1.
(c) D8 → HU-4 → D15 → HU-1.
(d) D8 → D15 → HU-4 → HU-1.

7. What are the colors experienced in the Monad and HU-4 respectively during
the meditation?
(a) Monad: gold and blue; HU-4: silver and gold.
(b) Monad: gold and silver; HU-4: gold and blue.
(c) Monad: silver and blue; HU-4: silver and gold.
(d) Monad: silver and gold; HU-4: silver and blue.

8. Which of the following statements is true about all members of the Illuminati?
(a) They reside in HU-1 only.
(b) They reside in HU-1, HU-3 and HU-4 only.
(c) They have all been experimenting with codes.
(d) They have all undergone complete Monadic reversal.

9. What causes code convolution? It is caused by the _____.

(a) strange configuration of numerous similar codes
(b) strange configuration of numerous different codes
(c) polarity reversal of codes in the Morphogenetic Field
(d) electromagnetic instability of codes in the Morphogenetic Field

10. Code convolution has led to the genetic distortion of some of the _____.
(a) Lyrans only
(b) Lyrans and etheric races only
(c) beings residing in HU-4 and HU-5 only
(d) beings residing in HU-1 through HU-4 only

11. What is space dust defined as in Keylontic Science? It is defined as ____.

(a) a finite form with free will
(b) differentiated units of consciousness
(c) undifferentiated units of consciousness
(d) a finite form that feeds off other energy fields

12. A Reverse Matrix Avatar is unwilling to _____.

(a) shapeshift
(b) create Oversouls
(c) make a Rishi connection
(d) integrate his lower Hova Bodies

Six Steps Toward Joy
3. FEEL: Shift from thinking to KNOWING. Suspend linear thought analysis and
mind chatter and Breath In the Now of your present moment AS ENERGY, to connect
with your 3-D reality in Direct Cognition rather than indirect observation. What does
NOW feel like? Answer without words. FEEL.

(Taken from Angelic Realities handbook, page 78.)

Multiple Choice Answers:

1. C, 2. B, 3. D, 4. A, 5. B, 6. D, 7. C, 8. D, 9. A, 10. D, 11. C, 12. C.

The dynamics of the emerging MCEO materials involve the reality that the detailed understanding of major
topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail herein, are as advanced
as possible UP TO the date of the workshop recording.


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