Do Practice and Expand!

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Activity 13.
To practice and expand opportunities of learning, you are advised to accomplish Activity 13 on
page 57 in Module 4 (Urban Design).
Your output will form part of your terminal outcome (course project) which is an Urban Design in
your locality.

Reflect on the learning that you gained from this lesson on the space provided.

WHY is this significant? I think HOW will I apply my learnings in

WHAT did I learn from the mod- that… Real-life situations? I see that…
ule? I learned that... Planning
theories are significant in today's As a public administration
student, I must have knowledge I can apply my learnings in real-
urban and regional planning life situations, as a public servant
environments. In urban and about this planning theories for
the being a good planner in my in the future. I encountered
regional planning, planners and different issues nor problems
practitioners faced a variety of future career. It is significant for
some reason that it could bring that I must overcome and find
issues and took different solutions for a particular problem
approaches. In addition to urban a new planning approach, for
the excellent economic growth that I may have face for that day.
structure, urban spatial structure I should have known these
refers to the layout of public and development.
theories, to differ and much
private space in cities, as well as the identified the problems to make
degree of connectedness and
an accurate planning.
accessibility. As well as Planning
theories include Matter of the
Center versus the Periphery,
Growth Poles Theory, Circular
Circulation Theory, Stages of
Economic Growth, and Theory of
Unbalance growth. Considering the
procedural planning theories
consist of Rational-Comprehensive
Approach, Incremental
Approach, Mixed Scanning Model,
Transactive Planning, Advocacy
Planning, Radical Planning,
Bargaining Model, Communicative
and the Concentric zone, sector,
and multiple nuclei are models of
urban space structure.
After completing the reflection activity, check (/) the column corresponding to the emoticon that you think best
shows your performance. Answer this section as objectively as possible. Please consider that there are no wrong
answers. You can use your performance in the various activities/tasks of this Module as bases in com-pleting this
self-audit task.
Specific Learning Outcomes

Discuss the planning theories and planning process /

Examine planning practices in the Philippines /
Reflect on your learnings /
This is what I feel about my overall performance for this module. /

Action to be taken based on results:

Recognize the student. Provide intervention or reinforcement to the student

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